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This month prediction for Sept 08

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This month for you from 01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008

All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable to respective rashi’s lagna’s.

General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go overseas for business/job/pleasure will get overseas opportunities.

Notes: Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya rashi is another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya Rashi. Mangal signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth. Conjunction of energy & youth will signifying results with respect to the house they are placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into Tula rashi on 25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will remain in Kanya rashi this entire month & will get retrograde or vakri on 24..09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct

motion on 08.09.08 Shukra remains neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters its own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani remains Margi or in its direct motion in this month

There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this month from 1st sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa dosha in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits to Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart attacks/bone problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya remains in this rashi.

Aries: Overall health remains a matter of concern this entire month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance needs attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect thefts happening till 18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out. Debilated Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse; you may also indulge in extra marital affairs. Sudden windfall gains may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month, in fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will remain very active. Expect good news from

overseas for job/interview/business. Your enemies will get active after 16th but you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is yours. Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded to please your spouses.


Taurus: Health problems remain a matter of concern. You are not able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain good this entire month.. Energy level is good. Good time to devote attention on buying new house/home décor/vehicle/land deals. Expect stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to sex organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from your spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/travel. Romance is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you diabetes/obesity. An excellent time to

go on a pilgrimage tour. Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government jobs. Be prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A visit to courts/prison/legal consultants/litigations are also not ruled out.

Gemini: Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will be at its peak, an investment in properties/shares/mutual funds/bonds/fixed deposits draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible looking for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with whom disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you. Your spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes are favourable

but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared to drill a hole in your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts.

Cancer: Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to eye doctor is not ruled out.. Tendency to be rude in your speech may reduce after the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your attention on house décor/new house/new vehicles/home appliances etc. Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts with influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead to heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies will be very active now. Romance is in the air.

Constant nagging with your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or develop an intimate relationship with your office colleague of the opposite sex after the 19th. Those seeking to go overseas will get a positive response. But expenses will also increase.

Leo: Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king size. You will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now. Your 70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your political contacts & skills. Those in field of art/films/singing/music will be at their peak. You are flooded with offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept is not reading this. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in overseas business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable. Karma at its peak. Everything is going well for you. Come-on LIONS just get charged and move ahead.

Virgo: Health improves after the 25th. You will be showered with appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos, respect. Your intellectual will be at its peak. Finances will be at its best after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home décor/new vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/betting/gambling. You will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your wallet/mobile phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th to 16th. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results beyond your expectations. Overseas business

will also give positive results.

Libra: Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate for not getting response from their foreign counterpart for job/business, should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive responses. Your increased desire to achieve your goals will give excellent results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns on their investments. Thefts may happen at your young siblings/friends home/office. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with your spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the


Scorpio: Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for overseas travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive travel may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your enemies may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you. Eligible singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills & research will fetch you handsome returns. The desire to sense enjoyments will increase after the 19th so will your expenses. Just enjoy & be happy.


Sagittarius: Health is good so is your aggression reduced after the 24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the required laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job. This may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in government organizations will get promotion & increased pay packets after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will certainly travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase, drilling fat holes in your wallets.

Capricorn: Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in its own house is not giving the required results. Your efforts & your energy level are getting wasted with meager results to the kind of efforts you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also ruling your mind. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and seek some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you worry dear; your fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next two months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will come to your rescue. Fortune favours the brave.

Aquarius: Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the 24th. Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your home/office. Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction with your spouse may result in divorce after the 15th. But be careful while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/prisons/deserted

places will go on.

Pisces: Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will also detioriate. You will be innovative in your skills. Those in artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th. Your spouse’s health will improve after the 19th. But fortunes will not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated very much by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary. Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a

burden on you.

With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer,

Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103

Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469



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Dear Nathani,


Thanks for your monthly forecast. At least some member may take

benefit. But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related

to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian

nirayan system. Even then no problem. Because members can themselves

decide which sign or which sentence is more favourable to them. OK.


I am unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for

God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are leaking

his wishes. Hi. Hi.


You are very much interested and also doing business of astrology.

May I ask some question?


Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to

foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for


In view of your anticipated answer I am further asking to intimate

any principle, which in your opinion is correct.

I know you will not intimate. Hence I will request you to go

through " Astrology a science or myth " in file section or read 1st

msg. So if you are supporter of astrology then you must have answer

to these simple questions.


I hope you will neither sleep in silence zone nor left the forum and

may come forward in support of your stand and will provide simple

answer to various questions. As some members have left the forum for

saving their business.

One member left after seeking some clarification when he was claiming

100 % correct forecast.

Another left when he was supporting Khullar system.

Another left / silent when ask some clarification on his socalled

principle of diabetes.


We are discussing various points related to astrology (refer

SOA_____file in file section) and you can pickup any point for

discussion. I hope you will support your stand with your knowledge

and may not let down astrologers. Rest assured you may continue with

your business of predictive astrology as usual on various other

forums and we will not disturb you there and this forum is not joined

by your clients hence you may safely continue and don't bother for

any failure.


Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.



Yours truly,






, " Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani "

<haresh1405 wrote:


> This month for you from  01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008

> All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable

to respective rashi’s lagna’s.

> General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go

overseas for business/job/pleasure will get overseas opportunities.

> Notes:  Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya rashi  is

another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in

Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya Rashi. Mangal

signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth. Conjunction of energy

& youth will signifying results with respect to the house they are

placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into Tula  rashi on

25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will

remain   in Kanya rashi this entire month & will get retrograde or

vakri on 24.09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct motion on

08.09.08 Shukra remains neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters its

own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani   remains Margi or in

its direct motion in this month

> There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this

month from 1st sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa dosha

in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for

dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits to

Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart attacks/bone

problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya

remains in this rashi.

> Aries:  Overall health remains a matter of concern this entire

month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance needs

attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect thefts

happening till 18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out. Debilated

Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse; you

may also indulge in extra marital affairs.   Sudden windfall gains

may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month, in

fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will

remain very active. Expect good news from overseas for

job/interview/business. Your enemies will get active after 16th but

you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is yours.

Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded to

please your spouses.


> Taurus:  Health problems remain a matter of concern. You are not

able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain good

this entire month. Energy level is good.  Good time to devote

attention on buying new house/home décor/vehicle/land deals. Expect

stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to sex

organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from your

spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/travel. Romance

is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you

diabetes/obesity. An excellent time to go on a pilgrimage tour.

Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government jobs. Be

prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A visit

to courts/prison/legal consultants/litigations are also not ruled


> Gemini:Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord

remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will be at

its peak, an investment in properties/shares/mutual funds/bonds/fixed

deposits draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire

month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart

ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible looking

for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with whom

disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you. Your

spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very

aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes are

favourable but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared to drill a hole in

your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts.

> Cancer:Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest

keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to eye

doctor is not ruled out. Tendency to be rude in your speech may

reduce after the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the

opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your

attention on house décor/new house/new vehicles/home appliances etc.

Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts with

influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead to

heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies

will be very active now. Romance is in the air. Constant nagging with

your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or

develop an intimate relationship with your office colleague of the

opposite sex after the 19th.  Those seeking to go overseas will get

a positive response. But expenses will also increase.

> Leo:Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king size.

You will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is

health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now. Your

70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your

political contacts & skills. Those in field of

art/films/singing/music will be at their peak. You are flooded with

offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept is

not reading this. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in overseas

business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable. Karma

at its peak.  Everything is going well for you. Come-on LIONS just

get charged and move ahead.

> Virgo:Health improves after the 25th. You will be showered with

appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos, respect.

Your intellectual will be at its peak. Finances will be at its best

after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home décor/new

vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A

good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/betting/gambling. You

will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your wallet/mobile

phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th to

16th. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results beyond

your expectations. Overseas business will also give positive results.

> Libra:Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses

after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to

achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate for

not getting response from their foreign counterpart for job/business,

should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive responses.

Your increased desire to achieve your goals will give excellent

results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns on

their investments. Thefts may happen at your young siblings/friends

home/office. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with your

spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the 16th.

> Scorpio:Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for overseas

travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this

month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive travel

may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to

land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your enemies

may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you. Eligible

singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills &

research will fetch you handsome returns. The desire to sense

enjoyments will increase after the 19th so will your expenses. Just

enjoy & be happy.  

> Sagittarius:Health is good so is your aggression reduced after the

24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall

gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the required

laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job. This

may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in

government organizations will get promotion & increased pay packets

after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will certainly

travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase, drilling

fat holes in your wallets.

> Capricorn:Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat

disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in its own

house is not giving the required results. Your efforts & your energy

level are getting wasted with meager results to the kind of efforts

you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also ruling

your mind. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and seek

some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you worry dear; your

fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next two

months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will come to

your rescue. Fortune favours the brave.

> Aquarius:Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and

improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the 24th.

Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your home/office.

Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction with

your spouse may result in divorce after the 15th. But be careful

while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically

handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in

government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay

packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and

satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/prisons/deserted places will

go on.

> Pisces:Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will also

detioriate.  You will be innovative in your skills. Those in

artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your

capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th..

Your spouse’s health will improve after the 19th. But fortunes will

not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated very

much by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary.

Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will

expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a burden on



> With Warm Regards

> Haresh(Harry)Nathani

> Vedic Astologer, 

> Vaastu Consultant

> Insurance Advisor

> Cell +91 98672 14103

> Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469

> (Mumbai,India)



> Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go

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Dear Sannat

I hv replied to ur query step by step

But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian nirayan system.


Pls read the opening line of my prediction

All prediction are on moon sign/rashiâ. This is also applicable to respective rashiâs lagnaâ.

I am unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are leaking his wishes. Hi. Hi.

Pls understand that an astrologer does not interfers in Gods work. God has already given all the required powers to all the planets which govern us, & we all react according to the placement of planets in our kundalis which ruke us. An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for a better planning of our activities.

Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for earning?

I am a professional astrologer, & apply the principals of astrology, but I also do charge people who need expert assisstance from me.


If people leave the group, nothing can be done. As long as u remain within the norms or purpose of the group being run this groups goes on. If some leave more will come.





With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain Sent: Thursday, 4 September, 2008 11:11:32 PM Re: This month prediction for Sept 08


Dear Nathani,Namaskar,Thanks for your monthly forecast. At least some member may take benefit. But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian nirayan system. Even then no problem. Because members can themselves decide which sign or which sentence is more favourable to them. OK.I am unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are leaking his wishes. Hi. Hi.You are very much interested and also doing business of astrology. May I ask some question?Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for earning?In view of your anticipated answer I am further asking to intimate any principle, which in your opinion is correct.I know you will not intimate. Hence

I will request you to go through "Astrology a science or myth" in file section or read 1st msg. So if you are supporter of astrology then you must have answer to these simple questions.I hope you will neither sleep in silence zone nor left the forum and may come forward in support of your stand and will provide simple answer to various questions. As some members have left the forum for saving their business.One member left after seeking some clarification when he was claiming 100 % correct forecast.Another left when he was supporting Khullar system.Another left / silent when ask some clarification on his socalled principle of diabetes.We are discussing various points related to astrology (refer SOA_____file in file section) and you can pickup any point for discussion. I hope you will support your stand with your knowledge and may not let down astrologers. Rest assured you may

continue with your business of predictive astrology as usual on various other forums and we will not disturb you there and this forum is not joined by your clients hence you may safely continue and don't bother for any failure.Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.ThanksYours truly,Sanat, "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:>> This month for you from  01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008> All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable to respective rashi’s lagna’s.> General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go overseas for business/job/ pleasure will get overseas opportunities.>

Notes:  Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya rashi  is another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya Rashi. Mangal signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth.. Conjunction of energy & youth will signifying results with respect to the house they are placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into Tula  rashi on 25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will remain  in Kanya rashi this entire month & will get retrograde or vakri on 24.09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct motion on 08.09.08 Shukra remains neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters its own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani   remains Margi or in its direct motion in this month> There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this month from 1st

sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa dosha in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits to Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart attacks/bone problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya remains in this rashi. > Aries:  Overall health remains a matter of concern this entire month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance needs attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect thefts happening till 18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out. Debilated Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse; you may also indulge in extra marital affairs.   Sudden windfall gains may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month, in fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will

remain very active. Expect good news from overseas for job/interview/ business. Your enemies will get active after 16th but you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is yours. Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded to please your spouses. >  > Taurus:  Health problems remain a matter of concern. You are not able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain good this entire month. Energy level is good.  Good time to devote attention on buying new house/home décor/vehicle/ land deals. Expect stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to sex organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from your spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/ travel. Romance is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you diabetes/obesity. An excellent time to go on a pilgrimage

tour. Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government jobs. Be prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A visit to courts/prison/ legal consultants/ litigations are also not ruled out. > Gemini:Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will be at its peak, an investment in properties/shares/ mutual funds/bonds/ fixed deposits draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible looking for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with whom disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you. Your spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes are

favourable but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared to drill a hole in your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts. > Cancer:Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to eye doctor is not ruled out. Tendency to be rude in your speech may reduce after the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your attention on house décor/new house/new vehicles/home appliances etc. Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts with influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead to heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies will be very active now. Romance is in the air. Constant nagging with your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or develop an intimate relationship with your

office colleague of the opposite sex after the 19th. Those seeking to go overseas will get a positive response. But expenses will also increase. > Leo:Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king size. You will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now. Your 70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your political contacts & skills. Those in field of art/films/singing/ music will be at their peak. You are flooded with offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept is not reading this.. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in overseas business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable. Karma at its peak.  Everything is going well for you. Come-on LIONS just get charged and move ahead.> Virgo:Health improves after the 25th. You will be

showered with appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos, respect. Your intellectual will be at its peak. Finances will be at its best after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home décor/new vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/ betting/gambling . You will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your wallet/mobile phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th to 16th. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results beyond your expectations. Overseas business will also give positive results. > Libra:Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate for not getting response from their foreign counterpart for job/business,

should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive responses. Your increased desire to achieve your goals will give excellent results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns on their investments. Thefts may happen at your young siblings/friends home/office.. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with your spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the 16th. > Scorpio:Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for overseas travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive travel may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your enemies may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you. Eligible singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills & research will fetch you handsome returns. The

desire to sense enjoyments will increase after the 19th so will your expenses. Just enjoy & be happy.  > Sagittarius: Health is good so is your aggression reduced after the 24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the required laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job. This may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in government organizations will get promotion & increased pay packets after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will certainly travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase, drilling fat holes in your wallets.. > Capricorn:Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in its own house is not giving the required results. Your efforts & your energy level are

getting wasted with meager results to the kind of efforts you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also ruling your mind. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and seek some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you worry dear; your fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next two months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will come to your rescue. Fortune favours the brave. > Aquarius:Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the 24th. Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your home/office. Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction with your spouse may result in divorce after the 15th. But be careful while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in

government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/ prisons/deserted places will go on. > Pisces:Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will also detioriate. You will be innovative in your skills. Those in artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th.. Your spouse’s health will improve after the 19th.. But fortunes will not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated very much by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary. Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a burden on you. >  > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry)

Nathani> Vedic Astologer, > Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469> (Mumbai,India)> > > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go to http://in.webmessen ger.. com/>

Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download.

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Dear Nathani,


Thanks for your very quick reply.


Opening line of monthly forecast intimate about rashi / lagn, which

may be quite different. But no problem. As I am not very much

interested. And members may take their own route.


>>>>>> An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to

the placement of planets. This helps us for a better planning of our



You are in the field of insurance. So suppose you advice an

individual that so and so problem will be there hence take corrective

measure (say insurance, amendment in planning, change in habit, ring,

Vaastu etc.) to avoid that problem. For which you are charging fee

and taking help of astrology for such prediction. You may be agreeing

on this presumption. OK


Now suppose you have forecasted sme problem and individual taken some

remedial measure on your advise to avoid it and saved him from such

problem. Then definitely you have interfered in the destiny of that

individual, which was so-called defined for him by God. Because

creating the problem to that individual may not be isolated incident.

By this incident there is so many connected series of incidents not

only in his life but also on the life of so many other persons of his

family and society. You may think that perhaps God may want to

transfer his money to some one else due to this problem and you have

created interference thus money may not be transferred or you can

think of so many interconnecting series of incidents in all sort of

prediction / correction. Thus destiny of anyone is not isolated and

his future is not independent but it is a series with cascading

affect on others. Just think. When every one is changing his script

of destiny on the advise of astrologers then what will happen to

original destiny. On the other hand if you (astrologer) are not able

to change the destiny then what is the use of forecast? Or you can

change the forecast irrespective of the position of the planets in

the horoscope. Thus your remedy is more powerful then the so called

affect of Sun / planets. I am not extending it further and hope

member will think further with open mind.


I know that astrology is your business hence I am not asking you to

analyze my horoscope. But I am asking you to provide a single

astrological principle which in your opinion is correct; or you have

just joined this business for the sake of money without in depth

study as to whether some thing can actually be predicted or not. I am

sure that you have joined this business for the sake of money like

many others, without in depth study (please do not take it as

personal allegation it is for other astrologers).


I am not bothered as to whether any member is leaving the forum or

not. But I am bothered that why such astrologers are befooling

innocent public. It may be possible that many astrologer may not have

opportunity to think for analyzing astrological principals. But when

I am raising many questions on astrology, that too after studying it

for +35 years and after writing two original books, even then they

are not willing to think and finding answers. At least they must know

the truth though they may continue their business. I am not asking to

stop their business.


For example you have mentioned about Kaal sarp yog in your forecast.

99.9% members including other forums too will not ask any question.

But I will like to ask as to in which astrological principle

(shastra) there is reference of Kaal sarp yog. Or you are just

following the trick.


I am quoting few lines from my PS under msg dated 1-8-8

" Today on 1-8-8, there is total solar eclipse when Sun and Moon may

be at +105 degree but Ketu is at 115 degree. Now everybody knows that

at the time of total solar eclipse Moon is going to intersect the

orbit of the Sun and during intersection Sun happens to be on the

point of intersection hence we can see total solar eclipse. Now my

question to the members of the forum is that what Ketu (which is

intersection point of orbits) is doing at 115 degree, whereas it must

be at 105 degree the location where Sun and Moon are transiting. Thus

can't member realize that position of these shadow planets in the

horoscopes is wrong. "


So I will like to ask as to when position of Rahu Ketu is not correct

in the horoscope then why you are infusing fear complex of Kaal Sarp

yog. You are also active on many forums hence you can ask your

friends as to why Ketu is not at intersection point. Thus you must

know that there is no base in kaal sarp yog, and you have to admit

it; but on the other hand you may continue to extract money from

fools. I have no objection, because you as an astrologer, has every

right to run your business and extract money from fools.


I am also waiting for your reply on various questions discussed and

referred in SOA____ file including " Astrology a science or myth " . I

hope by now you may have gone through these files, and now you will

come out with your knowledge.


Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.


Thanking you,


Yours truly,



PS : I will like to say to the members of the forum that they have an

option to observe silence only if they are agree with my views; AND


STAND. I think there may not be any hesitation in the mind of the

members. Even if they do not have in depth study of astrology; they

may come forward with their faith and either try to support their

stand or try to see a new dimension of the astrology, which is the

only use of interaction.



Think differently, Think logically and Think scientifically




, " Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani "

<haresh1405 wrote:


> Dear Sannat

> I hv replied to ur query step by step

> But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related

> to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian

> nirayan system.

> Pls read the opening line of my prediction

> All prediction are on moon sign/rashiâ. This is also applicable

> to respective rashiâs lagnaâ.

> Iam unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for

> God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are


> his wishes. Hi. Hi.

> Pls understand that an astrologer does not interfers in Gods work.

God has already given all the required powers to all the planets

which govern us, & we all react according to the placement of planets

in our kundalis which ruke us. An astrologer only presents the kind

of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for a

better planning of our activities.

> Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to

> foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for

> earning?

> I am a professional astrologer, & apply the principals of

astrology, but I also do charge people who need expert assisstance

from me.


> If people leave the group, nothing can be done. As long as u remain

within the norms or purpose of the group being run this groups goes

on. If some leave more will come.









> With Warm Regards

> Haresh(Harry)Nathani

> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

> Insurance Advisor

> Cell +91 98672 14103

> Mumbai,India)





> sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain


> Thursday, 4 September, 2008 11:11:32 PM

> Re: This month prediction for Sept 08



> Dear Nathani,

> Namaskar,

> Thanks for your monthly forecast. At least some member may take

> benefit. But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related

> to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian

> nirayan system. Even then no problem. Because members can


> decide which sign or which sentence is more favourable to them. OK.


> I am unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for

> God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are


> his wishes. Hi. Hi.


> You are very much interested and also doing business of astrology.

> May I ask some question?


> Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to

> foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for

> earning?

> In view of your anticipated answer I am further asking to intimate

> any principle, which in your opinion is correct.

> I know you will not intimate. Hence I will request you to go

> through " Astrology a science or myth " in file section or read 1st

> msg. So if you are supporter of astrology then you must have answer

> to these simple questions.


> I hope you will neither sleep in silence zone nor left the forum


> may come forward in support of your stand and will provide simple

> answer to various questions. As some members have left the forum


> saving their business.

> One member left after seeking some clarification when he was


> 100 % correct forecast.

> Another left when he was supporting Khullar system.

> Another left / silent when ask some clarification on his socalled

> principle of diabetes.


> We are discussing various points related to astrology (refer

> SOA_____file in file section) and you can pickup any point for

> discussion. I hope you will support your stand with your knowledge

> and may not let down astrologers. Rest assured you may continue


> your business of predictive astrology as usual on various other

> forums and we will not disturb you there and this forum is not


> by your clients hence you may safely continue and don't bother for

> any failure.


> Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.


> Thanks

> Yours truly,

> Sanat


> , " Haresh \(Harry\)

Nathani "

> <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > This month for you from  01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008

> > All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also


> to respective rashi’s lagna’s.

> > General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go

> overseas for business/job/ pleasure will get overseas opportunities.

> > Notes:  Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya rashi


> another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in

> Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya Rashi.


> signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth. Conjunction of


> & youth will signifying results with respect to the house they are

> placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into Tula  rashi


> 25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will

> remain   in Kanya rashi this entire month & will get

retrograde or

> vakri on 24.09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct motion on

> 08.09.08 Shukra remains neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters its

> own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani   remains Margi

or in

> its direct motion in this month

> > There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this

> month from 1st sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa


> in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for

> dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits to

> Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart attacks/bone

> problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya

> remains in this rashi.

> > Aries:  Overall health remains a matter of concern this entire

> month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance needs

> attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect thefts

> happening till 18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out. Debilated

> Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse;


> may also indulge in extra marital affairs.   Sudden windfall


> may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month,


> fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will

> remain very active. Expect good news from overseas for

> job/interview/ business. Your enemies will get active after 16th


> you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is yours.

> Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded to

> please your spouses.

> >  

> > Taurus:  Health problems remain a matter of concern. You are


> able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain


> this entire month. Energy level is good.  Good time to devote

> attention on buying new house/home décor/vehicle/ land deals.


> stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to


> organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from


> spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/ travel.


> is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you

> diabetes/obesity. An excellent time to go on a pilgrimage tour.

> Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government jobs.


> prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A


> to courts/prison/ legal consultants/ litigations are also not ruled

> out.

> > Gemini:Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord

> remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will be


> its peak, an investment in properties/shares/ mutual funds/bonds/


> deposits draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire

> month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart

> ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible


> for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with whom

> disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you.


> spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very

> aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes are

> favourable but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared to drill a

hole in

> your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts.

> > Cancer:Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest

> keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to


> doctor is not ruled out. Tendency to be rude in your speech may

> reduce after the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the

> opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your

> attention on house décor/new house/new vehicles/home appliances


> Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts with

> influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead to

> heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies

> will be very active now. Romance is in the air. Constant nagging


> your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or

> develop an intimate relationship with your office colleague of the

> opposite sex after the 19th.  Those seeking to go overseas will


> a positive response. But expenses will also increase.

> > Leo:Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king size.

> You will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is

> health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now.


> 70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your

> political contacts & skills. Those in field of

> art/films/singing/ music will be at their peak. You are flooded


> offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept


> not reading this. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in


> business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable.


> at its peak.  Everything is going well for you. Come-on LIONS


> get charged and move ahead..

> > Virgo:Health improves after the 25th. You will be showered with

> appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos,


> Your intellectual will be at its peak. Finances will be at its best

> after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home décor/new

> vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A

> good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/ betting/gambling . You

> will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your


> phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th to

> 16th. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results


> your expectations. Overseas business will also give positive


> > Libra:Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses

> after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to

> achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate for

> not getting response from their foreign counterpart for


> should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive responses.

> Your increased desire to achieve your goals will give excellent

> results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns on

> their investments. Thefts may happen at your young siblings/friends

> home/office. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with your

> spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the 16th.

> > Scorpio:Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for


> travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this

> month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive


> may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to

> land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your enemies

> may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you. Eligible

> singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills &

> research will fetch you handsome returns. The desire to sense

> enjoyments will increase after the 19th so will your expenses. Just

> enjoy & be happy.  

> > Sagittarius: Health is good so is your aggression reduced after


> 24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall

> gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the required

> laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job.


> may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in

> government organizations will get promotion & increased pay packets

> after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will certainly

> travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase,


> fat holes in your wallets.

> > Capricorn:Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat

> disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in its own

> house is not giving the required results. Your efforts & your


> level are getting wasted with meager results to the kind of efforts

> you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also ruling

> your mind. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and seek

> some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you worry dear;


> fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next


> months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will come


> your rescue. Fortune favours the brave.

> > Aquarius:Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and

> improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the


> Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your home/office.

> Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction


> your spouse may result in divorce after the 15th. But be careful

> while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically

> handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in

> government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay

> packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and

> satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/ prisons/deserted places


> go on.

> > Pisces:Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will also

> detioriate.  You will be innovative in your skills. Those in

> artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your

> capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th..

> Your spouse’s health will improve after the 19th. But

fortunes will

> not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated


> much by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary..

> Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will

> expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a burden


> you.

> >  

> > With Warm Regards

> > Haresh(Harry) Nathani

> > Vedic Astologer, 

> > Vaastu Consultant

> > Insurance Advisor

> > Cell +91 98672 14103

> > Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469

> > (Mumbai,India)

> >

> >

> > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go

> to http://in.webmessen ger.. com/

> >





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Dear Sannat

By going through ur comments it is obvious that u r a very speculative person. Astrology is science & speculation has no role to play. If u understand the planets, its nature, its effects on oneself u urself will make a better astrolger & bring change in not only ur own life but also for other for whom u do prediction.



With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain Sent: Saturday, 6 September, 2008 11:11:34 PM Re: This month prediction for Sept 08


Dear Nathani,Namaskar,Thanks for your very quick reply.Opening line of monthly forecast intimate about rashi / lagn, which may be quite different. But no problem. As I am not very much interested. And members may take their own route.>>>>>> An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for a better planning of our activities.< <<<<<<<<You are in the field of insurance. So suppose you advice an individual that so and so problem will be there hence take corrective measure (say insurance, amendment in planning, change in habit, ring, Vaastu etc.) to avoid that problem. For which you are charging fee and taking help of astrology for such prediction. You may be agreeing on this presumption. OKNow suppose you have forecasted sme problem and individual taken some remedial

measure on your advise to avoid it and saved him from such problem. Then definitely you have interfered in the destiny of that individual, which was so-called defined for him by God. Because creating the problem to that individual may not be isolated incident. By this incident there is so many connected series of incidents not only in his life but also on the life of so many other persons of his family and society. You may think that perhaps God may want to transfer his money to some one else due to this problem and you have created interference thus money may not be transferred or you can think of so many interconnecting series of incidents in all sort of prediction / correction. Thus destiny of anyone is not isolated and his future is not independent but it is a series with cascading affect on others. Just think. When every one is changing his script of destiny on the advise of astrologers then what

will happen to original destiny. On the other hand if you (astrologer) are not able to change the destiny then what is the use of forecast? Or you can change the forecast irrespective of the position of the planets in the horoscope. Thus your remedy is more powerful then the so called affect of Sun / planets. I am not extending it further and hope member will think further with open mind.I know that astrology is your business hence I am not asking you to analyze my horoscope. But I am asking you to provide a single astrological principle which in your opinion is correct; or you have just joined this business for the sake of money without in depth study as to whether some thing can actually be predicted or not. I am sure that you have joined this business for the sake of money like many others, without in depth study (please do not take it as personal allegation it is for other astrologers) .

I am not bothered as to whether any member is leaving the forum or not. But I am bothered that why such astrologers are befooling innocent public. It may be possible that many astrologer may not have opportunity to think for analyzing astrological principals. But when I am raising many questions on astrology, that too after studying it for +35 years and after writing two original books, even then they are not willing to think and finding answers. At least they must know the truth though they may continue their business. I am not asking to stop their business.For example you have mentioned about Kaal sarp yog in your forecast. 99.9% members including other forums too will not ask any question. But I will like to ask as to in which astrological principle (shastra) there is reference of Kaal sarp yog. Or you are just following the trick. I am quoting few lines from my PS under msg

dated 1-8-8"Today on 1-8-8, there is total solar eclipse when Sun and Moon may be at +105 degree but Ketu is at 115 degree. Now everybody knows that at the time of total solar eclipse Moon is going to intersect the orbit of the Sun and during intersection Sun happens to be on the point of intersection hence we can see total solar eclipse. Now my question to the members of the forum is that what Ketu (which is intersection point of orbits) is doing at 115 degree, whereas it must be at 105 degree the location where Sun and Moon are transiting. Thus can't member realize that position of these shadow planets in the horoscopes is wrong."So I will like to ask as to when position of Rahu Ketu is not correct in the horoscope then why you are infusing fear complex of Kaal Sarp yog. You are also active on many forums hence you can ask your friends as to why Ketu is not at intersection point. Thus you

must know that there is no base in kaal sarp yog, and you have to admit it; but on the other hand you may continue to extract money from fools. I have no objection, because you as an astrologer, has every right to run your business and extract money from fools.I am also waiting for your reply on various questions discussed and referred in SOA____ file including "Astrology a science or myth". I hope by now you may have gone through these files, and now you will come out with your knowledge.Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.Thanking you,Yours truly,SanatPS : I will like to say to the members of the forum that they have an option to observe silence only if they are agree with my views; AND IF THEY HAVE DIFFERENT OPINION THEN THEY MAY COME FORWARD WITH THEIR STAND. I think there may not be any hesitation in the mind of the members. Even if

they do not have in depth study of astrology; they may come forward with their faith and either try to support their stand or try to see a new dimension of the astrology, which is the only use of interaction.Think differently, Think logically and Think scientifically, "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Sannat> I hv replied to ur query step by step> But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related > to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian > nirayan system.> Pls read the opening line of my prediction> All prediction are on moon sign/rashiâ. This is also applicable > to respective rashiâs lagnaâ.> Iam

unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for > God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are leaking > his wishes. Hi. Hi.> Pls understand that an astrologer does not interfers in Gods work. God has already given all the required powers to all the planets which govern us, & we all react according to the placement of planets in our kundalis which ruke us. An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for a better planning of our activities.> Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to > foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for > earning?> I am a professional astrologer, & apply the principals of astrology, but I also do charge people who need expert assisstance from me. > Â > If people leave the group, nothing can be

done. As long as u remain within the norms or purpose of the group being run this groups goes on. If some leave more will come.> >  > > >  >  >  > > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry) Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103> Mumbai,India)> > > > > sanat2221 <sanatkumar_ jain> > Thursday, 4 September, 2008 11:11:32 PM> Re: This month prediction for Sept 08> > > Dear Nathani,> Namaskar,> Thanks for your monthly forecast. At least

some member may take > benefit. But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related > to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian > nirayan system. Even then no problem. Because members can themselves > decide which sign or which sentence is more favourable to them. OK.> > I am unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for > God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are leaking > his wishes. Hi. Hi.> > You are very much interested and also doing business of astrology. > May I ask some question?> > Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to > foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for > earning?> In view of your anticipated answer I am further asking to intimate > any principle, which in your opinion is correct.> I know you

will not intimate. Hence I will request you to go > through "Astrology a science or myth" in file section or read 1st > msg. So if you are supporter of astrology then you must have answer > to these simple questions.> > I hope you will neither sleep in silence zone nor left the forum and > may come forward in support of your stand and will provide simple > answer to various questions. As some members have left the forum for > saving their business.> One member left after seeking some clarification when he was claiming > 100 % correct forecast.> Another left when he was supporting Khullar system.> Another left / silent when ask some clarification on his socalled > principle of diabetes.> > We are discussing various points related to astrology (refer > SOA_____file in file section) and you can pickup any point for >

discussion. I hope you will support your stand with your knowledge > and may not let down astrologers. Rest assured you may continue with > your business of predictive astrology as usual on various other > forums and we will not disturb you there and this forum is not joined > by your clients hence you may safely continue and don't bother for > any failure.> > Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.> > Thanks> Yours truly,> Sanat> > @ .. com, "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" > <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:> >> > This month for you from  01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008> > All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable > to respective rashi’s lagna’s.> > General

prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go > overseas for business/job/ pleasure will get overseas opportunities.> > Notes:  Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya rashi  is > another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in > Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya Rashi. Mangal > signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth. Conjunction of energy > & youth will signifying results with respect to the house they are > placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into Tula  rashi on > 25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will > remain  in Kanya rashi this entire month & will get retrograde or > vakri on 24.09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct motion on > 08.09.08 Shukra remains

neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters its > own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani   remains Margi or in > its direct motion in this month> > There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this > month from 1st sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa dosha > in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for > dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits to > Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart attacks/bone > problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya > remains in this rashi. > > Aries:  Overall health remains a matter of concern this entire > month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance needs > attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect thefts > happening till

18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out. Debilated > Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse; you > may also indulge in extra marital affairs.   Sudden windfall gains > may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month, in > fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will > remain very active. Expect good news from overseas for > job/interview/ business. Your enemies will get active after 16th but > you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is yours. > Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded to > please your spouses. > >  > > Taurus:  Health problems remain a matter of concern. You are not > able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain good > this entire month. Energy level

is good.  Good time to devote > attention on buying new house/home décor/vehicle/ land deals. Expect > stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to sex > organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from your > spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/ travel. Romance > is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you > diabetes/obesity. An excellent time to go on a pilgrimage tour. > Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government jobs. Be > prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A visit > to courts/prison/ legal consultants/ litigations are also not ruled > out. > > Gemini:Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord > remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will be at > its peak, an

investment in properties/shares/ mutual funds/bonds/ fixed > deposits draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire > month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart > ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible looking > for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with whom > disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you. Your > spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very > aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes are > favourable but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared to drill a hole in > your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts. > > Cancer:Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest > keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to eye > doctor is not ruled out.

Tendency to be rude in your speech may > reduce after the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the > opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your > attention on house décor/new house/new vehicles/home appliances etc. > Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts with > influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead to > heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies > will be very active now. Romance is in the air. Constant nagging with > your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or > develop an intimate relationship with your office colleague of the > opposite sex after the 19th. Those seeking to go overseas will get > a positive response. But expenses will also increase. > > Leo:Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king

size. > You will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is > health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now. Your > 70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your > political contacts & skills. Those in field of > art/films/singing/ music will be at their peak. You are flooded with > offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept is > not reading this. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in overseas > business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable. Karma > at its peak.  Everything is going well for you. Come-on LIONS just > get charged and move ahead..> > Virgo:Health improves after the 25th. You will be showered with > appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos, respect. > Your intellectual will be at its peak.

Finances will be at its best > after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home décor/new > vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A > good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/ betting/gambling . You > will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your wallet/mobile > phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th to > 16th.. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results beyond > your expectations. Overseas business will also give positive results. > > Libra:Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses > after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to > achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate for > not getting response from their foreign counterpart for job/business, > should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive

responses. > Your increased desire to achieve your goals will give excellent > results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns on > their investments. Thefts may happen at your young siblings/friends > home/office. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with your > spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the 16th. > > Scorpio:Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for overseas > travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this > month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive travel > may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to > land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your enemies > may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you. Eligible > singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills & > research will fetch you handsome

returns. The desire to sense > enjoyments will increase after the 19th so will your expenses. Just > enjoy & be happy.  > > Sagittarius: Health is good so is your aggression reduced after the > 24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall > gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the required > laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job. This > may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in > government organizations will get promotion & increased pay packets > after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will certainly > travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase, drilling > fat holes in your wallets. > > Capricorn:Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat > disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in

its own > house is not giving the required results. Your efforts & your energy > level are getting wasted with meager results to the kind of efforts > you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also ruling > your mind. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and seek > some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you worry dear; your > fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next two > months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will come to > your rescue. Fortune favours the brave. > > Aquarius:Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and > improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the 24th. > Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your home/office. > Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction with > your

spouse may result in divorce after the 15th. But be careful > while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically > handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in > government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay > packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and > satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/ prisons/deserted places will > go on. > > Pisces:Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will also > detioriate. You will be innovative in your skills. Those in > artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your > capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th.. > Your spouse’s health will improve after the 19th. But fortunes will > not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated very > much

by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary.. > Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will > expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a burden on > you. > >  > > With Warm Regards> > Haresh(Harry) Nathani> > Vedic Astologer, > > Vaastu Consultant> > Insurance Advisor> > Cell +91 98672 14103> > Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469> > (Mumbai,India)> > > > > > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go > to http://in.webmessen ger.. com/> >> > > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on http://help. / l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html/>

Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download.

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Dear Nathani ji,


Thanks for your acknowledgement because there is no reply.


Since my first letter I am raising very pointed, straight and simple

question but I am not receiving any reply. I have narrated a sequence

of event that too very common so where is the question of

speculation. Every astrologer and clients are following the same


Every one with scientific aptitude knows about the affect of planets

in the form of gravitation and magnetism. But sorry to say that

astrologer due to their business consideration and innocent public

due to ignorance and blind faith; are not willing to find or admit

the truth. I according to my horoscope I may be collector then how

some one else can be selected by wearing / remedy of gem, vaastu

etc., when it is not in his horoscope. Because attached incident from

my job are also in my horoscope. Like when I will be transferred,

promoted, demoted, marriage, children, retirement, house …….. etc.

And if another person may become collector, by some remedy, then

where is the indication about his transfer etc. in his horoscope,

which may be quite blank. Just think. It is not speculation.


Every scientific principle has some procedure, data, analysis,

concept, conclusion, formula etc. and in last continuous checking for

further modification, correction etc..


If astrology is science then you can come forward with your answer on

various questions raised in my blog " Astrology a science or myth " (I

hope by now you may have gone through). Like how principals of sign

lord, aspect, friendship, exalted etc. was created. Why Rahu Ketu are

not at intersection point during eclipse and so on.


Only a firm belief without scientific support can not be regarded as



So you may please come forward or you may take help (or invite) of

your other astrologer friends in forum/personal for replying my

queries. I hope our interaction may be good if you not prefer to

sleep in silence zone like other astrologers, who were harping on the

line that astrology is science (this is the only sentence which every

astrologer is publicizing to hook the people, which was taught to him

by every astrological book) without any further knowledge. You may

read various msgs and find as to what is the level of knowledge of

many astrologers.


Waiting for some concrete reply instead of sweeping sentences and you

are also free to raise any point for further interaction.


Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.


Thanking you,


Yours truly,



PS : Members may please come forward with their helping comments to

Sh Nathani Ji so that he may be able to reply on various points. This

is the only benefit of interaction.






, " Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani "

<haresh1405 wrote:


> Dear Sannat

> By going through ur comments it is obvious that u r a very

speculative person. Astrology is science & speculation has no role to

play. If u understand the planets, its nature, its effects on oneself

u urself will make a better astrolger & bring change in not only ur

own life but also for other for whom u do prediction.



> With Warm Regards

> Haresh(Harry)Nathani

> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

> Insurance Advisor

> Cell +91 98672 14103

> Mumbai,India)





> sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain


> Saturday, 6 September, 2008 11:11:34 PM

> Re: This month prediction for Sept 08




> Dear Nathani,

> Namaskar,

> Thanks for your very quick reply.


> Opening line of monthly forecast intimate about rashi / lagn, which

> may be quite different. But no problem. As I am not very much

> interested. And members may take their own route.


> >>>>>> An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to

> the placement of planets. This helps us for a better planning of


> activities.< <<<<<<<<


> You are in the field of insurance. So suppose you advice an

> individual that so and so problem will be there hence take


> measure (say insurance, amendment in planning, change in habit,


> Vaastu etc.) to avoid that problem. For which you are charging fee

> and taking help of astrology for such prediction. You may be


> on this presumption. OK


> Now suppose you have forecasted sme problem and individual taken


> remedial measure on your advise to avoid it and saved him from such

> problem. Then definitely you have interfered in the destiny of that

> individual, which was so-called defined for him by God. Because

> creating the problem to that individual may not be isolated


> By this incident there is so many connected series of incidents not

> only in his life but also on the life of so many other persons of


> family and society. You may think that perhaps God may want to

> transfer his money to some one else due to this problem and you


> created interference thus money may not be transferred or you can

> think of so many interconnecting series of incidents in all sort of

> prediction / correction. Thus destiny of anyone is not isolated and

> his future is not independent but it is a series with cascading

> affect on others. Just think. When every one is changing his script

> of destiny on the advise of astrologers then what will happen to

> original destiny. On the other hand if you (astrologer) are not


> to change the destiny then what is the use of forecast? Or you can

> change the forecast irrespective of the position of the planets in

> the horoscope. Thus your remedy is more powerful then the so called

> affect of Sun / planets. I am not extending it further and hope

> member will think further with open mind.


> I know that astrology is your business hence I am not asking you to

> analyze my horoscope. But I am asking you to provide a single

> astrological principle which in your opinion is correct; or you


> just joined this business for the sake of money without in depth

> study as to whether some thing can actually be predicted or not. I


> sure that you have joined this business for the sake of money like

> many others, without in depth study (please do not take it as

> personal allegation it is for other astrologers) .


> I am not bothered as to whether any member is leaving the forum or

> not. But I am bothered that why such astrologers are befooling

> innocent public. It may be possible that many astrologer may not


> opportunity to think for analyzing astrological principals. But


> I am raising many questions on astrology, that too after studying


> for +35 years and after writing two original books, even then they

> are not willing to think and finding answers. At least they must


> the truth though they may continue their business. I am not asking


> stop their business.


> For example you have mentioned about Kaal sarp yog in your


> 99.9% members including other forums too will not ask any question.

> But I will like to ask as to in which astrological principle

> (shastra) there is reference of Kaal sarp yog. Or you are just

> following the trick.


> I am quoting few lines from my PS under msg dated 1-8-8

> " Today on 1-8-8, there is total solar eclipse when Sun and Moon may

> be at +105 degree but Ketu is at 115 degree. Now everybody knows


> at the time of total solar eclipse Moon is going to intersect the

> orbit of the Sun and during intersection Sun happens to be on the

> point of intersection hence we can see total solar eclipse. Now my

> question to the members of the forum is that what Ketu (which is

> intersection point of orbits) is doing at 115 degree, whereas it


> be at 105 degree the location where Sun and Moon are transiting.


> can't member realize that position of these shadow planets in the

> horoscopes is wrong. "


> So I will like to ask as to when position of Rahu Ketu is not


> in the horoscope then why you are infusing fear complex of Kaal


> yog. You are also active on many forums hence you can ask your

> friends as to why Ketu is not at intersection point. Thus you must

> know that there is no base in kaal sarp yog, and you have to admit

> it; but on the other hand you may continue to extract money from

> fools. I have no objection, because you as an astrologer, has every

> right to run your business and extract money from fools.


> I am also waiting for your reply on various questions discussed and

> referred in SOA____ file including " Astrology a science or myth " . I

> hope by now you may have gone through these files, and now you will

> come out with your knowledge.


> Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.


> Thanking you,


> Yours truly,

> Sanat


> PS : I will like to say to the members of the forum that they have


> option to observe silence only if they are agree with my views; AND



> STAND. I think there may not be any hesitation in the mind of the

> members. Even if they do not have in depth study of astrology; they

> may come forward with their faith and either try to support their

> stand or try to see a new dimension of the astrology, which is the

> only use of interaction.


> Think differently, Think logically and Think scientifically


> , " Haresh \(Harry\)

Nathani "

> <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sannat

> > I hv replied to ur query step by step

> > But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related

> > to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian

> > nirayan system.

> > Pls read the opening line of my prediction

> > All prediction are on moon sign/rashiâ. This is also


> > to respective rashiâs lagnaâ.

> > Iam unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for

> > God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are

> leaking

> > his wishes. Hi. Hi.

> > Pls understand that an astrologer does not interfers in Gods


> God has already given all the required powers to all the planets

> which govern us, & we all react according to the placement of


> in our kundalis which ruke us. An astrologer only presents the kind

> of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for


> better planning of our activities.

> > Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to

> > foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for

> > earning?

> > I am a professional astrologer, & apply the principals of

> astrology, but I also do charge people who need expert assisstance

> from me.

> >  

> > If people leave the group, nothing can be done. As long as u


> within the norms or purpose of the group being run this groups goes

> on. If some leave more will come.

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >  

> >  

> >  

> >

> > With Warm Regards

> > Haresh(Harry) Nathani

> > Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

> > Insurance Advisor

> > Cell +91 98672 14103

> > Mumbai,India)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > sanat2221 <sanatkumar_ jain@>

> >

> > Thursday, 4 September, 2008 11:11:32 PM

> > Re: This month prediction for Sept


> >

> >

> > Dear Nathani,

> > Namaskar,

> > Thanks for your monthly forecast. At least some member may take

> > benefit. But you have not clarified as to whether signs are


> > to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian

> > nirayan system. Even then no problem. Because members can

> themselves

> > decide which sign or which sentence is more favourable to them.


> >

> > I am unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for

> > God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are

> leaking

> > his wishes. Hi. Hi.

> >

> > You are very much interested and also doing business of


> > May I ask some question?

> >

> > Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to

> > foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for

> > earning?

> > In view of your anticipated answer I am further asking to


> > any principle, which in your opinion is correct.

> > I know you will not intimate. Hence I will request you to go

> > through " Astrology a science or myth " in file section or read 1st

> > msg. So if you are supporter of astrology then you must have


> > to these simple questions.

> >

> > I hope you will neither sleep in silence zone nor left the forum

> and

> > may come forward in support of your stand and will provide simple

> > answer to various questions. As some members have left the forum

> for

> > saving their business.

> > One member left after seeking some clarification when he was

> claiming

> > 100 % correct forecast.

> > Another left when he was supporting Khullar system.

> > Another left / silent when ask some clarification on his socalled

> > principle of diabetes.

> >

> > We are discussing various points related to astrology (refer

> > SOA_____file in file section) and you can pickup any point for

> > discussion. I hope you will support your stand with your


> > and may not let down astrologers. Rest assured you may continue

> with

> > your business of predictive astrology as usual on various other

> > forums and we will not disturb you there and this forum is not

> joined

> > by your clients hence you may safely continue and don't bother


> > any failure.

> >

> > Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Yours truly,

> > Sanat

> >

> > , " Haresh \(Harry\)

> Nathani "

> > <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > This month for you from  01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008

> > > All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This

is also

> applicable

> > to respective rashi’s lagna’s.

> > > General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go

> > overseas for business/job/ pleasure will get overseas


> > > Notes:  Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya


>  is

> > another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in

> > Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya


> Mangal

> > signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth. Conjunction of

> energy

> > & youth will signifying results with respect to the house they


> > placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into

Tula  rashi

> on

> > 25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will

> > remain   in Kanya rashi this entire month & will


> retrograde or

> > vakri on 24.09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct motion on

> > 08.09.08 Shukra remains neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters


> > own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani

  remains Margi

> or in

> > its direct motion in this month

> > > There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in


> > month from 1st sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa

> dosha

> > in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for

> > dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits


> > Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart


> > problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya

> > remains in this rashi.

> > > Aries:  Overall health remains a matter of concern this


> > month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance


> > attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect


> > happening till 18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out.


> > Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse;

> you

> > may also indulge in extra marital affairs.

  Sudden windfall

> gains

> > may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month,

> in

> > fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will

> > remain very active. Expect good news from overseas for

> > job/interview/ business. Your enemies will get active after 16th

> but

> > you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is


> > Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded


> > please your spouses.

> > >  

> > > Taurus:  Health problems remain a matter of concern.

You are

> not

> > able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain

> good

> > this entire month. Energy level is good.  Good time to


> > attention on buying new house/home dÃÆ'©cor/vehicle/ land


> Expect

> > stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to

> sex

> > organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from

> your

> > spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/ travel.

> Romance

> > is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you

> > diabetes/obesity.. An excellent time to go on a pilgrimage tour.

> > Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government


> Be

> > prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A

> visit

> > to courts/prison/ legal consultants/ litigations are also not


> > out.

> > > Gemini:Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord

> > remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will


> at

> > its peak, an investment in properties/shares/ mutual funds/bonds/

> fixed

> > deposits draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire

> > month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart

> > ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible

> looking

> > for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with


> > disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you.

> Your

> > spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very

> > aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes


> > favourable but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared

to drill a

> hole in

> > your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts.

> > > Cancer:Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest

> > keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to

> eye

> > doctor is not ruled out. Tendency to be rude in your speech may

> > reduce after the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the

> > opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your

> > attention on house dÃÆ'©cor/new house/new vehicles/home


> etc.

> > Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts


> > influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead


> > heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies

> > will be very active now. Romance is in the air. Constant nagging

> with

> > your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or

> > develop an intimate relationship with your office colleague of


> > opposite sex after the 19th.  Those seeking to go

overseas will

> get

> > a positive response. But expenses will also increase.

> > > Leo:Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king


> > You will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is

> > health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now.

> Your

> > 70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your

> > political contacts & skills. Those in field of

> > art/films/singing/ music will be at their peak. You are flooded

> with

> > offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept

> is

> > not reading this. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in

> overseas

> > business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable.

> Karma

> > at its peak.  Everything is going well for you. Come-on


> just

> > get charged and move ahead..

> > > Virgo:Health improves after the 25th. You will be showered with

> > appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos,

> respect.

> > Your intellectual will be at its peak. Finances will be at its


> > after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home


> > vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A

> > good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/ betting/gambling .


> > will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your

> wallet/mobile

> > phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th


> > 16th. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results

> beyond

> > your expectations. Overseas business will also give positive

> results.

> > > Libra:Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses

> > after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to

> > achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate


> > not getting response from their foreign counterpart for

> job/business,

> > should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive


> > Your increased desire to achieve your goals will give excellent

> > results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns


> > their investments. Thefts may happen at your young


> > home/office. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with


> > spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the 16th.

> > > Scorpio:Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for

> overseas

> > travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this

> > month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive

> travel

> > may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to

> > land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your


> > may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you.


> > singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills &

> > research will fetch you handsome returns. The desire to sense

> > enjoyments will increase after the 19th so will your expenses.


> > enjoy & be happy.  

> > > Sagittarius: Health is good so is your aggression reduced after

> the

> > 24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall

> > gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the


> > laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job.

> This

> > may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in

> > government organizations will get promotion & increased pay


> > after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will


> > travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase,

> drilling

> > fat holes in your wallets.

> > > Capricorn:Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat

> > disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in its own

> > house is not giving the required results. Your efforts & your

> energy

> > level are getting wasted with meager results to the kind of


> > you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also


> > your mind. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and


> > some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you

worry dear;

> your

> > fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next

> two

> > months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will


> to

> > your rescue.. Fortune favours the brave.

> > > Aquarius:Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and

> > improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the

> 24th.

> > Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your


> > Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction

> with

> > your spouse may result in divorce after the 15th. But be careful

> > while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically

> > handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in

> > government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay

> > packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and

> > satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/ prisons/deserted places

> will

> > go on.

> > > Pisces:Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will


> > detioriate.  You will be innovative in your skills. Those


> > artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your

> > capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th..

> > Your spouse’s health will improve after the

19th. But

> fortunes will

> > not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated

> very

> > much by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary..

> > Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will

> > expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a burden

> on

> > you.

> > >  

> > > With Warm Regards

> > > Haresh(Harry) Nathani

> > > Vedic Astologer, 

> > > Vaastu Consultant

> > > Insurance Advisor

> > > Cell +91 98672 14103

> > > Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469

> > > (Mumbai,India)

> > >

> > >

> > > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go

> > to http://in.webmessen ger.. com/

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on

> http://help. / l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools-


> >





> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on



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Hi Harry

The predictions are offered from time immemorial on the basis of Moon sign and went on facing failures.Ascendant is soul and moon is body and mind-is the concept created by rishis.None can work without the other.

But instead of taking a longer duration of moon -around 24 hrs-if you take the Asc.the duration is shorter and number of births would be restricted to around 2 hrs and your predictions could go right somtimes.Predictions offered based on the moon is to fill the papers in media in the Astro columns.

Your statement " AStrology is Science and speculation has no role to play " .Could you please enumerate ,astrology is what science-I mean like Physics,Chemistry-and also pl clarify what do you mean by speculation.

To my little knowledge I understand all the speculators are astrologers in one way or the other.They use their experiance to foretell the price of the share or commodity they deal with.

The astrologers use the stars to foretell with their little knowledge on them to foretell EVERYTHING they come across.The spaculators could be right many times-the measure is the amount of money they make and astrologers are right sometimes.

As Sanatji put it this is not meant to offend you Harry,you may pl discuss if I am wrong.

All the best.

tkp ghopal






On 9/7/08, Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405 wrote:








Dear Sannat

By going through ur comments it is obvious that u r a very speculative person. Astrology is science & speculation has no role to play. If u understand the planets, its nature, its effects on oneself u urself will make a better astrolger & bring change in not only ur own life but also for other for whom u do prediction.




With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain

Sent: Saturday, 6 September, 2008 11:11:34 PM

Re: This month prediction for Sept 08



Dear Nathani,Namaskar,Thanks for your very quick reply.Opening line of monthly forecast intimate about rashi / lagn, which may be quite different. But no problem. As I am not very much

interested. And members may take their own route.>>>>>> An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for a better planning of our activities.< <<<<<<<<

You are in the field of insurance. So suppose you advice an individual that so and so problem will be there hence take corrective measure (say insurance, amendment in planning, change in habit, ring, Vaastu etc.) to avoid that problem. For which you are charging fee

and taking help of astrology for such prediction. You may be agreeing on this presumption. OKNow suppose you have forecasted sme problem and individual taken some remedial measure on your advise to avoid it and saved him from such

problem. Then definitely you have interfered in the destiny of that individual, which was so-called defined for him by God. Because creating the problem to that individual may not be isolated incident. By this incident there is so many connected series of incidents not

only in his life but also on the life of so many other persons of his family and society. You may think that perhaps God may want to transfer his money to some one else due to this problem and you have created interference thus money may not be transferred or you can

think of so many interconnecting series of incidents in all sort of prediction / correction. Thus destiny of anyone is not isolated and his future is not independent but it is a series with cascading affect on others. Just think. When every one is changing his script

of destiny on the advise of astrologers then what will happen to original destiny. On the other hand if you (astrologer) are not able to change the destiny then what is the use of forecast? Or you can change the forecast irrespective of the position of the planets in

the horoscope. Thus your remedy is more powerful then the so called affect of Sun / planets. I am not extending it further and hope member will think further with open mind.I know that astrology is your business hence I am not asking you to

analyze my horoscope. But I am asking you to provide a single astrological principle which in your opinion is correct; or you have just joined this business for the sake of money without in depth study as to whether some thing can actually be predicted or not. I am

sure that you have joined this business for the sake of money like many others, without in depth study (please do not take it as personal allegation it is for other astrologers) . I am not bothered as to whether any member is leaving the forum or

not. But I am bothered that why such astrologers are befooling innocent public. It may be possible that many astrologer may not have opportunity to think for analyzing astrological principals. But when I am raising many questions on astrology, that too after studying it

for +35 years and after writing two original books, even then they are not willing to think and finding answers. At least they must know the truth though they may continue their business. I am not asking to stop their business.

For example you have mentioned about Kaal sarp yog in your forecast. 99.9% members including other forums too will not ask any question. But I will like to ask as to in which astrological principle (shastra) there is reference of Kaal sarp yog. Or you are just

following the trick. I am quoting few lines from my PS under msg dated 1-8-8 " Today on 1-8-8, there is total solar eclipse when Sun and Moon may be at +105 degree but Ketu is at 115 degree. Now everybody knows that

at the time of total solar eclipse Moon is going to intersect the orbit of the Sun and during intersection Sun happens to be on the point of intersection hence we can see total solar eclipse. Now my question to the members of the forum is that what Ketu (which is

intersection point of orbits) is doing at 115 degree, whereas it must be at 105 degree the location where Sun and Moon are transiting. Thus can't member realize that position of these shadow planets in the

horoscopes is wrong. " So I will like to ask as to when position of Rahu Ketu is not correct in the horoscope then why you are infusing fear complex of Kaal Sarp yog. You are also active on many forums hence you can ask your

friends as to why Ketu is not at intersection point. Thus you must know that there is no base in kaal sarp yog, and you have to admit it; but on the other hand you may continue to extract money from fools. I have no objection, because you as an astrologer, has every

right to run your business and extract money from fools.I am also waiting for your reply on various questions discussed and referred in SOA____ file including " Astrology a science or myth " . I hope by now you may have gone through these files, and now you will

come out with your knowledge.Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.Thanking you,Yours truly,SanatPS : I will like to say to the members of the forum that they have an

option to observe silence only if they are agree with my views; AND IF THEY HAVE DIFFERENT OPINION THEN THEY MAY COME FORWARD WITH THEIR STAND. I think there may not be any hesitation in the mind of the members. Even if they do not have in depth study of astrology; they

may come forward with their faith and either try to support their stand or try to see a new dimension of the astrology, which is the only use of interaction.Think differently, Think logically and Think scientifically

, " Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani "

<haresh1405@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Sannat> I hv replied to ur query step by step> But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related > to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian

> nirayan system.> Pls read the opening line of my prediction> All prediction are on moon sign/rashiâ. This is also applicable > to respective rashiâs lagnaâ.> Iam unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for

> God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are leaking > his wishes. Hi. Hi.> Pls understand that an astrologer does not interfers in Gods work. God has already given all the required powers to all the planets

which govern us, & we all react according to the placement of planets in our kundalis which ruke us. An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for a

better planning of our activities.> Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to > foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for > earning?> I am a professional astrologer, & apply the principals of

astrology, but I also do charge people who need expert assisstance from me. > Â > If people leave the group, nothing can be done. As long as u remain within the norms or purpose of the group being run this groups goes

on. If some leave more will come.> >  > > >  >  >  > > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry) Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103

> Mumbai,India)> > > > > sanat2221 <sanatkumar_ jain>

> Thursday, 4 September, 2008 11:11:32 PM> Re: This month prediction for Sept 08> > > Dear Nathani,> Namaskar,> Thanks for your monthly forecast. At least some member may take

> benefit. But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related > to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian > nirayan system. Even then no problem. Because members can themselves

> decide which sign or which sentence is more favourable to them. OK.> > I am unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for > God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are

leaking > his wishes. Hi. Hi.> > You are very much interested and also doing business of astrology. > May I ask some question?> > Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to

> foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for > earning?> In view of your anticipated answer I am further asking to intimate > any principle, which in your opinion is correct.

> I know you will not intimate. Hence I will request you to go > through " Astrology a science or myth " in file section or read 1st > msg. So if you are supporter of astrology then you must have answer

> to these simple questions.> > I hope you will neither sleep in silence zone nor left the forum and > may come forward in support of your stand and will provide simple > answer to various questions. As some members have left the forum

for > saving their business.> One member left after seeking some clarification when he was claiming > 100 % correct forecast.> Another left when he was supporting Khullar system.> Another left / silent when ask some clarification on his socalled

> principle of diabetes.> > We are discussing various points related to astrology (refer > SOA_____file in file section) and you can pickup any point for > discussion. I hope you will support your stand with your knowledge

> and may not let down astrologers. Rest assured you may continue with > your business of predictive astrology as usual on various other > forums and we will not disturb you there and this forum is not

joined > by your clients hence you may safely continue and don't bother for > any failure.> > Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.> > Thanks> Yours truly,

> Sanat> > @ .. com, " Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani " > <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:> >> > This month for you from  01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008

> > All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable > to respective rashi’s lagna’s.> > General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go

> overseas for business/job/ pleasure will get overseas opportunities.> > Notes:  Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya rashi  is > another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in

> Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya Rashi. Mangal > signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth. Conjunction of energy > & youth will signifying results with respect to the house they are

> placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into Tula  rashi on > 25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will > remain  in Kanya rashi this entire month & will get

retrograde or > vakri on 24.09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct motion on > 08.09.08 Shukra remains neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters its

> own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani   remains Margi or in > its direct motion in this month

> > There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this > month from 1st sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa dosha > in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for

> dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits to > Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart attacks/bone > problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya

> remains in this rashi. > > Aries:  Overall health remains a matter of concern this entire > month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance needs > attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect thefts

> happening till 18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out. Debilated > Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse;

you > may also indulge in extra marital affairs.   Sudden windfall gains > may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month,

in > fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will > remain very active. Expect good news from overseas for > job/interview/ business. Your enemies will get active after 16th but

> you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is yours. > Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded to > please your spouses. > >  > > Taurus:  Health problems remain a matter of concern. You are

not > able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain good > this entire month. Energy level is good.  Good time to devote > attention on buying new house/home décor/vehicle/ land deals.

Expect > stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to sex > organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from your

> spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/ travel. Romance > is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you > diabetes/obesity. An excellent time to go on a pilgrimage tour.

> Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government jobs. Be > prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A visit > to courts/prison/ legal consultants/ litigations are also not ruled

> out. > > Gemini:Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord > remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will be at > its peak, an investment in properties/shares/ mutual funds/bonds/

fixed > deposits draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire > month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart > ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible

looking > for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with whom > disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you. Your > spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very

> aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes are > favourable but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared to drill a hole in > your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts.

> > Cancer:Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest > keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to eye > doctor is not ruled out. Tendency to be rude in your speech may

> reduce after the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the > opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your > attention on house décor/new house/new vehicles/home appliances

etc. > Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts with > influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead to > heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies

> will be very active now. Romance is in the air. Constant nagging with > your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or > develop an intimate relationship with your office colleague of the

> opposite sex after the 19th. Those seeking to go overseas will get > a positive response. But expenses will also increase. > > Leo:Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king size.

> You will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is > health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now. Your > 70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your

> political contacts & skills. Those in field of > art/films/singing/ music will be at their peak. You are flooded with > offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept is

> not reading this. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in overseas > business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable. Karma > at its peak.  Everything is going well for you. Come-on LIONS

just > get charged and move ahead..> > Virgo:Health improves after the 25th. You will be showered with > appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos, respect.

> Your intellectual will be at its peak. Finances will be at its best > after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home décor/new

> vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A > good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/ betting/gambling . You > will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your

wallet/mobile > phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th to > 16th.. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results beyond > your expectations. Overseas business will also give positive

results. > > Libra:Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses > after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to > achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate for

> not getting response from their foreign counterpart for job/business, > should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive responses. > Your increased desire to achieve your goals will give excellent

> results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns on > their investments. Thefts may happen at your young siblings/friends > home/office. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with your

> spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the 16th. > > Scorpio:Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for overseas > travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this

> month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive travel > may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to > land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your enemies

> may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you. Eligible > singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills & > research will fetch you handsome returns. The desire to sense

> enjoyments will increase after the 19th so will your expenses. Just > enjoy & be happy.  > > Sagittarius: Health is good so is your aggression reduced after

the > 24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall > gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the required > laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job.

This > may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in > government organizations will get promotion & increased pay packets > after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will certainly

> travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase, drilling > fat holes in your wallets. > > Capricorn:Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat > disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in its own

> house is not giving the required results. Your efforts & your energy > level are getting wasted with meager results to the kind of efforts > you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also ruling

> your mind. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and seek > some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you worry dear; your > fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next

two > months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will come to > your rescue. Fortune favours the brave. > > Aquarius:Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and > improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the

24th. > Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your home/office. > Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction with > your spouse may result in divorce after the 15th. But be careful

> while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically > handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in > government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay

> packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and > satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/ prisons/deserted places will > go on. > > Pisces:Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will also

> detioriate. You will be innovative in your skills. Those in > artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your > capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th..

> Your spouse’s health will improve after the 19th. But fortunes will > not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated very > much by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary..

> Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will > expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a burden on > you. > >  > > With Warm Regards

> > Haresh(Harry) Nathani> > Vedic Astologer, > > Vaastu Consultant> > Insurance Advisor> > Cell +91 98672 14103> > Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469

> > (Mumbai,India)> > > > > > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go > to http://in.webmessen ger.. com/

> >> > > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on http://help. / l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html/




Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. -- TKP Ghopal32.2/40 Rajaratnam St.,Riverside Road,I Agraharam,SALEM-636 00193666 23444

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Dear Ghopal

We should first understand & accept the fact that every human living being is some way or other governed by the cosmic planets. Moon rules the mind & not the body. Our thoughts keep changing on daily basis, hourly basis coz of moon which is the fastest moving planet in astrology.

The predictions are general on monthly basis which are arrived at by keeping in mind the sun, mercury & venus. Of course other slow moving planets are also considered



With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




TKP Ghopal <astrogopalji Sent: Tuesday, 9 September, 2008 5:58:22 AMRe: Re: This month prediction for Sept 08



Hi Harry

The predictions are offered from time immemorial on the basis of Moon sign and went on facing failures.Ascendant is soul and moon is body and mind-is the concept created by rishis.None can work without the other.

But instead of taking a longer duration of moon -around 24 hrs-if you take the Asc.the duration is shorter and number of births would be restricted to around 2 hrs and your predictions could go right somtimes.Prediction s offered based on the moon is to fill the papers in media in the Astro columns.Your statement "AStrology is Science and speculation has no role to play".Could you please enumerate ,astrology is what science-I mean like Physics,Chemistry- and also pl clarify what do you mean by speculation.

To my little knowledge I understand all the speculators are astrologers in one way or the other.They use their experiance to foretell the price of the share or commodity they deal with..

The astrologers use the stars to foretell with their little knowledge on them to foretell EVERYTHING they come across.The spaculators could be right many times-the measure is the amount of money they make and astrologers are right sometimes.

As Sanatji put it this is not meant to offend you Harry,you may pl discuss if I am wrong.

All the best.

tkp ghopal






On 9/7/08, Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405 > wrote:







Dear Sannat

By going through ur comments it is obvious that u r a very speculative person. Astrology is science & speculation has no role to play. If u understand the planets, its nature, its effects on oneself u urself will make a better astrolger & bring change in not only ur own life but also for other for whom u do prediction.



With Warm Regards

Haresh(Harry) Nathani

Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




sanat2221 <sanatkumar_jain@ rediffmail. com>Saturday, 6 September, 2008 11:11:34 PM Re: This month prediction for Sept 08



Dear Nathani,Namaskar,Thanks for your very quick reply.Opening line of monthly forecast intimate about rashi / lagn, which may be quite different. But no problem. As I am not very much interested. And members may take their own route.>>>>>> An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for a better planning of our activities.< <<<<<<<<You are in the field of insurance. So suppose you advice an individual that so and so problem will be there hence take corrective measure (say insurance, amendment in planning, change in habit, ring, Vaastu etc.) to avoid that problem. For which you are charging fee and taking help of astrology for such prediction. You may be agreeing on this presumption. OKNow suppose you have forecasted sme problem and

individual taken some remedial measure on your advise to avoid it and saved him from such problem. Then definitely you have interfered in the destiny of that individual, which was so-called defined for him by God.. Because creating the problem to that individual may not be isolated incident. By this incident there is so many connected series of incidents not only in his life but also on the life of so many other persons of his family and society. You may think that perhaps God may want to transfer his money to some one else due to this problem and you have created interference thus money may not be transferred or you can think of so many interconnecting series of incidents in all sort of prediction / correction. Thus destiny of anyone is not isolated and his future is not independent but it is a series with cascading affect on others. Just think. When every one is changing his script of destiny on

the advise of astrologers then what will happen to original destiny. On the other hand if you (astrologer) are not able to change the destiny then what is the use of forecast? Or you can change the forecast irrespective of the position of the planets in the horoscope. Thus your remedy is more powerful then the so called affect of Sun / planets. I am not extending it further and hope member will think further with open mind.I know that astrology is your business hence I am not asking you to analyze my horoscope. But I am asking you to provide a single astrological principle which in your opinion is correct; or you have just joined this business for the sake of money without in depth study as to whether some thing can actually be predicted or not. I am sure that you have joined this business for the sake of money like many others, without in depth study (please do not take it as personal

allegation it is for other astrologers) . I am not bothered as to whether any member is leaving the forum or not. But I am bothered that why such astrologers are befooling innocent public. It may be possible that many astrologer may not have opportunity to think for analyzing astrological principals. But when I am raising many questions on astrology, that too after studying it for +35 years and after writing two original books, even then they are not willing to think and finding answers. At least they must know the truth though they may continue their business. I am not asking to stop their business.For example you have mentioned about Kaal sarp yog in your forecast. 99.9% members including other forums too will not ask any question. But I will like to ask as to in which astrological principle (shastra) there is reference of Kaal sarp yog. Or you are just following the trick. I am

quoting few lines from my PS under msg dated 1-8-8"Today on 1-8-8, there is total solar eclipse when Sun and Moon may be at +105 degree but Ketu is at 115 degree. Now everybody knows that at the time of total solar eclipse Moon is going to intersect the orbit of the Sun and during intersection Sun happens to be on the point of intersection hence we can see total solar eclipse. Now my question to the members of the forum is that what Ketu (which is intersection point of orbits) is doing at 115 degree, whereas it must be at 105 degree the location where Sun and Moon are transiting. Thus can't member realize that position of these shadow planets in the horoscopes is wrong."So I will like to ask as to when position of Rahu Ketu is not correct in the horoscope then why you are infusing fear complex of Kaal Sarp yog. You are also active on many forums hence you can ask your friends as to why Ketu is

not at intersection point. Thus you must know that there is no base in kaal sarp yog, and you have to admit it; but on the other hand you may continue to extract money from fools. I have no objection, because you as an astrologer, has every right to run your business and extract money from fools.I am also waiting for your reply on various questions discussed and referred in SOA____ file including "Astrology a science or myth". I hope by now you may have gone through these files, and now you will come out with your knowledge.Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.Thanking you,Yours truly,SanatPS : I will like to say to the members of the forum that they have an option to observe silence only if they are agree with my views; AND IF THEY HAVE DIFFERENT OPINION THEN THEY MAY COME FORWARD WITH THEIR STAND. I think there may not be any hesitation in

the mind of the members. Even if they do not have in depth study of astrology; they may come forward with their faith and either try to support their stand or try to see a new dimension of the astrology, which is the only use of interaction.Think differently, Think logically and Think scientifically, "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Sannat> I hv replied to ur query step by step> But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related > to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian > nirayan system..> Pls read the opening line of my prediction> All prediction are on moon sign/rashiâ. This is also applicable >

to respective rashiâs lagnaâ.> Iam unable to understand as to why you are creating problems for > God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are leaking > his wishes. Hi. Hi.> Pls understand that an astrologer does not interfers in Gods work. God has already given all the required powers to all the planets which govern us, & we all react according to the placement of planets in our kundalis which ruke us. An astrologer only presents the kind of results according to the placement of planets. This helps us for a better planning of our activities.> Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to > foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for > earning?> I am a professional astrologer, & apply the principals of astrology, but I also do charge people who need expert assisstance from me.

>  > If people leave the group, nothing can be done. As long as u remain within the norms or purpose of the group being run this groups goes on. If some leave more will come.> >  > > >  >  >  > > With Warm Regards> Haresh(Harry) Nathani> Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant> Insurance Advisor> Cell +91 98672 14103

> Mumbai,India)> > > > > sanat2221 <sanatkumar_ jain> > Thursday, 4 September, 2008 11:11:32 PM> Re: This month prediction for Sept 08> > > Dear Nathani,> Namaskar,> Thanks for your monthly forecast. At least some member may take > benefit. But you have not clarified as to whether signs are related > to Moon sign or ascendant sign or Western sayan system or Indian > nirayan system. Even then no problem. Because members can themselves > decide which sign or which sentence is more favourable to them. OK.> > I am unable

to understand as to why you are creating problems for > God, who is deciding some thing for some one and why you are leaking > his wishes. Hi. Hi.> > You are very much interested and also doing business of astrology. > May I ask some question?> > Do you believe that by applying some principles you are able to > foretell the destiny, or you are just practicing as a tool for > earning?> In view of your anticipated answer I am further asking to intimate > any principle, which in your opinion is correct.> I know you will not intimate. Hence I will request you to go > through "Astrology a science or myth" in file section or read 1st > msg. So if you are supporter of astrology then you must have answer > to these simple questions.> > I hope you will neither sleep in silence zone nor left the forum and > may come forward in

support of your stand and will provide simple > answer to various questions. As some members have left the forum for > saving their business.> One member left after seeking some clarification when he was claiming > 100 % correct forecast.> Another left when he was supporting Khullar system.> Another left / silent when ask some clarification on his socalled > principle of diabetes.> > We are discussing various points related to astrology (refer > SOA_____file in file section) and you can pickup any point for > discussion. I hope you will support your stand with your knowledge > and may not let down astrologers. Rest assured you may continue with > your business of predictive astrology as usual on various other > forums and we will not disturb you there and this forum is not joined > by your clients hence you may safely continue and

don't bother for > any failure.> > Remember nothing is personal and it is only academic discussion.> > Thanks> Yours truly,> Sanat> > @ . . com, "Haresh \(Harry\) Nathani" > <haresh1405@ ...> wrote:> >> > This month for you from  01.09.2008 to 30.09.2008> > All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable > to respective rashi’s lagna’s.> > General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go > overseas for business/job/ pleasure will get overseas opportunities.> > Notes:  Mangal in conjunction with mercury in Kanya rashi  is > another symbolizing conjunction. The commander in chief Mangal in

> Budh’s house with Budh which is exalted in Kanya Rashi. Mangal > signifies energy level & Budh signifies youth. Conjunction of energy > & youth will signifying results with respect to the house they are > placed in ones’ kundali. Mangal transits into Tula  rashi on > 25.09.08 Sun transits into Kanya rashi on 16.09.08 . Mercury will > remain  in Kanya rashi this entire month & will get retrograde or > vakri on 24.09.08. Jupiter gets Margi or in its direct motion on > 08.09.08 Shukra remains neech/debilated in Kanya rashi & enters its > own Mool Trikon rashi Tula on 19.09.08. Sani

  remains Margi or in > its direct motion in this month> > There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in all lagnas in this > month from 1st sept to 18th Sept 08. Those having Kaala Saarpa dosha > in their respective kundli & those who have not done prayers for > dosha shanty may experience difficult times. Surya when transits to > Kanya rashi it comes under rahu’s aspect. Heart attacks/bone > problems/eye problems/stomach ailments will increase till Surya > remains in this rashi. > > Aries:  Overall health remains a matter of concern this entire > month. Stomach problems/ high BP will get stretched. Finance needs > attention. Loans/borrowings on the cards this month. Expect thefts > happening till 18.09.08. Mental anxiety is not ruled out. Debilated > Venus in your 6th house may lead to separation from your spouse; you > may also indulge in extra marital affairs.   Sudden windfall gains > may occur till 25.09.08. Fortunes remains good this entire month, in > fact will improve after 8th sept. Those in political field will > remain very active. Expect good news from overseas for > job/interview/ business. Your enemies will get active after 16th but > you will be prepared to tackle them efficiently. Victory is yours. > Romance after the 19th is on the cards. Keep your wallets loaded to > please your spouses. > >  > > Taurus:  Health problems remain a matter of concern. You are not

> able to figure out what is the matter with you. Finances remain good > this entire month. Energy level is good.  Good time to devote > attention on buying new house/home décor/vehicle/ land deals.

Expect > stomach ailments to increase after the 16th. Problems related to sex > organs will increase after the 19th. You may get separated from your > spouse after the 25th due to professional commitments/ travel. Romance > is in the air. Your desire to have more sweets may give you > diabetes/obesity. An excellent time to go on a pilgrimage tour. > Promotion & transfer is on the cards for those in government jobs. Be > prepared to accept some bad news from your overseas contacts. A visit > to courts/prison/ legal consultants/ litigations are also not ruled > out. > > Gemini:Health is excellent this entire month. Your rashi lord > remains exalted this entire month. Your intellectual power will be at > its peak, an investment in properties/shares/ mutual funds/bonds/ fixed > deposits

draws your attention. Finances remain good this entire > month. You should be on alert for sudden financial gains. Heart > ailments/bones problems are not ruled out. The young eligible looking > for their sweet hearts will get after 19th. Your enemies with whom > disputes have not been resolved may file legal suit against you. Your > spouse remains a pillar of support for you. You will be very > aggressively active & involved in reaching your goals. Fortunes are > favourable but at a snail’s speed. Be prepared to drill a hole in > your wallet for a romantic thrill with your sweet hearts. > > Cancer:Health is not good. Health issues related to lungs/chest > keep propping up. Finances looks good but stretched out. Visit to eye > doctor is not ruled out. Tendency to be rude in your speech may > reduce after

the 8th. The desire for sense enjoyment with the > opposite sex remains high till 19th. After the 19th you draw your > attention on house décor/new house/new vehicles/home appliances etc. > Creativity will be at its peak. You will sharpen your contacts with > influential people after the 16th, but overstress may also lead to > heart ailments. Children may disappoint you. Your envious enemies > will be very active now. Romance is in the air. Constant nagging with > your spouse may tempt you to go a divorce. You may get close or > develop an intimate relationship with your office colleague of the > opposite sex after the 19th. Those seeking to go overseas will get > a positive response. But expenses will also increase. > > Leo:Your lagna lord in its own house, LIONS, live life king size. > You

will always be victories, a win win situation, whether it is > health, wealth. The fading effect of sadi satti also begins now. Your > 70% problems are solved. Finances are excellent. You sharpen your > political contacts & skills. Those in field of > art/films/singing/ music will be at their peak. You are flooded with > offers, your wallets are fattening day by day. Yes I hope IT dept is > not reading this. Your enemies are getting crushed. Those in overseas > business are also gaining out of this. Fortunes are favourable. Karma > at its peak.  Everything is going well for you. Come-on LIONS just > get charged and move ahead..> > Virgo:Health improves after the 25th. You will be showered with > appreciation laurels, certificate of appreciation, mementos, respect. > Your intellectual will be at its peak.

Finances will be at its best > after the 19th. This will draw your attention to home décor/new

> vehicles/ new house. Your sixth sense will also be at its best. A > good time to try your hand on lottery/lotto/ betting/gambling . You > will emerge victories. There is also a possibility your wallet/mobile > phone/gold ornaments may get pick pocketed/pilfered on the 14th to > 16th.. Whatever work you do now, will click & give you results beyond > your expectations. Overseas business will also give positive results. > > Libra:Health will improve after the 19th. So will your expenses > after the 24th. But finances will also improve, and aggression to > achieve the goals will increase. All those who were unfortunate for > not getting response from their foreign counterpart for job/business, > should re-approach now. They will certainly get positive responses. > Your increased desire to achieve your goals will

give excellent > results. Those in property/land deals will get increased returns on > their investments. Thefts may happen at your young siblings/friends > home/office. But romance is in the air. Dispute/arguments with your > spouses is increasing. Expenses will increase after the 16th. > > Scorpio:Health is a matter of concern, but your desire for overseas > travel is a mouth watering recipe for you. You will travel this > month. Finances are stable for you, why then worry. Excessive travel > may down you stamina & energy level. Deals related to > land/agriculture produce will fetch handsome returns. Your enemies > may trouble you this time by filing law suits against you. Eligible > singles will find their sweet hearts. Your innovative skills & > research will fetch you handsome returns. The desire to sense > enjoyments will increase after

the 19th so will your expenses. Just > enjoy & be happy.  > > Sagittarius: Health is good so is your aggression reduced after the > 24th. Finances will be coming but at a slow rate. Sudden windfall > gains are also possible. Your hard work will fetch you the required > laurels by the 15th. You will go to extremes in doing your job. This > may agitate your colleagues which may create friction. Those in > government organizations will get promotion & increased pay packets > after the 16th. Those who have desire to go overseas will certainly > travel after the 19th. But expenses will certainly increase, drilling > fat holes in your wallets. > > Capricorn:Health is not stable. Finances are somewhat > disappointing. Your frustration is increasing as surya in its own > house is not giving the

required results. Your efforts & your energy > level are getting wasted with meager results to the kind of efforts > you are putting on. Thoughts of committing suicide are also ruling > your mind.. This is the best time to take spiritual shelter and seek > some solace to your frustrations. But don’t you worry dear; your > fortunes will improve this time & will remain steady for the next two > months. Your work will be appreciated. Overseas contacts will come to > your rescue. Fortune favours the brave. > > Aquarius:Health is fluctuating. But finances are steady and > improving day by day. Your energy level will improve after the 24th. > Creativity will be at its best. You will renovate your home/office. > Research activity will get a boost now this time. Your friction with > your spouse may result in

divorce after the 15th. But be careful > while driving. Accidents may be fatal or may make you physically > handicapped. Fortunes will improve after the 19th. Those in > government organizations will receive promotions & increased pay > packets after the 24th. Overseas news is very very pleasing and > satisfying. Visits to hospitals/courts/ prisons/deserted places will > go on. > > Pisces:Health will improve after the 24th. But finances will also > detioriate. You will be innovative in your skills. Those in > artistic skill field will gain appreciation & also finances. Your > capacity to handle enemies & disease will reduce after the 16th.. > Your spouse’s health will improve after the 19th. But fortunes will > not be favourable after the 24th. Your work will be appreciated

very > much by your seniors resulting in promotion & increase salary.. > Overseas news will be very disappointing & frustrating. So will > expenses increase? Law suits & litigations will increase a burden on > you. > >  > > With Warm Regards> > Haresh(Harry) Nathani> > Vedic Astologer, > > Vaastu Consultant> > Insurance Advisor> > Cell +91 98672 14103> > Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469> > (Mumbai,India)> > > > > > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go > to http://in..webmessen ger.. com/> >> > > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on http://help. / l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html/>



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