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Vimshottari Period

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Dear All,

I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw

your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has

argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

" ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days

alone is to be adopted.

For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days

are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be

taken. "


I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you





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Dear Rangarajan.


Without going back to our discussion on 365.25 days per year (K.S.

Krishnamurti,B.V. Raman, K. N. Rao, Bepin Behari, V.K.

Choudhry (SA), Sanjay Rath, David Frawley and other East & West

wellknown Vedic astrologers) vis 360 days per year (Usha-Shashi, Hira

Gulrajani, Rohini Ranjan, N. Sundara Rajan,Sadasiva Giri, ??) around

last Christmas time, the following technical explanation with

calculation examples may answer your question.


Best regards,






Know your Dasha--- All India Astrological Services





While computing dasha dates we add days to days, months to months and

years to years. If days are more than 30, we take a carry over of 1

to months and similarly if months are more than 12 we take a carry

over of 1 to year. Here we do not take into account the actual

number. of days in a month.


It seems that we are taking a year as 360 days only - 12 months x 30

days per month. However, this is a wrong understanding. Actually, we

are dividing the year into months by multiplying by 12 and further

converting into days by multiplying of 30. we add up in the same

manner. So it is not correct to add by taking actual days of months

into consideration. This simplicity of calculation takes the year as

365.25 days. The actual dates computed by rigorous calculations by

taking actual days of the months and by this simple method differ

only by a few days; accurate practically for all astrological





, " Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy "

<ranga@m...> wrote:


> Dear All,

> I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw

> your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has

> argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days

> alone is to be adopted.

> For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360


> are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be

> taken. "


> I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if


> wish.


> Regards,

> Rangarajan

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Dear Rangarajan,

I am sorry to notice that in recent times,,in the name of "scientific inquiry" this column seems to have become a forum for "hair-splitting"....

Does it really matter if the Vimshottari Dasa Year is taken to be 360,365,360.5,or even 363,364 etc...KSK has provided us with many methods for timing of events...Dasa,RPs,and finally the transit of Sun,Moon or Jupiter, as is applicable...and the transit of the sublord of karaka house,the sublord of the XIth cusp...etc...One can carefully arrive at,and doubly confirm the exact day/date...

And what's more, we can not only fix the day and the probable date,but we can then,even fix up even the exact time by moving the Ascendant appropriately...to transit the sensitive point...!

I do not oppose "Scientific Inquiry",but hairsplitting with the objective of finding fault with the System invented by KSK,as some appear to indulge in...is objectioable,to my thinking...KSK has proved his theory very many times over,in these last 40-50 years atleast...!

Quoting one or two instances,where the theory has not been applied properly,in the first place,and then, based on this,saying that "therefore the theory needs to be improved"...is totally unfair to K.P., and the late KSK...in my considered opinion...

A similar phenomenon is being experienced by most Music Teachers also...they keep complaining, almost every time they appear on TV,that their students are impatient to perform on the TV or the Stage,within a couple of years, some,within a few months (!) of begining their music lessons..very eager,to be seen rather than perform, unfortunately,this disregard for thoroughly practising,and repeated polishing,to achieve excellence,seems to be "the bug" of modern times...? !

Surely,Mr.Rangarajan,this is not being said,with reference to your query above...singularly,( and,I hasten to add,I also know that you are good and honest student of K.P.)

This is my accumulated reaction to what has been appearing in this column in the recent past...

I trust you will not to misunderstand me...

With regards,

Yours sincerely,



Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy <ranga wrote:

Dear All,I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted.For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be taken."I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you wish.Regards,Rangarajan


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Dear Rangarajan,

I am sorry to notice that in recent times,,in the name of "scientific inquiry" this column seems to have become a forum for "hair-splitting"....

Does it really matter if the Vimshottari Dasa Year is taken to be 360,365,360.5,or even 363,364 etc...KSK has provided us with many methods for timing of events...Dasa,RPs,and finally the transit of Sun,Moon or Jupiter, as is applicable...and the transit of the sublord of karaka house,the sublord of the XIth cusp...etc...One can carefully arrive at,and doubly confirm the exact day/date...

And what's more, we can not only fix the day and the probable date,but we can then,even fix up even the exact time by moving the Ascendant appropriately...to transit the sensitive point...!

I do not oppose "Scientific Inquiry",but hairsplitting with the objective of finding fault with the System invented by KSK,as some appear to indulge in...is objectioable,to my thinking...KSK has proved his theory very many times over,in these last 40-50 years atleast...!

Quoting one or two instances,where the theory has not been applied properly,in the first place,and then, based on this,saying that "therefore the theory needs to be improved"...is totally unfair to K.P., and the late KSK...in my considered opinion...

A similar phenomenon is being experienced by most Music Teachers also...they keep complaining, almost every time they appear on TV,that their students are impatient to perform on the TV or the Stage,within a couple of years, some,within a few months (!) of begining their music lessons..very eager,to be seen rather than perform, unfortunately,this disregard for thoroughly practising,and repeated polishing,to achieve excellence,seems to be "the bug" of modern times...? !

Surely,Mr.Rangarajan,this is not being said,with reference to your query above...singularly,( and,I hasten to add,I also know that you are good and honest student of K.P.)

Mr.A.R.Raichur had written an excellent article in the magazine K.P. & Astrology...on this needless "craze for accuracy" ,I sincerely recommend you read this article...

This is my accumulated reaction to what has been appearing in this column in the recent past...

I trust you will not to misunderstand me...

With regards,

Yours sincerely,



Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy <ranga wrote:

Dear All,I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted.For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be taken."I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you wish.Regards,Rangarajan


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Dear Yogesh,

Your point well taken,rather tha waste our energies,we should focuss

our discussions.


Sounds crazy,why dont we use a standardised

Ephemeries/ayanamsa/software,acceptable to a larger membership,This

willhelp every one.Standardisation is the mantra for our times.






















, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1>


> Dear Rangarajan,

> I am sorry to notice that in recent

times,,in the name of " scientific inquiry " this column seems to have

become a forum for " hair-splitting " ....

> Does it really matter if the Vimshottari

Dasa Year is taken to be 360,365,360.5,or even 363,364 etc...KSK

has provided us with many methods for timing of

events...Dasa,RPs,and finally the transit of Sun,Moon or Jupiter, as

is applicable...and the transit of the sublord of karaka house,the

sublord of the XIth cusp...etc...One can carefully arrive at,and

doubly confirm the exact day/date...

> And what's more, we can not only fix the

day and the probable date,but we can then,even fix up even the

exact time by moving the Ascendant appropriately...to transit the

sensitive point...!

> I do not oppose " Scientific Inquiry " ,but

hairsplitting with the objective of finding fault with the System

invented by KSK,as some appear to indulge in...is objectioable,to my

thinking...KSK has proved his theory very many times over,in these

last 40-50 years atleast...!

> Quoting one or two instances,where the

theory has not been applied properly,in the first place,and then,

based on this,saying that " therefore the theory needs to be

improved " ...is totally unfair to K.P., and the late KSK...in my

considered opinion...

> A similar phenomenon is being experienced

by most Music Teachers also...they keep complaining, almost every

time they appear on TV,that their students are impatient to perform

on the TV or the Stage,within a couple of years, some,within a few

months (!) of begining their music lessons..very eager,to be seen

rather than perform, unfortunately,this disregard for thoroughly

practising,and repeated polishing,to achieve excellence,seems to

be " the bug " of modern times...? !

> Surely,Mr.Rangarajan,this is not being

said,with reference to your query above...singularly,( and,I hasten

to add,I also know that you are good and honest student of K.P.)

> Mr.A.R.Raichur had written an excellent

article in the magazine K.P. & Astrology...on this needless " craze

for accuracy " ,I sincerely recommend you read this


> This is my accumulated reaction to what

has been appearing in this column in the recent past...

> I trust you will not to misunderstand me...

> With regards,

> Yours sincerely,

> lyrastro1




> Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy <ranga@m...> wrote:


> Dear All,

> I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw

> your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK


> argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days

> alone is to be adopted.

> For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360


> are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must


> taken. "


> I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if


> wish.


> Regards,

> Rangarajan






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Dear Rangarajan


If one accepts, that the Solar Year is 365.25 days for Vimsottari Dasas, then one must forget months of equal duration. If we compute on Basis of the Dasas being not in Years but in Calender Days, and then convert the endings of Bhuktis, Antaras etc, using such Days, we can get endings corresponding to Calender Dates. Such calculation will give dates, which

may vary Max by 2 days, compared to the year=12months" 1 month=30 days.


One can adopt whatever one prefers, without making a big mistake in Predictions.


I had made programs for this 365.25 days also. However, since I was rounding of the days, I got results which showed " Bhukti of Sun ends 31 jan 1967: Bhukti of Moon stars 30 jan 1967" or similar anamolies. So I did not use this. Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy <ranga wrote:

Dear All,I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted.For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be taken."I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you wish.Regards,Rangarajan

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Dear List Members,


Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the following.


Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year as being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days each. Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own dasa chart drawn up using the "Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner", published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon dasa has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.


With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per year. Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading astrology program.


Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa, bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates shown in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible".


One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of computers the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted."

Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.


If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25 days per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is to take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate such a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers, who are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved here? With what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of years allocated to each planet?


Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya , "Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy" <ranga@m...> wrote:> > Dear All,> I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: > "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days > alone is to be adopted.> For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be > taken."> > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you > wish.> > Regards,> Rangarajan

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Dear Mr.Vidhyadhar,


Though Iam Not Interested To Get In To This Very Complicted Matter

With Out A Complete Research Oriented Analysis Report And

Since Iam Engaged With My Software Programming Work Tightly, I Think

On My Part I Have Not Presented A Befitting Reply For This Matter

Till Now And Other Members Are Indirectly Fault-finding Me And My



Some Even Went To An Extend of Criticizing The Way Of

Accurate Calculations...


In Astrology For Certain Things Accuracy Is not Necessary

And Even An Over view look is Enough To Come To a Conclution...


This Is Known To All...


If We Want To Getting In To Things More Deeply It Is Must To Be



" Though The Patient Is Dead the Operation Must Have Been In A

Correct Manner " ...


But In My Experiance The The Patient Has

Not Been Died And I came Out With Success In All My Cases...


I Here By Want To Ask You And Other Members To Clarify Certain



How You People Used To Pin Up The Things Either By Getting Down To

Anthra Level Or Sukshuma, Adhi Shukshuma Level...


Have You Ever Compared The Classical/Popular Dhasa System Both To

Gether For A Particular Chart... For A Particular Event...


How You People Arrive A Particular Day's Way Of Action...


To What Dhasa Level You People Give Importancy For A Particular

Moment's Study...


Iam Not Interested In Getting In To Calculation Again As Of Now...


I Just Ask you To Clarify It In A Practical Way...














, " Vaidun Vidyadhar " <vvidya@o...>


> Dear List Members,


> Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the



> Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables


> manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one

year as

> being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months

in the

> year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30

days each.

> Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my

own dasa

> chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All, Ready

Reckoner " ,

> published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration,

Moon dasa

> has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.


> With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations

are no

> longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer


> also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days

per year.

> Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25

days per

> year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the


> with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both

these tables

> have been taken from a leading astrology program.


> Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each


> bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green

tables are

> very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The

dates shown

> in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the

Green Table

> are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away

from the

> correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant

when he

> said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods

360 days

> are taken, as the difference is negligible " .


> One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a

> dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360

days per

> year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of


> the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red


> are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

said, " Hence only

> Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be

adopted. "


> Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates

shown in the

> Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases.

Ketu dasa

> ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per

the Blue

> Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one

year, seven

> months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally

> unacceptable.


> If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time,

365.25 days

> per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table,


> shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa


> each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole

cycle is to

> take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these

> requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to

generate such

> a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer

programmers, who

> are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved

here? With

> what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of


> allocated to each planet?


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...






> , " Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy "

> <ranga@m...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw

> > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK


> > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> > " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days

> > alone is to be adopted.

> > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360

> days

> > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must


> > taken. "

> >

> > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if

> you

> > wish.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rangarajan







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Dear Vaidun,

Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not addressed my question...

" In the face of the availability of a variety of very successful methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT of the Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka House,or the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite all this...this "hairsplitting" on the length of the Vimshottari Year...is truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

many days of debate on this subject...what have we really achieved ?"

Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the Vimshottari Dasa alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's illuminating article in K.P. & Astrology..."The Craze for Accuracy"...I & II,in the 1997 & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

With highest regards,

Yours sincerely,



Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


Dear List Members,


Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the following.


Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year as being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days each. Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own dasa chart drawn up using the "Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner", published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon dasa has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.


With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per year. Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading astrology program.


Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa, bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates shown in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible".


One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of computers the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted."

Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.


If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25 days per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is to take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate such a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers, who are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved here? With what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of years allocated to each planet?


Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya , "Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy" <ranga@m...> wrote:> > Dear All,> I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: > "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25

days > alone is to be adopted.> For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be > taken."> > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you > wish.> > Regards,> Rangarajan> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360 days per year.xls


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Dear Mr Rao,


Thank you for your email below.


Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my Saturn dasa starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain influences to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my Saturn dasa start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones in vedic astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This is one of the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I need to know when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables shown in the Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of my Saturn dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov 2011 whereas in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is one FULL YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the correct start date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to further sub and sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the onset of the very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.


I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti periods. But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very important and useful tool to the astrologer.


With best regards.

Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1] Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM Subject: RE: Re: Vimshottari Period


Dear Vaidun,

Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not addressed my question...

" In the face of the availability of a variety of very successful methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT of the Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka House,or the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite all this...this "hairsplitting" on the length of the Vimshottari Year...is truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

many days of debate on this subject...what have we really achieved ?"

Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the Vimshottari Dasa alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's illuminating article in K.P. & Astrology..."The Craze for Accuracy"...I & II,in the 1997 & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

With highest regards,

Yours sincerely,



Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


Dear List Members,


Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the following.


Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year as being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days each. Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own dasa chart drawn up using the "Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner", published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon dasa has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.


With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per year. Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading astrology program.


Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa, bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates shown in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible".


One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of computers the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted."

Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.


If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25 days per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is to take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate such a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers, who are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved here? With what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of years allocated to each planet?


Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya , "Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy" <ranga@m...> wrote:> > Dear All,> I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: > "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days > alone is to be adopted.> For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be > taken."> > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you > wish.> > Regards,> Rangarajan> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360 days per year.xls

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Dear Mr Vaidun Vidyadhar


I cannot understand how the start of the Main Dasa varies by ONE YEAR.


If you send me your Birth Details, I will cast the chart and indicate when your

Saturn Dasa Starts


Good Luck


--- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:

> Dear Mr Rao,


> Thank you for your email below.


> Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my Saturn dasa

> starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain influences

> to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my Saturn dasa

> start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones in vedic

> astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This is one of

> the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I need to know

> when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables shown in the

> Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of my Saturn

> dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov 2011 whereas

> in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is one FULL

> YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the correct start

> date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to further sub and

> sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to the

> fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the onset of the

> very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.


> I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti periods. But,

> nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very important

> and useful tool to the astrologer.


> With best regards.


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya vvidya






> _____


> Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM


> RE: Re: Vimshottari Period



> Dear Vaidun,

> Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not addressed

> my question...

> " In the face of the availability of a variety of very successful

> methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT of the

> Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka House,or

> the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite all

> this...this " hairsplitting " on the length of the Vimshottari Year...is

> truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

> many days of debate on this subject...what have we really achieved ? "

> Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the Vimshottari Dasa

> alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

> Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's illuminating

> article in K.P. & Astrology... " The Craze for Accuracy " ...I & II,in the 1997

> & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

> With highest regards,

> Yours sincerely,

> lyrastro1




> Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


> Dear List Members,


> Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the following.


> Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and

> manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year as

> being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the

> year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days each.

> Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own dasa

> chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner " ,

> published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon dasa

> has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.


> With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no

> longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs

> also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per year.

> Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days per

> year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras

> with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these tables

> have been taken from a leading astrology program.


> Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa,

> bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are

> very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates shown

> in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table

> are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the

> correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

> said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days

> are taken, as the difference is negligible " .


> One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a

> dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per

> year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of computers

> the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table

> are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, " Hence only

> Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted. "


> Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in the

> Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu dasa

> ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the Blue

> Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year, seven

> months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally

> unacceptable.


> If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25 days

> per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as

> shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle

> each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is to

> take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these

> requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate such

> a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers, who

> are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved here? With

> what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of years

> allocated to each planet?


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya vvidya






> , " Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy "

> <ranga@m...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw

> > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has

> > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> > " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days

> > alone is to be adopted.

> > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360

> days

> > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be

> > taken. "

> >

> > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if

> you

> > wish.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rangarajan


> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360 days per

> year.xls




> <http://in.rd./specials/mailtg/*http://.shaadi.com/india-matri

> mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> <http://in.rd./specials/mailtg2/*http://.shaadi.com/india-matr

> imony/> .




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Dear Vaidun,

As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's software,and fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of the event,with the help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant karaka house cusp s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth sublord's transit over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast moving planet in an Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...

Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer the Horary method ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a query along with a horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my experience most birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the time of the "first cry" of the newborn...

Thus far by following the above I have been able to achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a fairly high percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100% ACCURACY...I am happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very happy with a 90% + rate of accuracy...! !

I have tried to reply to your query to the best of my ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been able to satisfy you...

With best wishes,


GOOD LUCK !Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


Dear Mr Rao,


Thank you for your email below.


Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my Saturn dasa starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain influences to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my Saturn dasa start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones in vedic astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This is one of the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I need to know when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables shown in the Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of my Saturn dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov 2011 whereas in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is one FULL YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the correct start date of the MAIN dasa

period itself, how can we go down to further sub and sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the onset of the very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.


I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti periods. But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very important and useful tool to the astrologer.


With best regards.

Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1] Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM Subject: RE: Re: Vimshottari Period


Dear Vaidun,

Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not addressed my question...

" In the face of the availability of a variety of very successful methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT of the Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka House,or the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite all this...this "hairsplitting" on the length of the Vimshottari Year...is truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

many days of debate on this subject...what have we really achieved ?"

Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the Vimshottari Dasa alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's illuminating article in K.P. & Astrology..."The Craze for Accuracy"...I & II,in the 1997 & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

With highest regards,

Yours sincerely,



Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


Dear List Members,


Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the following.


Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year as being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days each. Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own dasa chart drawn up using the "Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner", published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon dasa has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.


With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per year. Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading astrology program.


Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa, bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates shown in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible".


One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of computers the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted."

Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.


If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25 days per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is to take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate such a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers, who are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved here? With what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of years allocated to each planet?


Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya , "Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy" <ranga@m...> wrote:> > Dear All,> I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: > "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25

days > alone is to be adopted.> For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be > taken."> > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you > wish.> > Regards,> Rangarajan> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360 days per year.xls

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.


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Dear Mr. Raichur,


Thank you for your email below.


My birth details were clearly stated in the Excel file. However, I am reproducing this below:








Vaidun K Vidyadhar


Date and time of birth: 20 June 1942, 1549 hours (Indian Standard Time, GMT + 5:30)


Place of birth: Walajapet, Lat 12N56, Long 79E23


Moon's longitude at birth: 138:22:36, 18:22:36 in Leo


Venus dasa balance in degrees: 8:17:24


Venus dasa balance in years: 12.435


The dates shown in the Red and Blue tables in the Excel file are the exact dates derived from Goravani Gyotish 2.25 by selecting the 365 or 360 days per year option. If you have this program, you can try it out for yourself. I have two other astrology programs which also have this facility, Shri Jyoti Star and Jyotish Tools. The dates shown there are also quite close the ones shown in the Excel file.


With best regards.

Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




anant raichur [anant_1608] Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:06 PM Subject: RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

Dear Mr Vaidun VidyadharI cannot understand how the start of the Main Dasa varies by ONE YEAR.If you send me your Birth Details, I will cast the chart and indicate when yourSaturn Dasa StartsGood Luck--- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote: > Dear Mr Rao,> > Thank you for your email below. > > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my Saturn dasa> starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain influences> to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my Saturn dasa> start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones in vedic> astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This is one of> the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I need to know> when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables shown in the> Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of my Saturn> dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov 2011 whereas> in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is one FULL> YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the correct start> date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to further sub and> sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to the> fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the onset of the> very main dasa period ITSELF is in question. > > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti periods. But,> nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very important> and useful tool to the astrologer. > > With best regards.> > Vaidun Vidyadhar > 1 / 94 Marius Street > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > Australia > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > Email: <vvidya vvidya > > > > > > _____ > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1] > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM> > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period> > > Dear Vaidun,> Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not addressed> my question...> " In the face of the availability of a variety of very successful> methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT of the> Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka House,or> the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite all> this...this "hairsplitting" on the length of the Vimshottari Year...is> truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so> many days of debate on this subject...what have we really achieved ?"> Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the Vimshottari Dasa> alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?> Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's illuminating> article in K.P. & Astrology..."The Craze for Accuracy"...I & II,in the 1997> & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...> With highest regards,> Yours sincerely,> lyrastro1> GOOD LUCK !> > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:> > Dear List Members,> > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the following.> > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and> manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year as> being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the> year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days each.> Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own dasa> chart drawn up using the "Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner",> published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon dasa> has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras. > > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no> longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the> dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs> also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per year.> Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days per> year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras> with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these tables> have been taken from a leading astrology program.> > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa,> bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are> very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates shown> in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table> are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the> correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he> said, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days> are taken, as the difference is negligible".> > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a> dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per> year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of computers> the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table> are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "Hence only> Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted."> > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in the> Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu dasa> ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the Blue> Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year, seven> months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally> unacceptable. > > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25 days> per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as> shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle> each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is to> take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these> requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate such> a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers, who> are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved here? With> what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of years> allocated to each planet?> > Vaidun Vidyadhar > 1 / 94 Marius Street > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > Australia > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > Email: <vvidya vvidya > > > > > > , "Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy" > <ranga@m...> wrote:> > > > Dear All,> > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw > > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has > > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In > > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: > > "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days > > alone is to be adopted.> > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 > days > > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be > > taken."> > > > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if > you > > wish.> > > > Regards,> > Rangarajan> > > > > > > > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360 days per> year.xls> > > > <http://in.rd./specials/mailtg/*http://.shaadi.com/india-matri> mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online> <http://in.rd./specials/mailtg2/*http://.shaadi.com/india-matr> imony/> . > > >

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Dear Mr Rao,


It is very commendable that you are able to achieve such a very high prediction rate WITHOUT using the Vimshotdhari dasa system.


But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very useful tool for the astrologer and most vedic astrologers make extensive use of it. Transit influences need to be also taken into account, as you have very rightly pointed out. In fact, as per some systems, transit influence is said to be more important and will tend to supercede dasa/bhukti influence.


With best regards.


Yours sincerely,

Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1] Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:23 PM Subject: RE: Re: Vimshottari Period


Dear Vaidun,

As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's software,and fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of the event,with the help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant karaka house cusp s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth sublord's transit over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast moving planet in an Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...

Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer the Horary method ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a query along with a horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my experience most birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the time of the "first cry" of the newborn...

Thus far by following the above I have been able to achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a fairly high percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100% ACCURACY...I am happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very happy with a 90% + rate of accuracy...! !

I have tried to reply to your query to the best of my ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been able to satisfy you...

With best wishes,


GOOD LUCK !Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


Dear Mr Rao,


Thank you for your email below.


Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my Saturn dasa starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain influences to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my Saturn dasa start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones in vedic astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This is one of the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I need to know when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables shown in the Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of my Saturn dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov 2011 whereas in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is one FULL YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the correct start date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to further sub and sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the onset of the very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.


I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti periods. But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very important and useful tool to the astrologer.


With best regards.

Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1] Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM Subject: RE: Re: Vimshottari Period


Dear Vaidun,

Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not addressed my question...

" In the face of the availability of a variety of very successful methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT of the Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka House,or the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite all this...this "hairsplitting" on the length of the Vimshottari Year...is truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

many days of debate on this subject...what have we really achieved ?"

Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the Vimshottari Dasa alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's illuminating article in K.P. & Astrology..."The Craze for Accuracy"...I & II,in the 1997 & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

With highest regards,

Yours sincerely,



Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


Dear List Members,


Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the following.


Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year as being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days each. Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own dasa chart drawn up using the "Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner", published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon dasa has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.


With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per year. Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading astrology program.


Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa, bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates shown in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible".


One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of computers the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted."

Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.


If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25 days per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is to take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate such a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers, who are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved here? With what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of years allocated to each planet?


Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya , "Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy" <ranga@m...> wrote:> > Dear All,> I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK has > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: > "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days > alone is to be adopted.> For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must be > taken."> > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if you > wish.> > Regards,> Rangarajan> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360 days per year.xls

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

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Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,


>>Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25

>>days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the

>>dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option selected.

>>The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading

>>astrology program.


>>Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates

>>shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively

>>increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the

>>Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr

>>2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven days.

>>This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.


H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360

day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to celebrate

his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st year under

Vimsottari reckoning. " ( Some Misgivings On Calculating

Mahadasa ,Astrologicam Magazine, January, 1974)


Jyotish Sastri, " How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa? " (Oct

& Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine)


How Long is the Year in Vimsottai Mahadasa 1



In my personal opinion, it is not a VERY large error but up to your

PERSONAL PREFERENCE to use 365.25 days per year (applied by K.S.

Krishnamurti,B.V. Raman, K. N. Rao, Bepin Behari, V.K. Choudhry-SA,

Sanjay Rath, David Frawley and other East & West wellknown Vedic

astrologers) OR 360 days per year (preferred by Usha-Shashi, Hira

Gulrajani, Rohini Ranjan, N. Sundara Rajan,Sadasiva Giri, /??)


The widening scope is tempting me to entering again into this

discussion without forgeting Sady's remark " each side can argue their

points till the cows come home " .



Best regards,





, " Vaidun Vidyadhar " <vvidya@o...>


> Dear Mr Rao,


> It is very commendable that you are able to achieve such a very high

> prediction rate WITHOUT using the Vimshotdhari dasa system.


> But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a

very useful

> tool for the astrologer and most vedic astrologers make extensive

use of it.

> Transit influences need to be also taken into account, as you have


> rightly pointed out. In fact, as per some systems, transit

influence is

> said to be more important and will tend to supercede dasa/bhukti




> With best regards.


> Yours sincerely,


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...






> _____


> Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:23 PM


> RE: Re: Vimshottari Period



> Dear Vaidun,

> As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's


> fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of the

event,with the

> help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant karaka house


> s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth sublord's


> over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast moving

planet in an

> Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...

> Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer the Horary


> ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a query

along with a

> horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my experience


> birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the time of

the " first

> cry " of the newborn...

> Thus far by following the above I have been able


> achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a fairly high

> percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100%


> happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very happy

with a 90% +

> rate of accuracy...! !

> I have tried to reply to your query to the best

of my

> ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been able to


> you...

> With best wishes,

> lyrastro1



> Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:


> Dear Mr Rao,


> Thank you for your email below.


> Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my

Saturn dasa

> starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain


> to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my Saturn


> start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones in


> astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This is

one of

> the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I

need to know

> when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables

shown in the

> Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of my


> dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov 2011


> in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is

one FULL

> YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the correct


> date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to further

sub and

> sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to


> fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the onset

of the

> very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.


> I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti

periods. But,

> nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very


> and useful tool to the astrologer.


> With best regards.


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...






> _____


> Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM


> RE: Re: Vimshottari Period



> Dear Vaidun,

> Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not


> my question...

> " In the face of the availability of a variety of very


> methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT

of the

> Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka


> the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite


> this...this " hairsplitting " on the length of the Vimshottari


> truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

> many days of debate on this subject...what have we really

achieved ? "

> Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the

Vimshottari Dasa

> alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

> Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's


> article in K.P. & Astrology... " The Craze for Accuracy " ...I & II,in

the 1997

> & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

> With highest regards,

> Yours sincerely,

> lyrastro1




> Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:


> Dear List Members,


> Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the



> Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables


> manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one

year as

> being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months

in the

> year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30

days each.

> Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my

own dasa

> chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All, Ready

Reckoner " ,

> published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration,

Moon dasa

> has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.


> With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations

are no

> longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer


> also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days

per year.

> Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25

days per

> year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the


> with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both

these tables

> have been taken from a leading astrology program.


> Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each


> bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green

tables are

> very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The

dates shown

> in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the

Green Table

> are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away

from the

> correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant

when he

> said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods

360 days

> are taken, as the difference is negligible " .


> One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a

> dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360

days per

> year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of


> the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red


> are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

said, " Hence only

> Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be

adopted. "


> Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates

shown in the

> Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases.

Ketu dasa

> ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per

the Blue

> Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one

year, seven

> months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally

> unacceptable.


> If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time,

365.25 days

> per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table,


> shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa


> each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole

cycle is to

> take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these

> requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to

generate such

> a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer

programmers, who

> are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved

here? With

> what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of


> allocated to each planet?


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...






> , " Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy "

> <ranga@m...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to draw

> > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK


> > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> > " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days

> > alone is to be adopted.

> > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360

> days

> > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days must


> > taken. "

> >

> > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, if

> you

> > wish.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rangarajan


> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360

days per

> year.xls







> mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online




> imony/> .








> mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online




> imony/> .




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Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,


Further to my mail below, a SW comparison is as follows and in my

personal opinion generally nothing is wrong with SWs with negligable

difference of 1 or 2 days difference after 120 years (also as shown

in Msg#2036). Of course difference becomes wider for later years

between 360 & 365 days per year, from 2m-4d in dasa bal at birth to

1y-7m-11d at the the end of 120 years.


Best regards,






SWs----------Sid. Time--New KPA-----Asc------------Moon

Gyotish 2.25-----18Le22:36

KPAstro 2.0--09-28-31--22-57-49-----27Li22:15-----18Le22:37


Hora Lite 7.02


365.25/365.2425 DAYS PER YEAR

SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End






SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End





Best regards,






, " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:


> Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,


> >>Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the


> >>days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the

> >>dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option selected.

> >>The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading

> >>astrology program.


> >>Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates

> >>shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates


> >>increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in


> >>Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr

> >>2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven days.

> >>This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.


> H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360

> day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to celebrate

> his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st year


> Vimsottari reckoning. " ( Some Misgivings On Calculating

> Mahadasa ,Astrologicam Magazine, January, 1974)


> Jyotish Sastri, " How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa? " (Oct

> & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine)


> How Long is the Year in Vimsottai Mahadasa 1



> In my personal opinion, it is not a VERY large error but up to your

> PERSONAL PREFERENCE to use 365.25 days per year (applied by K.S.

> Krishnamurti,B.V. Raman, K. N. Rao, Bepin Behari, V.K. Choudhry-SA,

> Sanjay Rath, David Frawley and other East & West wellknown Vedic

> astrologers) OR 360 days per year (preferred by Usha-Shashi, Hira

> Gulrajani, Rohini Ranjan, N. Sundara Rajan,Sadasiva Giri, /??)


> The widening scope is tempting me to entering again into this

> discussion without forgeting Sady's remark " each side can argue


> points till the cows come home " .



> Best regards,


> tw



> , " Vaidun Vidyadhar " <vvidya@o...>

> wrote:

> > Dear Mr Rao,

> >

> > It is very commendable that you are able to achieve such a very


> > prediction rate WITHOUT using the Vimshotdhari dasa system.

> >

> > But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a

> very useful

> > tool for the astrologer and most vedic astrologers make extensive

> use of it.

> > Transit influences need to be also taken into account, as you


> very

> > rightly pointed out. In fact, as per some systems, transit

> influence is

> > said to be more important and will tend to supercede dasa/bhukti

> influence.

> >

> >

> > With best regards.

> >

> > Yours sincerely,

> >

> > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > Australia

> > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:23 PM

> >

> > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> >

> >

> > Dear Vaidun,

> > As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's

> software,and

> > fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of the

> event,with the

> > help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant karaka


> cusp

> > s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth sublord's

> transit

> > over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast moving

> planet in an

> > Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...

> > Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer the


> method

> > ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a query

> along with a

> > horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my


> most

> > birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the time of

> the " first

> > cry " of the newborn...

> > Thus far by following the above I have been


> to

> > achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a fairly


> > percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100%


> > happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very happy

> with a 90% +

> > rate of accuracy...! !

> > I have tried to reply to your query to the best

> of my

> > ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been able to

> satisfy

> > you...

> > With best wishes,

> > lyrastro1


> >

> > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mr Rao,

> >

> > Thank you for your email below.

> >

> > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my

> Saturn dasa

> > starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain

> influences

> > to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my


> dasa

> > start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones


> vedic

> > astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This


> one of

> > the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I

> need to know

> > when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables

> shown in the

> > Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of


> Saturn

> > dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov


> whereas

> > in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is

> one FULL

> > YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the


> start

> > date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to


> sub and

> > sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to

> the

> > fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the


> of the

> > very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.

> >

> > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti

> periods. But,

> > nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very

> important

> > and useful tool to the astrologer.

> >

> > With best regards.

> >

> > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > Australia

> > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM

> >

> > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> >

> >

> > Dear Vaidun,

> > Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have


> addressed

> > my question...

> > " In the face of the availability of a variety of very

> successful

> > methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT

> of the

> > Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the


> House,or

> > the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house


> all

> > this...this " hairsplitting " on the length of the Vimshottari

> Year...is

> > truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

> > many days of debate on this subject...what have we really

> achieved ? "

> > Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the

> Vimshottari Dasa

> > alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

> > Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's

> illuminating

> > article in K.P. & Astrology... " The Craze for Accuracy " ...I &


> the 1997

> > & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

> > With highest regards,

> > Yours sincerely,

> > lyrastro1


> >

> >

> > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear List Members,

> >

> > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the

> following.

> >

> > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to


> and

> > manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking


> year as

> > being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months

> in the

> > year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30

> days each.

> > Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find


> own dasa

> > chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All, Ready

> Reckoner " ,

> > published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration,

> Moon dasa

> > has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.

> >

> > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations

> are no

> > longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> > dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer

> programs

> > also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360


> per year.

> > Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the


> days per

> > year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the

> dasa/bhukti/anthras

> > with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both

> these tables

> > have been taken from a leading astrology program.

> >

> > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of


> dasa,

> > bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green

> tables are

> > very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The

> dates shown

> > in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the

> Green Table

> > are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away

> from the

> > correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK


> when he

> > said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub


> 360 days

> > are taken, as the difference is negligible " .

> >

> > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a

> > dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360

> days per

> > year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent


> computers

> > the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the


> Table

> > are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

> said, " Hence only

> > Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be

> adopted. "

> >

> > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates

> shown in the

> > Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases.

> Ketu dasa

> > ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as


> the Blue

> > Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one

> year, seven

> > months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally

> > unacceptable.

> >

> > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time,

> 365.25 days

> > per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue


> as

> > shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari


> cycle

> > each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole

> cycle is to

> > take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet


> > requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to

> generate such

> > a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer

> programmers, who

> > are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved

> here? With

> > what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of

> years

> > allocated to each planet?

> >

> > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > Australia

> > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy "

> > <ranga@m...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to


> > > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK

> has

> > > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> > > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> > > " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days

> > > alone is to be adopted.

> > > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360

> > days

> > > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days


> be

> > > taken. "

> > >

> > > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment,


> > you

> > > wish.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Rangarajan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360

> days per

> > year.xls

> >

> >

> >

> >



> -matri

> > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> >



> a-matr

> > imony/> .

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> -matri

> > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> >



> a-matr

> > imony/> .

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Dear Rangarajan and Vaidun,


Comparison of dasa by Gurugi KSK and SW as follows. Assuming other

discrepencies " out of considerations " and dasa period, by taking

Guruji KSK's birth data--01-11-1908, 13-11 PM IST, Thiruvaiyaru,

10N53, 79E06, " in order to get just to get Moon positon as given by

KSK " , KPAstro 2.0 (using old KPA 22-29 not New KPA 22-29-39)

gives " Moon 12Cp27 " as shown in KSK's chart in p 217 of KP Reader

III, part 2(under TIME OF SACTION OF PENSION), " Moon dasa balance at

birth 8y-2m " as shown in p 107 under his chart (under SCHOLARSHIP

FOR STUDY), and Saturn Dasa-Venus Bhukti-Rahu Anthra 13-02-1965 to 03-

06-1966, only 1-day difference to " commencing on 12th December, 1965 "

as mentioned by KSK in p 218 and converting " 171 days " of Anthra

period mentioned there by 30 days a month, i.e.,5m-21d, DBA ends on

03-06-1965 as given above by computer calculation.


It seems that KSK's calculation of dasa is almost the same to the

calculation by SW using 365.25 days year. (It will be entirely

different if 360 days year is used.)



Best regards,






, " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:


> Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,


> Further to my mail below, a SW comparison is as follows and in my

> personal opinion generally nothing is wrong with SWs with


> difference of 1 or 2 days difference after 120 years (also as shown

> in Msg#2036). Of course difference becomes wider for later years

> between 360 & 365 days per year, from 2m-4d in dasa bal at birth to

> 1y-7m-11d at the the end of 120 years.


> Best regards,


> tw




> SWs----------Sid. Time--New KPA-----Asc------------Moon

> Gyotish 2.25-----18Le22:36

> KPAstro 2.0--09-28-31--22-57-49-----27Li22:15-----18Le22:37

> Jagannatha---09-28-31--22-57-48.83--27Li22-15.94--18Le22:37

> Hora Lite 7.02


> 365.25/365.2425 DAYS PER YEAR

> SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End

> GG---12y-5m-6d----26-11-2054

> KPA--12y-5m-6d----27--11-2054

> GHL--12y-5m-6d----25-11-2054



> SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End

> GG----------------15-04-2053

> KPA--12y-3m-1d----17-04-2053

> GHL--12y-3m-1d----14-04-2053


> Best regards,


> tw




> , " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,

> >

> > >>Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the

> 365.25

> > >>days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the

> > >>dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option


> > >>The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading

> > >>astrology program.

> >

> > >>Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates

> > >>shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates

> progressively

> > >>increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in

> the

> > >>Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15


> > >>2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven


> > >>This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.

> >

> > H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360

> > day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to celebrate

> > his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st year

> under

> > Vimsottari reckoning. " ( Some Misgivings On Calculating

> > Mahadasa ,Astrologicam Magazine, January, 1974)

> >

> > Jyotish Sastri, " How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa? " (Oct

> > & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine)

> >

> > How Long is the Year in Vimsottai Mahadasa 1

> >

> >

> > In my personal opinion, it is not a VERY large error but up to


> > PERSONAL PREFERENCE to use 365.25 days per year (applied by K.S.

> > Krishnamurti,B.V. Raman, K. N. Rao, Bepin Behari, V.K. Choudhry-


> > Sanjay Rath, David Frawley and other East & West wellknown Vedic

> > astrologers) OR 360 days per year (preferred by Usha-Shashi, Hira

> > Gulrajani, Rohini Ranjan, N. Sundara Rajan,Sadasiva Giri, /??)

> >

> > The widening scope is tempting me to entering again into this

> > discussion without forgeting Sady's remark " each side can argue

> their

> > points till the cows come home " .

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > tw

> >

> >

> > , " Vaidun Vidyadhar "


> > wrote:

> > > Dear Mr Rao,

> > >

> > > It is very commendable that you are able to achieve such a very

> high

> > > prediction rate WITHOUT using the Vimshotdhari dasa system.

> > >

> > > But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a

> > very useful

> > > tool for the astrologer and most vedic astrologers make


> > use of it.

> > > Transit influences need to be also taken into account, as you

> have

> > very

> > > rightly pointed out. In fact, as per some systems, transit

> > influence is

> > > said to be more important and will tend to supercede


> > influence.

> > >

> > >

> > > With best regards.

> > >

> > > Yours sincerely,

> > >

> > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > Australia

> > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:23 PM

> > >

> > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Vaidun,

> > > As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's

> > software,and

> > > fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of the

> > event,with the

> > > help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant karaka

> house

> > cusp

> > > s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth


> > transit

> > > over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast moving

> > planet in an

> > > Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...

> > > Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer the

> Horary

> > method

> > > ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a query

> > along with a

> > > horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my

> experience

> > most

> > > birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the time


> > the " first

> > > cry " of the newborn...

> > > Thus far by following the above I have been

> able

> > to

> > > achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a fairly

> high

> > > percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100%

> > ACCURACY...I am

> > > happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very happy

> > with a 90% +

> > > rate of accuracy...! !

> > > I have tried to reply to your query to the


> > of my

> > > ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been able


> > satisfy

> > > you...

> > > With best wishes,

> > > lyrastro1

> > > GOOD LUCK !

> > >

> > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mr Rao,

> > >

> > > Thank you for your email below.

> > >

> > > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my

> > Saturn dasa

> > > starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain

> > influences

> > > to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my

> Saturn

> > dasa

> > > start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner


> in

> > vedic

> > > astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This

> is

> > one of

> > > the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I

> > need to know

> > > when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables

> > shown in the

> > > Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement


> my

> > Saturn

> > > dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov

> 2011

> > whereas

> > > in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference


> > one FULL

> > > YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the

> correct

> > start

> > > date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to

> further

> > sub and

> > > sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down


> > the

> > > fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the

> onset

> > of the

> > > very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.

> > >

> > > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti

> > periods. But,

> > > nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very

> > important

> > > and useful tool to the astrologer.

> > >

> > > With best regards.

> > >

> > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > Australia

> > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM

> > >

> > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Vaidun,

> > > Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have

> not

> > addressed

> > > my question...

> > > " In the face of the availability of a variety of very

> > successful

> > > methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the


> > of the

> > > Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the

> Karaka

> > House,or

> > > the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house

> cusp...etc...despite

> > all

> > > this...this " hairsplitting " on the length of the Vimshottari

> > Year...is

> > > truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

> > > many days of debate on this subject...what have we really

> > achieved ? "

> > > Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the

> > Vimshottari Dasa

> > > alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

> > > Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's

> > illuminating

> > > article in K.P. & Astrology... " The Craze for Accuracy " ...I &

> II,in

> > the 1997

> > > & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

> > > With highest regards,

> > > Yours sincerely,

> > > lyrastro1

> > > GOOD LUCK !

> > >

> > >

> > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear List Members,

> > >

> > > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit


> > following.

> > >

> > > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to

> Tables

> > and

> > > manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking

> one

> > year as

> > > being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12


> > in the

> > > year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated


> > days each.

> > > Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please


> my

> > own dasa

> > > chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All, Ready

> > Reckoner " ,

> > > published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of


> > Moon dasa

> > > has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.

> > >

> > > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual


> > are no

> > > longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most


> > programs

> > > also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360

> days

> > per year.

> > > Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the

> 365.25

> > days per

> > > year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the

> > dasa/bhukti/anthras

> > > with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both

> > these tables

> > > have been taken from a leading astrology program.

> > >

> > > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of

> each

> > dasa,

> > > bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green

> > tables are

> > > very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The

> > dates shown

> > > in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the

> > Green Table

> > > are acceptably close since they are never more than two days


> > from the

> > > correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK

> meant

> > when he

> > > said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub

> periods

> > 360 days

> > > are taken, as the difference is negligible " .

> > >

> > > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a

> > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360

> > days per

> > > year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent

> of

> > computers

> > > the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the

> Red

> > Table

> > > are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

> > said, " Hence only

> > > Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be

> > adopted. "

> > >

> > > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates

> > shown in the

> > > Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively


> > Ketu dasa

> > > ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as

> per

> > the Blue

> > > Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one

> > year, seven

> > > months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally

> > > unacceptable.

> > >

> > > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real


> > 365.25 days

> > > per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue

> Table,

> > as

> > > shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari

> Dasa

> > cycle

> > > each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the


> > cycle is to

> > > take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet

> these

> > > requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to

> > generate such

> > > a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer

> > programmers, who

> > > are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved

> > here? With

> > > what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number


> > years

> > > allocated to each planet?

> > >

> > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > Australia

> > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy "

> > > <ranga@m...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to

> draw

> > > > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri.


> > has

> > > > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> > > > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> > > > " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25


> > > > alone is to be adopted.

> > > > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods


> > > days

> > > > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days

> must

> > be

> > > > taken. "

> > > >

> > > > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment,

> if

> > > you

> > > > wish.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > Rangarajan

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360

> > days per

> > > year.xls

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >



> > -matri

> > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> > >

> >



> > a-matr

> > > imony/> .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >



> > -matri

> > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> > >

> >



> > a-matr

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> > >

> > >

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Dear Members,


Iam Hearing Too Much Of " Jalra " Sound In This Group...

It Seems To Be A Group Of Members With In This Group

Exagerating And Promoting Each Other. Astrology Is

Not Belongs To Any Particular System Or Man.

It Has Evaluated From The Long Back Of Human Being's



Avoid " Jalra "





, " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:


> Dear Rangarajan and Vaidun,


> Comparison of dasa by Gurugi KSK and SW as follows. Assuming other

> discrepencies " out of considerations " and dasa period, by taking

> Guruji KSK's birth data--01-11-1908, 13-11 PM IST, Thiruvaiyaru,

> 10N53, 79E06, " in order to get just to get Moon positon as given by

> KSK " , KPAstro 2.0 (using old KPA 22-29 not New KPA 22-29-39)

> gives " Moon 12Cp27 " as shown in KSK's chart in p 217 of KP


> III, part 2(under TIME OF SACTION OF PENSION), " Moon dasa balance


> birth 8y-2m " as shown in p 107 under his chart (under SCHOLARSHIP

> FOR STUDY), and Saturn Dasa-Venus Bhukti-Rahu Anthra 13-02-1965 to


> 06-1966, only 1-day difference to " commencing on 12th December,

1965 "

> as mentioned by KSK in p 218 and converting " 171 days " of Anthra

> period mentioned there by 30 days a month, i.e.,5m-21d, DBA ends on

> 03-06-1965 as given above by computer calculation.


> It seems that KSK's calculation of dasa is almost the same to the

> calculation by SW using 365.25 days year. (It will be entirely

> different if 360 days year is used.)



> Best regards,


> tw




> , " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,

> >

> > Further to my mail below, a SW comparison is as follows and in my

> > personal opinion generally nothing is wrong with SWs with

> negligable

> > difference of 1 or 2 days difference after 120 years (also as


> > in Msg#2036). Of course difference becomes wider for later years

> > between 360 & 365 days per year, from 2m-4d in dasa bal at birth


> > 1y-7m-11d at the the end of 120 years.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > tw

> >

> >

> >

> > SWs----------Sid. Time--New KPA-----Asc------------Moon

> > Gyotish 2.25-----18Le22:36

> > KPAstro 2.0--09-28-31--22-57-49-----27Li22:15-----18Le22:37

> > Jagannatha---09-28-31--22-57-48.83--27Li22-15.94--18Le22:37

> > Hora Lite 7.02

> >

> > 365.25/365.2425 DAYS PER YEAR

> > SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End

> > GG---12y-5m-6d----26-11-2054

> > KPA--12y-5m-6d----27--11-2054

> > GHL--12y-5m-6d----25-11-2054

> >


> > SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End

> > GG----------------15-04-2053

> > KPA--12y-3m-1d----17-04-2053

> > GHL--12y-3m-1d----14-04-2053

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > tw

> >

> >

> >

> > , " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,

> > >

> > > >>Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the

> > 365.25

> > > >>days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is


> > > >>dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option

> selected.

> > > >>The dates for both these tables have been taken from a


> > > >>astrology program.

> > >

> > > >>Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the


> > > >>shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates

> > progressively

> > > >>increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown


> > the

> > > >>Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15

> Apr

> > > >>2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven

> days.

> > > >>This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.

> > >

> > > H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360

> > > day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to


> > > his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st year

> > under

> > > Vimsottari reckoning. " ( Some Misgivings On Calculating

> > > Mahadasa ,Astrologicam Magazine, January, 1974)

> > >

> > > Jyotish Sastri, " How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa? "


> > > & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine)

> > >

> > > How Long is the Year in Vimsottai Mahadasa 1

> > >

> > >

> > > In my personal opinion, it is not a VERY large error but up to

> your

> > > PERSONAL PREFERENCE to use 365.25 days per year (applied by


> > > Krishnamurti,B.V. Raman, K. N. Rao, Bepin Behari, V.K. Choudhry-

> SA,

> > > Sanjay Rath, David Frawley and other East & West wellknown


> > > astrologers) OR 360 days per year (preferred by Usha-Shashi,


> > > Gulrajani, Rohini Ranjan, N. Sundara Rajan,Sadasiva Giri, /??)

> > >

> > > The widening scope is tempting me to entering again into this

> > > discussion without forgeting Sady's remark " each side can argue

> > their

> > > points till the cows come home " .

> > >

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > tw

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Vaidun Vidyadhar "

> <vvidya@o...>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Dear Mr Rao,

> > > >

> > > > It is very commendable that you are able to achieve such a


> > high

> > > > prediction rate WITHOUT using the Vimshotdhari dasa system.

> > > >

> > > > But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains


> > > very useful

> > > > tool for the astrologer and most vedic astrologers make

> extensive

> > > use of it.

> > > > Transit influences need to be also taken into account, as you

> > have

> > > very

> > > > rightly pointed out. In fact, as per some systems, transit

> > > influence is

> > > > said to be more important and will tend to supercede

> dasa/bhukti

> > > influence.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > With best regards.

> > > >

> > > > Yours sincerely,

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > Australia

> > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > _____

> > > >

> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:23 PM

> > > >

> > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Vaidun,

> > > > As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's

> > > software,and

> > > > fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of the

> > > event,with the

> > > > help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant karaka

> > house

> > > cusp

> > > > s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth

> sublord's

> > > transit

> > > > over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast


> > > planet in an

> > > > Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...

> > > > Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer the

> > Horary

> > > method

> > > > ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a


> > > along with a

> > > > horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my

> > experience

> > > most

> > > > birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the time

> of

> > > the " first

> > > > cry " of the newborn...

> > > > Thus far by following the above I have been

> > able

> > > to

> > > > achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a


> > high

> > > > percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100%

> > > ACCURACY...I am

> > > > happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very


> > > with a 90% +

> > > > rate of accuracy...! !

> > > > I have tried to reply to your query to the

> best

> > > of my

> > > > ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been able

> to

> > > satisfy

> > > > you...

> > > > With best wishes,

> > > > lyrastro1

> > > > GOOD LUCK !

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mr Rao,

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for your email below.

> > > >

> > > > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my

> > > Saturn dasa

> > > > starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect


> > > influences

> > > > to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my

> > Saturn

> > > dasa

> > > > start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner

> stones

> > in

> > > vedic

> > > > astrology around which astrological predictions are made.


> > is

> > > one of

> > > > the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So


> > > need to know

> > > > when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa


> > > shown in the

> > > > Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement

> of

> > my

> > > Saturn

> > > > dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26


> > 2011

> > > whereas

> > > > in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference

> is

> > > one FULL

> > > > YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the

> > correct

> > > start

> > > > date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to

> > further

> > > sub and

> > > > sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go


> to

> > > the

> > > > fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the

> > onset

> > > of the

> > > > very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.

> > > >

> > > > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti

> > > periods. But,

> > > > nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a


> > > important

> > > > and useful tool to the astrologer.

> > > >

> > > > With best regards.

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > Australia

> > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > _____

> > > >

> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM

> > > >

> > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Vaidun,

> > > > Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you


> > not

> > > addressed

> > > > my question...

> > > > " In the face of the availability of a variety of


> > > successful

> > > > methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the


> > > of the

> > > > Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the

> > Karaka

> > > House,or

> > > > the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house

> > cusp...etc...despite

> > > all

> > > > this...this " hairsplitting " on the length of the Vimshottari

> > > Year...is

> > > > truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

> > > > many days of debate on this subject...what have we really

> > > achieved ? "

> > > > Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the

> > > Vimshottari Dasa

> > > > alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

> > > > Once again, I urge ALL, to READ


> > > illuminating

> > > > article in K.P. & Astrology... " The Craze for Accuracy " ...I &

> > II,in

> > > the 1997

> > > > & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

> > > > With highest regards,

> > > > Yours sincerely,

> > > > lyrastro1

> > > > GOOD LUCK !

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear List Members,

> > > >

> > > > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit

> the

> > > following.

> > > >

> > > > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to

> > Tables

> > > and

> > > > manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this,


> > one

> > > year as

> > > > being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12

> months

> > > in the

> > > > year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are


> 30

> > > days each.

> > > > Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please

> find

> > my

> > > own dasa

> > > > chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All, Ready

> > > Reckoner " ,

> > > > published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of

> illustration,

> > > Moon dasa

> > > > has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and


> > > >

> > > > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual

> calculations

> > > are no

> > > > longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> > > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most

> computer

> > > programs

> > > > also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360

> > days

> > > per year.

> > > > Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the

> > 365.25

> > > days per

> > > > year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the

> > > dasa/bhukti/anthras

> > > > with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for


> > > these tables

> > > > have been taken from a leading astrology program.

> > > >

> > > > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end


> > each

> > > dasa,

> > > > bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and


> > > tables are

> > > > very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart.


> > > dates shown

> > > > in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in


> > > Green Table

> > > > are acceptably close since they are never more than two days

> away

> > > from the

> > > > correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK

> > meant

> > > when he

> > > > said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub

> > periods

> > > 360 days

> > > > are taken, as the difference is negligible " .

> > > >

> > > > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up


> > > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a


> > > days per

> > > > year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the


> > of

> > > computers

> > > > the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in


> > Red

> > > Table

> > > > are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

> > > said, " Hence only

> > > > Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be

> > > adopted. "

> > > >

> > > > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the


> > > shown in the

> > > > Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively

> increases.

> > > Ketu dasa

> > > > ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but


> > per

> > > the Blue

> > > > Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is


> > > year, seven

> > > > months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and


> > > > unacceptable.

> > > >

> > > > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real

> Time,

> > > 365.25 days

> > > > per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue

> > Table,

> > > as

> > > > shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the


> > Dasa

> > > cycle

> > > > each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the

> whole

> > > cycle is to

> > > > take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not


> > these

> > > > requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to

> > > generate such

> > > > a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer

> > > programmers, who

> > > > are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved

> > > here? With

> > > > what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number

> of

> > > years

> > > > allocated to each planet?

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > Australia

> > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " Rangarajan

Krishnamoorthy "

> > > > <ranga@m...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear All,

> > > > > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to

> > draw

> > > > > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri.


> > > has

> > > > > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> > > > > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> > > > > " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25

> days

> > > > > alone is to be adopted.

> > > > > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods

> 360

> > > > days

> > > > > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days

> > must

> > > be

> > > > > taken. "

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please


> > if

> > > > you

> > > > > wish.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > Rangarajan

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs


> > > days per

> > > > year.xls

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > -matri

> > > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > a-matr

> > > > imony/> .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > -matri

> > > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > a-matr

> > > > imony/> .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear tw,


Thank you for your email below. I think I understand what you are trying to say. In your last paragraph you have said:


"It seems that KSK's calculation of dasa is almost the same to the calculation by SW using 365.25 days year. (It will be entirely different if 360 days year is used.)"


May I elaborate on this please. In the Excel file that I had earlier sent (and once again attached to this message for reference) the dates shown in the Green Table are all dates IN A 360 DAYS PER YEAR CALENDAR. The dates shown in the Red Table are all dates in a 365.25 days per year calendar. Compare the dates shown in the Green Table with the Red Table. The difference in dates will NEVER be more than 2 days. Also compare the commencement dates for each dasa in the Red and Green Tables. In the Red Table, all dasas commence on 26th November while in the Green Table all dasas commence on 27th November. Also please note, the length of each dasa, in number of years, is EXACTLY what it should be, TO THE VERY DAY, as stipulated in the Vimshotdhari dasa system.


Then how is it that in the Blue Table the commencement dates of each dasa is different and how is it that the length of each dasa falls short of the stipulated number of years of the Vimshotdhari dasa system? The explanation for this is as follows. This is what most computer programmers, who are also astrologers, have not understood. The length of a day in the Red Table is one solar day, made up of 24 hours. But the length of a DAY in the Green Table is not the same, it is slightly MORE than 24 hours. The length of the year in the 365.25 days per year calendar and the length of the year in the 360 days per year calendar is the SAME. If one divides the SAME length by 365.25 in one case, and 360 in another case, it will be appreciated that the resultant unit that one gets will not be the same. The unit in the former is 24 hours while the unit in the latter will be a little MORE than 24 hours. The confusion arises because both units are referred to as a "day". But in reality, one unit is slightly shorter than the other, though both units are given the same name of "day".


Let me explain it in another way. As an astrologer I suppose you must be having an "Astrological Tables". Please go to the section which shows the length of each dasa, bhukti and anthras. Let's take for example Moon dasa, Moon bhukti, Moon anthras. The duration of this as shown in the table as "25 days". Now these "25 days" are NOT the 24 hour solar days that we live with. These are "25 days" in the 360 days per year calendar. The error arises when these "25 days" are laid out against the 365.2425 days per year Gregorian calendar. That is the origin of the Blue Table. That is how the error has come about.


The Blue Table is wrong and is not to be used. The Red Table is correct. If one does not have a computer driven astrological program and one has to use Astrological Tables then one will get the Green Table by doing manual calculations. In the absence of a Red Table, the Green Table is acceptably close. That is what Prof KSK meant when he said, ""For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible".


In the days of Prof KSK there were no computerised astrology programs. If there had been then he would have taken the Red Table. That is what he meant when he said, ""Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 365.25 days alone is to be adopted."


Thanks for your patience. With best regards.

Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




tw853 [tw853] Monday, 7 March 2005 1:18 PM Subject: Re: Vimshottari Period

Dear Rangarajan and Vaidun, Comparison of dasa by Gurugi KSK and SW as follows. Assuming other discrepencies "out of considerations" and dasa period, by taking Guruji KSK's birth data--01-11-1908, 13-11 PM IST, Thiruvaiyaru, 10N53, 79E06, "in order to get just to get Moon positon as given by KSK", KPAstro 2.0 (using old KPA 22-29 not New KPA 22-29-39)gives "Moon 12Cp27 " as shown in KSK's chart in p 217 of KP Reader III, part 2(under TIME OF SACTION OF PENSION), "Moon dasa balance at birth 8y-2m" as shown in p 107 under his chart (under SCHOLARSHIP FOR STUDY), and Saturn Dasa-Venus Bhukti-Rahu Anthra 13-02-1965 to 03-06-1966, only 1-day difference to "commencing on 12th December, 1965" as mentioned by KSK in p 218 and converting "171 days" of Anthra period mentioned there by 30 days a month, i.e.,5m-21d, DBA ends on 03-06-1965 as given above by computer calculation.It seems that KSK's calculation of dasa is almost the same to the calculation by SW using 365.25 days year. (It will be entirely different if 360 days year is used.)Best regards,tw , "tw853" <tw853> wrote:> > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,> > Further to my mail below, a SW comparison is as follows and in my > personal opinion generally nothing is wrong with SWs with negligable > difference of 1 or 2 days difference after 120 years (also as shown > in Msg#2036). Of course difference becomes wider for later years > between 360 & 365 days per year, from 2m-4d in dasa bal at birth to > 1y-7m-11d at the the end of 120 years. > > Best regards,> > tw> > > > SWs----------Sid. Time--New KPA-----Asc------------Moon > Gyotish 2.25-----18Le22:36> KPAstro 2.0--09-28-31--22-57-49-----27Li22:15-----18Le22:37 > Jagannatha---09-28-31--22-57-48.83--27Li22-15.94--18Le22:37 > Hora Lite 7.02> > 365.25/365.2425 DAYS PER YEAR> SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End> GG---12y-5m-6d----26-11-2054> KPA--12y-5m-6d----27--11-2054> GHL--12y-5m-6d----25-11-2054> > 360 DAYS PER YEAR> SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End> GG----------------15-04-2053> KPA--12y-3m-1d----17-04-2053> GHL--12y-3m-1d----14-04-2053> > Best regards,> > tw> > > > , "tw853" <tw853> wrote:> > > > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,> > > > >>Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the > 365.25 > > >>days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the > > >>dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option selected. > > >>The dates for both these tables have been taken from a leading > > >>astrology program.> > > > >>Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates > > >>shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates > progressively > > >>increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in > the > > >>Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr > > >>2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven days. > > >>This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable. > > > > H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360> > day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to celebrate> > his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st year > under> > Vimsottari reckoning." ( Some Misgivings On Calculating> > Mahadasa ,Astrologicam Magazine, January, 1974)> > > > Jyotish Sastri, "How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa?" (Oct> > & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine)> > > > How Long is the Year in Vimsottai Mahadasa 1> > > > > > In my personal opinion, it is not a VERY large error but up to your > > PERSONAL PREFERENCE to use 365.25 days per year (applied by K.S. > > Krishnamurti,B.V. Raman, K. N. Rao, Bepin Behari, V.K. Choudhry-SA, > > Sanjay Rath, David Frawley and other East & West wellknown Vedic > > astrologers) OR 360 days per year (preferred by Usha-Shashi, Hira > > Gulrajani, Rohini Ranjan, N. Sundara Rajan,Sadasiva Giri, /??)> > > > The widening scope is tempting me to entering again into this > > discussion without forgeting Sady's remark "each side can argue > their > > points till the cows come home". > > > > > > Best regards,> > > > tw > > > > > > , "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@o...> > > wrote:> > > Dear Mr Rao,> > > > > > It is very commendable that you are able to achieve such a very > high> > > prediction rate WITHOUT using the Vimshotdhari dasa system. > > > > > > But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a > > very useful> > > tool for the astrologer and most vedic astrologers make extensive > > use of it.> > > Transit influences need to be also taken into account, as you > have > > very> > > rightly pointed out. In fact, as per some systems, transit > > influence is> > > said to be more important and will tend to supercede dasa/bhukti > > influence.> > > > > > > > > With best regards.> > > > > > Yours sincerely,> > > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > > > Australia > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1] > > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:23 PM> > > > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period> > > > > > > > > Dear Vaidun,> > > As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's > > software,and> > > fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of the > > event,with the> > > help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant karaka > house > > cusp> > > s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth sublord's > > transit> > > over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast moving > > planet in an> > > Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...> > > Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer the > Horary > > method> > > ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a query > > along with a> > > horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my > experience > > most> > > birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the time of > > the "first> > > cry" of the newborn...> > > Thus far by following the above I have been > able > > to> > > achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a fairly > high> > > percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100% > > ACCURACY...I am> > > happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very happy > > with a 90% +> > > rate of accuracy...! !> > > I have tried to reply to your query to the best > > of my> > > ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been able to > > satisfy> > > you...> > > With best wishes,> > > lyrastro1> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:> > > > > > Dear Mr Rao,> > > > > > Thank you for your email below. > > > > > > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my > > Saturn dasa> > > starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain > > influences> > > to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my > Saturn > > dasa> > > start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones > in > > vedic> > > astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This > is > > one of> > > the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I > > need to know> > > when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables > > shown in the> > > Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of > my > > Saturn> > > dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov > 2011 > > whereas> > > in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is > > one FULL> > > YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the > correct > > start> > > date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to > further > > sub and> > > sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to > > the> > > fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the > onset > > of the> > > very main dasa period ITSELF is in question. > > > > > > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti > > periods. But,> > > nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very > > important> > > and useful tool to the astrologer. > > > > > > With best regards.> > > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > > > Australia > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1] > > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM> > > > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period> > > > > > > > > Dear Vaidun,> > > Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have > not > > addressed> > > my question...> > > " In the face of the availability of a variety of very > > successful> > > methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT > > of the> > > Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the > Karaka > > House,or> > > the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house > cusp...etc...despite > > all> > > this...this "hairsplitting" on the length of the Vimshottari > > Year...is> > > truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so> > > many days of debate on this subject...what have we really > > achieved ?"> > > Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the > > Vimshottari Dasa> > > alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?> > > Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's > > illuminating> > > article in K.P. & Astrology..."The Craze for Accuracy"...I & > II,in > > the 1997> > > & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...> > > With highest regards,> > > Yours sincerely,> > > lyrastro1> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:> > > > > > Dear List Members,> > > > > > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the > > following.> > > > > > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to > Tables > > and> > > manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking > one > > year as> > > being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months > > in the> > > year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 > > days each.> > > Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find > my > > own dasa> > > chart drawn up using the "Astrological Tables for All, Ready > > Reckoner",> > > published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, > > Moon dasa> > > has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras. > > > > > > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations > > are no> > > longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the> > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer > > programs> > > also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 > days > > per year.> > > Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the > 365.25 > > days per> > > year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the > > dasa/bhukti/anthras> > > with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both > > these tables> > > have been taken from a leading astrology program.> > > > > > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of > each > > dasa,> > > bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green > > tables are> > > very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The > > dates shown> > > in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the > > Green Table> > > are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away > > from the> > > correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK > meant > > when he> > > said, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub > periods > > 360 days> > > are taken, as the difference is negligible".> > > > > > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a> > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 > > days per> > > year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent > of > > computers> > > the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the > Red > > Table> > > are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he > > said, "Hence only> > > Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be > > adopted."> > > > > > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates > > shown in the> > > Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. > > Ketu dasa> > > ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as > per > > the Blue> > > Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one > > year, seven> > > months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally> > > unacceptable. > > > > > > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, > > 365.25 days> > > per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue > Table, > > as> > > shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari > Dasa > > cycle> > > each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole > > cycle is to> > > take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet > these> > > requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to > > generate such> > > a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer > > programmers, who> > > are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved > > here? With> > > what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number of > > years> > > allocated to each planet?> > > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > > > Australia > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > , "Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy" > > > <ranga@m...> wrote:> > > > > > > > Dear All,> > > > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to > draw > > > > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri. KSK > > has > > > > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In > > > > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97: > > > > "... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days > > > > alone is to be adopted.> > > > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 > > > days > > > > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days > must > > be > > > > taken."> > > > > > > > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please comment, > if > > > you > > > > wish.> > > > > > > > Regards,> > > > Rangarajan> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs 360 > > days per> > > year.xls> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > <http://in.rd./specials/mailtg/*http://.shaadi.com/india> > -matri> > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online> > > > > > <http://in.rd./specials/mailtg2/*http://.shaadi.com/indi> > a-matr> > > imony/> . > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > <http://in.rd./specials/mailtg/*http://.shaadi.com/india> > -matri> > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online> > > > > > <http://in.rd./specials/mailtg2/*http://.shaadi.com/indi> > a-matr> > > imony/> . > > > > > > > > >

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Dear Vidyadhar


I append below the calculations of Dasa ending by using the 360 and 365.25 day



your comments on this.





Dear Vaidun Vaaidyadhar


Assuming the Moon,s postion as correct, the Balance of Dasa Of Ven is


8-17-24 deg,min,sec: This is 497.24 minutes of arc.


Traditional or easy method of 360 days.


This is converted into time : 497.24/800 * 20 (20yrs Dasa of Venus)


This gives 12.435 Yrs. .435 yrs= .435*12 = 5. 34 months. .34 months*30


=10,02 days. Say 10 days. So balance is 12yrs, 5months, 10days.


Adding to Birth date we get 20+10=30days: 6+5=11 months: 1942+12=1954 year


so the Venus dasa ends on 30 Nov 1954


Sun dasa ends 6 ys later 30 Nov 1960


Moon dasa ends 10 yrs 30 Nov 1970 and so on




If we take 365.25 days, then we should take dasa of venus as 365.25*20= 7310.50



So Balace of dasa will be 497.24/800 * 7310.5 = 4545.30 days


4545.3/365.25 = 12.44436 years


this is 12 years 162 days. So adding 162 calender days to 20 jun 1942, one


gets 10 dys of JUN. 31 of july,31 of aug, 3o of Sep, 31 of oct,+30 in Nov


So date is 30 nov 1954.



if however we take .435*365.25 we get 158.88 say 159 days. Thus we lose 3 days



--- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


> Dear Mr. Raichur,


> Thank you for your email below.


> My birth details were clearly stated in the Excel file. However, I am

> reproducing this below:


> Vaidun K Vidyadhar

> Date and time of birth: 20 June 1942, 1549 hours (Indian Standard Time, GMT

> + 5:30)

> Place of birth: Walajapet, Lat 12N56, Long 79E23

> Moon's longitude at birth: 138:22:36, 18:22:36 in Leo

> Venus dasa balance in degrees: 8:17:24

> Venus dasa balance in years: 12.435


> The dates shown in the Red and Blue tables in the Excel file are the exact

> dates derived from Goravani Gyotish 2.25 by selecting the 365 or 360 days

> per year option. If you have this program, you can try it out for yourself.

> I have two other astrology programs which also have this facility, Shri

> Jyoti Star and Jyotish Tools. The dates shown there are also quite close

> the ones shown in the Excel file.


> With best regards.


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya vvidya






> _____


> anant raichur [anant_1608]

> Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:06 PM


> RE: Re: Vimshottari Period



> Dear Mr Vaidun Vidyadhar


> I cannot understand how the start of the Main Dasa varies by ONE YEAR.


> If you send me your Birth Details, I will cast the chart and indicate when

> your

> Saturn Dasa Starts


> Good Luck


> --- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:

> > Dear Mr Rao,

> >

> > Thank you for your email below.

> >

> > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my Saturn dasa

> > starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain influences

> > to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my Saturn dasa

> > start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones in vedic

> > astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This is one of

> > the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I need to

> know

> > when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables shown in

> the

> > Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of my Saturn

> > dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov 2011

> whereas

> > in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is one FULL

> > YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the correct start

> > date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to further sub and

> > sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to the

> > fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the onset of the

> > very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.

> >

> > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti periods. But,

> > nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very important

> > and useful tool to the astrologer.

> >

> > With best regards.

> >

> > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > Australia

> > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > Email: <vvidya vvidya

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM

> >

> > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> >

> >

> > Dear Vaidun,

> > Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not

> addressed

> > my question...

> > " In the face of the availability of a variety of very successful

> > methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT of the

> > Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka

> House,or

> > the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite all

> > this...this " hairsplitting " on the length of the Vimshottari Year...is

> > truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

> > many days of debate on this subject...what have we really achieved ? "

> > Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the Vimshottari Dasa

> > alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

> > Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's

> illuminating

> > article in K.P. & Astrology... " The Craze for Accuracy " ...I & II,in the

> 1997

> > & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

> > With highest regards,

> > Yours sincerely,

> > lyrastro1


> >

> >

> > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:

> >

> > Dear List Members,

> >

> > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the

> following.

> >

> > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and

> > manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year

> as

> > being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the

> > year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days

> each.

> > Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own

> dasa

> > chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner " ,

> > published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon

> dasa

> > has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras.

> >

> > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no

> > longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> > dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs

> > also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per

> year.

> > Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days

> per

> > year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras

> > with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these

> tables

> > have been taken from a leading astrology program.

> >

> > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa,

> > bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are

> > very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates

> shown

> > in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table

> > are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the

> > correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

> > said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360

> days

> > are taken, as the difference is negligible " .

> >

> > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a

> > dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per

> > year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of

> computers

> > the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table

> > are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, " Hence only

> > Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted. "

> >

> > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in

> the

> > Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu

> dasa

> > ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the

> Blue

> > Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year,

> seven

> > months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally

> > unacceptable.

> >

> > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25

> days

> > per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as

> > shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle

> > each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is

> to

> > take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these

> > requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate

> such

> > a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers,


=== message truncated ===





A.R.Raichur bombay




tel: 022-2506 2609














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Dear Mr Raichur,


Thank you for your email below.


There is a small mathematical error in your calculation. You have said:


"0.435*12 = 5. 34 months"


It should be, 0.435*12 = 5.22 months and not 5.34 months as stated above.




The full calculations using the 360 days per year is as follows:


Venus dasa balance in degrees = 8:17:24


Venus dasa balance in years = 29844/48000*20 = 12.435 years (same as your calculations so far)


0.435*12 = 5.22 months

0.22*30 = 6.6 days

0.6*24 = 14.4 hours

0.4*60 = 24 minutes


So Venus dasa balance works out to 12 years, 5 months, 6 days, 14 hours and 24 minutes.


Adding this to date and time of birth: 20 Jun 1942, 1549 hours we get


Venus dasa ends on 27 Nov 1954 at 0613 hours.


In the Green Table I have indicated 27 Nov 1954 and left out the "0613 hours"




The full calculations using the 365.25 days per year is as follows:


Venus dasa balance in years = 12.435

0.435*365 = 158.775 days (we need to multiply by 365 since the year 1942 was not a leap year)

0.775*24 = 18.6 hours

0.6*60 = 36 minutes


So Venus dasa balance is: 12 years, 158 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes.


Adding 12 years, 158 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes to birth date and time of 20th June, 1549 hours (on the real time calendar) we get:


Venus dasa ends on: 26 Nov 1954 at 1025 hours.


In the Red Table it is shown as 26 Nov 1954 and the 1025 hours has been left out. This is what the computer has calculated.




In the Blue Table, Venus dasa is shown to end on 22 Sep 1954. This is not MY calculation. This date was provided by the computer program when I selected the 360 days per year option. I have clearly explained in my earlier email addressed to TW as to HOW this error is happening. The dates shown in the Blue Table are wrong. I have clearly explained WHY it is wrong.




Submitted for your comments on this please.


Thanks. With best regards.


Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




anant raichur [anant_1608] Monday, 7 March 2005 6:36 PM Subject: RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

Dear VidyadharI append below the calculations of Dasa ending by using the 360 and 365.25 daymethod.your comments on this.Dear Vaidun VaaidyadharAssuming the Moon,s postion as correct, the Balance of Dasa Of Ven is8-17-24 deg,min,sec: This is 497.24 minutes of arc.Traditional or easy method of 360 days.This is converted into time : 497.24/800 * 20 (20yrs Dasa of Venus)This gives 12.435 Yrs. .435 yrs= .435*12 = 5. 34 months. .34 months*30=10,02 days. Say 10 days. So balance is 12yrs, 5months, 10days.Adding to Birth date we get 20+10=30days: 6+5=11 months: 1942+12=1954 yearso the Venus dasa ends on 30 Nov 1954Sun dasa ends 6 ys later 30 Nov 1960 Moon dasa ends 10 yrs 30 Nov 1970 and so on------------------------------If we take 365.25 days, then we should take dasa of venus as 365.25*20= 7310.50datesSo Balace of dasa will be 497.24/800 * 7310.5 = 4545.30 days 4545.3/365.25 = 12.44436 years this is 12 years 162 days. So adding 162 calender days to 20 jun 1942, one gets 10 dys of JUN. 31 of july,31 of aug, 3o of Sep, 31 of oct,+30 in NovSo date is 30 nov 1954. _________________________if however we take .435*365.25 we get 158.88 say 159 days. Thus we lose 3 days------- --- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:> Dear Mr. Raichur,> > Thank you for your email below. > > My birth details were clearly stated in the Excel file. However, I am> reproducing this below:> > Vaidun K Vidyadhar > Date and time of birth: 20 June 1942, 1549 hours (Indian Standard Time, GMT> + 5:30) > Place of birth: Walajapet, Lat 12N56, Long 79E23 > Moon's longitude at birth: 138:22:36, 18:22:36 in Leo > Venus dasa balance in degrees: 8:17:24 > Venus dasa balance in years: 12.435 > > The dates shown in the Red and Blue tables in the Excel file are the exact> dates derived from Goravani Gyotish 2.25 by selecting the 365 or 360 days> per year option. If you have this program, you can try it out for yourself.> I have two other astrology programs which also have this facility, Shri> Jyoti Star and Jyotish Tools. The dates shown there are also quite close> the ones shown in the Excel file.> > With best regards.> > Vaidun Vidyadhar > 1 / 94 Marius Street > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > Australia > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > Email: <vvidya vvidya > > > > > > _____ > > anant raichur [anant_1608] > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:06 PM> > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period> > > Dear Mr Vaidun Vidyadhar> > I cannot understand how the start of the Main Dasa varies by ONE YEAR.> > If you send me your Birth Details, I will cast the chart and indicate when> your> Saturn Dasa Starts> > Good Luck> > --- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote: > > Dear Mr Rao,> > > > Thank you for your email below. > > > > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my Saturn dasa> > starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect certain influences> > to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my Saturn dasa> > start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner stones in vedic> > astrology around which astrological predictions are made. This is one of> > the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So I need to> know> > when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa tables shown in> the> > Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement of my Saturn> > dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26 Nov 2011> whereas> > in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference is one FULL> > YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the correct start> > date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to further sub and> > sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go down to the> > fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the onset of the> > very main dasa period ITSELF is in question. > > > > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti periods. But,> > nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a very important> > and useful tool to the astrologer. > > > > With best regards.> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar > > 1 / 94 Marius Street > > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > > Australia > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > > Email: <vvidya vvidya > > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1] > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM> > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period> > > > > > Dear Vaidun,> > Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you have not> addressed> > my question...> > " In the face of the availability of a variety of very successful> > methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the TRANSIT of the> > Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the Karaka> House,or> > the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house cusp...etc...despite all> > this...this "hairsplitting" on the length of the Vimshottari Year...is> > truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so> > many days of debate on this subject...what have we really achieved ?"> > Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the Vimshottari Dasa> > alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?> > Once again, I urge ALL, to READ Mr.Raichur's> illuminating> > article in K.P. & Astrology..."The Craze for Accuracy"...I & II,in the> 1997> > & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...> > With highest regards,> > Yours sincerely,> > lyrastro1> > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:> > > > Dear List Members,> > > > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit the> following.> > > > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to Tables and> > manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this, taking one year> as> > being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12 months in the> > year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are allocated 30 days> each.> > Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please find my own> dasa> > chart drawn up using the "Astrological Tables for All, Ready Reckoner",> > published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of illustration, Moon> dasa> > has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and anthras. > > > > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual calculations are no> > longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the> > dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most computer programs> > also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360 days per> year.> > Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 365.25 days> per> > year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras> > with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for both these> tables> > have been taken from a leading astrology program.> > > > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end of each dasa,> > bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and Green tables are> > very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart. The dates> shown> > in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in the Green Table> > are acceptably close since they are never more than two days away from the> > correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK meant when he> > said, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360> days> > are taken, as the difference is negligible".> > > > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up a> > dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a 360 days per> > year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the advent of> computers> > the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in the Red Table> > are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he said, "Hence only> > Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be adopted."> > > > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the dates shown in> the> > Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively increases. Ketu> dasa> > ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but as per the> Blue> > Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is one year,> seven> > months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and totally> > unacceptable. > > > > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real Time, 365.25> days> > per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue Table, as> > shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the Vimshotdhari Dasa cycle> > each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the whole cycle is> to> > take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not meet these> > requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to generate> such> > a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer programmers,> === message truncated ========--------- A.R.Raichur bombayanant_1608 raichuranantUSE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLYtel: 022-2506 2609 --------- Celebrate 's 10th Birthday! 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Dear Vaidun


Thanks for correcting my mistakes.


However, ultimately the difference in the 360/365.25 days comes to only 1 day


as calculated by you. So why should we break our heads over this small


variation ?


good luck

--- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


> Dear Mr Raichur,


> Thank you for your email below.


> There is a small mathematical error in your calculation. You have said:


> " 0.435*12 = 5. 34 months "


> It should be, 0.435*12 = 5.22 months and not 5.34 months as stated above.


> ****************************************************************************

> *************


> The full calculations using the 360 days per year is as follows:


> Venus dasa balance in degrees = 8:17:24


> Venus dasa balance in years = 29844/48000*20 = 12.435 years (same as your

> calculations so far)


> 0.435*12 = 5.22 months

> 0.22*30 = 6.6 days

> 0.6*24 = 14.4 hours

> 0.4*60 = 24 minutes


> So Venus dasa balance works out to 12 years, 5 months, 6 days, 14 hours and

> 24 minutes.


> Adding this to date and time of birth: 20 Jun 1942, 1549 hours we get


> Venus dasa ends on 27 Nov 1954 at 0613 hours.


> In the Green Table I have indicated 27 Nov 1954 and left out the " 0613

> hours "


> ****************************************************************************

> ****


> The full calculations using the 365.25 days per year is as follows:


> Venus dasa balance in years = 12.435

> 0.435*365 = 158.775 days (we need to multiply by 365 since the year 1942 was

> not a leap year)

> 0.775*24 = 18.6 hours

> 0.6*60 = 36 minutes


> So Venus dasa balance is: 12 years, 158 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes.


> Adding 12 years, 158 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes to birth date and time of

> 20th June, 1549 hours (on the real time calendar) we get:


> Venus dasa ends on: 26 Nov 1954 at 1025 hours.


> In the Red Table it is shown as 26 Nov 1954 and the 1025 hours has been left

> out. This is what the computer has calculated.


> ****************************************************************************

> *****************************


> In the Blue Table, Venus dasa is shown to end on 22 Sep 1954. This is not

> MY calculation. This date was provided by the computer program when I

> selected the 360 days per year option. I have clearly explained in my

> earlier email addressed to TW as to HOW this error is happening. The dates

> shown in the Blue Table are wrong. I have clearly explained WHY it is

> wrong.


> ****************************************************************************

> *************************************


> Submitted for your comments on this please.


> Thanks. With best regards.


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya vvidya





> _____


> anant raichur [anant_1608]

> Monday, 7 March 2005 6:36 PM


> RE: Re: Vimshottari Period



> Dear Vidyadhar


> I append below the calculations of Dasa ending by using the 360 and 365.25

> day

> method.


> your comments on this.





> Dear Vaidun Vaaidyadhar


> Assuming the Moon,s postion as correct, the Balance of Dasa Of Ven is


> 8-17-24 deg,min,sec: This is 497.24 minutes of arc.


> Traditional or easy method of 360 days.


> This is converted into time : 497.24/800 * 20 (20yrs Dasa of Venus)


> This gives 12.435 Yrs. .435 yrs= .435*12 = 5. 34 months. .34 months*30


> =10,02 days. Say 10 days. So balance is 12yrs, 5months, 10days.


> Adding to Birth date we get 20+10=30days: 6+5=11 months: 1942+12=1954 year


> so the Venus dasa ends on 30 Nov 1954


> Sun dasa ends 6 ys later 30 Nov 1960


> Moon dasa ends 10 yrs 30 Nov 1970 and so on


> ------------------------------


> If we take 365.25 days, then we should take dasa of venus as 365.25*20=

> 7310.50

> dates


> So Balace of dasa will be 497.24/800 * 7310.5 = 4545.30 days


> 4545.3/365.25 = 12.44436 years


> this is 12 years 162 days. So adding 162 calender days to 20 jun 1942, one


> gets 10 dys of JUN. 31 of july,31 of aug, 3o of Sep, 31 of oct,+30 in Nov


> So date is 30 nov 1954.


> _________________________

> if however we take .435*365.25 we get 158.88 say 159 days. Thus we lose 3

> days

> -------


> --- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:


> > Dear Mr. Raichur,

> >

> > Thank you for your email below.

> >

> > My birth details were clearly stated in the Excel file. However, I am

> > reproducing this below:

> >

> > Vaidun K Vidyadhar

> > Date and time of birth: 20 June 1942, 1549 hours (Indian Standard Time,


> > + 5:30)

> > Place of birth: Walajapet, Lat 12N56, Long 79E23

> > Moon's longitude at birth: 138:22:36, 18:22:36 in Leo

> > Venus dasa balance in degrees: 8:17:24

> > Venus dasa balance in years: 12.435

> >

> > The dates shown in the Red and Blue tables in the Excel file are the exact

> > dates derived from Goravani Gyotish 2.25 by selecting the 365 or 360 days

> > per year option. If you have this program, you can try it out for

> yourself.

> > I have two other astrology programs which also have this facility, Shri

> > Jyoti Star and Jyotish Tools. The dates shown there are also quite close

> > the ones shown in the Excel file.

> >

> > With best regards.

> >

> > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > Australia

> > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > Email: <vvidya vvidya

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > anant raichur [anant_1608]

> > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:06 PM

> >

> > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> >

> >

> > Dear Mr Vaidun Vidyadhar

> >

> > I cannot understand how the start of the Main Dasa varies by ONE YEAR.

> >

> > If you send me your Birth Details, I will cast the chart and indicate when

> > your

> > Saturn Dasa Starts


=== message truncated ===





A.R.Raichur bombay




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Dear Vaidun,


>>>The dates shown in the Red Table are all dates in a 365.25 days

>>>per year calendar.


>>>In the days of Prof KSK there were no computerised astrology

>>>programs. If there had been then he would have taken the Red

>>>Table. That is what he meant when he said, " " Hence only Soura

>>>Manam, i.e., year made up of 365.25 days alone is to be adopted. "



1. I am delighted you're of the same opipnion that Guruji KSK means

to take a 365.25 days per year, which I've been " defending " since

around Christmas discussion. (As shown in MSG#2823, KSK's manual

dasa calculation is almost the same as recent SWs results. (Is it

Exagerating And Promoting Each Other??)


2. Choice of 360 or 365 days per year is---


" PERSONAL PREFERENCE - that is the bottom line - no matter WHAT

numbers you use to cut the cards. My personal preference is to use

365.25 days – no matter " who says what " , but this preference is based

solely on my ability to successfully line up events and see things in

a chart more clearly (for myself personally) using 365.25 rather than

360 days. Is it right? Who knows and who cares – as long as it works

for me… So my point is that the bottom line is that we ALL need to

use what WORKS for us as INDIVIDUAL astrologers, while simultaneously

respecting the personal preferences of others. " (Sandy Crowther in



3. Now I hope I understand your point that " according to your method

of calculation " dasa periods can not deviate more than 2 days between

360 & 365 day per year options. I do have " Tables of Duration of

Dasa, Bhukti and Anthara in Vimshottari Dasa (120 Year Life Periods) "

in MAHABALA's ADVANCE EMPHEMERIS. But I've no comment on your method

not to drag on our discussion and you may have your personal view.


4. But let me explain about differences in SWs results although you

know very well. As per Goravani Gyotish, KPAstro 2.0, Jagannatha

Hora Lite 7.02 or Sri Raichur's SW or others, in the case of your



a/ the difference in Venus dasa balnce at birth, i.e., your age of

12y-5m-6d is around 2m-4d between " 360 day per year option and 365

day option " ;


b/ and progressively increasing to around 1y-7m-11d at the end of

Ketu dasa, i.e., your age of 112y-5m-6d.


5. In SWs the difference for one year between " 360 day per year

option and 365 day option " is roughly around 5.2425 days;


a/ for 12y-5m-6d the difference is 65 days or 2m-5d (mostly the same

as in 4. a)


b/ for 112y-5m-6d the difference is 589.43 days or 1y-7m-14d (only 3

days difference as in 4.b)


6. Such kind of 365 day per year SW calculation dasa periods are

generally consistent with examples charts in KP Readers, How to Judge

a Horoscope by B. V. Raman and so on (of course with adjustment of

Ayanamsas that have been used especially Raman Ayanamsa).


7. SW programmer Sri Raichur is co-author of the KP Universal Table

of Houes and programmer Narasimha P.V.R. Rao of JHL is an active

deputy of Sanjay Rath and they know what they are programming as

programmer as well as astrologer. KPAstro 2.0 is generally

competitive to top SWs like Solar Fire with regards to accuracy.


8. Let me repeat my full faith to SW programmers and let me get out

of this discussion after getting a understanding that KSK means a 365

days per year.


Thanks and best regards,





, " Vaidun Vidyadhar " <vvidya@o...>


> Dear tw,


> Thank you for your email below. I think I understand what you are

trying to

> say. In your last paragraph you have said:


> " It seems that KSK's calculation of dasa is almost the same to the

> calculation by SW using 365.25 days year. (It will be entirely

different if

> 360 days year is used.) "


> May I elaborate on this please. In the Excel file that I had

earlier sent

> (and once again attached to this message for reference) the dates

shown in

> the Green Table are all dates IN A 360 DAYS PER YEAR CALENDAR. The


> shown in the Red Table are all dates in a 365.25 days per year


> Compare the dates shown in the Green Table with the Red Table. The

> difference in dates will NEVER be more than 2 days. Also compare


> commencement dates for each dasa in the Red and Green Tables. In

the Red

> Table, all dasas commence on 26th November while in the Green Table


> dasas commence on 27th November. Also please note, the length of

each dasa,

> in number of years, is EXACTLY what it should be, TO THE VERY DAY,


> stipulated in the Vimshotdhari dasa system.


> Then how is it that in the Blue Table the commencement dates of

each dasa is

> different and how is it that the length of each dasa falls short of


> stipulated number of years of the Vimshotdhari dasa system? The


> for this is as follows. This is what most computer programmers,

who are

> also astrologers, have not understood. The length of a day in the

Red Table

> is one solar day, made up of 24 hours. But the length of a DAY in

the Green

> Table is not the same, it is slightly MORE than 24 hours. The

length of the

> year in the 365.25 days per year calendar and the length of the

year in the

> 360 days per year calendar is the SAME. If one divides the SAME

length by

> 365.25 in one case, and 360 in another case, it will be appreciated

that the

> resultant unit that one gets will not be the same. The unit in the


> is 24 hours while the unit in the latter will be a little MORE than


> hours. The confusion arises because both units are referred to as

a " day " .

> But in reality, one unit is slightly shorter than the other, though


> units are given the same name of " day " .


> Let me explain it in another way. As an astrologer I suppose you

must be

> having an " Astrological Tables " . Please go to the section which

shows the

> length of each dasa, bhukti and anthras. Let's take for example

Moon dasa,

> Moon bhukti, Moon anthras. The duration of this as shown in the

table as

> " 25 days " . Now these " 25 days " are NOT the 24 hour solar days that

we live

> with. These are " 25 days " in the 360 days per year calendar. The


> arises when these " 25 days " are laid out against the 365.2425 days

per year

> Gregorian calendar. That is the origin of the Blue Table. That is

how the

> error has come about.


> The Blue Table is wrong and is not to be used. The Red Table is


> If one does not have a computer driven astrological program and one

has to

> use Astrological Tables then one will get the Green Table by doing


> calculations. In the absence of a Red Table, the Green Table is


> close. That is what Prof KSK meant when he said, " " For convenience

and for

> easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the

difference is

> negligible " .


> In the days of Prof KSK there were no computerised astrology

programs. If

> there had been then he would have taken the Red Table. That is

what he

> meant when he said, " " Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of


> days alone is to be adopted. "


> Thanks for your patience. With best regards.


> Vaidun Vidyadhar

> 1 / 94 Marius Street

> Tamworth, NSW 2340

> Australia

> Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> Mobile: 0414 870 083

> Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...






> _____


> tw853 [tw853]

> Monday, 7 March 2005 1:18 PM


> Re: Vimshottari Period




> Dear Rangarajan and Vaidun,


> Comparison of dasa by Gurugi KSK and SW as follows. Assuming other

> discrepencies " out of considerations " and dasa period, by taking

> Guruji KSK's birth data--01-11-1908, 13-11 PM IST, Thiruvaiyaru,

> 10N53, 79E06, " in order to get just to get Moon positon as given by

> KSK " , KPAstro 2.0 (using old KPA 22-29 not New KPA 22-29-39)

> gives " Moon 12Cp27 " as shown in KSK's chart in p 217 of KP


> III, part 2(under TIME OF SACTION OF PENSION), " Moon dasa balance


> birth 8y-2m " as shown in p 107 under his chart (under SCHOLARSHIP

> FOR STUDY), and Saturn Dasa-Venus Bhukti-Rahu Anthra 13-02-1965 to


> 06-1966, only 1-day difference to " commencing on 12th December,

1965 "

> as mentioned by KSK in p 218 and converting " 171 days " of Anthra

> period mentioned there by 30 days a month, i.e.,5m-21d, DBA ends on

> 03-06-1965 as given above by computer calculation.


> It seems that KSK's calculation of dasa is almost the same to the

> calculation by SW using 365.25 days year. (It will be entirely

> different if 360 days year is used.)



> Best regards,


> tw




> , " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,

> >

> > Further to my mail below, a SW comparison is as follows and in my

> > personal opinion generally nothing is wrong with SWs with

> negligable

> > difference of 1 or 2 days difference after 120 years (also as


> > in Msg#2036). Of course difference becomes wider for later years

> > between 360 & 365 days per year, from 2m-4d in dasa bal at birth


> > 1y-7m-11d at the the end of 120 years.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > tw

> >

> >

> >

> > SWs----------Sid. Time--New KPA-----Asc------------Moon

> > Gyotish 2.25-----18Le22:36

> > KPAstro 2.0--09-28-31--22-57-49-----27Li22:15-----18Le22:37

> > Jagannatha---09-28-31--22-57-48.83--27Li22-15.94--18Le22:37

> > Hora Lite 7.02

> >

> > 365.25/365.2425 DAYS PER YEAR

> > SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End

> > GG---12y-5m-6d----26-11-2054

> > KPA--12y-5m-6d----27--11-2054

> > GHL--12y-5m-6d----25-11-2054

> >


> > SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End

> > GG----------------15-04-2053

> > KPA--12y-3m-1d----17-04-2053

> > GHL--12y-3m-1d----14-04-2053

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > tw

> >

> >

> >

> > , " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,

> > >

> > > >>Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the

> > 365.25

> > > >>days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is


> > > >>dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option

> selected.

> > > >>The dates for both these tables have been taken from a


> > > >>astrology program.

> > >

> > > >>Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the


> > > >>shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates

> > progressively

> > > >>increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown


> > the

> > > >>Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on 15

> Apr

> > > >>2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven

> days.

> > > >>This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.

> > >

> > > H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360

> > > day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to


> > > his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st year

> > under

> > > Vimsottari reckoning. " ( Some Misgivings On Calculating

> > > Mahadasa ,Astrologicam Magazine, January, 1974)

> > >

> > > Jyotish Sastri, " How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa? "


> > > & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine)

> > >

> > > How Long is the Year in Vimsottai Mahadasa 1

> > >

> > >

> > > In my personal opinion, it is not a VERY large error but up to

> your

> > > PERSONAL PREFERENCE to use 365.25 days per year (applied by


> > > Krishnamurti,B.V. Raman, K. N. Rao, Bepin Behari, V.K. Choudhry-

> SA,

> > > Sanjay Rath, David Frawley and other East & West wellknown


> > > astrologers) OR 360 days per year (preferred by Usha-Shashi,


> > > Gulrajani, Rohini Ranjan, N. Sundara Rajan,Sadasiva Giri, /??)

> > >

> > > The widening scope is tempting me to entering again into this

> > > discussion without forgeting Sady's remark " each side can argue

> > their

> > > points till the cows come home " .

> > >

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > tw

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Vaidun Vidyadhar "

> <vvidya@o...>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Dear Mr Rao,

> > > >

> > > > It is very commendable that you are able to achieve such a


> > high

> > > > prediction rate WITHOUT using the Vimshotdhari dasa system.

> > > >

> > > > But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains


> > > very useful

> > > > tool for the astrologer and most vedic astrologers make

> extensive

> > > use of it.

> > > > Transit influences need to be also taken into account, as you

> > have

> > > very

> > > > rightly pointed out. In fact, as per some systems, transit

> > > influence is

> > > > said to be more important and will tend to supercede

> dasa/bhukti

> > > influence.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > With best regards.

> > > >

> > > > Yours sincerely,

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > Australia

> > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > _____

> > > >

> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:23 PM

> > > >

> > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Vaidun,

> > > > As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's

> > > software,and

> > > > fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of the

> > > event,with the

> > > > help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant karaka

> > house

> > > cusp

> > > > s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth

> sublord's

> > > transit

> > > > over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast


> > > planet in an

> > > > Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...

> > > > Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer the

> > Horary

> > > method

> > > > ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a


> > > along with a

> > > > horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my

> > experience

> > > most

> > > > birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the time

> of

> > > the " first

> > > > cry " of the newborn...

> > > > Thus far by following the above I have been

> > able

> > > to

> > > > achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a


> > high

> > > > percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100%

> > > ACCURACY...I am

> > > > happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very


> > > with a 90% +

> > > > rate of accuracy...! !

> > > > I have tried to reply to your query to the

> best

> > > of my

> > > > ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been able

> to

> > > satisfy

> > > > you...

> > > > With best wishes,

> > > > lyrastro1

> > > > GOOD LUCK !

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mr Rao,

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for your email below.

> > > >

> > > > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When my

> > > Saturn dasa

> > > > starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect


> > > influences

> > > > to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does my

> > Saturn

> > > dasa

> > > > start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner

> stones

> > in

> > > vedic

> > > > astrology around which astrological predictions are made.


> > is

> > > one of

> > > > the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology. So


> > > need to know

> > > > when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa


> > > shown in the

> > > > Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of commencement

> of

> > my

> > > Saturn

> > > > dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26


> > 2011

> > > whereas

> > > > in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The difference

> is

> > > one FULL

> > > > YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get the

> > correct

> > > start

> > > > date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to

> > further

> > > sub and

> > > > sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go


> to

> > > the

> > > > fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case the

> > onset

> > > of the

> > > > very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.

> > > >

> > > > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti

> > > periods. But,

> > > > nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a


> > > important

> > > > and useful tool to the astrologer.

> > > >

> > > > With best regards.

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > Australia

> > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > _____

> > > >

> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM

> > > >

> > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Vaidun,

> > > > Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you


> > not

> > > addressed

> > > > my question...

> > > > " In the face of the availability of a variety of


> > > successful

> > > > methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the


> > > of the

> > > > Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of the

> > Karaka

> > > House,or

> > > > the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house

> > cusp...etc...despite

> > > all

> > > > this...this " hairsplitting " on the length of the Vimshottari

> > > Year...is

> > > > truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

> > > > many days of debate on this subject...what have we really

> > > achieved ? "

> > > > Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the

> > > Vimshottari Dasa

> > > > alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

> > > > Once again, I urge ALL, to READ


> > > illuminating

> > > > article in K.P. & Astrology... " The Craze for Accuracy " ...I &

> > II,in

> > > the 1997

> > > > & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

> > > > With highest regards,

> > > > Yours sincerely,

> > > > lyrastro1

> > > > GOOD LUCK !

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear List Members,

> > > >

> > > > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to submit

> the

> > > following.

> > > >

> > > > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer to

> > Tables

> > > and

> > > > manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this,


> > one

> > > year as

> > > > being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12

> months

> > > in the

> > > > year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are


> 30

> > > days each.

> > > > Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file please

> find

> > my

> > > own dasa

> > > > chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All, Ready

> > > Reckoner " ,

> > > > published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of

> illustration,

> > > Moon dasa

> > > > has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and


> > > >

> > > > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual

> calculations

> > > are no

> > > > longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> > > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most

> computer

> > > programs

> > > > also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or 360

> > days

> > > per year.

> > > > Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with the

> > 365.25

> > > days per

> > > > year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the

> > > dasa/bhukti/anthras

> > > > with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for


> > > these tables

> > > > have been taken from a leading astrology program.

> > > >

> > > > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and end


> > each

> > > dasa,

> > > > bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and


> > > tables are

> > > > very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days apart.


> > > dates shown

> > > > in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in


> > > Green Table

> > > > are acceptably close since they are never more than two days

> away

> > > from the

> > > > correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof KSK

> > meant

> > > when he

> > > > said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub

> > periods

> > > 360 days

> > > > are taken, as the difference is negligible " .

> > > >

> > > > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw up


> > > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against a


> > > days per

> > > > year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the


> > of

> > > computers

> > > > the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown in


> > Red

> > > Table

> > > > are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

> > > said, " Hence only

> > > > Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to be

> > > adopted. "

> > > >

> > > > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the


> > > shown in the

> > > > Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively

> increases.

> > > Ketu dasa

> > > > ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table but


> > per

> > > the Blue

> > > > Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference is


> > > year, seven

> > > > months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and


> > > > unacceptable.

> > > >

> > > > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real

> Time,

> > > 365.25 days

> > > > per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the Blue

> > Table,

> > > as

> > > > shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the


> > Dasa

> > > cycle

> > > > each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the

> whole

> > > cycle is to

> > > > take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not


> > these

> > > > requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option to

> > > generate such

> > > > a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer

> > > programmers, who

> > > > are also astrologers, understand the various factors involved

> > > here? With

> > > > what authority and on what basis have they reduced the number

> of

> > > years

> > > > allocated to each planet?

> > > >

> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > Australia

> > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " Rangarajan

Krishnamoorthy "

> > > > <ranga@m...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear All,

> > > > > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like to

> > draw

> > > > > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1. Shri.


> > > has

> > > > > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages. In

> > > > > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> > > > > " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25

> days

> > > > > alone is to be adopted.

> > > > > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods

> 360

> > > > days

> > > > > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25 days

> > must

> > > be

> > > > > taken. "

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please


> > if

> > > > you

> > > > > wish.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > Rangarajan

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25 vs


> > > days per

> > > > year.xls

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > -matri

> > > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > a-matr

> > > > imony/> .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > -matri

> > > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > a-matr

> > > > imony/> .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear Ram,

If you would like to post something sensible, for or aginst anyone's

comments, you are welcome to do so. However inane remarks or

exhortations of this nature go against the group's spirit.




, " ramd_5 " <ramd_5> wrote:




> Dear Members,


> Iam Hearing Too Much Of " Jalra " Sound In This Group...

> It Seems To Be A Group Of Members With In This Group

> Exagerating And Promoting Each Other. Astrology Is

> Not Belongs To Any Particular System Or Man.

> It Has Evaluated From The Long Back Of Human Being's

> Evaluation.


> Avoid " Jalra "


> Ram



> , " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rangarajan and Vaidun,

> >

> > Comparison of dasa by Gurugi KSK and SW as follows. Assuming


> > discrepencies " out of considerations " and dasa period, by taking

> > Guruji KSK's birth data--01-11-1908, 13-11 PM IST, Thiruvaiyaru,

> > 10N53, 79E06, " in order to get just to get Moon positon as given


> > KSK " , KPAstro 2.0 (using old KPA 22-29 not New KPA 22-29-39)

> > gives " Moon 12Cp27 " as shown in KSK's chart in p 217 of KP

> Reader

> > III, part 2(under TIME OF SACTION OF PENSION), " Moon dasa


> at

> > birth 8y-2m " as shown in p 107 under his chart (under


> > FOR STUDY), and Saturn Dasa-Venus Bhukti-Rahu Anthra 13-02-1965


> 03-

> > 06-1966, only 1-day difference to " commencing on 12th December,

> 1965 "

> > as mentioned by KSK in p 218 and converting " 171 days " of Anthra

> > period mentioned there by 30 days a month, i.e.,5m-21d, DBA ends


> > 03-06-1965 as given above by computer calculation.

> >

> > It seems that KSK's calculation of dasa is almost the same to


> > calculation by SW using 365.25 days year. (It will be entirely

> > different if 360 days year is used.)

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > tw

> >

> >

> >

> > , " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,

> > >

> > > Further to my mail below, a SW comparison is as follows and in


> > > personal opinion generally nothing is wrong with SWs with

> > negligable

> > > difference of 1 or 2 days difference after 120 years (also as

> shown

> > > in Msg#2036). Of course difference becomes wider for later


> > > between 360 & 365 days per year, from 2m-4d in dasa bal at


> to

> > > 1y-7m-11d at the the end of 120 years.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > tw

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > SWs----------Sid. Time--New KPA-----Asc------------Moon

> > > Gyotish 2.25-----18Le22:36

> > > KPAstro 2.0--09-28-31--22-57-49-----27Li22:15-----18Le22:37

> > > Jagannatha---09-28-31--22-57-48.83--27Li22-15.94--18Le22:37

> > > Hora Lite 7.02

> > >

> > > 365.25/365.2425 DAYS PER YEAR

> > > SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End

> > > GG---12y-5m-6d----26-11-2054

> > > KPA--12y-5m-6d----27--11-2054

> > > GHL--12y-5m-6d----25-11-2054

> > >

> > > 360 DAYS PER YEAR

> > > SW---Ven Dasa Bal-Ketu Dasa End

> > > GG----------------15-04-2053

> > > KPA--12y-3m-1d----17-04-2053

> > > GHL--12y-3m-1d----14-04-2053

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > tw

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " tw853 " <tw853> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar,

> > > >

> > > > >>Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with


> > > 365.25

> > > > >>days per year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table


> the

> > > > >>dasa/bhukti/anthras with the 360 days per year option

> > selected.

> > > > >>The dates for both these tables have been taken from a

> leading

> > > > >>astrology program.

> > > >

> > > > >>Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the

> dates

> > > > >>shown in the Red Table. The difference in the dates

> > > progressively

> > > > >>increases. Ketu dasa ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as


> in

> > > the

> > > > >>Red Table but as per the Blue Table it is shown to end on


> > Apr

> > > > >>2053. The difference is one year, seven months and eleven

> > days.

> > > > >>This is a VERY large error and totally unacceptable.

> > > >

> > > > H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360

> > > > day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to

> celebrate

> > > > his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st


> > > under

> > > > Vimsottari reckoning. " ( Some Misgivings On Calculating

> > > > Mahadasa ,Astrologicam Magazine, January, 1974)

> > > >

> > > > Jyotish Sastri, " How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa? "

> (Oct

> > > > & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine)

> > > >

> > > > How Long is the Year in Vimsottai Mahadasa 1

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > In my personal opinion, it is not a VERY large error but up


> > your

> > > > PERSONAL PREFERENCE to use 365.25 days per year (applied by

> K.S.

> > > > Krishnamurti,B.V. Raman, K. N. Rao, Bepin Behari, V.K.


> > SA,

> > > > Sanjay Rath, David Frawley and other East & West wellknown

> Vedic

> > > > astrologers) OR 360 days per year (preferred by Usha-Shashi,

> Hira

> > > > Gulrajani, Rohini Ranjan, N. Sundara Rajan,Sadasiva

Giri, /??)

> > > >

> > > > The widening scope is tempting me to entering again into


> > > > discussion without forgeting Sady's remark " each side can


> > > their

> > > > points till the cows come home " .

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > >

> > > > tw

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " Vaidun Vidyadhar "

> > <vvidya@o...>

> > > > wrote:

> > > > > Dear Mr Rao,

> > > > >

> > > > > It is very commendable that you are able to achieve such a

> very

> > > high

> > > > > prediction rate WITHOUT using the Vimshotdhari dasa


> > > > >

> > > > > But, nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still


> a

> > > > very useful

> > > > > tool for the astrologer and most vedic astrologers make

> > extensive

> > > > use of it.

> > > > > Transit influences need to be also taken into account, as


> > > have

> > > > very

> > > > > rightly pointed out. In fact, as per some systems,


> > > > influence is

> > > > > said to be more important and will tend to supercede

> > dasa/bhukti

> > > > influence.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > With best regards.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yours sincerely,

> > > > >

> > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > > Australia

> > > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > _____

> > > > >

> > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > > > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:23 PM

> > > > >

> > > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Vaidun,

> > > > > As for me,I personally use Mr.Raichur's

> > > > software,and

> > > > > fine-tune,to find the exact period of fructification of


> > > > event,with the

> > > > > help of Ruling Planets,and the Transit of the relevant


> > > house

> > > > cusp

> > > > > s/lord over the XIth cusp...if it is promotion,the Xth

> > sublord's

> > > > transit

> > > > > over the XIth cusp,if the sublord of the XIth is a fast

> moving

> > > > planet in an

> > > > > Arial sign then,the Moon's transit...,and so on...

> > > > > Also,therefore,for accuracy I prefer


> > > Horary

> > > > method

> > > > > ALWAYS...In fact I always advise consultants to send me a

> query

> > > > along with a

> > > > > horary number along with their TOB,POB & DOB...as in my

> > > experience

> > > > most

> > > > > birth times are not noted strictly as per K.P.,ie at the


> > of

> > > > the " first

> > > > > cry " of the newborn...

> > > > > Thus far by following the above I have


> > > able

> > > > to

> > > > > achieve a success-rate of 19/20 correct predictions...a

> fairly

> > > high

> > > > > percentage,you'll agree...Frankly, I DO NOT AIM FOR 100%

> > > > ACCURACY...I am

> > > > > happy,and so are the vast majority of my consultants,very

> happy

> > > > with a 90% +

> > > > > rate of accuracy...! !

> > > > > I have tried to reply to your query to


> > best

> > > > of my

> > > > > ability...and through my experience...I hope I have been


> > to

> > > > satisfy

> > > > > you...

> > > > > With best wishes,

> > > > > lyrastro1

> > > > > GOOD LUCK !

> > > > >

> > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Mr Rao,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you for your email below.

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me put this way. I am now running Jupiter dasa. When


> > > > Saturn dasa

> > > > > starts, going by astrological indications, I can expect

> certain

> > > > influences

> > > > > to start shaping my life. Now I need to know, WHEN does


> > > Saturn

> > > > dasa

> > > > > start? The Vimshotdhari dasa system is one of the corner

> > stones

> > > in

> > > > vedic

> > > > > astrology around which astrological predictions are made.

> This

> > > is

> > > > one of

> > > > > the main differences between Vedic and Western astrology.


> I

> > > > need to know

> > > > > when my Saturn dasa will start. If you look at the dasa

> tables

> > > > shown in the

> > > > > Excel files that I had earlier sent, the date of


> > of

> > > my

> > > > Saturn

> > > > > dasa is shown. In the Red Table the date is shown as 26

> Nov

> > > 2011

> > > > whereas

> > > > > in the Blue Table it is shown as 27 Nov 2010. The


> > is

> > > > one FULL

> > > > > YEAR. Which one is correct? If we are not able to get


> > > correct

> > > > start

> > > > > date of the MAIN dasa period itself, how can we go down to

> > > further

> > > > sub and

> > > > > sub sub periods? Hairsplitting is when we are keen to go

> down

> > to

> > > > the

> > > > > fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh level. But in this case


> > > onset

> > > > of the

> > > > > very main dasa period ITSELF is in question.

> > > > >

> > > > > I agree with you, we don't predict ONLY by the dasa/bhukti

> > > > periods. But,

> > > > > nevertheless, the Vimshotdhari dasa system still remains a

> very

> > > > important

> > > > > and useful tool to the astrologer.

> > > > >

> > > > > With best regards.

> > > > >

> > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > > Australia

> > > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > _____

> > > > >

> > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi [lyrastro1]

> > > > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 5:14 PM

> > > > >

> > > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Vaidun,

> > > > > Thank you for the comparisons...BUT,you

> have

> > > not

> > > > addressed

> > > > > my question...

> > > > > " In the face of the availability of a variety of

> very

> > > > successful

> > > > > methods available to us,in K.P.,itself,and especially the


> > > > of the

> > > > > Moon/Sun/Ascendant wherever appropriate...or the s/l of


> > > Karaka

> > > > House,or

> > > > > the s/l of the XIth cusp over the Karaka house

> > > cusp...etc...despite

> > > > all

> > > > > this...this " hairsplitting " on the length of the


> > > > Year...is

> > > > > truly a futile exercise in hairsplitting...after so

> > > > > many days of debate on this subject...what have we really

> > > > achieved ? "

> > > > > Do we/can we predict ONLY by using the

> > > > Vimshottari Dasa

> > > > > alone system...? Then why the hullabulloo ?

> > > > > Once again, I urge ALL, to READ

> Mr.Raichur's

> > > > illuminating

> > > > > article in K.P. & Astrology... " The Craze for Accuracy " ...I


> > > II,in

> > > > the 1997

> > > > > & 1998 issues of the K.P. & Astrology,respectively...

> > > > > With highest regards,

> > > > > Yours sincerely,

> > > > > lyrastro1

> > > > > GOOD LUCK !

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya@o...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear List Members,

> > > > >

> > > > > Reference Mr Rangarajan's email below, I would like to


> > the

> > > > following.

> > > > >

> > > > > Before the advent of computers, astrologers had to refer


> > > Tables

> > > > and

> > > > > manually draw up a dasa/bhukti/anthras table. For this,

> taking

> > > one

> > > > year as

> > > > > being equal to 360 days was very convenient because all 12

> > months

> > > > in the

> > > > > year (including Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov) are

> allocated

> > 30

> > > > days each.

> > > > > Placed in the Green Table in the attached Excel file


> > find

> > > my

> > > > own dasa

> > > > > chart drawn up using the " Astrological Tables for All,


> > > > Reckoner " ,

> > > > > published by Hariman Publications. For purposes of

> > illustration,

> > > > Moon dasa

> > > > > has been further expanded to include it's bhuktis and

> anthras.

> > > > >

> > > > > With the advent of computers, such laborious manual

> > calculations

> > > > are no

> > > > > longer necessary. Most computer programs can display the

> > > > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table almost instantaneously. Most

> > computer

> > > > programs

> > > > > also provide the option to select 365.25 days per year or


> > > days

> > > > per year.

> > > > > Placed in the Red Table is the dasa/bhukti/anthras with


> > > 365.25

> > > > days per

> > > > > year option selected. Placed in the Blue Table is the

> > > > dasa/bhukti/anthras

> > > > > with the 360 days per year option selected. The dates for

> both

> > > > these tables

> > > > > have been taken from a leading astrology program.

> > > > >

> > > > > Compare the dates shown in the tables for the start and


> of

> > > each

> > > > dasa,

> > > > > bhukti or anthras. Notice the dates shown in the Red and

> Green

> > > > tables are

> > > > > very close to each other and NEVER more than 2 days


> The

> > > > dates shown

> > > > > in the Red Table are the correct ones. The dates shown in

> the

> > > > Green Table

> > > > > are acceptably close since they are never more than two


> > away

> > > > from the

> > > > > correct dates shown in the Red Table. This is what Prof


> > > meant

> > > > when he

> > > > > said, " For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub

> > > periods

> > > > 360 days

> > > > > are taken, as the difference is negligible " .

> > > > >

> > > > > One can certainly use the 360 days per year option to draw


> a

> > > > > dasa/bhukti/anthras table but it MUST be laid out against


> 360

> > > > days per

> > > > > year calendar as shown in the Green Table. But with the

> advent

> > > of

> > > > computers

> > > > > the Green Table is no longer necessary. The dates shown


> the

> > > Red

> > > > Table

> > > > > are more accurate. This is what Prof KSK meant when he

> > > > said, " Hence only

> > > > > Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of 356.25 days alone is to


> > > > adopted. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Now compare the dates shown in the Blue Table against the

> dates

> > > > shown in the

> > > > > Red Table. The difference in the dates progressively

> > increases.

> > > > Ketu dasa

> > > > > ACTUALLY ends on 26 Nov 2054, as shown in the Red Table


> as

> > > per

> > > > the Blue

> > > > > Table it is shown to end on 15 Apr 2053. The difference


> one

> > > > year, seven

> > > > > months and eleven days. This is a VERY large error and

> totally

> > > > > unacceptable.

> > > > >

> > > > > If one lays out the 360 days per year chart against a Real

> > Time,

> > > > 365.25 days

> > > > > per year, Gregorian Calendar, one will come up with the


> > > Table,

> > > > as

> > > > > shown. These dates are completely wrong. In the

> Vimshotdhari

> > > Dasa

> > > > cycle

> > > > > each planet is allocated a certain number of years and the

> > whole

> > > > cycle is to

> > > > > take 120 years. The dates shown in the Blue Table do not

> meet

> > > these

> > > > > requirements. Yet most astrology programs have the option


> > > > generate such

> > > > > a table. I can't understand this anomaly. Can't computer

> > > > programmers, who

> > > > > are also astrologers, understand the various factors


> > > > here? With

> > > > > what authority and on what basis have they reduced the


> > of

> > > > years

> > > > > allocated to each planet?

> > > > >

> > > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar

> > > > > 1 / 94 Marius Street

> > > > > Tamworth, NSW 2340

> > > > > Australia

> > > > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home)

> > > > > Mobile: 0414 870 083

> > > > > Email: <vvidya@o...> vvidya@o...

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > , " Rangarajan

> Krishnamoorthy "

> > > > > <ranga@m...> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear All,

> > > > > > I am sorry I am raising an old issue again. I would like


> > > draw

> > > > > > your attention to pages 96 and 97 of KP Reader No. 1.


> > KSK

> > > > has

> > > > > > argued in favour of 365.25 days per year in these pages.


> > > > > > particular, you will this towards the end of page 97:

> > > > > > " ... Hence only Soura Manam, i.e., year made up of


> > days

> > > > > > alone is to be adopted.

> > > > > > For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub


> > 360

> > > > > days

> > > > > > are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 365.25


> > > must

> > > > be

> > > > > > taken. "

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I do not wish to rake up any controversy, but please

> comment,

> > > if

> > > > > you

> > > > > > wish.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > > Rangarajan

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.ms-excel name=365.25


> 360

> > > > days per

> > > > > year.xls

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >




> > > > -matri

> > > > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner


> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >




> > > > a-matr

> > > > > imony/> .

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >




> > > > -matri

> > > > > mony/> India Matrimony: Find your life partner


> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >




> > > > a-matr

> > > > > imony/> .

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Dear List Members,


Mr Raichur has very kindly pointed out that the difference between using 365.25 or 360 days per year comes to only 1 day. Prof KSK himself said "the difference is negligible". If one uses astrological tables and manually calculates the dasa periods as per the guidelines given in Prof KSK Readers, as I have done in the Green Table, (in my earlier email attachment) the difference IS actually less than one day (19 hours and 38 minutes to be exact).


On the other hand, I have before me four astrology programs which have the facility to select 365.25 or 360 days per year. When I do this, I find that the difference is NOT negligible. In my own chart, the onset of my Saturn dasa is different by ONE YEAR, as shown below.


Program 365.25 days/year 360 days/year

Goravani Jyotish 26 Nov 2011 27 Nov 2010

Shri Jyoti Star 29 Nov 2011 27 Nov 2010

KPAstro2.0 27 Nov 2011 29 Nov 2010

Jyotish Tools 24 Nov 2011 25 Nov 2010


A few months ago when this subject was being discussed on this list a similar anomaly was seen in the program called "Fortune Discoverer" being developed by Mr Rajasekaran.


So we have FIVE astrology programs developed by five different astrologers who obviously know what they are putting into their program. All five programs show that difference between using 365.25 or 360 days per year is almost ONE YEAR while at para one above it is seen that the difference is less than a day. How do you reconcile this GROSS anomaly? You can try this on any chart. Take a period about 70 to 80 years after birth and see the difference in onset of a major dasa when 365.25 or 360 days per year is selected. You will get similar results.


My knowledge of astrology is only at the intermediate level, though I have a fairly good understanding of the mathematics involved. With MY limited knowledge of astrology, if it was I who said that the difference between using 365.25 or 360 days per year is only one day, while the astrology programs show a difference of one year, I suppose my claim can be dismissed as rubbish. But it was Mr RAICHUR who has said this. Mr Raichur, as you all know is an expert on this subject, having contributed well known articles on this subject from time to time. He is a recognised authority in astrology. HE has mathematically shown that the difference between using 365.25 or 360 days per year, in my chart, is only one day. He has gone as far as to say, "ultimately the difference in the 360/365.25 days comes to only 1 day. So why should we break our heads over this small variation?"


But these five astrology programs show that the difference is ONE YEAR.


If Mr Raichur is correct then these five astrology programs are wrong and vice versa.


Can someone who has understood this point kindly take the trouble to explain. I will be very obliged.


Thanks for your time. With regards.


Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya




anant raichur [anant_1608] Monday, 7 March 2005 11:15 PM Subject: RE: Re: Vimshottari Period

Dear VaidunThanks for correcting my mistakes.However, ultimately the difference in the 360/365.25 days comes to only 1 day as calculated by you. So why should we break our heads over this smallvariation ?good luck--- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:> Dear Mr Raichur,> > Thank you for your email below.> > There is a small mathematical error in your calculation. You have said:> > "0.435*12 = 5. 34 months"> > It should be, 0.435*12 = 5.22 months and not 5.34 months as stated above.> > ****************************************************************************> *************> > The full calculations using the 360 days per year is as follows:> > Venus dasa balance in degrees = 8:17:24> > Venus dasa balance in years = 29844/48000*20 = 12.435 years (same as your> calculations so far)> > 0.435*12 = 5.22 months> 0.22*30 = 6.6 days> 0.6*24 = 14.4 hours> 0.4*60 = 24 minutes> > So Venus dasa balance works out to 12 years, 5 months, 6 days, 14 hours and> 24 minutes.> > Adding this to date and time of birth: 20 Jun 1942, 1549 hours we get> > Venus dasa ends on 27 Nov 1954 at 0613 hours.> > In the Green Table I have indicated 27 Nov 1954 and left out the "0613> hours"> > ****************************************************************************> ****> > The full calculations using the 365.25 days per year is as follows:> > Venus dasa balance in years = 12.435 > 0.435*365 = 158.775 days (we need to multiply by 365 since the year 1942 was> not a leap year)> 0.775*24 = 18.6 hours> 0.6*60 = 36 minutes> > So Venus dasa balance is: 12 years, 158 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes.> > Adding 12 years, 158 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes to birth date and time of> 20th June, 1549 hours (on the real time calendar) we get:> > Venus dasa ends on: 26 Nov 1954 at 1025 hours.> > In the Red Table it is shown as 26 Nov 1954 and the 1025 hours has been left> out. This is what the computer has calculated.> > ****************************************************************************> *****************************> > In the Blue Table, Venus dasa is shown to end on 22 Sep 1954. This is not> MY calculation. This date was provided by the computer program when I> selected the 360 days per year option. I have clearly explained in my> earlier email addressed to TW as to HOW this error is happening. The dates> shown in the Blue Table are wrong. I have clearly explained WHY it is> wrong. > > ****************************************************************************> *************************************> > Submitted for your comments on this please.> > Thanks. With best regards.> > Vaidun Vidyadhar > 1 / 94 Marius Street > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > Australia > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > Email: <vvidya vvidya > > > > > _____ > > anant raichur [anant_1608] > Monday, 7 March 2005 6:36 PM> > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period> > > Dear Vidyadhar> > I append below the calculations of Dasa ending by using the 360 and 365.25> day> method.> > your comments on this.> > > > > Dear Vaidun Vaaidyadhar> > Assuming the Moon,s postion as correct, the Balance of Dasa Of Ven is> > 8-17-24 deg,min,sec: This is 497.24 minutes of arc.> > Traditional or easy method of 360 days.> > This is converted into time : 497.24/800 * 20 (20yrs Dasa of Venus)> > This gives 12.435 Yrs. .435 yrs= .435*12 = 5. 34 months. .34 months*30> > =10,02 days. Say 10 days. So balance is 12yrs, 5months, 10days.> > Adding to Birth date we get 20+10=30days: 6+5=11 months: 1942+12=1954 year> > so the Venus dasa ends on 30 Nov 1954> > Sun dasa ends 6 ys later 30 Nov 1960 > > Moon dasa ends 10 yrs 30 Nov 1970 and so on> > ------------------------------> > If we take 365.25 days, then we should take dasa of venus as 365.25*20=> 7310.50> dates> > So Balace of dasa will be 497.24/800 * 7310.5 = 4545.30 days > > 4545.3/365.25 = 12.44436 years > > this is 12 years 162 days. So adding 162 calender days to 20 jun 1942, one > > gets 10 dys of JUN. 31 of july,31 of aug, 3o of Sep, 31 of oct,+30 in Nov> > So date is 30 nov 1954. > > _________________________> if however we take .435*365.25 we get 158.88 say 159 days. Thus we lose 3> days> ------- > > --- Vaidun Vidyadhar <vvidya wrote:> > > Dear Mr. Raichur,> > > > Thank you for your email below. > > > > My birth details were clearly stated in the Excel file. However, I am> > reproducing this below:> > > > Vaidun K Vidyadhar > > Date and time of birth: 20 June 1942, 1549 hours (Indian Standard Time,> GMT> > + 5:30) > > Place of birth: Walajapet, Lat 12N56, Long 79E23 > > Moon's longitude at birth: 138:22:36, 18:22:36 in Leo > > Venus dasa balance in degrees: 8:17:24 > > Venus dasa balance in years: 12.435 > > > > The dates shown in the Red and Blue tables in the Excel file are the exact> > dates derived from Goravani Gyotish 2.25 by selecting the 365 or 360 days> > per year option. If you have this program, you can try it out for> yourself.> > I have two other astrology programs which also have this facility, Shri> > Jyoti Star and Jyotish Tools. The dates shown there are also quite close> > the ones shown in the Excel file.> > > > With best regards.> > > > Vaidun Vidyadhar > > 1 / 94 Marius Street > > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > > Australia > > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > > Email: <vvidya vvidya > > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > anant raichur [anant_1608] > > Sunday, 6 March 2005 6:06 PM> > > > RE: Re: Vimshottari Period> > > > > > Dear Mr Vaidun Vidyadhar> > > > I cannot understand how the start of the Main Dasa varies by ONE YEAR.> > > > If you send me your Birth Details, I will cast the chart and indicate when> > your> > Saturn Dasa Starts> === message truncated ========--------- A.R.Raichur bombayanant_1608 raichuranantUSE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLYtel: 022-2506 2609 --------- Celebrate 's 10th Birthday! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web http://birthday./netrospective/

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