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Who Said That?

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Dear List Members,


Reference TW's email below and also many of his earlier ones, I must say he is such a fantastic, well-read person with all relevant reference material readily available on his fingertips. He can give full details of the book, author's details, page number, etc etc. I really admire his deligence and meticulous attention to detail. There are very few like him.


In this connection, may I be permitted to relate a joke. No offence meant tw. I hope you don't mind.



Subject : Who said that?It was the first day of school in the U.S. and a new student named Suzuki, the son of a Japanese businessman, entered the fourth grade. The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American history.

Who said "Give me Liberty or give me Death?" She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Suzuki who had his hand up. "Patrick Henry, 1775." he said. "Very good!

Who said 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth'"? Again, no response except from Suzuki: "Abraham Lincoln, 1863.", said Suzuki.

The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed. Suzuki, who is new to our country, knows more about its history than you do." She heard a loud whisper: "Fuck the Japs.Who said that?" she demanded. Suzuki put his hand up.Lee Iacocca, 1982."

At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm gonna puke."! The teacher glares and asks "All right! Now, who said that?" Again, Suzuki says, "George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991."

Now furious, another student yells, "Oh yeah? Suck this!" Suzuki jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, "Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!"

Now with almost a mob hysteria someone said, "You little shit. If you say anything else, I'll kill you." Suzuki frantically yells at the top of his voice, "Gary Condit to Chandra Levy 2001."

The teacher fainted. And as the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, "Oh shit, we're fucked" ... and Suzuki said, "The Taliban! 2001.


Warm regards. Have a good day.

Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




tw853 [tw853] Monday, 17 January 2005 10:56 AM Subject: Re: kpbc6

Dear Ron Gaunt,1. It's right that as per PROF. CHAUDHRY 's Systems Approach- SA (SAMVA · Systems Approach to Mundane Vedic Astrology, Members: 421, Created: Nov 28, 2000; V.K. Choudhry: "Systems' Approach For Interpreting Horoscopes", 2002, pp 125-126, p 219, p 230; V.K. Choudhry: "How to Study Divisional Charts", 2001, p 132; V. K. Choudhry, K. Rajesh Chaudhry:" How To Analyse Married Life", 2002, p 29; David Hawthorne,V.K. Choudhry: "Astrology for Life", 2000, p 114,http://www.yournetastrologer.com/appli/a04.htm), 8th house is one of many MARRIAGE SIGNIFICATORS as follows.(1) The lord of the seventh house. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the seventh house, then the lord of the houses signifying marriage (the second, fourth, eighth or twelfth house containing mooltrikona sign) are considered. <family life (2nd), bed comforts (12th), self-health (1st), sexual enjoyment/martial life (8th), progeny (5th) and general happiness of life (4th)> For various ascendants, besides the significator for marriage, the following planets are prime determinant of marriage:- Aries for Asc Venus, Taurus –Sun, Gemini --Jupiter, Cancer--- Sun, Leo - -Saturn, Virgo - -Venus, Libra - -Mars, Scorpio -- -Jupiter, Sagittarius---Moon, Capricorn - - -Moon, Aquarius --Sun, Pisces - -Mercury.(2) Venus and Jupiter are significators of marriage for males and females respectively. Marriage can also take place in the sub-periods of the strong planets placed in the houses signifying marriage. These planets become secondary significators of marriage. If the prime determinants and the significator of marriage are strong and there is no affliction to the most effective points of the houses signifying marriage, the marriage takes place at the appropriate time. The good strength of Venus hastens the process. The delay is caused by: (a) The close influence of the functional malefic planets or the most malefic planet on the prime determinants for marriage; (b) Significator of marriage being weak or badly placed and/or afflicted by the most malefic or a functional malefic planet. © When the prime determinants and secondary significators are weak and/or are afflicted. (d) When the lords of the eighth and/or twelfth houses containing a mooltrikona sign are weak, badly placed and are afflicted. The influence of the functional malefic planets delays while the influence of the most malefic planet (MMP) delays inordinately and/or denies. The malefic influence of the MMP cannot be mellowed without persistent performance of the appropriate astral remedies. If there is a mooltrikona sign in the eighth house from the ascendant, its lord is called MMP. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the eighth house, then the role of the MMP is played by the lord of the twelfth house containing the mooltrikona sign. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the twelfth house, as well, then the role of the MMP is played by Ketu. (In the case of KPBC6, Saturn may not be a stromg significator for marriage as per as SA since natal Saturn is in good placement, but conjunct/aspt by functional malefics Rah/Ket 95% and transit Saturn is in bad placement in malefic house and weak depositor.) 2. As per GURUJI KSK (KP Reader II, 1983, p 202, p 220; KP Reader IV, 1984, p 70, pp 109-110, p 138, p 146, p 154; Reader VI, 1978), Marriage means an addition to the family members, partnership, legal bondage and conjugal relationship. 7th house represents legal bondage, it is through this that one ought to divine about marriage. Although marriage is the concern of 7th house, it is necessary to consider the houses 2nd and 11th also in this aspect. 2nd house indicates one more member is added the family (2nd – acquisition to the family by marriage); 7th- this addition is on an agreement (7th- wife or husband); 11th- such an additional member brings permanent tie of friendship for pleasure and progeny (11th- pleasure and permanent or lasting friendship) In fact, the lover is more accurately ascertained from the 11th house rather than from the 7th. This is so, as the 11th house stands for lasting friendship and intimacy that may end in marriage. One may also live with pleasure with a member of the opposite sex without actually contracting marriage. The 7th house shows one to whom one is bound by ties of legal bondage and not necessarily a lasting friendship. The person who, by the bond of marriage, enters into legal partnership with you have to partake in your pain and pleasure. 4th is 12th to 5th indicates failure in love affairs and also denial of children or separation from them. 4th is a denial significator in judging whether marriage is promised. Significators for marriage delay or denial, separation, divorce are houses 1,6,10 (12th to 2,7,11) and 12. And 8th house signifies delay in marriage, disharmony and quarrel. 3. In general, houses for marriage are 2,7,11 as per KP and 1,2,4,5,7,8,12 as per SA. And generally houses (1), (4), 6, (8), 10,12 may cause delay or denial to marriage as per KP. How can SA different principles be combined with KP? In " · Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Remedies" Group, Members: 2681, Created: Mar 20, 2003, "Schools allowed in this forum are pure Vedic Astrology, KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) etc. - SA (Systems Approach) is not allowed here".4. Higher signification of Saturn for 6th house is according to KSK principle adopted without exception, in KP Reader III, pp 171-172, 174; KP Reader IV, p 110, 118, 127; Reader V, p 149 and Reader VI, pp 156-157. Moreover, Saturn's sublord Mars signifies houses 5,5,3,10,4,9 (generally 10th house in third rank of signification). 5. In fact, marriage was realized perhaps as mentioned by KSK, in KP Reader IV, 109, "Whenever Sani happens to be a significator of a particular matter, it will not deny but will cause delay. If it is connected with houses 2,7, and 11 by occupying the house or owning it or situated in the constellation of the planet posited in any of these houses it will cause delay at every time in fixation of marriage, celebration of marriage, etc. "Best regards,tw , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:> > tw,> > Please see comments ** ............. **> > > Ron Gaunt> > > > On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 03:39:39 -0000, you wrote:> > >> >> >Dear Ron Gaunt,> >> >1. >>For those who might consider the marriage tie as being 8H, > >>> Saturn is also significator.> >> >Is there any Vedic or KP astrolger who takes 8th house for marriage?> > ** I suspect that nearly all astrologers myself included take the> 7th house for marriage in general, because it is a > partnership.. Here however, we are considering > a specialized part of marriage - the formal or legal part - > ie. the ceremony. Professor V. K. Choudhry and (by > extension) possibly all SATVA students and astrologers > throughout the world, use the 8th house for marriage tie.> The question I would ask is how do you tell the difference > between a 'common law' marriage and a 'legal' marriage in > KP? Whilst this is a question unlikely to be raised in > India where I suspect there is little living together > without the marriage tie, it is in fact very common in the > West. **> >> >2. >>As we can substitute Saturn for Ketu the dasas can> >>> be read as Saturn Saturn Saturn. As Saturn is > >>> significators for marriage tie - houses 7 (8) and 11> >>> this seems to be a lot stronger than the denial > >>> of marriage in 6H by Mercury (and Saturn).> >> >If so, , Saturn is in Mercury star, Mercury is in 6th house, Saturn > >is 6th lord and as per KP 6th isn't the higher signification of > >Saturn ?? than 11th owned by Mercury and 7th owned by Saturn. (in > >usual computer printout of house signicators 6th is in first and > >fourth ranks of signification and 11th is in third rank and 7th is in > >fourth rank)> > ** Whilst Saturn is a 1st Class significator for only one (the> 6th) house, what I was suggesting, is that it might in > fact be stronger by being significator for two marriage > houses (three if including the 8th) **> > > >> >> > , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:> >> > >> Dear tw,> >> > >> Please see ** ..................... **> >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt> >> > >> On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 00:08:29 -0000, you wrote:> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Dear Ron Gaunt,> >> >> >> >1. It's interesting what is wrong with given TOB 7-06 PM to > >change > >> >to 7-07 PM, why is better by changing one minute, what is another > >> >typographical error in this Guruji KSK's demonstration example in > >his > >> >three Readers and why such example with errors is taken as KPBC6.> >> > >> ** I wasn't aware that this case was in two other Readers. The > >> change by a minute was simply to get a better fit with the > >> given angles. As I said it did not make any difference to > >> the outcomes. Whilst there was an error in the date in the > >> book, simply checking the planetary positions told me that> >> the chart was valid. As we can see with 60% of the > >> respondents getting the correct answer, the BC and the> >> interest it generated shows it was a worthwhile exercise.> >> I have asked members to present data for BCs direct to me > >> but only one member has submitted so far. **> >> >> >> >2. 12,5,10,3 houses of the native are 9(Bhadaka), 2(Maraka), 7> >> >(Maraka), 12 (Mosha/death) house for mother as per KP. What I'm > >> >wondering is the effect of so significant 6th house of the native > >on > >> >himself since it is not among the most death inflicting houses for > >> >his mother.> >> > >> ** The Sun in the 6th House is karaka for the native as Lord of > >> the Lagna. Sun's Star Lord is Moon ruler of the 12th > >> house of loss. As I explained the Sun by Star and Sub > >> Lords show Bandakha and Maraka for mother. So Sun for the> >> native shows loss of mother. **> >> > >> >3. KPBC6's 7th sublord is Mercury, 11th lord and marriage is > >> >promised. It may be worthy to note in predicting time of marriage > >> >how marriage significators over rule the marriage denying > >> >significators of 1,6, 10 houses and married on 6-7-1947 after two > >and > >> >half months of mother's death. > >> > >> ** Mercury as 7th House sub, is the sub of planet Saturn. Sub > >> Saturn gives the go ahead as significator of 7 and 11. > >> For those who might consider the marriage tie as being 8H, > >> Saturn is also significator. Jupiter is close conjunct > >> Uranus and both are significators of 7 and 8H. Jupiter > >> and Uranus are in the star of Saturn significators of > >> 7 and 8H.> >> In the last Solar Eclipse before marriage SE Ketu came> >> exact trine to natal Jupiter activating 7th and 8th house > >> significators. At the same time SE Jupiter came exact> >> (within 1') trine aspect to 8th Cusp. On the marriage > >> day Ketu had move on to exactly aspect natal Uranus.> >> Uranus is in the Star of Saturn and Sub of Ketu. As> >> Ketu is stronger than Saturn in their conjunction, this> >> could be read as Saturn Saturn. > >> If we look at the dasas for marriage they were> >> Venus Ketu Venus. Venus is in the Star of Ketu.> >> As we can substitute Saturn for Ketu the dasas can> >> be read as Saturn Saturn Saturn. As Saturn is > >> significators for marriage tie - houses 7 (8) and 11> >> this seems to be a lot stronger than the denial > >> of marriage in 6H by Mercury (and Saturn).> >> > >> > >> >> >> >Best regards,> >> >> >> >tw> >> > > >> >> >> > , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:> >> >> > >> >> Dear tw,> >> >> > >> >> Please see comments ** ............ **> >> >> > >> >> Ron Gaunt> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 13:12:59 -0000, you wrote:> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Dear subashreeraghunath,> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >1. You're absolutely correct. That is the demonstration > >example > >> >of > >> >> >Guruji KSK, after crowing that finding of the sub theory makes > >him > >> >> >crown, in (a) KP Reader III, 1984, Part 1, pp 139-144; (b) KP > >> >Reader > >> >> >V, 1983, pp 139-144; © KP Reader VI, 1978, pp 83-87, which > >I've > >> >> >quoted several times in my postings.> >> >> >> >> >> >2. Birth details given by KSK are 28-1-1928, 7-06 PM, 13-04 N, > >80-> >> >15 > >> >> >E. The only negligible difference in KPBC6 is TOB 7-07 PM. > >There > >> >is a > >> >> >typing error of DOB 28-1-1921 in KP Reader VI.> >> >> > >> >> >3. Date of mother's death is 27-4-47 in KP Readers (same as > >for > >> >> >KPBC6) and marriage on 6-7-47 in KP Readers. May be another > >one > >> >> >after cancellation on 27-4-47. Let us wait for response from > >Ron > >> >> >Gaunt.> >> >> > >> >> ** Yes, I took the example from Reader VI. I worked out the > >> >> date of birth from the planets positions. Regarding the > >> >> one minute difference the best fit for my computer settings> >> >> suggested 7:07pm and I thought there might have been > >> >> another typographical error (as there are many in the > >> >> books). Anyhow, this negligible change does not effect> >> >> the outcomes. **> >> >> >> >> >> >4. 27-4-47 is during the dasa sequence of Ven/Mer/Sat/Jup/Ven > >> >> >clearly indicating 12,5,10,3 houses: Bhadaka, Maraka, Mosha for > >> >> >mother's death, which is also consistent with transit and Ketu > >> >> >destroying the 4th house matters where it located through agent > >> >> >Saturn and inner or outer (both by KSK by saying inner in one > >> >place > >> >> >and outer in another place) planet Mars. > >> >> >> >> >> >5. What I've been wondering is "what is the role of 6th house" > >> >which > >> >> >is indicated by "all dasa" levels from 1st to 5th.> >> >> > >> >> ** A possible explanation for this 6th house involvement is > >> >> resident Sun. > >> >> > >> >> Sun is in the Star of Moon which is Badhaka for mother> >> >> being Lord of Cancer (9th House to 4th). Sun is in the Sub > >> >> of Jupiter - Maraka for mother being 2nd from 4th. Hence> >> >> Sun is indicator of death of mother. (interesting that > >> >> all the relevant dasa levels are involved here. I hadn't > >> >> noticed that)> >> >> > >> >> Natal Sun was exactly opposed by Solar Eclipse Saturn > >> >> which is in its own Star and Sub of Jupiter. These are > >> >> 1st and 2nd Class Malefic significators for the 4th House of> >> >> mother. In my opinion this configuration was one of the > >> >> prime instigators of his mother's death. Note SE Saturn was> >> >> extremely powerful having just gone stationary retrograde> >> >> on 21st Nov 1946 two days before the eclipse. Saturn only> >> >> went direct on the 5th April 1947 so death was not > >> >> indicated before this date.> >> >> > >> >> Later Saturn moved on by transit to aspect natal Jupiter on > >> >> the day of the mother's death 27th April 47. Jupiter is > >> >> extremely malefic maraka for mother. **> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Best regards,> >> >> >> >> >> >tw> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > , "subashreeraghunath" > >> >> ><subashreeraghunath> wrote:> >> >> >> > >> >> >> Dear Respected Members,> >> >> >> > >> >> >> I am a new member of this group. Hello to everyone.> >> >> >> I am a student of astrology and KP only for 6 months. I would > >> >like > >> >> >to > >> >> >> draw the attention of the learned members regarding KPBC6.The > >> >same > >> >> >> Chart has been discussed in detail by Shri.K.S.K in his 3rd > >> >Reader > >> >> >> pages146-150(edition2004).> >> >> >> > >> >> >> Mothers death-11-4-47; date of marriage 6-7-1947. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> with regards> >> >> >> subashree raghunath> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >

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Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,


1. Frequently it's problem with my 7th relation with others that I'm

used to details because I studied econometrics and worked in economic

research. It was reminded by our econometric teacher that in

emperical testing the validity of an economoic theory by mathematical

and statistical methods, it is required to study the theory

thouroughly to make sure what is going to be tested and then

represntativeness of samples and sufficient quantity of samples to

reduce error of deviation as much as possible. For Guruji KSK years'

research on hundreds of ases. By the way, in old communist time of

1960s in Polnad, a real Marxist had knowledge of Catholic doctrine

not less than a trained priest and the priest had to learn Marxism in

details in his 4-year study and then they could discuss theoractical

issues in the common languge.


2. Secondly, it is to avoid " (My) little knowledge (of KP by studying

six KP Readers 20 years)is dangerous " .


3. Thirdly reference is very helpful to study the original meaning,

e.g. thanks to the given source the so-called New KPA issue was



4. Fourthly, to make a strong statement, in my former Guru's words to

hit the nail right on the head, referencee are essential.


(a) Responding with KSK's saying to---


>>>The question I would ask is how do you tell the difference

> > between a 'common law' marriage and a 'legal' marriage in

> > KP? Whilst this is a question unlikely to be raised in

> > India where I suspect there is little living together

> > without the marriage tie, it is in fact very common in the

> > West. **


with compared to 8th (sexual enjoyment/martial life).


(b) to compare how KP rules are simple and uncomplicated with

rational meanings.


© to remind how significators are defined and given order of

importance in KP.


5. Fifthly it is not so sure to give my personal view as an amatuer

cum still learner and even so confident of his KP, Guruji KSK says,

regarding methods of TOB rectification, --- " How far you can rely on

them, is left entirely to you, to the readers and to the research

scholars " (Reader III, p 317) perhaps since there are Parshara's

(hailed as Father of Indian Predictive Astrlogy) method of

rectification, Varahamira's (hailed as Father of Indian Astrology)

method of rectification, Event based rectification, Nadi and Bhrigu's

method of rectification,--- other than KP method of rectification.


Best regards,





, " Vaidun Vidyadhar " <vvidya@o...>


> Dear List Members,


> Reference TW's email below and also many of his earlier ones, I

must say he

> is such a fantastic, well-read person with all relevant reference


> readily available on his fingertips. He can give full details of

the book,

> author's details, page number, etc etc. I really admire his

deligence and

> meticulous attention to detail. There are very few like him.


> In this connection, may I be permitted to relate a joke. No

offence meant

> tw. I hope you don't mind.


> Subject : Who said that?


> It was the first day of school in the U.S. and a new student named


> the son of a Japanese businessman, entered the fourth grade. The


> said, " Let's begin by reviewing some American history.


> Who said " Give me Liberty or give me Death? " She saw a sea of

blank faces,

> except for Suzuki who had his hand up. " Patrick Henry, 1775. " he

said. " Very

> good!


> Who said 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people,

shall not

> perish from the earth' " ? Again, no response except from

Suzuki: " Abraham

> Lincoln, 1863. " , said Suzuki.


> The teacher snapped at the class, " Class, you should be ashamed.

Suzuki, who

> is new to our country, knows more about its history than you do. "

She heard

> a loud whisper: " Fuck the Japs. " " Who said that? " she demanded.

Suzuki put

> his hand up.

> Lee Iacocca, 1982. "


> At that point, a student in the back said, " I'm gonna puke. " ! The


> glares and asks " All right! Now, who said that? " Again, Suzuki

says, " George

> Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991. "


> Now furious, another student yells, " Oh yeah? Suck this! " Suzuki

jumps out

> of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, " Bill

Clinton, to

> Monica Lewinsky, 1997! "


> Now with almost a mob hysteria someone said, " You little shit. If

you say

> anything else, I'll kill you. " Suzuki frantically yells at the top

of his

> voice, " Gary Condit to Chandra Levy 2001. "


> The teacher fainted. And as the class gathered around the teacher

on the

> floor, someone said, " Oh shit, we're fucked " ... and Suzuki

said, " The

> Taliban! 2001.


> Warm regards. Have a good day.


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...





> _____


> tw853 [tw853]

> Monday, 17 January 2005 10:56 AM


> Re: kpbc6




> Dear Ron Gaunt,


> 1. It's right that as per PROF. CHAUDHRY 's Systems Approach-


> (SAMVA . Systems Approach to Mundane Vedic Astrology, Members: 421,

> Created: Nov 28, 2000; V.K. Choudhry: " Systems' Approach For

> Interpreting Horoscopes " , 2002, pp 125-126, p 219, p 230; V.K.

> Choudhry: " How to Study Divisional Charts " , 2001, p 132; V. K.

> Choudhry, K. Rajesh Chaudhry: " How To Analyse Married Life " , 2002,


> 29; David Hawthorne,V.K. Choudhry: " Astrology for Life " , 2000, p


> http://www.yournetastrologer.com/appli/a04.htm), 8th house is one




> (1) The lord of the seventh house. In case there is no mooltrikona

> sign in the seventh house, then the lord of the houses


> marriage (the second, fourth, eighth or twelfth house containing

> mooltrikona sign) are considered. <family life (2nd), bed comforts

> (12th), self-health (1st), sexual enjoyment/martial life (8th),

> progeny (5th) and general happiness of life (4th)> For various

> ascendants, besides the significator for marriage, the following

> planets are prime determinant of marriage:- Aries for Asc

> Venus, Taurus -Sun, Gemini --Jupiter, Cancer--- Sun, Leo - -

> Saturn, Virgo - -Venus, Libra - -Mars, Scorpio -- -Jupiter,

> Sagittarius---Moon, Capricorn - - -Moon, Aquarius --Sun, Pisces - -

> Mercury.


> (2) Venus and Jupiter are significators of marriage for males and

> females respectively.

> Marriage can also take place in the sub-periods of the strong


> placed in the houses signifying marriage. These planets become

> secondary significators of marriage. If the prime determinants and

> the significator of marriage are strong and there is no affliction


> the most effective points of the houses signifying marriage, the

> marriage takes place at the appropriate time. The good strength of

> Venus hastens the process. The delay is caused by: (a) The close

> influence of the functional malefic planets or the most malefic

> planet on the prime determinants for marriage; (b) Significator of

> marriage being weak or badly placed and/or afflicted by the most

> malefic or a functional malefic planet. © When the prime

> determinants and secondary significators are weak and/or are

> afflicted. (d) When the lords of the eighth and/or twelfth houses

> containing a mooltrikona sign are weak, badly placed and are

> afflicted. The influence of the functional malefic planets delays

> while the influence of the most malefic planet (MMP) delays

> inordinately and/or denies. The malefic influence of the MMP


> be mellowed without persistent performance of the appropriate


> remedies. If there is a mooltrikona sign in the eighth house from

> the ascendant, its lord is called MMP. In case there is no

> mooltrikona sign in the eighth house, then the role of the MMP is

> played by the lord of the twelfth house containing the mooltrikona

> sign. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the twelfth house, as

> well, then the role of the MMP is played by Ketu. (In the case of

> KPBC6, Saturn may not be a stromg significator for marriage as per


> SA since natal Saturn is in good placement, but conjunct/aspt by

> functional malefics Rah/Ket 95% and transit Saturn is in bad

> placement in malefic house and weak depositor.)


> 2. As per GURUJI KSK (KP Reader II, 1983, p 202, p 220; KP


> IV, 1984, p 70, pp 109-110, p 138, p 146, p 154; Reader VI, 1978),

> Marriage means an addition to the family members, partnership,


> bondage and conjugal relationship. 7th house represents legal

> bondage, it is through this that one ought to divine about


> Although marriage is the concern of 7th house, it is necessary to

> consider the houses 2nd and 11th also in this aspect. 2nd house

> indicates one more member is added the family (2nd - acquisition to

> the family by marriage); 7th- this addition is on an agreement (7th-


> wife or husband); 11th- such an additional member brings permanent

> tie of friendship for pleasure and progeny (11th- pleasure and

> permanent or lasting friendship) In fact, the lover is more

> accurately ascertained from the 11th house rather than from the


> This is so, as the 11th house stands for lasting friendship and

> intimacy that may end in marriage. One may also live with pleasure

> with a member of the opposite sex without actually contracting

> marriage. The 7th house shows one to whom one is bound by ties of

> legal bondage and not necessarily a lasting friendship. The person

> who, by the bond of marriage, enters into legal partnership with


> have to partake in your pain and pleasure. 4th is 12th to 5th

> indicates failure in love affairs and also denial of children or

> separation from them. 4th is a denial significator in judging


> marriage is promised. Significators for marriage delay or denial,

> separation, divorce are houses 1,6,10 (12th to 2,7,11) and 12. And

> 8th house signifies delay in marriage, disharmony and quarrel.



> 3. In general, houses for marriage are 2,7,11 as per KP and

> 1,2,4,5,7,8,12 as per SA. And generally houses (1), (4), 6, (8),

> 10,12 may cause delay or denial to marriage as per KP. How can SA

> different principles be combined with KP? In " .

> Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Remedies " Group, Members: 2681,

> Created: Mar 20, 2003, " Schools allowed in this forum are pure


> Astrology, KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) etc. - SA (Systems Approach)


> not allowed here " .


> 4. Higher signification of Saturn for 6th house is according to


> principle adopted without exception, in KP Reader III, pp 171-172,

> 174; KP Reader IV, p 110, 118, 127; Reader V, p 149 and Reader VI,

> pp 156-157. Moreover, Saturn's sublord Mars signifies houses

> 5,5,3,10,4,9 (generally 10th house in third rank of signification).


> 5. In fact, marriage was realized perhaps as mentioned by KSK, in


> Reader IV, 109, " Whenever Sani happens to be a significator of a

> particular matter, it will not deny but will cause delay. If it is

> connected with houses 2,7, and 11 by occupying the house or owning


> or situated in the constellation of the planet posited in any of

> these houses it will cause delay at every time in fixation of

> marriage, celebration of marriage, etc. "


> Best regards,



> tw





> , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:

> >

> > tw,

> >

> > Please see comments ** ............. **

> >

> >

> > Ron Gaunt

> >

> >

> >

> > On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 03:39:39 -0000, you wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >Dear Ron Gaunt,

> > >

> > >1. >>For those who might consider the marriage tie as being 8H,

> > >>> Saturn is also significator.

> > >

> > >Is there any Vedic or KP astrolger who takes 8th house for

> marriage?

> >

> > ** I suspect that nearly all astrologers myself included take the

> > 7th house for marriage in general, because it is a

> > partnership.. Here however, we are considering

> > a specialized part of marriage - the formal or legal part -

> > ie. the ceremony. Professor V. K. Choudhry and (by

> > extension) possibly all SATVA students and astrologers

> > throughout the world, use the 8th house for marriage tie.

> > The question I would ask is how do you tell the difference

> > between a 'common law' marriage and a 'legal' marriage in

> > KP? Whilst this is a question unlikely to be raised in

> > India where I suspect there is little living together

> > without the marriage tie, it is in fact very common in the

> > West. **

> > >

> > >2. >>As we can substitute Saturn for Ketu the dasas can

> > >>> be read as Saturn Saturn Saturn. As Saturn is

> > >>> significators for marriage tie - houses 7 (8) and 11

> > >>> this seems to be a lot stronger than the denial

> > >>> of marriage in 6H by Mercury (and Saturn).

> > >

> > >If so, , Saturn is in Mercury star, Mercury is in 6th house,

> Saturn

> > >is 6th lord and as per KP 6th isn't the higher signification of

> > >Saturn ?? than 11th owned by Mercury and 7th owned by Saturn.


> > >usual computer printout of house signicators 6th is in first and

> > >fourth ranks of signification and 11th is in third rank and 7th


> in

> > >fourth rank)

> >

> > ** Whilst Saturn is a 1st Class significator for only one (the

> > 6th) house, what I was suggesting, is that it might in

> > fact be stronger by being significator for two marriage

> > houses (three if including the 8th) **

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...>


> > >>

> > >> Dear tw,

> > >>

> > >> Please see ** ..................... **

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Ron Gaunt

> > >>

> > >> On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 00:08:29 -0000, you wrote:

> > >>

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> >Dear Ron Gaunt,

> > >> >

> > >> >1. It's interesting what is wrong with given TOB 7-06 PM to

> > >change

> > >> >to 7-07 PM, why is better by changing one minute, what is

> another

> > >> >typographical error in this Guruji KSK's demonstration


> in

> > >his

> > >> >three Readers and why such example with errors is taken as

> KPBC6.

> > >>

> > >> ** I wasn't aware that this case was in two other Readers.


> > >> change by a minute was simply to get a better fit with


> > >> given angles. As I said it did not make any difference


> > >> the outcomes. Whilst there was an error in the date in


> > >> book, simply checking the planetary positions told me that

> > >> the chart was valid. As we can see with 60% of the

> > >> respondents getting the correct answer, the BC and the

> > >> interest it generated shows it was a worthwhile exercise.

> > >> I have asked members to present data for BCs direct to me

> > >> but only one member has submitted so far. **

> > >> >

> > >> >2. 12,5,10,3 houses of the native are 9(Bhadaka), 2(Maraka),


> > >> >(Maraka), 12 (Mosha/death) house for mother as per KP. What


> > >> >wondering is the effect of so significant 6th house of the

> native

> > >on

> > >> >himself since it is not among the most death inflicting


> for

> > >> >his mother.

> > >>

> > >> ** The Sun in the 6th House is karaka for the native as Lord


> > >> the Lagna. Sun's Star Lord is Moon ruler of the 12th

> > >> house of loss. As I explained the Sun by Star and


> > >> Lords show Bandakha and Maraka for mother. So Sun for


> > >> native shows loss of mother. **

> > >>

> > >> >3. KPBC6's 7th sublord is Mercury, 11th lord and marriage is

> > >> >promised. It may be worthy to note in predicting time of

> marriage

> > >> >how marriage significators over rule the marriage denying

> > >> >significators of 1,6, 10 houses and married on 6-7-1947 after

> two

> > >and

> > >> >half months of mother's death.

> > >>

> > >> ** Mercury as 7th House sub, is the sub of planet Saturn.


> > >> Saturn gives the go ahead as significator of 7 and 11.

> > >> For those who might consider the marriage tie as being


> > >> Saturn is also significator. Jupiter is close conjunct

> > >> Uranus and both are significators of 7 and 8H. Jupiter

> > >> and Uranus are in the star of Saturn significators of

> > >> 7 and 8H.

> > >> In the last Solar Eclipse before marriage SE Ketu came

> > >> exact trine to natal Jupiter activating 7th and 8th house

> > >> significators. At the same time SE Jupiter came exact

> > >> (within 1') trine aspect to 8th Cusp. On the marriage

> > >> day Ketu had move on to exactly aspect natal Uranus.

> > >> Uranus is in the Star of Saturn and Sub of Ketu. As

> > >> Ketu is stronger than Saturn in their conjunction, this

> > >> could be read as Saturn Saturn.

> > >> If we look at the dasas for marriage they were

> > >> Venus Ketu Venus. Venus is in the Star of Ketu.

> > >> As we can substitute Saturn for Ketu the dasas can

> > >> be read as Saturn Saturn Saturn. As Saturn is

> > >> significators for marriage tie - houses 7 (8) and 11

> > >> this seems to be a lot stronger than the denial

> > >> of marriage in 6H by Mercury (and Saturn).

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> >

> > >> >Best regards,

> > >> >

> > >> >tw

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> > , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...>

> wrote:

> > >> >>

> > >> >> Dear tw,

> > >> >>

> > >> >> Please see comments ** ............ **

> > >> >>

> > >> >> Ron Gaunt

> > >> >>

> > >> >>

> > >> >>

> > >> >>

> > >> >> On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 13:12:59 -0000, you wrote:

> > >> >>

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >Dear subashreeraghunath,

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >1. You're absolutely correct. That is the demonstration

> > >example

> > >> >of

> > >> >> >Guruji KSK, after crowing that finding of the sub theory

> makes

> > >him

> > >> >> >crown, in (a) KP Reader III, 1984, Part 1, pp 139-144; (b)

> KP

> > >> >Reader

> > >> >> >V, 1983, pp 139-144; © KP Reader VI, 1978, pp 83-87,


> > >I've

> > >> >> >quoted several times in my postings.

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >2. Birth details given by KSK are 28-1-1928, 7-06 PM, 13-


> N,

> > >80-

> > >> >15

> > >> >> >E. The only negligible difference in KPBC6 is TOB 7-07 PM.

> > >There

> > >> >is a

> > >> >> >typing error of DOB 28-1-1921 in KP Reader VI.

> > >> >>

> > >> >> >3. Date of mother's death is 27-4-47 in KP Readers (same


> > >for

> > >> >> >KPBC6) and marriage on 6-7-47 in KP Readers. May be


> > >one

> > >> >> >after cancellation on 27-4-47. Let us wait for response

> from

> > >Ron

> > >> >> >Gaunt.

> > >> >>

> > >> >> ** Yes, I took the example from Reader VI. I worked out

> the

> > >> >> date of birth from the planets positions.


> the

> > >> >> one minute difference the best fit for my computer

> settings

> > >> >> suggested 7:07pm and I thought there might have been

> > >> >> another typographical error (as there are many in the

> > >> >> books). Anyhow, this negligible change does not

> effect

> > >> >> the outcomes. **

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >4. 27-4-47 is during the dasa sequence of

> Ven/Mer/Sat/Jup/Ven

> > >> >> >clearly indicating 12,5,10,3 houses: Bhadaka, Maraka,


> for

> > >> >> >mother's death, which is also consistent with transit and

> Ketu

> > >> >> >destroying the 4th house matters where it located through

> agent

> > >> >> >Saturn and inner or outer (both by KSK by saying inner in

> one

> > >> >place

> > >> >> >and outer in another place) planet Mars.

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >5. What I've been wondering is " what is the role of 6th

> house "

> > >> >which

> > >> >> >is indicated by " all dasa " levels from 1st to 5th.

> > >> >>

> > >> >> ** A possible explanation for this 6th house involvement is

> > >> >> resident Sun.

> > >> >>

> > >> >> Sun is in the Star of Moon which is Badhaka for mother

> > >> >> being Lord of Cancer (9th House to 4th). Sun is in


> Sub

> > >> >> of Jupiter - Maraka for mother being 2nd from 4th.

> Hence

> > >> >> Sun is indicator of death of mother. (interesting

> that

> > >> >> all the relevant dasa levels are involved here. I

> hadn't

> > >> >> noticed that)

> > >> >>

> > >> >> Natal Sun was exactly opposed by Solar Eclipse Saturn

> > >> >> which is in its own Star and Sub of Jupiter. These

> are

> > >> >> 1st and 2nd Class Malefic significators for the 4th

> House of

> > >> >> mother. In my opinion this configuration was one


> the

> > >> >> prime instigators of his mother's death. Note SE


> was

> > >> >> extremely powerful having just gone stationary


> > >> >> on 21st Nov 1946 two days before the eclipse.


> only

> > >> >> went direct on the 5th April 1947 so death was not

> > >> >> indicated before this date.

> > >> >>

> > >> >> Later Saturn moved on by transit to aspect natal


> on

> > >> >> the day of the mother's death 27th April 47. Jupiter

> is

> > >> >> extremely malefic maraka for mother. **

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >Best regards,

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >tw

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> > , " subashreeraghunath "

> > >> >> ><subashreeraghunath> wrote:

> > >> >> >>

> > >> >> >> Dear Respected Members,

> > >> >> >>

> > >> >> >> I am a new member of this group. Hello to everyone.

> > >> >> >> I am a student of astrology and KP only for 6 months. I

> would

> > >> >like

> > >> >> >to

> > >> >> >> draw the attention of the learned members regarding

> KPBC6.The

> > >> >same

> > >> >> >> Chart has been discussed in detail by Shri.K.S.K in his

> 3rd

> > >> >Reader

> > >> >> >> pages146-150(edition2004).

> > >> >> >>

> > >> >> >> Mothers death-11-4-47; date of marriage 6-7-1947.

> > >> >> >>

> > >> >> >> with regards

> > >> >> >> subashree raghunath

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

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Dear tw,


How do you find the time to write such lengthy, detailed responses?


With best regards.

Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




tw853 [tw853] Friday, 21 January 2005 1:12 AM Subject: Re: Who Said That?

Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,1. Frequently it's problem with my 7th relation with others that I'm used to details because I studied econometrics and worked in economic research. It was reminded by our econometric teacher that in emperical testing the validity of an economoic theory by mathematical and statistical methods, it is required to study the theory thouroughly to make sure what is going to be tested and then represntativeness of samples and sufficient quantity of samples to reduce error of deviation as much as possible. For Guruji KSK years' research on hundreds of ases. By the way, in old communist time of 1960s in Polnad, a real Marxist had knowledge of Catholic doctrine not less than a trained priest and the priest had to learn Marxism in details in his 4-year study and then they could discuss theoractical issues in the common languge. 2. Secondly, it is to avoid "(My) little knowledge (of KP by studying six KP Readers 20 years)is dangerous".3. Thirdly reference is very helpful to study the original meaning, e.g. thanks to the given source the so-called New KPA issue was solved.4. Fourthly, to make a strong statement, in my former Guru's words to hit the nail right on the head, referencee are essential. (a) Responding with KSK's saying to--->>>The question I would ask is how do you tell the difference > > between a 'common law' marriage and a 'legal' marriage in > > KP? Whilst this is a question unlikely to be raised in > > India where I suspect there is little living together > > without the marriage tie, it is in fact very common in the > > West. ** with compared to 8th (sexual enjoyment/martial life).(b) to compare how KP rules are simple and uncomplicated with rational meanings.© to remind how significators are defined and given order of importance in KP.5. Fifthly it is not so sure to give my personal view as an amatuer cum still learner and even so confident of his KP, Guruji KSK says, regarding methods of TOB rectification, --- "How far you can rely on them, is left entirely to you, to the readers and to the research scholars" (Reader III, p 317) perhaps since there are Parshara's (hailed as Father of Indian Predictive Astrlogy) method of rectification, Varahamira's (hailed as Father of Indian Astrology) method of rectification, Event based rectification, Nadi and Bhrigu's method of rectification,--- other than KP method of rectification.Best regards,tw , "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@o...> wrote:> Dear List Members,> > Reference TW's email below and also many of his earlier ones, I must say he> is such a fantastic, well-read person with all relevant reference material> readily available on his fingertips. He can give full details of the book,> author's details, page number, etc etc. I really admire his deligence and> meticulous attention to detail. There are very few like him.> > In this connection, may I be permitted to relate a joke. No offence meant> tw. I hope you don't mind.> > Subject : Who said that?> > It was the first day of school in the U.S. and a new student named Suzuki,> the son of a Japanese businessman, entered the fourth grade. The teacher> said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American history.> > Who said "Give me Liberty or give me Death?" She saw a sea of blank faces,> except for Suzuki who had his hand up. "Patrick Henry, 1775." he said. "Very> good!> > Who said 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not> perish from the earth'"? Again, no response except from Suzuki: "Abraham> Lincoln, 1863.", said Suzuki.> > The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed. Suzuki, who> is new to our country, knows more about its history than you do." She heard> a loud whisper: "Fuck the Japs.Who said that?" she demanded. Suzuki put> his hand up.> Lee Iacocca, 1982."> > At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm gonna puke."! The teacher> glares and asks "All right! Now, who said that?" Again, Suzuki says, "George> Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991."> > Now furious, another student yells, "Oh yeah? Suck this!" Suzuki jumps out> of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, "Bill Clinton, to> Monica Lewinsky, 1997!"> > Now with almost a mob hysteria someone said, "You little shit. If you say> anything else, I'll kill you." Suzuki frantically yells at the top of his> voice, "Gary Condit to Chandra Levy 2001."> > The teacher fainted. And as the class gathered around the teacher on the> floor, someone said, "Oh shit, we're fucked" ... and Suzuki said, "The> Taliban! 2001.> > Warm regards. Have a good day.> > Vaidun Vidyadhar > 1 / 94 Marius Street > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > Australia > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o... > > > > > _____ > > tw853 [tw853] > Monday, 17 January 2005 10:56 AM> > Re: kpbc6> > > > Dear Ron Gaunt,> > 1. It's right that as per PROF. CHAUDHRY 's Systems Approach- SA > (SAMVA . Systems Approach to Mundane Vedic Astrology, Members: 421, > Created: Nov 28, 2000; V.K. Choudhry: "Systems' Approach For > Interpreting Horoscopes", 2002, pp 125-126, p 219, p 230; V.K. > Choudhry: "How to Study Divisional Charts", 2001, p 132; V. K. > Choudhry, K. Rajesh Chaudhry:" How To Analyse Married Life", 2002, p > 29; David Hawthorne,V.K. Choudhry: "Astrology for Life", 2000, p 114,> http://www.yournetastrologer.com/appli/a04.htm), 8th house is one of > many MARRIAGE SIGNIFICATORS as follows.> > (1) The lord of the seventh house. In case there is no mooltrikona > sign in the seventh house, then the lord of the houses signifying > marriage (the second, fourth, eighth or twelfth house containing > mooltrikona sign) are considered. <family life (2nd), bed comforts > (12th), self-health (1st), sexual enjoyment/martial life (8th), > progeny (5th) and general happiness of life (4th)> For various > ascendants, besides the significator for marriage, the following > planets are prime determinant of marriage:- Aries for Asc > Venus, Taurus -Sun, Gemini --Jupiter, Cancer--- Sun, Leo - -> Saturn, Virgo - -Venus, Libra - -Mars, Scorpio -- -Jupiter, > Sagittarius---Moon, Capricorn - - -Moon, Aquarius --Sun, Pisces - -> Mercury.> > (2) Venus and Jupiter are significators of marriage for males and > females respectively. > Marriage can also take place in the sub-periods of the strong planets > placed in the houses signifying marriage. These planets become > secondary significators of marriage. If the prime determinants and > the significator of marriage are strong and there is no affliction to > the most effective points of the houses signifying marriage, the > marriage takes place at the appropriate time. The good strength of > Venus hastens the process. The delay is caused by: (a) The close > influence of the functional malefic planets or the most malefic > planet on the prime determinants for marriage; (b) Significator of > marriage being weak or badly placed and/or afflicted by the most > malefic or a functional malefic planet. © When the prime > determinants and secondary significators are weak and/or are > afflicted. (d) When the lords of the eighth and/or twelfth houses > containing a mooltrikona sign are weak, badly placed and are > afflicted. The influence of the functional malefic planets delays > while the influence of the most malefic planet (MMP) delays > inordinately and/or denies. The malefic influence of the MMP cannot > be mellowed without persistent performance of the appropriate astral > remedies. If there is a mooltrikona sign in the eighth house from > the ascendant, its lord is called MMP. In case there is no > mooltrikona sign in the eighth house, then the role of the MMP is > played by the lord of the twelfth house containing the mooltrikona > sign. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the twelfth house, as > well, then the role of the MMP is played by Ketu. (In the case of > KPBC6, Saturn may not be a stromg significator for marriage as per as > SA since natal Saturn is in good placement, but conjunct/aspt by > functional malefics Rah/Ket 95% and transit Saturn is in bad > placement in malefic house and weak depositor.) > > 2. As per GURUJI KSK (KP Reader II, 1983, p 202, p 220; KP Reader > IV, 1984, p 70, pp 109-110, p 138, p 146, p 154; Reader VI, 1978), > Marriage means an addition to the family members, partnership, legal > bondage and conjugal relationship. 7th house represents legal > bondage, it is through this that one ought to divine about marriage. > Although marriage is the concern of 7th house, it is necessary to > consider the houses 2nd and 11th also in this aspect. 2nd house > indicates one more member is added the family (2nd - acquisition to > the family by marriage); 7th- this addition is on an agreement (7th-> wife or husband); 11th- such an additional member brings permanent > tie of friendship for pleasure and progeny (11th- pleasure and > permanent or lasting friendship) In fact, the lover is more > accurately ascertained from the 11th house rather than from the 7th. > This is so, as the 11th house stands for lasting friendship and > intimacy that may end in marriage. One may also live with pleasure > with a member of the opposite sex without actually contracting > marriage. The 7th house shows one to whom one is bound by ties of > legal bondage and not necessarily a lasting friendship. The person > who, by the bond of marriage, enters into legal partnership with you > have to partake in your pain and pleasure. 4th is 12th to 5th > indicates failure in love affairs and also denial of children or > separation from them. 4th is a denial significator in judging whether > marriage is promised. Significators for marriage delay or denial, > separation, divorce are houses 1,6,10 (12th to 2,7,11) and 12. And > 8th house signifies delay in marriage, disharmony and quarrel. > > > 3. In general, houses for marriage are 2,7,11 as per KP and > 1,2,4,5,7,8,12 as per SA. And generally houses (1), (4), 6, (8), > 10,12 may cause delay or denial to marriage as per KP. How can SA > different principles be combined with KP? In " . > Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Remedies" Group, Members: 2681, > Created: Mar 20, 2003, "Schools allowed in this forum are pure Vedic > Astrology, KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) etc. - SA (Systems Approach) is > not allowed here".> > 4. Higher signification of Saturn for 6th house is according to KSK > principle adopted without exception, in KP Reader III, pp 171-172, > 174; KP Reader IV, p 110, 118, 127; Reader V, p 149 and Reader VI, > pp 156-157. Moreover, Saturn's sublord Mars signifies houses > 5,5,3,10,4,9 (generally 10th house in third rank of signification). > > 5. In fact, marriage was realized perhaps as mentioned by KSK, in KP > Reader IV, 109, "Whenever Sani happens to be a significator of a > particular matter, it will not deny but will cause delay. If it is > connected with houses 2,7, and 11 by occupying the house or owning it > or situated in the constellation of the planet posited in any of > these houses it will cause delay at every time in fixation of > marriage, celebration of marriage, etc. "> > Best regards,> > > tw > > > > > , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:> > > > tw,> > > > Please see comments ** ............. **> > > > > > Ron Gaunt> > > > > > > > On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 03:39:39 -0000, you wrote:> > > > >> > >> > >Dear Ron Gaunt,> > >> > >1. >>For those who might consider the marriage tie as being 8H, > > >>> Saturn is also significator.> > >> > >Is there any Vedic or KP astrolger who takes 8th house for > marriage?> > > > ** I suspect that nearly all astrologers myself included take the> > 7th house for marriage in general, because it is a > > partnership.. Here however, we are considering > > a specialized part of marriage - the formal or legal part - > > ie. the ceremony. Professor V. K. Choudhry and (by > > extension) possibly all SATVA students and astrologers > > throughout the world, use the 8th house for marriage tie.> > The question I would ask is how do you tell the difference > > between a 'common law' marriage and a 'legal' marriage in > > KP? Whilst this is a question unlikely to be raised in > > India where I suspect there is little living together > > without the marriage tie, it is in fact very common in the > > West. **> > >> > >2. >>As we can substitute Saturn for Ketu the dasas can> > >>> be read as Saturn Saturn Saturn. As Saturn is > > >>> significators for marriage tie - houses 7 (8) and 11> > >>> this seems to be a lot stronger than the denial > > >>> of marriage in 6H by Mercury (and Saturn).> > >> > >If so, , Saturn is in Mercury star, Mercury is in 6th house, > Saturn > > >is 6th lord and as per KP 6th isn't the higher signification of > > >Saturn ?? than 11th owned by Mercury and 7th owned by Saturn. (in > > >usual computer printout of house signicators 6th is in first and > > >fourth ranks of signification and 11th is in third rank and 7th is > in > > >fourth rank)> > > > ** Whilst Saturn is a 1st Class significator for only one (the> > 6th) house, what I was suggesting, is that it might in > > fact be stronger by being significator for two marriage > > houses (three if including the 8th) **> > > > > > >> > >> > > , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:> > >> > > >> Dear tw,> > >> > > >> Please see ** ..................... **> > >> > > >> > > >> Ron Gaunt> > >> > > >> On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 00:08:29 -0000, you wrote:> > >> > > >> >> > >> >> > >> >Dear Ron Gaunt,> > >> >> > >> >1. It's interesting what is wrong with given TOB 7-06 PM to > > >change > > >> >to 7-07 PM, why is better by changing one minute, what is > another > > >> >typographical error in this Guruji KSK's demonstration example > in > > >his > > >> >three Readers and why such example with errors is taken as > KPBC6.> > >> > > >> ** I wasn't aware that this case was in two other Readers. The > > >> change by a minute was simply to get a better fit with the > > >> given angles. As I said it did not make any difference to > > >> the outcomes. Whilst there was an error in the date in the > > >> book, simply checking the planetary positions told me that> > >> the chart was valid. As we can see with 60% of the > > >> respondents getting the correct answer, the BC and the> > >> interest it generated shows it was a worthwhile exercise.> > >> I have asked members to present data for BCs direct to me > > >> but only one member has submitted so far. **> > >> >> > >> >2. 12,5,10,3 houses of the native are 9(Bhadaka), 2(Maraka), 7> > >> >(Maraka), 12 (Mosha/death) house for mother as per KP. What I'm > > >> >wondering is the effect of so significant 6th house of the > native > > >on > > >> >himself since it is not among the most death inflicting houses > for > > >> >his mother.> > >> > > >> ** The Sun in the 6th House is karaka for the native as Lord of > > >> the Lagna. Sun's Star Lord is Moon ruler of the 12th > > >> house of loss. As I explained the Sun by Star and Sub > > >> Lords show Bandakha and Maraka for mother. So Sun for the> > >> native shows loss of mother. **> > >> > > >> >3. KPBC6's 7th sublord is Mercury, 11th lord and marriage is > > >> >promised. It may be worthy to note in predicting time of > marriage > > >> >how marriage significators over rule the marriage denying > > >> >significators of 1,6, 10 houses and married on 6-7-1947 after > two > > >and > > >> >half months of mother's death. > > >> > > >> ** Mercury as 7th House sub, is the sub of planet Saturn. Sub > > >> Saturn gives the go ahead as significator of 7 and 11. > > >> For those who might consider the marriage tie as being 8H, > > >> Saturn is also significator. Jupiter is close conjunct > > >> Uranus and both are significators of 7 and 8H. Jupiter > > >> and Uranus are in the star of Saturn significators of > > >> 7 and 8H.> > >> In the last Solar Eclipse before marriage SE Ketu came> > >> exact trine to natal Jupiter activating 7th and 8th house > > >> significators. At the same time SE Jupiter came exact> > >> (within 1') trine aspect to 8th Cusp. On the marriage > > >> day Ketu had move on to exactly aspect natal Uranus.> > >> Uranus is in the Star of Saturn and Sub of Ketu. As> > >> Ketu is stronger than Saturn in their conjunction, this> > >> could be read as Saturn Saturn. > > >> If we look at the dasas for marriage they were> > >> Venus Ketu Venus. Venus is in the Star of Ketu.> > >> As we can substitute Saturn for Ketu the dasas can> > >> be read as Saturn Saturn Saturn. As Saturn is > > >> significators for marriage tie - houses 7 (8) and 11> > >> this seems to be a lot stronger than the denial > > >> of marriage in 6H by Mercury (and Saturn).> > >> > > >> > > >> >> > >> >Best regards,> > >> >> > >> >tw> > >> > > > >> >> > >> > , rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > wrote:> > >> >> > > >> >> Dear tw,> > >> >> > > >> >> Please see comments ** ............ **> > >> >> > > >> >> Ron Gaunt> > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 13:12:59 -0000, you wrote:> > >> >> > > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >Dear subashreeraghunath,> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >1. You're absolutely correct. That is the demonstration > > >example > > >> >of > > >> >> >Guruji KSK, after crowing that finding of the sub theory > makes > > >him > > >> >> >crown, in (a) KP Reader III, 1984, Part 1, pp 139-144; (b) > KP > > >> >Reader > > >> >> >V, 1983, pp 139-144; © KP Reader VI, 1978, pp 83-87, which > > >I've > > >> >> >quoted several times in my postings.> > >> >> >> > >> >> >2. Birth details given by KSK are 28-1-1928, 7-06 PM, 13-04 > N, > > >80-> > >> >15 > > >> >> >E. The only negligible difference in KPBC6 is TOB 7-07 PM. > > >There > > >> >is a > > >> >> >typing error of DOB 28-1-1921 in KP Reader VI.> > >> >> > > >> >> >3. Date of mother's death is 27-4-47 in KP Readers (same as > > >for > > >> >> >KPBC6) and marriage on 6-7-47 in KP Readers. May be another > > >one > > >> >> >after cancellation on 27-4-47. Let us wait for response > from > > >Ron > > >> >> >Gaunt.> > >> >> > > >> >> ** Yes, I took the example from Reader VI. I worked out > the > > >> >> date of birth from the planets positions. Regarding > the > > >> >> one minute difference the best fit for my computer > settings> > >> >> suggested 7:07pm and I thought there might have been > > >> >> another typographical error (as there are many in the > > >> >> books). Anyhow, this negligible change does not > effect> > >> >> the outcomes. **> > >> >> >> > >> >> >4. 27-4-47 is during the dasa sequence of > Ven/Mer/Sat/Jup/Ven > > >> >> >clearly indicating 12,5,10,3 houses: Bhadaka, Maraka, Mosha > for > > >> >> >mother's death, which is also consistent with transit and > Ketu > > >> >> >destroying the 4th house matters where it located through > agent > > >> >> >Saturn and inner or outer (both by KSK by saying inner in > one > > >> >place > > >> >> >and outer in another place) planet Mars. > > >> >> >> > >> >> >5. What I've been wondering is "what is the role of 6th > house" > > >> >which > > >> >> >is indicated by "all dasa" levels from 1st to 5th.> > >> >> > > >> >> ** A possible explanation for this 6th house involvement is > > >> >> resident Sun. > > >> >> > > >> >> Sun is in the Star of Moon which is Badhaka for mother> > >> >> being Lord of Cancer (9th House to 4th). Sun is in the > Sub > > >> >> of Jupiter - Maraka for mother being 2nd from 4th. > Hence> > >> >> Sun is indicator of death of mother. (interesting > that > > >> >> all the relevant dasa levels are involved here. I > hadn't > > >> >> noticed that)> > >> >> > > >> >> Natal Sun was exactly opposed by Solar Eclipse Saturn > > >> >> which is in its own Star and Sub of Jupiter. These > are > > >> >> 1st and 2nd Class Malefic significators for the 4th > House of> > >> >> mother. In my opinion this configuration was one of > the > > >> >> prime instigators of his mother's death. Note SE Saturn > was> > >> >> extremely powerful having just gone stationary retrograde> > >> >> on 21st Nov 1946 two days before the eclipse. Saturn > only> > >> >> went direct on the 5th April 1947 so death was not > > >> >> indicated before this date.> > >> >> > > >> >> Later Saturn moved on by transit to aspect natal Jupiter > on > > >> >> the day of the mother's death 27th April 47. Jupiter > is > > >> >> extremely malefic maraka for mother. **> > >> >> > > > >> >> >> > >> >> >Best regards,> > >> >> >> > >> >> >tw> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > , "subashreeraghunath" > > >> >> ><subashreeraghunath> wrote:> > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> Dear Respected Members,> > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> I am a new member of this group. Hello to everyone.> > >> >> >> I am a student of astrology and KP only for 6 months. I > would > > >> >like > > >> >> >to > > >> >> >> draw the attention of the learned members regarding > KPBC6.The > > >> >same > > >> >> >> Chart has been discussed in detail by Shri.K.S.K in his > 3rd > > >> >Reader > > >> >> >> pages146-150(edition2004).> > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> Mothers death-11-4-47; date of marriage 6-7-1947. > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> with regards> > >> >> >> subashree raghunath> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > > > >> >> >

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