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Spiritual Boon

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Hello dear Vyas,


The spiritual boon is possible in the sub period of the strong lord of the ninth

house or the strong lord of the fourth house/eighth house or strong Sun or

strong Jupiter connected with the ninth house.


Best wishes.






Vyas Munidas

Monday, April 20, 2009 7:09 AM







Namaste dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji,


I am well thank you. As fate would have it, I made the following inquiry to

during the conference without knowing that this very

topic was being discussed. He asked me to wait until part II of the

proceedings was published.


I've read the documents and to say the least, it was very interesting. I add

the questions I posed to the Professor below, perhaps you care to comment?


> What rules the attainment of spiritual goals and marks the timing of such

> attainment?


> And can this be easily seen in a chart since the very definition of Divine

> Grace suggests that it is beyond the probable expressive karma in this

> life?


An even more specific enquiry on the above: If a person took up some tapasya

to attain some siddhi/spiritual boon, given that their natal chart has the

required strong planets, what marks the timing of the *attainment date* of

such? I'd be interested in Professor's guidance here as well.


My suspicion is the 8H (mystical), 9H (divine grace, fortune, blessings),

the spiritual planets Su and/or Ju has to be involved, and perhaps a trigger

of the 3L (ruling initiation into spiritual techniques).


Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:20 PM



Dear Sri Vyas Munidasji,


Namasthe.Thanks for the kind words.Hope it will be beneficial for those who

could not come for the Conf.Trust you are doing well.


Best regards



Vyas Munidas

Monday, April 20, 2009 1:59 AM



Dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji,


Thank you very much for all of your posts on the conference. You are

instrumental in the kindness of God by allowing the non-conference


to receive the knowledge.


Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




Cc: <siha

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:34 AM



Dear Prof Choudhry and SA Astrologers,


Namasthe.Pl see below the PART II[session II] of the Intl SA Conf

Proceedings, on the theme of: 'MARITAL PROBLEMS AND ASTRAL HELP'.

The PPP given by Cmdr Ashutosh Pandey may best be seen by you, after you

have seen this Doc.


The PPP is attached.The same Doc, which appears below is also attached for

the benefit of Prof Choudhry.


Best Regards



International Institute of Predictive Astrology[iIPA]


Proceedings of The Fourth Intl Conf of SA Astrologers,


Club Patio South, South City-II, Gurgaon, India


11th & 12th April, 2009


Part II[session II]: Afternoon on the First Day


'Marital Problems & Astral Help':


PPP by Cmdr Ashutosh Pandey


As scheduled by Prof Choudhry, this presentation commenced in the


at 16:00 hrs. Six charts were presented in all, and every one of them

pertained to serious marital discord, and their understanding [through the

SA] & alleviation through the Remedial Measures. To make it easy to follow

Pandeyji's PPP, I will first of all give sufficient information [from his

talk], against which background, his presentation will acquire so much




Case Study 1:


Army Lt. Col [5 Oct 1966, 6:00 PM, Meerut[77E45,29N01]


This army officer married a model. It was an inter-caste marriage. As it


opposed by families on both the sides, the marriage had to actually take

place in court. The officer had a Pisces Ascendant. The Su, as the malefic

lord giving conflicts was placed almost on the MEP of the VIIH of marital

relationship. The VIIH lord of relationship, namely Me, was placed in the

malefic VIIIH of obstruction, whereas the malefic VIIIH lord Ve, was


in its deb sign, in the VIIH of marital relationship. The benefic lord of

family cohesion, namely Ma, was placed in the VIH of conflicts &

litigations. Rahu closely influences the house of family cohesion and Ketu

closely influences the house of marital tie.


On the benefic side, he had abundant Divine Grace, for love in expression

and romantic dalliances, as the Mo, the lord of the VH of love in

expression, was placed exalted and strongly in the IIIH of communication,

while an exalted benefic Ju, placed in the VH, blessed him with

intelligence, knowledge and capacity to advice in the profession.


His extra marital affairs came to the knowledge of his wife, but sadly

through his own numerous girl friends. Unable to brook this betrayal of

trust, the wife left him for good. After a long drawn out legal battle,

their marriage ended in a divorce in Apr 2005. The only child of the first

marriage, a daughter, is now 14 yrs old, and the officer has the

responsibility of grooming her to become a young lady with noble virtues.


his present position, he is feeling utterly lonely.


Finding the new responsibility of grooming the daughter, a difficult one,

the army officer voluntarily asked to be relieved from his official

obligations and secured his freedom strangely, just one day before the

commencement of the Conf, i.e.; on Apr 9th 2009. When Pandeyji asked him

about his infidelity, he remarked, that he was quite helpless in this

regard. His present position therefore, was one of being at cross-roads,


for the following reason. In the defense forces, as Sri Pandeyji


officers are expected to have a harmonious family life, for this is


to make them more productive in their professional work, and conversely


an officer fails to achieve marital harmony, it becomes a taint on him -


the effect that 'A man who cannot control his wife and keep her happy,

cannot also control his troops and make them productive' Thus the bosses


the army officer told him in unambiguous terms, that even if he were to


back, he would not secure his promotions.


In this state of desperation on two different fronts, when he sought


help from Pandeyji, the latter prescribed for him, the SA Remedial


only for the MMP Ve. Pandeyji also learnt that 50% of his salary had to go

to the first wife [who is now in Australia] as alimony.


Prof Choudhry pointed out that in charts such as these with multiple

afflictions, it becomes highly mandatory [if one is to secure relief from

such sufferings, at all] to perform the Remedial Measures for all the FMs,

and also at the same time, strengthen the weak functional benefic planets.

Thus he asked Sri Pandeyji to take this line of action.


Prof Choudhry also pointed out that the correct SA Sutra, pertinent to the

marital sphere is:


" PD & GSs of Marital Harmony are= VIIH-IIH-IVH-VIIIH-XIIH-Ve [for

men]/Ju[for women] "


And not in the order:


" VIIH - IVH - IIH - VIIIH - XIIH " , as was presented in the PPP.


Case Study 2:


Navy Captain [25 Feb 1957, 5:30 PM, Dehradun(78E03,30N19)]


In this case the naval officer had fallen in love, when he was only

seventeen yrs of age. In the naval service there is a rule that one cannot

marry before the age of 25. In his case however, he had to seek special

permission from the commanding officer to marry, and this became feasible

when he was twenty [1977]. Within a year, the wife had become pregnant,


unfortunately, as his misfortune would have it, she ran away to the US,


her paramour, on 10th Oct 1978. The naval officer believed that his wife

will come back to him and this gave him the patience to wait for her


for ten long years!


The wife did not however come back and throughout the Ra main period [Jul

'79 to Jul'97], he was feeling lonely and miserable. However, it was only

with the dawn of the Ju dasa, in 1997, that he took the step of marrying

again, but this time a divorcee. Even this step, which was already coming

late in his life, had to face the obstacle of litigation.


The first wife's sister had filed a case against him, when he was

contemplating marrying the divorcee, on the grounds that this second

marriage would not be legally tenable as the first marriage was not yet

nullified through a divorce. To meet this stringent condition which now


to be imposed on him [in spite of his Sattvik approach of waiting for his

unfaithful wife to come back to him], he had to make a public announcement

in the news papers, to the effect that if anyone had any objections to


second marriage, then they should make this known to him, at this point,


it was only after such an announcement that the court granted him


to go through with the second marriage.


Sri Pandeyji had prescribed the SA Remedial Measures for this naval



Prof Choudhry in reply to Qs regarding this chart, drew attention to one

particular marriage lord, namely the lord of the IIH of family cohesion

being badly placed in the VIH of conflicts[which from the SA point of


would tantamount to an affliction], as the main cause for this tragedy. He

also gave a simple and succinct SA Sutra, applicable to this chart, in the

form: 'Whenever the IIH lord goes to the VIH, there will be problems in


sphere of married life, as well as in that of the profession.'


Case Study 3:


Travel Agent[11,Jun,1960,8:00PM,Mumbai(72E51, 18N56)


This is the chart of a travel agent. It shows a strong Sagittarius Asdt,

with a strong Ju and strong Sa in the Lagna. It was a traditional Marathi

marriage and the marriage took place on 21 Feb 1986, ostensibly in the

propitious sub-period of the strong planet Ju, but in the inauspicious


of Ra - because, Ra afflicted the Mo[the lord of the VIIIH], exactly. The

chart also had a strong Me placed strongly in the VIIH of the spouse, and

enjoying a mutual influence from the strong IIIH lord Sa. There were two

daughters from this marriage, but the wife left him [because of


given to her by her boy friend] in the Ra-Ve sub-period in Jun 1995, some

nine yrs after the marriage had taken place.


In the wake of this disgraceful loss of the wife, the travel agent fell


a state of depression. was asked to throw Light on the


causes of this marital tragedy.


The Prof said that the close association between Sa & Me, blessed him with

enough will power & courage in action, so that he could pull himself out,


the misfortune. With the dawn of the favourable Ju dasa[as reported by Sri

Pandeyji], he bounced back to normalcy and has been doing the Ra


ever since. Prof Choudhry reiterated that the bad placement of Ve, the

significator of the wife in the VIH of losses, and Ra's exact affliction


the Mo, in the dasa of Ra, had toppled the apple cart of marriage.


[in an aside, I would like to make the following pertinent observation,


though during the actual Conf Proceedings, I did not draw attention to


point, because of my slowness in deciphering the chart in the North Indian



[The Sagittarius Asdt, from the SA point of view has a marked


when it comes to the marital sphere. As none of the marital Hs: VIIH, IIH,

IVH & XIIH, have MTH lords, the onus of making the marriage stable and

happy, naturally falls squarely on Ve[the significator of the wife] & also

upon the Mo, the only marriage lord, for the Sagittarius Asdt[ruling the

VIIIH]. In view of the Mo being the only marriage lord, for the


lord, and in view of the Mo also being the secondary significator of the

wife in the SA; when, these two important Marriage lords, Ve & Mo, suffer

bad afflictions or are badly placed, then the grace for the Sagittarius

Asdt's Marital happiness, drastically dwindles. This is what actually

happened in this case.


[it is also interesting to note that as the SA considers, the Mo to be the

secondary significator of the wife, its affliction from Ra, tallies well

with the disgraceful Marital reality, as the disappearance of the wife may

be considered to be caused by the Rahuvian nature of the wife (SA Sutra on

Pg 286, Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes, fourth revised

edition, May 2006).]


Case Study 4:


Movie Actor [2 Dec 1971, 11:41 AM, Kanpur (80E14, 26N27)


This is a Rasi Sandhi birth chart, very very early Aquarius Asdt. It was a

love marriage to begin with, but as both were movie actors, marital


commenced just 6 months after marriage. Sri Pandeyji mentioned that he


for the birth time of 11:41 AM [Aquarius Asdt], as this showed the lord of

initiatives and artistic expression, placed strongly in the Asdt. The

marital discord is intelligible, he explained as the discord giving


the malefic Mo, ruling the VIH of discord, through its direct aspect

afflicted the Su, which signified marital relationship. The affliction

occurring in the sign Scorpio, of course worsens the situation further [sA



Prof Choudhry explained, when he was asked to comment, that Ve, the planet

of wealth & marriage, placed in the XIH, gave income, success in


as well as grace for continuation of marriage. Pandeyji added that the

couple realized that both of them working, round the clock, was what

aggravated marital tension. When it was suggested by his wife that he


reduce his hours of work, his willfulness and aggression[arising from the

strong IIIH lord Ma, placed in the Asdt], did not permit him to reduce his

work or change his job, so as to make marital life more pleasant.


Prof remarked that the strong IIIH, and the strong Asdt lord, managed this

discord, in spite of malefic Ra's close affliction to the Mo, which would

have created, negativity, fear, depression and confusion. Pandeyji also

added that daily propitiatory charities, for Ra, did not as yet, come into

the picture, because the marriage did not break as yet! Prof Choudhry

remarked that those who are fortunate in having the inclination to perform

preventive Remedial Measures, always secure Divine Grace of God for

surmounting various kinds of sufferings.


Case Study 5:


Young Lady from Abu Dhabi [11Feb 1978, 1:00 PM, TZ= -4hrs, Abu Dhabi




This was the case of a young married lady whose father was Turkish, while

the mother was from Hyderabad. Both parents were of course Muslims. After

the father's death, her mother returned to her native city of Hyderabad.


young lady, who was married in Abu Dhabi, saying that " it is too boring to

live with her husband " , reverted back to Hyderabad, to continue life there

with her mother and her two sons. The young lady, according to Pandeyji


desirous of a second marriage and in this context, sought the guidance of



It was a highly afflicted Taurus Asdt chart, with the MMP Ju, exactly

afflicting, Ve, the significator of marital happiness. Ve also suffered a

second close affliction, from the loss giving deb, malefic planet, Ma. In

addition, the malefic Ve, afflicted exactly Sa, the lord of profession,


action. The Mo ruling the IIIH of initiatives also suffered a close

affliction, as it was placed in the nodal axis, in the sign Pisces, within


orb of 4.5 degs. The MMP Ju, as well as Ma, making a close affliction to


IVH lord the Su, denied her domestic happiness and inner contentment. Ra's

close aspect on the Mo & Me, seems to have aggravated her discontent.


Prof Choudhry noting that Pandeyji is always prescribing Remedial Measures

for one or two afflicting FMs and not for all the FMs of the chart [as is

usually done in the SA], emphasized that to get relief, one must always

raise the low energies of the weak FBs and also simultaneously involve

oneself in daily propitiatory charities, for offsetting the transit &


afflictions from all the FMs. And that unless this is done in the

comprehensive way, as suggested in the SA, good relief will not be forth



Case Study 6:


Air Hostess [4 Feb 1963, 5:15 AM, Jorhat (94E12, 26N45)


Sri Pandeyji explained that this is the worst case of domestic violence,

wife beating and cruelty, that one may possibly see. The husband was a

police officer, posted in Assam and not only, was he used to drinking, but

was also coercing his wife to do the same. He used to burn her thighs with

red-hot cigarette butts and used to beat her so hard that she had to be

hospitalized. Because she began to drink with her husband, she soon became

an alcoholic addict and it took her more than 3 yrs to recover from this

miserable condition.


She suffered profoundly during the entire Ra dasa and it was only when


was the dawn of the Ju dasa, that she mustered enough courage to ask for a

divorce. The intimidation seems to have been all the greater, in view of


husband having been a police officer. The first husband was a good 10 yrs

older to her and Pandeyji mentioned that at the present time, she was

contemplating seriously marrying a British pilot, who was also


addicted to the bottle.


The boy's people, realizing her helplessness and the cruelty inflicted on

her by her heartless husband, took her to the Gauhati Airport manager and

pleaded with him to use his influence to recruit her as an Air Hostess, so

that her life of humiliation and physical abuse may come to an end.


Her Capricorn Asdt chart shows nodal affliction to the IH and the VIIH


close] and in addition the lords of the family Hs, the IIH & the IVH are

also exactly afflicted by the MMP, the Su.


As the Air Hostess sought astrological guidance, Prof Choudhry told


that as this is a severely afflicted chart, all round Remedial Measures


the afflicting Ra, Ke, Su, as well as for the un-afflicting Ju will have


be taken up on a daily basis, if she is to turn a new leaf in her marital

life. He once again stressed intense Remedial Measures for her, as this

alone, could bring her some alleviation from her present miserable



It was also mentioned that the police officer had married again and that


only child from the first marriage, a son at that, was being taken care of

by a nanny.


When this doc is carefully read, by placing the respective charts by the

side, even new comers to the SA will find it all the easier to thoroughly

understand Pandeyji's PPP on: 'Marital Problems and Astral Help'.


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Guest guest

Dear ,


Thank you for your kind guidance here.


So these are the most likely sub periods, but we've seen that the triple

transit superseeds all. From this I think it's possible that such gain can

happen in an otherwise non-obvious subperiod, with the right transit

situation. Correct?



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas



" SIHA " <vkchoudhry


Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:29 PM

Spiritual Boon



Hello dear Vyas,


The spiritual boon is possible in the sub period of the strong lord of the

ninth house or the strong lord of the fourth house/eighth house or strong

Sun or strong Jupiter connected with the ninth house.


Best wishes.






Vyas Munidas

Monday, April 20, 2009 7:09 AM







Namaste dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji,


I am well thank you. As fate would have it, I made the following inquiry


during the conference without knowing that this very

topic was being discussed. He asked me to wait until part II of the

proceedings was published.


I've read the documents and to say the least, it was very interesting. I


the questions I posed to the Professor below, perhaps you care to comment?


> What rules the attainment of spiritual goals and marks the timing of


> attainment?


> And can this be easily seen in a chart since the very definition of


> Grace suggests that it is beyond the probable expressive karma in this

> life?


An even more specific enquiry on the above: If a person took up some


to attain some siddhi/spiritual boon, given that their natal chart has the

required strong planets, what marks the timing of the *attainment date* of

such? I'd be interested in Professor's guidance here as well.


My suspicion is the 8H (mystical), 9H (divine grace, fortune, blessings),

the spiritual planets Su and/or Ju has to be involved, and perhaps a


of the 3L (ruling initiation into spiritual techniques).


Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:20 PM



Dear Sri Vyas Munidasji,


Namasthe.Thanks for the kind words.Hope it will be beneficial for those


could not come for the Conf.Trust you are doing well.


Best regards



Vyas Munidas

Monday, April 20, 2009 1:59 AM



Dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji,


Thank you very much for all of your posts on the conference. You are

instrumental in the kindness of God by allowing the non-conference


to receive the knowledge.


Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




Cc: <siha

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:34 AM



Dear Prof Choudhry and SA Astrologers,


Namasthe.Pl see below the PART II[session II] of the Intl SA Conf

Proceedings, on the theme of: 'MARITAL PROBLEMS AND ASTRAL HELP'.

The PPP given by Cmdr Ashutosh Pandey may best be seen by you, after you

have seen this Doc.


The PPP is attached.The same Doc, which appears below is also attached for

the benefit of Prof Choudhry.


Best Regards



International Institute of Predictive Astrology[iIPA]


Proceedings of The Fourth Intl Conf of SA Astrologers,


Club Patio South, South City-II, Gurgaon, India


11th & 12th April, 2009


Part II[session II]: Afternoon on the First Day


'Marital Problems & Astral Help':


PPP by Cmdr Ashutosh Pandey


As scheduled by Prof Choudhry, this presentation commenced in the


at 16:00 hrs. Six charts were presented in all, and every one of them

pertained to serious marital discord, and their understanding [through the

SA] & alleviation through the Remedial Measures. To make it easy to follow

Pandeyji's PPP, I will first of all give sufficient information [from his

talk], against which background, his presentation will acquire so much




Case Study 1:


Army Lt. Col [5 Oct 1966, 6:00 PM, Meerut[77E45,29N01]


This army officer married a model. It was an inter-caste marriage. As it


opposed by families on both the sides, the marriage had to actually take

place in court. The officer had a Pisces Ascendant. The Su, as the malefic

lord giving conflicts was placed almost on the MEP of the VIIH of marital

relationship. The VIIH lord of relationship, namely Me, was placed in the

malefic VIIIH of obstruction, whereas the malefic VIIIH lord Ve, was


in its deb sign, in the VIIH of marital relationship. The benefic lord of

family cohesion, namely Ma, was placed in the VIH of conflicts &

litigations. Rahu closely influences the house of family cohesion and Ketu

closely influences the house of marital tie.


On the benefic side, he had abundant Divine Grace, for love in expression

and romantic dalliances, as the Mo, the lord of the VH of love in

expression, was placed exalted and strongly in the IIIH of communication,

while an exalted benefic Ju, placed in the VH, blessed him with

intelligence, knowledge and capacity to advice in the profession.


His extra marital affairs came to the knowledge of his wife, but sadly

through his own numerous girl friends. Unable to brook this betrayal of

trust, the wife left him for good. After a long drawn out legal battle,

their marriage ended in a divorce in Apr 2005. The only child of the first

marriage, a daughter, is now 14 yrs old, and the officer has the

responsibility of grooming her to become a young lady with noble virtues.


his present position, he is feeling utterly lonely.


Finding the new responsibility of grooming the daughter, a difficult one,

the army officer voluntarily asked to be relieved from his official

obligations and secured his freedom strangely, just one day before the

commencement of the Conf, i.e.; on Apr 9th 2009. When Pandeyji asked him

about his infidelity, he remarked, that he was quite helpless in this

regard. His present position therefore, was one of being at cross-roads,


for the following reason. In the defense forces, as Sri Pandeyji


officers are expected to have a harmonious family life, for this is


to make them more productive in their professional work, and conversely


an officer fails to achieve marital harmony, it becomes a taint on him -


the effect that 'A man who cannot control his wife and keep her happy,

cannot also control his troops and make them productive' Thus the bosses


the army officer told him in unambiguous terms, that even if he were to


back, he would not secure his promotions.


In this state of desperation on two different fronts, when he sought


help from Pandeyji, the latter prescribed for him, the SA Remedial


only for the MMP Ve. Pandeyji also learnt that 50% of his salary had to go

to the first wife [who is now in Australia] as alimony.


Prof Choudhry pointed out that in charts such as these with multiple

afflictions, it becomes highly mandatory [if one is to secure relief from

such sufferings, at all] to perform the Remedial Measures for all the FMs,

and also at the same time, strengthen the weak functional benefic planets.

Thus he asked Sri Pandeyji to take this line of action.


Prof Choudhry also pointed out that the correct SA Sutra, pertinent to the

marital sphere is:


" PD & GSs of Marital Harmony are= VIIH-IIH-IVH-VIIIH-XIIH-Ve [for

men]/Ju[for women] "


And not in the order:


" VIIH - IVH - IIH - VIIIH - XIIH " , as was presented in the PPP.


Case Study 2:


Navy Captain [25 Feb 1957, 5:30 PM, Dehradun(78E03,30N19)]


In this case the naval officer had fallen in love, when he was only

seventeen yrs of age. In the naval service there is a rule that one cannot

marry before the age of 25. In his case however, he had to seek special

permission from the commanding officer to marry, and this became feasible

when he was twenty [1977]. Within a year, the wife had become pregnant,


unfortunately, as his misfortune would have it, she ran away to the US,


her paramour, on 10th Oct 1978. The naval officer believed that his wife

will come back to him and this gave him the patience to wait for her


for ten long years!


The wife did not however come back and throughout the Ra main period [Jul

'79 to Jul'97], he was feeling lonely and miserable. However, it was only

with the dawn of the Ju dasa, in 1997, that he took the step of marrying

again, but this time a divorcee. Even this step, which was already coming

late in his life, had to face the obstacle of litigation.


The first wife's sister had filed a case against him, when he was

contemplating marrying the divorcee, on the grounds that this second

marriage would not be legally tenable as the first marriage was not yet

nullified through a divorce. To meet this stringent condition which now


to be imposed on him [in spite of his Sattvik approach of waiting for his

unfaithful wife to come back to him], he had to make a public announcement

in the news papers, to the effect that if anyone had any objections to


second marriage, then they should make this known to him, at this point,


it was only after such an announcement that the court granted him


to go through with the second marriage.


Sri Pandeyji had prescribed the SA Remedial Measures for this naval



Prof Choudhry in reply to Qs regarding this chart, drew attention to one

particular marriage lord, namely the lord of the IIH of family cohesion

being badly placed in the VIH of conflicts[which from the SA point of


would tantamount to an affliction], as the main cause for this tragedy. He

also gave a simple and succinct SA Sutra, applicable to this chart, in the

form: 'Whenever the IIH lord goes to the VIH, there will be problems in


sphere of married life, as well as in that of the profession.'


Case Study 3:


Travel Agent[11,Jun,1960,8:00PM,Mumbai(72E51, 18N56)


This is the chart of a travel agent. It shows a strong Sagittarius Asdt,

with a strong Ju and strong Sa in the Lagna. It was a traditional Marathi

marriage and the marriage took place on 21 Feb 1986, ostensibly in the

propitious sub-period of the strong planet Ju, but in the inauspicious


of Ra - because, Ra afflicted the Mo[the lord of the VIIIH], exactly. The

chart also had a strong Me placed strongly in the VIIH of the spouse, and

enjoying a mutual influence from the strong IIIH lord Sa. There were two

daughters from this marriage, but the wife left him [because of


given to her by her boy friend] in the Ra-Ve sub-period in Jun 1995, some

nine yrs after the marriage had taken place.


In the wake of this disgraceful loss of the wife, the travel agent fell


a state of depression. was asked to throw Light on the


causes of this marital tragedy.


The Prof said that the close association between Sa & Me, blessed him with

enough will power & courage in action, so that he could pull himself out,


the misfortune. With the dawn of the favourable Ju dasa[as reported by Sri

Pandeyji], he bounced back to normalcy and has been doing the Ra


ever since. Prof Choudhry reiterated that the bad placement of Ve, the

significator of the wife in the VIH of losses, and Ra's exact affliction


the Mo, in the dasa of Ra, had toppled the apple cart of marriage.


[in an aside, I would like to make the following pertinent observation,


though during the actual Conf Proceedings, I did not draw attention to


point, because of my slowness in deciphering the chart in the North Indian



[The Sagittarius Asdt, from the SA point of view has a marked


when it comes to the marital sphere. As none of the marital Hs: VIIH, IIH,

IVH & XIIH, have MTH lords, the onus of making the marriage stable and

happy, naturally falls squarely on Ve[the significator of the wife] & also

upon the Mo, the only marriage lord, for the Sagittarius Asdt[ruling the

VIIIH]. In view of the Mo being the only marriage lord, for the


lord, and in view of the Mo also being the secondary significator of the

wife in the SA; when, these two important Marriage lords, Ve & Mo, suffer

bad afflictions or are badly placed, then the grace for the Sagittarius

Asdt's Marital happiness, drastically dwindles. This is what actually

happened in this case.


[it is also interesting to note that as the SA considers, the Mo to be the

secondary significator of the wife, its affliction from Ra, tallies well

with the disgraceful Marital reality, as the disappearance of the wife may

be considered to be caused by the Rahuvian nature of the wife (SA Sutra on

Pg 286, Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes, fourth revised

edition, May 2006).]


Case Study 4:


Movie Actor [2 Dec 1971, 11:41 AM, Kanpur (80E14, 26N27)


This is a Rasi Sandhi birth chart, very very early Aquarius Asdt. It was a

love marriage to begin with, but as both were movie actors, marital


commenced just 6 months after marriage. Sri Pandeyji mentioned that he


for the birth time of 11:41 AM [Aquarius Asdt], as this showed the lord of

initiatives and artistic expression, placed strongly in the Asdt. The

marital discord is intelligible, he explained as the discord giving


the malefic Mo, ruling the VIH of discord, through its direct aspect

afflicted the Su, which signified marital relationship. The affliction

occurring in the sign Scorpio, of course worsens the situation further [sA



Prof Choudhry explained, when he was asked to comment, that Ve, the planet

of wealth & marriage, placed in the XIH, gave income, success in


as well as grace for continuation of marriage. Pandeyji added that the

couple realized that both of them working, round the clock, was what

aggravated marital tension. When it was suggested by his wife that he


reduce his hours of work, his willfulness and aggression[arising from the

strong IIIH lord Ma, placed in the Asdt], did not permit him to reduce his

work or change his job, so as to make marital life more pleasant.


Prof remarked that the strong IIIH, and the strong Asdt lord, managed this

discord, in spite of malefic Ra's close affliction to the Mo, which would

have created, negativity, fear, depression and confusion. Pandeyji also

added that daily propitiatory charities, for Ra, did not as yet, come into

the picture, because the marriage did not break as yet! Prof Choudhry

remarked that those who are fortunate in having the inclination to perform

preventive Remedial Measures, always secure Divine Grace of God for

surmounting various kinds of sufferings.


Case Study 5:


Young Lady from Abu Dhabi [11Feb 1978, 1:00 PM, TZ= -4hrs, Abu Dhabi




This was the case of a young married lady whose father was Turkish, while

the mother was from Hyderabad. Both parents were of course Muslims. After

the father's death, her mother returned to her native city of Hyderabad.


young lady, who was married in Abu Dhabi, saying that " it is too boring to

live with her husband " , reverted back to Hyderabad, to continue life there

with her mother and her two sons. The young lady, according to Pandeyji


desirous of a second marriage and in this context, sought the guidance of



It was a highly afflicted Taurus Asdt chart, with the MMP Ju, exactly

afflicting, Ve, the significator of marital happiness. Ve also suffered a

second close affliction, from the loss giving deb, malefic planet, Ma. In

addition, the malefic Ve, afflicted exactly Sa, the lord of profession,


action. The Mo ruling the IIIH of initiatives also suffered a close

affliction, as it was placed in the nodal axis, in the sign Pisces, within


orb of 4.5 degs. The MMP Ju, as well as Ma, making a close affliction to


IVH lord the Su, denied her domestic happiness and inner contentment. Ra's

close aspect on the Mo & Me, seems to have aggravated her discontent.


Prof Choudhry noting that Pandeyji is always prescribing Remedial Measures

for one or two afflicting FMs and not for all the FMs of the chart [as is

usually done in the SA], emphasized that to get relief, one must always

raise the low energies of the weak FBs and also simultaneously involve

oneself in daily propitiatory charities, for offsetting the transit &


afflictions from all the FMs. And that unless this is done in the

comprehensive way, as suggested in the SA, good relief will not be forth



Case Study 6:


Air Hostess [4 Feb 1963, 5:15 AM, Jorhat (94E12, 26N45)


Sri Pandeyji explained that this is the worst case of domestic violence,

wife beating and cruelty, that one may possibly see. The husband was a

police officer, posted in Assam and not only, was he used to drinking, but

was also coercing his wife to do the same. He used to burn her thighs with

red-hot cigarette butts and used to beat her so hard that she had to be

hospitalized. Because she began to drink with her husband, she soon became

an alcoholic addict and it took her more than 3 yrs to recover from this

miserable condition.


She suffered profoundly during the entire Ra dasa and it was only when


was the dawn of the Ju dasa, that she mustered enough courage to ask for a

divorce. The intimidation seems to have been all the greater, in view of


husband having been a police officer. The first husband was a good 10 yrs

older to her and Pandeyji mentioned that at the present time, she was

contemplating seriously marrying a British pilot, who was also


addicted to the bottle.


The boy's people, realizing her helplessness and the cruelty inflicted on

her by her heartless husband, took her to the Gauhati Airport manager and

pleaded with him to use his influence to recruit her as an Air Hostess, so

that her life of humiliation and physical abuse may come to an end.


Her Capricorn Asdt chart shows nodal affliction to the IH and the VIIH


close] and in addition the lords of the family Hs, the IIH & the IVH are

also exactly afflicted by the MMP, the Su.


As the Air Hostess sought astrological guidance, Prof Choudhry told


that as this is a severely afflicted chart, all round Remedial Measures


the afflicting Ra, Ke, Su, as well as for the un-afflicting Ju will have


be taken up on a daily basis, if she is to turn a new leaf in her marital

life. He once again stressed intense Remedial Measures for her, as this

alone, could bring her some alleviation from her present miserable



It was also mentioned that the police officer had married again and that


only child from the first marriage, a son at that, was being taken care of

by a nanny.


When this doc is carefully read, by placing the respective charts by the

side, even new comers to the SA will find it all the easier to thoroughly

understand Pandeyji's PPP on: 'Marital Problems and Astral Help'.


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Guest guest

Hello dear Vyas,


Yes. The impact of strong planets can trigger in the favorable prolonged



Best wishes.






Vyas Munidas

Monday, April 20, 2009 8:05 PM

Re: Spiritual Boon






Dear ,


Thank you for your kind guidance here.


So these are the most likely sub periods, but we've seen that the triple

transit superseeds all. From this I think it's possible that such gain can

happen in an otherwise non-obvious subperiod, with the right transit

situation. Correct?


Best regards,


Vyas Munidas



" SIHA " <vkchoudhry

Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:29 PM

Spiritual Boon


Hello dear Vyas,


The spiritual boon is possible in the sub period of the strong lord of the

ninth house or the strong lord of the fourth house/eighth house or strong

Sun or strong Jupiter connected with the ninth house.


Best wishes.




Vyas Munidas

Monday, April 20, 2009 7:09 AM



Namaste dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji,


I am well thank you. As fate would have it, I made the following inquiry


during the conference without knowing that this very

topic was being discussed. He asked me to wait until part II of the

proceedings was published.


I've read the documents and to say the least, it was very interesting. I


the questions I posed to the Professor below, perhaps you care to comment?


> What rules the attainment of spiritual goals and marks the timing of


> attainment?


> And can this be easily seen in a chart since the very definition of


> Grace suggests that it is beyond the probable expressive karma in this

> life?


An even more specific enquiry on the above: If a person took up some


to attain some siddhi/spiritual boon, given that their natal chart has the

required strong planets, what marks the timing of the *attainment date* of

such? I'd be interested in Professor's guidance here as well.


My suspicion is the 8H (mystical), 9H (divine grace, fortune, blessings),

the spiritual planets Su and/or Ju has to be involved, and perhaps a


of the 3L (ruling initiation into spiritual techniques).


Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:20 PM



Dear Sri Vyas Munidasji,


Namasthe.Thanks for the kind words.Hope it will be beneficial for those


could not come for the Conf.Trust you are doing well.


Best regards



Vyas Munidas

Monday, April 20, 2009 1:59 AM



Dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji,


Thank you very much for all of your posts on the conference. You are

instrumental in the kindness of God by allowing the non-conference


to receive the knowledge.


Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




Cc: <siha

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:34 AM



Dear Prof Choudhry and SA Astrologers,


Namasthe.Pl see below the PART II[session II] of the Intl SA Conf

Proceedings, on the theme of: 'MARITAL PROBLEMS AND ASTRAL HELP'.

The PPP given by Cmdr Ashutosh Pandey may best be seen by you, after you

have seen this Doc.


The PPP is attached.The same Doc, which appears below is also attached for

the benefit of Prof Choudhry.


Best Regards



International Institute of Predictive Astrology[iIPA]


Proceedings of The Fourth Intl Conf of SA Astrologers,


Club Patio South, South City-II, Gurgaon, India


11th & 12th April, 2009


Part II[session II]: Afternoon on the First Day


'Marital Problems & Astral Help':


PPP by Cmdr Ashutosh Pandey


As scheduled by Prof Choudhry, this presentation commenced in the


at 16:00 hrs. Six charts were presented in all, and every one of them

pertained to serious marital discord, and their understanding [through the

SA] & alleviation through the Remedial Measures. To make it easy to follow

Pandeyji's PPP, I will first of all give sufficient information [from his

talk], against which background, his presentation will acquire so much




Case Study 1:


Army Lt. Col [5 Oct 1966, 6:00 PM, Meerut[77E45,29N01]


This army officer married a model. It was an inter-caste marriage. As it


opposed by families on both the sides, the marriage had to actually take

place in court. The officer had a Pisces Ascendant. The Su, as the malefic

lord giving conflicts was placed almost on the MEP of the VIIH of marital

relationship. The VIIH lord of relationship, namely Me, was placed in the

malefic VIIIH of obstruction, whereas the malefic VIIIH lord Ve, was


in its deb sign, in the VIIH of marital relationship. The benefic lord of

family cohesion, namely Ma, was placed in the VIH of conflicts &

litigations. Rahu closely influences the house of family cohesion and Ketu

closely influences the house of marital tie.


On the benefic side, he had abundant Divine Grace, for love in expression

and romantic dalliances, as the Mo, the lord of the VH of love in

expression, was placed exalted and strongly in the IIIH of communication,

while an exalted benefic Ju, placed in the VH, blessed him with

intelligence, knowledge and capacity to advice in the profession.


His extra marital affairs came to the knowledge of his wife, but sadly

through his own numerous girl friends. Unable to brook this betrayal of

trust, the wife left him for good. After a long drawn out legal battle,

their marriage ended in a divorce in Apr 2005. The only child of the first

marriage, a daughter, is now 14 yrs old, and the officer has the

responsibility of grooming her to become a young lady with noble virtues.


his present position, he is feeling utterly lonely.


Finding the new responsibility of grooming the daughter, a difficult one,

the army officer voluntarily asked to be relieved from his official

obligations and secured his freedom strangely, just one day before the

commencement of the Conf, i.e.; on Apr 9th 2009. When Pandeyji asked him

about his infidelity, he remarked, that he was quite helpless in this

regard. His present position therefore, was one of being at cross-roads,


for the following reason. In the defense forces, as Sri Pandeyji


officers are expected to have a harmonious family life, for this is


to make them more productive in their professional work, and conversely


an officer fails to achieve marital harmony, it becomes a taint on him -


the effect that 'A man who cannot control his wife and keep her happy,

cannot also control his troops and make them productive' Thus the bosses


the army officer told him in unambiguous terms, that even if he were to


back, he would not secure his promotions.


In this state of desperation on two different fronts, when he sought


help from Pandeyji, the latter prescribed for him, the SA Remedial


only for the MMP Ve. Pandeyji also learnt that 50% of his salary had to go

to the first wife [who is now in Australia] as alimony.


Prof Choudhry pointed out that in charts such as these with multiple

afflictions, it becomes highly mandatory [if one is to secure relief from

such sufferings, at all] to perform the Remedial Measures for all the FMs,

and also at the same time, strengthen the weak functional benefic planets.

Thus he asked Sri Pandeyji to take this line of action.


Prof Choudhry also pointed out that the correct SA Sutra, pertinent to the

marital sphere is:


" PD & GSs of Marital Harmony are= VIIH-IIH-IVH-VIIIH-XIIH-Ve [for

men]/Ju[for women] "


And not in the order:


" VIIH - IVH - IIH - VIIIH - XIIH " , as was presented in the PPP.


Case Study 2:


Navy Captain [25 Feb 1957, 5:30 PM, Dehradun(78E03,30N19)]


In this case the naval officer had fallen in love, when he was only

seventeen yrs of age. In the naval service there is a rule that one cannot

marry before the age of 25. In his case however, he had to seek special

permission from the commanding officer to marry, and this became feasible

when he was twenty [1977]. Within a year, the wife had become pregnant,


unfortunately, as his misfortune would have it, she ran away to the US,


her paramour, on 10th Oct 1978. The naval officer believed that his wife

will come back to him and this gave him the patience to wait for her


for ten long years!


The wife did not however come back and throughout the Ra main period [Jul

'79 to Jul'97], he was feeling lonely and miserable. However, it was only

with the dawn of the Ju dasa, in 1997, that he took the step of marrying

again, but this time a divorcee. Even this step, which was already coming

late in his life, had to face the obstacle of litigation.


The first wife's sister had filed a case against him, when he was

contemplating marrying the divorcee, on the grounds that this second

marriage would not be legally tenable as the first marriage was not yet

nullified through a divorce. To meet this stringent condition which now


to be imposed on him [in spite of his Sattvik approach of waiting for his

unfaithful wife to come back to him], he had to make a public announcement

in the news papers, to the effect that if anyone had any objections to


second marriage, then they should make this known to him, at this point,


it was only after such an announcement that the court granted him


to go through with the second marriage.


Sri Pandeyji had prescribed the SA Remedial Measures for this naval



Prof Choudhry in reply to Qs regarding this chart, drew attention to one

particular marriage lord, namely the lord of the IIH of family cohesion

being badly placed in the VIH of conflicts[which from the SA point of


would tantamount to an affliction], as the main cause for this tragedy. He

also gave a simple and succinct SA Sutra, applicable to this chart, in the

form: 'Whenever the IIH lord goes to the VIH, there will be problems in


sphere of married life, as well as in that of the profession.'


Case Study 3:


Travel Agent[11,Jun,1960,8:00PM,Mumbai(72E51, 18N56)


This is the chart of a travel agent. It shows a strong Sagittarius Asdt,

with a strong Ju and strong Sa in the Lagna. It was a traditional Marathi

marriage and the marriage took place on 21 Feb 1986, ostensibly in the

propitious sub-period of the strong planet Ju, but in the inauspicious


of Ra - because, Ra afflicted the Mo[the lord of the VIIIH], exactly. The

chart also had a strong Me placed strongly in the VIIH of the spouse, and

enjoying a mutual influence from the strong IIIH lord Sa. There were two

daughters from this marriage, but the wife left him [because of


given to her by her boy friend] in the Ra-Ve sub-period in Jun 1995, some

nine yrs after the marriage had taken place.


In the wake of this disgraceful loss of the wife, the travel agent fell


a state of depression. was asked to throw Light on the


causes of this marital tragedy.


The Prof said that the close association between Sa & Me, blessed him with

enough will power & courage in action, so that he could pull himself out,


the misfortune. With the dawn of the favourable Ju dasa[as reported by Sri

Pandeyji], he bounced back to normalcy and has been doing the Ra


ever since. Prof Choudhry reiterated that the bad placement of Ve, the

significator of the wife in the VIH of losses, and Ra's exact affliction


the Mo, in the dasa of Ra, had toppled the apple cart of marriage.


[in an aside, I would like to make the following pertinent observation,


though during the actual Conf Proceedings, I did not draw attention to


point, because of my slowness in deciphering the chart in the North Indian



[The Sagittarius Asdt, from the SA point of view has a marked


when it comes to the marital sphere. As none of the marital Hs: VIIH, IIH,

IVH & XIIH, have MTH lords, the onus of making the marriage stable and

happy, naturally falls squarely on Ve[the significator of the wife] & also

upon the Mo, the only marriage lord, for the Sagittarius Asdt[ruling the

VIIIH]. In view of the Mo being the only marriage lord, for the


lord, and in view of the Mo also being the secondary significator of the

wife in the SA; when, these two important Marriage lords, Ve & Mo, suffer

bad afflictions or are badly placed, then the grace for the Sagittarius

Asdt's Marital happiness, drastically dwindles. This is what actually

happened in this case.


[it is also interesting to note that as the SA considers, the Mo to be the

secondary significator of the wife, its affliction from Ra, tallies well

with the disgraceful Marital reality, as the disappearance of the wife may

be considered to be caused by the Rahuvian nature of the wife (SA Sutra on

Pg 286, Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes, fourth revised

edition, May 2006).]


Case Study 4:


Movie Actor [2 Dec 1971, 11:41 AM, Kanpur (80E14, 26N27)


This is a Rasi Sandhi birth chart, very very early Aquarius Asdt. It was a

love marriage to begin with, but as both were movie actors, marital


commenced just 6 months after marriage. Sri Pandeyji mentioned that he


for the birth time of 11:41 AM [Aquarius Asdt], as this showed the lord of

initiatives and artistic expression, placed strongly in the Asdt. The

marital discord is intelligible, he explained as the discord giving


the malefic Mo, ruling the VIH of discord, through its direct aspect

afflicted the Su, which signified marital relationship. The affliction

occurring in the sign Scorpio, of course worsens the situation further [sA



Prof Choudhry explained, when he was asked to comment, that Ve, the planet

of wealth & marriage, placed in the XIH, gave income, success in


as well as grace for continuation of marriage. Pandeyji added that the

couple realized that both of them working, round the clock, was what

aggravated marital tension. When it was suggested by his wife that he


reduce his hours of work, his willfulness and aggression[arising from the

strong IIIH lord Ma, placed in the Asdt], did not permit him to reduce his

work or change his job, so as to make marital life more pleasant.


Prof remarked that the strong IIIH, and the strong Asdt lord, managed this

discord, in spite of malefic Ra's close affliction to the Mo, which would

have created, negativity, fear, depression and confusion. Pandeyji also

added that daily propitiatory charities, for Ra, did not as yet, come into

the picture, because the marriage did not break as yet! Prof Choudhry

remarked that those who are fortunate in having the inclination to perform

preventive Remedial Measures, always secure Divine Grace of God for

surmounting various kinds of sufferings.


Case Study 5:


Young Lady from Abu Dhabi [11Feb 1978, 1:00 PM, TZ= -4hrs, Abu Dhabi




This was the case of a young married lady whose father was Turkish, while

the mother was from Hyderabad. Both parents were of course Muslims. After

the father's death, her mother returned to her native city of Hyderabad.


young lady, who was married in Abu Dhabi, saying that " it is too boring to

live with her husband " , reverted back to Hyderabad, to continue life there

with her mother and her two sons. The young lady, according to Pandeyji


desirous of a second marriage and in this context, sought the guidance of



It was a highly afflicted Taurus Asdt chart, with the MMP Ju, exactly

afflicting, Ve, the significator of marital happiness. Ve also suffered a

second close affliction, from the loss giving deb, malefic planet, Ma. In

addition, the malefic Ve, afflicted exactly Sa, the lord of profession,


action. The Mo ruling the IIIH of initiatives also suffered a close

affliction, as it was placed in the nodal axis, in the sign Pisces, within


orb of 4.5 degs. The MMP Ju, as well as Ma, making a close affliction to


IVH lord the Su, denied her domestic happiness and inner contentment. Ra's

close aspect on the Mo & Me, seems to have aggravated her discontent.


Prof Choudhry noting that Pandeyji is always prescribing Remedial Measures

for one or two afflicting FMs and not for all the FMs of the chart [as is

usually done in the SA], emphasized that to get relief, one must always

raise the low energies of the weak FBs and also simultaneously involve

oneself in daily propitiatory charities, for offsetting the transit &


afflictions from all the FMs. And that unless this is done in the

comprehensive way, as suggested in the SA, good relief will not be forth



Case Study 6:


Air Hostess [4 Feb 1963, 5:15 AM, Jorhat (94E12, 26N45)


Sri Pandeyji explained that this is the worst case of domestic violence,

wife beating and cruelty, that one may possibly see. The husband was a

police officer, posted in Assam and not only, was he used to drinking, but

was also coercing his wife to do the same. He used to burn her thighs with

red-hot cigarette butts and used to beat her so hard that she had to be

hospitalized. Because she began to drink with her husband, she soon became

an alcoholic addict and it took her more than 3 yrs to recover from this

miserable condition.


She suffered profoundly during the entire Ra dasa and it was only when


was the dawn of the Ju dasa, that she mustered enough courage to ask for a

divorce. The intimidation seems to have been all the greater, in view of


husband having been a police officer. The first husband was a good 10 yrs

older to her and Pandeyji mentioned that at the present time, she was

contemplating seriously marrying a British pilot, who was also


addicted to the bottle.


The boy's people, realizing her helplessness and the cruelty inflicted on

her by her heartless husband, took her to the Gauhati Airport manager and

pleaded with him to use his influence to recruit her as an Air Hostess, so

that her life of humiliation and physical abuse may come to an end.


Her Capricorn Asdt chart shows nodal affliction to the IH and the VIIH


close] and in addition the lords of the family Hs, the IIH & the IVH are

also exactly afflicted by the MMP, the Su.


As the Air Hostess sought astrological guidance, Prof Choudhry told


that as this is a severely afflicted chart, all round Remedial Measures


the afflicting Ra, Ke, Su, as well as for the un-afflicting Ju will have


be taken up on a daily basis, if she is to turn a new leaf in her marital

life. He once again stressed intense Remedial Measures for her, as this

alone, could bring her some alleviation from her present miserable



It was also mentioned that the police officer had married again and that


only child from the first marriage, a son at that, was being taken care of

by a nanny.


When this doc is carefully read, by placing the respective charts by the

side, even new comers to the SA will find it all the easier to thoroughly

understand Pandeyji's PPP on: 'Marital Problems and Astral Help'.


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