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PART I A of the Conference Proceedings

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Dear Prof , and members of the SATVA, and SAMVA Fraternities,


Namasthe. The two-day 5th SA Intl Conference came to a peaceful close

yesterday at 5:00PM, in Gurgaon, at the South Patio Club, the Conf venue. I

have pleasure in making the Conference Proceedings available to you,

especially to those, who could not be present at the Conference.


Pl see below, PART I-A of the Conference Proceedings, which covers the

Inaugural Address of Professor . The other PARTS of the

Conference Proceedings will follow suit within the next few days.


Best Regards

Sankara Bhagavadpada


Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,



PART I-A:Fore-Noon Session on the First Day:


Inaugural Address by Prof :


The conference commenced, with Professor in the chair, and with

Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, directing the visual presentations, as well as the

smooth running of the conference. With his soft opening words of welcome to

all the participating delegates, , set the conference in

motion. He reminded us that this was the fifth Intl SA Conf in

succession....{ It was a lovely time to be in Gurgaon[ chilly in the

mornings, and evenings, but sunny during the day], and especially in the

premises of the wonderful South Patio Club, the venue of the conference.}


There were however, three new delegates at this conference, and the

Professor forthwith introduced them to the rest of the participants, by

mentioning their names, & briefly their vocations, as well: firstly, Sri

Tyagi [Director:Finance, of a Bank, who had recently learnt the Systems

Approach from Prof Choudhry]; secondly, Sri Suman Vasishth [ former Senior

Executive with Air India, and a UK-Trained Cricket Umpire, and one with a

life-long hobby of Vedic Astrology]; and thirdly, Smt Neha Gupta [a

resident of Gurgaon, with a Masters degree in Computer Applications, and who

had recently taken the bold step of turning her back on the field, for which

she was so highly educated thus far, and choosing instead, to study the

Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology, directly, from Prof Choudhry, himself].

It was also very significant that Dr Jonathan Miller had travelled from long

distances, to be at this Conference, at the right time.


The Professor was very relaxed, as he always is, and opened with the useful

reminder that the conference was fundamentally a learning opportunity for

all participants, and that it also served the additional purpose of

refreshing our memories with regard to all the fundamental principles of the

Systems Approach. Going further in the same direction, he said the

conference afforded also a solid learning experience to all those who choose

to make a presentation at the conf. In this context of learning, he

reiterated that even long-standing SA practitioners, learn all the time, not

to speak of beginners and those who have just commenced on the path of

learning the Systems Approach.


We will see how Professor Choudhry, covers an extensive area of several SA

Sutras, in the course of this inaugural address. Moving over to the next

significant point, the Professor maintained that the science of astrology is

invariably used by people who are in distress, and that they turn to

astrology only with a hope of preventing further damages and difficulties in

their lives. It was held by the Professor that the essence of astrology, lay

in the following aspects of that discipline of learning:


(i)The ascertainment of both the planetary strengths as well as the

afflictions caused by the planets;

(ii)The identification of the functional nature of planets;

(iii) Identification of the problems caused by natal weak and afflicted

planets, including those that are badly placed.

Touching on the third significant point, the Professor, drew attention to

the fact that " sometimes there are strong planets, but results are not

seen " [sutra #1]. Next, he stressed the importance of the Sutra[principle]

that: " Whenever the Lord of the 4th, 2nd, 9th or 3rd,[meaning the Most

Benefic Planet]House is badly placed and afflicted, then other fruits in

the life of the individual are also reduced " [sutra #2].[quotes are either

verbatim reproductions of Professor's words, or nearly verbatim]


In his commentary on various aspects of the Systems Approach [sA], he next

dwelt on what may be considered to be the fourth significant point: " The

weakness of the Lord of the 8th H or 4th H, reduces the longevity of father,

longevity of oneself, in addition to reducing the inheritance [as the 8th H,

is the H of inheritance], and also the financial strength of the father, and

the well-known longevity of marriage as well. " [sutra #3]. {Here it is not

inappropriate to mention that these SA Sutras, enunciated by the Professor,

in their present forms, will prove to be invaluable in the understanding of

the various case studies that will be presented by others, in the course of

the conference. For this reason, we will do well to note and remember these

Sutras, well in advance of their actual appearance.}


After that, he took up the problem of the identification of the variable,

representing the father, when the 9th H and the 4th H, do not possess a MTS

[Mula Trikona Sign].This may be considered to be the fifth of the

Professor's significant comments. He said: " For identifying the father in

any chart, under the conditions mentioned, we should consider the placement

of the Sun in the natal chart as well as in the Div Chart, pertaining to

parents, called the Dwadasamsa [D12] " .[sutra #4]


He mentioned in passing that Dr Bhagavadpada was scheduled to give a

presentation on the Div Charts, in which he will go into the many Div

Charts, by first presenting all the relevant SA Sutras, which will be needed

for that purpose. It was also emphasized by , that: " In

any study of Div Charts, afflictions within the Div Charts must be examined,

and in such cases; while one must examine only the FMs [Functional Malefics]

of the Div Chart, within the Div Chart itself, one must not make the mistake

of searching for the impact of the Rasi Chart's [RC's] FMs, within the

context of the Div Charts " .[sA Sutra #5]


Turning briefly, to the special subject of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned that within a month's time, the revised edition of his

earlier work on: " How to Identify Significant Events " , is scheduled to be

released and that this version will contain an additional chapter on Transit

Significant Events, which is expected to be very useful to all those, who

are practitioners of the SA and who have the task of giving a written



He said that in that work, he has once again, reiterated the importance of

the Sutra: " Malefic Lords of the eighth and ninth houses are Ra like, in

that, they also, like Ra, create greed, over ambitiousness, involvement in

materialistic pursuits, involvement in lust, mishaps, loss of patience,

etc. " [sutra #6].


Another very important Sutra was also mentioned: " Where there is no MTS in

the VIH, & Ke causes an affliction in the Natal Chart; Ke acts just like the

Malefic VIH Lord, creating losses through disputes, thefts, debts and

litigations. " [sutra #7]. It was reiterated by the Professor that, unless

Ketu causes an affliction in the Natal Chart, it will not come to act like

the Lord of the Malefic VIH.


Again, he stressed on a number of kindred predictive Sutras in the special

field of Transits. The first of them is the following: " When planets Transit

the VIH, they create vulnerability to conflicts, and vulnerability to

health " [ Sutra #8].Citing an illustrative example, the Professor, mentioned,

how such predictive Sutras are useful, during consultations: " In a

consultation involving an Aries Asdt Person, during Sept, Oct, there are

chances of health problems, arguments, because, generally, during these

months Su, Me, Ve travel through the Sign Virgo[the VIH, for Aries

Asdts] " [sutra #9].


Likewise, he also illustrated: " For the same Aries Asdt person, when the Su,

Me and Ve move into Scorpio [which underlies the VIIIH], that individual

becomes vulnerable to obstructions of all kinds " [sutra #10].

Continuing in the same vein, and retaining the example of the Aries Asdt,

the drew our attention to another very simple Sutra, with good predictive

power: " When planets get out of the VIIIH, problems get over " [sutra

#11].Focussing now on the Transit of the Su, Me, and Ve in the XIIH[Pisces

underlies this H], he pointed out the value of the corresponding predictive

Sutra: " Likewise, when the Su, Me, Ve, transit, the Sign Pisces[in the

months of March, April], the Aries individual, is likely to encounter more:

expenses, losses, or some health problems, or he may plan to visit distant

places " [sutra #12].


Passing from the subject of the Tr impact of fast moving Planets, the

Professor had this to say, w.r.t. the Tr impact of slow moving Planets: " The

above are the influences of fast moving problems, in Tr. Slow moving

planets in Tr, give long drawn out difficulties-Sa, for example,

vulnerability for 2.5 yrs, as this is the time Tr Sa spends in each Sign. In

such cases, one must be careful. If Ra and Ke are in Malefic Hs, they linger

there for as long as 1.5 Yrs; for Tr Ju in Malefic Hs, it takes as long as 1

yr. Further, if during Tr, Ra and Ke become stationary, on the MEP[Most

Effective Point]of any H, they cause afflictions to many Houses, with

long-drawn out difficulty, for as long as 4 to 5 months. " [sutra #13]


As a last Sutra belonging to the special field of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned the following unusual Tr situation: " Sometimes, exact

conjunctions occur, as Transit Stationary influences , involving 2 or 3

Planets. When this happens, there are very painful and memorable

sufferings. " [sutra # 14]


For the benefit of SA astrologers, who have to give a written Reading, the

Professor said, he has added a whole new chapter of about 40 Pages to his

earlier book on: " How to identify Significant Events " and that this revised

edition is now in the press. In this chapter, the various significations of

planets are systematically listed, for each of the twelve Asdts, with many

illustrative case studies.


Drawing due attention to the whole question of the placement of Planets,

, concluded this list of Sutras, with the following one:

" Whenever a Planet goes the VIH, both its general significations, as well as

the significations of the House, for which it is the Lord, will suffer.

Similarly when Planets are Transiting Benefic Hs, they give good results,

depending on their strengths in the Natal Chart. " [sutra # 15].


By bringing all these varied Sutras in front of our eyes, in an unhurried

manner, Prof Choudhry, was equipping us with all the necessary SA insights,

not only for fully understanding the enfoldment of the Conference [through

the many case studies, to follow]; but also for refreshing our memories, and

creating an atmosphere of learning, in which there is a spirit of free

enquiry, and consequent learning.


At the end he mentioned that Mr Roop Saran will make a presentation on the

significance of the Mula Trikona Signs [MTS] on the following day, that, Dr

Jonathan Miller will make also a brief presentation of the Spirit behind the

Remedial Measures, and that Dr. Bhagavadpada will make a presentation in

the afternoon on: " SA Light on the Afflictions hidden in the Div Charts " .

With these remarks, closed this memorable and instructive

inaugural address. The highlights of the inaugural address are 'the food for

thought', that the numerous Sutras have provided us with.


Thereafter, the delegates introduced themselves, one by one. It was an

overall feeling of tremendous gratitude, because every delegate told his/her

story in brief of how Professor 's guidance and the Systems

Approach, had done wonders for them in their lives.


After the tea-break, the delegates had the wonderful opportunity to hear

talk again, and this time, he spoke on: " The Impact of

the Functional Malefic Planets " . And this time he covered many interesting

case studies, and explained in each case, what kind of havoc, the FMs caused

in those Charts.
















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Dear Professor and Mr Sankara Bhagavadpada




I appreciate your effort and thank you for informing us about the Conference

and taking pain in explaining the Sutras.








" The information in this Email (which includes any files transmitted with

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SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology ] On Behalf Of

Sankara Bhagavadpada

Monday, February 22, 2010 5:11 PM


systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

Cc: ''

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference







Dear Prof , and members of the SATVA, and SAMVA Fraternities,


Namasthe. The two-day 5th SA Intl Conference came to a peaceful close

yesterday at 5:00PM, in Gurgaon, at the South Patio Club, the Conf venue. I

have pleasure in making the Conference Proceedings available to you,

especially to those, who could not be present at the Conference.


Pl see below, PART I-A of the Conference Proceedings, which covers the

Inaugural Address of Professor . The other PARTS of the

Conference Proceedings will follow suit within the next few days.


Best Regards

Sankara Bhagavadpada


Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,



PART I-A:Fore-Noon Session on the First Day:


Inaugural Address by Prof :


The conference commenced, with Professor in the chair, and with

Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, directing the visual presentations, as well as the

smooth running of the conference. With his soft opening words of welcome to

all the participating delegates, , set the conference in

motion. He reminded us that this was the fifth Intl SA Conf in

succession....{ It was a lovely time to be in Gurgaon[ chilly in the

mornings, and evenings, but sunny during the day], and especially in the

premises of the wonderful South Patio Club, the venue of the conference.}


There were however, three new delegates at this conference, and the

Professor forthwith introduced them to the rest of the participants, by

mentioning their names, & briefly their vocations, as well: firstly, Sri

Tyagi [Director:Finance, of a Bank, who had recently learnt the Systems

Approach from Prof Choudhry]; secondly, Sri Suman Vasishth [ former Senior

Executive with Air India, and a UK-Trained Cricket Umpire, and one with a

life-long hobby of Vedic Astrology]; and thirdly, Smt Neha Gupta [a

resident of Gurgaon, with a Masters degree in Computer Applications, and who

had recently taken the bold step of turning her back on the field, for which

she was so highly educated thus far, and choosing instead, to study the

Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology, directly, from Prof Choudhry, himself].

It was also very significant that Dr Jonathan Miller had travelled from long

distances, to be at this Conference, at the right time.


The Professor was very relaxed, as he always is, and opened with the useful

reminder that the conference was fundamentally a learning opportunity for

all participants, and that it also served the additional purpose of

refreshing our memories with regard to all the fundamental principles of the

Systems Approach. Going further in the same direction, he said the

conference afforded also a solid learning experience to all those who choose

to make a presentation at the conf. In this context of learning, he

reiterated that even long-standing SA practitioners, learn all the time, not

to speak of beginners and those who have just commenced on the path of

learning the Systems Approach.


We will see how , covers an extensive area of several SA

Sutras, in the course of this inaugural address. Moving over to the next

significant point, the Professor maintained that the science of astrology is

invariably used by people who are in distress, and that they turn to

astrology only with a hope of preventing further damages and difficulties in

their lives. It was held by the Professor that the essence of astrology, lay

in the following aspects of that discipline of learning:


(i)The ascertainment of both the planetary strengths as well as the

afflictions caused by the planets;

(ii)The identification of the functional nature of planets;

(iii) Identification of the problems caused by natal weak and afflicted

planets, including those that are badly placed.

Touching on the third significant point, the Professor, drew attention to

the fact that " sometimes there are strong planets, but results are not

seen " [sutra #1]. Next, he stressed the importance of the Sutra[principle]

that: " Whenever the Lord of the 4th, 2nd, 9th or 3rd,[meaning the Most

Benefic Planet]House is badly placed and afflicted, then other fruits in

the life of the individual are also reduced " [sutra #2].[quotes are either

verbatim reproductions of Professor's words, or nearly verbatim]


In his commentary on various aspects of the Systems Approach [sA], he next

dwelt on what may be considered to be the fourth significant point: " The

weakness of the Lord of the 8th H or 4th H, reduces the longevity of father,

longevity of oneself, in addition to reducing the inheritance [as the 8th H,

is the H of inheritance], and also the financial strength of the father, and

the well-known longevity of marriage as well. " [sutra #3]. {Here it is not

inappropriate to mention that these SA Sutras, enunciated by the Professor,

in their present forms, will prove to be invaluable in the understanding of

the various case studies that will be presented by others, in the course of

the conference. For this reason, we will do well to note and remember these

Sutras, well in advance of their actual appearance.}


After that, he took up the problem of the identification of the variable,

representing the father, when the 9th H and the 4th H, do not possess a MTS

[Mula Trikona Sign].This may be considered to be the fifth of the

Professor's significant comments. He said: " For identifying the father in

any chart, under the conditions mentioned, we should consider the placement

of the Sun in the natal chart as well as in the Div Chart, pertaining to

parents, called the Dwadasamsa [D12] " .[sutra #4]


He mentioned in passing that Dr Bhagavadpada was scheduled to give a

presentation on the Div Charts, in which he will go into the many Div

Charts, by first presenting all the relevant SA Sutras, which will be needed

for that purpose. It was also emphasized by , that: " In

any study of Div Charts, afflictions within the Div Charts must be examined,

and in such cases; while one must examine only the FMs [Functional Malefics]

of the Div Chart, within the Div Chart itself, one must not make the mistake

of searching for the impact of the Rasi Chart's [RC's] FMs, within the

context of the Div Charts " .[sA Sutra #5]


Turning briefly, to the special subject of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned that within a month's time, the revised edition of his

earlier work on: " How to Identify Significant Events " , is scheduled to be

released and that this version will contain an additional chapter on Transit

Significant Events, which is expected to be very useful to all those, who

are practitioners of the SA and who have the task of giving a written



He said that in that work, he has once again, reiterated the importance of

the Sutra: " Malefic Lords of the eighth and ninth houses are Ra like, in

that, they also, like Ra, create greed, over ambitiousness, involvement in

materialistic pursuits, involvement in lust, mishaps, loss of patience,

etc. " [sutra #6].


Another very important Sutra was also mentioned: " Where there is no MTS in

the VIH, & Ke causes an affliction in the Natal Chart; Ke acts just like the

Malefic VIH Lord, creating losses through disputes, thefts, debts and

litigations. " [sutra #7]. It was reiterated by the Professor that, unless

Ketu causes an affliction in the Natal Chart, it will not come to act like

the Lord of the Malefic VIH.


Again, he stressed on a number of kindred predictive Sutras in the special

field of Transits. The first of them is the following: " When planets Transit

the VIH, they create vulnerability to conflicts, and vulnerability to

health " [ Sutra #8].Citing an illustrative example, the Professor, mentioned,

how such predictive Sutras are useful, during consultations: " In a

consultation involving an Aries Asdt Person, during Sept, Oct, there are

chances of health problems, arguments, because, generally, during these

months Su, Me, Ve travel through the Sign Virgo[the VIH, for Aries

Asdts] " [sutra #9].


Likewise, he also illustrated: " For the same Aries Asdt person, when the Su,

Me and Ve move into Scorpio [which underlies the VIIIH], that individual

becomes vulnerable to obstructions of all kinds " [sutra #10].

Continuing in the same vein, and retaining the example of the Aries Asdt,

the drew our attention to another very simple Sutra, with good predictive

power: " When planets get out of the VIIIH, problems get over " [sutra

#11].Focussing now on the Transit of the Su, Me, and Ve in the XIIH[Pisces

underlies this H], he pointed out the value of the corresponding predictive

Sutra: " Likewise, when the Su, Me, Ve, transit, the Sign Pisces[in the

months of March, April], the Aries individual, is likely to encounter more:

expenses, losses, or some health problems, or he may plan to visit distant

places " [sutra #12].


Passing from the subject of the Tr impact of fast moving Planets, the

Professor had this to say, w.r.t. the Tr impact of slow moving Planets: " The

above are the influences of fast moving problems, in Tr. Slow moving

planets in Tr, give long drawn out difficulties-Sa, for example,

vulnerability for 2.5 yrs, as this is the time Tr Sa spends in each Sign. In

such cases, one must be careful. If Ra and Ke are in Malefic Hs, they linger

there for as long as 1.5 Yrs; for Tr Ju in Malefic Hs, it takes as long as 1

yr. Further, if during Tr, Ra and Ke become stationary, on the MEP[Most

Effective Point]of any H, they cause afflictions to many Houses, with

long-drawn out difficulty, for as long as 4 to 5 months. " [sutra #13]


As a last Sutra belonging to the special field of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned the following unusual Tr situation: " Sometimes, exact

conjunctions occur, as Transit Stationary influences , involving 2 or 3

Planets. When this happens, there are very painful and memorable

sufferings. " [sutra # 14]


For the benefit of SA astrologers, who have to give a written Reading, the

Professor said, he has added a whole new chapter of about 40 Pages to his

earlier book on: " How to identify Significant Events " and that this revised

edition is now in the press. In this chapter, the various significations of

planets are systematically listed, for each of the twelve Asdts, with many

illustrative case studies.


Drawing due attention to the whole question of the placement of Planets,

, concluded this list of Sutras, with the following one:

" Whenever a Planet goes the VIH, both its general significations, as well as

the significations of the House, for which it is the Lord, will suffer.

Similarly when Planets are Transiting Benefic Hs, they give good results,

depending on their strengths in the Natal Chart. " [sutra # 15].


By bringing all these varied Sutras in front of our eyes, in an unhurried

manner, Prof Choudhry, was equipping us with all the necessary SA insights,

not only for fully understanding the enfoldment of the Conference [through

the many case studies, to follow]; but also for refreshing our memories, and

creating an atmosphere of learning, in which there is a spirit of free

enquiry, and consequent learning.


At the end he mentioned that Mr Roop Saran will make a presentation on the

significance of the Mula Trikona Signs [MTS] on the following day, that, Dr

Jonathan Miller will make also a brief presentation of the Spirit behind the

Remedial Measures, and that Dr. Bhagavadpada will make a presentation in

the afternoon on: " SA Light on the Afflictions hidden in the Div Charts " .

With these remarks, closed this memorable and instructive

inaugural address. The highlights of the inaugural address are 'the food for

thought', that the numerous Sutras have provided us with.


Thereafter, the delegates introduced themselves, one by one. It was an

overall feeling of tremendous gratitude, because every delegate told his/her

story in brief of how Professor 's guidance and the Systems

Approach, had done wonders for them in their lives.


After the tea-break, the delegates had the wonderful opportunity to hear

talk again, and this time, he spoke on: " The Impact of

the Functional Malefic Planets " . And this time he covered many interesting

case studies, and explained in each case, what kind of havoc, the FMs caused

in those Charts.






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Dear Vikasji,




Namasthe. Thanks for the kind words.










SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology ] On Behalf Of VIKAS


23 February 2010 09:38

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

RE: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference







Dear Professor and Mr Sankara Bhagavadpada


I appreciate your effort and thank you for informing us about the Conference

and taking pain in explaining the Sutras.






" The information in this Email (which includes any files transmitted with

it) is CONFIDENTIAL and may be legally PRIVILEGED. It is intended solely for

the addressee and access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If

you received it in error, please destroy any copies of this message,

including any attachments, and delete it from your system notifying the

sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, dissemination,

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SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40> ] On Behalf Of

Sankara Bhagavadpada

Monday, February 22, 2010 5:11 PM

<%40> ;


systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<systemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

Cc: ''

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference



Dear Prof , and members of the SATVA, and SAMVA Fraternities,


Namasthe. The two-day 5th SA Intl Conference came to a peaceful close

yesterday at 5:00PM, in Gurgaon, at the South Patio Club, the Conf venue. I

have pleasure in making the Conference Proceedings available to you,

especially to those, who could not be present at the Conference.


Pl see below, PART I-A of the Conference Proceedings, which covers the

Inaugural Address of Professor . The other PARTS of the

Conference Proceedings will follow suit within the next few days.


Best Regards

Sankara Bhagavadpada


Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,



PART I-A:Fore-Noon Session on the First Day:


Inaugural Address by Prof :


The conference commenced, with Professor in the chair, and with

Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, directing the visual presentations, as well as the

smooth running of the conference. With his soft opening words of welcome to

all the participating delegates, , set the conference in

motion. He reminded us that this was the fifth Intl SA Conf in

succession....{ It was a lovely time to be in Gurgaon[ chilly in the

mornings, and evenings, but sunny during the day], and especially in the

premises of the wonderful South Patio Club, the venue of the conference.}


There were however, three new delegates at this conference, and the

Professor forthwith introduced them to the rest of the participants, by

mentioning their names, & briefly their vocations, as well: firstly, Sri

Tyagi [Director:Finance, of a Bank, who had recently learnt the Systems

Approach from Prof Choudhry]; secondly, Sri Suman Vasishth [ former Senior

Executive with Air India, and a UK-Trained Cricket Umpire, and one with a

life-long hobby of Vedic Astrology]; and thirdly, Smt Neha Gupta [a

resident of Gurgaon, with a Masters degree in Computer Applications, and who

had recently taken the bold step of turning her back on the field, for which

she was so highly educated thus far, and choosing instead, to study the

Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology, directly, from Prof Choudhry, himself].

It was also very significant that Dr Jonathan Miller had travelled from long

distances, to be at this Conference, at the right time.


The Professor was very relaxed, as he always is, and opened with the useful

reminder that the conference was fundamentally a learning opportunity for

all participants, and that it also served the additional purpose of

refreshing our memories with regard to all the fundamental principles of the

Systems Approach. Going further in the same direction, he said the

conference afforded also a solid learning experience to all those who choose

to make a presentation at the conf. In this context of learning, he

reiterated that even long-standing SA practitioners, learn all the time, not

to speak of beginners and those who have just commenced on the path of

learning the Systems Approach.


We will see how , covers an extensive area of several SA

Sutras, in the course of this inaugural address. Moving over to the next

significant point, the Professor maintained that the science of astrology is

invariably used by people who are in distress, and that they turn to

astrology only with a hope of preventing further damages and difficulties in

their lives. It was held by the Professor that the essence of astrology, lay

in the following aspects of that discipline of learning:


(i)The ascertainment of both the planetary strengths as well as the

afflictions caused by the planets;

(ii)The identification of the functional nature of planets;

(iii) Identification of the problems caused by natal weak and afflicted

planets, including those that are badly placed.

Touching on the third significant point, the Professor, drew attention to

the fact that " sometimes there are strong planets, but results are not

seen " [sutra #1]. Next, he stressed the importance of the Sutra[principle]

that: " Whenever the Lord of the 4th, 2nd, 9th or 3rd,[meaning the Most

Benefic Planet]House is badly placed and afflicted, then other fruits in

the life of the individual are also reduced " [sutra #2].[quotes are either

verbatim reproductions of Professor's words, or nearly verbatim]


In his commentary on various aspects of the Systems Approach [sA], he next

dwelt on what may be considered to be the fourth significant point: " The

weakness of the Lord of the 8th H or 4th H, reduces the longevity of father,

longevity of oneself, in addition to reducing the inheritance [as the 8th H,

is the H of inheritance], and also the financial strength of the father, and

the well-known longevity of marriage as well. " [sutra #3]. {Here it is not

inappropriate to mention that these SA Sutras, enunciated by the Professor,

in their present forms, will prove to be invaluable in the understanding of

the various case studies that will be presented by others, in the course of

the conference. For this reason, we will do well to note and remember these

Sutras, well in advance of their actual appearance.}


After that, he took up the problem of the identification of the variable,

representing the father, when the 9th H and the 4th H, do not possess a MTS

[Mula Trikona Sign].This may be considered to be the fifth of the

Professor's significant comments. He said: " For identifying the father in

any chart, under the conditions mentioned, we should consider the placement

of the Sun in the natal chart as well as in the Div Chart, pertaining to

parents, called the Dwadasamsa [D12] " .[sutra #4]


He mentioned in passing that Dr Bhagavadpada was scheduled to give a

presentation on the Div Charts, in which he will go into the many Div

Charts, by first presenting all the relevant SA Sutras, which will be needed

for that purpose. It was also emphasized by , that: " In

any study of Div Charts, afflictions within the Div Charts must be examined,

and in such cases; while one must examine only the FMs [Functional Malefics]

of the Div Chart, within the Div Chart itself, one must not make the mistake

of searching for the impact of the Rasi Chart's [RC's] FMs, within the

context of the Div Charts " .[sA Sutra #5]


Turning briefly, to the special subject of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned that within a month's time, the revised edition of his

earlier work on: " How to Identify Significant Events " , is scheduled to be

released and that this version will contain an additional chapter on Transit

Significant Events, which is expected to be very useful to all those, who

are practitioners of the SA and who have the task of giving a written



He said that in that work, he has once again, reiterated the importance of

the Sutra: " Malefic Lords of the eighth and ninth houses are Ra like, in

that, they also, like Ra, create greed, over ambitiousness, involvement in

materialistic pursuits, involvement in lust, mishaps, loss of patience,

etc. " [sutra #6].


Another very important Sutra was also mentioned: " Where there is no MTS in

the VIH, & Ke causes an affliction in the Natal Chart; Ke acts just like the

Malefic VIH Lord, creating losses through disputes, thefts, debts and

litigations. " [sutra #7]. It was reiterated by the Professor that, unless

Ketu causes an affliction in the Natal Chart, it will not come to act like

the Lord of the Malefic VIH.


Again, he stressed on a number of kindred predictive Sutras in the special

field of Transits. The first of them is the following: " When planets Transit

the VIH, they create vulnerability to conflicts, and vulnerability to

health " [ Sutra #8].Citing an illustrative example, the Professor, mentioned,

how such predictive Sutras are useful, during consultations: " In a

consultation involving an Aries Asdt Person, during Sept, Oct, there are

chances of health problems, arguments, because, generally, during these

months Su, Me, Ve travel through the Sign Virgo[the VIH, for Aries

Asdts] " [sutra #9].


Likewise, he also illustrated: " For the same Aries Asdt person, when the Su,

Me and Ve move into Scorpio [which underlies the VIIIH], that individual

becomes vulnerable to obstructions of all kinds " [sutra #10].

Continuing in the same vein, and retaining the example of the Aries Asdt,

the drew our attention to another very simple Sutra, with good predictive

power: " When planets get out of the VIIIH, problems get over " [sutra

#11].Focussing now on the Transit of the Su, Me, and Ve in the XIIH[Pisces

underlies this H], he pointed out the value of the corresponding predictive

Sutra: " Likewise, when the Su, Me, Ve, transit, the Sign Pisces[in the

months of March, April], the Aries individual, is likely to encounter more:

expenses, losses, or some health problems, or he may plan to visit distant

places " [sutra #12].


Passing from the subject of the Tr impact of fast moving Planets, the

Professor had this to say, w.r.t. the Tr impact of slow moving Planets: " The

above are the influences of fast moving problems, in Tr. Slow moving

planets in Tr, give long drawn out difficulties-Sa, for example,

vulnerability for 2.5 yrs, as this is the time Tr Sa spends in each Sign. In

such cases, one must be careful. If Ra and Ke are in Malefic Hs, they linger

there for as long as 1.5 Yrs; for Tr Ju in Malefic Hs, it takes as long as 1

yr. Further, if during Tr, Ra and Ke become stationary, on the MEP[Most

Effective Point]of any H, they cause afflictions to many Houses, with

long-drawn out difficulty, for as long as 4 to 5 months. " [sutra #13]


As a last Sutra belonging to the special field of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned the following unusual Tr situation: " Sometimes, exact

conjunctions occur, as Transit Stationary influences , involving 2 or 3

Planets. When this happens, there are very painful and memorable

sufferings. " [sutra # 14]


For the benefit of SA astrologers, who have to give a written Reading, the

Professor said, he has added a whole new chapter of about 40 Pages to his

earlier book on: " How to identify Significant Events " and that this revised

edition is now in the press. In this chapter, the various significations of

planets are systematically listed, for each of the twelve Asdts, with many

illustrative case studies.


Drawing due attention to the whole question of the placement of Planets,

, concluded this list of Sutras, with the following one:

" Whenever a Planet goes the VIH, both its general significations, as well as

the significations of the House, for which it is the Lord, will suffer.

Similarly when Planets are Transiting Benefic Hs, they give good results,

depending on their strengths in the Natal Chart. " [sutra # 15].


By bringing all these varied Sutras in front of our eyes, in an unhurried

manner, Prof Choudhry, was equipping us with all the necessary SA insights,

not only for fully understanding the enfoldment of the Conference [through

the many case studies, to follow]; but also for refreshing our memories, and

creating an atmosphere of learning, in which there is a spirit of free

enquiry, and consequent learning.


At the end he mentioned that Mr Roop Saran will make a presentation on the

significance of the Mula Trikona Signs [MTS] on the following day, that, Dr

Jonathan Miller will make also a brief presentation of the Spirit behind the

Remedial Measures, and that Dr. Bhagavadpada will make a presentation in

the afternoon on: " SA Light on the Afflictions hidden in the Div Charts " .

With these remarks, closed this memorable and instructive

inaugural address. The highlights of the inaugural address are 'the food for

thought', that the numerous Sutras have provided us with.


Thereafter, the delegates introduced themselves, one by one. It was an

overall feeling of tremendous gratitude, because every delegate told his/her

story in brief of how Professor 's guidance and the Systems

Approach, had done wonders for them in their lives.


After the tea-break, the delegates had the wonderful opportunity to hear

talk again, and this time, he spoke on: " The Impact of

the Functional Malefic Planets " . And this time he covered many interesting

case studies, and explained in each case, what kind of havoc, the FMs caused

in those Charts.






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Dear Sankara,

Quoting a line from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.


" In the life of the great Saviours and Prophets of the world it is often found

that they are accompanied by souls of high spiritual potency who play a

conspicuous part in the furtherance of their Master's mission. They become so

integral a part of the life and work of these great ones that posterity can

think of them only in mutual association. "





SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology , " Sankara Bhagavadpada "

<sankara wrote:


> Dear Vikasji,




> Namasthe. Thanks for the kind words.


> Regards


> Sankara






> SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

> [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology ] On Behalf Of VIKAS


> 23 February 2010 09:38

> SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

> RE: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference

> Proceedings






> Dear Professor and Mr Sankara Bhagavadpada


> I appreciate your effort and thank you for informing us about the Conference

> and taking pain in explaining the Sutras.


> Regards,


> Vikas


> " The information in this Email (which includes any files transmitted with

> it) is CONFIDENTIAL and may be legally PRIVILEGED. It is intended solely for

> the addressee and access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If

> you received it in error, please destroy any copies of this message,

> including any attachments, and delete it from your system notifying the

> sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, dissemination,

> forwarding, printing or any taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it

> or utilizing the same for any purpose other than what is intended for, is

> prohibited and may be unlawful "


> <BLOCKED::http://www.finquestonline.com/>


> _____


> SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

> <SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

> <SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40> ] On Behalf Of

> Sankara Bhagavadpada

> Monday, February 22, 2010 5:11 PM

> <%40> ;

> SAMVA <SAMVA%40> ;

> systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

> <systemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> Cc: ''

> [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference

> Proceedings


> Dear Prof , and members of the SATVA, and SAMVA Fraternities,


> Namasthe. The two-day 5th SA Intl Conference came to a peaceful close

> yesterday at 5:00PM, in Gurgaon, at the South Patio Club, the Conf venue. I

> have pleasure in making the Conference Proceedings available to you,

> especially to those, who could not be present at the Conference.


> Pl see below, PART I-A of the Conference Proceedings, which covers the

> Inaugural Address of Professor . The other PARTS of the

> Conference Proceedings will follow suit within the next few days.


> Best Regards

> Sankara Bhagavadpada


> Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,

> India:


> PART I-A:Fore-Noon Session on the First Day:


> Inaugural Address by Prof :


> The conference commenced, with Professor in the chair, and with

> Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, directing the visual presentations, as well as the

> smooth running of the conference. With his soft opening words of welcome to

> all the participating delegates, , set the conference in

> motion. He reminded us that this was the fifth Intl SA Conf in

> succession....{ It was a lovely time to be in Gurgaon[ chilly in the

> mornings, and evenings, but sunny during the day], and especially in the

> premises of the wonderful South Patio Club, the venue of the conference.}


> There were however, three new delegates at this conference, and the

> Professor forthwith introduced them to the rest of the participants, by

> mentioning their names, & briefly their vocations, as well: firstly, Sri

> Tyagi [Director:Finance, of a Bank, who had recently learnt the Systems

> Approach from Prof Choudhry]; secondly, Sri Suman Vasishth [ former Senior

> Executive with Air India, and a UK-Trained Cricket Umpire, and one with a

> life-long hobby of Vedic Astrology]; and thirdly, Smt Neha Gupta [a

> resident of Gurgaon, with a Masters degree in Computer Applications, and who

> had recently taken the bold step of turning her back on the field, for which

> she was so highly educated thus far, and choosing instead, to study the

> Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology, directly, from Prof Choudhry, himself].

> It was also very significant that Dr Jonathan Miller had travelled from long

> distances, to be at this Conference, at the right time.


> The Professor was very relaxed, as he always is, and opened with the useful

> reminder that the conference was fundamentally a learning opportunity for

> all participants, and that it also served the additional purpose of

> refreshing our memories with regard to all the fundamental principles of the

> Systems Approach. Going further in the same direction, he said the

> conference afforded also a solid learning experience to all those who choose

> to make a presentation at the conf. In this context of learning, he

> reiterated that even long-standing SA practitioners, learn all the time, not

> to speak of beginners and those who have just commenced on the path of

> learning the Systems Approach.


> We will see how , covers an extensive area of several SA

> Sutras, in the course of this inaugural address. Moving over to the next

> significant point, the Professor maintained that the science of astrology is

> invariably used by people who are in distress, and that they turn to

> astrology only with a hope of preventing further damages and difficulties in

> their lives. It was held by the Professor that the essence of astrology, lay

> in the following aspects of that discipline of learning:


> (i)The ascertainment of both the planetary strengths as well as the

> afflictions caused by the planets;

> (ii)The identification of the functional nature of planets;

> (iii) Identification of the problems caused by natal weak and afflicted

> planets, including those that are badly placed.

> Touching on the third significant point, the Professor, drew attention to

> the fact that " sometimes there are strong planets, but results are not

> seen " [sutra #1]. Next, he stressed the importance of the Sutra[principle]

> that: " Whenever the Lord of the 4th, 2nd, 9th or 3rd,[meaning the Most

> Benefic Planet]House is badly placed and afflicted, then other fruits in

> the life of the individual are also reduced " [sutra #2].[quotes are either

> verbatim reproductions of Professor's words, or nearly verbatim]


> In his commentary on various aspects of the Systems Approach [sA], he next

> dwelt on what may be considered to be the fourth significant point: " The

> weakness of the Lord of the 8th H or 4th H, reduces the longevity of father,

> longevity of oneself, in addition to reducing the inheritance [as the 8th H,

> is the H of inheritance], and also the financial strength of the father, and

> the well-known longevity of marriage as well. " [sutra #3]. {Here it is not

> inappropriate to mention that these SA Sutras, enunciated by the Professor,

> in their present forms, will prove to be invaluable in the understanding of

> the various case studies that will be presented by others, in the course of

> the conference. For this reason, we will do well to note and remember these

> Sutras, well in advance of their actual appearance.}


> After that, he took up the problem of the identification of the variable,

> representing the father, when the 9th H and the 4th H, do not possess a MTS

> [Mula Trikona Sign].This may be considered to be the fifth of the

> Professor's significant comments. He said: " For identifying the father in

> any chart, under the conditions mentioned, we should consider the placement

> of the Sun in the natal chart as well as in the Div Chart, pertaining to

> parents, called the Dwadasamsa [D12] " .[sutra #4]


> He mentioned in passing that Dr Bhagavadpada was scheduled to give a

> presentation on the Div Charts, in which he will go into the many Div

> Charts, by first presenting all the relevant SA Sutras, which will be needed

> for that purpose. It was also emphasized by , that: " In

> any study of Div Charts, afflictions within the Div Charts must be examined,

> and in such cases; while one must examine only the FMs [Functional Malefics]

> of the Div Chart, within the Div Chart itself, one must not make the mistake

> of searching for the impact of the Rasi Chart's [RC's] FMs, within the

> context of the Div Charts " .[sA Sutra #5]


> Turning briefly, to the special subject of Transits in the SA, the

> Professor, mentioned that within a month's time, the revised edition of his

> earlier work on: " How to Identify Significant Events " , is scheduled to be

> released and that this version will contain an additional chapter on Transit

> Significant Events, which is expected to be very useful to all those, who

> are practitioners of the SA and who have the task of giving a written

> Reading.


> He said that in that work, he has once again, reiterated the importance of

> the Sutra: " Malefic Lords of the eighth and ninth houses are Ra like, in

> that, they also, like Ra, create greed, over ambitiousness, involvement in

> materialistic pursuits, involvement in lust, mishaps, loss of patience,

> etc. " [sutra #6].


> Another very important Sutra was also mentioned: " Where there is no MTS in

> the VIH, & Ke causes an affliction in the Natal Chart; Ke acts just like the

> Malefic VIH Lord, creating losses through disputes, thefts, debts and

> litigations. " [sutra #7]. It was reiterated by the Professor that, unless

> Ketu causes an affliction in the Natal Chart, it will not come to act like

> the Lord of the Malefic VIH.


> Again, he stressed on a number of kindred predictive Sutras in the special

> field of Transits. The first of them is the following: " When planets Transit

> the VIH, they create vulnerability to conflicts, and vulnerability to

> health " [ Sutra #8].Citing an illustrative example, the Professor, mentioned,

> how such predictive Sutras are useful, during consultations: " In a

> consultation involving an Aries Asdt Person, during Sept, Oct, there are

> chances of health problems, arguments, because, generally, during these

> months Su, Me, Ve travel through the Sign Virgo[the VIH, for Aries

> Asdts] " [sutra #9].


> Likewise, he also illustrated: " For the same Aries Asdt person, when the Su,

> Me and Ve move into Scorpio [which underlies the VIIIH], that individual

> becomes vulnerable to obstructions of all kinds " [sutra #10].

> Continuing in the same vein, and retaining the example of the Aries Asdt,

> the drew our attention to another very simple Sutra, with good predictive

> power: " When planets get out of the VIIIH, problems get over " [sutra

> #11].Focussing now on the Transit of the Su, Me, and Ve in the XIIH[Pisces

> underlies this H], he pointed out the value of the corresponding predictive

> Sutra: " Likewise, when the Su, Me, Ve, transit, the Sign Pisces[in the

> months of March, April], the Aries individual, is likely to encounter more:

> expenses, losses, or some health problems, or he may plan to visit distant

> places " [sutra #12].


> Passing from the subject of the Tr impact of fast moving Planets, the

> Professor had this to say, w.r.t. the Tr impact of slow moving Planets: " The

> above are the influences of fast moving problems, in Tr. Slow moving

> planets in Tr, give long drawn out difficulties-Sa, for example,

> vulnerability for 2.5 yrs, as this is the time Tr Sa spends in each Sign. In

> such cases, one must be careful. If Ra and Ke are in Malefic Hs, they linger

> there for as long as 1.5 Yrs; for Tr Ju in Malefic Hs, it takes as long as 1

> yr. Further, if during Tr, Ra and Ke become stationary, on the MEP[Most

> Effective Point]of any H, they cause afflictions to many Houses, with

> long-drawn out difficulty, for as long as 4 to 5 months. " [sutra #13]


> As a last Sutra belonging to the special field of Transits in the SA, the

> Professor, mentioned the following unusual Tr situation: " Sometimes, exact

> conjunctions occur, as Transit Stationary influences , involving 2 or 3

> Planets. When this happens, there are very painful and memorable

> sufferings. " [sutra # 14]


> For the benefit of SA astrologers, who have to give a written Reading, the

> Professor said, he has added a whole new chapter of about 40 Pages to his

> earlier book on: " How to identify Significant Events " and that this revised

> edition is now in the press. In this chapter, the various significations of

> planets are systematically listed, for each of the twelve Asdts, with many

> illustrative case studies.


> Drawing due attention to the whole question of the placement of Planets,

> , concluded this list of Sutras, with the following one:

> " Whenever a Planet goes the VIH, both its general significations, as well as

> the significations of the House, for which it is the Lord, will suffer.

> Similarly when Planets are Transiting Benefic Hs, they give good results,

> depending on their strengths in the Natal Chart. " [sutra # 15].


> By bringing all these varied Sutras in front of our eyes, in an unhurried

> manner, Prof Choudhry, was equipping us with all the necessary SA insights,

> not only for fully understanding the enfoldment of the Conference [through

> the many case studies, to follow]; but also for refreshing our memories, and

> creating an atmosphere of learning, in which there is a spirit of free

> enquiry, and consequent learning.


> At the end he mentioned that Mr Roop Saran will make a presentation on the

> significance of the Mula Trikona Signs [MTS] on the following day, that, Dr

> Jonathan Miller will make also a brief presentation of the Spirit behind the

> Remedial Measures, and that Dr. Bhagavadpada will make a presentation in

> the afternoon on: " SA Light on the Afflictions hidden in the Div Charts " .

> With these remarks, closed this memorable and instructive

> inaugural address. The highlights of the inaugural address are 'the food for

> thought', that the numerous Sutras have provided us with.


> Thereafter, the delegates introduced themselves, one by one. It was an

> overall feeling of tremendous gratitude, because every delegate told his/her

> story in brief of how Professor 's guidance and the Systems

> Approach, had done wonders for them in their lives.


> After the tea-break, the delegates had the wonderful opportunity to hear

> talk again, and this time, he spoke on: " The Impact of

> the Functional Malefic Planets " . And this time he covered many interesting

> case studies, and explained in each case, what kind of havoc, the FMs caused

> in those Charts.






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Dear Sri Amitji,




Namasthe. Thanks for the lovely words from such an illustrious Master. I

take a humble, stand, that, all of us are indeed, verily the manifestations

of the Supreme Light only, but THAT LIGHT SHINES BRILLIANTLY IN ONLY A


inner contentment, and Isvara has become the beloved, nothing else is

necessary, for the peace of the soul. I found Professor's SA IVH Sutras,

also exactly reflecting this same spiritual truth.












SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology ] On Behalf Of amitp

24 February 2010 08:34

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] Re: PART I A of the Conference








Dear Sankara,

Quoting a line from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.


" In the life of the great Saviours and Prophets of the world it is often

found that they are accompanied by souls of high spiritual potency who play

a conspicuous part in the furtherance of their Master's mission. They become

so integral a part of the life and work of these great ones that posterity

can think of them only in mutual association. "





SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40> , " Sankara

Bhagavadpada " <sankara wrote:


> Dear Vikasji,




> Namasthe. Thanks for the kind words.


> Regards


> Sankara






> SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40> ] On Behalf Of



> 23 February 2010 09:38

> SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> RE: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference

> Proceedings






> Dear Professor and Mr Sankara Bhagavadpada


> I appreciate your effort and thank you for informing us about the


> and taking pain in explaining the Sutras.


> Regards,


> Vikas


> " The information in this Email (which includes any files transmitted with

> it) is CONFIDENTIAL and may be legally PRIVILEGED. It is intended solely


> the addressee and access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If

> you received it in error, please destroy any copies of this message,

> including any attachments, and delete it from your system notifying the

> sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, dissemination,

> forwarding, printing or any taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it

> or utilizing the same for any purpose other than what is intended for, is

> prohibited and may be unlawful "


> <BLOCKED::http://www.finquestonline.com/>


> _____


> SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> <SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> <SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40> ] On Behalf Of

> Sankara Bhagavadpada

> Monday, February 22, 2010 5:11 PM

> <%40>

<%40> ;


<SAMVA%40> ;

> systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<systemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> <systemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

> Cc: ''

> [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference

> Proceedings


> Dear Prof , and members of the SATVA, and SAMVA Fraternities,


> Namasthe. The two-day 5th SA Intl Conference came to a peaceful close

> yesterday at 5:00PM, in Gurgaon, at the South Patio Club, the Conf venue.


> have pleasure in making the Conference Proceedings available to you,

> especially to those, who could not be present at the Conference.


> Pl see below, PART I-A of the Conference Proceedings, which covers the

> Inaugural Address of Professor . The other PARTS of the

> Conference Proceedings will follow suit within the next few days.


> Best Regards

> Sankara Bhagavadpada


> Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,

> India:


> PART I-A:Fore-Noon Session on the First Day:


> Inaugural Address by Prof :


> The conference commenced, with Professor in the chair, and


> Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, directing the visual presentations, as well as the

> smooth running of the conference. With his soft opening words of welcome


> all the participating delegates, , set the conference in

> motion. He reminded us that this was the fifth Intl SA Conf in

> succession....{ It was a lovely time to be in Gurgaon[ chilly in the

> mornings, and evenings, but sunny during the day], and especially in the

> premises of the wonderful South Patio Club, the venue of the conference.}


> There were however, three new delegates at this conference, and the

> Professor forthwith introduced them to the rest of the participants, by

> mentioning their names, & briefly their vocations, as well: firstly, Sri

> Tyagi [Director:Finance, of a Bank, who had recently learnt the Systems

> Approach from Prof Choudhry]; secondly, Sri Suman Vasishth [ former Senior

> Executive with Air India, and a UK-Trained Cricket Umpire, and one with a

> life-long hobby of Vedic Astrology]; and thirdly, Smt Neha Gupta [a

> resident of Gurgaon, with a Masters degree in Computer Applications, and


> had recently taken the bold step of turning her back on the field, for


> she was so highly educated thus far, and choosing instead, to study the

> Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology, directly, from Prof Choudhry,


> It was also very significant that Dr Jonathan Miller had travelled from


> distances, to be at this Conference, at the right time.


> The Professor was very relaxed, as he always is, and opened with the


> reminder that the conference was fundamentally a learning opportunity for

> all participants, and that it also served the additional purpose of

> refreshing our memories with regard to all the fundamental principles of


> Systems Approach. Going further in the same direction, he said the

> conference afforded also a solid learning experience to all those who


> to make a presentation at the conf. In this context of learning, he

> reiterated that even long-standing SA practitioners, learn all the time,


> to speak of beginners and those who have just commenced on the path of

> learning the Systems Approach.


> We will see how , covers an extensive area of several SA

> Sutras, in the course of this inaugural address. Moving over to the next

> significant point, the Professor maintained that the science of astrology


> invariably used by people who are in distress, and that they turn to

> astrology only with a hope of preventing further damages and difficulties


> their lives. It was held by the Professor that the essence of astrology,


> in the following aspects of that discipline of learning:


> (i)The ascertainment of both the planetary strengths as well as the

> afflictions caused by the planets;

> (ii)The identification of the functional nature of planets;

> (iii) Identification of the problems caused by natal weak and afflicted

> planets, including those that are badly placed.

> Touching on the third significant point, the Professor, drew attention to

> the fact that " sometimes there are strong planets, but results are not

> seen " [sutra #1]. Next, he stressed the importance of the Sutra[principle]

> that: " Whenever the Lord of the 4th, 2nd, 9th or 3rd,[meaning the Most

> Benefic Planet]House is badly placed and afflicted, then other fruits in

> the life of the individual are also reduced " [sutra #2].[quotes are either

> verbatim reproductions of Professor's words, or nearly verbatim]


> In his commentary on various aspects of the Systems Approach [sA], he next

> dwelt on what may be considered to be the fourth significant point: " The

> weakness of the Lord of the 8th H or 4th H, reduces the longevity of


> longevity of oneself, in addition to reducing the inheritance [as the 8th


> is the H of inheritance], and also the financial strength of the father,


> the well-known longevity of marriage as well. " [sutra #3]. {Here it is not

> inappropriate to mention that these SA Sutras, enunciated by the


> in their present forms, will prove to be invaluable in the understanding


> the various case studies that will be presented by others, in the course


> the conference. For this reason, we will do well to note and remember


> Sutras, well in advance of their actual appearance.}


> After that, he took up the problem of the identification of the variable,

> representing the father, when the 9th H and the 4th H, do not possess a


> [Mula Trikona Sign].This may be considered to be the fifth of the

> Professor's significant comments. He said: " For identifying the father in

> any chart, under the conditions mentioned, we should consider the


> of the Sun in the natal chart as well as in the Div Chart, pertaining to

> parents, called the Dwadasamsa [D12] " .[sutra #4]


> He mentioned in passing that Dr Bhagavadpada was scheduled to give a

> presentation on the Div Charts, in which he will go into the many Div

> Charts, by first presenting all the relevant SA Sutras, which will be


> for that purpose. It was also emphasized by , that: " In

> any study of Div Charts, afflictions within the Div Charts must be


> and in such cases; while one must examine only the FMs [Functional


> of the Div Chart, within the Div Chart itself, one must not make the


> of searching for the impact of the Rasi Chart's [RC's] FMs, within the

> context of the Div Charts " .[sA Sutra #5]


> Turning briefly, to the special subject of Transits in the SA, the

> Professor, mentioned that within a month's time, the revised edition of


> earlier work on: " How to Identify Significant Events " , is scheduled to be

> released and that this version will contain an additional chapter on


> Significant Events, which is expected to be very useful to all those, who

> are practitioners of the SA and who have the task of giving a written

> Reading.


> He said that in that work, he has once again, reiterated the importance of

> the Sutra: " Malefic Lords of the eighth and ninth houses are Ra like, in

> that, they also, like Ra, create greed, over ambitiousness, involvement in

> materialistic pursuits, involvement in lust, mishaps, loss of patience,

> etc. " [sutra #6].


> Another very important Sutra was also mentioned: " Where there is no MTS in

> the VIH, & Ke causes an affliction in the Natal Chart; Ke acts just like


> Malefic VIH Lord, creating losses through disputes, thefts, debts and

> litigations. " [sutra #7]. It was reiterated by the Professor that, unless

> Ketu causes an affliction in the Natal Chart, it will not come to act like

> the Lord of the Malefic VIH.


> Again, he stressed on a number of kindred predictive Sutras in the special

> field of Transits. The first of them is the following: " When planets


> the VIH, they create vulnerability to conflicts, and vulnerability to

> health " [ Sutra #8].Citing an illustrative example, the Professor,


> how such predictive Sutras are useful, during consultations: " In a

> consultation involving an Aries Asdt Person, during Sept, Oct, there are

> chances of health problems, arguments, because, generally, during these

> months Su, Me, Ve travel through the Sign Virgo[the VIH, for Aries

> Asdts] " [sutra #9].


> Likewise, he also illustrated: " For the same Aries Asdt person, when the


> Me and Ve move into Scorpio [which underlies the VIIIH], that individual

> becomes vulnerable to obstructions of all kinds " [sutra #10].

> Continuing in the same vein, and retaining the example of the Aries Asdt,

> the drew our attention to another very simple Sutra, with good predictive

> power: " When planets get out of the VIIIH, problems get over " [sutra

> #11].Focussing now on the Transit of the Su, Me, and Ve in the XIIH[Pisces

> underlies this H], he pointed out the value of the corresponding


> Sutra: " Likewise, when the Su, Me, Ve, transit, the Sign Pisces[in the

> months of March, April], the Aries individual, is likely to encounter


> expenses, losses, or some health problems, or he may plan to visit distant

> places " [sutra #12].


> Passing from the subject of the Tr impact of fast moving Planets, the

> Professor had this to say, w.r.t. the Tr impact of slow moving Planets:

" The

> above are the influences of fast moving problems, in Tr. Slow moving

> planets in Tr, give long drawn out difficulties-Sa, for example,

> vulnerability for 2.5 yrs, as this is the time Tr Sa spends in each Sign.


> such cases, one must be careful. If Ra and Ke are in Malefic Hs, they


> there for as long as 1.5 Yrs; for Tr Ju in Malefic Hs, it takes as long as


> yr. Further, if during Tr, Ra and Ke become stationary, on the MEP[Most

> Effective Point]of any H, they cause afflictions to many Houses, with

> long-drawn out difficulty, for as long as 4 to 5 months. " [sutra #13]


> As a last Sutra belonging to the special field of Transits in the SA, the

> Professor, mentioned the following unusual Tr situation: " Sometimes, exact

> conjunctions occur, as Transit Stationary influences , involving 2 or 3

> Planets. When this happens, there are very painful and memorable

> sufferings. " [sutra # 14]


> For the benefit of SA astrologers, who have to give a written Reading, the

> Professor said, he has added a whole new chapter of about 40 Pages to his

> earlier book on: " How to identify Significant Events " and that this


> edition is now in the press. In this chapter, the various significations


> planets are systematically listed, for each of the twelve Asdts, with many

> illustrative case studies.


> Drawing due attention to the whole question of the placement of Planets,

> , concluded this list of Sutras, with the following one:

> " Whenever a Planet goes the VIH, both its general significations, as well


> the significations of the House, for which it is the Lord, will suffer.

> Similarly when Planets are Transiting Benefic Hs, they give good results,

> depending on their strengths in the Natal Chart. " [sutra # 15].


> By bringing all these varied Sutras in front of our eyes, in an unhurried

> manner, Prof Choudhry, was equipping us with all the necessary SA


> not only for fully understanding the enfoldment of the Conference [through

> the many case studies, to follow]; but also for refreshing our memories,


> creating an atmosphere of learning, in which there is a spirit of free

> enquiry, and consequent learning.


> At the end he mentioned that Mr Roop Saran will make a presentation on the

> significance of the Mula Trikona Signs [MTS] on the following day, that,


> Jonathan Miller will make also a brief presentation of the Spirit behind


> Remedial Measures, and that Dr. Bhagavadpada will make a presentation in

> the afternoon on: " SA Light on the Afflictions hidden in the Div Charts " .

> With these remarks, closed this memorable and


> inaugural address. The highlights of the inaugural address are 'the food


> thought', that the numerous Sutras have provided us with.


> Thereafter, the delegates introduced themselves, one by one. It was an

> overall feeling of tremendous gratitude, because every delegate told


> story in brief of how Professor 's guidance and the Systems

> Approach, had done wonders for them in their lives.


> After the tea-break, the delegates had the wonderful opportunity to hear

> talk again, and this time, he spoke on: " The Impact of

> the Functional Malefic Planets " . And this time he covered many interesting

> case studies, and explained in each case, what kind of havoc, the FMs


> in those Charts.






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Guest guest

Dear Prof Chaudhry and Mr.Sankara Bhagavadpada


Thanks for your efforts in letting us know the proceedings of the conference

which I sincerly wanted to attend this time but unfortunatley could not make it.



Rajive Jamwaal




Sankara Bhagavadpada

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:09 PM

RE: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference





Dear Vikasji,


Namasthe. Thanks for the kind words.






SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology ] On Behalf Of VIKAS


23 February 2010 09:38

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

RE: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference



Dear Professor and Mr Sankara Bhagavadpada


I appreciate your effort and thank you for informing us about the Conference

and taking pain in explaining the Sutras.






" The information in this Email (which includes any files transmitted with

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SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40> ] On Behalf Of

Sankara Bhagavadpada

Monday, February 22, 2010 5:11 PM

<%40> ;


systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<systemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

Cc: ''

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference



Dear Prof , and members of the SATVA, and SAMVA Fraternities,


Namasthe. The two-day 5th SA Intl Conference came to a peaceful close

yesterday at 5:00PM, in Gurgaon, at the South Patio Club, the Conf venue. I

have pleasure in making the Conference Proceedings available to you,

especially to those, who could not be present at the Conference.


Pl see below, PART I-A of the Conference Proceedings, which covers the

Inaugural Address of Professor . The other PARTS of the

Conference Proceedings will follow suit within the next few days.


Best Regards

Sankara Bhagavadpada


Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,



PART I-A:Fore-Noon Session on the First Day:


Inaugural Address by Prof :


The conference commenced, with Professor in the chair, and with

Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, directing the visual presentations, as well as the

smooth running of the conference. With his soft opening words of welcome to

all the participating delegates, , set the conference in

motion. He reminded us that this was the fifth Intl SA Conf in

succession....{ It was a lovely time to be in Gurgaon[ chilly in the

mornings, and evenings, but sunny during the day], and especially in the

premises of the wonderful South Patio Club, the venue of the conference.}


There were however, three new delegates at this conference, and the

Professor forthwith introduced them to the rest of the participants, by

mentioning their names, & briefly their vocations, as well: firstly, Sri

Tyagi [Director:Finance, of a Bank, who had recently learnt the Systems

Approach from Prof Choudhry]; secondly, Sri Suman Vasishth [ former Senior

Executive with Air India, and a UK-Trained Cricket Umpire, and one with a

life-long hobby of Vedic Astrology]; and thirdly, Smt Neha Gupta [a

resident of Gurgaon, with a Masters degree in Computer Applications, and who

had recently taken the bold step of turning her back on the field, for which

she was so highly educated thus far, and choosing instead, to study the

Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology, directly, from Prof Choudhry, himself].

It was also very significant that Dr Jonathan Miller had travelled from long

distances, to be at this Conference, at the right time.


The Professor was very relaxed, as he always is, and opened with the useful

reminder that the conference was fundamentally a learning opportunity for

all participants, and that it also served the additional purpose of

refreshing our memories with regard to all the fundamental principles of the

Systems Approach. Going further in the same direction, he said the

conference afforded also a solid learning experience to all those who choose

to make a presentation at the conf. In this context of learning, he

reiterated that even long-standing SA practitioners, learn all the time, not

to speak of beginners and those who have just commenced on the path of

learning the Systems Approach.


We will see how , covers an extensive area of several SA

Sutras, in the course of this inaugural address. Moving over to the next

significant point, the Professor maintained that the science of astrology is

invariably used by people who are in distress, and that they turn to

astrology only with a hope of preventing further damages and difficulties in

their lives. It was held by the Professor that the essence of astrology, lay

in the following aspects of that discipline of learning:


(i)The ascertainment of both the planetary strengths as well as the

afflictions caused by the planets;

(ii)The identification of the functional nature of planets;

(iii) Identification of the problems caused by natal weak and afflicted

planets, including those that are badly placed.

Touching on the third significant point, the Professor, drew attention to

the fact that " sometimes there are strong planets, but results are not

seen " [sutra #1]. Next, he stressed the importance of the Sutra[principle]

that: " Whenever the Lord of the 4th, 2nd, 9th or 3rd,[meaning the Most

Benefic Planet]House is badly placed and afflicted, then other fruits in

the life of the individual are also reduced " [sutra #2].[quotes are either

verbatim reproductions of Professor's words, or nearly verbatim]


In his commentary on various aspects of the Systems Approach [sA], he next

dwelt on what may be considered to be the fourth significant point: " The

weakness of the Lord of the 8th H or 4th H, reduces the longevity of father,

longevity of oneself, in addition to reducing the inheritance [as the 8th H,

is the H of inheritance], and also the financial strength of the father, and

the well-known longevity of marriage as well. " [sutra #3]. {Here it is not

inappropriate to mention that these SA Sutras, enunciated by the Professor,

in their present forms, will prove to be invaluable in the understanding of

the various case studies that will be presented by others, in the course of

the conference. For this reason, we will do well to note and remember these

Sutras, well in advance of their actual appearance.}


After that, he took up the problem of the identification of the variable,

representing the father, when the 9th H and the 4th H, do not possess a MTS

[Mula Trikona Sign].This may be considered to be the fifth of the

Professor's significant comments. He said: " For identifying the father in

any chart, under the conditions mentioned, we should consider the placement

of the Sun in the natal chart as well as in the Div Chart, pertaining to

parents, called the Dwadasamsa [D12] " .[sutra #4]


He mentioned in passing that Dr Bhagavadpada was scheduled to give a

presentation on the Div Charts, in which he will go into the many Div

Charts, by first presenting all the relevant SA Sutras, which will be needed

for that purpose. It was also emphasized by , that: " In

any study of Div Charts, afflictions within the Div Charts must be examined,

and in such cases; while one must examine only the FMs [Functional Malefics]

of the Div Chart, within the Div Chart itself, one must not make the mistake

of searching for the impact of the Rasi Chart's [RC's] FMs, within the

context of the Div Charts " .[sA Sutra #5]


Turning briefly, to the special subject of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned that within a month's time, the revised edition of his

earlier work on: " How to Identify Significant Events " , is scheduled to be

released and that this version will contain an additional chapter on Transit

Significant Events, which is expected to be very useful to all those, who

are practitioners of the SA and who have the task of giving a written



He said that in that work, he has once again, reiterated the importance of

the Sutra: " Malefic Lords of the eighth and ninth houses are Ra like, in

that, they also, like Ra, create greed, over ambitiousness, involvement in

materialistic pursuits, involvement in lust, mishaps, loss of patience,

etc. " [sutra #6].


Another very important Sutra was also mentioned: " Where there is no MTS in

the VIH, & Ke causes an affliction in the Natal Chart; Ke acts just like the

Malefic VIH Lord, creating losses through disputes, thefts, debts and

litigations. " [sutra #7]. It was reiterated by the Professor that, unless

Ketu causes an affliction in the Natal Chart, it will not come to act like

the Lord of the Malefic VIH.


Again, he stressed on a number of kindred predictive Sutras in the special

field of Transits. The first of them is the following: " When planets Transit

the VIH, they create vulnerability to conflicts, and vulnerability to

health " [ Sutra #8].Citing an illustrative example, the Professor, mentioned,

how such predictive Sutras are useful, during consultations: " In a

consultation involving an Aries Asdt Person, during Sept, Oct, there are

chances of health problems, arguments, because, generally, during these

months Su, Me, Ve travel through the Sign Virgo[the VIH, for Aries

Asdts] " [sutra #9].


Likewise, he also illustrated: " For the same Aries Asdt person, when the Su,

Me and Ve move into Scorpio [which underlies the VIIIH], that individual

becomes vulnerable to obstructions of all kinds " [sutra #10].

Continuing in the same vein, and retaining the example of the Aries Asdt,

the drew our attention to another very simple Sutra, with good predictive

power: " When planets get out of the VIIIH, problems get over " [sutra

#11].Focussing now on the Transit of the Su, Me, and Ve in the XIIH[Pisces

underlies this H], he pointed out the value of the corresponding predictive

Sutra: " Likewise, when the Su, Me, Ve, transit, the Sign Pisces[in the

months of March, April], the Aries individual, is likely to encounter more:

expenses, losses, or some health problems, or he may plan to visit distant

places " [sutra #12].


Passing from the subject of the Tr impact of fast moving Planets, the

Professor had this to say, w.r.t. the Tr impact of slow moving Planets: " The

above are the influences of fast moving problems, in Tr. Slow moving

planets in Tr, give long drawn out difficulties-Sa, for example,

vulnerability for 2.5 yrs, as this is the time Tr Sa spends in each Sign. In

such cases, one must be careful. If Ra and Ke are in Malefic Hs, they linger

there for as long as 1.5 Yrs; for Tr Ju in Malefic Hs, it takes as long as 1

yr. Further, if during Tr, Ra and Ke become stationary, on the MEP[Most

Effective Point]of any H, they cause afflictions to many Houses, with

long-drawn out difficulty, for as long as 4 to 5 months. " [sutra #13]


As a last Sutra belonging to the special field of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned the following unusual Tr situation: " Sometimes, exact

conjunctions occur, as Transit Stationary influences , involving 2 or 3

Planets. When this happens, there are very painful and memorable

sufferings. " [sutra # 14]


For the benefit of SA astrologers, who have to give a written Reading, the

Professor said, he has added a whole new chapter of about 40 Pages to his

earlier book on: " How to identify Significant Events " and that this revised

edition is now in the press. In this chapter, the various significations of

planets are systematically listed, for each of the twelve Asdts, with many

illustrative case studies.


Drawing due attention to the whole question of the placement of Planets,

, concluded this list of Sutras, with the following one:

" Whenever a Planet goes the VIH, both its general significations, as well as

the significations of the House, for which it is the Lord, will suffer.

Similarly when Planets are Transiting Benefic Hs, they give good results,

depending on their strengths in the Natal Chart. " [sutra # 15].


By bringing all these varied Sutras in front of our eyes, in an unhurried

manner, Prof Choudhry, was equipping us with all the necessary SA insights,

not only for fully understanding the enfoldment of the Conference [through

the many case studies, to follow]; but also for refreshing our memories, and

creating an atmosphere of learning, in which there is a spirit of free

enquiry, and consequent learning.


At the end he mentioned that Mr Roop Saran will make a presentation on the

significance of the Mula Trikona Signs [MTS] on the following day, that, Dr

Jonathan Miller will make also a brief presentation of the Spirit behind the

Remedial Measures, and that Dr. Bhagavadpada will make a presentation in

the afternoon on: " SA Light on the Afflictions hidden in the Div Charts " .

With these remarks, closed this memorable and instructive

inaugural address. The highlights of the inaugural address are 'the food for

thought', that the numerous Sutras have provided us with.


Thereafter, the delegates introduced themselves, one by one. It was an

overall feeling of tremendous gratitude, because every delegate told his/her

story in brief of how Professor 's guidance and the Systems

Approach, had done wonders for them in their lives.


After the tea-break, the delegates had the wonderful opportunity to hear

talk again, and this time, he spoke on: " The Impact of

the Functional Malefic Planets " . And this time he covered many interesting

case studies, and explained in each case, what kind of havoc, the FMs caused

in those Charts.





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Guest guest

Dear Mr Rajiv Jamwaal,




Thanks for the interest in the Proceedings. Hope it is helpful to you.










SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology ] On Behalf Of Rajive


01 March 2010 17:37

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

Re: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference







Dear Prof Chaudhry and Mr.Sankara Bhagavadpada


Thanks for your efforts in letting us know the proceedings of the conference

which I sincerly wanted to attend this time but unfortunatley could not make




Rajive Jamwaal




Sankara Bhagavadpada

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:09 PM

RE: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference



Dear Vikasji,


Namasthe. Thanks for the kind words.






SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40> ] On Behalf Of



23 February 2010 09:38

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

RE: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference



Dear Professor and Mr Sankara Bhagavadpada


I appreciate your effort and thank you for informing us about the Conference

and taking pain in explaining the Sutras.






" The information in this Email (which includes any files transmitted with

it) is CONFIDENTIAL and may be legally PRIVILEGED. It is intended solely for

the addressee and access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If

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SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

<SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40> ] On Behalf Of

Sankara Bhagavadpada

Monday, February 22, 2010 5:11 PM


<%40> ;


<SAMVA%40> ;

systemsApproachToVedic Astrology

<systemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

<systemsApproachToVedic Astrology%40>

Cc: ''

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] PART I A of the Conference



Dear Prof , and members of the SATVA, and SAMVA Fraternities,


Namasthe. The two-day 5th SA Intl Conference came to a peaceful close

yesterday at 5:00PM, in Gurgaon, at the South Patio Club, the Conf venue. I

have pleasure in making the Conference Proceedings available to you,

especially to those, who could not be present at the Conference.


Pl see below, PART I-A of the Conference Proceedings, which covers the

Inaugural Address of Professor . The other PARTS of the

Conference Proceedings will follow suit within the next few days.


Best Regards

Sankara Bhagavadpada


Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,



PART I-A:Fore-Noon Session on the First Day:


Inaugural Address by Prof :


The conference commenced, with Professor in the chair, and with

Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, directing the visual presentations, as well as the

smooth running of the conference. With his soft opening words of welcome to

all the participating delegates, , set the conference in

motion. He reminded us that this was the fifth Intl SA Conf in

succession....{ It was a lovely time to be in Gurgaon[ chilly in the

mornings, and evenings, but sunny during the day], and especially in the

premises of the wonderful South Patio Club, the venue of the conference.}


There were however, three new delegates at this conference, and the

Professor forthwith introduced them to the rest of the participants, by

mentioning their names, & briefly their vocations, as well: firstly, Sri

Tyagi [Director:Finance, of a Bank, who had recently learnt the Systems

Approach from Prof Choudhry]; secondly, Sri Suman Vasishth [ former Senior

Executive with Air India, and a UK-Trained Cricket Umpire, and one with a

life-long hobby of Vedic Astrology]; and thirdly, Smt Neha Gupta [a

resident of Gurgaon, with a Masters degree in Computer Applications, and who

had recently taken the bold step of turning her back on the field, for which

she was so highly educated thus far, and choosing instead, to study the

Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology, directly, from Prof Choudhry, himself].

It was also very significant that Dr Jonathan Miller had travelled from long

distances, to be at this Conference, at the right time.


The Professor was very relaxed, as he always is, and opened with the useful

reminder that the conference was fundamentally a learning opportunity for

all participants, and that it also served the additional purpose of

refreshing our memories with regard to all the fundamental principles of the

Systems Approach. Going further in the same direction, he said the

conference afforded also a solid learning experience to all those who choose

to make a presentation at the conf. In this context of learning, he

reiterated that even long-standing SA practitioners, learn all the time, not

to speak of beginners and those who have just commenced on the path of

learning the Systems Approach.


We will see how , covers an extensive area of several SA

Sutras, in the course of this inaugural address. Moving over to the next

significant point, the Professor maintained that the science of astrology is

invariably used by people who are in distress, and that they turn to

astrology only with a hope of preventing further damages and difficulties in

their lives. It was held by the Professor that the essence of astrology, lay

in the following aspects of that discipline of learning:


(i)The ascertainment of both the planetary strengths as well as the

afflictions caused by the planets;

(ii)The identification of the functional nature of planets;

(iii) Identification of the problems caused by natal weak and afflicted

planets, including those that are badly placed.

Touching on the third significant point, the Professor, drew attention to

the fact that " sometimes there are strong planets, but results are not

seen " [sutra #1]. Next, he stressed the importance of the Sutra[principle]

that: " Whenever the Lord of the 4th, 2nd, 9th or 3rd,[meaning the Most

Benefic Planet]House is badly placed and afflicted, then other fruits in

the life of the individual are also reduced " [sutra #2].[quotes are either

verbatim reproductions of Professor's words, or nearly verbatim]


In his commentary on various aspects of the Systems Approach [sA], he next

dwelt on what may be considered to be the fourth significant point: " The

weakness of the Lord of the 8th H or 4th H, reduces the longevity of father,

longevity of oneself, in addition to reducing the inheritance [as the 8th H,

is the H of inheritance], and also the financial strength of the father, and

the well-known longevity of marriage as well. " [sutra #3]. {Here it is not

inappropriate to mention that these SA Sutras, enunciated by the Professor,

in their present forms, will prove to be invaluable in the understanding of

the various case studies that will be presented by others, in the course of

the conference. For this reason, we will do well to note and remember these

Sutras, well in advance of their actual appearance.}


After that, he took up the problem of the identification of the variable,

representing the father, when the 9th H and the 4th H, do not possess a MTS

[Mula Trikona Sign].This may be considered to be the fifth of the

Professor's significant comments. He said: " For identifying the father in

any chart, under the conditions mentioned, we should consider the placement

of the Sun in the natal chart as well as in the Div Chart, pertaining to

parents, called the Dwadasamsa [D12] " .[sutra #4]


He mentioned in passing that Dr Bhagavadpada was scheduled to give a

presentation on the Div Charts, in which he will go into the many Div

Charts, by first presenting all the relevant SA Sutras, which will be needed

for that purpose. It was also emphasized by , that: " In

any study of Div Charts, afflictions within the Div Charts must be examined,

and in such cases; while one must examine only the FMs [Functional Malefics]

of the Div Chart, within the Div Chart itself, one must not make the mistake

of searching for the impact of the Rasi Chart's [RC's] FMs, within the

context of the Div Charts " .[sA Sutra #5]


Turning briefly, to the special subject of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned that within a month's time, the revised edition of his

earlier work on: " How to Identify Significant Events " , is scheduled to be

released and that this version will contain an additional chapter on Transit

Significant Events, which is expected to be very useful to all those, who

are practitioners of the SA and who have the task of giving a written



He said that in that work, he has once again, reiterated the importance of

the Sutra: " Malefic Lords of the eighth and ninth houses are Ra like, in

that, they also, like Ra, create greed, over ambitiousness, involvement in

materialistic pursuits, involvement in lust, mishaps, loss of patience,

etc. " [sutra #6].


Another very important Sutra was also mentioned: " Where there is no MTS in

the VIH, & Ke causes an affliction in the Natal Chart; Ke acts just like the

Malefic VIH Lord, creating losses through disputes, thefts, debts and

litigations. " [sutra #7]. It was reiterated by the Professor that, unless

Ketu causes an affliction in the Natal Chart, it will not come to act like

the Lord of the Malefic VIH.


Again, he stressed on a number of kindred predictive Sutras in the special

field of Transits. The first of them is the following: " When planets Transit

the VIH, they create vulnerability to conflicts, and vulnerability to

health " [ Sutra #8].Citing an illustrative example, the Professor, mentioned,

how such predictive Sutras are useful, during consultations: " In a

consultation involving an Aries Asdt Person, during Sept, Oct, there are

chances of health problems, arguments, because, generally, during these

months Su, Me, Ve travel through the Sign Virgo[the VIH, for Aries

Asdts] " [sutra #9].


Likewise, he also illustrated: " For the same Aries Asdt person, when the Su,

Me and Ve move into Scorpio [which underlies the VIIIH], that individual

becomes vulnerable to obstructions of all kinds " [sutra #10].

Continuing in the same vein, and retaining the example of the Aries Asdt,

the drew our attention to another very simple Sutra, with good predictive

power: " When planets get out of the VIIIH, problems get over " [sutra

#11].Focussing now on the Transit of the Su, Me, and Ve in the XIIH[Pisces

underlies this H], he pointed out the value of the corresponding predictive

Sutra: " Likewise, when the Su, Me, Ve, transit, the Sign Pisces[in the

months of March, April], the Aries individual, is likely to encounter more:

expenses, losses, or some health problems, or he may plan to visit distant

places " [sutra #12].


Passing from the subject of the Tr impact of fast moving Planets, the

Professor had this to say, w.r.t. the Tr impact of slow moving Planets: " The

above are the influences of fast moving problems, in Tr. Slow moving

planets in Tr, give long drawn out difficulties-Sa, for example,

vulnerability for 2.5 yrs, as this is the time Tr Sa spends in each Sign. In

such cases, one must be careful. If Ra and Ke are in Malefic Hs, they linger

there for as long as 1.5 Yrs; for Tr Ju in Malefic Hs, it takes as long as 1

yr. Further, if during Tr, Ra and Ke become stationary, on the MEP[Most

Effective Point]of any H, they cause afflictions to many Houses, with

long-drawn out difficulty, for as long as 4 to 5 months. " [sutra #13]


As a last Sutra belonging to the special field of Transits in the SA, the

Professor, mentioned the following unusual Tr situation: " Sometimes, exact

conjunctions occur, as Transit Stationary influences , involving 2 or 3

Planets. When this happens, there are very painful and memorable

sufferings. " [sutra # 14]


For the benefit of SA astrologers, who have to give a written Reading, the

Professor said, he has added a whole new chapter of about 40 Pages to his

earlier book on: " How to identify Significant Events " and that this revised

edition is now in the press. In this chapter, the various significations of

planets are systematically listed, for each of the twelve Asdts, with many

illustrative case studies.


Drawing due attention to the whole question of the placement of Planets,

, concluded this list of Sutras, with the following one:

" Whenever a Planet goes the VIH, both its general significations, as well as

the significations of the House, for which it is the Lord, will suffer.

Similarly when Planets are Transiting Benefic Hs, they give good results,

depending on their strengths in the Natal Chart. " [sutra # 15].


By bringing all these varied Sutras in front of our eyes, in an unhurried

manner, Prof Choudhry, was equipping us with all the necessary SA insights,

not only for fully understanding the enfoldment of the Conference [through

the many case studies, to follow]; but also for refreshing our memories, and

creating an atmosphere of learning, in which there is a spirit of free

enquiry, and consequent learning.


At the end he mentioned that Mr Roop Saran will make a presentation on the

significance of the Mula Trikona Signs [MTS] on the following day, that, Dr

Jonathan Miller will make also a brief presentation of the Spirit behind the

Remedial Measures, and that Dr. Bhagavadpada will make a presentation in

the afternoon on: " SA Light on the Afflictions hidden in the Div Charts " .

With these remarks, closed this memorable and instructive

inaugural address. The highlights of the inaugural address are 'the food for

thought', that the numerous Sutras have provided us with.


Thereafter, the delegates introduced themselves, one by one. It was an

overall feeling of tremendous gratitude, because every delegate told his/her

story in brief of how Professor 's guidance and the Systems

Approach, had done wonders for them in their lives.


After the tea-break, the delegates had the wonderful opportunity to hear

talk again, and this time, he spoke on: " The Impact of

the Functional Malefic Planets " . And this time he covered many interesting

case studies, and explained in each case, what kind of havoc, the FMs caused

in those Charts.






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