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Dear PRiya,

a)About the upaya you adviced for keeping my Sun please:I should take a coin offered by someone else at a temple.I have two questions:Now that my Ketu has become benefic out of my upaya and the Sun has has turned benefic ,too, is this upaya still needed?And, where should keep the coin ?In my purse, wrapped in a cloth ..?

b)Beow are the upayas suggested by you for my proffesioanl field:

[ 1 ] Keep with you, wrapped in a yellow cloth, a coin which wasoffered by some one else at a religious place. Ask the priest togive you a coin in prasaad { blessings }.[ 2 ] Keep a few grains of rice in a small silver box. Keep this boxin the North East corner of your house.[ 3 ] Go to the files and read about the remedy for Kemdrum yog. Dothis remedy.[ 4 ] Every day recite, as many times a day as you can, the stotrafor Moon. Get the text and the audio from the files.

Is it necesary that I do them all to see some improvement?Is it right that upayas 2 is for strenghtening and upaya 4 for appeasing the Moon?Is my Moon both weak and malefic?




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  • 4 months later...
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Dear Ramesh,


I did not get the mail you sent to the group otherwise I would have

replied it there too. I am marking this to the group also so that those

desirous of knowing of my comments could view then. I reply to your

first queries first then the rest, in that order.


1) Anyway, the reason Venus is always a winner may have to do with its

brightness and size which makes its rays reach us (we can see it), even

when in identical degrees to another planet. But the reason I consider

it a winner is that this is a dictum given by the sages who never said

anything in vain.

2) Yes a weak Saturn is more damaging.

3) Debilitated Vargottam planets are stronger than only debilitated

planets, though not as strong as when they are not in debility. They

are certainly stronger than planets in enemy signs. And one must

remember that debilitated planets do not always give bad results,

unlike what is assumed.

4) Mars in 2nd house is incapable of delivering good results unless in

own bhava or in company with Guru. The ill effects are in dasha of

the2nd lord and not of Mars (if it happens to be yogakaraka), unless it

happens to own dusthanas.



New queries.

1. Read BPHS again. It calls only Venus to be auspicious for Gemini

ascendant and not Mercury. Kendradhipati dosha becomes very relevant in

results of dashas. It is also well to remember that the affliction of

Kendradhipati dosha is severe in ascending order for Moon, Mercury,

Jupiter and Venus. Kendradhipati dosha is nullified if a shubha planet

occupies the Kendra owned by him. That is why having given these

parameters, Parashara neither calls Jupiter in case of Sagittarius,

Pisces nor Mercury in case of Gemini as auspicious or inauspicious.

That depends on whether they occupy or not the Kendra owned by them. He

does call Mercury auspicious for Virgo ascendant and that may be due to

Mercury also owning the 10th bhava for that ascendant, but then that is

also applicable to Pisces lagna for which he does not label Jupiter to

be auspicious. It is therefore more likely that the shloka got

corrupted in its journey from memory to print, as there is no logical

explanation to this variation.. This is my opinion on the subject.


2. Rasi lord does undergo affliction by occupation of the rasi, owned

by it, by a node. This has to do with the ability of a node to deliver

the results of a bhava lord that it occupies or conjoins, taking

primacy in this delivery of result over the lord himself.


3. Yes, the dictum of "Paaopi..." applies to the natural malefics. The

effects of the drishti would not be altered. remember that same is the

case with the drishti of planets with Kendraadhipati dosha.


4. As explained above, the drishties operate according to the natural

status of the planet and does not undergo change due to its functional



5. I have not touched upon rasi drishties, in depth, as I wanted to

write about analyzing a chart using least number of parameters

possible. Using too many parameters tends to confuse the astrologers

more than give them better accuracy. That perhaps is also the reason

that most of the later day astrology greats have not used rasi drishti

in their astrological classics. I think I have given what are rasi

drishties and have mentioned that as the reader goes on to study higher

levels of astrology, knowing about them could be of help. The

difference between rasi and graha drishti, as understood by me, is also

explained in brief therein (chapter 2, I think).

If by not touching upon Rasi drishti you mean I have not demonstrated

how they are to be used, I have not done so for avoiding any confusion

and information overload again resulting in mystification of astrology

which the book intends to demystify. I am sure you will agree that

hardly ever anyone predicts using only Rasi drishties, whereas everyone

uses graha drishti and attains a fair degree of accuracy through its

use. By this I do not mean rasi drishti should not be used. I only mean

that only the very learned maybe able to understand what weightage is

to be given to both types of drishties and when one takes precedence

over other.


6. I think I have said secondary for 2nd, college for 4th, Post

graduation for 5th and doctoral etc for the 9th for the modern times. I

have done that on the basis of how these levels are taught to modern

day students and have also said that this (the levels ascribed to

bhavas) will change with times. That is why depending on the level of

what was highest education at a particular time one has to understand

what should be the house indicative of that level of education. For

example, long back Vernacular final was equivalent to today's

graduation and matriculation was equivalent to today's graduation. Then

times changed and matriculation became equivalent to graduation and

graduation became equivalent to Post graduation. So one has to

understand the difficulty level based on the times when one is looking

at the chart and the level of what is considered as highest education

at that time and work backwards to predict the level of education from

either of these houses.


If there are any other doubts please feel free to ask.


Take care,




Ramesh.F.Gangaramani wrote:


Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat



Dear Shri Chandrashekharji,


I understand your reasons for not


to this mail on the list. Your book


has been very helpful in understanding many concepts of vedic


Some more questions have come to mind while reading the book. Let

me check on a few more.


1. For Sagittarius lagna Jupiter though


lord is taken to have kendradhipati dosha. BPHS describes it as


For Gemini lagna however Mercury is described as auspicious! Is it


Mercury is least affected by Kendradhipati dosha?


2. On page 309 while discussing swami


chart you have explained Venus's affliction by Ketu being placed in


Would a rashi lord be afflicted by placement of malefic in that rashi?

Please correct me if my understanding f write up is incorrect.


3. page 310, 'malefics give benefic


when placed in own house'. I presume this applies to natural malefics.

Would drishti of Saturn placed in own house alter? I presume it would




4. Does the above also change the


of functional malefics, e.g. Jupiter for Taurus or Libra lagna! I


its drishti will continue to be auspicious regardless of functional



5. I note that you have not touched upon

Rashi drishti. Is there a reason for that?


6. I also note that you have used 2,4,5


9th houses for general, secondary, college and higher education



Kind regards






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F Gangaramani/NA/Johnson_Controls on 04/10/2007 09:20 AM -----





Ramesh F



03/15/2007 02:59 PM

























Demystified by Shri Chandrashekhar























Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat



Dear Chandrashekharji,



I just got a copy of your new book


have read through first couple of chapters. Based on the reading so


I must say it is a very well written and also well printed book. You


expressed your thoughts very clearly, not too lengthy not too cryptic!

Can you tell us a bit more on the following please?



1. Graha Yudha: Venus always wins. I

know you had mentioned this to me earlier too. I however do not know



2. Stronger malefic is more


Saturn is an exception, i.e. weak Saturn would be more damaging than


placed Saturn?


3. Vergottama planets: These are


strong. How strong are the vergottama planets placed in enemy or


signs? Do malefics placed in vergottama become more malefic? I have deb

Jupiter vergottama and also nodes!


4. Mangal placement in kutumba bhava

2H. Placement in marka sthana can be malefic during the dasa plus its


on 8H can be bad for female natives, saubhagya sthana. Is there more to




I chose this forum for exchange of


so that more people get to know about your views and your book.



kind regards



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