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Raman Sachdeva Lord Narayan

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Dear All Guru 's jee Please do tell me more about the lord narayan and its brahmand .Please tell me all of your s ideas Lord Vishnu creations . How can we get the blessings of Lord Vishnu and what the correct way to please them ??? Tell me more about spriulaty and happiness and all our extreme goals of life . Thanking you , Raman Sachdeva

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The Avataras of the Lord


" There are many incarnations of the unborn Supreme Lord. Lord

Janardana (Vishnu) has incarnated as the Navagrahas (nine planets) to

bestow on the living beings the results of their karma (actions). He

assumed the auspicious form of Grahas to destroy the strength of the

demons, to sustain the strength of the devas (demigods) and to

establish dharma (religious principles). " ( BPHS. 2.3-4.)

The planets are representatives of the Lord's Avataras, or

incarnations. Thus the planets are controlled on three levels: There

is one personality in control of the planet itself, there is one

Devata (demigod) above him, and there is one Avatar of Vishnu above

all of them. The following table shows these relations:


Planet Controller Demigod Avatara

Sun Surya (Sungod) Agni (Firegod) Rama

Moon Soma (Moongod) Varuna (God of water) Krishna

Mars Kuja (God of Mars) Katikkeya (God of war) Narasimha (Lion headed)

Mercury Budha (God of Mercury) Vishnu (The Maintainer) Buddha (the Enlightened)

Jupiter Brihaspati (Guru of Demigods) Indra (King of Demigods) Vamana (Dwarf)

Venus Sukracarya (Guru of Demons) Saci (Indra's wife) Parasurama (Rama

with the Chopper)

Saturn Sani (Brother of Yama) Brahma (God of creation) Kurma (Tortoise)

Rahu Head of a demon Durga (Material energy) Varaha (Boar)

Ketu Body of a demon Ganesa (God of Vedas) Matsya (Fish)

Ascendant Bhumi Devi (Mother Earth) Kalki

Other authors, like Jaimini and Harihara give slightly different sets

of Deities for the 9 planets. The following table indicates the

Deities assigned by Jaimini, and those that may be assigned by

followers of other religions like Sikhism or Christianity:

Planet Deity by Jaimini Sikh Gurus Christianity

Sun Shiva Nanak Dev Holy Ghost

Moon Gauri Gobind Dev Virgin Mary

Mars Skanda Gobind Singh Crusaders

Mercury Vishnu Har Krishan Apostles

Jupiter Samba Siva Arjun Dev Jesus Christ

Venus Lakshmi Tegh Bahadur Angels

Saturn Narayana Amar Das Holy Father

Rahu Durga Angad Dev Mystics

Ketu Ganapati Har Rai Saints

Lagna Ram Das

These significations will be widely used later on, when we will take

lessons about the Ishta Devata (worship able Deity) and spirituality

in the chart. Interestingly, Parashara says, speaking about the

Avataras, that Rama, Krishna, Narasimha and Varaha are fully endowed

with Paramatmamsa, while the rest have Jeevatmamsa in them also. This

can be explained astrologically as follows: The Sun and the Moon are

the two main planets, and all the rest of the planets receive their

rays from them. Thus they are considered to be divine planets.

Narasimha is also considered as a higher form of Divinity, and He

represents the energy and determination needed to attain a goal.

Narasimhadeva and Varahadeva killed two brother demons: Hiranyakasipu

and Hiranyaksa. They represented the bad qualities of pride and greed.

Rahu is the worst planet, and it represents this degraded age of Kali.

However if Rahu is the Atmakaraka, then the native may become

purifiead of all contaminations and reach God, similarly as Varaha

lifted out the Earth from the depth of the Garbha ocean. The grahas

are supposed to represent the different powers exhibited by the

respective Avataras even at the times, when these Avataras are

un-manifest. Parashara concludes the 2 nd chapter as follows:

" At the time of the great destruction the Grahas merge into Lord

Vishnu. One who knows of all these will become well versed in the

knowledge of the past, present and future. No one can know these

things without the knowledge of astrology. Hence everyone must study

this science, and particularly the Brahmins. One who, devoid of the

knowledge of this science, blames it, will go to the hell called

Raurava, and will be reborn blind. "



On 12/27/07, rohit sood <rohit_sood76 wrote:

> Dear All Guru 's jee

> Please do tell me more about the lord narayan and its brahmand .Please

> tell me all of your s ideas Lord Vishnu creations .

> How can we get the blessings of Lord Vishnu and what the correct way to

> please them ???

> Tell me more about spriulaty and happiness and all our extreme goals of

> life .

> Thanking you ,

> Raman Sachdeva




> Bring your gang together - do your thing. Start your group.

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