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Dear and Members of the SATVA & SAMVA Fraternities,


Namasthe.Pl see below the PART II-A of the Proceedings of

the SA INTL Conference 2010.

The remaining PARTS will also follow soon.

Best Regards



Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,



PART II-A:After-Noon Session on the First Day:


" SA Light on the Afflictions Hidden in the Divisional Charts " - Dr Sankara



After offering my pranams to my Spiritual Masters and to beloved Professor V

K Choudhry, as well as to the other delegates present, I started with the

theme, which I had cast, in the form of a Power Point Presentation [PPP].

Before I came to the Conference, I had benefitted from a number of

highly-educative discussions with the Professor [through a chain of

e-mails], on a number of carefully selected case studies of which I had

first-hand knowledge, & in this way, I was seeking a consistent

understanding [within the highly systematic framework of the SA], of what

seemed to me to be certainly 'Enigmatic Charts'. Yes, 'Enigmatic', because,

though the RC had reassuring strong Planets, in a particular sphere of life

[governed by strong PDs, & SDs], in which the concerned individuals sought

fulfilment and success; in actual life, the hope & promise given by such

strong Planets, as the Lords of those strong Houses in the RC, was

unfortunately belied.

Such 'Enigmatic Charts' are not anything new in the SA-in fact, they have

been already 'clearly spotted & identified' by the Professor [as is evident

from his Sutras in his well-known work on the Divisional Charts], but to

rivet attention on their stunning 'Enigmatic' nature, I will now attempt to

bring them into full relief. I had also mentioned that unlike my previous

Conference presentations, which were more of an esoteric nature, this time,

I was considering very practical SA questions, which were bound to hold the

attention of all SA practitioners.


I am very grateful to the Professor, for being that selfless, original &

inspiring teacher, that he has always been for all of us, and especially at

a time, when he himself had come under the difficult Tr Stationary

affliction, whose impact on him, I have already fully described in PART I-B

of these Proceedings.


I firstly presented all the pertinent SA Fundamentals [sutras], in so far as

they apply to the Div Charts, so that when the successive case studies were

taken up, the application of these Sutras, towards the elucidation of those

'Enigmatic Charts', would become a fairly straight forward exercise.


The Pertinent SA Fundamentals on the DCs[For Later Use] :


Note that RC=Rasi Chart, DC=Divisional Chart.


[sutra # 1]: " Sometimes, the natives suffer because of weak combinations in

the RC itself, and sometimes, they suffer due to planetary weaknesses and

afflictions emerging in the DCs. However, the DCs have to be read always as

supplement to the RC. " [Pg 28, " DC " { " DC " , here means Professor's work on the

Div Charts}].[invoked in all the Case Studies(CSs)]


[sutra # 2]: " The apparent strength acquired by the Planets by being in

their own MTSs , or by being in their Exalt Signs in the RC, may produce

ordinary or negative result, if these occupy the debilitation sign in the

DCs, or, are afflicted in the DC. " [Pg 27, " DC " ][see, for ex, CS # 1]


[sutra # 3]: " ...In fact, any prediction without being subjected to test in

the relevant DC, stands less chances of its being true " . [Pg 6, " DC " ]


[sutra # 4]: " Occupation of the Asdt of the DC by Ra/Ke, or by the MMP of

the DC, creates stress for the significations of the DC. The good placement

in the DC of the Lord of the relevant H of the RC, and the Significator of

that H, helps in promoting the significations of the DC. The bad placements

in the DC of the Lord of the relevant H of the RC, and the significator of

that H, causes stress regarding the significations of the DC. " [Pg 25,

" DC " ][invoked in CS # 1, & in others]


[sutra # 5]: " Weak Planets in RC, do not improve their strength by being

strong in Navamsha, and other DCs " . [ Pg 3, " DC " ]


However, we must also note the below-mentioned SA Sutra, which is likely to

have wider applicability, than merely in the context of the D7 DC, and which

may have to be used in lieu of the above Sutra # 5:


" If the D7 Asc containing a MTS & its Lord are strong, aspected by FBs &

Ju occupies auspicious position from the Asdt, one is sure to be blessed

with Male Progeny " [Pg 106, " DC " ] [will appear again]. This is to be read

in conjunction with succeeding Sutra # 6.


[sutra # 6]: " A Planet that is weak in the RC [Rasi Chart], on account of

debilitation, or on any other account, until and unless strengthened during

the course of its sub-periods, would hardly be of any help to the

significations of it's concerned DCs " [ Pg 25 , " DC " ]


[sutra # 7]: " If a Planet is strong- in its: own sign or MTS, or, Exalt.

Sign, in RC and in many DCs, then, it is considered very strong. "

[Prof ]


[sutra # 8]: " In DCs, the close conjunction / aspect of the DC's FBs, with

the Asdt, relevant significators and Trines regarding the DC Asdt, boost the

significations of the DCs in their sub periods. The DC's FMs in such a

state, damage the significations of the DCs, in their sub periods. " [Pg 28,

" DC " ]. This is to be read in conjunction with Sutra # 6 above.


[sutra # 9]: " Affliction to the Asdt in any DC, by the VIIIH Lord of the DC,

is equally serious as the afflictions to the PDs ['for the affairs of a

certain House', of the RC], placed in the VIIIH of the DC. " [invoked in CS #

1, 5]


[sutra # 10]: " Generally, the exact affliction to the badly placed Lord of:

Fortune, IVH, or IIH, reduces the strength of the other strong Planets as

well. " [invoked in CS # 3]


[sutra # 11]: " Weakness of the VIIIH in RC, makes the father vulnerable to

damage, both in terms of longevity, and in terms of finances. " [invoked in

CS # 7]


[sutra # 12]: " Transit afflictions to the sub-period Lord in the Natal

Chart, during the sub-period of that Lord, will always be very

significant " [invoked in CS # 7]


[sutra # 13]: " If the D7 Asdt containing a MTS and its Lord are strong

(means that it should be strong in RC in the first place), aspected by FBs &

Ju occupies auspicious position from the Asdt, one is sure to be blessed

with male progeny. [Pg 106, " DC " ]{ Invoked in CS # 10.}[on D7 & Male



[sutra # 14]: " PDs & SDs for Male Progeny: VH, IIH, Ju, Su and MTS Asdt Lord

of D7 " .


[sutra # 15]: " The blessings of the weak planets are not long lived and

suffer from problems " .


Theme Underlying all the Case Studies:


Though a given House in the RC may give us a 'rosy or a bleak' picture;

unless, we also take the complementary verdict of the corresponding DC, side

by side; we may not get a 'true total picture', which will tally fully with

the real life of the individual.

Thus for a given House, a 'rosy picture' given by the RC, may well be

superseded by a 'bleak picture' presented by the corresponding DC.


We will phrase it differently, to help us grasp its repercussions:


The promise of Grace & Fulfilment given by a certain ostensibly strong

Planet [and the corresponding ostensibly strong House], in the RC, may be

belied and negated [to varying degrees]; whenever, the Asdt, Asdt Lord,

& /or, the important significators of the corresponding DC, suffer an

affliction, and thus come to spell a tragic misfortune, in that sphere

[House] of life - whose Lord is ostensibly strong in the RC.


SA Methodology of Investigation into any given DC:


Step 1: We must start with that particular sphere of life [which is

represented by a single House [H] or several Hs of the RC], where we have

sensed troubles and disappointments. Note that this sphere can be any one of

the following: health, marital life, professional life, education, sphere of

progeny, etc.


Step 2: We must identify, from the RC, the PDs [Prime Determinants] for the

affairs of that particular sphere, then also identify, the Supplementary

Determinants [sDs], for that sphere, & , finally also identify, from the DC,

the Additional PD, which always is the corresponding DC's Asdt Lord, in the

event of the DC having an Asdt, with a MTS.


Step 3: We must most importantly see the strength of the Asdt Lord and the

Asdt House of the DC, to see whether these most important variables are

blessed by the FBs of the DC or suffer an affliction from the FMs of the DC.

We must not study the FMs of the RC in the DC, for the SA does not warrant



Step 4: We must examine, the fate of the PDs, and the SDs[derived from the

RC], in the corresponding DC, to see, to what an extent, the promise of

Grace and Fulfilment, given by the RC, is upheld or vetoed, in the

corresponding DC.

We must be very sensitive to Planets, which are weak, debilitated and badly

placed in the DC [such weaknesses in the DC are however, only 20% of such

weaknesses, if they were to occur in the RC].


Step 5: We must finally travel back and forth between 'the picture' [rosy or

bleak] given by the RC, and the 'picture' [rosy or bleak] given by the

corresponding DC, and thus arrive at the conclusion whether the 'picture'

given by the RC, can be happily retained, or whether the 'picture' given by

the DC, has to supersede the 'picture' given by the RC.


I'll illustrate this methodology in some of the CSs, in more detail, so

that, the same procedure can then be applied in a straight forward manner to

all other remaining CSs, without encountering any new difficulty.


Case Study # 1: Birth Details:[17-09-1978,18:45 hrs,(78E01,15N51),

TZ=IST].Pisces Asdt, MEP=10degs 01mts. Light on D10 & D24.


Life-Data:This individual had sought astrological guidance in July 2009,

after he had suffered a professional setback. Professional disappointment

and professional interruption, he said was not anything new to him. It was

painful and happening every now and then.


He said, after completing BE in 2003, he was without a job till March

2005[Me-Sa sub-period & Ke-Ke sub-period]. In 2007, between June and Nov, he

was once again jobless. Then again, between May 2008 - Nov 2009, more

generally, he was once again without any professional work.


Even, between 1990 and 2003, throughout his educational career [Me Dasa], he

said, his experiences were very painful, with many setbacks. He took 7 yrs

to complete the Engineering degree. Ever since, the time he was in the VIH

std, his educational development suffered many obstructions. This was partly

due to the father being transferred from one place to another, being in Govt

Service, and his inability to adjust to the new surroundings-as he lacked

self-confidence and courage.


I found that he lacked success and fulfilment in two independent spheres of

life-education & learning on the one hand, and profession on the other.


After, I dialogued with him for some time, I found that I was somewhat

shocked, as my expectations w.r.t. his intelligence [after I had deduced the

same from his RC] were belied. As he had a strong exalted Ju[significators

of intelligence], placed almost on the MEP of the VH of creative

intelligence, and aspecting both the Asdt MEP, as well as the Mo[on the Asdt

MEP], almost exactly. I thought, here I have before me, a highly intelligent

individual with also, possibly a prodigious memory, a passion for learning &

teaching, even with stupendous emotional intelligence.


However, as my conversation proceeded, my disappointment was rising higher

and higher, till I was left with the shock and the concomitant question, as

to how I would account for this mismatch between RC significations and

reality, with regard to the promise of a very high intelligence given by the

RC, concomitant with poor educational & professional achievements? [As SA

theory includes both study of RC and study of concerned divisional charts].


As I discussed this case with the Professor, I found that he was not in any

kind of shock, in so far as the profession was concerned, for he knew that

the mere bad-placement of one of the PDs [Prime Determinants] of the

profession (namely, Ma, ruling the IIH), in the VIIIH of obstructions and

the utter weakness of the Sun as significator for profession, was sufficient

enough to destabilize his profession, as a life-long pattern. So, the

Professor meant that, we need not go to the D10, to discover any 'hidden

secrets', as to why there is misfortune in the profession.


However, while the SA analysis sourced his professional troubles in the RC

itself, we may also cite other serious afflictions hidden in the D10, that

also additionally [apart from the affliction to the PD, Ma in the RC] and

the weakness of the Sun, would account for the fact that, in spite of such a

strong XH Lord in the RC, there were so many professional failures. The D10

shows an Asdt House that is highly afflicted by 3 FMs of the DC, placed

therein, the MMP of the DC being one of them. Not only that, the D10 Asdt

Lord Sa, is also afflicted by both the Nodes, so that, serious afflictions

in the D10, are seen to be the additional causes for his professional

misfortune, in spite of the strong professional Lord Ju, of the RC, being

also well placed in an angular H in the D10.


When we move from the professional sphere to the educational sphere [where

his sufferings commenced in 1990 and went on till 2003], this is where we

are in for the biggest shock, for we see here, the Div Chart [D24],

pertinent to the educational sphere, vetoing the 'rosy picture' of the RC,

and superseding it with its own 'bleak picture'.[i will use the VH Lord, Mo

as the PD for higher edu, & Ju as SD.]

The D24 Asdt House and Mo are afflicted by three FMs of the DC, namely Ra,

Ke and the FM, Sa. Likewise, the Planet of intelligence and learning, Ju is

not only debilitated, here, it is also afflicted by three FMs of the DC,

namely by Ra, Ke and the FM, the Su.


Lesson Learnt: In this way, the 'bleak picture' [which alone tallies more

faithfully with reality] given by the DC, must be recognized to supersede

the absolutely 'rosy picture' given to us by the RC, as a first impression.



Just to bring home the severity of the 'bleak picture', I reproduce below

verbatim, what his life condition, taken as a whole was like. This is

completely at variance with the 'happy rosy picture' given by the RC, at

least in so far as his years of education are concerned.


Q: " I had wanted you to dialogue with me, but found no response from you. Are

you not interested in bouncing back to normalcy? " [sBP]


A: " Yes I would like to come back to normalcy. In fact I think I forgot the

meaning of coming back to normalcy. I believe in my entire life I was never

in normalcy. Could you explain me the meaning of normalcy?

" Is it the Self Knowledge? In all these years most of the time I can say 90%

of time I was dull and unhappy. I think I forgot the meaning of coming back

to normalcy. Every day when I step out of my house I feel I am in a world

where there is no place for me, I have to put a artificial mask and proceed

with my life. " [CS # 1]


Case Study # 2: Birth Details:[05-06-1925, 23:42hrs,(79E09,10N46),

TZ=IST].Aquarius Asdt Chart, MEP=8degs, 52mts. Light on D7.


Life-Data: This fairly distinguished officer from the IPS [known for his

pioneering computerization of the police records in TN], had two children, a

boy and a girl. The girl developed into a highly competent women's surgeon

while the boy was handicapped mentally and physically from birth itself, and

had to be eventually hospitalized for the last 20 yrs of his life. Needless

to say, there was enormous suffering for both parents.


[ SA Sutra: Progeny: VH, IIH, Ju & Su, D7 Asdt Lord, in case it has a MTS -

for the PD, and SDs of Progeny].


In the RC, which has an Aquarius Asdt, as there are no MTSs in the VH and

IIH, Ju, the Putrakaraka, becomes both the PD, as well as the GS [it is weak

due to old age], while the strong Su becomes the Secondary Significator, and

the strong Ma, and weak Ve, placed in the VH, become the SDs [supplementary



In the DC [D7], the Additional PD is again Ma, but Ma being badly placed in

the VIIIH, shows affliction to the DC Asdt Lord. Even the Asdt House in the

D7 is afflicted by the Nodes, so too the Su, the SD, which had full strength

in the RC. Even Ju, the PD has its MTH and itself afflicted by the FM Me in

this D7.When I summed up: Once more we see, the 'rosy picture' given by the

RC superseded by the 'bleak picture' given by the D7, the Professor, gently

reminded me that, the RC does not in fact give a 'rosy picture'.

He pointed out that, it is one of the fundamental SA Sutras, that 'Happiness

through Male Progeny is judged by the strength of the XH', and that as the

XH in this Aquarius Asdt Chart suffers a close affliction from three FMs,

namely from the Mo, Ra and from the MMP, Me; the profound grief through the

son in this case, is already clearly visible in the RC itself! Here was

another lesson for me.


Case Study # 3: Birth Details:[24-09-1971,4:30hrs,(75E41,13N50), TZ=IST. Leo

Asdt Chart, MEP=9degs 58mts. Light on D10.


Life-Data: In this Leo Asdt Chart, the SA tells us that the PD of the

profession is Me only. The strong Ju, significator of intelligence and

advising capacity, which very closely influences the MEP of the XH, and the

weaker Sa, placed in the XH, come through as the SDs of the profession.

There is no Additional PD, from the D10, as Scorpio is the Asdt Sign here.


Upon looking at the RC, I was stunned, because this was the Chart of a

car-driver, and wondered why in spite of the strong Ju making a close impact

on the XH MEP, and a well-placed PD [Mercury, ruling the IIH] of the

profession, he did not have any standing as an advisor or a teacher, etc.

One would have thought [had one gone merely from one's first impression from

the RC], that he could have had an intellectual profession because of the

influence of Ju, and the placement of Me.


When we go to the Dasamsa[D10], we see Me, the PD, badly placed in the VIH,

and the excellently placed strong Ju in the RC, afflicted by all the four

FMs in the D10.On the other hand, Sa, ruling the IVH of vehicles aspects the

Asdt H of the D10, which had placed him in life, in the position of a



Lesson Learnt: Thus, here too I encountered the same phenomenon of the 'rosy

picture' of the RC, being superseded by the 'bleak picture' of the DC.

Professor was however, able to see in this case, troubles sourced partly

also in the RC itself, which also accounted for the misfortunes. Pointing to

the badly placed Ma, as the Lord of the H of fortune, he said: " Whenever,

the Lord of the H of fortune, or the IVH, or the IIH, was badly placed and

exactly afflicted, then, the strength of the other planets is also

correspondingly reduced. " [sutra # 10, already cited]


Case Study # 4: Birth Details:[13-09-1976,6:30hrs,(73E50,18N31), TZ=IST].Leo

Asdt Chart, MEP=27degs 53mts. Light on D6 & D10.


Life-Data: This is the Chart of a marine engineer in the merchant navy, who

had to suffer two major misfortunes in life. One was in the sphere of

health[loss of vision in the right eye], and, and the other was in the

profession-major accident-fracture of the right leg, below the knee on July

15th, 2001.Seeing the stunning nature of this Enigmatic Chart, Professor[and

also Tyagiji] raised the very pertinent question, of whether it could not be

a Virgo Asdt Chart, in which case, the sharp disparity between the picture

given by the RC and those given by the D6 & D10, pertaining to the sphere of

health, and professions, respectively, disappears. On checking the TSE [Tr

Sig Event], I found that only a Virgo Asdt accommodates the leg fracture on

that day. Absorbing this lesson, I withdraw this CS # 4, as it is not

fitting into the theme, common to all the other CSs.


Case Study # 5: Birth Details:[16-03-1972,20:47hrs,(78E08,11N38),

TZ=IST].Libra Asdt Chart, MEP=7degs 52mts. Light on D9, D12.


Life Data:

(a). Date of premature demise of husband['one blow after another']: Dec 31,

2003.[Ve -Ju sub-period]{when only 31yrs old}

(b). Date of premature demise of father ['first big blow']:

Apr 16, 1996.[Ve -Ve sub-period]{when only 24yrs old}


SA Sutra: Father: IXH, IVH, Su, Ju;

SA Sutra: Husband: VIIH, IIH, IVH , .Ju, Su

SA Sutra on widowhood: VIIH, IVH, IIH, XIIH & impact of MMP, Ke, on these



The lady had only a daughter [and no son], and despite a strong Ju[as

Putrakaraka, & also as GS of the husband] in her Libra Asdt Chart, she had

lost her husband, as well as her father, very prematurely, and there was no

grievous affliction in the RC to the pertinent variables, to give us a

possible fore-warning that such a calamity was in fact on the cards of fate.

The Moon [signifying her mother] was no doubt badly placed and exactly

afflicted, & as the affliction was from the MMP, I was wondering, whether,

such an afflicted Mo, will not create repercussions in any Chart, much like

the Lords mentioned in the Sutra below? {In any case, the grievous exact

affliction to the XH Lord, would readily account for the absence of any male

child [sA Sutra].}


[sutra # 10]: " Generally, the exact affliction to the badly placed Lord of:

Fortune, IVH, or IIH, reduces the strength of the other strong Planets as

well. "


The Su becomes the PD, and Ju becomes the SD for the father, in this Chart.

The Su's placement and infancy are certainly worrisome, no doubt, but

nothing like premature death is seen in the RC, as even Ju is fully strong.

The TOB given to me was 8:37PM, and this did not have any special patterns

to account for these misfortunes, so not finding the misfortune in relief in

the RC, I proceeded to the Div Charts, the D9 [which signifies fortune and

marital life, as the husband also passed away very prematurely], and then to

the D12 [as the father died prematurely too], to see, how these DCs could at

least give testimony for the validation of the SA Sutra #1, applied to these

misfortunes, by now varying their Asdts. In this way, I arrived at a

rectified TOB of 20:47PM, which tallied well, with the misfortunes, hidden

in the DCs:


[sutra # 1]: " Sometimes, the natives suffer because of weak combinations in

the RC itself, and sometimes, they suffer due to planetary weaknesses and

afflictions emerging in the DCs. However, the DCs have to be read always as

supplement to the RC. "


The D12, pertaining to the father, showed an afflicted Asdt by two FMs

[both 'Separative Planets'], and even the SA de facto Asdt Lord Sa, is

afflicted through its bad-placement in the Most Malefic VIIIH therein. Ju is

also afflicted. So, this took care of the father's premature death.


Professor firstly pointed out that the PD for the husband was Ma, and that

as Ma itself was in extreme old-age weakness, fundamentally, it had not

sufficient Grace to keep a husband for long on the stage of life. Though

this was indeed, SA 'in action', it was a shock for me, that the mere

weakness of old age or infancy in a PD[when it was strong in all other

aspects], could bring so much loss and grief in life.

The D9, was more illuminating, in that, the very placement of the MMP of the

D9, in its own Asdt, and the further bad-placement of the PD & SD of the

husband, as well as the PD of the father in the Malefic VIIIH, therein, was

sufficient to spell the misfortune, in accordance with the foll Sutra

invoked by the Professor:


[sutra # 9]: " Affliction to the Asdt in any DC, by the VIIIH Lord of the DC,

is equally serious as the afflictions to the PDs ['for the affairs of a

certain House', of the RC], placed in the VIIIH of the DC. "


Lesson learnt: Though a given House in the RC may give us a 'rosy or a bleak

picture'; unless, we also take the complementary verdict of the

corresponding DC, side by side; we may not get a 'true total picture', which

will tally fully with the real life of the individual. Thus, the 'grim

picture' of the D9 and D12, have come to veto the 'weak picture' present in

the RC.


Case Study # 6: Birth Details:[20-3-1999,10:40hrs, TZ=PST,

(121W24,37N20)]Gemini Asdt Chart, MEP=2dg 12mt. Light on D6.


Life-Data: This is the Chart of a boy, who is now about ten, but he had all

the health problems in 2005[ & even earlier], when I was consulted on Jan 6th

'05 and also on Oct 12th.Doctors said, he had a " recessive disease " , called

Histiocytosis, which manifested as an un natural multiplication of

skin-cells on the scalp, producing inflammations, and skin problems. Two

things were involved-skin and scalp, namely the skin on the top of the head.

There was also one surgery performed.

As had a hunch, whether this could not be a Taurus Asdt

Chart, I asked for a fresh ascertainment of the TOB from the Hospital

Records, and the parents confirmed 10:40AM. In the light of Professor's

hunch, we may well also bear in mind, the possibility of a Taurus Asdt, for

the boy. I have in fact called for fresh Life Data on the boy, though no

reply has been received so far.


In the SA, three Planetary energies govern the health of the skin, namely

Sa, Me and Ve. In the RC, both Me and Sa are debilitated, though in good

Houses, but Me is also deeply combust, making it even weaker. Ve is however

strong. We must also remember that in the SA, Me (which is weak) is also the

significators of the VIH of health matters.


Gemini has no MTS, so the strong Su becomes the PD of vitality and health

[also the defacto Asdt Lord for the Gemini Asdt, in the SA], and the strong

Ma, becomes the secondary significators of vitality and health. The Asdt

[signifying the head] is also unafflicted, so all in all, the RC gives a

reasonably favourable picture, for health.


In the D6, Ma qualifies as the Additional PD for health, but is weak and

deb, and importantly badly afflicted by the highly Malefic Ra and Ke from

the XIIH, therein, indicating loss of health and vitality, trouble to head,

blood, whole body, muscles, possibilities of inflammations, fevers,

tumours, etc. To worsen matters, the highly Malefic affliction from Ra and

Ke also comes to the well-placed Mo, and the badly placed Su, which is also

another significator for the head. Thus, both significators of health,

vitality and head are badly afflicted in the D6, and the affliction from the

FM Me, the D6 Asdt, further worsens the whole picture. Ju's beneficial

aspect to the D6 Asdt is a redeeming feature of the D6.


Lesson Learnt: Thus the reasonably 'rosy picture' of the RC, in so far as

health matters are concerned, stands superseded by the 'very bleak picture'

of the D6 Div Chart, pertinent to the health sphere.


Case Study # 7: Birth Details:[01-01-1979,11:40hrs,(80E17,13N05),

TZ=IST].Pisces Asdt Chart, MEP=10degs 10mts.Light on D9, D12.


Life-Data: When this young man was just on the threshold of adult life [17

yrs old only] without yet having any responsibilities in life, suddenly,

the father passed away on Feb 27th, 1996.He was the only child, and as the

father had firmly established the family medical laboratory facility [with

no involvement of the son, so far], the entire onus of managing that

professional empire fell on his mother's shoulders and on his, all of a

sudden. Being an emotional Pisces Asdt, we may imagine the corresponding

emotional loss as well.

In the RC, there is nothing so outstanding, by way of an affliction, to

sound a forewarning of what was to come. The PD of the father, the Su, was

well-placed in the XH, not, certainly so weak, as to cause jitters. Ju, the

SD was also well-placed, and of reasonable strength, again not giving, the

slightest clue that so shocking a calamity, at so early a stage in life,

could well be on the cards of fate.


When the Professor came into the picture, he invariably brought in, some

till now unrecognized significant aspects, to at least my knowledge. He

immediately pointed out that, though there are no afflictions to the Planets

and Hs, pointing to the father; yet, 'All is not well, with his destiny', as

the mere weakness of the VIIIH, Lord, Ve, which is having the weakness of

infancy to the extent of 80%, is sufficient to sound the death-knell! See

the SA Sutra below:


[sutra # 11]: " Weakness of the VIIIH, makes the father vulnerable to damage,

both in terms of longevity, and in terms of finances. "


My original shock at the 'rosy picture' [absence of any warnings] in the RC,

suffering a 'mismatch with reality', was gone! But it was instead, replaced

by a newer shock- as to how amazing it now was, that the mere weakness of

infancy or old age in a PD[that was otherwise strong in all respects], was

always in the SA, so serious a shortfall, that it alone was sufficient to

remove an important person from the field of life!

When I went over to the DCs pertinent to the sphere of the father, both the

D9, as well as the D12, I felt more relieved, for here I saw the warnings

writ in capital letters!


In the D9, I saw the PD of the father, aspected by the death giving Planet,

the MMP of the D9 Chart. Ju, the SD for the father also was under the double

affliction from the Nodes, and that too from Ke, from the VIIIH therein.


In the D12, we see the most shocking and clinching affliction to the PD of

the father, the Su, without any redemption from a any Benefic aspect,

therein. The Su is badly placed in the XIIH, and afflicted by all the four

Malefics of the Cancer Asdt D12 Chart, even by the death giving MMP, Sa,



When I examined the Tr Sig Event[Feb 27th, 1996,death of the father],I found

Tr Ke afflicting natal Me exactly, in the IXH, and that too, when the Me

sub-period was running. Its full import was explained to me by the Prof,

through the foll Sutra:


[sutra # 12]: " Afflictions to the sub-period Lord in the Natal Chart, during

the sub-period of that Lord, will always be very significant. Also the

significations of the House of placement are touched when Tr Planets create

Benefic or Malefic influences on the sub-period Lord. " [Pg 20, " Preventive

Astral Remedies " ]


Lesson Learnt: We have found that for a given House, a 'rosy picture' given

by the RC [w.r.t. the father, in this case], has been superseded by a 'bleak

picture' presented by the corresponding DCs [ D9, & D12].


Case Study # 8: Birth Details:[13-10-1962,13:04hrs,(78E07,09N55),

TZ=IST].Capricorn Asdt Chart, MEP=3degs, 49mts. Light on D10.


Life-Data: Chart of a man who is professionally ambitious, and has been

successfully working in an African country, in the capacity of a financial

consultant['Director( Finance)']. He is seeking promotion to the post of the

MD. The PDs of the profession are the badly afflicted Sa[which rules family

cohesion, professional status and wealth] and Ve[ rules the XH of

professional achievement].


Mo, ruling the VIIH [PD for spouse and overseas residence and opportunities]

is the strongest Planet. Next comes the IXH Lord, Me, which rules the House

of fortune and father and overseas, and is also quite strong. When I looked

at the various significations of the IIH, which is ruled by Sa, I found that

'family cohesion' was certainly disrupted, as he had to tear himself away

from his wife and children, in order to earn money, also for a rainy day.

According to our methodology, we must examine Sa and Ve in the D10, to see,

whether they are Blessed, or afflicted. Though the D10 Asdt is not

afflicted, but the D10 Asdt Lord Ve is afflicted by the Ra-Ke axis.


My point was that, though the 'family-cohesion' was certainly lost because

of the overseas employment, yet he was not so bereft of

'professional-status', which Sa also signified, in that distant African

country, as in the D10, this Sa had become free of the Nodal affliction,

from which it suffered in the RC. What was even more significant was that

the strong Mo, being the PD of distant lands, was seen to Bless this weak

Sa, in the D10, enhancing its strength, therein.


Thus 'the absence of professional status', seen in the affliction to the PD

of the profession, Sa, in the RC, is not supported in real life, nor in the

D10, because of the special Blessing received by this weak PD, Sa, from the

strong Mo, in the D10.


Professor was not at all impressed by this showing, because he held that, in

those countries [which are basically lawless], anyone can be in any 'high

position', because, names are just attached, and have no well-established

status, though the remuneration may be substantial. Thus, in his opinion,

the affliction of Sa is quite substantial, in spite of the Mo's aspect to

it. An SA Sutra supports this point:

[sutra # 5]: " Weak Planets in RC, do not improve their strength by being

strong in Navamsha, and other DCs " .


Lesson Learnt: In view of Professor's final comments on this case, I am

unable to press my case further, but feel impelled to say this much: That

the individual, within the limited sphere of life ['Dasamsa'] did enjoy some

status [because of the Mo's Blessing to Sa]-corroborated also from what I

have known of him - though not on the elevated stage of social life, for

society to recognize and honour.


Case Study # 9: Birth Details:[02-10-1976, 2:10hrs,(78E08,11N38),

TZ=IST].Cancer Asdt Chart, MEP=16degs 37mts.Light on D12, D4.


Life-Data: A Dental Surgeon by profession, this lady had the traumatic

misfortune of being separated from her mother, from her 6th year till Feb

2009[for a total period of 27 yrs].Her father, she said, was not an easy man

to live with, so though he had brought her up, she understood her mother's

difficulties very well. After a failed first marriage, she married again and

had a child.


Looking at the RC, we see the IVH of the mother is very strong, and the Mo,

the significators of the mother, though suffering from the weakness of

infancy to the extent of 50%, still has some strength, as it is well-placed.

The Su on the MEP of the IIIH of courage, and a well-placed Ma, seems to

have given her the courage to face this highly traumatic crisis. For a

Cancer Asdt Chart, as there is no MTS in the IXH, Ve becomes the PD of the

father too, so one can understand that the father was 'both parents'.


When this Chart was placed before the Professor, as always the case, he

pointed out that something significant that I had overlooked: Though the

variables relevant to the mother are reasonably OK, and not afflicted, yet

the IIH of family cohesion was weak only as the dispositor of the Lord of

the IIH was very weak in extreme old-age. In spite of this weakness of the

IIH, there was nothing stunning or striking, in the nature of an affliction

to the pertinent variables in the RC itself, so keeping an eye on the 'this

reasonably rosy picture' given by the RC, we will now move to D12, and then

to D4, to see, whether, they reverse the 'rosy picture' and make a better

tally with actual reality, which was very painful in this sphere.


In the D12, the PD of the mother, namely Ve is badly afflicted by the two

FMs of the D12 Chart, namely by Ju and the Su. The GS of the mother, the Mo

is also under Nodal affliction, and what is more, the Asdt of the D12, is

also afflicted by the 'Separative FM Planet', Ju. Thus the picture in the

D12 is bleak and grim [quite contrary to, what we saw in the RC].


Upon looking at the D4, the more pointed DC, corresponding to the IVH of the

mother, we see an equally 'horrendous affliction' once again, as the Asdt of

the D4, and the defacto Asdt Lord, Sa, placed therein, both are afflicted by

three FMs of the DC, the Nodes and by the XIIH Lord, Ju. Astonishingly, even

the PD of the mother, namely, Ve and the GS of the mother, Mo, are both

placed in the D4 Asdt House itself and thus come to suffer the horrendous

affliction from three FMs of the D4 Chart. Indeed, this bleak picture

tallies very well with a painful separation for 27 yrs, than the rosy

picture [from the RC] does.


Lesson Learnt: Is what is given by the SA Sutra # 1, over and over again:


[sutra # 1]: " Sometimes, the natives suffer because of weak combinations in

the RC itself, and sometimes, they suffer due to planetary weaknesses and

afflictions emerging in the DCs. However, the DCs have to be read always as

supplement to the RC. " In particular, in this case, the 'rosy picture' of

the RC, has been superseded by the bleak picture of the D4, and D12.


Case Study # 10: Birth Details:[11-11-1973, 0:15hrs,(72E50,18N58),

TZ=IST].Cancer Asdt Chart, MEP=23degs 28mts. Light on D7, Case of Three



Life Data: Till now we were examining Charts, in which there were

invariably the promise of Grace and Fulfilment in the RC, but then, when we

went over to examine the corresponding DC, we found often that the promise

was belied, and in such cases, we found that the 'bleak picture' of the DC

prevailed upon the 'rosy picture' of the RC.

In this Chart however, in some ways, we have almost an opposite situation,

in that this lady [who had borne three boys] does not have a RC, which seems

to give the promise of three male children. However, the D7, which has a

pattern of 'rare mutual alignment of FB Planets'[which is conducive to the

unexpected strengthening of the weak progeny significators therein], comes

to give a stronger promise than the RC, and thus comes to tally better with

the reality of having three male children.


Such Charts have been already 'spotted and identified' by Professor V K

Choudhry in his work on the Divisional Charts, but because this 'mutual

alignment of Planetary energies is rather rare', his observations pertaining

to such Charts, have not attracted enough attention, even within SA circles.

In any research study, there are always cases of 'rare occurrence', which

may merit a more careful study, etc. I'll first give Professor's Sutra,

governing such cases, and you will immediately see that this Sutra has an

entirely different flavour.


" If the D7 Asc containing a MTS & its Lord are strong, aspected by FBs & Ju

occupies auspicious position from the Asdt, one is sure to be blessed with

Male Progeny " [Pg 106, " DC " ]


In her RC, the Su is the PD for progeny, and Ju is the GS for male progeny.

Both these Lords are deb in the RC. The deb Ju is weak, yes indeed; but is

the deb Su also so weak? This question is being asked, because of the weak

Su's close association with two other FBs, Me and Mo. Me is 'Sun-like', and

Mo is quite 'strong'.

Firstly, this Chart has many unusual difficulties. The affliction to Ve, the

significator of: marital happiness, reproductive organs, domestic happiness,

wealth & assets, from the MMP, Sa, looks very frightening. I had asked

whether there were any abortions, or hysterectomy, in the beginning itself,

and enquired about marital happiness as well. I got reassuring positive

answers for all these significations of this afflicted Ve.


Rajeshji pointed out that the placement of the Su & Me, two FBs on the MEP

of the IVH, ought to have created a strengthening of the MTH of Ve, to such

an extent, that Ve could withstand the onslaught of the affliction from the

MMP, Sa. We must also remember that, both the Su and Me, for the Cancer Asdt

Chart, are invested with additional power, as they are recognized to be

'Sun-Like' Lords [powerful and 'massive in their fruition'].

Regarding, progeny, we have to turn our attention to the mutual alignment of

the three FBs, the Su, Me and Mo, and see how the Mo and Me, strengthens the

weak Su, through their associations. This is the first thing to notice. This

means that in spite of the PD for progeny being patently deb in the RC, it

has nevertheless undergone an 'imperceptible strengthening', by alignment

with the strong Mo ['imperceptible' because, this kind of strengthening is

'unrecognized' in the SA], and by alignment also with Me[Rajeshji].


In the DC pertinent to the sphere of progeny [D7], we see a Gemini

Asdt[whose defacto Asdt Lord in the SA is the Su]. It seems to be very

significant that while in the RC, the 'fairly strong' Mo [ About 60% strong

by the SA norms] and the 'Sun-Like' Me, have done the strengthening of the

weak Su; in the D7, it is now the FB Ju, itself, which has been called to

strengthen the weak Su, and by being well-placed in the IVH, and through

that 'rare mutual alignment' with the Su, comes to offers continued

strengthening of the Su, in this DC, and what is more, as though this is not

enough, even the 'Sun-Like' Su in the D7, also reciprocally strengthens the

Putrakaraka, Ju.


Another kind of strengthening also occurs in the D7, which may be pointed

out, even though this mechanism of strengthening is also 'unrecognized' in

the SA. Within the D7, the Mo, Sa, Su are all 'Sun-Like Lords' [i.e.;

powerful and 'massive in fruition'].The 'Sun-Like' Sa, blesses the

'Sun-Like' Mo, as well as the VH, and its Lord, Ve, and even Ma, a FB

Blesses the Mo in the VH.[However, the SA fundamentals on the DCs do not

warrant an examination of the Hs within a DC, but asks us to focus attention

only the DC's Asdt, Asdt Lord, and the relevant PD and SD therein].


The Professor then went on to explain that when the PD and SD are so

patently weak in the RC, certainly sufferings through the children are

indicated, and so these sufferings will come to fruition in their own time

frames. He observed that, first the children have to come, only then the

following chapter of sufferings can commence.


On the whole, this CS is not covered by the SA Sutra, we reproduced at the

very beginning:

[sutra # 5]: " Weak Planets in RC, do not improve their strength by being

strong in Navamsha, and other DCs " .[ Pg 3, " DC " ].


However, we must also note the below-mentioned SA Sutra, which is likely to

have wider applicability, than merely in the context of the D7 DC, does come

to our rescue, and more or less covers the present case fully.


SA Sutra: " If the D7 Asc(containing a MTS) & its Lord are strong,

aspected by FBs & Ju occupies auspicious position from the Asdt, one is sure

to be blessed with Male Progeny " [Pg 106, " DC " ]


Case Study # 11:Birth Details:[15-05-2003,23:39hrs,(80E16,13N05),

TZ=IST].Capricorn Asdt Chart, MEP=14degs 53mts. Light on D6, very irksome

skin problems.


Life-Data: The significators of skin in the SA are Ve, Me and Sa. In the

RC, with the exception of Sa, which is badly placed in the VIH, Ve and Me

are quite strong. Health as such in the RC is somewhat threatened, because

the separative FM Planet Ju afflicts the Asdt closely. The vitality giving

Su is also quite weak. The boy has chronic skin problems, very sensitive and

dry skin, which demands too much attention, moisturising creams, oils, etc.

Deeper causes for this malaise are seen in the D6 Chart. Both Me and Ve are

badly placed in Malefic Hs, and afflicted by both Nodes, from the Malefic

XIIH. Sa, and Su are also very weak in this DC.

All Planets are weak in the D6 Chart with the exception of Ma.


Case Study # 12:Birth Details:[06-9-1983,15:07hrs,(73E58,18N34)]

Sagittarius Asdt Chart, MEP=20degs 13mts. Light on D12, D9.


Life-Data: Only child of her parents. Parents could not get on with each

other. Father was not responsible, nor bound by any ethical principles. He

abandoned his wife and child and went away. However, as the mother was

highly educated and a scientist, she brought up the child. She grew up to be

very bright and was interested in higher education, philosophy, and reading.

The grandfather [father of the mother] was a 'father-like' inspiring figure

in her life, and later, her relatives adopted her, but they could not win

her affection, because she would quickly see through their ulterior motives,

and this prevented her from loving them. Presently she is doing her doctoral

studies at a University in Germany. She is an Electronics &

Tele-Communications Engineer.


The PD for the father is the Su, very strong in the RC. Ju is an SD. Ju is

of course very weak and badly placed in the XIIH. Because of her trauma in

life, she has decided not to marry in life, but pursue her academic calling.


In the D9, both the PD and the SD are badly placed in the XIIH and also

afflicted by the Nodes.

In the D12, the Asdt Lord, the Su is badly placed in the VIIIH, therein. The

Asdt is afflicted by Ra, and Ju, the SD is afflicted by Ke.


Lesson Learnt: A classic case of the 'rosy picture' given by the RC is

superseded by the 'bleak picture' given by the D9 and D12 Charts.


Case Study # 13: Not Presented.


Case Study #14:Birth Details:[21-07-1996,16:17hrs,(79E24, 13N39),

TZ=IST]Sagittarius Asdt Chart, MEP=1deg 14mts. Light on D6, D3. 'Neuronal

Migration Syndrome'.

From the Internet: " Neuronal migration disorders are a diverse group of

congenital brain abnormalities that arise specifically from defective

formation of the central nervous system. During early brain development,

neurons are born and move over large distances to reach their targets and

thereby give rise to the different parts of the brain. The control of this

process is highly orchestrated and dependent on the expression of various

environmental and genetic factors that continue to be discovered in genetic

studies of mice and humans.


" The critical role neuronal migration plays in brain development is evident

from the variety of gross malformations that can occur when it goes wrong.

Defective neuronal migration leads to a broad range of clinical syndromes,

and most affected patients will have a combination of mental retardation and

epilepsy. "


Life Data: The boy did not have properly developed mental functions

[mentally retarded], though the body was normally grown-he could not even

speak properly. In the RC, the Asdt Lord was strong, so too the IIIH of

vitality. Mercury ruling analytical power is badly placed, combust and under

exact affliction of Ketu. This is one reason in RC which points to

retardation and lack of proper brain development. The boy also looked

gentle, and nice, but his intellectual functions were not OK. He was

energetic, because of the aspect of Ma on the Asdt. Doctors did not give

much of a hope, because 'an error' had already occurred in the very

construction of the brain's hardware. This was astrologically reflected in

the exact affliction of Ke to the very badly placed Me, which was in the

VIIIH. The Su, the significators of intelligence, was also in the Malefic



The D6 Div Chart had an Aries Asdt. The strong Ju of the RC, was here

exalted, but badly afflicted by all three FMs of the D6 Chart. Both the Su

and the Mo [also deb] were badly placed in the VIIIH. Me was again with Ra

and Ke in the XH. Thus Su, Mo and Me-all consciousness Planets were under

obstruction or afflicted. In the SA, Me is also the GS for health, as it is

the significators of the VIH of health.


Lesson Learnt: In this example, the problems seen in the RC [grievous

affliction from Ke to Me] was not mitigated in the DC, but in fact, further

aggravated, and the strong Sa and strong Ju seen in the RC also badly

afflicted in the DC [D6]. This, then would be a case of the D6 Chart, not

vetoing the verdict of the RC, but upholding the verdict of the RC, and

making them more serious that what the picture in the RC is telling us.


I am grateful to Prof , for his encouragement, hospitality & his

brilliant vision of Astrology, in the form of the Systems Approach, & also

all SA Astrologers for their extreme patience & sympathetic understanding.

































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