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not able to identify

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Dear prof. & list,


The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

earning in 6 figure per month.

d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

3:00 am

tanjor, tamil nadu, India

long: 79E09

lat: 10N48


1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old


Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


He is having very good position financially as well as good status

in the society.


I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


Please clear the doubts.





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Guest guest

Hello dear Rakesh,


The planets are weak in this case. The impact is that of the placement of

the planets. Lord of the house of status is in the ascendant while the lord

of the ascendant is in the hosue of status.


Best wishes.







" shukla_rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


Friday, April 20, 2007 7:45 PM

not able to identify



| Dear prof. & list,


| The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

| earning in 6 figure per month.

| d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

| 3:00 am

| tanjor, tamil nadu, India

| long: 79E09

| lat: 10N48


| 1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

| venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

| weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

| Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old

| age.

| Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

| 9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


| He is having very good position financially as well as good status

| in the society.


| I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


| Please clear the doubts.


| regards


| rakesh







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Guest guest

Respected Sir,


Both the planets are very much away from MEP, so just mere placement or

interchange of planets with regards of houses causing this???. As I have read SA

is not considering the vedic concepts of exchange of houses.

Can I find some SA article/ book about these kind of similar sitiuations.






siha wrote:


Hello dear Rakesh,


The planets are weak in this case. The impact is that of the placement of

the planets. Lord of the house of status is in the ascendant while the lord

of the ascendant is in the hosue of status.


Best wishes.





" shukla_rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


Friday, April 20, 2007 7:45 PM

not able to identify


| Dear prof. & list,


| The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

| earning in 6 figure per month.

| d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

| 3:00 am

| tanjor, tamil nadu, India

| long: 79E09

| lat: 10N48


| 1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

| venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

| weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

| Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old

| age.

| Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

| 9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


| He is having very good position financially as well as good status

| in the society.


| I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


| Please clear the doubts.


| regards


| rakesh







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Guest guest

Respected Sir,


I didn' mean to heart you nor wanted to make you angry. Just like others you

are also the guiding light for me. I have full faith and respect for you as well

as SA. that's why I asked for some article or books for clarifying my confusion.

Hope you will forgive me for this silly mistakes and for future also, as I am

learner. I can assure you day by day you will find that I am improving. Please

dont take it otherwise and keep your blessings on me.


With respect & regards




siha wrote:


Hello Rakesh,


If you just concentrate on what is told, you would learn better. My message

is absolutely clear. Do not assume things. I have no time for discussing

foolish assumptions on the basis of your past readings.


Best wishes.





" shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


Saturday, April 21, 2007 10:59 AM

Re: not able to identify


| Respected Sir,


| Both the planets are very much away from MEP, so just mere placement or

interchange of planets with regards of houses causing this???. As I have

read SA is not considering the vedic concepts of exchange of houses.

| Can I find some SA article/ book about these kind of similar sitiuations.


| regds


| rakesh


| siha wrote:


| Hello dear Rakesh,


| The planets are weak in this case. The impact is that of the placement of

| the planets. Lord of the house of status is in the ascendant while the


| of the ascendant is in the hosue of status.


| Best wishes.




| -

| " shukla_rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


| Friday, April 20, 2007 7:45 PM

| not able to identify


|| Dear prof. & list,


|| The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

|| earning in 6 figure per month.

|| d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

|| 3:00 am

|| tanjor, tamil nadu, India

|| long: 79E09

|| lat: 10N48


|| 1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

|| venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

|| weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

|| Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old

|| age.

|| Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

|| 9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


|| He is having very good position financially as well as good status

|| in the society.


|| I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


|| Please clear the doubts.


|| regards


|| rakesh







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Guest guest

Hello Rakesh,


I am not hurt and angry. It is my duty to keep the students on track. Do not

let the unnecessary things take your precious time.


Remembers the following inspiritional lines by Robert Frost:


The woods are lovely dark and deep;

But I have promises to keep, But I have promises to keep.


So, when you aim is learning - learn with full attention and to the point.


In case of placement impact, it is not necessary that the planet is near the

MEP. It the planet is near MEP the impact can be more pronounced.


Best wishes.







" shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


Saturday, April 21, 2007 4:30 PM

Re: not able to identify



| Respected Sir,


| I didn' mean to heart you nor wanted to make you angry. Just like others

you are also the guiding light for me. I have full faith and respect for you

as well as SA. that's why I asked for some article or books for clarifying

my confusion.

| Hope you will forgive me for this silly mistakes and for future also, as

I am learner. I can assure you day by day you will find that I am improving.

Please dont take it otherwise and keep your blessings on me.


| With respect & regards


| Rakesh


| siha wrote:


| Hello Rakesh,


| If you just concentrate on what is told, you would learn better. My


| is absolutely clear. Do not assume things. I have no time for discussing

| foolish assumptions on the basis of your past readings.


| Best wishes.




| -

| " shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


| Saturday, April 21, 2007 10:59 AM

| Re: not able to identify


|| Respected Sir,


|| Both the planets are very much away from MEP, so just mere placement or

| interchange of planets with regards of houses causing this???. As I have

| read SA is not considering the vedic concepts of exchange of houses.

|| Can I find some SA article/ book about these kind of similar sitiuations.


|| regds


|| rakesh


|| siha wrote:


|| Hello dear Rakesh,


|| The planets are weak in this case. The impact is that of the placement of

|| the planets. Lord of the house of status is in the ascendant while the

| lord

|| of the ascendant is in the hosue of status.


|| Best wishes.




|| -

|| " shukla_rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


|| Friday, April 20, 2007 7:45 PM

|| not able to identify


||| Dear prof. & list,


||| The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

||| earning in 6 figure per month.

||| d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

||| 3:00 am

||| tanjor, tamil nadu, India

||| long: 79E09

||| lat: 10N48


||| 1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

||| venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

||| weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

||| Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old

||| age.

||| Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

||| 9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


||| He is having very good position financially as well as good status

||| in the society.


||| I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


||| Please clear the doubts.


||| regards


||| rakesh







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Guest guest

Respected Sir,


Thanks for your forgiveness and kindness. I will remember these lines and try

to follow your guidings strictly, but as human is erros so please forgive me in

advance in case if I will make any mistakes in future.


Once again a sorry and thanks from my deep heart.






siha wrote:


Hello Rakesh,


I am not hurt and angry. It is my duty to keep the students on track. Do not

let the unnecessary things take your precious time.


Remembers the following inspiritional lines by Robert Frost:


The woods are lovely dark and deep;

But I have promises to keep, But I have promises to keep.


So, when you aim is learning - learn with full attention and to the point.


In case of placement impact, it is not necessary that the planet is near the

MEP. It the planet is near MEP the impact can be more pronounced.


Best wishes.





" shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


Saturday, April 21, 2007 4:30 PM

Re: not able to identify


| Respected Sir,


| I didn' mean to heart you nor wanted to make you angry. Just like others

you are also the guiding light for me. I have full faith and respect for you

as well as SA. that's why I asked for some article or books for clarifying

my confusion.

| Hope you will forgive me for this silly mistakes and for future also, as

I am learner. I can assure you day by day you will find that I am improving.

Please dont take it otherwise and keep your blessings on me.


| With respect & regards


| Rakesh


| siha wrote:


| Hello Rakesh,


| If you just concentrate on what is told, you would learn better. My


| is absolutely clear. Do not assume things. I have no time for discussing

| foolish assumptions on the basis of your past readings.


| Best wishes.




| -

| " shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


| Saturday, April 21, 2007 10:59 AM

| Re: not able to identify


|| Respected Sir,


|| Both the planets are very much away from MEP, so just mere placement or

| interchange of planets with regards of houses causing this???. As I have

| read SA is not considering the vedic concepts of exchange of houses.

|| Can I find some SA article/ book about these kind of similar sitiuations.


|| regds


|| rakesh


|| siha wrote:


|| Hello dear Rakesh,


|| The planets are weak in this case. The impact is that of the placement of

|| the planets. Lord of the house of status is in the ascendant while the

| lord

|| of the ascendant is in the hosue of status.


|| Best wishes.




|| -

|| " shukla_rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


|| Friday, April 20, 2007 7:45 PM

|| not able to identify


||| Dear prof. & list,


||| The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

||| earning in 6 figure per month.

||| d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

||| 3:00 am

||| tanjor, tamil nadu, India

||| long: 79E09

||| lat: 10N48


||| 1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

||| venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

||| weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

||| Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old

||| age.

||| Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

||| 9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


||| He is having very good position financially as well as good status

||| in the society.


||| I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


||| Please clear the doubts.


||| regards


||| rakesh







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Guest guest

Hello Rakesh,


OK. The lines by Robert Frost are


The woods are lovely dark and deep (beautiful)

but I have promises to keep

and miles to go before I sleep

and miles to go before I sleep.


So, a student always have a long way to go and to attain success he/she

cannot afford to be attracted by things other than the object.


Best wishes.







" shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


Saturday, April 21, 2007 11:02 PM

Re: not able to identify



| Respected Sir,


| Thanks for your forgiveness and kindness. I will remember these lines and

try to follow your guidings strictly, but as human is erros so please

forgive me in advance in case if I will make any mistakes in future.


| Once again a sorry and thanks from my deep heart.


| Regards


| Rakesh


| siha wrote:


| Hello Rakesh,


| I am not hurt and angry. It is my duty to keep the students on track. Do


| let the unnecessary things take your precious time.


| Remembers the following inspiritional lines by Robert Frost:


| The woods are lovely dark and deep;

| But I have promises to keep, But I have promises to keep.


| So, when you aim is learning - learn with full attention and to the point.


| In case of placement impact, it is not necessary that the planet is near


| MEP. It the planet is near MEP the impact can be more pronounced.


| Best wishes.




| -

| " shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


| Saturday, April 21, 2007 4:30 PM

| Re: not able to identify


|| Respected Sir,


|| I didn' mean to heart you nor wanted to make you angry. Just like others

| you are also the guiding light for me. I have full faith and respect for


| as well as SA. that's why I asked for some article or books for clarifying

| my confusion.

|| Hope you will forgive me for this silly mistakes and for future also, as

| I am learner. I can assure you day by day you will find that I am


| Please dont take it otherwise and keep your blessings on me.


|| With respect & regards


|| Rakesh


|| siha wrote:


|| Hello Rakesh,


|| If you just concentrate on what is told, you would learn better. My

| message

|| is absolutely clear. Do not assume things. I have no time for discussing

|| foolish assumptions on the basis of your past readings.


|| Best wishes.




|| -

|| " shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


|| Saturday, April 21, 2007 10:59 AM

|| Re: not able to identify


||| Respected Sir,


||| Both the planets are very much away from MEP, so just mere placement or

|| interchange of planets with regards of houses causing this???. As I have

|| read SA is not considering the vedic concepts of exchange of houses.

||| Can I find some SA article/ book about these kind of similar



||| regds


||| rakesh


||| siha wrote:


||| Hello dear Rakesh,


||| The planets are weak in this case. The impact is that of the placement


||| the planets. Lord of the house of status is in the ascendant while the

|| lord

||| of the ascendant is in the hosue of status.


||| Best wishes.




||| -

||| " shukla_rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


||| Friday, April 20, 2007 7:45 PM

||| not able to identify


|||| Dear prof. & list,


|||| The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

|||| earning in 6 figure per month.

|||| d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

|||| 3:00 am

|||| tanjor, tamil nadu, India

|||| long: 79E09

|||| lat: 10N48


|||| 1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

|||| venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

|||| weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

|||| Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old

|||| age.

|||| Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

|||| 9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


|||| He is having very good position financially as well as good status

|||| in the society.


|||| I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


|||| Please clear the doubts.


|||| regards


|||| rakesh







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Guest guest

Respected Sir,


Thanks for your kind advise. I will definately remember it.






siha wrote:


Hello Rakesh,


OK. The lines by Robert Frost are


The woods are lovely dark and deep (beautiful)

but I have promises to keep

and miles to go before I sleep

and miles to go before I sleep.


So, a student always have a long way to go and to attain success he/she

cannot afford to be attracted by things other than the object.


Best wishes.





" shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


Saturday, April 21, 2007 11:02 PM

Re: not able to identify


| Respected Sir,


| Thanks for your forgiveness and kindness. I will remember these lines and

try to follow your guidings strictly, but as human is erros so please

forgive me in advance in case if I will make any mistakes in future.


| Once again a sorry and thanks from my deep heart.


| Regards


| Rakesh


| siha wrote:


| Hello Rakesh,


| I am not hurt and angry. It is my duty to keep the students on track. Do


| let the unnecessary things take your precious time.


| Remembers the following inspiritional lines by Robert Frost:


| The woods are lovely dark and deep;

| But I have promises to keep, But I have promises to keep.


| So, when you aim is learning - learn with full attention and to the point.


| In case of placement impact, it is not necessary that the planet is near


| MEP. It the planet is near MEP the impact can be more pronounced.


| Best wishes.




| -

| " shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


| Saturday, April 21, 2007 4:30 PM

| Re: not able to identify


|| Respected Sir,


|| I didn' mean to heart you nor wanted to make you angry. Just like others

| you are also the guiding light for me. I have full faith and respect for


| as well as SA. that's why I asked for some article or books for clarifying

| my confusion.

|| Hope you will forgive me for this silly mistakes and for future also, as

| I am learner. I can assure you day by day you will find that I am


| Please dont take it otherwise and keep your blessings on me.


|| With respect & regards


|| Rakesh


|| siha wrote:


|| Hello Rakesh,


|| If you just concentrate on what is told, you would learn better. My

| message

|| is absolutely clear. Do not assume things. I have no time for discussing

|| foolish assumptions on the basis of your past readings.


|| Best wishes.




|| -

|| " shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


|| Saturday, April 21, 2007 10:59 AM

|| Re: not able to identify


||| Respected Sir,


||| Both the planets are very much away from MEP, so just mere placement or

|| interchange of planets with regards of houses causing this???. As I have

|| read SA is not considering the vedic concepts of exchange of houses.

||| Can I find some SA article/ book about these kind of similar



||| regds


||| rakesh


||| siha wrote:


||| Hello dear Rakesh,


||| The planets are weak in this case. The impact is that of the placement


||| the planets. Lord of the house of status is in the ascendant while the

|| lord

||| of the ascendant is in the hosue of status.


||| Best wishes.




||| -

||| " shukla_rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


||| Friday, April 20, 2007 7:45 PM

||| not able to identify


|||| Dear prof. & list,


|||| The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

|||| earning in 6 figure per month.

|||| d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

|||| 3:00 am

|||| tanjor, tamil nadu, India

|||| long: 79E09

|||| lat: 10N48


|||| 1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

|||| venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

|||| weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

|||| Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old

|||| age.

|||| Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

|||| 9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


|||| He is having very good position financially as well as good status

|||| in the society.


|||| I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


|||| Please clear the doubts.


|||| regards


|||| rakesh







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Guest guest

Respected sir,


Beautiful quote...Which shows the purity of one.s aim..




siha wrote:


Hello Rakesh,


OK. The lines by Robert Frost are


The woods are lovely dark and deep (beautiful)

but I have promises to keep

and miles to go before I sleep

and miles to go before I sleep.


So, a student always have a long way to go and to attain success he/she

cannot afford to be attracted by things other than the object.


Best wishes.





" shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


Saturday, April 21, 2007 11:02 PM

Re: not able to identify


| Respected Sir,


| Thanks for your forgiveness and kindness. I will remember these lines and

try to follow your guidings strictly, but as human is erros so please

forgive me in advance in case if I will make any mistakes in future.


| Once again a sorry and thanks from my deep heart.


| Regards


| Rakesh


| siha wrote:


| Hello Rakesh,


| I am not hurt and angry. It is my duty to keep the students on track. Do


| let the unnecessary things take your precious time.


| Remembers the following inspiritional lines by Robert Frost:


| The woods are lovely dark and deep;

| But I have promises to keep, But I have promises to keep.


| So, when you aim is learning - learn with full attention and to the point.


| In case of placement impact, it is not necessary that the planet is near


| MEP. It the planet is near MEP the impact can be more pronounced.


| Best wishes.




| -

| " shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


| Saturday, April 21, 2007 4:30 PM

| Re: not able to identify


|| Respected Sir,


|| I didn' mean to heart you nor wanted to make you angry. Just like others

| you are also the guiding light for me. I have full faith and respect for


| as well as SA. that's why I asked for some article or books for clarifying

| my confusion.

|| Hope you will forgive me for this silly mistakes and for future also, as

| I am learner. I can assure you day by day you will find that I am


| Please dont take it otherwise and keep your blessings on me.


|| With respect & regards


|| Rakesh


|| siha wrote:


|| Hello Rakesh,


|| If you just concentrate on what is told, you would learn better. My

| message

|| is absolutely clear. Do not assume things. I have no time for discussing

|| foolish assumptions on the basis of your past readings.


|| Best wishes.




|| -

|| " shukla rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


|| Saturday, April 21, 2007 10:59 AM

|| Re: not able to identify


||| Respected Sir,


||| Both the planets are very much away from MEP, so just mere placement or

|| interchange of planets with regards of houses causing this???. As I have

|| read SA is not considering the vedic concepts of exchange of houses.

||| Can I find some SA article/ book about these kind of similar



||| regds


||| rakesh


||| siha wrote:


||| Hello dear Rakesh,


||| The planets are weak in this case. The impact is that of the placement


||| the planets. Lord of the house of status is in the ascendant while the

|| lord

||| of the ascendant is in the hosue of status.


||| Best wishes.




||| -

||| " shukla_rakesh " <shukla_rakesh


||| Friday, April 20, 2007 7:45 PM

||| not able to identify


|||| Dear prof. & list,


|||| The data of a person who is working for MNC at a very higher level

|||| earning in 6 figure per month.

|||| d.O.b.: 6/11/1956

|||| 3:00 am

|||| tanjor, tamil nadu, India

|||| long: 79E09

|||| lat: 10N48


|||| 1. How he rised so good in profession and money when profession lord

|||| venus is debiliated in ascdt. & dasmasa, ascdt lord is combust with

|||| weak dispositor, debiliated in dasmasa, jupiter is debiliated in

|||| Navamsa, with weak despositor, moon is also debiliated and in old

|||| age.

|||| Rahu is afflicting house of gain,3rd, and 7th, ketu is afflicting

|||| 9th, 1st, 3rd and 5th house.


|||| He is having very good position financially as well as good status

|||| in the society.


|||| I am missing something very important??? CMONFUSED.


|||| Please clear the doubts.


|||| regards


|||| rakesh







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