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Request for Panchangam Generation and Muhurtha Suggestion features

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Adding any judgmental/interpretative aspects to JHora is ruled out for now. I have no plans to add muhurta suggestions to JHora. Such things will continue to be left to human intelligence for more time.


Regarding panchanga: Go to miscellany upper tab and panchanga lower tab within that. Get the pop-up menu and select "copy monthly panchanga". It will copy monthly panchanga in text form to clipboard. You can then "paste" it to wordpad or word and save it. It gives sunrise and sunset time, moon rise time, moon set time, rasi, nakshatra, yoga, karaka, tithi etc (with changing times), raahu kalam, yama ghantaka time, gulika kalam etc. Example is below:


January 9, 2009:

Friday, Sukla Chaturdasi till 2:00*,

Mrigasira till 14:06, Brahma yoga till 15:32,

Garija karana till 15:50, Vanija karana till 2:00*,

RahuK: 11:50 - 13:20, GulikaK: 8:50 - 10:20, YamaG: 16:20 - 17:50,

Sunrise at 7:20, Sunset at 16:28,

Moonrise at 15:02, Moonset at 6:45*, Moon in Ge (whole day)


January 10, 2009:

Saturday, Pournimasya till 22:22,

Aardra till 11:11, Indra yoga till 11:18, Vaidhriti yoga till 7:08*,

Vishti karana till 12:10, Bava karana till 22:22,

RahuK: 10:20 - 11:50, GulikaK: 7:20 - 8:50, YamaG: 14:50 - 16:20,

Sunrise at 7:20, Sunset at 16:29,

Moonrise at 16:11, Moonset at 7:38*, Moon in Ge till 3:03*


January 11, 2009:

Sunday, Krishna Pratipat till 18:55,

Punarvasu till 8:21, Pushyami till 5:46*, Vishkambha yoga till 3:10*,

Balava karana till 8:36, Kaulava karana till 18:55, Taitula karana till 5:18*,

RahuK: 17:49 - 19:19, GulikaK: 16:19 - 17:49, YamaG: 13:19 - 14:49,

Sunrise at 7:20, Sunset at 16:30,

Moonrise at 17:27, Moonset at 7:38, Moon in Cn (whole day)


January 12, 2009:

Monday, Krishna Dwitiya till 15:47,

Aasresha till 3:36*, Priti yoga till 23:30,

Garija karana till 15:47, Vanija karana till 2:23*,

RahuK: 8:49 - 10:19, GulikaK: 14:49 - 16:19, YamaG: 11:49 - 13:19,

Sunrise at 7:19, Sunset at 16:32,

Moonrise at 18:43, Moonset at 8:22, Moon in Cn till 3:36*


Best regards,NarasimhaDo a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homamDo Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpanaSpirituality: Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org






Friday, January 09, 2009 5:19 PM

Request for Panchangam Generation and Muhurtha Suggestion features



||| aum namO bhagavathE vAsudEvAya |||Namaste Shri Narasimha Rao gAru,Firstly, let me thank you for your tireless efforts in creating awonderful jyOtish software for free use by everyone. I want to takethis opportunity to place a request (in the queue) for two important(and probably useful) features for incorporation into future JHorareleases. They are1) Panchangam Generation : JHora currently has everything to give outthe details of a panchangam on a daily basis with user input date andlocation. I think it'd be useful to extend it to generate a report ofthis information for a given place between any two dates. This way apanchangam can be generated for any given period (from and to) andlocation. This report can probably include thetithi/vara/nakshatra/yOga/kArana at sunrise of each day and theintra-day changes of these along with RK, YG, Varjyam kind of basicinformation. It can be part of a generic menu item called Reports orspecific item called Panchangam. This will be a useful feature forpeople to arrive at Muhurtha day in a given period by just looking atthis report. Currently there aren't standard panchangams available foreach Location on the planet (especially outside India) and thisfeature will fill this gap. 2) Muhurtha Suggestions : This is probably extending JHora from acalculation tool to an analytical one. Once the panchangam andplanetary transits are known for a location and within a given period,standard muhurtha principles can be automatically applied for userinput standard events (mundane, religious and spiritual). The resultsmay not be specific to the native but generally good for every one. Afurther advanced release can evolve into accepting native's (orcouple's) birth details and fine tune the Muhurtha suggestionsspecific to them. I know that you are currently concentrating most of your energies andresources on hOmam and related religious/spiritual pursuits. However,I wanted to place this request for your consideration andprioritization according to the resources at your disposal. With Warm Regards,-Prasad

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||| aum namO bhagavathE vAsudEvAya |||

Namaste Shri Narasimha Rao gAru,


Thanks for pointing the Panchangam feature. Looks like I overlooked it

for all this while.


Happy Makara Sankranti to you and family





jhora , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> Adding any judgmental/interpretative aspects to JHora is ruled out

for now. I have no plans to add muhurta suggestions to JHora. Such

things will continue to be left to human intelligence for more time.


> Regarding panchanga: Go to miscellany upper tab and panchanga lower

tab within that. Get the pop-up menu and select " copy monthly

panchanga " . It will copy monthly panchanga in text form to clipboard.

You can then " paste " it to wordpad or word and save it. It gives

sunrise and sunset time, moon rise time, moon set time, rasi,

nakshatra, yoga, karaka, tithi etc (with changing times), raahu kalam,

yama ghantaka time, gulika kalam etc. Example is below:


> January 9, 2009:

> Friday, Sukla Chaturdasi till 2:00*,

> Mrigasira till 14:06, Brahma yoga till 15:32,

> Garija karana till 15:50, Vanija karana till 2:00*,

> RahuK: 11:50 - 13:20, GulikaK: 8:50 - 10:20, YamaG: 16:20 - 17:50,

> Sunrise at 7:20, Sunset at 16:28,

> Moonrise at 15:02, Moonset at 6:45*, Moon in Ge (whole day)


> January 10, 2009:

> Saturday, Pournimasya till 22:22,

> Aardra till 11:11, Indra yoga till 11:18, Vaidhriti yoga till


> Vishti karana till 12:10, Bava karana till 22:22,

> RahuK: 10:20 - 11:50, GulikaK: 7:20 - 8:50, YamaG: 14:50 - 16:20,

> Sunrise at 7:20, Sunset at 16:29,

> Moonrise at 16:11, Moonset at 7:38*, Moon in Ge till 3:03*


> January 11, 2009:

> Sunday, Krishna Pratipat till 18:55,

> Punarvasu till 8:21, Pushyami till 5:46*, Vishkambha yoga till


> Balava karana till 8:36, Kaulava karana till 18:55, Taitula

karana till 5:18*,

> RahuK: 17:49 - 19:19, GulikaK: 16:19 - 17:49, YamaG: 13:19 - 14:49,

> Sunrise at 7:20, Sunset at 16:30,

> Moonrise at 17:27, Moonset at 7:38, Moon in Cn (whole day)


> January 12, 2009:

> Monday, Krishna Dwitiya till 15:47,

> Aasresha till 3:36*, Priti yoga till 23:30,

> Garija karana till 15:47, Vanija karana till 2:23*,

> RahuK: 8:49 - 10:19, GulikaK: 14:49 - 16:19, YamaG: 11:49 - 13:19,

> Sunrise at 7:19, Sunset at 16:32,

> Moonrise at 18:43, Moonset at 8:22, Moon in Cn till 3:36*


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> -

> vvootla

> jhora

> Friday, January 09, 2009 5:19 PM

> Request for Panchangam Generation and Muhurtha

Suggestion features



> ||| aum namO bhagavathE vAsudEvAya |||


> Namaste Shri Narasimha Rao gAru,


> Firstly, let me thank you for your tireless efforts in creating a

> wonderful jyOtish software for free use by everyone. I want to take

> this opportunity to place a request (in the queue) for two important

> (and probably useful) features for incorporation into future JHora

> releases. They are


> 1) Panchangam Generation : JHora currently has everything to give out

> the details of a panchangam on a daily basis with user input date and

> location. I think it'd be useful to extend it to generate a report of

> this information for a given place between any two dates. This way a

> panchangam can be generated for any given period (from and to) and

> location. This report can probably include the

> tithi/vara/nakshatra/yOga/kArana at sunrise of each day and the

> intra-day changes of these along with RK, YG, Varjyam kind of basic

> information. It can be part of a generic menu item called Reports or

> specific item called Panchangam. This will be a useful feature for

> people to arrive at Muhurtha day in a given period by just looking at

> this report. Currently there aren't standard panchangams available for

> each Location on the planet (especially outside India) and this

> feature will fill this gap.


> 2) Muhurtha Suggestions : This is probably extending JHora from a

> calculation tool to an analytical one. Once the panchangam and

> planetary transits are known for a location and within a given period,

> standard muhurtha principles can be automatically applied for user

> input standard events (mundane, religious and spiritual). The results

> may not be specific to the native but generally good for every one. A

> further advanced release can evolve into accepting native's (or

> couple's) birth details and fine tune the Muhurtha suggestions

> specific to them.


> I know that you are currently concentrating most of your energies and

> resources on hOmam and related religious/spiritual pursuits. However,

> I wanted to place this request for your consideration and

> prioritization according to the resources at your disposal.


> With Warm Regards,

> -Prasad





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