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House-Breaking & Career-set back

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Had been facing problems starting from about Oct.2005.


(a) politics at office starting Oct.2005 - culminating in a

major fall in career in May.2006

(b) Major robbery by house breaking on 1-Jan-2006; considerable

loss & police closing the case by cheating [recording the case in

local language stating that there is no loss]

© Minor thefts during Feb / Mar 2006 [small amounts - but

causing a feeling of insecurity]

(d) 5 year old daughter going through considerable health-

problems & having multiple injuries [though minor injuries]

(e) repeated incidents of humiliations from May.2006


My reading had been that the period should have been good based on

the Dasa-Bhukti [vimsottari: Jupiter-Moon] & also based on

kalachakra-dasa [Cancer-in-Cancer]. If the transit results are bad

could that be so bad as to completely reverse the dasa effects.


Regarding transits, one school of thought is that 10th Jupitor from

Janma-Rasi causes the harm - this is not sustainable since 12 years

back whith 10th Jupitor there had been a promotion in career.


Another school of thought attributes it to the 7th Saturn from Janma-

Rasi. This could be possible with the failure faced in education 30

years back. But - how does it explain the house-breaking etc.


May I request the learned seniors to analyse the causes for such

state of affairs.


Birth: 19-Nov-1955 at 22:55 hrs, Vijayawada [Ravi bhukti 3 years 9



D-1: Cancer-Asndt; Leo-Jup; Libra-Mar, Merc; Scorp-Sun, Sat, Venus,

Rahu; Capri-Moon, Taurus-Ketu


D-9: Sagitt-Asndt; Capri-Moon; Acqari-Venus, Rahu; Tau-Merc; Gemini-

Jup; Cancer-Sat; Leo-Ketu, Sun; Libra-Mars


D-10: Virgo-Asndt, Moon, Ketu; Libra-Mar, Jup; Acqari-Venus; Pisc-

Rahu; Gemini-Merc; Cancer-Sat; Leo-Sun


Could any of the learned friends in the group analyse the causes &

suggest any remedies.


Shall be grateful for an analysis of the causes & remedies rather

than a general message of comfort stating something like " things

would improve after Jupiter moves in to Scorpion & after Saturn gets

back in to Cancer after his short sojourn in Leo " .





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