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Digest Number 664

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Pranam, Rajeevji. Hearty congratulations on the birth of your daughter to you and your wife. With Love Shankaree wrote: ASTROLOGY N REMEDIES FOR FREE Messages In This

Digest (4 Messages) 1. Gand Moolak Days and Timings, S Sidhhi Yoga, Ravi Yoga Pram Chopra 2a. my future? namratha mootha 3. VJonDalalStreet.com MF, IPO & Shares info - Volume 43/2007 vinitjain75 4a. Re: second child kukreja_rajeev View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1. Gand Moolak Days and Timings, S Sidhhi Yoga, Ravi Yoga Posted by: "Pram Chopra" pramchopra1964 pramchopra1964 Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:43 am (PST) Dear Honorable Members of ForumGod Bless AllGand Moolak day time starts from 22th August 2007 07:20:00 up to 24th August 2007 10:36:00 which is not good for any auspicious work to start with as it will give result of ill health as well as ill fortune.Sarvarth Sidhhi Yoga18th August 2007 23:00:00 up to 19th August 2007 till Sunrise.21st August 2007 04:50:00 up to 21st August 2007 till Sunrise.Ravi Yoga15th August 2007 15:10:00 up to 16th August 2007 17:25:0017th August 2007 11:09:00 up to 17th August 2007 20:05:0018th August 2007 23:00:00 up to 19th August 2007 02:00:00A Foresight Prince of IndiaPram

Chopra________Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase.http://farechase./ Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 2a. my future? Posted by: "namratha mootha" namratha_135 namratha_135 Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:26 am (PST) respected gurus!i want to know how will my married life be?how will my financial position be after marriage?my detailsdob : 13 may 1984place : chennai(madras)time : 11.41p.m.my husbands detailsname : vikramdob : 15 may 1984place : chennai(madras)time : 09.15 a.m.please please help me as i am really worried!waiting for your help and advice thanking younamrathaShashie Shekhar <polite_astro > wrote:ll HARE RAM ll(60)yearsMY HEARTY GREETINGS TO ALL MY DEAR MEMBERS FOR THE "INDEPENDENCE - DAY"Shashie ShekharHARE_RAM Astro_Remedies Manglik_ManglikShashi S.Sharma[Vedic Astrologer & Gems Advisor]Delhi, Cell-09818310075polite.astro polite_astro (AT) hotmail (DOT) com Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (2) 3. VJonDalalStreet.com MF, IPO & Shares info - Volume 43/2007 Posted by: "vinitjain75" vinitjain75 vinitjain75 Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:58 pm (PST) Readers

Hi,Be very cautious in your trading. In the short term, more bad news could beexpected about troubled hedge funds, which could set off another drop in theglobal stock market that could further lead another 500 to 1000 point dropon our stock markets as well.Another major reason why I want to refrain from buying today is the currentIndian political situation. Post 15th Aug, Opposition and Left parties viewover the nuclear deal with US will be clear. There is a bit of uncertaintythere and in the worst case could lead to fall of the government. There is a major sell-off across all sectors which also prompts for goodbuying opportunity. However I would like to pass another atleast 2 more daysbefore I start doing the bottom fishing. Being a small investor and not aday trader, I would prefer to make less profit than to making losses. In the time of crisis go for mutual funds. They are the maestros of

thisbusiness. Go ahead and invest in some good quality Mutual Funds there likeICICI Prudential Infrastructure, DSP ML TIGER, Tata Infrastructure, SBIMagnum Multiplier Plus, Sundaram Capex Opportunities etc 1) Share Targets Achieved http://www.vjondalalstreet.com/shares_tgt.html2) Coverage initiated on new Mutual Fund (NFO) * DWS Global Thematic Offshore Fund* Escorts Infrastructure Fund* Kotak Global Emerging Market Fund* DSP Merrill Lynch World Gold Fund* JM Contra Fund<http://www.vjondalalstreet.com/mf.html>http://www.vjondalalstreet.com/mf.htmlHappy Trading!<http://www.vjondalalstreet.com/> http://www.vjondalalstreet.comBus Naam hi kaafi hain...To vjondalalstreet- You can also join the group with your mobile phone and get updates throughsms. To sms JOIN VJonDalalStreet to 67673434Today's Tip: Everyone knows that they should buy when the market has reached its lowestand sell the shares when the market peaks. But the fact remains, no one cantime the market.Term of the Day: BottomThe lowest point or price reached by a financial security, commodity, indexor economic cycle in a given time period, which is followed by a steadyincrease. Bottom FisherAn investor who looks for bargains among stocks whose prices have recentlydropped dramatically. The investor believes that the recent price drop

istemporary and a recovery is soon to follow. For more terms, visit http://www.vjondalalstreet.com/faq_glossary.htmlDisclaimerAll information provided is for informational purposes only, not intendedfor trading purposes or advice. Prior to execution of any trade, you areadvised to consult your financial advisor to verify the accuracy of allinformation. We are not liable for any informational errors, incompleteness,delays, or for any actions based on information contained herein.http://www.linkreferral.com/adwel.pl?oldrefid=103093 http://www.clickthru.com/ref/603271http://www.hits2u.com/?384837 Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 4a. Re: second child Posted by: "kukreja_rajeev" kukreja_rajeev kukreja_rajeev Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:42 pm (PST) Just want to let everyone know that I was blessed with a daughter today. She was born at 1.26 p.m. on 15th august

2007 in bangalore. My wife had the C-section and is doing okay. Thank you all for the good wishesrajeev , "kukreja_rajeev" <kukreja_rajeev wrote:>> Respected members,> My wife is expecting our second child and is due on 30th aug 2007. Her > doctor has advised us to go for surgery. > > I would like to request all the learned members of this list to kindly > analyze my wife's and my horoscope re: my second child. will my wife > have surgery and will everything go okay with the surgery? will my > child be okay?> > please provide your valuable insight and recommendations/remedies if any> > my details---born on 4th jan 1970 at 11.15 a.m. in bangalore> > My wife's Details---- Born on 25th Nov 1978 at 11.23 P.M.

in Bangalore> > We have a son born on 11th feb 2003 at 9.28 a.m. in bangalore> > thank you and looking forward to your reply,> rajeev> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply

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Let my every word be a prayer to Thee, Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee, Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee, Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet; Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari

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