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Saturn transit analysis for my chart - please comment/correct

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2009/7/29 sudhashbahu <sudhashbahu




> Guruji and esteemed members,


> I was analysing my chart based on SA analysis. I would like esteemed group

members to comment on my analysis and correct me. [Note: I have interspersed

some doubts/questions within the narrative. Please be patient and read the

narrative carefully]


> Birth details:

> Jan 6, 1975

> 10:45 AM

> 72E58

> 19N12


> General observations:

> Lagna is Aquarius. Lagna lord is Saturn and situated in 5th (Good

placement) and aspected by FB Jupiter, Mars and Sun. It is however debilated

in Navamsa. Jupiter is FB and situated in the Lagna and aspected by FB mars

(Good position) but has weak dispositor [:Saturn - due to its debilation in



In this chart,


- Sun is weak due to debilitation in Navamsa

- Moon is weak since dispositor Venus is weak

- Mercury is placed in a dusthana, combust and in infancy

- Venus is placed in a dusthana

- Mars is in mild old age

- Jupiter is weak since dispositor Saturn is weak

- Saturn is weak due to debilitation in Navamsa







> Since Saturn's debilation in Navamsa is enough to cause it to become a

weak dispositor for Jupiter inspite of other strong factors in Saturn's

favour, does Saturn by itself also become weak and cause bad results instead

of good?



Saturn is weak and will cause issues espcially during transits and its

sub-periods can also be a bit troublesome depending on other factors.


> From Chandra Lagna (Rashi), Saturn is lord of 4 and 5 and located in 9th,

a good position. Similarly Jupiter is lord of 3 and 6. Since MT is 3rd,

Jupiter is benefic located in 5th.


> From Surya Lagna, Saturn is lord of 2 and 3 located in 7th. Jupiter is

Lagna lord situated in 3rd.



In SA, we do not consider the Chandra and Surya Lagna.


> In conclusion, Saturn and Jupiter are benefics and other wise strong other

than the weakness imposed by Saturn's weakness in Navamsa. [both Saturn and

Jupiter are affected by this]


> Transit Analysis:

> In Sept 2009, Saturn will be in Virgo which is 6th from Lagna.


Virgo is 8th from lagna.



>Therefore this will be a stressfull period. {Help!!}. At the same time it

will be in 12th from Chandra lagna (beginning of >traditional sade sati and

hence bad). [but is 10th from Sun so will it give some good effects?]


SA does not consider Sade-Sathi as well as position from the Sun.


> Within these 2.5 years beginning Sept 2009. From Dec 2009 to Jan 2011

Jupiter will be in Aquarius (Lagna) and this may > be a good period [or does

Jupiter having weak dispositor negate even this good?]


I don't believe it will be completely negated. However, strengthening

Jupiter will definitely help, esepcially given how closely it influences

houses 1, 5, 7 and 9.


> These good effects of Jupiter are also consistent with transits from Moon.

> After that Jupiter will be in Pices{own house} and in 2nd from Lagna so

bestow good results.

> Since the effects of Jupiter contradict the effects for Saturn, how to

reconcile the effects? Is this going to be a good or > > bad period?



From a sub-period perspective, you will be running Mercury till Sep 10. This

will be a particularly stressful period for the significations of the 8th

house, 9th house and marital affairs.


Mere presense of Saturn in the 8th house does not mean that entire 2.5 years

of transit of Saturn in the 8th house will be bad. Nor does mere presense of

Jupiter in the 1st house and 2nd house mean that entire period of Jupiter

will be good. Please consider MEP's as well as triple transit.


Things can be particularly stressful in the new year.


Transit Saturn comes under the influence of Natal Ketu around Sep-Oct 2010,

but I don't think it will have a singificant impact since Saturn will be

travelling pretty rapidly during that time.


> When Saturn moves to Libra after 2.5 years, it will be in 9th from lagna

and exalted. This will bestow good results. At the > same time it will also

be 11th from Surya lagna (also good). But traditionally in Chandra lagna is

bad. (I am not sure >

> traditionally if Saturn's exaltation negates ill effects of its position

in Chandra lagna). In general these 2.5 years are likely to >be good.


Presence of Saturn in the house of fortune will be beneficial. However, you

cannot use that to classify the entire 2.5 year as a very good period, just

like you cannot classify the entire 2.5 year period of its stay in the 8th

house as bad.



> The next 2.5 years Saturn will be in Scorpio, in 10th from Lagna. Hence

good as per SA. It will also be 12th from Surya Lagna (bad) and 2nd from

Chandra Lagna (Bad as per traditional sade-sati).


> I have not accounted for the effects of the Rahu-Ketu axis and Jupiter's

transit beyond the initial 2 years.


> Regards,

> Sudhanshu






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