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Solar Eclipses

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Dear Satish,


I have a number of books on eclipses and astrology but

unfortunately I cannot recommend them as the techniques not only

don't seem to work, but are in fact logically impracticable.


Most books and articles are rooted in ancient Chaldean

astrology, where eclipses were obviously considered very

important. They were always consulted regarding mundane events

and the Head of State. The rules formulated over time states

that the effect of an eclipse are relative to its length in time

ie 1 hour = 1 year. This I find totally impractical as the

effect on this basis can be up to four years - during which time

there can be as many as another ten eclipses.


The ancient (and medieval) way appeared to only consider the

subsequent transits of the eclipse point or its aspects. The

problems of using the ancient 'rules' can be seen when

considering these transits. Take for instance the transit of

Mars. This could conjunct the eclipse point twice (or more if

retrograde) in the time frame for a solar eclipse. It could

aspect by quadrature up to 20 times, and if you use the semi-

square it could aspect up to 40 times. There are also the so

called 'easy' aspects with approximately the same amount of

aspects which we would have to consider. Some books also teach

that you should use the opposition and quadratures of the

eclipse. The problem is of course compounded when we have to

take into account all the other planets. Then there are 'parts',

and fixed stars used by astrologers following ancient astrology,

which also have to be taken into account. Which one of these

many aspects do we use for prediction before the eclipse runs its

course over say the next four years?

Some people also consider the eclipse ascending signs, and

relate them to the countries supposedly ruled by those signs.

They then consider the condition of the planets to predict for

those countries. As James Wilson in his Dictionary of Astrology

says 'the whole of this doctrine is childish and visionary, as

every year's experience manifests'.


However, I have experimented with eclipses for many years and

have come to the conclusion that the Solar Eclipse IS very

relevant in human affairs. Accordingly I have formulated my own

approach which I believe gives excellent and consistent results.


What happens is that the Solar Eclipse interrupts the normal

daily cosmic pattern. My theory is that this interruption

creates an aberration or a halt in current conditions. There is

good scientific evidence of this ie, Prof Brown of Northwest

University's experiment with oysters, and Prof Takata's proofs of

the effect of the SE effect on human blood.

The reappearance of the Sun, kick starts the natal chart, similar

to a clinically dead person being resuscitated with a

fibrillator. Naturally any natal planet in the purview of any

of the SE planets or important points, gets the main effect of

this restart.


Using this as a basis what I do is look at the last Solar

Eclipse before an event, by placing the eclipse on a bi-chart

around the natal. (If you don't have the charting software to

do this simply print two separate charts and lay them side by

side with the signs in the same position) then read the SE

chart exactly the same as a normal transit. Pay particular

attention to the links between the natal and the SE chart.

What the SE chart shows is the genesis or start of the subsequent

event - prior to the next Solar Eclipse. It acts like an

incubator or crucible.

This is different to how most people would interpret an eclipse,

where only the eclipse conjunction or aspects are considered.

Here we are considering ALL the SE planets etc.

One important point is to set your preferences for the Moon

to 'Parallax'. This then gives you the correct angles for

the location of the event. The Asc and MC are VERY important

points and give at least as good indications as the eclipse point

itself. If you don't have software to calculate parallax don't

worry - most of the SE indications will still be shown by the

other contacts.


My Solar Eclipse method is very easy. Simply consider it as a

transit chart and read accordingly. It is of course a very

special transit because the Solar radiation is cut of

temporarily. The difference from a normal transit chart is

that the effect is not immediate. Those natal planets and

sensitive points which are activated, you will see are the ones

that produce the result, sometime before the next Solar Eclipse.

Make a note of which SE planets aspect the natal. Then follow

their ongoing transits. Generally the next or following contact

is when the event occurs. I would suggest that you carefully

watch Rahu's and Ketu's transits in particular - and the aspects

they cast ( I also use the square aspect). Also consider all

aspects of SE indicators to KP house cusps AND house lagna bhava

(same degree as natal ascendant) positions.

From all of these you will see a particular natal planet/s or

point/s emphasized. Now concentrate on this planet or planets.

What does it represent in the natal chart? Does it act as a

benefic or malefic for the native? If you know the native how

has this planet performed in the past? etc? When you feel you

have a grasp of what it means, follow that planets future transit

from the SE chart position. See where it next contacts another

natal position by conjunction or aspect. This is when the

event is likely to take place. The slower moving planets and

nodes are likely to trigger at the next contact, the faster

moving planets may be a contact or two later. Just one point

here, the slower moving planets may activate the natal when

coming within orb of the natal planet in the SE; and may then

effect the event on close or exact aspect with the same planet at

the later date.


It may sound complicated but in fact if you have ever read a

transit chart to natal this is fundamentally all you are doing



As there are no books on this method I would suggest that you

have a look on this List where I have done an analysis on the

Blind Charts (Shown as KPBC 1 to 10). The only one where I did

not do an analysis was KPBC9 when I found out that the time of

birth was not confirmed.


With a bit of study you will quickly learn to identify what

planets are the important one's to watch in the coming months.


Hope this helps.


All the best



Ron Gaunt






On Fri, 04 Mar 2005 15:20:02 -0000, you wrote:





>Dear Ron,


>Will appreciate your guidance to locate SE analses in

>article /sites/books.

>Thanks.God Bless!

















> , " Sandy Crowther "

><sandycrowther@a...> wrote:

>> Dear Subhash,




>> Thanks for your kind words...




>> With respect to KP analysis using the Solar Eclipse Chart to


>> verify an event - below is an email (that was posted to another KP

>group) by

>> Ron Gaunt, describing his usage of SE Charts. Keeping to the

>traditional KP

>> teachings is VERY important, but from what I have read to date on

>the KP

>> writings by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurty, the founder of KP was a very

>wise man

>> indeed, and had actually encouraged his followers right along to

>do more

>> research. His main mission was his interest and passion for

>finding the

>> truth, and finding out what astrologically " worked " and worked

>> " consistently " - as is all of ours. I feel that here are many

>worthless and

>> polluted astrological teachings and techniques out there - and

>there are

>> also a few teachings and techniques that work (consistently) in

>the hands of

>> a skilled practitioner. " Consistent " is key in astrological





>> So, because of my respect for colleague Ron Gaunt (as both a human

>being and

>> as a dedicated astrologer), after a fashion, I decided to take a

>new look at

>> an old predictive Western technique that I hadn't revisited in

>years and

>> years - known as Solar Eclipse - as he (Ron) has been so

>encouraged by his

>> own personal results in working with SE for quite some time. So

>below is an

>> excerpt of what he wrote on another KP list with reference to SE.

>I hope you

>> find it useful...




>> (P.S. I, like Kanak, am also in the beginning stages of

>researching SE

>> charts, but I am beginning to believe that Ron may be on to

>something with

>> his usage of SE charts. I will continue to research the same - but


>> results (so far) look very promising. Any technique that can verify

>> findings/events that you ALREADY suspect, cannot hurt. The more

>arrows we

>> get pointing in the same direction - the more chart confluence we

>then have.

>> Analysis of a chart cannot be done piecemeal or in isolation of

>all other

>> operating factors - it must be integrated and synthesized

>thoroughly before

>> a selection is made. Once you feel fairly confident about what is


>> in any chart - have a look at the SE to see if it supports your

>decision OR

>> points you in another direction entirely.)






>> All the Best,


>> Sandy Crowther


>> http://www.jupitersweb.com <http://www.jupitersweb.com/>




>> (Below is a post from Ron Gaunt to another KP list:)




>> " et al,




>> I suspect that most members will be aware that my favourite


>> method of prediction is by Solar Eclipse. The reason for this


>> is that it is the only method I know which gives nearly perfect


>> co-relation with forthcoming events. I have often been


>> amazed that others do not use it themselves, as I have shown its


>> value in every chart I have discussed over a number of years.


>> (it doesn't mean that you will give perfect predictions every


>> time because the contacts need interpreting - but the SE does


>> show which planets to look for)




>> Now the penny has dropped. In private correspondence with a


>> member of this List it became obvious that the marvelous facility


>> of 'dynamic transits' offered by Solar Fire is possibly not being


>> utilized to its best effect. I think it would be very


>> difficult to get the impact of SEs without using this facility.




>> What I do is draw up the natal chart, calculate the last SE.


>> (This can be found from the 'eclipse' section of the 'dynamic'


>> drop down. However I would suggest then using the New Moon


>> Phase under 'Chart' 'Lunar Phase' to get the correct angles for


>> the desired location). Then under 'dynamic' select 'Animate


>> Tri Wheel', select 'charts'. For 'Inner wheel' select the


>> natal chart. For middle wheel select the eclipse (this will be


>> shown as New Moon if you use the Moon phase calculation),


>> After selecting the eclipse you will have to go to the box above


>> and make it a 'fixed base chart'. For the outer wheel leave as


>> transit.




>> What you will be looking for is contact of eclipse planets and


>> points ie MC, Asc etc with the natal chart. Use whatever


>> aspects you prefer. I would however particularly suggest that


>> you also consider the square of the nodes as well as their


>> trines. Also close Western aspects seem effective.


>> Watch particularly for close trines as these are the ones that


>> have the same KP Star and Sub Lords.




>> If you print out the Tri-chart and draw in the aspects, you


>> will immediately see which planets are going to produce the


>> dramas for the coming months (prior to the next SE). After


>> doing this step through the dynamic transits on a daily basis


>> watching the planets you have highlighted. The event


>> invariably takes place on the next contact of the transiting


>> planet, occcasionally later. If you see two SE contacts to the


>> same natal planet or angle, this is very important, and if the


>> ongoing transits of these planets also impact the natal around


>> the same time, this is strongly suggestive of the time of the


>> event.




>> Have fun!






>> Ron Gaunt




>> PS. I use the Parallax setting under 'Preferences' for the


>> eclipse, but do not use parallax for the natal or


>> transit chart. (Parallax angles are very appropriate and


>> frequent indicators - the same as the planets). If this


>> seems odd it is simply to stay in accord with our Indian


>> collegues who do not use parallax. If I were to use it


>> for the natal, I would end up with different dasas to


>> them. For the sake of uniformity, and because the


>> originators of the dasa system may have ignored or not


>> considered parallax I think it is better at this stage


>> not to use on natal charts. "

















>> Subhash [subhash_ektare]

>> Thursday, March 03, 2005 5:26 PM


>> KPBC10








>> Dear Sandy, Kanak




>> Appriciate your analysis pinponting the event. Congrats. By the



>> I have not heard of SE charts you have referred to in your



>> Will you please throw some light?


>> Thanks,




>> Subhash


















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