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KPBC 5 - Result

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Dear Menbers,


Shreenivas Upadhyay ji is very correct and ron is very near. Native celebrate his marriage on 19/2/1990.


Shri Upadhyay ji give very good interpretation so I do not repet.




(1)Planet aspect by significator is also work as agent for significator & when

Outer planet aspect inner planet, inner planet has to do work for outer planet (in our case MOON work for MAR, MAR not work for MOON)

(2) Node give result of planet firstly who aspect him

(3) For dhan Lagna 7th is Marka and Badhaka 2nd marka. We consider 2,7,11 for marriage and 2, 7 as badhaka and maraka. I think most of our will consider as accident. ( actually TW and Ron both give weight on accident.)


DBA on 19/2/1990 was SAT-SAT-MOON


SAT signify 2nd but MOON not signify directly 2,7,11 cusp.but MOON give result for

MAR (conj) and RAH (SL). Mar is lord of 11 and Rahu aspect by SUN and MER Sun is In 2nd and MER also in 2nd and lord of 7th.


Badhaka for Dhan Lagna is 7th. And marka is 2.7 so most of are confuse Whether it was marriage or accident?


kanak bosmia


>rongaunt <rongaunt



> KPBC 5

>Fri, 31 Dec 2004 09:01:25 +1000



>Enclosed are details for KPBC 5. Respondents should post by

>Friday 00:01am 7th January 05 GMT, after which the answer will be

>posted direct to the List by the querist.


>DOB:25 FEB.1961

>TOB:04:20 AM


>LAT:21 N 36

>LONG:71 E 12


> What happened on 19 FEB 1990 ?



>Ron Gaunt


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et al,


This was an interesting exercise. Blind Charts put to the test

our preconceptions and ideas, and show us how we can so easily

fall into bad habits. It certainly shows us where we are wrong,

hence is an excellent learning tool. But for all you lurkers,

you really do need to participate to get the benefit. A quick

reading of others ideas does not cement the learning process.

There is no lack of expertise in being wrong! A Blind Chart

encompasses everything possible; and is much more difficult than

seeing clients who provide initial feedback which gives direction

to delineation.


Congratulations to Shreenivas Upadhyay on getting this BC

correct. Just one point for S.U. You state " So Mo also

signify 2,7 & 9 " Can you let me know why Mo signifies these



I must say that I was really fascinated by the tremendous

emphasis on the 8th house in this native's chart. He has no

less than five planets in Star Lord Rahu, and another two in Sun

- all related to the 8th. His 2nd house is likewise extremely

significant, creating a powerful axis in his chart.


I would like to look in particular at one planet common to both

the 2nd and 8th house which was not touched by other

participants. This is Ketu.


Ketu in the natal chart is close conjunct natal Sun Lord of the

8th house. Also Ketu is in the Star of Rahu in the 8th house

and sub of Mercury Lord of the Seventh House. Natal Ketu

closely aspects Moon (conjunction Mars) and they have the same

Star and Sub Lords. Moon is also Lord of the 8th house.

Therefore Ketu signifies 7th and 8th houses.


In KP all aspects of marriage are signified by the 7th house

(together with 2nd and 11th). However, in other schools

(notably SATVA - Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology) whilst the

7th is invariably noted as relating to marriage in general, the

marriage tie (ie legal betrothal) is shown as being the 8th

house. This is presumably because 8th is the 2nd to 7th ie.

acquisition of partner, also the legal process. Furthermore,

the 8th house rasi Lagna (Known as MEP - Most Effective Place) is

considered relevant in this tie.


In the last Solar Eclipse before the marriage Ketu was on the MEP

of the 8th house. It is unlikely that a SATVA practitioner

would have recognized this as a marriage signal because Rahu and

Ketu are considered malefic in conjunction with MEPs. However

looking at it from a KP point of view, SE Ketu is in the Star of

Mercury Lord of the 7th, therefore refers to partner and marriage


In the SE Ketu was in the sub of Mars. As Mars is Lord of the

12th house marriage would not take place in this sub. The

next sub is Moon. So we have Star Lord Mercury, sub Lord Moon

ie. 7th and 8th house Lords together. Ketu had moved into this

position by transit on the day of the weddingand was still on the

MEP of the 8th house. This could represent marriage being

legally enacted. Note also that on the day of the wedding

Moon on the 11th house MEP was also in the Star of Mercury and

sub of Moon - being exactly aspected by trine transit with Ketu.


I am not trying to rewrite the KP textbooks, but it is

provocative that if one considers the 8th house as marriage tie,

KP then clearly shows Ketu as the marriage and marriage tie

planet. Furthermore transit Ketu is then in exactly the

correct position to celebrate the marriage on the day of the

event ie on the MEP of the 8th house. Also natal Ketu proxies

for natal Moon by close trine aspect, and Moon is the dasa

anthara Lord.



Ron Gaunt




PS. For those who have studied the SATVA System there may

appear to be a conflict in that SATVA considers the MEPs

as cusps, whereas KP uses the Placidean Cusp System.

If we consider that MEPs are simply 12th harmonics of

the natal chart (which is what they are) and relevant to

rasis rather than houses, this solves the problem of

thinking in terms of two different house systems.











On Fri, 07 Jan 2005 05:05:20 -0800, you wrote:


Dear Menbers,




Shreenivas Upadhyay ji is very correct and ron is very near.

Native celebrate his marriage on 19/2/1990.




Shri Upadhyay ji give very good interpretation so I do not repet.








(1)Planet aspect by significator is also work as agent for

significator & when


Outer planet aspect inner planet, inner planet has to do work for

outer planet (in our case MOON work for MAR, MAR not work for



(2) Node give result of planet firstly who aspect him


(3) For dhan Lagna 7th is Marka and Badhaka 2nd marka. We

consider 2,7,11 for marriage and 2, 7 as badhaka and maraka. I

think most of our will consider as accident. ( actually TW and

Ron both give weight on accident.)




DBA on 19/2/1990 was SAT-SAT-MOON




SAT signify 2nd but MOON not signify directly 2,7,11 cusp.but

MOON give result for


MAR (conj) and RAH (SL). Mar is lord of 11 and Rahu aspect by

SUN and MER Sun is In 2nd and MER also in 2nd and lord of 7th.




Badhaka for Dhan Lagna is 7th. And marka is 2.7 so most of are

confuse Whether it was marriage or accident?




kanak bosmia




>rongaunt <rongaunt



> KPBC 5

>Fri, 31 Dec 2004 09:01:25 +1000



>Enclosed are details for KPBC 5. Respondents should post by

>Friday 00:01am 7th January 05 GMT, after which the answer will be

>posted direct to the List by the querist.


>DOB:25 FEB.1961

>TOB:04:20 AM


>LAT:21 N 36

>LONG:71 E 12


> What happened on 19 FEB 1990 ?



>Ron Gaunt


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Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia,


1. Generally 8th is a major significator for accident. Accident is

emphisized because of 6th & 8th (KP Reader III, 1984, p 249, " Will I

meet with any accident in my journey? " ), not confused with maraka.


2. Aspect influence, inner or outer, is the last priority

significator which is not usually taken into account.


3. In that case no planet is conjunct with Rahu and so second

priority aspect significator becomes as first priority. Anyway it's

interesting that there is no effect of second priority significator

8th related to Sun, Moo, Mar & Mer and 6th to Moo & Mer.


4. Also worthy to remember invironment nature of KP, i.e. marka is

more likely marriage at middle age, death at older age.


Best regards,




, " Kanakkumar Bosmia "

<kanbosastro@h...> wrote:


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Dear Ron,


As Moon is in the Star of Rahu, Moon has to give the

result of the star lord. Rahu being in the sign owned by

Sun and also being aspected by Sun, I gave much importance

to Sun's significations. As planets in the star of occupants

are stronger to give the result.. I considered Rahu to signify

2 house strongly..


I have not considered the Bhadhaka aspect that why I did

not interprete the accident scenario.







rongaunt [rongaunt]

Saturday, January 08, 2005 7:14 AM


Re: KPBC 5 - Result




et al,


This was an interesting exercise. Blind Charts put to the test

our preconceptions and ideas, and show us how we can so easily

fall into bad habits. It certainly shows us where we are wrong,

hence is an excellent learning tool. But for all you lurkers,

you really do need to participate to get the benefit. A quick

reading of others ideas does not cement the learning process.

There is no lack of expertise in being wrong! A Blind Chart

encompasses everything possible; and is much more difficult than

seeing clients who provide initial feedback which gives direction

to delineation.


Congratulations to Shreenivas Upadhyay on getting this BC

correct. Just one point for S.U. You state " So Mo also

signify 2,7 & 9 " Can you let me know why Mo signifies these



I must say that I was really fascinated by the tremendous

emphasis on the 8th house in this native's chart. He has no

less than five planets in Star Lord Rahu, and another two in Sun

- all related to the 8th. His 2nd house is likewise extremely

significant, creating a powerful axis in his chart.


I would like to look in particular at one planet common to both

the 2nd and 8th house which was not touched by other

participants. This is Ketu.


Ketu in the natal chart is close conjunct natal Sun Lord of the

8th house. Also Ketu is in the Star of Rahu in the 8th house

and sub of Mercury Lord of the Seventh House. Natal Ketu

closely aspects Moon (conjunction Mars) and they have the same

Star and Sub Lords. Moon is also Lord of the 8th house.

Therefore Ketu signifies 7th and 8th houses.


In KP all aspects of marriage are signified by the 7th house

(together with 2nd and 11th). However, in other schools

(notably SATVA - Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology) whilst the

7th is invariably noted as relating to marriage in general, the

marriage tie (ie legal betrothal) is shown as being the 8th

house. This is presumably because 8th is the 2nd to 7th ie.

acquisition of partner, also the legal process. Furthermore,

the 8th house rasi Lagna (Known as MEP - Most Effective Place) is

considered relevant in this tie.


In the last Solar Eclipse before the marriage Ketu was on the MEP

of the 8th house. It is unlikely that a SATVA practitioner

would have recognized this as a marriage signal because Rahu and

Ketu are considered malefic in conjunction with MEPs. However

looking at it from a KP point of view, SE Ketu is in the Star of

Mercury Lord of the 7th, therefore refers to partner and marriage


In the SE Ketu was in the sub of Mars. As Mars is Lord of the

12th house marriage would not take place in this sub. The

next sub is Moon. So we have Star Lord Mercury, sub Lord Moon

ie. 7th and 8th house Lords together. Ketu had moved into this

position by transit on the day of the weddingand was still on the

MEP of the 8th house. This could represent marriage being

legally enacted. Note also that on the day of the wedding

Moon on the 11th house MEP was also in the Star of Mercury and

sub of Moon - being exactly aspected by trine transit with Ketu.


I am not trying to rewrite the KP textbooks, but it is

provocative that if one considers the 8th house as marriage tie,

KP then clearly shows Ketu as the marriage and marriage tie

planet. Furthermore transit Ketu is then in exactly the

correct position to celebrate the marriage on the day of the

event ie on the MEP of the 8th house. Also natal Ketu proxies

for natal Moon by close trine aspect, and Moon is the dasa

anthara Lord.



Ron Gaunt




PS. For those who have studied the SATVA System there may

appear to be a conflict in that SATVA considers the MEPs

as cusps, whereas KP uses the Placidean Cusp System.

If we consider that MEPs are simply 12th harmonics of

the natal chart (which is what they are) and relevant to

rasis rather than houses, this solves the problem of

thinking in terms of two different house systems.











On Fri, 07 Jan 2005 05:05:20 -0800, you wrote:


Dear Menbers,




Shreenivas Upadhyay ji is very correct and ron is very near.

Native celebrate his marriage on 19/2/1990.




Shri Upadhyay ji give very good interpretation so I do not repet.








(1)Planet aspect by significator is also work as agent for

significator & when


Outer planet aspect inner planet, inner planet has to do work for

outer planet (in our case MOON work for MAR, MAR not work for



(2) Node give result of planet firstly who aspect him


(3) For dhan Lagna 7th is Marka and Badhaka 2nd marka. We

consider 2,7,11 for marriage and 2, 7 as badhaka and maraka. I

think most of our will consider as accident. ( actually TW and

Ron both give weight on accident.)




DBA on 19/2/1990 was SAT-SAT-MOON




SAT signify 2nd but MOON not signify directly 2,7,11 cusp.but

MOON give result for


MAR (conj) and RAH (SL). Mar is lord of 11 and Rahu aspect by

SUN and MER Sun is In 2nd and MER also in 2nd and lord of 7th.




Badhaka for Dhan Lagna is 7th. And marka is 2.7 so most of are

confuse Whether it was marriage or accident?




kanak bosmia




>rongaunt <rongaunt



> KPBC 5

>Fri, 31 Dec 2004 09:01:25 +1000



>Enclosed are details for KPBC 5. Respondents should post by

>Friday 00:01am 7th January 05 GMT, after which the answer will be

>posted direct to the List by the querist.


>DOB:25 FEB.1961

>TOB:04:20 AM


>LAT:21 N 36

>LONG:71 E 12


> What happened on 19 FEB 1990 ?



>Ron Gaunt








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Dear Members,


Thank you






tw853 [tw853]

Saturday, January 08, 2005 5:19 AM


Re: KPBC 5 - Result





Dear Shreenivas Upadhyay,


Congratulations for the accurate prediction.


Best regards,





, " Kanakkumar Bosmia "

<kanbosastro@h...> wrote:









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Dear Shreenivas








All the












Kanakkumar Bosmia


Friday, January

07, 2005 8:05 AM


KPBC 5 -





Dear Menbers,


Shreenivas Upadhyay ji is very correct and ron

is very near. Native celebrate his marriage on 19/2/1990.



Shri Upadhyay ji give very good interpretation so I do

not repet.






aspect by significator is also work as agent for significator & when


planet aspect inner planet, inner planet has to do work for outer planet (in our

case MOON work for MAR, MAR not work for MOON)

(2) Node

give result of planet firstly who aspect him

(3) For

dhan Lagna 7th is Marka and Badhaka 2nd marka. We consider 2,7,11 for marriage

and 2, 7 as badhaka and maraka. I think most of our will consider as accident. ( actually TW and Ron both

give weight on accident.)


DBA on 19/2/1990 was SAT-SAT-MOON


SAT signify 2nd but MOON not signify directly 2,7,11

cusp.but MOON give result for

MAR (conj) and RAH (SL). Mar is lord of 11 and

Rahu aspect by SUN and MER Sun is In 2nd and MER also in 2nd and lord of 7th.


Badhaka for Dhan Lagna is 7th. And marka is 2.7 so

most of are confuse Whether it was marriage or accident?


kanak bosmia



>rongaunt <rongaunt



> KPBC 5

>Fri, 31 Dec 2004 09:01:25 +1000



>Enclosed are details for KPBC 5.

Respondents should post by

>Friday 00:01am 7th January 05 GMT, after which the

answer will be

>posted direct to the List by the querist.


>DOB:25 FEB.1961

>TOB:04:20 AM


>LAT:21 N 36

>LONG:71 E 12


> What happened on 19 FEB 1990 ?



>Ron Gaunt










Find the music you love with MSN Music – tracks are just


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