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lalkitabee ji

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Dear Lalkitabee ji,




Thanks for your kind words and the regard you have for me. Yes , both of us might disagree on certain issues ; but that is the essence of all academic discussions. Differences open up new insights and possibilities , some thing we all look forward to.


Let me first explain as to why I prefer working out the Bhavspashth. You know that all the people born under a lagna will have identical planetary position , and that means roughly two hours. Now all the people born during those two hours will have an identical kundali. But they never have an identical life. Bhavspashtha is one of the methods to further narrow down the nativity , thus distinguishing one from another. Bhavspashtha is the most scientific method known so far . And that is why I consider it a very essential part of any astrological exercise , including when working with Lal Kitab also. Before the computers came in , working out bhavspashtha was a long and tedious process. Most of us who were introduced to the

Vedic system , some 25 years ago, had to do all the calculations manually.

Same with working out the strength of a planet and a Bhav { or LK khana }. This is the most authentic and scientifically acceptable procedure to assess the strength of a planet or that of a Bhav. If a strong planet acts malefic , or is made malefic through actions , the damage incurred will be greater , similarly if it acts as benefic in a strong Bhav the results would be far beyond expectations.


Now , coming to why the Lal Kitab doesn’t insist on these procedures. Pt. Roop Chand ji said, “ rasi chhor nakchhatra bhulaya , na hi koi panchang liya” not because he thought these things to be irrelevant , instead he tried to simplify the process. He did consider both the nakchhatra and the rasi relevant – a point of separate debate which I could take up later on.

Thus Pt. Roop Chand ji while simplifying the system , introduced a yet another difficult dimension called ‘ teve ki durusti’. Through his ‘teve ki durusti’ he again was trying to find where the planet was placed , in which Bhav or Khana as he called . The process in a lay men’s language is known as ‘ grah kis khane mein bol raha hai’. For this he not only took the nek or bad nishaniyan of the planet , he also took the help of palmistry.

At least I am not good in palmistry , and I know most of those practicing astrology aren’t either. In the absence of Pt. Roop Chand ji’s intuition or ‘sidhdhi’ or his ability , the best we should do is to fall back on scientifically acceptable methods for help when ascertaining the nature and strength of a planet.


Now , combining the two systems ie. Vedic and Lal Kitab . At least I do not find the two systems either contradictory or working at cross purposes. Instead I find them complimentary to each other. I use Lal Kitab upaya instead of Vedic upaya of mantra , pooja , vrat and gems. Because Lal Kitab upaya are simple , less expensive , less time consuming and at the same time as effective as the Vedic upaya.


Having explained my position on Vedic and Lal Kitab, I next answer your questions.

I had said :

[ 1 ] He was born at night of kartik Krishna 14th, hence Saturn becomes the planet of birth { janma waqt ka grah } and therefore ‘ kismet ka grah’


[ 2 ] The upaya of Saturn , if needed , will be done assuming that the Saturn is in the 9th house.


question : 1. how u assumed that saturn is able to remedy & will be assumed in 9th. According to my analyzation it is not bad but can be made?


Answer : I had said that Saturn is the kismet ka grah. And if the upaya is needed { I didn’t say that the upaya is needed } Saturn would be assumed in the 9th house. Why ? The answer is in the book under the heading ‘janmadin aur janma waqt ka talluk’


I had said :


[ 3 ] Perhaps chandra do mein bolega . If it is so , the Lal Kitab says “ dhan aur mata dono mande , sukh ke bajaye dukh , rat din dono waqt dukhi , aqla madad na de”


[ 4 ] Perhaps mercury teen mein bolega . If that is so , you know how bad mercury would be.


Question : 2.Why Moon khana no. 2 main bolegaa & budh 3 main bolega?


Answer : I had used the word ‘ perhaps’. Since I found that moon moves to the 2nd house and the mercury to the 3rd after bhavspashtha , it is fair to suspect that these two planets might give their results in those houses. I have already quoted the book for moon in the 2nd. Now if I accept the mercury in the 2nd , the book says :


“aath chhatve grah baitha koi , bharata tabela kanya ho”

izzat guru nau barah deta , ayu mata ki lambi ho”

shani mile to sanp ho urata , saath bhala na Sali ho”


He has guru in the 12th and shani is with budh in 2nd, ‘sanp ho urata’ the ichhadhari sanp , a very auspicious combination. Therefore it is fair to do the rethinking. Isn’t it?


I had said :

And once mercury is bad , rahu and ketu will be bad too. ‘ rahu and ketu dono budh ke dayare mein chalte hain.’


Question : 3.Aur aapne yeh kaise maan liya ki rahu ketu budh ke dayre main hi bolenge kyonki budh kya zero ki shape main mila aapko?


Answer :


I have found it to be invariably true if mercury is destroyed , for whatever reason, Rahu and Ketu too need careful looking into. It was a suggestion that verify the nature of Rahu and Ketu , they too might be bad.





I had said :


Mars will be considered as bad because sun and Saturn are together.


Question : 4.Why mars will be consider as bad due to togetherness of sun & saturn, U can see there sun + budh also


Answer :


Sun is at 15-27’ , Saturn is at 12-29’ and mercury is at 25-27’. Sun and the Saturn are close together where as Mercury is far away. Hence Sun and the Saturn would be considered as together, where as considering Sun and Mercury together will be far-fetched. And therefore Mars would need attention too.


Having answered your questions , I turn to your Upaya.


Upaya 1 & 2 for mercury in 2nd ; upaya 3 for ketu in 8th ; upaya 4 for Mars rin , upaya 5 for Saturn in the 2nd and upaya 6 for Jupiter in 12th .


Now my observations :


[ 1 ] Saturn is the janma waqt ka grah , in other words it is grah phal ka grah. Therefore where it is placed [ 2nd house ] here it will be considered as of grah phal. And upaya suggested for Saturn in the 2nd house will not be right.

This is exactly what I had said , while devising an upaya for Saturn you have to keep in mind the ‘ talluk of janma din ka grah and jnma waqt ka grah. Therefore the upaya for Saturn will have to the one assuming that the Saturn is in the 9th house.


[ 2 ]In order to ascertain which planet is causing Pitri-rin there are three conditions laid down in the Lal Kitab. All the three conditions have to be necessarily fulfilled before a planet is declared to be causing a Pitri rin. I wonder if Mars fulfills all those three conditions to be declared as a planet of rin. I worked it out and it doesn’t.



With lots of love and regards,


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