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- Book on Lal Kitab

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Dear Gaidu ji,


The book shri Kulbir ji had mentioned is :


Lal Kitab aur kashta nivaran


By Shri Sumat Prasad

Published by : Arun Publishing House

SCO 49 -51

Sector - 17C




Adress of Sumat Prasad:

House # 157

MIG Housing Board Colony


ph : [ 01733] 220244










lalkitab , " J S Gaidu \(Reiki Master\) "

<gaidujs> wrote:

> I suggest that whenever any person gives name of new lal kitab

kindly send us the publisher email id atleast. thanks - js gaidu


> Punit Pandey <punitp@g...> wrote:Kulbir ji,


> Where were you? We are missing you a lot in the forum.


> Regards,


> Punit Pandey



> On 5/28/05, ceeta bains <ceetabains> wrote: Respected Bhatia


> I am a bit surprised that a scholar of your calibre has not heard

about Pt. Sumat Prashad. he is a resident of Kalka and a noted

authority on Lal-Kitab. He has even authored a book titled LAL KITAB

AUR KASHT NIVARAN. He is one of those who has developed such a

rapport wjth this book that he can very clearly find out the

intrinsic meanings. I suggest you MUST reqad his book.

> Kulbir


> Rajinder Bhatia <rajinderbhatia2002> wrote:

> Kulbir Jee,

> Where have you been all these months? Thanks for expressing your

viewpoint on the burnt coin upaya. When I had submitted my

explanation, I had mentioned very clearly that this was just

my " educated " guess and could very well be wrong. So there is no

correct explanation and your guess may be as good or as bad as

mine/Bhooshan Jee/ Nehata Jee/Lalkitabee Jee etc etc. We may all

present our reasoning - simple or complicated, but the real reason

is known only to Pt Roop Chand Jee. Astrology is not an exact science

where two plus two does not necessarily make four.


> Incidentally, who is Pt Sumat Prashad and can you tell us more

about him?


> Hope to see you more involved in discussions on this forum.


> Respectfully,

> Rajinder Bhatia


> ceeta bains <ceetabains> wrote:

> Respected Bhatia ji,

> I think that pt. Sumat prashad has explained the logic as follows;-

> Whenever the Sun is eclipsed by Rahu, the Copper coin of Sun is

burnt/baked in the fire of Mars and thereafter flown in the water.

In this way support of Mars and Moon is given to Sun when it is in a

weak position(ast) (at night fall)because RAHU the elephant IS AFRAID



> kulbir


> Rajinder Bhatia <rajinderbhatia2002> wrote:

> Jai Jee,

> We are both guessing and you could be on the right path. I thought

along the following lines:

> 1. Rahu and Sun are mutual enmies.

> 2. This upaya is done at night time (Saturn's domain, Sun

is " asta " ) and Saturn and Sun are mutual enemies.

> 3. Fire, per LalKitab 1941 page 314 line 4, is represented by Rahu.

> (I must express my sincerest thanks to Shri Yog Raj Prabhakar for

his kindness that I am able to quote this text.)

> 4. Copper represents Sun.

> 5. Sun is being " destroyed " (nashTa kar dena) while he is " asta "

therefore, " nirbal " through fire (Rahu) in the presence of his

enemy Saturn (night time - dark.) This logic is somewhat similar to

the one when Moon is " destroyed " by burning milk.

> 6. Even if my guesswork is correct, I still wouldn't venture to

formulate my own upayas - who knows if I am totally on the wrong path

as most of the upayas are unknown mysteries, almost never explained

by Pt. Roop Chand Jee.


> Respectfully,

> Rajinder Bhatia


> Jai Nahata <jaynahata@g...> wrote:

> Dear Rajinder ji,


> Here in I would like to place a logical guess work behind copper

coin burning remedy. I believe by this Sun is being powered by Mars

(Fire) and finally any excessive heat is being flown into water and

also giving it neccessary support of Moon.

> This is just a probability that stroke me and it stand fully to be

incorrect. Kindly correct me where wrong for which I shall remain



> Best regards


> Jai





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