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AATHREYA - - Musings

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AATHREYA - Dr.BalaKrishna Murthy Ramaraju

( RBK Murthy )

27 Mackay Dr.

Marlborough , MA 01752 - 1935

Cell : 508 - 265 - 1124


It is nice to belong to as I could come

across friendly well informed people across the globe.

I became acquainted with very nice people from India

to Italy , US to UK , Fizi to France , from Mauritius to

Malaysia , Singapore to Sri Lanka and from Africa to

Australia , which otherwise I could not have ever done.

My experience differed from one Y group to another.

Some groups are entirely Owner - Oriented and I can

only read what owner wants me to read , I have no say

and I could not post any message ; I have nothing to

do with them and I promptly quit them.

Second type of groups are heavily censored and take

such a long time to approve my non controversial posts

and by the time they appear in flesh and blood, I forgot

that I ever posted those messages and I saw no merit

in continuing in these .

Third type of groups rely solely on whims and fancies of

owners with sometimes approval coming promptly and

at other times I was never informed about approval or

no approval even though the natureof my posts is same

in nature as always it was before. I failed to understand

the logic of it and I felt sorry to leave them.

All the above three groups are good groups and I am

awarethat they have every right to do what they do but I

have my own right to not to be a part of them . I quit with

out any rancour and any remorse on either side.

Fourth type of groups require approval which is promptly

given and I am happy to be associated with them even

though sometimes I had some difficult moments. I am

reminded of a bitter quarrel between two French

philosophers when they both told each other " I do not

agree with what you say but I defend your right to say it. "

Fifth type of groups are the most liberal and my posts are

accepted on the spot , pronto.

Over the period I received very friendly constructive

suggestions, ideas,encomiums , criticisms , approvals

and good wishes such as : -

Use captions.



Do not use upper case capital letters.etc etc

I close with remarks that one should have an open mind,

encourage freedom of expression as long as it does not

hurt others , understanding , humility , clear thinking and

readiness to say " You may be right, Thank you , Sorry ,

I am wrong " . Be prepared to forgive though you may not

forget. To err is human , but to repeat the same mistake

is inappropriate. Thanks for understanding.

aathreya - r b krishna murthy





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Dear Sir,


Namaskaar, It's always a pleasure to read ur messages as it brings

good spiritual messeges which is embedded in ur writings, As happens

frequently to me, u w'd be surprised to know that yesterday night

around 11:15 pm, i was writing a a mail to you, as i completed, there

was a power cut and i couldn't post it, but i have saved it somewhere

in hard disk.


I was requesting to you to give ur thoughts too along with ur series

of articles, in a rich life of 72 yrs of age, and doing so good in

professional life , travelling across the globe and still being so

simple and having such a keen knowledge of our scriptures, itself

indicates there is so much for we guys to know and learn about life

from you.


What u said about is true, in that VA group, I got a

bitter experiece, on the one hand a well established astrologer was

willingly insulting me, using mean language and carefully chosen

abusing words, all were preeching me down, It's not my nature to

stretch an issue but whenever i looked within me and my chosen way of

life, my will and wish to oppose cheatings, It was difficult for me

to tolerate, so, i reacted with all my strength.


How People uses their knowledge as a tool to curb the truth, Rafel, a

good young guy in astrology said - he sees a kapat yoga formed by me,

and i m a gulika servant etc..., further he said, nobody, no member

of that group called me ever, to give information against the racket

of few astrologers like Pt. Dakschhinamurty, Prakash Kumar , Arjun

Pandit etc.. who were exploiting people's faith


And at the same time i was receiving a call from Banglore, My friend

who later joined this group, was calling me.


They were making a terror of their so called cursing power, occult

power, divine recognition etc.. to crack them down, I had to

say " Your Power is under my foot, Do it, Use it agains me " , saying so

in public forum, needs lot of strength, but Once or Twice i looked at

my Divine Mother, She assured me I m not wrong. Though I failed to

leave a good impression but i m happy that I could expose them.


It's not my nature to have quarrel, but in india, i have noticed

educated people, worthy people doesnt express their thoughts, they

dont act for the cotrrecting the system and problems continues,

continues to corrupting our system.


In June, I was travelling From Delhi to Rewa, I booked a ticket in

Jharkhand express, scheduled to depart the station around 8:50 PM,

when i reached, it was declared late by 2 hrs, I waited, after that,

4 hrs..., When i enquired , came to know train is not yet come, this

is an every day's scene in India. Why they give such wrong

information to people, an impression of slavery is still somewhere in

the mind..


well, a co-pessanger who looked like an IPS officer, started saying

about the system, I asked many people to raise Issue to Station

Incharge, He went along with people but strange, He himself didn't

lodge a complaint...


I noticed this double standard in people's approach, well, he was

smarter, influential and stronger than me, but not confident.


We came back, after 2 more hrs,when we enquired, We came to know

Train may go in the morning, uncertain answer..


Then I decided to do something, I forced Station Incharge to give me

DRM's no, he replied he is sleeping and he can't give me his mobile

no., Then i asked people to lodge 50 complains against the Station

Incharge, When people started doing that, He gave DRM's no, I said

the Station Incharge, Do u think Ur DRM is such a big officer, he

can't be contacted, We have purchased a ticket and he is accountable

to us for service.


I spoke to him, as usual, he trying to convince with avoiding the

accountability like space is not there in the track so train can't be

brought to station and then that it's servicing is going on ..., he

said unless the servicing report comes, he cant allow the train's

departure, he was covering the lapses, I had key points in my mind

and he had no idea to answers, well, I managed him to give in writing

that Train is not getting any more late, and also, to accept that

lapses in writing, And He accepted the mistakes, provided the

explaination and assured that it wont be repeated in future in a

piece of paper, with his stamps.


Problem took 10 - 15 minutes of excercise. Why i could do that, may

be because, I was confident, I had a good logical view point, Freedom

of thoughts is first thing to achieve in spirituality and if we are

honest to ourselves, we get it. and then if we invoke God, God comes

with love and protection, There were 2 dozens of polician and 4 - 5

Inspectors around me, I had no fear... I got their support also.


Why our Indians are so weak and opportunistic ... I trully dont

understand and what they achieve with their confinement to Comfort

Zone, I dont know ....



Pls. keep posted in group.


Expecting love and blessings.


with best regards,




--- In

Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy

Ramaraju,BS,MBBS,MS,FRCS,GERON " <dr.ramaraju.balakrishnamurthy



> AATHREYA - Dr.BalaKrishna Murthy Ramaraju


> ( RBK Murthy )


> 27 Mackay Dr.


> Marlborough , MA 01752 - 1935


> Cell : 508 - 265 - 1124




> It is nice to belong to as I could come


> across friendly well informed people across the globe.


> I became acquainted with very nice people from India


> to Italy , US to UK , Fizi to France , from Mauritius to


> Malaysia , Singapore to Sri Lanka and from Africa to


> Australia , which otherwise I could not have ever done.


> My experience differed from one Y group to another.


> Some groups are entirely Owner - Oriented and I can


> only read what owner wants me to read , I have no say


> and I could not post any message ; I have nothing to


> do with them and I promptly quit them.


> Second type of groups are heavily censored and take


> such a long time to approve my non controversial posts


> and by the time they appear in flesh and blood, I forgot


> that I ever posted those messages and I saw no merit


> in continuing in these .


> Third type of groups rely solely on whims and fancies of


> owners with sometimes approval coming promptly and


> at other times I was never informed about approval or


> no approval even though the natureof my posts is same


> in nature as always it was before. I failed to understand


> the logic of it and I felt sorry to leave them.


> All the above three groups are good groups and I am


> awarethat they have every right to do what they do but I


> have my own right to not to be a part of them . I quit with


> out any rancour and any remorse on either side.


> Fourth type of groups require approval which is promptly


> given and I am happy to be associated with them even


> though sometimes I had some difficult moments. I am


> reminded of a bitter quarrel between two French


> philosophers when they both told each other " I do not


> agree with what you say but I defend your right to say it. "


> Fifth type of groups are the most liberal and my posts are


> accepted on the spot , pronto.


> Over the period I received very friendly constructive


> suggestions, ideas,encomiums , criticisms , approvals


> and good wishes such as : -


> Use captions.


> Motivate.


> Refrain.


> Do not use upper case capital letters.etc etc


> I close with remarks that one should have an open mind,


> encourage freedom of expression as long as it does not


> hurt others , understanding , humility , clear thinking and


> readiness to say " You may be right, Thank you , Sorry ,


> I am wrong " . Be prepared to forgive though you may not


> forget. To err is human , but to repeat the same mistake


> is inappropriate. Thanks for understanding.


> aathreya - r b krishna murthy


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