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Dear Respected & Learned Members of the SATVA and SAMVA





Namasthe.Pl find below and also attached, the last concluding part[PART III]

of the Proceedings of the 5th SA Intl Conference, 2010.All the previous

PARTS had already been sent to you, so with this final mail in a series;

with gratitude to you, Prof Choudhry and to Sri Rajesh Chaudhary[ & to other

SA astrologers who helped in the organization of this Conference], for the

learning opportunity and for the warm hospitality, I bring my assignment to

a happy conclusion.


Best Regards,






Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon,





PART III:After-Noon Session on the Second Day:




Dr Jonathan Miller's Talk: 'Spiritual Aspects of the Remedial Measures':




In this session, , asked Dr Miller to speak on his theme.

Dr Miller made it clear in the beginning itself that his 'talk' will be a

simple one and not a long one at that, and that he desires that it take the

form of a discussion, rather than a one-sided 'talk'. We must remember that

Dr Jonathan Miller is a practising medical doctor, who took the pains to

examine the Horoscope of every patient of his [whenever the birth data was

made available to him], through the Systems Approach, and used this

astrological knowledge to either support his medical diagnosis, or add new

light to it, or even challenge it, where this was called for. However,

today, he chose to speak about the spiritual dimension of the Remedial

Measures, rather than about medico-astrological case studies per se.




He was asking a pertinent moral and spiritual question, which is rarely

raised, even within closed astrological circles, something connected to the

conscience and the moral compunction of the consulting astrologer. Here we

must appreciate the important fact that in the presence of Professor V K

Choudhry, he did not feel inhibited in any way, but saw, rather the freedom

granted to him by the Professor, to make such a searching, but genuinely

empathetic enquiry, within this community of SA astrologers or seekers of SA

astrological knowledge.




He enquired about our personal involvement in the sufferings of the

patient/client/seeker, whether our own hearts were indeed touched by the

sufferings, and whether we were ourselves deeply moved by the pain, and

whether even the patient/client himself/herself was only mechanically going

through the Remedial Measures, prescribed, rather than, the heart, through

this sensitivity to pain and suffering, now flowering and awakening?




Some of the participants provided examples of being deeply involved, in an

empathetic bond with their clients/friends [example the case of a sudden

accidental death of a son's friend, brought to our notice in a poignant way

by Naval Kishioreji].We may also remember that often the Professor had

cautioned us through the 'Pearls of Wisdom', that, where one is not Dharmic

in life, the Remedial measures will not help in a substantial and redeeming





These were questions bordering on the spiritual life, on the awakening of

the heart, on repentance, on forgiveness, etc, and we will be able to

appreciate their relevance in this context, only when we take into account

that Dr Miller was a serious and practising Buddhist, to whom Dharma, was of

the utmost importance. He was doing charitable service to suffering people

in Sikkim, but as a genuine spiritual ethos is very much part of the Hindu's

day to day life, and moral standing, this question made Roop Saranji, return

the question to Dr Miller: 'In what way, are you bringing this spiritual

dimension, into your SA work and in the medical field?' Dr Miller, of course

gave his own clear reply in the affirmative.


Dr Miller's talk, called for some introspection on our part, and though it

was serious, and non-technical, yet it went to the spiritual foundations of

the Remedial measures in the SA, and though he had the points of the

Buddha's eight fold way on a slide [which we could see], yet he did not go

into them, for want of time.


I do not remember clearly, but towards the close of the Conference,

Professor turned his attention in the direction of clarifying some Charts,

which were not attended to earlier in the Conf.




Two such cases were very interesting, drawing the attention of many

delegates. One case study was brought up by Gaurav Dhameja, and another by

Rakesh Sharmaji, and yet another by Naval Kishoreji. I noted the cases of

Dhamejaji and Kishoreji, which are presented below.




Gaurav Dhameja's Case Study: A young depressed lady in extreme isolation:




Birth Details: July 29th, 1982, 18:50hrs, (77E17, 28N22) TZ=IST]


Capricorn Asdt, MEP=6degs 59mts.




Dhamejaji said that this young lady was in acute depression, and even

doctors, who wanted her to take medication and who were prepared to do

counselling, did not succeed in extending a helping hand to her. They had

diagnosed her illness as Schizophrenia. She had completely, physically and

also verbally isolated herself, from her parents [who were also living in

the same house], and so was refusing to accept any kind of help, not even

from her own parents. Under these circumstances, there was simply no

question of her sharing her troubles with anyone. The young lady was also

not married, Dhamejaji added, and that the parents were doing the Remedial

Measures, but not the lady herself.




The question was posed, as to what factors in the Chart drove her to this



Professor said, the affliction to the IVH [and to the XH as well] held the

key to this mental illness. [Here, it may be remarked that this close

affliction to the IVH in the Rasi Chart, is seen to be further 'aggravated'

in the Div Chart, corresponding to the IVH[namely the Turyamsa[D4]], for in

the D4 Div Chart, not only is the Asdt afflicted by the FM, Ju therein, even

the PD of the IVH of the Rasi Chart, namely Ma, is also further afflicted by

the MMP of the D4 Chart and by Ke as well. Even the Mo, the significators of

the IVH is also weak and deb in the D4 Chart]. The crucial statement made by

the Professor, which is in the nature of a SA Sutra was the following:




" The IVH is the most sensitive H, so when the IVH is afflicted and the Mo,

as the significators of the IVH is also weak, then life is

disturbed. " [sutra]




A little earlier in the discussion, Dr Jonathan Miller made two pertinent

observations, that Ve when placed in the VIH increases conflict, and that an

affliction to Ve, as in this case, could well cause disturbed hormonal

functioning[leading to abnormal thought patterns].




pointed out that the VIH was in addition also afflicted.

Looking at the close affliction to Ve by Ra [conjuncts] and Ke[aspects], he,

made the closing remark that, there could well have been the possibility of

the young lady having come under the traumatic experience of sexual abuse,

and this excessive guilt has probably made her self-enclosed. It was also

mentioned by Tyagiji that if someone approached her with kindness, and gave

her time, she might well come out of her shell.


'Till Sept 2016, as the sub-period Lords in one way or the other, were

involved in an affliction to the IVH or Ve, without Remedial Measures, the

future does not show a recovery', replied the Professor, in answer to a

question about 'the possible time of recovery' of the young lady?




Naval Kishoreji's Case Study of the accidental death of a Youth:




Birth Details: [Oct 17th, 1988, 19:02hrs, (77E12, 28N40), TZ=IST]


Aries Asdt, MEP=25degs 06mts.




The present case study pertains to a young college student [who happened to

be the son of Kishoreji close friend], who died of bomb-blast injuries,

during the recent terrorist attack in Pune on Feb 13th.


The father of the boy, was all the more shocked [we were told], as the boy

was the best student of Pune Engineering College, and contacted Kishoreji,

when he was scheduled for amputation of both legs, in the wake of the bomb

blast, which was a desperate bid by the surgeons to save his life, by

forestalling the further circulation of chemical poisons in the body-through

this amputation.




Kishoreji enquired about the reasons for the short longevity, etc, and the

tragedy into which the parents of the boy were plunged, etc. Taking a look

at the Chart, Professor, said the prime determinant [PD] of longevity is Ma,

the Asdt Lord, and so, its placement in the XIIH shows this PD is weak. In

the SA, the Su, Mo and Sa are the supplementary determinants of longevity

and as all of them are very weak [the Mo is even exactly afflicted by Ke],

and as Ve is also the additional PD of longevity, its exact affliction by

the Nodes, also makes it very weak - so all these multiple weaknesses, paved

the way for short longevity.


Professor also pointed out that as during the Ra sub-period, and that too,

when Ra was causing a Transit Stationary Affliction [TSA] to the Asdt H, &

when the FM, Me was directly aspecting the deb Ma, the tragedy came to pass.

This was on Feb 13th.After amputation, the boy died on Feb 15th, before

midnight. He also pointed out that the Ashtamsa Div Chart had Ve as the Asdt

Lord, so as Ve was in the VIIIH, with Ra and Ke, and as a highly Malefic Ra

and Ke, also aspected and afflicted Ma and Sa, in the XIIH, both

determinants of longevity, there was no relief to the weaknesses and

afflictions to the Longevity determinants.


These two case studies were very poignant, and attracted discussion among

many delegates.




Professor Gives Away Certificates & Mementos to Delegates:




Towards the end of this Conference, all the delegates had pleasure in having

a commemorative group photograph taken with , and the

delegates were pleased to receive from his noble hands the Certificates of

Participation, which this year were made in the form of elegant Mementos.

This brought the Conference to its natural and peaceful conclusion.

Delegates, bidding farewell to the Professor and to each other, went to have

some tea, and disbursed amidst conversations. All delegates would have been

grateful for this special opportunity for learning more of the SA,

especially in the august presence of the Professor, and for the marvellous

hospitality shown by , Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, and others

who helped in the organization of the Conference. Thus the curtain fell on

the 5th International SA Conference of Astrologers, 2010, at the South Patio

Club, Gurgaon, at the end of the 2nd day's proceedings.



















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