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Šrîla Prabhupâda rectified chart

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Dearest Jorge,


I am speechless. Indeed you are blessed by the Divine. Thank you and my very

best wishes always.



Yours sincerely,


Vyas Munidas






" Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino

<SAMVA >; <satva >;


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 3:08 PM

Šrîla Prabhupâda rectified chart



Dear List Members,




Here is the rectified chart of:




Šrîla Prabhupâda


Sep 1, 1896 4:00:07 PM -05:53 LMT


Calcutta, India Longitude: 88E22 Latitude: 22N32


Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:24




Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord




Asc 07:52 Cap U.Shadya Su


Sun 17:00 Leo +00:58:08 FM P.Phalguni Ve


Moon 28:05 Tau +12:34:50 WK Mrigsira Ma


Mars 16:56 Tau +00:32:30 ST Rohini Mo


Merc 11:07 Vir +01:21:07 ST Hasta Mo


Jupt 02:01 Leo +00:12:54 FM Magha Ke


Ven 01:47 Vir +01:14:09 WK U.Phalguni Su


Sat 21:47 Lib +00:04:17 WK Vishakha Ju


Rahu 02:04 Aqu +00:00:30 FM Dhanishtha Ma


Ketu 02:04 Leo +00:00:30 FM Magha Ke




True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 463 beats


Day: Tuesday Sunrise: 5:44 AM


Tithi: Krishna Navami


Yoga Pt: 18:25 Cp Yogi:Mo AviYogi:Me Dup Yogi: Sa


Dagha Rashis: Leo Sco




Rashi Chart




** 11 * * 9 **


*12* * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* RA 02:04* * * *


* * * * * *


* * 10 AS 07:52 * 8 *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


** * * **


*1 * 7 SA 21:47 *


** * * **


*2 * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


*MA 16:56 * * * * VE 01:47*


*MO 28:05 * 4 * 6 ME 11:07*


* * * * * *


* * * JU 02:01* *


* * * * KE 02:04 * *


* * * * SU 17:00 * *


* * * * * *


** 3 * * 5 **










** 1 * * 11 **


*2 * * * * *


* * ME * * * *


* * JU * * * *


* SA * * * *


* KE* * * * *


* * 12 AS * 10 VE *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


** * * **


*3 MA * 9 *


** * * **


*4 * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * SU * * *


* * 6 MO * 8 *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * RA * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


** 5 * * 7 **






Some of the events/facts used in the rectification:




Rh Direct




Biography of Srila Prabhupada




Abhay Caran De was born September 1, 1896 in Calcutta, India, under very

favorable circumstances (Mercury, L9 in H9, and Mars, L4 in H5. Both are

strong). His father, Gour Mohan De, was a devotee of Lord Caitanya and

therefore gave Abhay a religious upbringing with God in the center (Mercury,

L9 in H9). After performing his own eight-day Ratha-yâtrâ festival at the

age of five, Abhay proceeded on the path of devotion not only by learning

how to play devotional instruments such as the mrdangga, but also by

memorizing certain traditional Bengali songs for the glorification of the





In 1916 (Ra/Mo after 14 August 1916. Moon, L7 in H5) Abhay entered Scottish

Churches' College, one of the most prestigious colleges in Calcutta. Here he

spent four years studying English, Sanskrit, philosophy, psychology, and

economics. Since Bible study also was compulsory, Abhay gathered every

morning with his fellow students for prayers, hymns, and scripture readings.

In 1920, after his final B.A. examinations, (Ju/Ju/Su after 28 July 1920.

Jupiter, L12, and the Sun, L8, are spiritual/soul significators. As they are

functional malefics for a Capricorn native, they give excelent results when

he/she lives a spiritual life through regular prayers/chanting/meditation)

Abhay went on a well-deserved, but short, pilgrimage to Jagannâtha Purî—the

city where the original Ratha-yâtrâ festival has been annually held for more

than two thousand years.




After meeting his spiritual mentor Bhaktisiddhânta Sarasvatî in Calcutta in

1922 (he was in Ju/Sa, and transit Saturn was in H9) , and formally taking

initiation from him in 1933, Abhay's seriousness gradually increased. Abhay

now intensified his study of Lord Caitanya's monotheistic bhedâbheda

philosophy. In 1939 (He was in Sa/Me, and transit Saturn was in H4. Saturn,

L2-status, and Mercury, L9-spirituality) the two prominent Godbrothers

Bhaktisârangga Goswâmî and Šrîdhara Mahârâja officially acknowledged


extensive scriptural expertise by awarding him the title Bhaktivedanta.




The 1940s were a very productive period for Abhay, who now fixed his

determination for the execution of the order of his spiritual master: to

spread Lord Caitanya's teachings in the English language. Although Abhay

still had household responsibilities throughout this period, he nevertheless

managed to write a complete translation and commentary on the Bhagavad-gîtâ,

which, unfortunately, mysteriously disappeared just before publication in

1948. In 1944 (He was in Sa/Ve, Venus being L10 in H9, giving him the aspect

of devotion/Bhakti in his action/spirituality) he also started Back to

Godhead—a bi-weekly magazine that he single-handedly financed, composed,

typed, edited, and distributed.




Abhay retired from family life in 1954. In September 1956 (he was in

Me/Ke/Ve, and in transit Mercury was in H9, Venus was in H7, and Ketu was

over the MEP5. In rashi, Mercury and Venus are placed in H9, and Ketu is

exactly conjunct Jupiter, L12-retreat) he moved to the Vamsî-gopâlajî temple

in Vrndâvana, where he rented a room on the roof at five rupees a month.

From there he often commuted to Delhi, in spite of his meagre finances, to

distribute copies of Back to Godhead and to preach. After accepting the

sannyâsa order of life, awarded to him by his Godbrother Bhaktiprajñâna

Kešava Mahârâja on September 17, 1959 (Me/Ve/Sa/Ma/Mo) in Mathurâ's


Gaudiya Math temple, Abhay again returned to the Vamsî-gopâlajî temple.

Later, in July 1962, he transferred himself to the Râdhâ-Dâmodara temple,

also in Vrndâvana, where he started one of his most ambitious projects: a

multi-volume translation and commentary of Krsna Dvaipâyana Vyâsa's

Šrîmad-Bhâgavatam—an eighteen-thousand-verse Sanskrit composition that

elaborately explains an astounding amount of details about the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, Šrî Krsna.





" http://gitaclub.tripod.com/secPrabhupada/pages/Prabhupada.html " http://gitaclub.\





Srila Prabhupada's father earned a humble but adequate living as a cloth

merchant (Mercury activity; Me, L9, strong)




Thereafter, in 1918, Prabhupada became married and soon started a family.

Ra/Mo till 13 February 1918. Ra/Ma afterwards. The Moon, L7, and Mars, L4,

are both marriage significators for Capricorn lagna.




I got my first child in 1921. Ju/Ju or Ju/Sa. Jupiter signifies children,

and Saturn, L2, signifies family and/or male children.




Then I was initiated in 1933.




In 1936, just on the 13th, December, I wrote him one letter. Not 13th. I

think by the beginning of December, 1936, I wrote one letter to Guru

Maharaja. And he passed away on the 31st December 1936 (Sa/Sa/Mo/Ju/Mo).




In 1950, at the age of fifty-four, Srila Prabhupada retired from married

life, and four years later he adopted the vanaprastha (retired) order to

devote more time to his studies and writing.




Then I began translating Srimad-Bhagavatam in 1960;




Then, on August 13th, 1965, just a few days before his 69th birthday, A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami, philosopher, scholar, and saint, set out for America to

see what could be done.




On Friday August 13th 1965., at 9:00 am. (Me/Ra/Ve/Sa/Mo), he sets sail for

America aboard the steamship 'Jaladuta'. By Saturday 14th., Bhaktivedanta

Swami experienced seasickness, dizziness, vomiting as they moved slowly in

heavy rains through the Bay of Bengal. Reaching Colombo, Sri Lanka on 19th.,

Bhaktivedanta Swami was able to go ashore and get some relief from his

seasickness. A diary is recorded of the exact route in Satswarupa das

Goswami's books in the chapter " Struggling Alone " (Satswarupa das Goswami.

1987. " Your Ever Well-Wisher " , pages 1-3.)




After experiencing sea-sickness from the Atlantic crossing, in rough seas,

and in mid-Atlantic, and at the advanced age of 63 years of age A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami suffers two heart attacks. " If a third comes I will not

survive! " (During the travel, the Sun, heart significator passed first over

natal Jupiter/Ketu and afterwars over natal Sun. Also natal Mars, L4, was

exactly afflicted by transit Rahu/Ketu axis.)




After a 35 day journey from Calcutta the Jaladuta docked at Commonwealth

pier at 5:30 am., September 17th 1965. (Me/Ra/Ve/Ke/Ra), the ship docks in

Boston, United States of America, and, two days later, the Brooklyn Pier at

Seventeenth Street, New York.




15th February 1966. (Me/Ra/Ma/Sa/Ve), Bhaktivedanta Swami moved from Dr

Mishra's 'yoga' studio to an place of his own, a small narrow office without

furniture or telephone.




Here, on July 11, 1966, (Me/Ju/Sa/Sa/Me, Saturn was over MEP3, aspecting

natal Mercury-documents) with financial and practical assistance from a

handful of supporters, Prabhupâda formally registered ISKCON—the

International Society for Krishna Consciousness—as a nonprofit, tax-exempt

religious corporation; and two months later, on September 9, Prabhupâda

initiated his first eleven Western disciples during a smoky, but ecstatic,

Vedic fire sacrifice.




In January 1967 A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami experiences his first airplane

flight to San Francisco




September 1967., he finds himself suffering from a third heart attack since

leaving his beloved Vrindavan.




Srila Prabhupada flew back to India on July 23rd 1967, and while regaining

his health he preached with his accompanying disciples.




In July (24th) 1967. (Me/Ju/Ve/Ju/Ma, Mercury was placed in H6, with its MEP

exactly afflicted by Ketu. Jupiter was placed in H7 with its MEP exactly

afflicted by the Sun. Venus was placed in H8 exactly over natal Sun. And

transit Mars was exactly over transit Ketu. All his even houses were

afflicted by transit Rahu/Ketu and MEP1 was afflicted by transit Sun. MEP4

was afflicted by Rahu/Ketu and he had to come back to India to receive

Ayurvedic treatment from a previous heart attack), Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Swami leaves for India because of ill-health.




On November 24th 1967 (Me/Ju/Mo/Ju/Ra), Srila Prabhupada returned to America

and a new spirit, the impetus to spread Krishna consciousness, appeared

within ISKCON.




London, September 11, 1969 (Me/Sa/Ve/Ju/Me), Srila Prabhupada Arrives in





In December (14th) 1969. (Me/Sa/Su/Ju/Ma, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars were over

the MEPs), he conduct the Grand Opening and 'Avahan' Installation of Sri Sri





On 28th July 1970. (Me/Sa/Ra/Sa/Ra), Srila Prabhupada forms the Governing

Body Commission (G.B.C.) as originally requested by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Saraswati Thakur for his disciples to do. The very next day (29th July) he

establishes the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT).




August 29th 1970. (Me/Sa/Ra/Ke/Ju), marks the instituting of the 'Life

Membership Program' in Calcutta.




May 1971., Srila Prabhupada signs a contract with MacMillan Book Publishing

Company to print the unabridged edition of 'Bhagavad Gita As It




1971 (May) marks the acquiring of five acres of land in Sridham Mayapura,




On April 20th 1975 (Ke/Ju/Sa/Me/Ra, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun were exactly over

the MEPs. Mercury was exactly conjunct the Sun) Srila Prabhupad organises to

bring local 'brahmin' priests to accompany his ecstatically jubilant

disciples, and meets with Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi.




In 1977 Srila Prabhupada returned to Vrindavana which he considered his home

and on November 14th at 7:20 pm (Ke/Me/Ra/Mo/Ve), the attention of the whole

world turned toward his living quarters and His Divine Grace departed from

this world and entered the eternal pastimes of his most worshipable Lord,

Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar.




Best wishes,








HYPERLINK " http://satva.blogspot.com/ " \nsatva








Jorge Angelino


Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão




HYPERLINK " jorge.angelino " \njorge.angelino














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me to your address book...


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Guest guest

Dear Vyas,


Thank you for your kind words.


Best wishes,





SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Vyas


quarta-feira, 22 de Março de 2006 20:51

SAMVA ; satva ;

Re: Šrîla Prabhupâda rectified chart


Dearest Jorge,


I am speechless. Indeed you are blessed by the Divine. Thank you and my very

best wishes always.



Yours sincerely,


Vyas Munidas






" Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino

<SAMVA >; <satva >;


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 3:08 PM

Šrîla Prabhupâda rectified chart



Dear List Members,




Here is the rectified chart of:




Šrîla Prabhupâda


Sep 1, 1896 4:00:07 PM -05:53 LMT


Calcutta, India Longitude: 88E22 Latitude: 22N32


Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:24




Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord




Asc 07:52 Cap U.Shadya Su


Sun 17:00 Leo +00:58:08 FM P.Phalguni Ve


Moon 28:05 Tau +12:34:50 WK Mrigsira Ma


Mars 16:56 Tau +00:32:30 ST Rohini Mo


Merc 11:07 Vir +01:21:07 ST Hasta Mo


Jupt 02:01 Leo +00:12:54 FM Magha Ke


Ven 01:47 Vir +01:14:09 WK U.Phalguni Su


Sat 21:47 Lib +00:04:17 WK Vishakha Ju


Rahu 02:04 Aqu +00:00:30 FM Dhanishtha Ma


Ketu 02:04 Leo +00:00:30 FM Magha Ke




True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 463 beats


Day: Tuesday Sunrise: 5:44 AM


Tithi: Krishna Navami


Yoga Pt: 18:25 Cp Yogi:Mo AviYogi:Me Dup Yogi: Sa


Dagha Rashis: Leo Sco




Rashi Chart




** 11 * * 9 **


*12* * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* RA 02:04* * * *


* * * * * *


* * 10 AS 07:52 * 8 *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


** * * **


*1 * 7 SA 21:47 *


** * * **


*2 * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


*MA 16:56 * * * * VE 01:47*


*MO 28:05 * 4 * 6 ME 11:07*


* * * * * *


* * * JU 02:01* *


* * * * KE 02:04 * *


* * * * SU 17:00 * *


* * * * * *


** 3 * * 5 **










** 1 * * 11 **


*2 * * * * *


* * ME * * * *


* * JU * * * *


* SA * * * *


* KE* * * * *


* * 12 AS * 10 VE *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


** * * **


*3 MA * 9 *


** * * **


*4 * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * SU * * *


* * 6 MO * 8 *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


* * * * RA * *


* * * * * *


* * * * * *


** 5 * * 7 **






Some of the events/facts used in the rectification:




Rh Direct




Biography of Srila Prabhupada




Abhay Caran De was born September 1, 1896 in Calcutta, India, under very

favorable circumstances (Mercury, L9 in H9, and Mars, L4 in H5. Both are

strong). His father, Gour Mohan De, was a devotee of Lord Caitanya and

therefore gave Abhay a religious upbringing with God in the center (Mercury,

L9 in H9). After performing his own eight-day Ratha-yâtrâ festival at the

age of five, Abhay proceeded on the path of devotion not only by learning

how to play devotional instruments such as the mrdangga, but also by

memorizing certain traditional Bengali songs for the glorification of the





In 1916 (Ra/Mo after 14 August 1916. Moon, L7 in H5) Abhay entered Scottish

Churches' College, one of the most prestigious colleges in Calcutta. Here he

spent four years studying English, Sanskrit, philosophy, psychology, and

economics. Since Bible study also was compulsory, Abhay gathered every

morning with his fellow students for prayers, hymns, and scripture readings.

In 1920, after his final B.A. examinations, (Ju/Ju/Su after 28 July 1920.

Jupiter, L12, and the Sun, L8, are spiritual/soul significators. As they are

functional malefics for a Capricorn native, they give excelent results when

he/she lives a spiritual life through regular prayers/chanting/meditation)

Abhay went on a well-deserved, but short, pilgrimage to Jagannâtha Purî—the

city where the original Ratha-yâtrâ festival has been annually held for more

than two thousand years.




After meeting his spiritual mentor Bhaktisiddhânta Sarasvatî in Calcutta in

1922 (he was in Ju/Sa, and transit Saturn was in H9) , and formally taking

initiation from him in 1933, Abhay's seriousness gradually increased. Abhay

now intensified his study of Lord Caitanya's monotheistic bhedâbheda

philosophy. In 1939 (He was in Sa/Me, and transit Saturn was in H4. Saturn,

L2-status, and Mercury, L9-spirituality) the two prominent Godbrothers

Bhaktisârangga Goswâmî and Šrîdhara Mahârâja officially acknowledged


extensive scriptural expertise by awarding him the title Bhaktivedanta.




The 1940s were a very productive period for Abhay, who now fixed his

determination for the execution of the order of his spiritual master: to

spread Lord Caitanya's teachings in the English language. Although Abhay

still had household responsibilities throughout this period, he nevertheless

managed to write a complete translation and commentary on the Bhagavad-gîtâ,

which, unfortunately, mysteriously disappeared just before publication in

1948. In 1944 (He was in Sa/Ve, Venus being L10 in H9, giving him the aspect

of devotion/Bhakti in his action/spirituality) he also started Back to

Godhead—a bi-weekly magazine that he single-handedly financed, composed,

typed, edited, and distributed.




Abhay retired from family life in 1954. In September 1956 (he was in

Me/Ke/Ve, and in transit Mercury was in H9, Venus was in H7, and Ketu was

over the MEP5. In rashi, Mercury and Venus are placed in H9, and Ketu is

exactly conjunct Jupiter, L12-retreat) he moved to the Vamsî-gopâlajî temple

in Vrndâvana, where he rented a room on the roof at five rupees a month.

From there he often commuted to Delhi, in spite of his meagre finances, to

distribute copies of Back to Godhead and to preach. After accepting the

sannyâsa order of life, awarded to him by his Godbrother Bhaktiprajñâna

Kešava Mahârâja on September 17, 1959 (Me/Ve/Sa/Ma/Mo) in Mathurâ's


Gaudiya Math temple, Abhay again returned to the Vamsî-gopâlajî temple.

Later, in July 1962, he transferred himself to the Râdhâ-Dâmodara temple,

also in Vrndâvana, where he started one of his most ambitious projects: a

multi-volume translation and commentary of Krsna Dvaipâyana Vyâsa's

Šrîmad-Bhâgavatam—an eighteen-thousand-verse Sanskrit composition that

elaborately explains an astounding amount of details about the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, Šrî Krsna.





" http://gitaclub.tripod.com/secPrabhupada/pages/Prabhupada.html " http://gitaclub.\





Srila Prabhupada's father earned a humble but adequate living as a cloth

merchant (Mercury activity; Me, L9, strong)




Thereafter, in 1918, Prabhupada became married and soon started a family.

Ra/Mo till 13 February 1918. Ra/Ma afterwards. The Moon, L7, and Mars, L4,

are both marriage significators for Capricorn lagna.




I got my first child in 1921. Ju/Ju or Ju/Sa. Jupiter signifies children,

and Saturn, L2, signifies family and/or male children.




Then I was initiated in 1933.




In 1936, just on the 13th, December, I wrote him one letter. Not 13th. I

think by the beginning of December, 1936, I wrote one letter to Guru

Maharaja. And he passed away on the 31st December 1936 (Sa/Sa/Mo/Ju/Mo).




In 1950, at the age of fifty-four, Srila Prabhupada retired from married

life, and four years later he adopted the vanaprastha (retired) order to

devote more time to his studies and writing.




Then I began translating Srimad-Bhagavatam in 1960;




Then, on August 13th, 1965, just a few days before his 69th birthday, A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami, philosopher, scholar, and saint, set out for America to

see what could be done.




On Friday August 13th 1965., at 9:00 am. (Me/Ra/Ve/Sa/Mo), he sets sail for

America aboard the steamship 'Jaladuta'. By Saturday 14th., Bhaktivedanta

Swami experienced seasickness, dizziness, vomiting as they moved slowly in

heavy rains through the Bay of Bengal. Reaching Colombo, Sri Lanka on 19th.,

Bhaktivedanta Swami was able to go ashore and get some relief from his

seasickness. A diary is recorded of the exact route in Satswarupa das

Goswami's books in the chapter " Struggling Alone " (Satswarupa das Goswami.

1987. " Your Ever Well-Wisher " , pages 1-3.)




After experiencing sea-sickness from the Atlantic crossing, in rough seas,

and in mid-Atlantic, and at the advanced age of 63 years of age A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami suffers two heart attacks. " If a third comes I will not

survive! " (During the travel, the Sun, heart significator passed first over

natal Jupiter/Ketu and afterwars over natal Sun. Also natal Mars, L4, was

exactly afflicted by transit Rahu/Ketu axis.)




After a 35 day journey from Calcutta the Jaladuta docked at Commonwealth

pier at 5:30 am., September 17th 1965. (Me/Ra/Ve/Ke/Ra), the ship docks in

Boston, United States of America, and, two days later, the Brooklyn Pier at

Seventeenth Street, New York.




15th February 1966. (Me/Ra/Ma/Sa/Ve), Bhaktivedanta Swami moved from Dr

Mishra's 'yoga' studio to an place of his own, a small narrow office without

furniture or telephone.




Here, on July 11, 1966, (Me/Ju/Sa/Sa/Me, Saturn was over MEP3, aspecting

natal Mercury-documents) with financial and practical assistance from a

handful of supporters, Prabhupâda formally registered ISKCON—the

International Society for Krishna Consciousness—as a nonprofit, tax-exempt

religious corporation; and two months later, on September 9, Prabhupâda

initiated his first eleven Western disciples during a smoky, but ecstatic,

Vedic fire sacrifice.




In January 1967 A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami experiences his first airplane

flight to San Francisco




September 1967., he finds himself suffering from a third heart attack since

leaving his beloved Vrindavan.




Srila Prabhupada flew back to India on July 23rd 1967, and while regaining

his health he preached with his accompanying disciples.




In July (24th) 1967. (Me/Ju/Ve/Ju/Ma, Mercury was placed in H6, with its MEP

exactly afflicted by Ketu. Jupiter was placed in H7 with its MEP exactly

afflicted by the Sun. Venus was placed in H8 exactly over natal Sun. And

transit Mars was exactly over transit Ketu. All his even houses were

afflicted by transit Rahu/Ketu and MEP1 was afflicted by transit Sun. MEP4

was afflicted by Rahu/Ketu and he had to come back to India to receive

Ayurvedic treatment from a previous heart attack), Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Swami leaves for India because of ill-health.




On November 24th 1967 (Me/Ju/Mo/Ju/Ra), Srila Prabhupada returned to America

and a new spirit, the impetus to spread Krishna consciousness, appeared

within ISKCON.




London, September 11, 1969 (Me/Sa/Ve/Ju/Me), Srila Prabhupada Arrives in





In December (14th) 1969. (Me/Sa/Su/Ju/Ma, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars were over

the MEPs), he conduct the Grand Opening and 'Avahan' Installation of Sri Sri





On 28th July 1970. (Me/Sa/Ra/Sa/Ra), Srila Prabhupada forms the Governing

Body Commission (G.B.C.) as originally requested by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Saraswati Thakur for his disciples to do. The very next day (29th July) he

establishes the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT).




August 29th 1970. (Me/Sa/Ra/Ke/Ju), marks the instituting of the 'Life

Membership Program' in Calcutta.




May 1971., Srila Prabhupada signs a contract with MacMillan Book Publishing

Company to print the unabridged edition of 'Bhagavad Gita As It




1971 (May) marks the acquiring of five acres of land in Sridham Mayapura,




On April 20th 1975 (Ke/Ju/Sa/Me/Ra, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun were exactly over

the MEPs. Mercury was exactly conjunct the Sun) Srila Prabhupad organises to

bring local 'brahmin' priests to accompany his ecstatically jubilant

disciples, and meets with Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi.




In 1977 Srila Prabhupada returned to Vrindavana which he considered his home

and on November 14th at 7:20 pm (Ke/Me/Ra/Mo/Ve), the attention of the whole

world turned toward his living quarters and His Divine Grace departed from

this world and entered the eternal pastimes of his most worshipable Lord,

Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar.




Best wishes,








HYPERLINK " http://satva.blogspot.com/ " \nsatva








Jorge Angelino


Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão




HYPERLINK " jorge.angelino " \njorge.angelino














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me to your address book...


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