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Thanks: Conference Proceedings - Part I.

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Dear Mr.David Hawthorne,


Namasthe.I thought, all that the Professor said at the Conf, must go to the

fraternity of the SA astrologers, for our general benefit, as each sutra was so

startling! I knew that very active SA astrologers like you will love this

knowledge so much.Thank you also for the kind words.More is coming, in the next

two Parts, which I am now preparing.

best regards,




" Ashirvad " , 2/507, III Cross street,

Sunrise Avenue, Neelangarai, Chennai - 600041.

Ph#s: 91 44 24491233; Mob:9884010548


email: sankara

website: www.hinduworldastrology.net



David Hawthorne

Friday, February 29, 2008 5:14 AM

RE: Conference Proceedings - Part I.



Dear Dr. Bhagavadpada...


Thank you so very much for taking the time to post this wonderful



It is a great joy to have access to this and to benefit from this knowledge.


I am sure many others also appreciate your efforts, along with the general

information given by .


It is very interesting to note that he has suggested that Senator Hillary


David Hawthorne


On Behalf

Of siha

Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:21 AM


Conference Proceedings - Part I.



GURGAON, INDIA, 2008: By: Dr. Sankara Bhagavadpada.


's Inaugural Address at the International Conference of

SA Astrologers, 2008; Gurgaon, India.


After Mr. Kumar Jhuraney, made the aims of the Intl Conf clear in a very

short address and the delegates introduced themselves one by one; the

Conference started off in right earnest, with 's

inaugural address, beginning with his invocation of Lord Ganesha's grace. He

touched on a wide range of themes and sutras, in his inimitable informal

manner, and the contents of his talk is being summarized here[verbatim, as

far as I have been able to achieve this] for the benefit of the SA

astrologers, who could not make it to this Intl Conf. Delegates enjoyed the

freedom to interrupt him as he was continuing with his address. Thus, his

address was punctuated with frequent questions from delegates and his

answers to such questions. It had that typical flavor and atmosphere of a

Satsang with an erudite and great Master, which is actually so much a part

of the Hindu ethos.


He started out by emphasizing that, this SA conference has not been formally

organized with a pre-determined agenda [as most VA conferences are], but

that rather, the Conf evolved mainly through discussions and question-answer

dialogues. In so far as the scheduled presentations were concerned, he

mentioned the two scheduled presentations, one by Dr. Bhagavadpada[myself]

and another by Dr. Jonathan Miller, meaning that the rest of the sessions

would take the form of open discussions and question-answer dialogues, in

which participants would have the liberty to bring up any charts and seek

clarifications for their questions.


1.The Importance of the Comprehensive Picture:


He laid stress on the importance of comprehensively taking into account,

all aspects of astrological analysis; such as Houses, Signs, Planetary

relationships through conjunctions and aspects, planetary strengths, and

placements, Transit influences, as well as the running dasas and bhuktis,

before any inference can be drawn. In some cases, he said, during the

sub-periods of strong planets, the good results expected, may be belied, in

spite of the sub-period lord being strong. This may happen, he said, even

when there is no affliction as such to the MEP of the MT House of the

sub-period lord.


2.Sutra on the Affliction in the MTH of a Dispositor:


He took up a specific example, to illustrate what he had in mind. He asked

us to consider the case of an Aries Ascendant, in which, let us say Jupiter

was placed in the IH, at say 8º, when, say the MEP is at, say some 15º.

Moreover if Rahu is placed at, say 7º in Sagittarius, it will necessarily

afflict the natal Jupiter exactly. Alternatively he also asked us to think

of the FM Me being at 8º in Libra aspecting, from that position, natal

Jupiter exactly. If further, say Mars is strong, during the sub-period of

Mars, results may not be good, because of the affliction Jupiter suffers in

the MT House of the sub-period lord, Mars.


When a delegate Mr. Roop Saran asked , what the effect would

be, if the Ascendant lord was placed at say 7º in the XH[from which

position, it would exactly bless, the natal Jupiter?


In such a case, the Prof said, there will come into play, a relieving

factor, but in any case, during the sub-period of a dispositor, which has an

affliction in its MT House; in spite of the strength of the sub-period lord,

results may not be good-as the affliction will also ripen during the

sub-period, and thus make it unpleasant.[sA sutra-1].


In reply to another question [from Ms. Sunita Singhal], as to what would

happen if Jupiter suffered only a Transit affliction, Prof Choudhry replied

that, in that instance, the whole thing would only be a Transit affliction

and would wane, as soon as the separating orb of affliction, exceeded 1º.

He also said that, if the afflicted planet is at least 60% strong, the

recovery from the affliction [whether Transit or natal] is always faster.

And that in the instance of the afflicted planet being fully strong in the

natal chart, the recovery from the affliction would be fast.[sA Sutra-2, but

known to us]


3.Sutra on the Astounding Power of a Strong Sun:


Then the Professor turned his attention to the role of the Sun in any chart

and expounded some new simple sutras, regarding the Transit patterns of the

Sun. The first and the most astounding of these Sutras on the power of the

Sun, is the following:


" If the Sun is strong in any natal chart, then, in so far as the

professional matters are concerned, the individual in question has good

chances of securing a job speedily, in the wake of a professional set-back. "



He added that, there is nothing the individual has to do by way of

exertions and strenuous efforts, in the finding of a job, after one has been

lost-all he has to do[when the Sun is strong in his chart] is simply to be

patient! And the impasse would resolve itself. Such is the power of the

blessing from a strong natal Sun.


4.Sutra on the Solar Transits Through the Malefic Houses:


The next Sutras the Prof touched upon pertained to the Transit impact of the

Sun in any natal chart, as it passes through the three malefic Houses,

namely the VIH, the VIIIH and the XIIH. He pointed out that when the Sun

Transits these three Houses, as along with the Sun, the planets Mercury and

Venus, may also be found, in the Sun's proximity, the impact of the Transit

weakness of Sun, will become more pronounced, as mental agitation,



Taking the example of the Aries Ascendant again, he said, that during such

periods, consulting clients may be forewarned that during these three short

periods [of roughly some 45 days], as the individuals, especially with weak

Sun are likely to suffer mental agitation and delay, they may be advised to

be more self-composed and be patient, and also not react too much to

perturbing situations, so that these Transit periods may pass off relatively

more peacefully, with relatively less struggle and mental agitation.


In the case of the example of the Aries Ascendant, the Sun would pass

through the VIH between 15th Sept and middle of October, whereas between

mid-Nov and mid Dec, it would Transit the malefic VIIIH[when the

difficulties would manifest as obstructions] and between mid-March and

mid-April when it would Transit, the sign Pisces, as one may incur a lot of

expenses, the caution, which one may give, will have to pertain to

expenditure and spending. These results of the Transit weakness of the Sun

will account for mediocre results, during the Sun sub-period, even when the

Sun is strong in a natal chart, the Prof explained. [sA Sutra-5]


5.More Light on the Power of a Strong Sun:


The sixth astounding SA Sutra he mentioned is the following, pertinent to

those with a strong Sun in their charts:


" For people with a strong Sun in their charts, there will not be many

problems in life. " [sA Sutra-6]


Then again, he elaborated on this, putting it in a different way:


" Those with a strong Sun, are placed in a fortunate position, because, the

governing capacity of the Sun is such that even solutions for difficult

problems come easily for them-they just have to be a little patient. " [sA

Sutra-6, revisited]


To illustrate the power of a strong Sun in a chart, Prof Choudhry cited the

case of a man, who in spite of many conflicts with his boss, never lost his

professional indispensability and recognition, for even when he fell out

with his boss, his boss, realizing his value, was quick, to avoid losing

him, and thus hastened to induct him at once, into the position of an

indispensable consultant,[note that this is after he had fallen out with his



6. The Malefic Impact of the VIH Lord on Various Houses:


The next theme he took up pertained to the role of the VIH lord, as it

influenced various houses in any chart. He took up such themes, as would

help SA astrologers, in the interpretations of the charts of their clients.

The sutra he gave here appears below:


" Whenever the VIH lord afflicts the IH or the IIIH or the XH, the individual

in question, must be forewarned to the effect that by practicing more

silence and by being less argumentative, their path in life can become much

smoother. " [sA Sutra-7]


7.Sutra on the IIH Lord in the Malefic VIH:


It was also pointed out by the Professor, that for individuals, whose IIH

lord is placed in the malefic VIH, there is always the possibility of

getting into controversies. Their status will also be controversial and even

family matters will not be so happy. [sA Sutra-8]


If one were examining the question of stability of marriage and

compatibility, then such a bad-placement of the IIH lord[which is one of the

important marriage lords] in the VIH may not be too bad in itself, but it is

when, in addition, the IVH lord is also weak, that on account of the

multiple weaknesses and afflictions becoming cumulative, the marriage can

break-off, creating a misfortune in this process. He emphasized that, the

IIH lord in the VIH, will not become a destabilizing factor in marriage,

when the VIIH of relationship and the IVH of home-life are strong.[sA

Sutra-9].Through such sutras, he was illustrating once again, the importance

of a comprehensive picture, an important theme with which he commenced this

inaugural address.


Mr. Gaurav Dameja, going back to the Sutras on the Sun's impact on the

profession, asked the Prof, what the end result would be for an individual,

who recently lost a job, and had a very weak prime determinant of

profession, but for whom, the Sun was strong?


To this question, the Prof replied, in keeping with the sutras enunciated

above by him, that the strong Sun will enable him to get a job easily.


8. Placement of Planets in the Three Sun-Like Houses:


Next, he turned his attention to the important Sutras on the placement of

planets in the Sun-like houses, namely the IIH, the IIIH and the IXH. The

new astounding SA sutra the Prof gave is the following:


" Any planet placed in the Sun-like Houses, has its strength increased, by

25%, thereby it will give better results. If such planets, placed in the

Sun-like houses are already " strong " by SA reckoning, then their " added

strength " will give results surpassing those of " strong " planets, to the

extent of 25%. " [sA Sutra-10]


9.The Advantages and Power of the Leo Ascendant:


In this context of the Sun-like houses[Hs], the Leo Ascendant was touched

upon and the Prof said: " Leo Ascendant people have an additional advantage

in governing, for apart from the Sun being their Ascendant lord, there were

Mulatrikona Signs in the IIH, IIIH and also the IXH, thus bringing in three

other Sun like lords, for this particular Ascendant. " [sA Sutra-11]


In reply to certain questions concerning the political aspect of the Leo

Ascendant, the Professor moved on to the chart of the American President,

Mr. George Bush Jr[GB hereafter]. The birth details of GB are shown below:


6th Jul 1946, 7:26 AM, TZ= 4 hrs EDT,


New Haven, Connecticut [72W56, 41N18]


10.Chart of Mr. George Bush Jr-Illustrative Example:


Commenting on the Cancer Ascendant chart of President George Bush, the Prof

said that GB's problem has been his inability to convince others due to

placement of the lord of the sixth house in the third house. And that those

who criticize him do not appreciate GB's views regarding war efforts in

Afghanistan, etc, have had the significant effect of acting as a powerful

deterrent against further terrorist attacks against the US. GB takes

responsibility for his actions and believes that his initiative in

Afghanistan has acted as a deterrent against terrorist attacks in other

parts of the world, as well. And that in GB's view, the initiative in

Afghanistan was aimed at destroying the very sources of terrorism. The chart

of GB was cited as an example of the influence of the strong VIH lord, on

the IIIH.[see SA Sutra-7 enunciated by the Professor above and appearing on

Pg 6].


In the same context, he mentioned a consultation he had with someone who was

in charge of a big trust in India. The latter, it appears had raised a

question about the next US President in 2004. The questioner was rather

disillusioned with the Prof for having mentioned the name of Mr. George

Bush, as an answer to his question-as the possible future President of the

US at the time of the second term of GB.


Pointing out how humans succumb to illusions in mere appearances [as he saw

in the case cited above] he moved on to a slightly different theme. Taking

into account, the possible impact of " external pomp and paraphernalia " on

our human minds, the Prof sounded a note of caution and said that

astrologers always had the responsibility of going purely only by the

planetary influences seen in any chart, rather than basing their judgment on

such external misleading symbols.


When Ms. Sunita Singhal asked about the weakness of the Sun in GB's chart[as

it was placed in the malefic XIIH], the Prof drew her attention to the

" Sun-like planet " , Me, ruling the " Su-like IIIH " , being placed in the IH,

and thereby providing, an adequate compensation for the weakness of the Sun.

He also said, the IIH lord, the Su, in the XIIH of losses and expenditures,

showed GB's massive financial expenditure and energies in the XIIH of

distant lands - but towards the stamping out terrorism for globally. And

that because GB incurred colossal expenses in this massive effort, his

reputation got tarnished, as the people were unable to appreciate his

vision. Added to this, the Prof pointed out that the placement of the VIH

lord in the IIIH, while increasing his fighting capacity, had unfortunately

also landed him in controversies.


At this point, looking at " the close influence " of Rahu on Jupiter as the

VIH lord, I asked the Prof, whether this close influence would serve to

magnify his fighting spirit and also magnify the controversies? To this

question, the Prof replied that as Jupiter was strongly placed in the IIIH,

Ra actually did not afflict Jupiter.


There was another question put to the Prof concerning the affliction of

Ketu to Venus and the Prof clarified that " we may not actually know the

nature of his relationship with his wife, though we may be certain that this

affliction is capable of denying him mental peace " .


As the Professor, had allowed each session to evolve, on its own, depending

upon the participation of the delegates; at this point, in the context of

" Ketu's affliction " in GB's chart, I asked about " the magnitude of the

misfortune " caused by the affliction from Ketu to the Moon and Moon's MTH in

India's chart?


11. New SA Light on India's Chart:


[ 15th Aug 1947, 12:00:01 AM, TZ= - 5hrs 30 mts,


Delhi, [77E12, 28N36]]


In answering this question, , it appears, has actually

given us a potent new sutra, pertaining to the Sun-like houses, which was

already touched upon[Hs]:


" When planets are placed in one of the Sun-like Hs; i.e.; in either the IIH,

or the IIIH, or the IXH, their strengths are raised by an additional 25%,

merely through the benefit of placement in the Sun-like Hs. " [sA Sutra-9]


With India's chart in mind, He went on to add that on account of such

" additional placement benefit " , coming to so many planets, placed in the

Sun-like IIIH; the affliction from Ketu to the Moon as the IIIH lord as also

to the IIIH MEP, becomes less damaging.


Looking at the exaltation of Ketu, in India's chart, he also said that, this

aspect of Ketu to the IIIH and the IIIH lord has given India profound

interest in mystic disciplines and spiritual liberation, as well as

astrology, which is the foremost of the mystic disciplines.[sA Sutra-12]


As the Prof was dwelling on India at that moment, he also threw additional

light on certain other aspects of India's chart. He said, India's IIIH, also

showed travels to other countries to being philosophy to the doorsteps of

foreign countries.[sA Sutra-13]


In the context of the IIIH, which was so very important for India, he

mentioned in passing that if in any chart, there was the influence of the

VIH lord on the IIIH or the IIIH lord, then impatience and aggression would

have been the hall marks.[sA Sutra 14]


Bringing the IIIH of India into focus again, the Prof mentioned that as

the IIIH lord, the Moon was in its own MTH and that too close to the MEP,

and as also so many planets were placed in the IIIH, in spite of the

affliction from Ketu, India did have a substantial share in the presently

occurring IT revolution.[ SA Sutra-15]


Expatiating further, he said that in view of the Sun-like character of the

IIIH; as the IIIH signified leadership on the one hand over associates and

team members, and on the other, signified communication; it was clear that

it was always communication which created leadership[sA Sutra-16 and an

important SA insight].


Answering a question, concerning the " added strength " of planets placed in

the IIIH, he said: " The direct aspects of planets placed in the Sun-like

IXH, would also naturally enjoy the additional strength of 25%, as they are

beamed into the IIIH. " [sA Sutra 17]


These uplifting commentaries of the Professor, on the IIIH of India's

chart , softened the " rather grim picture " of India, that I had created in

my presentation on the ethos of India, when I had pointed out " the

seriousness and gravity " of the afflictions from Ke to the IIIH and the IIIH



12. Charts of the US Presidential Candidates:


As Prof Choudhry did not, by deliberate intent, have any prefixed agenda for

his inaugural address, but had rather allowed the debates and questions from

the participants, to propel and shape the direction of its development, the

above topical discussion on the Sun-like IIIH, had brought in a new question

, pertaining to an entirely different field- namely, that of SA perceptions

and predictions for the ongoing US elections. One delegate had asked [i am

not sure, who it was, it could have been Dr. Miller and Dr. Johnson] whether

Mr. Mitt Romney had any chance of being elected to the office of the US

President? This question was actually, it appears, asked of the Prof some

weeks ago, but it came up for discussion again at the Conf. You are seeing

the birth details of this Presidential candidate below:


[12th March 1947, 9:50 AM, TZ= 5 hrs EST,


Detroit, [83W03, 42N20]]


In the view of the Prof, the affliction to the debilitated IIIH lord, was

the crucial factor, which would deny him success. He had already made this

view known, on previous occasions, when the same question was put to him. As

there were many charts for HC, he also clarified that the Gemini Ascendant

chart[around 8PM] seemed to be the more reliable among many others, which

were also in circulation. With Gemini rising HC appears to have the best

chance to win keeping in mind the charts of other candidates in circulation.


The chart of the other Presidential candidate, Mr. Obama Barrack also came

up for discussion:


[Aug 8th, 1961, 13:06Hrs, Honolulu (157ºW52´, 21ºN18´), 13:06 Hrs, Time

Zone=10 Hrs HST].This gave a Libra Ascendant with MEP at 24º 30´.


The birth details of Ms Hillary Clinton considered are 26th October, 1947,

8.00 PM, Chicago, CST 6 Hours.


It was held by the Prof that as the chart of HC(as per details

mentioned above) held the greatest promise she is most likely to be elected

to the White House.


Towards the end, when I had asked whether the three Sun-like Hs, the IIIH,

the IIH and the IXH, would ever give also the general significations of the

Sun?, the Prof replied: " These Su-like Hs would of course never give " the

general significations of the Sun " , but that nevertheless, they are capable

of bestowing a high status, such as only the Sun is capable of bestowing and

that they can also bestow the Sun-like capacity to organize and manage. "

[sA Sutra-18]


In passing, mentioned that from a careful examination of

the general appearance of an individual, it is not always possible to arrive

at the correct Ascendant. He added that, the Libra and Leo Ascendants, alone

have their well-known hall-marks stamped in the appearance of the

individuals , whereas the other ten Ascendants are hard to tell from an

examination of their appearance. [sA Sutra-19]


This was an answer to a question from one of the delegates, who had asked,

whether by looking at HC, one cannot tell unambiguously what Ascendant she



These were the main SA sutras and general principles, the Professor shared

on the first day, during his inaugural address, thereby uplifting and

ennobling " the level of SA Consciousness " , among the SA astrologers gathered

there, for that those very purposes. This inspiring inaugural address

created the spirit of openness, clarity and enquiry, which would prove to be

the friendly climate, in which the rest of the Conference was to flourish

and grow.




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