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Career Ups & Downs and Current Economy Situation - Please Help

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Dear Guruji & Learned members,

I am in working in IT field in contract positions and for some reason

or other my contracts come to an end even before the end of the

contract date. This has happened several times to me and lately 'am

getting very frustrated.

The current project which 'am working on will be ending Jan 12th. The

manager is very willing to keep me but job-orders are not approved

'coz of the budget issues. They might call me back in April, but not

for sure yet.


In the current economic conditions it is very tough to find a new job

and it's just making me worrisome.


Please tell when will I get a next project? and why this happens to me

all the time?


I appreciate all your guidance in advance!!!


Thank you,



5th, September, 1977

Time: 10.38 am

Place: Secunderabad, India

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Hello Krish,


Lord of your tenth house being prime determinant of profession is placed in the

house of obstructions.

The Sun ruling income is under the exact affliction of the most malefic planet,

Mercury. Ketu causes an exact affliction to the MEP of the second house. These

are the reasons for challenges in your professional life.


Currently, your natal Venus is under the exact affliction of transit Rahu and

Ketu and your natal Moon is also under the exact affliction of transit Rahu.

So, the situation is difficult and peristing upto end of March, 2009. With

patience keep of searching alternatives.


For the long run improvements for professional matters you need strengthening of

your weak planets, Sun, Moon, Venus & Saturn. You also need to continuously

propitiate Rahu, Ketu and Mercury.


Best wishes.




A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122018-01, (India).

Phones: 2219240 (STD 0124, ISD code 91 124)

Mobile phone: 9811016333




Friday, January 09, 2009 7:54 AM

Career Ups & Downs and Current Economy Situation - Please




Dear Guruji & Learned members,

I am in working in IT field in contract positions and for some reason

or other my contracts come to an end even before the end of the

contract date. This has happened several times to me and lately 'am

getting very frustrated.

The current project which 'am working on will be ending Jan 12th. The

manager is very willing to keep me but job-orders are not approved

'coz of the budget issues. They might call me back in April, but not

for sure yet.


In the current economic conditions it is very tough to find a new job

and it's just making me worrisome.


Please tell when will I get a next project? and why this happens to me

all the time?


I appreciate all your guidance in advance!!!


Thank you,



5th, September, 1977

Time: 10.38 am

Place: Secunderabad, India







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Dear :


Even with all of my years of studying jyotish and systems' approach, I

always appreciate your posts on SATVA.


Your analysis of charts is always clear, concise and helpful.


Both Paul Brook and I enjoy sharing your case studies with our SA students

every Saturday.


This current post and analysis is another gem, rich with insights....


Thank you very much!


David Hawthorne

Fairfield, Iowa USA




On Behalf


Thursday, January 08, 2009 9:15 PM


Re: Career Ups & Downs and Current Economy Situation -

Please Help


Hello Krish,


Lord of your tenth house being prime determinant of profession is placed in

the house of obstructions.

The Sun ruling income is under the exact affliction of the most malefic

planet, Mercury. Ketu causes an exact affliction to the MEP of the second

house. These are the reasons for challenges in your professional life.


Currently, your natal Venus is under the exact affliction of transit Rahu

and Ketu and your natal Moon is also under the exact affliction of transit

Rahu. So, the situation is difficult and peristing upto end of March, 2009.

With patience keep of searching alternatives.


For the long run improvements for professional matters you need

strengthening of your weak planets, Sun, Moon, Venus & Saturn. You also

need to continuously propitiate Rahu, Ketu and Mercury.


Best wishes.




A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122018-01, (India).

Phones: 2219240 (STD 0124, ISD code 91 124)

Mobile phone: 9811016333




Friday, January 09, 2009 7:54 AM

Career Ups & Downs and Current Economy Situation -

Please Help



Dear Guruji & Learned members,

I am in working in IT field in contract positions and for some reason

or other my contracts come to an end even before the end of the

contract date. This has happened several times to me and lately 'am

getting very frustrated.

The current project which 'am working on will be ending Jan 12th. The

manager is very willing to keep me but job-orders are not approved

'coz of the budget issues. They might call me back in April, but not

for sure yet.


In the current economic conditions it is very tough to find a new job

and it's just making me worrisome.


Please tell when will I get a next project? and why this happens to me

all the time?


I appreciate all your guidance in advance!!!


Thank you,



5th, September, 1977

Time: 10.38 am

Place: Secunderabad, India







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Dear Guruji,

Thank you very much for the analysis!


Will jupiter play havoc for me being a libra asc? Jupiter Maha dasha

will be starting from sometime late Feb '09. Do I need to strengthen



I'm currently wearing the special purpose kavach, provided by you. Are

there any other methods to strengthen Sun, Moon, Venus & Saturn apart

from Kavach?


Thank you,


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Hello dear Krish,


Jupiter is a very good planet for those born in Libra ascendant and

strengthening it, when weak, is always very good. If you are wearing special

power kavach it is fine.

In your case Jupiter and Mars are strong in the natal chart.

Continuously keep propitiating Rahu, Ketu and Mercury.

For further benefits you can wear gemstones for the respective weak planets and

specially for the Sun, Moon, Saturn and Venus.


Best wishes.








Friday, January 09, 2009 9:47 AM

Re: Career Ups & Downs and Current Economy Situation -

Please Help



Dear Guruji,

Thank you very much for the analysis!


Will jupiter play havoc for me being a libra asc? Jupiter Maha dasha

will be starting from sometime late Feb '09. Do I need to strengthen



I'm currently wearing the special purpose kavach, provided by you. Are

there any other methods to strengthen Sun, Moon, Venus & Saturn apart

from Kavach?


Thank you,








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