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wish to know about stocks speculation

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Dear Matt,


Is stock trading business is suitable for me.

Speculation/Lottery income and unexpected gains possible.

rajyoga as Venus & Jupiter are in 5th house and

Mars in 4th house making me aggresive. Recently I crossed

my sade sati period also.


I request your insight on my being successful in

doing stock trading.


best regards



Dob: 14 Feb 1973

Tob: 10:45 pm

Pob: Dhoraji, Gujarat, India.

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Hi Naser,


1st house represents health and Sun is general significator for

vitality. 1st house lord Mercury and Sun is in 6th house are not

good for health matters.


2nd house represents wealth, professional position, money in cash,

earning capacity, financial status, fortune, prosperity, movable



2nd house lord is Venus which is a general significator for assets,

vehicles, comforts, luxuries, income and gains, prosperity, wealth,

materialistic pursuits.


Venus is strong and placed in the 5th house which represents

speculative gain from investment, status, wealth.


8th house represents inheritance, will, insurances and easy gains

Lord of the 8th House is Mars which represents assets, immovable

properties, entrepreneurs.


Mars is strong in the 4th house which represents comforts, luxuries,

immovable properties, real estate, land, house, home, assets and



However Lord of the 4th house, Jupiter which is general significator

wealth, creative intelligence, easy gains, general fortune, higher

education, income and gains is DEBILITATED.


5th house represents speculative gain from investment and there is

no mooltrikona in this house. Mercury which also represents

speculation are badly placed in the 6th house.


You need to strenghten Jupiter, Mercury, Moon.


Hope this helps.







, " mnsaya " <mnsaya wrote:



> Dear Matt,


> Is stock trading business is suitable for me.

> Speculation/Lottery income and unexpected gains possible.

> rajyoga as Venus & Jupiter are in 5th house and

> Mars in 4th house making me aggresive. Recently I crossed

> my sade sati period also.


> I request your insight on my being successful in

> doing stock trading.


> best regards

> Nasir


> Dob: 14 Feb 1973

> Tob: 10:45 pm

> Pob: Dhoraji, Gujarat, India.


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Dear Nasir,


I have you as Virgo rising at 28:29. Please correct me if this is



I would advise against trading/speculation a profession/hobby for the

following reasons:


Your lagna lord Mercury is in the 6th house where it is combusted by

the 12th lord Sun, is afflicted by the 6th lord Saturn and its house

of placement gets the wide aspect of Ketu from the 10th of career.


Mercury's weaknesses will make you very nervous all the time and

unable to hold losing positions when they go against you. At times,

you will lose your confidence and conviction which are both required

to trade successfully (My Mercury is in the 12th, but has favorable

aspects, so I know the impact personally). The Sun's weakness too

reduces the self-confidence though Mars WILL allow you to be

aggressive and energetic.


Further, your Moon, ruling the 11th house of gains is afflicted

closely by Ketu. These suggest sudden losses on the income/career

front and loss of good fortune during the subperiods of Mercury,

Saturn, Ketu and Moon.


The lagnesh in the 6th suggests that the loss of income could stem

from excessive use of debt and/or leverage, litigation or illness.


Interestingly, in your career chart (D-10 dasamsha) Aquarius rises and

Saturn is in the 6th! So, there is yet another indication strong

indication of 6th house related issues (illness, debt and

dispute/litigation) being connected with the career.


The placement of Jupiter and Venus in your 5th house is excellent and

their overall strength are both positive factors. However, the 12th

lord of loss, the Sun, afflicts the MEP of the 5th house closely

suggesting, again, losses in speculation/trading (likely due to the

excessive use of margin/debt).


Neither Jupiter nor Venus are in close proximity to the MEP of the 5th

house nor are they in close proximity to one another. Accordingly,

this cannot be strictly referred to as a dhana " yoga " which requires

the influence of strong functional benefics in close proximity to one

another and/or house MEPs; particularly related to income/gains

(11th), assets (4th) or accumulated wealth (2nd) by lordship and/or

placement. Nevertheless the placement and relative strength of both

planets are good and helpful.


I am admittedly perplexed with how to read the combination of Saturn's

affliction to the lagnesh yet Saturn is well-placed and strong in the

9th of good fortune suggesting that you would win litigation cases,

your health would be protected and that benefits would come issues

related to debts/disputes and that you would be victorious over your

enemies. We will need Shri Choudhry to sort this out; it's beyond my



Mars' strength in the 4th, as the 8th lord, does suggest easy gains

related to property matters; as it is the karaka for property and in

the 4th house of property. The karaka for the 4th house, the Moon, is

in the 10th of career.


So we have a lot of 6th and 4th house related factors to combine to

make a career suggestion; how about being a litigator/attorney for

real estate transactions? Though I would advice against real estate

investing or other ventures requiring borrowed capital.


Or how do you feel about the healthcare field which combines the

nurturing 4th house with the 6th of illnesses?


I would suggest propitiation for the functional malefics Rahu, Ketu,

Saturn, the Sun and Mars; the Most Malefic Planet. Strengthening for

Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon.


I hope this helps,




, " mnsaya " <mnsaya wrote:



> Dear Matt,


> Is stock trading business is suitable for me.

> Speculation/Lottery income and unexpected gains possible.

> rajyoga as Venus & Jupiter are in 5th house and

> Mars in 4th house making me aggresive. Recently I crossed

> my sade sati period also.


> I request your insight on my being successful in

> doing stock trading.


> best regards

> Nasir


> Dob: 14 Feb 1973

> Tob: 10:45 pm

> Pob: Dhoraji, Gujarat, India.


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Dear Matt,


With the strong LO2 Ve in H5, I would say it's ok for this native if he did

the remedies AND adopted a very conservative strategy using strictly risk

capital. You are right about debts/over-leveraging - he shouldn't ever and

always use a stop losss. If seriously considering it, then speculative areas

that are Venus ruled should give good success. One year of demo trading is

standard fare as well - most jump in too quickly, driven by sheer greed.


One step further: anyone participating in speculative investments should

consider giving least 10% of profits to worthwhile charities.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Matt " <hunt4genestocks


Friday, August 10, 2007 3:13 PM

Re: wish to know about stocks speculation



Dear Nasir,


I have you as Virgo rising at 28:29. Please correct me if this is



I would advise against trading/speculation a profession/hobby for the

following reasons:


Your lagna lord Mercury is in the 6th house where it is combusted by

the 12th lord Sun, is afflicted by the 6th lord Saturn and its house

of placement gets the wide aspect of Ketu from the 10th of career.


Mercury's weaknesses will make you very nervous all the time and

unable to hold losing positions when they go against you. At times,

you will lose your confidence and conviction which are both required

to trade successfully (My Mercury is in the 12th, but has favorable

aspects, so I know the impact personally). The Sun's weakness too

reduces the self-confidence though Mars WILL allow you to be

aggressive and energetic.


Further, your Moon, ruling the 11th house of gains is afflicted

closely by Ketu. These suggest sudden losses on the income/career

front and loss of good fortune during the subperiods of Mercury,

Saturn, Ketu and Moon.


The lagnesh in the 6th suggests that the loss of income could stem

from excessive use of debt and/or leverage, litigation or illness.


Interestingly, in your career chart (D-10 dasamsha) Aquarius rises and

Saturn is in the 6th! So, there is yet another indication strong

indication of 6th house related issues (illness, debt and

dispute/litigation) being connected with the career.


The placement of Jupiter and Venus in your 5th house is excellent and

their overall strength are both positive factors. However, the 12th

lord of loss, the Sun, afflicts the MEP of the 5th house closely

suggesting, again, losses in speculation/trading (likely due to the

excessive use of margin/debt).


Neither Jupiter nor Venus are in close proximity to the MEP of the 5th

house nor are they in close proximity to one another. Accordingly,

this cannot be strictly referred to as a dhana " yoga " which requires

the influence of strong functional benefics in close proximity to one

another and/or house MEPs; particularly related to income/gains

(11th), assets (4th) or accumulated wealth (2nd) by lordship and/or

placement. Nevertheless the placement and relative strength of both

planets are good and helpful.


I am admittedly perplexed with how to read the combination of Saturn's

affliction to the lagnesh yet Saturn is well-placed and strong in the

9th of good fortune suggesting that you would win litigation cases,

your health would be protected and that benefits would come issues

related to debts/disputes and that you would be victorious over your

enemies. We will need Shri Choudhry to sort this out; it's beyond my



Mars' strength in the 4th, as the 8th lord, does suggest easy gains

related to property matters; as it is the karaka for property and in

the 4th house of property. The karaka for the 4th house, the Moon, is

in the 10th of career.


So we have a lot of 6th and 4th house related factors to combine to

make a career suggestion; how about being a litigator/attorney for

real estate transactions? Though I would advice against real estate

investing or other ventures requiring borrowed capital.


Or how do you feel about the healthcare field which combines the

nurturing 4th house with the 6th of illnesses?


I would suggest propitiation for the functional malefics Rahu, Ketu,

Saturn, the Sun and Mars; the Most Malefic Planet. Strengthening for

Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon.


I hope this helps,




, " mnsaya " <mnsaya wrote:



> Dear Matt,


> Is stock trading business is suitable for me.

> Speculation/Lottery income and unexpected gains possible.

> rajyoga as Venus & Jupiter are in 5th house and

> Mars in 4th house making me aggresive. Recently I crossed

> my sade sati period also.


> I request your insight on my being successful in

> doing stock trading.


> best regards

> Nasir


> Dob: 14 Feb 1973

> Tob: 10:45 pm

> Pob: Dhoraji, Gujarat, India.


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Dear Vyas & Shri Choudhry,


You raise some very salient points. With propitiations and

strengthening you are perhaps correct. However, I am still curious as

the impact without the charities and strengthening.


Perhaps Shri Choudhry can speak to whether SA distinguishes between

" speculation/gambling " /5th house and " long-term investments " because

that would certainly support the idea that a more conservative,

non-leveraged, investment strategy could be appropriate given the

strong Venus and Mars.


With respect to your point about the 2nd lord Venus in the 5th giving

success in investing, I am still uncertain. If my understanding is

correct, when the Venus and Jupiter subperiods run, the affliction to

the 5th house MEP by the 12th lord Sun becomes " activated " and

signifies losses. Right?


Admittedly, I am unclear on the above point. For mooltrikona houses,

the MEP affliction has to be EXACT if the lord is strong. When a

non-mooltrikona sign MEP is afflicted there is no lord to protect it

and the affliction orb goes to 5* +/-. In this case, the Sun

affliction to the 5th MEP is <5 degrees.


On page 60 of " Self Learning Course " under " Interaction Between the

Subperiod Lord and Transit Results " it indicates (paraphrasing) that

during the subperiod of a planet the general significations,

mooltrikona house significations, natal placement significations and

transit placement significations are touched.


This seems to imply that the affliction to the 5th house MEP by the

12th lord Sun, signifying losses, connects losses with 1) the general

significations of Venus 2)the 2nd house significations; including

wealth and 3)its natal placement in the 5th - ruling speculations

(transit positions are considered too but we'll ignore that).


I'm more than happy admit intellectual defeat on this one and ask if

you or other senior list members and Shri Choudhry to shed some light

on how the subperiod lord's significations are impacted when its natal

placement in a non-mooltrikona MEP is afflicted. I keep stumbling

over this point.


Warm regards,




, " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Dear Matt,


> With the strong LO2 Ve in H5, I would say it's ok for this native if

he did

> the remedies AND adopted a very conservative strategy using strictly


> capital. You are right about debts/over-leveraging - he shouldn't

ever and

> always use a stop losss. If seriously considering it, then

speculative areas

> that are Venus ruled should give good success. One year of demo

trading is

> standard fare as well - most jump in too quickly, driven by sheer greed.


> One step further: anyone participating in speculative investments


> consider giving least 10% of profits to worthwhile charities.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> " Matt " <hunt4genestocks


> Friday, August 10, 2007 3:13 PM

> Re: wish to know about stocks speculation



> Dear Nasir,


> I have you as Virgo rising at 28:29. Please correct me if this is

> wrong.


> I would advise against trading/speculation a profession/hobby for the

> following reasons:


> Your lagna lord Mercury is in the 6th house where it is combusted by

> the 12th lord Sun, is afflicted by the 6th lord Saturn and its house

> of placement gets the wide aspect of Ketu from the 10th of career.


> Mercury's weaknesses will make you very nervous all the time and

> unable to hold losing positions when they go against you. At times,

> you will lose your confidence and conviction which are both required

> to trade successfully (My Mercury is in the 12th, but has favorable

> aspects, so I know the impact personally). The Sun's weakness too

> reduces the self-confidence though Mars WILL allow you to be

> aggressive and energetic.


> Further, your Moon, ruling the 11th house of gains is afflicted

> closely by Ketu. These suggest sudden losses on the income/career

> front and loss of good fortune during the subperiods of Mercury,

> Saturn, Ketu and Moon.


> The lagnesh in the 6th suggests that the loss of income could stem

> from excessive use of debt and/or leverage, litigation or illness.


> Interestingly, in your career chart (D-10 dasamsha) Aquarius rises and

> Saturn is in the 6th! So, there is yet another indication strong

> indication of 6th house related issues (illness, debt and

> dispute/litigation) being connected with the career.


> The placement of Jupiter and Venus in your 5th house is excellent and

> their overall strength are both positive factors. However, the 12th

> lord of loss, the Sun, afflicts the MEP of the 5th house closely

> suggesting, again, losses in speculation/trading (likely due to the

> excessive use of margin/debt).


> Neither Jupiter nor Venus are in close proximity to the MEP of the 5th

> house nor are they in close proximity to one another. Accordingly,

> this cannot be strictly referred to as a dhana " yoga " which requires

> the influence of strong functional benefics in close proximity to one

> another and/or house MEPs; particularly related to income/gains

> (11th), assets (4th) or accumulated wealth (2nd) by lordship and/or

> placement. Nevertheless the placement and relative strength of both

> planets are good and helpful.


> I am admittedly perplexed with how to read the combination of Saturn's

> affliction to the lagnesh yet Saturn is well-placed and strong in the

> 9th of good fortune suggesting that you would win litigation cases,

> your health would be protected and that benefits would come issues

> related to debts/disputes and that you would be victorious over your

> enemies. We will need Shri Choudhry to sort this out; it's beyond my

> abilities.


> Mars' strength in the 4th, as the 8th lord, does suggest easy gains

> related to property matters; as it is the karaka for property and in

> the 4th house of property. The karaka for the 4th house, the Moon, is

> in the 10th of career.


> So we have a lot of 6th and 4th house related factors to combine to

> make a career suggestion; how about being a litigator/attorney for

> real estate transactions? Though I would advice against real estate

> investing or other ventures requiring borrowed capital.


> Or how do you feel about the healthcare field which combines the

> nurturing 4th house with the 6th of illnesses?


> I would suggest propitiation for the functional malefics Rahu, Ketu,

> Saturn, the Sun and Mars; the Most Malefic Planet. Strengthening for

> Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon.


> I hope this helps,


> Matt


> , " mnsaya " <mnsaya@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Matt,

> >

> > Is stock trading business is suitable for me.

> > Speculation/Lottery income and unexpected gains possible.

> > rajyoga as Venus & Jupiter are in 5th house and

> > Mars in 4th house making me aggresive. Recently I crossed

> > my sade sati period also.

> >

> > I request your insight on my being successful in

> > doing stock trading.

> >

> > best regards

> > Nasir

> >

> > Dob: 14 Feb 1973

> > Tob: 10:45 pm

> > Pob: Dhoraji, Gujarat, India.

> >


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Dear Matt,


The degree of trouble is proportional to the degree of affliction. In this

case, it's not exact.


With the application of astral remedies and the advice given, things should

go on ok. Without such remedies, success in this area is still possible, but

to a lesser extent and with more scrapes along the way.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Matt " <hunt4genestocks


Friday, August 10, 2007 9:21 PM

Re: wish to know about stocks speculation



Dear Vyas & Shri Choudhry,


You raise some very salient points. With propitiations and

strengthening you are perhaps correct. However, I am still curious as

the impact without the charities and strengthening.


Perhaps Shri Choudhry can speak to whether SA distinguishes between

" speculation/gambling " /5th house and " long-term investments " because

that would certainly support the idea that a more conservative,

non-leveraged, investment strategy could be appropriate given the

strong Venus and Mars.


With respect to your point about the 2nd lord Venus in the 5th giving

success in investing, I am still uncertain. If my understanding is

correct, when the Venus and Jupiter subperiods run, the affliction to

the 5th house MEP by the 12th lord Sun becomes " activated " and

signifies losses. Right?


Admittedly, I am unclear on the above point. For mooltrikona houses,

the MEP affliction has to be EXACT if the lord is strong. When a

non-mooltrikona sign MEP is afflicted there is no lord to protect it

and the affliction orb goes to 5* +/-. In this case, the Sun

affliction to the 5th MEP is <5 degrees.


On page 60 of " Self Learning Course " under " Interaction Between the

Subperiod Lord and Transit Results " it indicates (paraphrasing) that

during the subperiod of a planet the general significations,

mooltrikona house significations, natal placement significations and

transit placement significations are touched.


This seems to imply that the affliction to the 5th house MEP by the

12th lord Sun, signifying losses, connects losses with 1) the general

significations of Venus 2)the 2nd house significations; including

wealth and 3)its natal placement in the 5th - ruling speculations

(transit positions are considered too but we'll ignore that).


I'm more than happy admit intellectual defeat on this one and ask if

you or other senior list members and Shri Choudhry to shed some light

on how the subperiod lord's significations are impacted when its natal

placement in a non-mooltrikona MEP is afflicted. I keep stumbling

over this point.


Warm regards,




, " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Dear Matt,


> With the strong LO2 Ve in H5, I would say it's ok for this native if

he did

> the remedies AND adopted a very conservative strategy using strictly


> capital. You are right about debts/over-leveraging - he shouldn't

ever and

> always use a stop losss. If seriously considering it, then

speculative areas

> that are Venus ruled should give good success. One year of demo

trading is

> standard fare as well - most jump in too quickly, driven by sheer greed.


> One step further: anyone participating in speculative investments


> consider giving least 10% of profits to worthwhile charities.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> " Matt " <hunt4genestocks


> Friday, August 10, 2007 3:13 PM

> Re: wish to know about stocks speculation



> Dear Nasir,


> I have you as Virgo rising at 28:29. Please correct me if this is

> wrong.


> I would advise against trading/speculation a profession/hobby for the

> following reasons:


> Your lagna lord Mercury is in the 6th house where it is combusted by

> the 12th lord Sun, is afflicted by the 6th lord Saturn and its house

> of placement gets the wide aspect of Ketu from the 10th of career.


> Mercury's weaknesses will make you very nervous all the time and

> unable to hold losing positions when they go against you. At times,

> you will lose your confidence and conviction which are both required

> to trade successfully (My Mercury is in the 12th, but has favorable

> aspects, so I know the impact personally). The Sun's weakness too

> reduces the self-confidence though Mars WILL allow you to be

> aggressive and energetic.


> Further, your Moon, ruling the 11th house of gains is afflicted

> closely by Ketu. These suggest sudden losses on the income/career

> front and loss of good fortune during the subperiods of Mercury,

> Saturn, Ketu and Moon.


> The lagnesh in the 6th suggests that the loss of income could stem

> from excessive use of debt and/or leverage, litigation or illness.


> Interestingly, in your career chart (D-10 dasamsha) Aquarius rises and

> Saturn is in the 6th! So, there is yet another indication strong

> indication of 6th house related issues (illness, debt and

> dispute/litigation) being connected with the career.


> The placement of Jupiter and Venus in your 5th house is excellent and

> their overall strength are both positive factors. However, the 12th

> lord of loss, the Sun, afflicts the MEP of the 5th house closely

> suggesting, again, losses in speculation/trading (likely due to the

> excessive use of margin/debt).


> Neither Jupiter nor Venus are in close proximity to the MEP of the 5th

> house nor are they in close proximity to one another. Accordingly,

> this cannot be strictly referred to as a dhana " yoga " which requires

> the influence of strong functional benefics in close proximity to one

> another and/or house MEPs; particularly related to income/gains

> (11th), assets (4th) or accumulated wealth (2nd) by lordship and/or

> placement. Nevertheless the placement and relative strength of both

> planets are good and helpful.


> I am admittedly perplexed with how to read the combination of Saturn's

> affliction to the lagnesh yet Saturn is well-placed and strong in the

> 9th of good fortune suggesting that you would win litigation cases,

> your health would be protected and that benefits would come issues

> related to debts/disputes and that you would be victorious over your

> enemies. We will need Shri Choudhry to sort this out; it's beyond my

> abilities.


> Mars' strength in the 4th, as the 8th lord, does suggest easy gains

> related to property matters; as it is the karaka for property and in

> the 4th house of property. The karaka for the 4th house, the Moon, is

> in the 10th of career.


> So we have a lot of 6th and 4th house related factors to combine to

> make a career suggestion; how about being a litigator/attorney for

> real estate transactions? Though I would advice against real estate

> investing or other ventures requiring borrowed capital.


> Or how do you feel about the healthcare field which combines the

> nurturing 4th house with the 6th of illnesses?


> I would suggest propitiation for the functional malefics Rahu, Ketu,

> Saturn, the Sun and Mars; the Most Malefic Planet. Strengthening for

> Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon.


> I hope this helps,


> Matt


> , " mnsaya " <mnsaya@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Matt,

> >

> > Is stock trading business is suitable for me.

> > Speculation/Lottery income and unexpected gains possible.

> > rajyoga as Venus & Jupiter are in 5th house and

> > Mars in 4th house making me aggresive. Recently I crossed

> > my sade sati period also.

> >

> > I request your insight on my being successful in

> > doing stock trading.

> >

> > best regards

> > Nasir

> >

> > Dob: 14 Feb 1973

> > Tob: 10:45 pm

> > Pob: Dhoraji, Gujarat, India.

> >


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Hello dear Mr. Matt,


The trouble cases which are presented on this list or elsewhere in

astrological forums clearly show the weakness of planets and strong

afflictions. So that is the scenario where no astral remedies were being

followed. The problems are of two types (i) where the delay is taking placed

in certain aspect of life; and (ii) where some sudden problem has cropped

up. So strengthening and propitiatory remedies are recommended for both

cases. Preventive remedies are always best.


For rest of your questions, I add my replies/comments to your questions in

your message appended below.


Best wishes.





" Matt " <hunt4genestocks


Saturday, August 11, 2007 6:51 AM

Re: wish to know about stocks speculation



Dear Vyas & Shri Choudhry,


You raise some very salient points. With propitiations and

strengthening you are perhaps correct. However, I am still curious as

the impact without the charities and strengthening.


Perhaps Shri Choudhry can speak to whether SA distinguishes between

" speculation/gambling " /5th house and " long-term investments " because

that would certainly support the idea that a more conservative,

non-leveraged, investment strategy could be appropriate given the

strong Venus and Mars.







With respect to your point about the 2nd lord Venus in the 5th giving

success in investing, I am still uncertain. If my understanding is

correct, when the Venus and Jupiter subperiods run, the affliction to

the 5th house MEP by the 12th lord Sun becomes " activated " and

signifies losses. Right?






Admittedly, I am unclear on the above point. For mooltrikona houses,

the MEP affliction has to be EXACT if the lord is strong. When a

non-mooltrikona sign MEP is afflicted there is no lord to protect it

and the affliction orb goes to 5* +/-. In this case, the Sun

affliction to the 5th MEP is <5 degrees.


On page 60 of " Self Learning Course " under " Interaction Between the

Subperiod Lord and Transit Results " it indicates (paraphrasing) that

during the subperiod of a planet the general significations,

mooltrikona house significations, natal placement significations and

transit placement significations are touched.


This seems to imply that the affliction to the 5th house MEP by the

12th lord Sun, signifying losses, connects losses with 1) the general

significations of Venus 2)the 2nd house significations; including

wealth and 3)its natal placement in the 5th - ruling speculations

(transit positions are considered too but we'll ignore that).




I'm more than happy admit intellectual defeat on this one and ask if

you or other senior list members and Shri Choudhry to shed some light

on how the subperiod lord's significations are impacted when its natal

placement in a non-mooltrikona MEP is afflicted. I keep stumbling

over this point.




Warm regards,




, " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Dear Matt,


> With the strong LO2 Ve in H5, I would say it's ok for this native if

he did

> the remedies AND adopted a very conservative strategy using strictly


> capital. You are right about debts/over-leveraging - he shouldn't

ever and

> always use a stop losss. If seriously considering it, then

speculative areas

> that are Venus ruled should give good success. One year of demo

trading is

> standard fare as well - most jump in too quickly, driven by sheer greed.


> One step further: anyone participating in speculative investments


> consider giving least 10% of profits to worthwhile charities.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> " Matt " <hunt4genestocks


> Friday, August 10, 2007 3:13 PM

> Re: wish to know about stocks speculation



> Dear Nasir,


> I have you as Virgo rising at 28:29. Please correct me if this is

> wrong.


> I would advise against trading/speculation a profession/hobby for the

> following reasons:


> Your lagna lord Mercury is in the 6th house where it is combusted by

> the 12th lord Sun, is afflicted by the 6th lord Saturn and its house

> of placement gets the wide aspect of Ketu from the 10th of career.


> Mercury's weaknesses will make you very nervous all the time and

> unable to hold losing positions when they go against you. At times,

> you will lose your confidence and conviction which are both required

> to trade successfully (My Mercury is in the 12th, but has favorable

> aspects, so I know the impact personally). The Sun's weakness too

> reduces the self-confidence though Mars WILL allow you to be

> aggressive and energetic.


> Further, your Moon, ruling the 11th house of gains is afflicted

> closely by Ketu. These suggest sudden losses on the income/career

> front and loss of good fortune during the subperiods of Mercury,

> Saturn, Ketu and Moon.


> The lagnesh in the 6th suggests that the loss of income could stem

> from excessive use of debt and/or leverage, litigation or illness.


> Interestingly, in your career chart (D-10 dasamsha) Aquarius rises and

> Saturn is in the 6th! So, there is yet another indication strong

> indication of 6th house related issues (illness, debt and

> dispute/litigation) being connected with the career.


> The placement of Jupiter and Venus in your 5th house is excellent and

> their overall strength are both positive factors. However, the 12th

> lord of loss, the Sun, afflicts the MEP of the 5th house closely

> suggesting, again, losses in speculation/trading (likely due to the

> excessive use of margin/debt).


> Neither Jupiter nor Venus are in close proximity to the MEP of the 5th

> house nor are they in close proximity to one another. Accordingly,

> this cannot be strictly referred to as a dhana " yoga " which requires

> the influence of strong functional benefics in close proximity to one

> another and/or house MEPs; particularly related to income/gains

> (11th), assets (4th) or accumulated wealth (2nd) by lordship and/or

> placement. Nevertheless the placement and relative strength of both

> planets are good and helpful.


> I am admittedly perplexed with how to read the combination of Saturn's

> affliction to the lagnesh yet Saturn is well-placed and strong in the

> 9th of good fortune suggesting that you would win litigation cases,

> your health would be protected and that benefits would come issues

> related to debts/disputes and that you would be victorious over your

> enemies. We will need Shri Choudhry to sort this out; it's beyond my

> abilities.


> Mars' strength in the 4th, as the 8th lord, does suggest easy gains

> related to property matters; as it is the karaka for property and in

> the 4th house of property. The karaka for the 4th house, the Moon, is

> in the 10th of career.


> So we have a lot of 6th and 4th house related factors to combine to

> make a career suggestion; how about being a litigator/attorney for

> real estate transactions? Though I would advice against real estate

> investing or other ventures requiring borrowed capital.


> Or how do you feel about the healthcare field which combines the

> nurturing 4th house with the 6th of illnesses?


> I would suggest propitiation for the functional malefics Rahu, Ketu,

> Saturn, the Sun and Mars; the Most Malefic Planet. Strengthening for

> Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon.


> I hope this helps,


> Matt


> , " mnsaya " <mnsaya@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Matt,

> >

> > Is stock trading business is suitable for me.

> > Speculation/Lottery income and unexpected gains possible.

> > rajyoga as Venus & Jupiter are in 5th house and

> > Mars in 4th house making me aggresive. Recently I crossed

> > my sade sati period also.

> >

> > I request your insight on my being successful in

> > doing stock trading.

> >

> > best regards

> > Nasir

> >

> > Dob: 14 Feb 1973

> > Tob: 10:45 pm

> > Pob: Dhoraji, Gujarat, India.

> >








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Dearest Shri Choudhry,


Yes, sir. Thank you very much for the clarifications.


I appreciate your patience.







, <siha wrote:



> Hello dear Mr. Matt,


> The trouble cases which are presented on this list or elsewhere in

> astrological forums clearly show the weakness of planets and strong

> afflictions. So that is the scenario where no astral remedies were


> followed. The problems are of two types (i) where the delay is

taking placed

> in certain aspect of life; and (ii) where some sudden problem has


> up. So strengthening and propitiatory remedies are recommended for


> cases. Preventive remedies are always best.


> For rest of your questions, I add my replies/comments to your

questions in

> your message appended below.


> Best wishes.




> -

> " Matt " <hunt4genestocks


> Saturday, August 11, 2007 6:51 AM

> Re: wish to know about stocks speculation



> Dear Vyas & Shri Choudhry,


> You raise some very salient points. With propitiations and

> strengthening you are perhaps correct. However, I am still curious as

> the impact without the charities and strengthening.


> Perhaps Shri Choudhry can speak to whether SA distinguishes between

> " speculation/gambling " /5th house and " long-term investments " because

> that would certainly support the idea that a more conservative,

> non-leveraged, investment strategy could be appropriate given the

> strong Venus and Mars.









> With respect to your point about the 2nd lord Venus in the 5th giving

> success in investing, I am still uncertain. If my understanding is

> correct, when the Venus and Jupiter subperiods run, the affliction to

> the 5th house MEP by the 12th lord Sun becomes " activated " and

> signifies losses. Right?







> Admittedly, I am unclear on the above point. For mooltrikona houses,

> the MEP affliction has to be EXACT if the lord is strong. When a

> non-mooltrikona sign MEP is afflicted there is no lord to protect it

> and the affliction orb goes to 5* +/-. In this case, the Sun

> affliction to the 5th MEP is <5 degrees.


> On page 60 of " Self Learning Course " under " Interaction Between the

> Subperiod Lord and Transit Results " it indicates (paraphrasing) that

> during the subperiod of a planet the general significations,

> mooltrikona house significations, natal placement significations and

> transit placement significations are touched.


> This seems to imply that the affliction to the 5th house MEP by the

> 12th lord Sun, signifying losses, connects losses with 1) the general

> significations of Venus 2)the 2nd house significations; including

> wealth and 3)its natal placement in the 5th - ruling speculations

> (transit positions are considered too but we'll ignore that).




> I'm more than happy admit intellectual defeat on this one and ask if

> you or other senior list members and Shri Choudhry to shed some light

> on how the subperiod lord's significations are impacted when its natal

> placement in a non-mooltrikona MEP is afflicted. I keep stumbling

> over this point.




> Warm regards,


> Matt


> , " Vyas Munidas " <munidas@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Matt,

> >

> > With the strong LO2 Ve in H5, I would say it's ok for this native if

> he did

> > the remedies AND adopted a very conservative strategy using strictly

> risk

> > capital. You are right about debts/over-leveraging - he shouldn't

> ever and

> > always use a stop losss. If seriously considering it, then

> speculative areas

> > that are Venus ruled should give good success. One year of demo

> trading is

> > standard fare as well - most jump in too quickly, driven by sheer


> >

> > One step further: anyone participating in speculative investments

> should

> > consider giving least 10% of profits to worthwhile charities.

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Vyas Munidas

> >

> >

> > -

> > " Matt " <hunt4genestocks@>

> >

> > Friday, August 10, 2007 3:13 PM

> > Re: wish to know about stocks speculation

> >

> >

> > Dear Nasir,

> >

> > I have you as Virgo rising at 28:29. Please correct me if this is

> > wrong.

> >

> > I would advise against trading/speculation a profession/hobby for the

> > following reasons:

> >

> > Your lagna lord Mercury is in the 6th house where it is combusted by

> > the 12th lord Sun, is afflicted by the 6th lord Saturn and its house

> > of placement gets the wide aspect of Ketu from the 10th of career.

> >

> > Mercury's weaknesses will make you very nervous all the time and

> > unable to hold losing positions when they go against you. At times,

> > you will lose your confidence and conviction which are both required

> > to trade successfully (My Mercury is in the 12th, but has favorable

> > aspects, so I know the impact personally). The Sun's weakness too

> > reduces the self-confidence though Mars WILL allow you to be

> > aggressive and energetic.

> >

> > Further, your Moon, ruling the 11th house of gains is afflicted

> > closely by Ketu. These suggest sudden losses on the income/career

> > front and loss of good fortune during the subperiods of Mercury,

> > Saturn, Ketu and Moon.

> >

> > The lagnesh in the 6th suggests that the loss of income could stem

> > from excessive use of debt and/or leverage, litigation or illness.

> >

> > Interestingly, in your career chart (D-10 dasamsha) Aquarius rises and

> > Saturn is in the 6th! So, there is yet another indication strong

> > indication of 6th house related issues (illness, debt and

> > dispute/litigation) being connected with the career.

> >

> > The placement of Jupiter and Venus in your 5th house is excellent and

> > their overall strength are both positive factors. However, the 12th

> > lord of loss, the Sun, afflicts the MEP of the 5th house closely

> > suggesting, again, losses in speculation/trading (likely due to the

> > excessive use of margin/debt).

> >

> > Neither Jupiter nor Venus are in close proximity to the MEP of the 5th

> > house nor are they in close proximity to one another. Accordingly,

> > this cannot be strictly referred to as a dhana " yoga " which requires

> > the influence of strong functional benefics in close proximity to one

> > another and/or house MEPs; particularly related to income/gains

> > (11th), assets (4th) or accumulated wealth (2nd) by lordship and/or

> > placement. Nevertheless the placement and relative strength of both

> > planets are good and helpful.

> >

> > I am admittedly perplexed with how to read the combination of Saturn's

> > affliction to the lagnesh yet Saturn is well-placed and strong in the

> > 9th of good fortune suggesting that you would win litigation cases,

> > your health would be protected and that benefits would come issues

> > related to debts/disputes and that you would be victorious over your

> > enemies. We will need Shri Choudhry to sort this out; it's beyond my

> > abilities.

> >

> > Mars' strength in the 4th, as the 8th lord, does suggest easy gains

> > related to property matters; as it is the karaka for property and in

> > the 4th house of property. The karaka for the 4th house, the Moon, is

> > in the 10th of career.

> >

> > So we have a lot of 6th and 4th house related factors to combine to

> > make a career suggestion; how about being a litigator/attorney for

> > real estate transactions? Though I would advice against real estate

> > investing or other ventures requiring borrowed capital.

> >

> > Or how do you feel about the healthcare field which combines the

> > nurturing 4th house with the 6th of illnesses?

> >

> > I would suggest propitiation for the functional malefics Rahu, Ketu,

> > Saturn, the Sun and Mars; the Most Malefic Planet. Strengthening for

> > Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon.

> >

> > I hope this helps,

> >

> > Matt

> >

> > , " mnsaya " <mnsaya@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Matt,

> > >

> > > Is stock trading business is suitable for me.

> > > Speculation/Lottery income and unexpected gains possible.

> > > rajyoga as Venus & Jupiter are in 5th house and

> > > Mars in 4th house making me aggresive. Recently I crossed

> > > my sade sati period also.

> > >

> > > I request your insight on my being successful in

> > > doing stock trading.

> > >

> > > best regards

> > > Nasir

> > >

> > > Dob: 14 Feb 1973

> > > Tob: 10:45 pm

> > > Pob: Dhoraji, Gujarat, India.

> > >


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