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Nishant Aryan

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Dear Nishant,



You have mentioned two problems [ a ] struggling to make a career and

[ b ] education at a standstill .


The Lal Kitab says that your education would be like poison mixed in

amrit or sharab mixed in water ; meaning that it will not be of much

use. If you get education you might be deprived of mother's love.


As regards your career , the 10th lord Saturn is placed in the 6th

house , not a good place to be in. And the Sun , navansh lord of

Saturn , is placed in the 8th house , another bad placement .


I am suggesting a few upaya to get over these problems hoping that

they help you.


[ 1 ] Offer a little milk at any temple for 8 days regularly.

[ 2 ] Bury in either a burial ground or a cremation ground , a

little gur { jaggery } kept in a plain glass bottle { colorless }

[ 3 ] Bury under water , deep enough so that it never comes out of

the water , a little mustard oil kept in an earthen pot { kulhar }.

Seal the earthen lid with cement so that the oil doesn't spill out.

[ 4 ] Offer water to the sun along with a red flower each day at

noon . Add a little sugar and milk to the water before offering it to

the Sun god.


[ 5 ] If you have any pooja idols at home , remove them to a temple.


Do one upaya at a time. The upaya are to be done during daylight














lalkitab , " Nishant Aryan " <nishant_aryan>






> hello priya ji(sorry for sending u private message),lalkitabijee,

> plz help me i'm goinf thru worst phase

> of my life plz suggest some fast effecting remedies for my problems

> and the reasons behind all my sufferings till this date.i'm

> struggling to make my career and my education has come to a

> standstill.



> DOB--26/11/1981

> TOB-- 16:08


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