Guest guest Posted October 21, 2008 Report Share Posted October 21, 2008 Continued from previous posts. Part two - Page Seven Jupiter enters Capricorn (Makara) on 09 December 2008 at 19:11:37 hrs at Greenwich 0° 0’ 0” E 51°29’0’’ North. and moves to Aquarius(Kumbha) on19th December 2009 at 19:45:05 Hrs. GMT after degradation. The first stage of our discussion below will be from 09 December 2008 at 19:11:37 to 1st May 2009 Jupiter enters Aquarius at 14:10:50 hrs GMT that day.******* Jupiter transits in the Star Zone of UTHRASHADA Pada 2,3, and Four From 9th December 2008 at 19:11:37 (Greenwich Time) to 22d January 14:15:10 Hrs. Predictions on Transit of Jupiter in ‘Capricorn’ - Makara. ____ General : Jupiter is in Fall (Neecha)in the first 5° of Capricorn and during the transit in this period of Capricorn till 1st Jan 2009. (23 Days) The results will be negative to the desire of Natal more than explained below: Lord of the House - Capricorn: Saturn; Lord of the Star Zone: UTHRASHADA: Sun; Lord or the Star Zone: SRAVANA : Moon; Lord of the Star Zone : DHANISHTA :(Avittam); Mars: Jupiter passes 6th House, from Simha (Leo) For those born in Simha (Leo) :: Makam, OR Poorvapalguni, OR Uthrapalguni - 1st Pada :: AA: possible Desa during this period - Ketu (7 Yrs); Venus (20 Years); Sun (6 Years) :: AB - Venus (Balance Years); Sun 6 Years (Balance Years or full period); Moon (10 Years); Mars (7 Years); Rahu (18 Years) :: AC - Moon ( Balance Years); Mars (7 years); Rahu 18 years, Jupiter 16 Years) The Moon will be in Leo (Simha) in the birth chart. General: Leo (Simha) is the 8th House from Capricorn (Makara). Jupiter is not effecting any drushti on Simha during this transit. The Sun is the lord of Leo and Ketu is the lord of Makam Star Zone. Venus is the lord of Poorvapalguni star Zone. The Sun is the lord of Uthraphalguni Star Zone. Mars and Sun are Benefic for this Zodiac house, Mercury and Venus are Malefic. Saturn, Jupiter and Moon are neutral here. - Sathyacharya’s list of benefic, malefic and neutral positions of Planets in various Zodiac signs. “ Raaraputhravirodhascha swajane Pplahasthaa | Choraagrirunupabheetheacha sashtemhasthe bhavedaGUROU || “ .......Jyothisharnava navanitam Meaning: When Jupiter passes through 6th from Janma Rasi (where Moon is positioned in the birth chart) one will not be in good terms with husband/wife and children. There will be litigations or disputes with relatives. He will be endangered through thieves, fire and ruler. A Point to note is that Saturn is in transit in this house during the period taken into contention for Jupiter transit in Capricorn, creating ‘Sade Sathi’ to those born with the Moon in this house. Please note: This need not be taken literally, as many factors in the Natal chart will phase out this contention. AA :: children may have to move from one place to other. Hostel life will not be comfortable. In studies any amount of hard work will not be sufficient to score high marks. Since, one has to devout lot of time in studies with out any attractions paid on those other than studies. Unwanted fear could cause health hazards. AB: Apart from initial marital life, difference with life partner could emanate in petty quarrels. Leisure hours could not be enjoyed in free will and would dislike dear and near for flimsy reasons. There will be quarrels between the married couple and could cause rift in opinions between them and near ones. Friends could turn as foes. Some will be pointed for errors which they did not commit. One would be transferred in work for unwanted place of work. Some may grieved for the reluctant responsibilities imposed on the. Grown up children could view against their decisions. AC :: Children could enter into litigation on properties against the old ones. Comfortable life could be unnecessarily hampered in the interference of relations. Vindictive atmosphere could prevail on those elderly persons for causing dejection. The common cause of depression and blood pressure could cause medical expenses. Back ache, bowels could be the reason for regular ailments. Dorsal region of spine could cause discomfort to unbearable pain. Jupiter passes 5th house from Virgo (Kanya) For those born in Virgo (Kanya):: Uthrapalguni 2, 3 & 4 Padas Or Hastam (all 4 Padas) or Chithrai 1 & 2 Padas AA: possible Desa during this period (now running)- Sun (6 Years);Moon (10 Years); Mars (7 Years); Rahu (18 Years) :: AB : Mars (7 years) Rahu (18 Years or part there of) Jupiter (16 Years):: AC - Rahu (18 years or part there of) Jupiter (16 years), Saturn 19 Years): The Moon in Virgo (Kanya) in Birth Chart. General: Virgo (Kanya) is the 9th House from Capricorn (Makara). Jupiter had 3 Drushties ( 5th, 7th and 9th houses). Though Jupiter is not powerful in Capricorn, his Drusti is always very satisfying and Jupiter will shed good results to Virgo (Kanya). Those born in the above birth stars should feel greatly relieved that Jupiter will be favorable during this period, particularly those having Jupiter Desa during this period. A Point to note is that Saturn is in transit in this house during the period taken into contention for Jupiter transit in Capricorn, creating ‘Sade Sathi’ to those born with the Moon in this house. Saturn enters Virgo on 9th September 2009 at 19:34:58 Hrs.GMT Mercury is the lord of Virgo and The Sun is the lord of Uthraphalguni Star Zone. The Moon is the lord of Hastam star Zone. Mars is the lord of Chittari Star Zone. Venus is the only Benefic for this house of Virgo (Kanbya) while he is Neecha if in occupation. Jupiter, the Moon and Mars are malefic. Saturn Sun and Mercury are also neutral there. - Sathyacharya’s list of benefic, malefic and neutral positions of Planets in various Zodiac signs. “” Janyathi cha thanayabhavanamupagatha : Parijanashubrasutha karithuragarvashan | Sakanakapura gruhya vathivasanakru-- Nmannigunanikarakrudapi vibhuddagruruu : || ........ BRAHAT SAMHITA Meaning: When Jupiter passes through 5th house (from the position of Moon - in this case ‘Kanya’) bestows one with sons, elephant, horses, gold, houses in town, marriage , garments, gems, virtues such as learning and vlour. However, those born in stars in this house will have, the passing Sade Sati effects, unless it is countered by favorable Desa periods. Astrologers are to be very cautious in interpretations with these effects for these stars in the placing of this house and the resuts could be very moderate. AA :: During this transit Jupiter gives excellent results to all. There will be lot of membarable happy moments of youths and will bring many success in their attempts in all fields (education and in sports). Some may have sight injuries. Many will become popular with fame. It is very happy period for those connected with visual, film and entertainment industy. Many would feed poor and earn good will. AB: Many will get unexpected promotion in work place. Traders will have good profit and many investments will get high income. Some will have appreciation from seniors and also get postings of profit. Family reunions will bring pleasure. Lots of friends will help for needy and also families, hitherto suffering. Many marriages with expected relations could happen. Emotional parting will come in way of many individuals. AC: Those in Government services and in Public enterprises and communication lines will get necessary recognitions. Many in Judicial field will gain many good Will continue further........ A.V.Pathi, (20th October 2008) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2008 Report Share Posted October 22, 2008 Hello all, i dont know about astrology but how the phase will be for me i am confused as going though a very bad phase .. currently i am doing job but not satisfied want to do my own business,will i be? my Birth details are 11 th june 1983 place tinsukia (assam) 11:02 am regards, binay goyal --- On Tue, 10/21/08, venkatachala pathi <pathiav wrote: venkatachala pathi <pathiav [vedic astrology] Jupiter enters Capricorn (Makara) ..... Part two/Page Seven , asthikasamaj , astro_remedies , astroriber , vedic astrology , " ancient_indian_ " <astrology >, brahmin_world, " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises, " brahimn tvm group " <kbstvm, dr.balakrishnamurthy.ramaraju, " DR.PRASAD RAMKRISHNA " <drprkprasad, " Shabnam Frei " <bioacoustics, gururangan, HARE_RAM , Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest , iyer-foundation (AT) googl (DOT) com, " Astrologer India " <astroastronomy, jyothish_remedies , Jyotish_Astrology_Newsletter , , , " astrology_saturn(Lakshmi) " <astrology_saturn, madraslawyer, " preetha kadhir " <preetha.kadhir, petra, " Bipin Prag " <bipinprag, shaneeswara , sheevani147, suniljohn_2002, vighneshare Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 10:34 PM Continued from previous posts. Part two - Page Seven Jupiter enters Capricorn (Makara) on 09 December 2008 at 19:11:37 hrs at Greenwich 0° 0’ 0” E 51°29’0’’ North. and moves to Aquarius(Kumbha) on19th December 2009 at 19:45:05 Hrs. GMT after degradation. The first stage of our discussion below will be from 09 December 2008 at 19:11:37 to 1st May 2009 Jupiter enters Aquarius at 14:10:50 hrs GMT that day.*******Jupiter transits in the Star Zone of UTHRASHADA Pada 2,3, and Four From 9th December 2008 at 19:11:37 (Greenwich Time) to 22d January 14:15:10 Hrs. Predictions on Transit of Jupiter in ‘Capricorn’ - Makara. ____ General : Jupiter is in Fall (Neecha)in the first 5° of Capricorn and during the transit in this period of Capricorn till 1st Jan 2009. (23 Days) The results will be negative to the desire of Natal more than explained below:Lord of the House - CapricornLord of the Star ZoneLord or the Star Zone:Lord of the Star Zone : DHANISHTA :(Avittam); Mars: SRAVANA : Moon;: UTHRASHADA: Sun; : Saturn; Jupiter passes 6th House, from Simha (Leo)For those born in Simha (Leo) :: Makam, OR Poorvapalguni, OR Uthrapalguni - 1st Pada :: AA: possible Desa during this period - Ketu (7 Yrs); Venus (20 Years); Sun (6 Years) :: AB - Venus (Balance Years); Sun 6 Years (Balance Years or full period); Moon (10 Years); Mars (7 Years); Rahu (18 Years) :: AC - Moon ( Balance Years); Mars (7 years); Rahu 18 years, Jupiter 16 Years) The Moon will be in Leo (Simha) in the birth chart. General: Leo (Simha) is the 8th House from Capricorn (Makara). Jupiter is not effecting any drushti on Simha during this transit. The Sun is the lord of Leo and Ketu is the lord of Makam Star Zone. Venus is the lord of Poorvapalguni star Zone. The Sun is the lord of Uthraphalguni Star Zone. Mars and Sun are Benefic for this Zodiac house, Mercury and Venus are Malefic. Saturn, Jupiter and Moon are neutral here. - Sathyacharya’s list of benefic, malefic and neutral positions of Planets in various Zodiac signs. “ Raaraputhravirodhascha swajane Pplahasthaa | Choraagrirunupabheetheacha sashtemhasthe bhavedaGUROU || “ ........Jyothisharnava navanitam Meaning: When Jupiter passes through 6th from Janma Rasi (where Moon is positioned in the birth chart) one will not be in good terms with husband/wife and children. There will be litigations or disputes with relatives. He will be endangered through thieves, fire and ruler. A Point to note is that Saturn is in transit in this house during the period taken into contention for Jupiter transit in Capricorn, creating ‘Sade Sathi’ to those born with the Moon in this house. Please note: This need not be taken literally, as many factors in the Natal chart will phase out this contention. AA :: children may have to move from one place to other. Hostel life will not be comfortable. In studies any amount of hard work will not be sufficient to score high marks. Since, one has to devout lot of time in studies with out any attractions paid on those other than studies. Unwanted fear could cause health hazards. AB: Apart from initial marital life, difference with life partner could emanate in petty quarrels. Leisure hours could not be enjoyed in free will and would dislike dear and near for flimsy reasons. There will be quarrels between the married couple and could cause rift in opinions between them and near ones. Friends could turn as foes. Some will be pointed for errors which they did not commit. One would be transferred in work for unwanted place of work. Some may grieved for the reluctant responsibilities imposed on the. Grown up children could view against their decisions. AC :: Children could enter into litigation on properties against the old ones. Comfortable life could be unnecessarily hampered in the interference of relations. Vindictive atmosphere could prevail on those elderly persons for causing dejection. The common cause of depression and blood pressure could cause medical expenses. Back ache, bowels could be the reason for regular ailments. Dorsal region of spine could cause discomfort to unbearable pain. Jupiter passes 5th house from Virgo (Kanya)For those born in Virgo (Kanya):: Uthrapalguni 2, 3 & 4 Padas Or Hastam (all 4 Padas) or Chithrai 1 & 2 Padas AA: possible Desa during this period (now running)- Sun (6 Years);Moon (10 Years); Mars (7 Years); Rahu (18 Years) :: AB : Mars (7 years) Rahu (18 Years or part there of) Jupiter (16 Years):: AC - Rahu (18 years or part there of) Jupiter (16 years), Saturn 19 Years): The Moon in Virgo (Kanya) in Birth Chart. General: Virgo (Kanya) is the 9th House from Capricorn (Makara). Jupiter had 3 Drushties ( 5th, 7th and 9th houses). Though Jupiter is not powerful in Capricorn, his Drusti is always very satisfying and Jupiter will shed good results to Virgo (Kanya). Those born in the above birth stars should feel greatly relieved that Jupiter will be favorable during this period, particularly those having Jupiter Desa during this period. A Point to note is that Saturn is in transit in this house during the period taken into contention for Jupiter transit in Capricorn, creating ‘Sade Sathi’ to those born with the Moon in this house. Saturn enters Virgo on 9th September 2009 at 19:34:58 Hrs.GMTMercury is the lord of Virgo and The Sun is the lord of Uthraphalguni Star Zone. The Moon is the lord of Hastam star Zone. Mars is the lord of Chittari Star Zone. Venus is the only Benefic for this house of Virgo (Kanbya) while he is Neecha if in occupation. Jupiter, the Moon and Mars are malefic. Saturn Sun and Mercury are also neutral there. - Sathyacharya’s list of benefic, malefic and neutral positions of Planets in various Zodiac signs. “”Janyathi cha thanayabhavanamupagatha : Parijanashubras\ utha karithuragarvashan | Sakanakapura gruhya vathivasanakru-- Nmannigunanikarakrudapi vibhuddagruruu : || \ ......... BRAHAT SAMHITA However, those born in stars in this house will have, the passing Sade Sati effects, unless it is countered by favorable Desa periods. Astrologers are to be very cautious in interpretations with these effects for these stars in the placing of this house and the resuts could be very moderate. AA :: During this transit Jupiter gives excellent results to all. There will be lot of membarable happy moments of youths and will bring many success in their attempts in all fields (education and in sports). Some may have sight injuries. Many will become popular with fame. It is very happy period for those connected with visual, film and entertainment industy. Many would feed poor and earn good will. AB: Many will get unexpected promotion in work place. Traders will have good profit and many investments will get high income. Some will have appreciation from seniors and also get postings of profit. Family reunions will bring pleasure. Lots of friends will help for needy and also families, hitherto suffering. Many marriages with expected relations could happen. Emotional parting will come in way of many individuals. AC: Those in Government services and in Public enterprises and communication lines will get necessary recognitions. Many in Judicial field will gain many good Meaning: When Jupiter passes through 5th house (from the position of Moon - in this case ‘Kanya’) bestows one with sons, elephant, horses, gold, houses in town, marriage , garments, gems, virtues such as learning and vlour. Will continue further........ A.V.Pathi, (20th October 2008) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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