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Yogi and Ava yogi planets

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Dear Raghunadha,


Here is a link with information regarding Yogi and Ava Yogi planets:




Best wishes,




Hare Rama Krishna,


Namaste Guru's and Leanred Members,


I would like to know the calculation and application details of the "Yogi and Ava Yogi" Planets.


Can you please educate me on this topic and/or point me to a text for my detailed study.


RegardsRaghunadha Rao

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Rao,

I dear friend sent me the attached write up. Hope it helps.

Best Regards




Rao Nemani [raon1008]Wednesday, November 19, 2003 12:04 AMVarahaMihira VarahaMihira|Sri Varaha| Yogi and Ava Yogi Planets

Hare Rama Krishna,


Namaste Guru's and Leanred Members,


I would like to know the calculation and application details of the "Yogi and Ava Yogi" Planets.


Can you please educate me on this topic and/or point me to a text for my detailed study.


RegardsRaghunadha Rao



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  • 4 years later...
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I did not find Yogi/Avayogi in the software but it could be there

somewhere <grin>. Chalit can be found by right clicking on the Rasi

display chart. To determine which angles, use the preferences and

remember to save. Sripati/Porphyry I think is the one used by Sumeet

Chugh. The differences are complex between all house system calculations

and belong to Tropical House systems. William Lilly a great 17th century

English Astrologer used Placidus and Regiomontanus. Various Equal House

systems have been proposed and Porphyry is an older method of house

system dating back to Greco-Roman Astrology. A lot stuff drifted into

India from Persia via the Moghul Empire and its precursors. Shah Akbar's

Jyotishi probably consisted of both Persian style and Indian astrologers

etc. Remember the modern Varshaphal and Tajik style Prashna are of

Persian origins. Though some say India had its own Varshaphal System

before the Tajik influences. Muntha for example finds an echo in the

Traditional Western Astrology of Profections.


The West was heavily influenced by Arabo-Persian Astrology. Guido

Bonatti a 13th/14th century Italian Astrologer quotes many Arab authors

in his texts. Modern astrological researchers are re-translating the

Latin and Arabic texts with applied uses in mind. Dashas are found in

the Persian system of Firdaria which seem to be missing a few important

points. Though if I remember Sri K.N. Rao pointed out somewhere the

actual Dasha system it comes from. Traditional Western Astrology is also

heavily influenced by Ibn Sina especially his Qanun al Tibb. The

Astrologers were usually Physicians/Herbalists who used Decumbiture or a

type of Horary/Prashna to determine illness and its progression and came

up with a complex system of diagnosis and treatments based upon

astrology and observations. As they had no modern diagnostic tools they

used like Ayurveda the pulse method, the observation of the tongue and

urine etc. Its still used as a healing therapy modality in India and

Pakistan etc. under the name of Unani-Tibb or Greek Medicine. The West

translated the Qanun into Latin calling it the Canon of Medicine and Ibn

Sina became Avicenna.


The West gave us Typology via Unani-Tibb and this became Temperament in

Astrology which is not reflected in India unless I missed something. The

closest is the Mahapurush style Yogas. Modern revivers of Traditional

Western Astrology which is a 7 planet system like Jyotish but using the

Tropical rather than the Constellational Zodiac feel that Temperament is

a very important key to a chart. But one should not mix the systems. I

can do both but at the moment I am studying Jyotish again as its an

eternal study which can never be mastered in a lifetime but portions can

be applied. Also I do not do charts unless I wish for some reason

usually an inner impulse. My advice is leave all the fancy stuff behind

and just take the basic chart and look at its yogas both the sign, house

and aspect yogas and then the list of yogas in JH 7. Take the Narayana

or Vimshottari Dasha and see where past yogas have played out. Then time

them using Transits from both Moon Rashi and Lagna Rashi. Then see if

you can find the event in the appropriate Varga chart. Best work with an

accurate chart of a famous personality who is long dead. Maybe even

getting a biography out of the Library and writing up events etc.


Sorry to waffle on folks, this all spilled out this morning and I am not

usually so forthcoming <grin>.


Om Sri Ganapati Ki Jai!


Majid Kevin Buell

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