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possibility of promotion

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DOB 20-06-1964

TOB 1755

POB nasirabad(rajasthan)

For this native sun,JU and ketu are prime significator for

profession.in D10 also Ju becomes significator.When he can expect

promotion in organisation. By examining transits to identify event,Aug

2008 seems reasonable but if we check with sub-period dasa it looks

beyonf 2010 more reasonable. When should he get this promotion.

Transit influence can cause happenings even against the general trend

indicated by sub-period lord as per SA. so during sub-period dasa of

MMP venus in 2008 can he get promotion.


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Dear Mr. Sharma,


Yes, transits can cause such events to take place in the short-run,

but the indications of the natal chart will prevail in the long-run.


In this case, professional determinants Jupiter and Sun are both badly

placed. L10 Sun is severely afflicted by MMP Venus and by the

Rahu/Ketu axis. Without the use of persistent astral remedies, the

chances of holding on to a job appear slim. The only saving grace is

strong L4 Saturn's aspect on the 10th house MEP. The weakness of L11

Mercury shows fluctuations in income.


In August 2008, transit Jupiter will close to the MEP of the 2nd

house, and Sun will enter its mooltrikona sign. Strong transit Jupiter

will aspect natal Jupiter as well. This could signify some improvement

in status.


The sub-period of Sun beginning in 2010, the impact of its bad

placement, exact affliction, and close conjunction with the nodal axis

will be felt too. There can be no positive assurances in this case.


Astral remedies are in serious need for this chart for improvements in

profession, income, and status. Otherwise, any benefic transit

scenarios will be of only short-term benefit.


Best Wishes,


Arun Rao



, " r_m_sharma " <ram.dishant wrote:


> List

> DOB 20-06-1964

> TOB 1755

> POB nasirabad(rajasthan)

> For this native sun,JU and ketu are prime significator for

> profession.in D10 also Ju becomes significator.When he can expect

> promotion in organisation. By examining transits to identify event,Aug

> 2008 seems reasonable but if we check with sub-period dasa it looks

> beyonf 2010 more reasonable. When should he get this promotion.

> Transit influence can cause happenings even against the general trend

> indicated by sub-period lord as per SA. so during sub-period dasa of

> MMP venus in 2008 can he get promotion.



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Thanks a lot

During 2008 the possiility of promotion is otherwise also

there,thats why i guessed that during benefic transits it may be

possible. Is there any chance of change of profession by tha native.


, " arunrao9 " <arunrao9 wrote:


> Dear Mr. Sharma,


> Yes, transits can cause such events to take place in the short-run,

> but the indications of the natal chart will prevail in the long-



> In this case, professional determinants Jupiter and Sun are both


> placed. L10 Sun is severely afflicted by MMP Venus and by the

> Rahu/Ketu axis. Without the use of persistent astral remedies, the

> chances of holding on to a job appear slim. The only saving grace


> strong L4 Saturn's aspect on the 10th house MEP. The weakness of


> Mercury shows fluctuations in income.


> In August 2008, transit Jupiter will close to the MEP of the 2nd

> house, and Sun will enter its mooltrikona sign. Strong transit


> will aspect natal Jupiter as well. This could signify some


> in status.


> The sub-period of Sun beginning in 2010, the impact of its bad

> placement, exact affliction, and close conjunction with the nodal


> will be felt too. There can be no positive assurances in this case.


> Astral remedies are in serious need for this chart for

improvements in

> profession, income, and status. Otherwise, any benefic transit

> scenarios will be of only short-term benefit.


> Best Wishes,


> Arun Rao



> , " r_m_sharma " <ram.dishant@> wrote:

> >

> > List

> > DOB 20-06-1964

> > TOB 1755

> > POB nasirabad(rajasthan)

> > For this native sun,JU and ketu are prime significator for

> > profession.in D10 also Ju becomes significator.When he can expect

> > promotion in organisation. By examining transits to identify


> > 2008 seems reasonable but if we check with sub-period dasa it


> > beyonf 2010 more reasonable. When should he get this promotion.

> > Transit influence can cause happenings even against the general


> > indicated by sub-period lord as per SA. so during sub-period

dasa of

> > MMP venus in 2008 can he get promotion.

> > RMS

> >


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Dear Mr. Sharma,


Transits in August 2008 will be helpful with regards to profession and

status to some extent. L2 Jupiter and L10 Sun will be transiting their

MT-signs, and the former will be strong and close to the MEP of the

2nd house, in aspect to the MEP of the 10th house and to natal Jupiter

as well.


If improvements in status/profession entail a change of profession, so

be it.


For any long-lasting professional success, both planets are in serious

need of strengthening. This goes along with the appropriate

propitiatory measures for Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.


Best Wishes,


Arun Rao



, " r_m_sharma " <ram.dishant wrote:



> Thanks a lot

> During 2008 the possiility of promotion is otherwise also

> there,thats why i guessed that during benefic transits it may be

> possible. Is there any chance of change of profession by tha native.


> , " arunrao9 " <arunrao9@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mr. Sharma,

> >

> > Yes, transits can cause such events to take place in the short-run,

> > but the indications of the natal chart will prevail in the long-

> run.

> >

> > In this case, professional determinants Jupiter and Sun are both

> badly

> > placed. L10 Sun is severely afflicted by MMP Venus and by the

> > Rahu/Ketu axis. Without the use of persistent astral remedies, the

> > chances of holding on to a job appear slim. The only saving grace

> is

> > strong L4 Saturn's aspect on the 10th house MEP. The weakness of

> L11

> > Mercury shows fluctuations in income.

> >

> > In August 2008, transit Jupiter will close to the MEP of the 2nd

> > house, and Sun will enter its mooltrikona sign. Strong transit

> Jupiter

> > will aspect natal Jupiter as well. This could signify some

> improvement

> > in status.

> >

> > The sub-period of Sun beginning in 2010, the impact of its bad

> > placement, exact affliction, and close conjunction with the nodal

> axis

> > will be felt too. There can be no positive assurances in this case.

> >

> > Astral remedies are in serious need for this chart for

> improvements in

> > profession, income, and status. Otherwise, any benefic transit

> > scenarios will be of only short-term benefit.

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> >

> > Arun Rao

> >

> >

> > , " r_m_sharma " <ram.dishant@> wrote:

> > >

> > > List

> > > DOB 20-06-1964

> > > TOB 1755

> > > POB nasirabad(rajasthan)

> > > For this native sun,JU and ketu are prime significator for

> > > profession.in D10 also Ju becomes significator.When he can expect

> > > promotion in organisation. By examining transits to identify

> event,Aug

> > > 2008 seems reasonable but if we check with sub-period dasa it

> looks

> > > beyonf 2010 more reasonable. When should he get this promotion.

> > > Transit influence can cause happenings even against the general

> trend

> > > indicated by sub-period lord as per SA. so during sub-period

> dasa of

> > > MMP venus in 2008 can he get promotion.

> > > RMS

> > >

> >


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