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Dear Prof Choudhry and SA astrologers,


Namasthe.Please see below the IV ( & the last) PART of the Proceedings of the III

Intl Conference of SA astrologers, held at Gurgaon, India.In case you discern

any omissions and errors, please bear with me, for I take responsibility for the

same.There has been some delay in making this available to you.In spite of my

best efforts, I could not cut down the delay any further.

Best Regards

Sankara Bhagavadpada




#1.Scorpio Asdt Child:Brain Dysfunction:


To continue with the Conf Proceedings, in the latter half of the pre-lunch

session of the second day, there was brought up a question by Col B K Kailash,

regarding a rather enigmatic case of a certain child - whose brain had stopped



Birth Details: Sept 11th, 1991, 11:35AM, Delhi[77ºE13´, 28ºN39´].


He sought the viewpoint of the Professor, as to what sort of remedial measures

are to be suggested at this stage and as to how, one is to understand this

calamity, from the SA point of view. " Calamity " because, as the Colonel

explained, the child had become a mere vegetable.


The child's chart had a Scorpio Asdt with the MEP at 5º 16´. The FBs Sa, Ju,

Me and the Su were the strong FBs. Among the FMs, Ra and Ma were strong, while

Ve was weak, because of a very weak dispositor. Notably, Ke was badly placed in

the VIIIH. The Mo was the weakest planet, in extreme infancy in the malefic

XIIH. While in the D-9 div chart, no planet was debilitated, in the D-6 div

chart, pertaining to health matters, the Mo was again badly placed in the VIH

and afflicted by Ra and Ke. Significantly as the Su and Ma signify the first

house and the head in the SA, both these planets are afflicted by Ra and Ke in

the D-6 div chart [shashtamsa].


When I had asked the Professor, out of a sense of shock, as to whether, the

" excellent strength " of the Su was not suspect, because of the " grazing

affliction " , from the malefic Ra, which fell just outside the critical orb of

1degree; the Professor allayed my fears and said, " The difficulty in this case

has arisen solely from the weakness of the Mo and the planet Ve only and that

indeed the Su was strong, in spite of the so-called " grazing affliction " " .


When Col Kailash asked for the correct remedial measures, the Professor said

that the strengthening of the weak FB, the Moon as well as the strengthening the

weak FM Ve, would lead to an improvement in the health condition of the child.


Here was then a new lesson for all SA astrologers, for the Prof, in this

rather exceptional case, had suggested the strengthening of a FM[in fact the

MMP], thereby " going against " the general principles of the remedial measures,

according to which, one never strengthens a FM.


The present case study thus affords us an exceptional circumstance, in which,

the general principles of the SA remedial measures are superseded, by the remedy

of strengthening the MMP, as suggested by the Prof. [sA Sutra-1-pertaining to

the very uncommon and therefore exceptional remedial measure of strengthening

the MMP]


In addition, the Prof had also suggested that remedial measures for Ke were

mandatory, as Ke, being in the VIIIH of death and death like obstructions, was

capable of doing much havoc.


The calamity befell the child during the Ra-Ke sub-period [30 Jun '05 till 18

Jul '06] and at the present time, the equally malefic Ra-Ve sub-period was still

running[18 Jul '06 till 18 Jul '09].


The Prof clarifying the cause of the calamity, said: " Even though many

strong planets may be present in a chart, during malefic sub-periods, if a

prolonged Tr affliction were to occur , then misfortunes may well become our lot

in life " [sA Sutra-2].The above clarification was given by the Prof, when, after

the Conf[still shocked by the example], I had enquired, whether the " the

misfortune triggering potential " of a malefic sub-period can in some cases

prove to be so disastrous- in spite of the strong planets in the chart?


On the whole, this example gave us all a humbling experience, for it showed

that " grace of God " cannot be taken for granted, from a judgment of the strong

FBs in any chart and that preventive remedial measures can give us good

protection, against all unforeseen Tr afflictions, that may possibly occur in

the future - even in charts with many strong planets.


#2.Prasna Chart for a Sick Patient[DBG]:


As the Conf was proceeding, there was a sudden phone call for the Prof, from

an old client, DBG. He was calling to find out whether he would be out of the

woods soon[he had been grievously sick, recently].


At that very moment the Prof made a Prasna chart, which turned out to be a

Gemini Asdt, with the MEP at 3º 42´.[24 Feb 2008, 1:02PM, Gurgaon] No planet was

strong in this Prasna chart, and the running dasa-bhukti was Mo-Me. The Mo was

placed in the IVH and Me was badly placed in the VIIIH. Ra was in the IXH and

exactly afflicting the Asdt MEP from its position therein at 3º 44´, as also the

XIH lord Ma, which was at 3º 25´, that is, very close to the Asdt MEP..


The Prof mentioned that this was a case, in which the individual DBG had

been performing the remedial measures for some time now. It was also mentioned

that DBG was suffering from a serious health setback since Feb 11th, '08. In

spite of the exact Nodal affliction to the IIIH and the IXH in the Prasna chart

and in spite of the exact affliction from Ra to the Asdt MEP, the Prof

confidently said that: " The afflictions are coming to an end and consequently,

there are good chances of survival. "


I was rather amazed at the prognosis of the Professor, as the sub-period lord

was in the malefic VIIIH of death & obstructions and there was also an exact

affliction to the Asdt MEP and the XIH lord, Ma from the malefic Ra. When he

was asked, how he inferred thus, from the Prasna chart - in spite of these

" discouraging malefic trends " ; the Prof explained immediately, that the

case was obviously " serious enough " [ as evidenced by the placement of the

sub-period lord in the VIIIH of death], yet, as DBG was performing the

remedial measures, & as the affliction from Ra to the Asdt & the XIH lord Ma,

was going to clear soon in a matter of some ten days, he knew that the prognosis

for recovery was positive, even though doctors were not as optimistic as he was

[sA Prediction and Insight].


This was then, another clear case, which brought home to us, the predictive

power of the SA, especially in a situation, in which the good news of the

prediction and prognosis would have brought peace and relief to the kith

and kin of the grievously sick patient DBR.


#3.Individual in Police Custody and in a Litigation:


In the afternoon session of Feb 24th, the second day of the Conf, one saw the

first question coming from Mr Naval Kishore, who furnished the foll birth



[8 March, 1967, 02:30 Hrs, [77ºE13´, 28ºN37´]]


It was explained by Mr Kishore that the chart had a Sagittarius Asdt with

the MEP at 9º 45´, and with the Asdt lord Ju, placed weakly in the VIIIH. The

individual was also running the Ju- Su dasa-bhukti [between Dec 2007 and Sept

2008]. Among the FBs Ma and Ve were strong, while among the FMs, only Ra and Ke

were strong. The history of the case was that the individual has not had a job

for the last two years and was also plagued by litigation and police custody. Mr

Naval Kishore's question was this: As he was doing the remedies of the SA, what

will be the time frame, within which, he will have professional settlement again

and also are there any additional remedies, that we can recommend to him, while

the impasse is still continuing?


The Prof cited the almost exact affliction to Me, from Ke as the real cause of

this misfortune. He further pointed out to Mr Kishore that the individual in

question may wear an Emerald stone in an auspicious Muhurta and also a Ruby

stone in an auspicious Muhurta-so that his profession[Me] will be fortified and

also he may not suffer on account of harassment by authorities[su]. Attention

was also drawn to the fact that during the last year, as Ju, the Asdt lord was

transiting the XIIH of behind the scenes, it was not a favorable period for him.


Sri Rajeshji pointed out that between Oct 2005 and Jan 2006, as Tr Sa was in

the malefic VIIIH, it had become stationary and also got afflicted exactly by

the MMP, the Mo from the IIH, where it was placed. And that this might have

precipitated/ triggered the unfortunate event of police custody, etc.


#4. Case of Husband & Wife: Separated, but not Divorced:


Birth Details [Husband]: 18 May 1973; 12:05PM; Delhi


Birth Details[Wife]: 23 May 1979;7:05AM; Gurgaon[77ºE04´,28ºN39´]


If I remember correctly, this case also was brought up by Mr Naval Kishore. He

mentioned that the marriage had taken place on 20 Jan 2004, and that the couple

also had a son and then have separated, because of inability of living

peacefully together. It was also mentioned by Mr Kishore that the husband was

violent-given to beating his wife, but that there has been no divorce as yet.


Commenting on the chart of the husband, the Prof said that the IIIH lord Ve

and significator of wife and marital life was under the exact affliction of the

Most Malefic Planet[MMP], the Mo. He said, patience is called for and added what

seemed to be another very important SA Sutra:


" The most difficult job for an astrologer is the assessment of compatibility. "

[sA Sutra-3]


The Prof shared an important experience of his: when people give him

horoscopes and ask him to give his verdict-whether the charts are compatible or

not, he has invariably told them to be patient in this particular matter. He

went on to illustrate with an example-that sometimes even some thousand charts

may have to be seen, before you can find the right match. Adding that though

generally Virgo Asdts prove to be more difficult than the other Asdts, recently

he had passed a Virgo Asdt chart, as many planets were strong. The Vedic

astrologyapproach to compatibility, through the assignment of various

points, was in the Prof's opinion, too crude and completely off the mark.


Then the Professor mentioned another SA sutra, which we may have to use often

in the astrological work of compatibility of charts:


" Rahu's influence on weak planets gives " complex relationships " - meaning

that, without a decisive divorce coming to pass; other relationships will emerge

into existence. In such cases " no decisive resolutions " of the problem, may

appear in sight, even in the course of one full decade. " [sA Sutra-4]


Now, that he had touched on " Dharma " in marital relationship, he went on to

spell out another important SA sutra, arising from the ethical nature of



" The weakness [and/or affliction] of the spiritual planets and houses: The Su,

Ju and the IXH[or IVH] creates an unspiritual approach to life, involving the

violation of humanitarian and ethical norms. " [sA Sutra-5]


#5. Affliction from the VIH lord to Ve and VIIH lord:


In the case of another individual, whose birth details are furnished below:


[26 Aug 1947 21:05Hrs, Ferozpur [74E38, 30N55]],


The Prof gave the shocking news that divorce had taken in this case, no less

than 16 yrs! And that after a separation of four yrs, the man had developed a

relationship with another person, had also gone to prison, and was already

beating his would-be wife. It was pointed out in this case of a Pisces Asdt

chart, [MEP at 25degs 59mts]that there was the malefic influence of the VIH

lord, the Su, and that too in the VIH on Ve, the significator of wife and

marriage and on the VIIH lord, Me as well-as the main factor responsible for

marital break-up and disharmony.[sA Sutra-6]


It was also mentioned by the Prof that the same malefic influence of the VIH

lord, on the VIIH lord and/or the VIIH, would also bring about a breakup in

business partnerships.[sA Sutra 7]


Referring in passing to the rather well-known chart of the Bollywood film star

Amitabh Bachan, he pointed out that in his Aquarius Asdt chart, as the XIH lord,

pointing to his friends was placed in the VIH of controversies and litigations,

most of his friends get into disputes. This may also be taken to be another SA

Sutra, applicable to all Aquarius Asdt charts, in which the XIH lord is placed

in the malefic VIH. [sA Sutra-8]


Summing up with respect to the VIH matters and taking into account, the

argumentative and litigious nature of the VIH, the Prof gave another SA remedy,

now in the form of a " spiritual sadhana, namely that of self-restraint " :


" People with VIH difficulties and afflictions must follow the golden rule of

silence " [ SA Sutra-9]


#6.A Case Study involving Sudden Illness: Thalassaemia:


Mr Gaurav Dhameja supplied the birth details of an infant, saying that he

was generally quite healthy, but suddenly, the doctors have pronounced him to

have Thalassaemia. This was an Aries Asdt chart, with the MEP at 29º 40´.[9 Jan

2007; 2:23PM; [72ºE50´, 18ºN58]]It was explained by the Prof that the extreme

weakness of Ma, and the close affliction to the Su and the VIH lord, Me from

the FM Ke was responsible for the health condition. He added that with the

remedial measures, damage will certainly be less and that the infant's people

may thereafter decide on the best course of action.


There was also a note of caution sounded by the Prof, so that we may have the

humility to see things clearly, without succumbing to greed:


" Some people want " magical remedies " , but in the SA, there are no " magical

remedies " " [sA Sutra-10].


#7. Case Study-A Virgo Asdt Chart:


[birth Details: 10 Mar 1980; 20:10Hrs; Vadodra, Gujarat]


This was a Virgo Asdt chart with the MEP at 17degs 08 mts. Ma was badly placed

in the malefic XIIH and the affliction to the weak Ma, from the Nodes Ra and Ke,

is, significantly also passed on to the badly-placed Ve, whose dispositor is the

weak and afflicted Ma. Prof Choudhry remarked that in such cases, preventive

remedial measures, life would become more favourable. It was also a case of

marital discord.


# 8. Case Study: " Excessive Rahuvian Passion " :


Birth Details: [2 Sept, 1965; 9:07AM, Faridabad[77E17, 28N22]


Through this Virgo Asdt chart [which had a MEP at 26degs 32mts], the Professor

drew our attention to an unusual, " heterodox pattern of marriage " , which was

fuelled by the malefic forces of the MMP, Ma & Ra[which was itself afflicted by

the MMP Ma].


The lady in question, we were told, had developed a relationship with a

chemist[ martian profession], who was already married. She waited for many years

and eventually married the chemist, after the death of his first wife. The Prof

pointed out that she had refused to perform the remedies [in spite of a Jupiter

which was about 90% strong and a Sun which was 100% strong] and proceeded to

point out the astrological cause of this behavior. What is given below was

either actually said by the Prof, or was implied, since he knew that SA

astrologers, would be quick to see, what he was trying to get at.


The MMP, Ma had thrown the 8th aspect on Ra, placed strongly in the IXH of

virtue and Dharma. " Further as Ra was aspecting the Asdt, this excessively

passionate Ra, had given the lady, that well-known Rahuvian passion to satisfy

her desires and urges, but without any regard to higher ethical principles " [

Rather well-known SA Sutra-11]. Secondly the impact of the FB, deb Ve on the

Asdt MEP, though seemingly beneficial, carried the heterodox and malefic martian

influence on to the Asdt. The Prof also mentioned that all three women in the

family were doctors. The mother was a widow and the aunt was also unmarried.


#9 A Case of Skin Cancer:


This case was brought up by Dr Batra, the only Doctor-astrologer at the

conference. The birth details are given below:


[7 Apr 1942; 10:30AM; Gurgaon.]


This was A Gemini Asdt chart with the MEP at 7deg21mts.There were no obvious

afflictions visible in the chart, except that Me, which rules the skin and

signifies the IIH, IIIH and the VIH in the SA was debilitated and combust in the

Rasi chart and badly placed in the VIIIH in the D-6 div chart. Worse still, the

FBs Sa, Ju and Ma were all placed in the malefic XIIH. Ve was placed in the IXH,

but had also become weak, because of a weak dispositor. The planet Sa, which

also rules the skin in the SA is significantly also afflicted by the MMP, Mo and

Ra in the Navamsa div chart. Dr Batra had made a mention of the fact that the

patient was moving steadily downhill.


emphasized that the dispositor of the Mo being badly

placed in the XIIH of losses, made the " seemingly FB " Mo, transmit the malefic

XIIH influence, on to the Asdt MEP, in view of the Mo's very close impact upon

the Asdt. In this statement, he was implying that the bad placement in one of

the malefic Hs was itself tantamount to an affliction in the SA. Apparently, as

Dr Batra was guiding the patient, the patient was also, we may surmise, under

divine protection, through the remedial measures of the SA.


#10 An Unusual Aquarius Asdt Chart:


Col B K Kailash brought up a unusual Aquarius Asdt chart with the MEP at 1deg



Birth Details: 22 Nov 1958; 11:58AM; Dharbhanga, Bihar[85E52, 26N09]


The life-story of this individual went something like this, as narrated by Col

Kailash: He was in the service of the Merchant Navy. Then his wife was diagnosed

to have Cancer of the breast. He started reading all the existing literature on

breast Cancer, but the wife passed away in 2005[in the Mo-Ra sub-period]. When

in the wake of the first misfortune, a second misfortune struck him, in the form

of his daughter charging him for rape in a court of law, under the instigation

of close relatives; the individual sought astrological guidance, but was firm in

his resolution not to perform the remedial measures! Col Kailash sought the

guidance of .


The Prof pointed out that Ju was placed in a house which was afflicted by a

highly malefic Ra, placed in the VIIIH. The same highly malefic Ra, from the

Most Malefic House, also afflicted the Asdt MEP. The Asdt lord was also under

the close affliction of both Me, the MMP, as well as Ke, another FM.


Ra afflicts the IXH, the IH the VH and the IIIH as well, while Ke closely

afflicts the three Hs, the IIIH, the VIIH, the XIH and the IXH, as well. The

MMP, Me was itself exactly afflicted by Ke, thereby showing that longevity of

life and married life is shortened. There were in all 8 afflictions in this

chart, the Prof pointed out.


The influence of a highly malefic Ra on the Asdt MEP and the influence of a

" Ra-like lord " , the MMP, namely Me on the Asdt lord Sa, had given him the

" Rahuvian passion " to probe into the death of his wife , through his extensive

reading of books and journals. It also gave him the arrogant attitude of

refusing to perform the remedial measures.[sA Sutra-12] This was an answer,

given by the Prof to Col Kailash's question, as to the source of his voracious

reading as also the source of his refusal to do the remedial measures ?


Talking of such voracious reading, seen in this chart, the Prof in passing,

turned to some some personal reminiscences. When he was in Govt service, as

and when he was obliged to go to the law courts, he had learnt the legalities of

all cases himself and had even advised the lawyers, how to go about the cases.

However, while he had shown this keen interest in legal questions, whenever

they came his way; he had not had any similar opportunity and occasion to probe

into the origin of diseases or treatments of diseases, as administered by

doctors. This was just in the nature of some reminiscences, that's all.


#11 Chart of An Anti-Social Element:


This was the last chart discussed in the afternoon session of Feb 24th. It was

presented by the SA astrologer from France [Paris], Mr Jo Cohen:


Birth Details: 13 Feb 1977; 20:10 Hrs; TZ=-1:00 CET; [2ºE20´, 48ºN52´]


It was a Leo Asdt chart with the MEP at 24º28´. Mr Jo Cohen explained the

underlying " life -story " very clearly. He said that the man's girl friend had

approached him, for help, to see if he could be helped in any way.


Natal weak Su is afflicted closely by a " highly malefic " Ra from the

IIIH. " Highly malefic " , because the dispositor of Ra is badly placed in the VIIIH

of death or sufferings, centered around death. Natal Mo, the MMP is also closely

afflicted by the FM Ke. Mr Jo Cohen observed that the tragedy occurred in the

3rd Mo sub-period, that is, during the Mo-Mo sub-period[Jan 2007 to Nov 2007].

" In Jan 2007, when Ra and Ke had become stationary in Aquarius and Leo around,

23º, his behavior started becoming strange-he began to drink a lot. On 8 Mar

2007, a TSE occurred. He went drunk from a coffee shop. He saw a police car,

panicked at this sight, then suddenly entered into a car, which had been parked

thereabouts. Unfortunately, there was an old man seated in the car, who now

started screaming, because of the new entrant he saw[who seemed to be a

stranger, in some suspicious circumstances]. The intruder, in order to protect

himself, strangled the old man to death. He is now prison. " [Mr Jo Cohen's words,

almost verbatim] .


Mr Cohen then gave his prediction, that this individual will be in prison

for ten yrs.


He also added, later when I was asking him some other details that he was

separated from his mother in childhood and that he was brought up by his

maternal grandparents. I remarked that in the SA, Ke signified maternal

grandparents and that Ke's aspect on the Mo, tallied well with the facts of his



pointed out that: " Whenever there are planets in the VIH,

there is scope created for disputes.[sA Sutra-13]. And that in this case, there

are two FBs, Ma and Me placed in the malefic VIH.


The Prof also added that: " Whenever Ra afflicts the weak Su, Governmental

action against the individual may be expected " [sA Sutra-14].


As he was in the context of " the weak and afflicted Su " the Professor, also

gave us another very potent sutra, of particular relevance to women:


" As in the case of women, the Su rules, father, husband, son, state or Govt;

the affliction to the Su in a woman's chart is always highly problematic " [sA



#12 SA Sutras on the Spiritual Life:


Towards the conclusion of the Conf, the Prof dwelt upon the importance of

cultivating a spiritual life and developing a spiritual outlook on life. He

said: " When you are spiritually developed, you do not want anything. " He quoted

from the Ramayana, saying that when the Lord asked Manu and Satarupa [First man

and woman, born out of Brahma]: " What do you want? " , they said that they did

not want anything, because they were very contented. When they were pressed by

the Lord further, then they acquiesced to the wishes of the Lord and said, they

would like to have a son like Himself! Prof explained that this was the cause of

the birth of Lord Rama.


He emphasized that spiritual advancement ought to result in contentment,

meaning that otherwise, it is no advancement at all. " To reach this and attain

to this, there is a step by step procedure and the first step in these series of

steps, is to have trust in God. The second step, was Patience and that this

virtue was very important. The third step is to be helpful to people, whenever

one gets an opportunity to render that help. The fourth was being in Satsang

[company] with good and pious people. The fifth was the cultivation of

contentment, through the following of the above steps and when an opportunity

has been presented by God, then to develop that contentment further. "


, having described the steps, added something very

important, the natural connection between astrology and the spiritual goals of



" The whole purpose of Astrology was only to gain mental peace[contentment] and

make the spiritual path one is treading, smoother and easier. While the remedial

measures pertaining to the spiritual houses and spiritual planets will help you

to secure greater divine grace in life. " [sA Sutra-16]


The importance of practicing the giving up of anger was stressed, as also the

renunciation of attachments to worldly things, for attachments implied, fear

and desire creeping in, and creating bondage[attachment] in this process.

[sA Sutra-17]


For enhancing divine grace in the spiritual spheres of life, the Professor,

finally mentioned those planetary energies which would have to be strengthened,

for each of the twelve Asdts:


Aries: Ju and Su,


Taurus: Su,


Gemini: Ju, Su and Sa,


Cancer: Su,


Leo: Ju, Ma and Su,


Virgo: Ju,


Libra: Ju and Su,


Scorpio: Ju, Su, Mo,


Sagittarius: Ju, Su,


Capricorn: Me,


Aquarius: Ju, Su, Ve,


Pisces: Ju [sA Sutra-18]


Coming to the remedial measures concerning afflictions, he stressed on

preventive remedies again:


" Propitiatory charities [remedial measures] are good, even if there are no

afflictions in the chart. " [sA Sutra-19]


Concerning the spiritual responsibility of astrologers, the Professor said:

" Astrologers have the responsibility of being also spiritual guides and that

real happiness in life comes only through contentment. " [sA Sutra-20]


In his summing up, Professor drew our Attention to an important binding

principle of unity, that is characteristic of the SA: " Here, all of us have the

same views, since all of us practice the same system of astrology, namely the

SA*. Here we only discuss, so that we may all be better guides for those who

seek our help. " [sA Sutra-21]


*Implying, there are not many alternative systems of astrology at this

conference, which can possibly lead to conflict, debate and discord.


At the end of this last session of the conf, Sri Jhuraneyji raised a

question: Should one use Muhurta also for beginning meditations, which may be an

important part of one's spiritual life?


The answer given by the Prof: " Yes, this can always be done " . [sA Sutra-22]


Sri Jhuraneyji's question brought the Professor to some recollection about his

own spiritual life, which he then reminisced, for our benefit:


" There is a high degree of contentment, which has been a blessing for me and

because of this, I say that my Guru is the Ramayana. I follow its teachings.

Many years ago, I discovered and came upon these teachings myself, through my

own enquiry. Significantly, my entry into Hindu astrology was also only through

the spiritual path. " [Origins of the SA]


This beloved Professor also shared something from his personal life, much to

our satisfaction: That when he was under the inspiration of " the Muse of Hindu

astrology " [this can alas, only be Lord Ganesha, the Deity corresponding to his

Hamsa Yoga Jupiter], he used to work uninterruptedly from 8AM to 8PM on weekends

and some two hrs during week days, when he was professionally busy. And that

gradually he discovered all the errors in Vedic astrology [VA].Further, that

starting with 1991, the development of the SA, as an astrological system and

teaching has been becoming better and better.


The Professor summed up with the words: " The value of this divine knowledge of

astrology can never be assessed by the consultation charges that are given to

an astrologer. Only a token fee is charged. This is because, astrology is

also a profession, like other professions. After all, astrologers must also be

able to keep their bodies and souls together [survive]. In fact, in my own case,

95% of my services are free, while only 5% of my services, are charged. " [

The SA Sutra on Professional Ethics].


The session drew to a close, with these benedictory utterances by the Prof.

There was also naturally, the distribution of " Certificates of Participation in

the SA Intl Conf, 2008 " , by and a group photo too, to

commemorate the auspicious gathering on the occasion of the Conference.




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