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Rahu/Ketu as Significators - -DIFFERENT VIEWS

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Dear Sri Anant Raichur,


Thank you for factual clarification which is consistent with the

statement mentioned in KP Reader VI, 1978, p 187, 212, 274 & 276 and

Rahu or Ketu as " agent or representative or substitute " of conjoining

or aspecting planet (s) and its depositor signifying whatever

conjoining or aspecting planet (s) and its depositor signifies.

Different views are given below for information.


Thanks and highest regards,











1. The above order of priority, i.e. conj planet, starlord, aspt

planet and depositor mentioned in KP Reader VI is slightly different

for the starlord, i.e. conj planet, aspt planet, starlord, and

depositor from the explanation about Rahu and Kethu in KP Reader

III, 1984, p 123-124, which was posted in Msg #1832.


2. The signification of Rahu and Kethu as agent of conj or aspt

planet and depositor and the order of priority are based on ---

" Rahu or Ketu will act as a strong agent to the planets to which they

are conjoined. If they are not conjoined with any planet, then they

give the results of the planet which aspects them. Only when they are

neither conjoined with, nor aspected by any planet, they represent

the lord of the house (in which they are posited). (Uthrakalamrita—

Khanda VI Sloka 14 onwards) " --- (KP Reader II, 1983, p 315)

3. The starlord influence of Guruji KSK's innovation is placed in KP

Reader III at the 3nd place of priority order before the aspecting

planet but in KP Reader VI at 2nd place before the aspecting planet.

4. Dr. K.R. Kar mentions the order of priority, conj planet (s),

depositor, aspt planet(s) and lastly the starlord. (KP Year Book,

2004, p 58)



5. Depositor's influence has not been taken when the influence of

conj or aspt planet (s) has already been taken, e.g. K. Subramanium

quoting " Only when they are neither conjoined with, nor aspected by

any planet, they represent the lord of the house. " in Uttara

Kalamrita; Dr. Bal Krishna Singh Hatia in KP Year Book, 1999, p 26.


6. Only influence of depositor and the house occupied by the node

has been taken by some astrologers, e.g. Chandra B. Bhatt: Nakshatra

Chintamani, p 19.


7. As per KP, nodes are ever stronger than the planets conjoined

with them or aspected or the star lord or the depositor. Generally

aspects of nodes are not mentioned or applied in KP literature as

well as Vedic textbooks.

8. Aspects of nodes like Jupiter have been used by J. N. Bhasin

(earlier than first edition of his `Art of Prediction' in 1982) and

later by James T. Braha, V. K. Choudhry and Sanjay Rath. Generally

nodes are treated as natural or functional (in SA) malefics, which

may be both ways, beneficial or harmful in KP. Wendy Vasicek says two

shools of Chodhry and Sajay propagate nodal aspects.


9. In KP literature of six Readers, Astrosectrets, current KP

Annuals since 1999 etc., Dr. Bal Krishna Singh Hatia applies Rahu `s

5th and 9th aspects (KP Year Book, 1999, p 26); Prof. K. Balachandran

uses Kethu's 7th, 9th and 12th (Hindu) aspects. (KP Year Book, p 82

& 84) In Sri Raichur and KPAstro SWs the Hindu 7th aspect has been

noticed. Sri Raichur mentions conj and 7th aspt and Kanak ji Jupiter-

like aspects.


10. The downgrading of Kethu's role with compared to Rahu in

Astrosecrets, Part I, p 312 is not consistent with the statement in

KP Reader II, 1983, p 321 that Rahu and Kethu will operate

separately. It is also worthy to note V. N. Krishna Rao's view that

it is wrong to consider Rahu's 7th aspect since Kethu is already

there with its qualities distinctly of its own and his experience of

Rahu's trinal aspects being beneficial while the square aspects being

harmful. Braha has changed his view on nodal aspects in " The Art &

Practice of Ancient Hindu Astrology " , 2001, p 388, by saying that

after years of research he found that sage Parasara was correct and

the aspects should be noticed, although most Indian astrologers he

has met do not use the aspects.


11. Thanks to Sandy Crowther's quotation below from Kalidas's famous

classic 'Uttara Kalamrita', the authority of Prof. K. Balachandran's

application of Kethu's 7th, 9th and 12th aspects and James Braha's

quotation of nodes' 5 th and 9 th aspects as per writing of sage

Parasara has been known, and it has also been understood why admirer

of sage Parasara and Dr. B. V. Raman, Sanjay Rath takes the same view

of nodes' Jupiter-like-aspects like V.K. Choudhry even though

thoughts of their schools are entirely different.


As per courtesy of Sandy Crowther by Message #2902 ----

Notes below are from Uttara Kalamrita Kalidasa by Dr. P. S. Sastri,

Edition 2001, page 43 under " Notes " :

" The aspect on the fifth and the ninth is the trine (120 degrees,

240 degrees) aspect, that on the third is a sextile (60 degree

aspect). The last should include the aspect on the eleventh (300

degrees), though the author denies it. The aspect on the eighth (210

degrees) is quincunx, and this can include the aspect on the sixth

(150 degrees), inspite of the author's denial. The aspect on the

seventh is called opposition (180 degree) aspect. According to

Parasara, Rahu aspects 5, 7, 9, and 12 fully, 2 and 10 by half, and 3

and 6 by quarter. "

Western astrologers speak of semi-square (45 degrees 315 degrees),

sesquiquadrate (135 degrees), Quintile (72 degrees), Biquintile (144

degrees), Tredecile (108 degrees), Decile (36 degrees), and Vigintile

(18 degrees) aspects also. "

End of quote…




12. By taking nodal aspects, their significance will be widened,

e.g. Prof. K. Balachandran, Kehtu = All Planets aspected by Kethu (KP

Year Book, p 82 & 84); J. N. Bhasin, the influence of planets conj or

aspect nodes is to be taken in the influence of nodal aspects. (Art

of Prediction, p 16)




, anant raichur <anant_1608>


> Dear Rongaunt


> The rules for Rahu/Ketu are clear cut. They ACT as agents of


> 1. the planet withwhich they are conjoined

> 2. Thier Star Lord

> 3. Planets which Aspect Them

> 4. The Lord of the Sign in which they reside


> This in order of importance.


> Naturally if Rahu is agent of Jupiter, he will signify whatever



> signifies.



> --- rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > I know that Rahu and Ketu are significators of the same house as

> > their dispositor. But can someone please let me know whether

> > they are also the significators of OTHER houses where that

> > dispositor is also a significator.

> >

> > Example Rahu is in Pisces and would be a significator of houses

> > where Jupiter is Lord. However in this case say Jupiter is a

> > significator in the sign where Moon is Lord ie Cancer, would Rahu

> > also be considered as significator for this house?

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Ron Gaunt

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Tw ji,


Interesting and informative quotes ... as always .. thanks.




Punit Pandey



On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 04:54:03 -0000, tw853 <tw853 wrote:


> Dear Sri Anant Raichur,


> Thank you for factual clarification which is consistent with the

> statement mentioned in KP Reader VI, 1978, p 187, 212, 274 & 276 and

> Rahu or Ketu as " agent or representative or substitute " of conjoining

> or aspecting planet (s) and its depositor signifying whatever

> conjoining or aspecting planet (s) and its depositor signifies.

> Different views are given below for information.


> Thanks and highest regards,


> tw









> 1. The above order of priority, i.e. conj planet, starlord, aspt

> planet and depositor mentioned in KP Reader VI is slightly different

> for the starlord, i.e. conj planet, aspt planet, starlord, and

> depositor from the explanation about Rahu and Kethu in KP Reader

> III, 1984, p 123-124, which was posted in Msg #1832.


> 2. The signification of Rahu and Kethu as agent of conj or aspt

> planet and depositor and the order of priority are based on ---

> " Rahu or Ketu will act as a strong agent to the planets to which they

> are conjoined. If they are not conjoined with any planet, then they

> give the results of the planet which aspects them. Only when they are

> neither conjoined with, nor aspected by any planet, they represent

> the lord of the house (in which they are posited). (Uthrakalamrita—

> Khanda VI Sloka 14 onwards) " --- (KP Reader II, 1983, p 315)

> 3. The starlord influence of Guruji KSK's innovation is placed in KP

> Reader III at the 3nd place of priority order before the aspecting

> planet but in KP Reader VI at 2nd place before the aspecting planet.

> 4. Dr. K.R. Kar mentions the order of priority, conj planet (s),

> depositor, aspt planet(s) and lastly the starlord. (KP Year Book,

> 2004, p 58)



> 5. Depositor's influence has not been taken when the influence of

> conj or aspt planet (s) has already been taken, e.g. K. Subramanium

> quoting " Only when they are neither conjoined with, nor aspected by

> any planet, they represent the lord of the house. " in Uttara

> Kalamrita; Dr. Bal Krishna Singh Hatia in KP Year Book, 1999, p 26.


> 6. Only influence of depositor and the house occupied by the node

> has been taken by some astrologers, e.g. Chandra B. Bhatt: Nakshatra

> Chintamani, p 19.


> 7. As per KP, nodes are ever stronger than the planets conjoined

> with them or aspected or the star lord or the depositor. Generally

> aspects of nodes are not mentioned or applied in KP literature as

> well as Vedic textbooks.

> 8. Aspects of nodes like Jupiter have been used by J. N. Bhasin

> (earlier than first edition of his `Art of Prediction' in 1982) and

> later by James T. Braha, V. K. Choudhry and Sanjay Rath. Generally

> nodes are treated as natural or functional (in SA) malefics, which

> may be both ways, beneficial or harmful in KP. Wendy Vasicek says two

> shools of Chodhry and Sajay propagate nodal aspects.

> http://www.jyotishvidya.com/nodes.htm

> 9. In KP literature of six Readers, Astrosectrets, current KP

> Annuals since 1999 etc., Dr. Bal Krishna Singh Hatia applies Rahu `s

> 5th and 9th aspects (KP Year Book, 1999, p 26); Prof. K. Balachandran

> uses Kethu's 7th, 9th and 12th (Hindu) aspects. (KP Year Book, p 82

> & 84) In Sri Raichur and KPAstro SWs the Hindu 7th aspect has been

> noticed. Sri Raichur mentions conj and 7th aspt and Kanak ji Jupiter-

> like aspects.


> 10. The downgrading of Kethu's role with compared to Rahu in

> Astrosecrets, Part I, p 312 is not consistent with the statement in

> KP Reader II, 1983, p 321 that Rahu and Kethu will operate

> separately. It is also worthy to note V. N. Krishna Rao's view that

> it is wrong to consider Rahu's 7th aspect since Kethu is already

> there with its qualities distinctly of its own and his experience of

> Rahu's trinal aspects being beneficial while the square aspects being

> harmful. Braha has changed his view on nodal aspects in " The Art &

> Practice of Ancient Hindu Astrology " , 2001, p 388, by saying that

> after years of research he found that sage Parasara was correct and

> the aspects should be noticed, although most Indian astrologers he

> has met do not use the aspects.


> 11. Thanks to Sandy Crowther's quotation below from Kalidas's famous

> classic 'Uttara Kalamrita', the authority of Prof. K. Balachandran's

> application of Kethu's 7th, 9th and 12th aspects and James Braha's

> quotation of nodes' 5 th and 9 th aspects as per writing of sage

> Parasara has been known, and it has also been understood why admirer

> of sage Parasara and Dr. B. V. Raman, Sanjay Rath takes the same view

> of nodes' Jupiter-like-aspects like V.K. Choudhry even though

> thoughts of their schools are entirely different.


> As per courtesy of Sandy Crowther by Message #2902 ----

> Notes below are from Uttara Kalamrita Kalidasa by Dr. P. S. Sastri,

> Edition 2001, page 43 under " Notes " :

> " The aspect on the fifth and the ninth is the trine (120 degrees,

> 240 degrees) aspect, that on the third is a sextile (60 degree

> aspect). The last should include the aspect on the eleventh (300

> degrees), though the author denies it. The aspect on the eighth (210

> degrees) is quincunx, and this can include the aspect on the sixth

> (150 degrees), inspite of the author's denial. The aspect on the

> seventh is called opposition (180 degree) aspect. According to

> Parasara, Rahu aspects 5, 7, 9, and 12 fully, 2 and 10 by half, and 3

> and 6 by quarter. "

> Western astrologers speak of semi-square (45 degrees 315 degrees),

> sesquiquadrate (135 degrees), Quintile (72 degrees), Biquintile (144

> degrees), Tredecile (108 degrees), Decile (36 degrees), and Vigintile

> (18 degrees) aspects also. "

> End of quote…




> 12. By taking nodal aspects, their significance will be widened,

> e.g. Prof. K. Balachandran, Kehtu = All Planets aspected by Kethu (KP

> Year Book, p 82 & 84); J. N. Bhasin, the influence of planets conj or

> aspect nodes is to be taken in the influence of nodal aspects. (Art

> of Prediction, p 16)




> , anant raichur <anant_1608>

> wrote:

> > Dear Rongaunt

> >

> > The rules for Rahu/Ketu are clear cut. They ACT as agents of

> >

> > 1. the planet withwhich they are conjoined

> > 2. Thier Star Lord

> > 3. Planets which Aspect Them

> > 4. The Lord of the Sign in which they reside

> >

> > This in order of importance.

> >

> > Naturally if Rahu is agent of Jupiter, he will signify whatever

> Jupiter

> >

> > signifies.

> >

> >

> > --- rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > I know that Rahu and Ketu are significators of the same house as

> > > their dispositor. But can someone please let me know whether

> > > they are also the significators of OTHER houses where that

> > > dispositor is also a significator.

> > >

> > > Example Rahu is in Pisces and would be a significator of houses

> > > where Jupiter is Lord. However in this case say Jupiter is a

> > > significator in the sign where Moon is Lord ie Cancer, would Rahu

> > > also be considered as significator for this house?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > Ron Gaunt

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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