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Planet and Upaya

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Dear Messers Upadhya,Rajinder Bhatia, Punit Pandey ji


Thanks for your reply for my query about planet and Upaya and what I can understand from these discussion is that everybody has to perform some or other Upaya every year because hardly anybody will get ALL the good planetary placement in Varsh Chart.


Again I have one question in my mind that if one does Upaya more than the prescribed number of days or does two Upaya at a times then what will happen

a)No effect of that Upaya

b)Bad effect instead of good.


Also though this doubt is not related to Lal Kitab but still any body on the list can clear my doubt.


Why Cow is considered Holy animal and not Buffalo in all rituals and Upayas though both Cow and Buffalo belongs to same class and does not have any major difference in their anatomy.


With regards to everyone


Vinod Kumar


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Dear Vinod,


Here again I speak for myself.

[ 1a ]Regarding your first querry ' could any upaya be done for

more days than prescribed?' Yes and no.It depends on the purpose of

the upaya. for example when upaya to appease are done they could be

done for beyond the time prescribed but within the same year period.

You can't carry the upaya forward into the next year. As in your own

case when I suggest offering water to the sun mixed with a little

milk and sugar for 43 day , this is to appease the sun. This upaya

has to be done without a break. After you have completed the upaya

you might , if you so desire ,continue with it either regularly or

whenever you want till the end of the year and there would be no

condition of continuity.


[ 1b ]In the second case, if the upaya is to shift a planet ,in

that case it is to be done for the specific period. Suppose the upaya

is to offer 8 'batashe'each day for eight days at any temple. It

means the planet is to be shifted from the 8th house to the 2nd

house. In this upaya ' eight days ' is crucial. It can't be seven

days or nine days.


[ 2 ] now regarding doing two upaya together. It will be a futile

effort and both the upaya will be nullified. Normally there should be

a gap of a couple of days between two upaya.


[ 3 ] Regarding wich of the two is more pious ,buffalow or a cow,I

think the seers alone can answer that. It is they who laid it down

that the cow is sacred ,and we have followed since then.Matter of

faith and not anatomy or species.


sincerely ,









lalkitab , vinod kumar <chamakkam2003>


> Dear Messers Upadhya,Rajinder Bhatia, Punit Pandey ji


> Thanks for your reply for my query about planet and Upaya and what

I can understand from these discussion is that everybody has to

perform some or other Upaya every year because hardly anybody will

get ALL the good planetary placement in Varsh Chart.


> Again I have one question in my mind that if one does Upaya more

than the prescribed number of days or does two Upaya at a times then

what will happen

> a)No effect of that Upaya

> b)Bad effect instead of good.


> Also though this doubt is not related to Lal Kitab but still any

body on the list can clear my doubt.


> Why Cow is considered Holy animal and not Buffalo in all rituals

and Upayas though both Cow and Buffalo belongs to same class and does

not have any major difference in their anatomy.


> With regards to everyone


> Vinod Kumar





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Just very briefly my comments on this topic:

- The upayas that are designated to be "43 day" types, must not exceed the limit.

If a doctor tells you to take an antibiotic for seven days, you just won't continue it for ten days. Also you wouldn't question his/her judgment - would you? Unless you know more than him, in which case you don't need to go to him.

- The upayas which are to do with birth chart planets can overlap past the next birth day. The varshphal upayas should be timed to end before the start of the next birth date.

- Unless specified, two upayas should not be done simultaneously. Only in very grave situations, it is permitted to do such things - but be verrry cautious.


- Per LalKitab, the buffalo belongs to/signifies Saturn whereas the cow signifies Venus. However, in certain cases, white cow is prohibited and black or brown is preferred. Despite their anatomy being similar, yet a new born baby can be given cow's milk but not buffalo's milk. Classical astrology treats the two differently also. I am not sure but I think buffalo is not originally from India - that is why ancient writings don't ever mention buffalo or buffalo's milk (as far as I know.)


Rajinder BhatiaSuresh Upadhyay <upadhyay_iitd wrote:

Dear Vinod,Here again I speak for myself. [ 1a ]Regarding your first querry ' could any upaya be done for more days than prescribed?' Yes and no.It depends on the purpose of the upaya. for example when upaya to appease are done they could be done for beyond the time prescribed but within the same year period. You can't carry the upaya forward into the next year. As in your own case when I suggest offering water to the sun mixed with a little milk and sugar for 43 day , this is to appease the sun. This upaya has to be done without a break. After you have completed the upaya you might , if you so desire ,continue with it either regularly or whenever you want till the end of the year and there would be no condition of continuity. [ 1b ]In the second case, if the upaya is to shift a planet ,in that case it is

to be done for the specific period. Suppose the upaya is to offer 8 'batashe'each day for eight days at any temple. It means the planet is to be shifted from the 8th house to the 2nd house. In this upaya ' eight days ' is crucial. It can't be seven days or nine days. [ 2 ] now regarding doing two upaya together. It will be a futile effort and both the upaya will be nullified. Normally there should be a gap of a couple of days between two upaya. [ 3 ] Regarding wich of the two is more pious ,buffalow or a cow,I think the seers alone can answer that. It is they who laid it down that the cow is sacred ,and we have followed since then.Matter of faith and not anatomy or species.sincerely ,Upadhyay


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Dear Upadhyayji, Rajinder Bhajitaji & members,




I was intently following the discussion about the duration and timing of the Upaya. And wanted some feedback from your side.


As you had precribed to me the following 4 upayas


1 . Take seven red chillies each day, put some sugar in them and place them under a Peepal tree for ten days.

2 . Offer at the temple two haldi ganth ( whole haldi ) each day for ten days , of these two bring back home one . Keep this blessed haldi ganth in a piece of yellow cloth at home. At the end of ten days you will have ten of them . When ever you go for an important job carry one of them in your pocket.

3. Keep a square piece of copper in Ganga Jal in your room.

4 . Offer Kesar ( saffron ) at the temple for ten days. Leave a little at the temple and bring back home the rest of it . Put a tilak of this blessed kesar for 43 days.

I have done the 1st 3 exactly as you had mentioned and as per the times you have indicated. The 4th (Kesar Tilak on forehead), I did it for 43 days but there were a few breaks in between. A few times (3-4) I missed doing it in the morning and once when I was on tour (for 5 days) I was not able to do it.


My query is


1. Till when is the effect of the Haldi Ganth which I keep with me religiously. According to the discussions, I understand that it will be be good till my next birthday. Am I correct.


2. Will I have to repeat the Tilak Upaya. I still have the kesar that I brought back from the temple with me.


3. Also Taking an example from the above.

Suppose I had missed out the Tilak a few days and the resolution was that I have to do it all over again. Also (suppose) I had finished the Kesar offered. Then what would be the stance. Repeat the "Kesar Offering" Upaya and then complete the "Kesar Tilak" Upaya


But Rajinderji had mentioned that upayas that are timed should not be extended.


I would seek your inputs on the above.











Suresh Upadhyay


Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:03 PM

[lalkitab] Re: Planet and Upaya

Dear Vinod,Here again I speak for myself. [ 1a ]Regarding your first querry ' could any upaya be done for more days than prescribed?' Yes and no.It depends on the purpose of the upaya. for example when upaya to appease are done they could be done for beyond the time prescribed but within the same year period. You can't carry the upaya forward into the next year. As in your own case when I suggest offering water to the sun mixed with a little milk and sugar for 43 day , this is to appease the sun. This upaya has to be done without a break. After you have completed the upaya you might , if you so desire ,continue with it either regularly or whenever you want till the end of the year and there would be no condition of continuity. [ 1b ]In the second case, if the upaya is to shift a planet ,in that case it is to be done for the specific period. Suppose the upaya is to offer 8 'batashe'each day for eight days at any temple. It means the planet is to be shifted from the 8th house to the 2nd house. In this upaya ' eight days ' is crucial. It can't be seven days or nine days. [ 2 ] now regarding doing two upaya together. It will be a futile effort and both the upaya will be nullified. Normally there should be a gap of a couple of days between two upaya. [ 3 ] Regarding wich of the two is more pious ,buffalow or a cow,I think the seers alone can answer that. It is they who laid it down that the cow is sacred ,and we have followed since then.Matter of faith and not anatomy or species.sincerely ,Upadhyaylalkitab , vinod kumar <chamakkam2003> wrote:> Dear Messers Upadhya,Rajinder Bhatia, Punit Pandey ji> > Thanks for your reply for my query about planet and Upaya and what I can understand from these discussion is that everybody has to perform some or other Upaya every year because hardly anybody will get ALL the good planetary placement in Varsh Chart.> > Again I have one question in my mind that if one does Upaya more than the prescribed number of days or does two Upaya at a times then what will happen> a)No effect of that Upaya> b)Bad effect instead of good.> > Also though this doubt is not related to Lal Kitab but still any body on the list can clear my doubt.> > Why Cow is considered Holy animal and not Buffalo in all rituals and Upayas though both Cow and Buffalo belongs to same class and does not have any major difference in their anatomy.> > With regards to everyone> > Vinod Kumar> > > > > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

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Dear Pankaj,


I believe I had suggested those Upaya , and I take the opportunity to

answer your querries.


[ a ] The effect of the haldi ganth should last for the entire birth

year , it is a Varsh Phal upaya.


[ b ] If you missed putting tilak in between , I am afraid you have

to do it again , before the birth year ends.


[ c ] In case you realise that the Kesar brought back from the temple

as prasad may not last for 43 days , you can add some fresh kesar

into the already blessed kesar that you had brought back. It is

presumed that the entire quantity would thus get blessed. This is

exactly what happens in the temples where a small quantity of prasad

is mixed with the rest and distributed amongst the devotees.











lalkitab , " Pankaj Agarwal " <apankaj68@h...>


> Dear Upadhyayji, Rajinder Bhajitaji & members,


> Pranam


> I was intently following the discussion about the duration and

timing of the Upaya. And wanted some feedback from your side.


> As you had precribed to me the following 4 upayas


> 1 . Take seven red chillies each day, put some sugar in them and

place them under a Peepal tree for ten days.

> 2 . Offer at the temple two haldi ganth ( whole haldi ) each day

for ten days , of these two bring back home one . Keep this blessed

haldi ganth in a piece of yellow cloth at home. At the end of ten

days you will have ten of them . When ever you go for an important

job carry one of them in your pocket.

> 3. Keep a square piece of copper in Ganga Jal in your room.

> 4 . Offer Kesar ( saffron ) at the temple for ten days. Leave a

little at the temple and bring back home the rest of it . Put a tilak

of this blessed kesar for 43 days.


> I have done the 1st 3 exactly as you had mentioned and as per the

times you have indicated. The 4th (Kesar Tilak on forehead), I did it

for 43 days but there were a few breaks in between. A few times (3-4)

I missed doing it in the morning and once when I was on tour (for 5

days) I was not able to do it.


> My query is


> 1. Till when is the effect of the Haldi Ganth which I keep with me

religiously. According to the discussions, I understand that it will

be be good till my next birthday. Am I correct.


> 2. Will I have to repeat the Tilak Upaya. I still have the kesar

that I brought back from the temple with me.


> 3. Also Taking an example from the above.

> Suppose I had missed out the Tilak a few days and the

resolution was that I have to do it all over again. Also (suppose) I

had finished the Kesar offered. Then what would be the stance. Repeat

the " Kesar Offering " Upaya and then complete the " Kesar Tilak " Upaya


> But Rajinderji had mentioned that upayas that are timed should not

be extended.


> I would seek your inputs on the above.


> Regards,

> Pankaj






> -

> Suresh Upadhyay

> lalkitab

> Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:03 PM

> [lalkitab] Re: Planet and Upaya



> Dear Vinod,


> Here again I speak for myself.

> [ 1a ]Regarding your first querry ' could any upaya be done for

> more days than prescribed?' Yes and no.It depends on the purpose


> the upaya. for example when upaya to appease are done they could


> done for beyond the time prescribed but within the same year


> You can't carry the upaya forward into the next year. As in your


> case when I suggest offering water to the sun mixed with a little

> milk and sugar for 43 day , this is to appease the sun. This


> has to be done without a break. After you have completed the


> you might , if you so desire ,continue with it either regularly


> whenever you want till the end of the year and there would be no

> condition of continuity.


> [ 1b ]In the second case, if the upaya is to shift a planet ,in

> that case it is to be done for the specific period. Suppose the


> is to offer 8 'batashe'each day for eight days at any temple. It

> means the planet is to be shifted from the 8th house to the 2nd

> house. In this upaya ' eight days ' is crucial. It can't be seven

> days or nine days.


> [ 2 ] now regarding doing two upaya together. It will be a


> effort and both the upaya will be nullified. Normally there

should be

> a gap of a couple of days between two upaya.


> [ 3 ] Regarding wich of the two is more pious ,buffalow or a


> think the seers alone can answer that. It is they who laid it


> that the cow is sacred ,and we have followed since then.Matter of

> faith and not anatomy or species.


> sincerely ,


> Upadhyay

lalkitab , vinod kumar <chamakkam2003>

> wrote:

> > Dear Messers Upadhya,Rajinder Bhatia, Punit Pandey ji

> >

> > Thanks for your reply for my query about planet and Upaya and


> I can understand from these discussion is that everybody has to

> perform some or other Upaya every year because hardly anybody


> get ALL the good planetary placement in Varsh Chart.

> >

> > Again I have one question in my mind that if one does Upaya


> than the prescribed number of days or does two Upaya at a times


> what will happen

> > a)No effect of that Upaya

> > b)Bad effect instead of good.

> >

> > Also though this doubt is not related to Lal Kitab but still


> body on the list can clear my doubt.

> >

> > Why Cow is considered Holy animal and not Buffalo in all


> and Upayas though both Cow and Buffalo belongs to same class and


> not have any major difference in their anatomy.

> >

> > With regards to everyone

> >

> > Vinod Kumar

> >

> >

> >

> >

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