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Vijay Maheshwari

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Dear Vijay,




I admire your tenacity and guts otherwise you must have been a broken

man by now. In your Kundali mercury is placed in the 3rd with Jupiter

in the 11th . A very bad configuration for those in business , it

results in " amadani chaupat " . Mercury is the karak for business.

Normally the life is easy till such time you have the cooperation and

support from the father. Once that is over your condition will be

like ` khajoor ke darakhta sa akela' . Unfortunately , in your this

year's varsh phal , starting Jan 8 , both the planets are back to the

same position as in your janma kundali. These planets act all the more

malefic when they are back to the same position. Even the last year

the placement of mercury and the Jupiter was equally bad. That explains

your bad financial position second year running.


I am suggesting a few upaya that you should do according to the four

rules of upaya.


For mercury :


[ 1 ] Feed the birds sabut moong for 43 days regularly. Soak the moong

night before. After having done this as an upaya , it will be advisable

that you keep feeding the birds with sabut moong as a habit.

[ 2 ] Bury in ground three pieces of yellow stones. Try to find stones

with yellowish colour.

[ 3 ] Place a clay monkey at your front door facing the entrance.


[ 4 ] Do not wear any thing green , do not have broad leaved plants in

the house.


For Jupiter :

[ 1 ] You must use things that are/have been used by your father .

[ 2 ] Keep with you a yellow handkerchief.

[ 3 ] Whenever you see a burial place or a cremation ground , bow your


[ 4 ] Offer money to those who can't afford a shroud.


Saturn the khachanchi of dhan is already well disposed in your case. It

is the planet of both your time of birth and the day of birth. {You

were born on a Sunday}. Therefore Saturn will never harm you. However ,

you must not turn it malefic through your own deeds , like eating non-

veg , or drinking or not paying full wages to those who work for you. I

would advise that you keep Saturn appeased through gifting mustard oil

on Saturdays.


I hope these upaya would help you. Things might turn around by June











lalkitab , " veekay201301 " <maheshwari_v@v...>




> My birth details . DOB - 8 Jan. 1968 TOB - 01:32 AM (+5:30 GMT) LATI -

> 27.49'N LONGI - 78.10' E


> When my current financial / business problems/uncertainty will end ?

> Please specify a time limit if possible as my business has been 15% of

> what it was last year (Jan - Sept, 03). Since last year my business is

> dead and on the other hand I had lost lot of money in form of Bad


> (since Oct. 03) . PLEASE HELP !!!

> Thank You,

> Vijay Maheshwari

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