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Please kindly help me in predicting my future

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Hi Sergey,


I have included my comments below for your Sc rising chart (9:21)



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Sergey Yelanin " <seyel


Friday, September 08, 2006 12:29 AM

Please kindly help me in predicting my future



> Dear Professor and all learned members,


> I'm experiencing Ketu-Rahu period. I have problems in relationships

> with people, especially with women. Sometimes it's very hard to bear.


THIS IS DUE TO the affliction of the 7H by Ketu. The Sun, Venus and Mercury

are there natally, so you can expect to find conflicts with figures

signified by these planets. Additionally, the Moon is debilitated, under

Rahu's aspect and both its natal and MT houses are afflicted (Ra/Ke exactly

afflicts all even houses in this chart). So these are the reasons why you

are having a particularly hard time with women.




> I've started studying Jyotish, mostly reading books by SJC Jyotishis,

> and was trying to analyse my chart according to instructions from books,

> but I'm lacking experience to interpret my horoscope myself.


> So I'm curious about my future and what to expect from life. I will have

> Venus mahadasa in 2010. I was told that I will get married during this

> dasa.

> I myself tried to determine dasas of marriage according to instructions

> from Pt. Sanjay Rath's " Crux of Vedic Astrology " . According to my

> calculations it may happen in following dasas:


FOR TIMING OF MARRIAGE FOR Sc, we look towards 7, 2 and 5 houses containing

MT signs or planets influencing these houses. In your case, the prime timing

trigger would be Jupiter, LO2. Normally, one would say it is likely in the

coming Ju subperiod. However, because of this axis affliction, I am not

certain. Perhaps can shed better light.



> Ve-Ve-Mo 02/11/2010

> Ve-Ve-Ma 12/02/2011

> Ve-Su-Mo 07/01/2013

> Ve-Su-Ma 07/31/2013

> Please share Your thoughts on possibility of marriage in those dasas

> and correctness of my calculations.


> I'm worried about the nature of my future wife and married life

> because of strained relationships with women.

> Also I'm thinking about my scientific career, I'm planning

> to do PhD and to be engaged in research.


SO, FOR IMPROVEMENT you need to do two things in conjunction

1) Strengthen your FB planets

2) Propitiate the FMs

Without doing both at the same time, you will find good results hard to come

by - this point is key.




> Please kindly help me to analyse my chart. Please share Your

> experience and give Your wise conclusions on what I should

> expect in future.


> 19 may 1981

> Time: 10:10 PM

> Place: Ukraine, Ovruch


> Mother says that time is quite correct. I was trying to rectify

> with events below and got 10:12:09 PM. Please correct it.


> 04/07/2003 --:-- Got a job as a programmer

> 09/12/2005 23:00 Departure from Kiev to Bombay for study

> 08/24/2006 08:00 Departure from Kiev to Bombay for study


> Best regards,

> Sergey






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Hello Mr. Sergey,


I wonder if you wrote to the group of the authors you are reading for

seeking help.


In my view all books based on prevalent classical texts which are full of

confusions, contradictions and inconsistencies just waste time of the

readers. All those who are engaged in this deceptive task of teaching

something which they do not know is also sinful.


It is really pity when one finds books by someone claiming to be an expert

on match making and the daughter of the author becoming widow after a couple

of years of the marriage.


Similarly, how can the authors solve the problems of relationships of others

when they could not solve their own relationship problems.


Give me the longitude, latitude and time zone details of your place of birth

to enable me to look into your request.


Best wishes,



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I forgot to mention the transit situation:-


Ta Ke-Ma conj in H11. Mars is LO6 and afflicts its own MTH. With conflict

causing Ke in the natal chart as discussed, the situation is hightened. Tr

Ma is under the influence of Na Ke as well.


Tr Ve afflicts H10 and H4. There can be some further unpleasantness on the

domestic front as well.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Vyas Munidas " <muni>


Friday, September 08, 2006 1:26 AM

Re: Please kindly help me in predicting my future



> Hi Sergey,


> I have included my comments below for your Sc rising chart (9:21)



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> " Sergey Yelanin " <seyel


> Friday, September 08, 2006 12:29 AM

> Please kindly help me in predicting my future



>> Dear Professor and all learned members,


>> I'm experiencing Ketu-Rahu period. I have problems in relationships

>> with people, especially with women. Sometimes it's very hard to bear.


> THIS IS DUE TO the affliction of the 7H by Ketu. The Sun, Venus and

> Mercury

> are there natally, so you can expect to find conflicts with figures

> signified by these planets. Additionally, the Moon is debilitated, under

> Rahu's aspect and both its natal and MT houses are afflicted (Ra/Ke

> exactly

> afflicts all even houses in this chart). So these are the reasons why you

> are having a particularly hard time with women.




>> I've started studying Jyotish, mostly reading books by SJC Jyotishis,

>> and was trying to analyse my chart according to instructions from books,

>> but I'm lacking experience to interpret my horoscope myself.


>> So I'm curious about my future and what to expect from life. I will have

>> Venus mahadasa in 2010. I was told that I will get married during this

>> dasa.

>> I myself tried to determine dasas of marriage according to instructions

>> from Pt. Sanjay Rath's " Crux of Vedic Astrology " . According to my

>> calculations it may happen in following dasas:


> FOR TIMING OF MARRIAGE FOR Sc, we look towards 7, 2 and 5 houses

> containing

> MT signs or planets influencing these houses. In your case, the prime

> timing

> trigger would be Jupiter, LO2. Normally, one would say it is likely in the

> coming Ju subperiod. However, because of this axis affliction, I am not

> certain. Perhaps can shed better light.



>> Ve-Ve-Mo 02/11/2010

>> Ve-Ve-Ma 12/02/2011

>> Ve-Su-Mo 07/01/2013

>> Ve-Su-Ma 07/31/2013

>> Please share Your thoughts on possibility of marriage in those dasas

>> and correctness of my calculations.


>> I'm worried about the nature of my future wife and married life

>> because of strained relationships with women.

>> Also I'm thinking about my scientific career, I'm planning

>> to do PhD and to be engaged in research.


> SO, FOR IMPROVEMENT you need to do two things in conjunction

> 1) Strengthen your FB planets

> 2) Propitiate the FMs

> Without doing both at the same time, you will find good results hard to

> come

> by - this point is key.




>> Please kindly help me to analyse my chart. Please share Your

>> experience and give Your wise conclusions on what I should

>> expect in future.


>> 19 may 1981

>> Time: 10:10 PM

>> Place: Ukraine, Ovruch


>> Mother says that time is quite correct. I was trying to rectify

>> with events below and got 10:12:09 PM. Please correct it.


>> 04/07/2003 --:-- Got a job as a programmer

>> 09/12/2005 23:00 Departure from Kiev to Bombay for study

>> 08/24/2006 08:00 Departure from Kiev to Bombay for study


>> Best regards,

>> Sergey






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Dear Sergey,


(i) Ketu throws an exact affliction on your 4th house lord Saturn. Your 2nd

house lord Jupiter is slightly weak as well and thus becomes vulnerable to

Ketu's influence. The close conjunction of the 2nd and 4th lords is helpful in

accelerating the timing of your marriage. However, the combination is being

tainted by Ketu's influence and thus cannot live up to its full promise without

astral remedies.


(ii) Ketu's influence on L2 Jupiter, on L4 Saturn, and on the 11th house can

certainly cause miseries in dealing with others. Friendships can go through a

lot of stresses and tension.


(iii) The close affliction of Ketu to the MEP of the 7th and 9th houses can

cause miseries in foreign lands. Rahu's influence on MEP 9 intensifies your

interest in going to foreign lands, but can cause unexpected troubles/tensions

in the aforementioned.


(iv) The close affliction of Rahu to the Moon can trigger troubles in dealing

with the opposite sex. This can also cause unexpected troubles/tensions in

foreign lands.


(v) The close affliction of Venus to the Moon intensifies your problems with



(vi) The close affliction of Ketu to the MEP of the 7th house can delay the

timing of marriage, even more so since you are in the MD of Ketu itself. It also

causes miseries for you in dealing with others.


(vii) Rahu's influence can cause sudden and unexpected problems in the spheres

of parental relations, higher education, success in initiatives, and



Much of the above is being experienced in full because you are running the MD of



With strengthening and propitiatory measures there is the chance of marriage in

any of the upcoming sub-periods of Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Sun. So

things are not hopeless for you.


After February 2007, things may be improving for you on the whole. Until then

things may be very challenging on numerous fronts. Propitiation of the planets

Venus, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu is strongly recommended. Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun,

and Mercury should be strengthened.


With the use of astral remedies, I feel that you have a rather promising

horoscope. You can achieve good (even very good) material success in life.


Best Wishes,




Sergey Yelanin <seyel wrote: Dear

Professor and all learned members,


I'm experiencing Ketu-Rahu period. I have problems in relationships

with people, especially with women. Sometimes it's very hard to bear.


I've started studying Jyotish, mostly reading books by SJC Jyotishis,

and was trying to analyse my chart according to instructions from books,

but I'm lacking experience to interpret my horoscope myself.


So I'm curious about my future and what to expect from life. I will have

Venus mahadasa in 2010. I was told that I will get married during this dasa.

I myself tried to determine dasas of marriage according to instructions

from Pt. Sanjay Rath's " Crux of Vedic Astrology " . According to my

calculations it may happen in following dasas:

Ve-Ve-Mo 02/11/2010

Ve-Ve-Ma 12/02/2011

Ve-Su-Mo 07/01/2013

Ve-Su-Ma 07/31/2013

Please share Your thoughts on possibility of marriage in those dasas

and correctness of my calculations.


I'm worried about the nature of my future wife and married life

because of strained relationships with women.

Also I'm thinking about my scientific career, I'm planning

to do PhD and to be engaged in research.


Please kindly help me to analyse my chart. Please share Your

experience and give Your wise conclusions on what I should

expect in future.


19 may 1981

Time: 10:10 PM

Place: Ukraine, Ovruch


Mother says that time is quite correct. I was trying to rectify

with events below and got 10:12:09 PM. Please correct it.


04/07/2003 --:-- Got a job as a programmer

09/12/2005 23:00 Departure from Kiev to Bombay for study

08/24/2006 08:00 Departure from Kiev to Bombay for study


Best regards,









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Dear Esteemed Professor,


You are right. It really makes you wonder whether such people have a conscience

at all.


As for Mr. Sergey's chart you can use the following coordinates:


28E49, 51N21 (the place should read Ovruc, Ukraine)

TZ = -4:00


Best Wishes,




siha wrote:

Hello Mr. Sergey,


I wonder if you wrote to the group of the authors you are reading for

seeking help.


In my view all books based on prevalent classical texts which are full of

confusions, contradictions and inconsistencies just waste time of the

readers. All those who are engaged in this deceptive task of teaching

something which they do not know is also sinful.


It is really pity when one finds books by someone claiming to be an expert

on match making and the daughter of the author becoming widow after a couple

of years of the marriage.


Similarly, how can the authors solve the problems of relationships of others

when they could not solve their own relationship problems.


Give me the longitude, latitude and time zone details of your place of birth

to enable me to look into your request.


Best wishes,









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Hello Mr. Yelanin,


I have just returned from Delhi where I had been to clear the publication of

the 4th revised edition of the book, Systems' Approach for Interpreting

Horoscopes in the next week.


In the meantime, Mr. Arun and Mr. Vyas have already given you insight in

your chart which is likely to help you. Besides, material comforts your

chart also shows spiritual development with the help of astral remedies.

Just have patience during the sub period of Rahu.


Best wishes,





A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122018. (India)

Phones: 91 124 - 2219240

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" Sergey Yelanin " <seyel


Friday, September 08, 2006 9:59 AM

Please kindly help me in predicting my future



> Dear Professor and all learned members,


> I'm experiencing Ketu-Rahu period. I have problems in relationships

> with people, especially with women. Sometimes it's very hard to bear.


> I've started studying Jyotish, mostly reading books by SJC Jyotishis,

> and was trying to analyse my chart according to instructions from books,

> but I'm lacking experience to interpret my horoscope myself.


> So I'm curious about my future and what to expect from life. I will have

> Venus mahadasa in 2010. I was told that I will get married during this

> dasa.

> I myself tried to determine dasas of marriage according to instructions

> from Pt. Sanjay Rath's " Crux of Vedic Astrology " . According to my

> calculations it may happen in following dasas:

> Ve-Ve-Mo 02/11/2010

> Ve-Ve-Ma 12/02/2011

> Ve-Su-Mo 07/01/2013

> Ve-Su-Ma 07/31/2013

> Please share Your thoughts on possibility of marriage in those dasas

> and correctness of my calculations.


> I'm worried about the nature of my future wife and married life

> because of strained relationships with women.

> Also I'm thinking about my scientific career, I'm planning

> to do PhD and to be engaged in research.


> Please kindly help me to analyse my chart. Please share Your

> experience and give Your wise conclusions on what I should

> expect in future.


> 19 may 1981

> Time: 10:10 PM

> Place: Ukraine, Ovruch


> Mother says that time is quite correct. I was trying to rectify

> with events below and got 10:12:09 PM. Please correct it.


> 04/07/2003 --:-- Got a job as a programmer

> 09/12/2005 23:00 Departure from Kiev to Bombay for study

> 08/24/2006 08:00 Departure from Kiev to Bombay for study


> Best regards,

> Sergey






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