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Retrograde of Planets

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Prograde and retrograde motion - Retrogradation or apparent retrograde motion:

Retrograde motion should not be confused with retrogradation. The latter term is used in reference to the motion of the outer planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto). Though these planets appear to move from east to west on a nightly basis in response to the spin of Earth, they are most of the time drifting slowly eastward with respect to the background of stars, which can be observed by noting the position of these planets for several nights in a row. This motion is normal for these planets.


The north orbital pole of a celestial body is defined by the right-hand rule: If you curve the fingers of your right hand along the direction of orbital motion, with your thumb extended parallel to the orbital axis, the direction your thumb points is defined to be north. Similarly, the north rotational pole of a body is defined by the direction of your thumb if you were to wrap your fingers around its equator in the direction it spins. There are two notations for retrograde motion that are mathematically equivalent.

The more distant planets retrograde more frequently:



Mars retrogrades for 72 days every 25.6 months.

Jupiter for 121 days every 13.1 months.

Saturn for 138 days every 12.4 months.

Uranus for 151 days every 12.15 months and

Neptune for 158 days every 12.07 months.

The period between such retrogradations is the synodic period of the planet.

Retrograde motion in astrology

Most modern astrologers still consider the retrograde movement of a planet to be indicative of stress or difficulty. For example, the retrograde movement of Mercury is commonly thought to signify difficulties in communication, such as post or emails going astray, verbal misunderstandings, and travel delays and frustrations. However, many astrologers do not consider retrograde movement to be of any particular significance, especially given that the outer planets are in retrograde motion for over 40% of the time.





In conversations with others, often times Mercury Retrograde People feel very frustrated. They feel they can't communicate their ideas as clearly and adeptly as others seem to. This is not true, it is simply that they have higher standards for communication than others.

Mercury Retrograde People may take longer than others to learn a new subject. This is because others simply absorb the new information, and regurgitate it directly.

Mercury Retrograde People want to more thoroughly understand the information, they want to really imbibe it and take it into their being to assimilate it and see how they really feel about it. It's a deeper form of learning- a subjective form.

But once they have imbibed the information, they know it more deeply than others. Then when they speak from what they have learned, the depth of truth in their message shines forth and others listen.


Mercury Retrograde People are better off not pressing themselves to make "instant decisions", but rather to give themselves time to pull back from situations, get in touch with their feelings as well as their ideas, and then reenter with their stance.

However, if they go without having first taken the time to get in touch with themselves inwardly, they won't have a nice time even if it's something they would have normally enjoyed doing.

These folks are not allowed to cheat themselves in this lifetime, or make decisions without taking themselves and their true authentic promptings into account. So it's important for Mercury Retrograde People to not rush decisions, but to deliberately give themselves extra time to see how they authentically feel about the choice all the way through their being- in their emotional body, as well as their initial mental impulse. I fully agree with everything said by Mr. J.P.Sandhu, on this.

A.V.Pathi, North Carolina, 27514, USA001-919-960-3833





Jatinder pal sandhu <jps.sandhu Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2008 10:56:33 AMRe: Re: Retrograde of Planets



Dear Liana,


Some information on retrograde Mercury. I hope its helpful.




General influence of Mercury retrograde

Mercury rules over the mind's processes, studying, communication, businesses, travels and the like. When Mercury reverses its direction, all these areas are affected as well.

The mind turns naturally inwards and people tend to analyze more the own thoughts and follow the common thinking patterns, rather then be curious and eager of new intellectual experiences or challenges. This helps the meditation or the thorough lonely long-term study of a specific matter, but it affects the study of new subjects, the communication with the others, the attention oriented outwards.

Businesses, travels and communications tend to experience delays and different problems. Computers and other processes that work with information may experience crashes, unexpected failures.

Don't enroll to courses, don't buy expensive Mercurian items (books, cars, mobile phones etc.), don't sign important contracts and do not marry.

What is this Mercury retrograde period good for?

It is definitely a very good period for some actions. No time is completely bad for anything, there is a reason in everything happens.

The key is the reversed direction of movement: take any known Mercurian action, reverse its flow, consider the keywords "re-doing something", "double-checking", "finish the old projects" and there you are, you've found the good side of Mercury retrograde.

For instance, you may want to read again a book you particularly liked, a subject you studied before, meet and discuss with old friends you haven't met for a long time, travel to places you've already been to before.

This is an excellent time to work on old projects that never got to be finished. So, think about the things you started and never finalized.

Next, you might wish to prevent any bad things to happen to you: so double-check your agenda, call your business partners to confirm that everything goes as planned, have everything ready before the deadline and leave some extra time for unexpected events. Make copies of your important files and documents, save your work more often.

The other solution is to go on vacation or at least slow down the pace of your projects. You will find that going slowly during the Mercury retrograde period will spare you many efforts of redoing the same action that wasn't performed right the first time.


Above all, be generous and compassionate: you are already aware about the influence of this period, but the others aren't aware of it or there may be uncontrollable events. That's why you should have more diligence with the others and give them some more time. It'll be your mental health that you'll be sparing actually.



Mercury represents non-emotional, rational, objective thought. Mercury is flexible, responsive, and adaptable. Part of its job is to help disburse information, so it rules perception, language, writing, editing, research, speaking and learning. Mercury also rules telecommunications, computing, software, electronic gadgets, shipping, couriers, and transportation, etc. So, it's a pretty important planet to just everyday living.

So, when Mercury goes retrograde, it scrambles information, causing static, confusion and forgetfulness. The effects are universal and all peoples feel its effect, regardless of their own signs. The signs Gemini and Virgo feel it slightly more because Mercury is their ruling planet and because they're such picky perfectionists and they really do expect their lives to go like clockwork.

Mercury Rx periods is the revealing of things hidden [past crimes are revealed or criminals located who were hiding during these times, clues are found or researched that had been previously overlooked in the past]. Also, investigations can be horribly botched during those times too. Probably it's almost instinctual when detectives review and reveal during these times.

Quote by Steven Forrest: "Mercury retrograde isn't bad; it just takes some planning to cooperate with the energies. It's meant to be spent assimilating experiences, reviewing the past, and redoing, in general. As a matter of fact, if you really want to get the most out of Mercury retrograde, confine your activities as much as possible to those that have "re" attached to the beginning of the word. Reschedule appointments, repair vehicles, return to the past, rewrite documents and agreements, and so forth."

Mercury RX is a great time for writers to go back to their work and edit. You can find more mistakes during that time, and you might also come up with ideas to spice up your writing, make it stronger. It's also a good period to clean out files, closets, return to unfinished projects and reviewing them, spend more time mentally re-viewing things that have happened in the past, get in touch with old friends, and schedule class reunions.

Some "don'ts" to get you through this period: don't start any new task or project (jobs began under a Mercury Rx period, even during a shadow period before or after, have always ended either being renegotiated usually not to our benefit or dropped altogether), don't plan any extended air flights or other lengthy trips, don't start any new medical procedures; if the appointment is for diagnostics or researching, by all means run with it and prefer to wait until after the Rx period to make major decisions.

Sometimes, however, the only thing that can be changed or have power over an unresolved issue is to change the way to deal with it: acceptance, tolerance, avoidance, or forgiveness are the only constructive outlets.




On 11/8/08, blulisan <blulisan > wrote:





Dear All,I read with much interest all the messages on this post on RetrogradePlanets. I was and still i am fascinated on this issue because from myexperience especially on retrograde Mercury. From my personal observation (western astrology system), i noticedpeople born with retrograde mercury have different way ofcommunication and understanding the written and spoken words. Commonissues for majority of people seems to be complicate for theirunderstanding and thinks the majority of people find complicate, tothem seems to be simply and easier to understand. This is my general view on retrograde mercury and it depends on thesign and house where mercury is placed. Some of western astrologersconsider that the presence of retrograde planet in one natal chart, isa sign of some unfulfilled karmic lessons of the native. I agree tothis theory. I have many friends with this aspect on their natal

chart (retrogrademercury)and i was really interested to study how this afflict theirpersonalities. In western astrology sometimes Rahu and Ketu are direct not all timeretrograde, the significance of this is less known and studied.Personally, i don't have retrograde planets on my natal chart, but ipersonal experienced the retrograde mercury in progression. ..i can sayi really felt this period and i can say and conclude that retrogradeplanets are truly weak in the beginning, but they might becomestronger if the person who has this becomes aware on the signals andsignificances of the planetary energies.In actual western astrology, planets are not associated to gods, butwe consider them energies which manifest on each of us, positive ornegative according to our own energies and receptivity.Warm Regards,Liana ancient_indian_ astrology, "Bhaskar"<rajiventerprises@ ...> wrote:>> > Dear Shri Kursijaji,> I have not re-opened this thread. Some mischief maker wishes you to> reciprocate once again, as we can see obviously. You are right about> the theory part. I too believe that an ounce of practise is better> than tonnes of theories. I am primarily a KP practitioner, where we do> not believe in much theory parts, and exaltation, retrogression and> debilitation does not play a prominent part in Kp, except for Horary. > For me anyway much discussions on shlokas, retrogressions, or yogas or> such stuff is a waste of precious time, at the levels where I

stand> today. I am not any authority to approve or diaspprove your views on> Deva Keralam, and personally I hold all the shastras in high esteem, and> whether I understand them or not is another matter. best wishes,> Bhaskar.> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "S.C. Kursija"> <sckursija@> wrote:> >> > Dear Bhaskar and other learned members,> > I have already expressed my view and observations regarding the> retrograde planets particularly benefic planets. I believe that tonnes> of theories are useless before the facts. If the theories can not be> applied to actual practice, they can not be law. The similar are my> views for the shastras.

They can be good when they were written> according to the social and economic conditions of the society at that> time. I am living in the present social and economic conditions of the> society.My observations are that retrograde planets does not give> benefic results. In hoary i is accepted principle the retrograde planet> indicates repetition. i.e. negation of present query.> > What ever may be written in Deva Keralum about retrograde planets the> present observations does not confirm the same.> > Regards.> >> > --- On Fri, 11/7/08, dev.phani22 dev.phani22@ wrote:> >> > dev.phani22 dev.phani22@> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Retrograde of Planets> > ancient_indian_

astrology> > Friday, November 7, 2008, 8:13 PM> >> >> >> >> >> >> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Bhaskar"> > <rajiventerprises@ ...> wrote:> > >> > >> > > dear Shri Kursija ji and all,> > >> > > Yes, Retrogression for planets may not be good actually, as> > observed in> > > few cases. But I may not be right fully, for am not an expert or> > > authentic person on this.> > >> > > Can anyone of you give us more pointers from the Shastras for> > Retrograde> > > but debilitated Jupiter ? I had Deva Keralam many years back,> > which I> > > have no more now, which I remember had contained some verses and> > given> > > very

much benefic results for the same.> > >> > > regards,> > >> > > Bhaskar> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "S.C. Kursija"> > > <sckursija@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Sreenadha,> > > > Very good article. But I have some different observation for> > > retrograde planets particularly for Jupiter. It is said that> > Jupiter in> > > lagna, particularly, protects the native from from lakhas of> > doshas. But> > > retrograde Jupiter in lagna does not protect the native. The> > Jupiter has> > > directional strength in lagna. So I have framed the theory that> > natural> > > malefic planet in retrogradation become more malefic and

natural> > benefic> > > planet behold the benefic influence and become neutral. The neutral> > > planet gives the result according to his other sign or conjoined> > with or> > > aspected by a planet.> > > > Regards> > > >> > > >> > > > --- On Mon, 10/20/08, Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@> > > > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Retrograde of Planets> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology> > > > Monday, October 20, 2008, 10:23 AM> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Retrograde of Planets> > > > - Written by Sreenadh OG> > >

>> > > > Retrograde of planet is not an actual phenomena. The truth is> â€"> > > planets never retrograde; they are always in direct motion. But> > since> > > the speed of rotation of planets around Sun and their distance from> > Sun> > > are different, while viewing from earth we at times feel some> > planets as> > > ‘moving backwards’ or in other words as in retrograde> > > motion, even though in reality it is not so.> > > > Anyway, even though ‘retrograde motion of planets is not a> > > scientific reality, their concept is given much importance in> > astrology.> > > There is one unique concept related to retrograde that all> > astrologers> > > should remember â€" i.e Cheshta Bala.> > > > Cheshta Bala (Ability to

act)> > > > The 5 planets Ma-Me-Ju-Ve- Sa has the special ability to act (to> > > provide a visible benefic or malefic result) while in retrograde.> > > Planets who won the Graha Yuddha (Planetary war) and planets placed> > > along with Moon also have the special ability to provide a visible> > > result. It is due to this very fact that retrograde is considered> > > important in astrology.> > > > It is fun to note that, there are diametrically opposite> > viewpoints> > > regarding the result of retrograde motion.> > > > Retrograde planets are strong> > > > As per Phaladeepika â€"> > > > Vakram gate swacha phalam vidadyal> > > > Sapatna neecharksha gato(a)pi khetaH> > > > (Phaladeepika)> > > > [Even if in enemy sign or in debilitation, if

the planet is> > > retrograde, the result equivalent to exaltation should be predicted> > > (since exaltation makes them stronger)]> > > > Retrograde planets are weak> > > > As per the book Sri Trilokya Prakasa -> > > > Vakraga abala vakran margagaH subhada ravi> > > > Uttarayanago yuddhe grahanamuttaro bali> > > > (Sri Trailokya Prakasa)> > > > [Planets in retrograde are weak, and the planets in direct motion> > (are> > > strong) and gives benefic results. Sun is strong during Uttarayana> > and> > > weak during Dakshinayana. During planetary war, the planet in> > northern> > > side wins (and not the one in southern side)]> > > > Moderate View> > > > Between these extreme views â€" one presented by Phaladeepika> > >

(considering all planets in retrograde as strong and benefic) and> > the> > > other presented by Trilokya Prakasa (considering all planets in> > > retrograde as weak and malefic), most of the popular and well-> > accepted> > > traditional authentic texts such as Saravali, Dasadhyayi etc seems> > to> > > take a middle path. As per them, ‘Benefics in retrograde> gives> > > beneficial results while malefics in retrograde gives maleficial> > results> > > as well’.> > > > 1. Saravali> > > > As per Saravali â€"> > > > Vakrinastu mahaveerya subha rajyaprada nrinam> > > > Papa vyasanadaH pumsam kurvanti cha vridhadanam> > > > (Saravali)> > > > [if benefic planets are in retrograde, they provide all kinds of> > >

beneficial results, makes the native a king by providing a kingdom> > to> > > rule. But malefic planets in retrograde makes him wander a lot with> > out> > > benefit (but provides the beneficial results at the end)]> > > > 2. Dasadhyayi> > > > Dasadhyayi supplements this derivation with the following> > statement> > > â€"> > > > Vakram gatasya hi dasabhramayati kulalachakraval> > purusham> > > > Vyasanani riipu virodham kurute papasya na subhasya> > > > (Dasadhyayi, Saravli)> > > > [Retrograde planets makes the native go in circle and circle> > > (repeating the same task without success again and again) as if> > fallen> > > into the circular wheel of the pot maker. Sadness, wrath of enemies> > etc> > > will occur if

malefic is in retrograde. (But benefic results will be> > > received at the end). This derivation does not apply to benefics]> > > > 3. Jataka Parijata> > > > Jataka Parijata provides some clues but does not provide a clear> > > picture. As per Jataka Parijata â€"> > > > 1) Sun and Moon â€" are never in retrograde (so retrograde> > > results does not apply to them)> > > > 2) Mars â€" gives good results while in retrograde.> > > > 3) Mercury â€" (no comments)> > > > 4) Jupiter - (no comments)> > > > 5) Venus â€" gives good results while retrograde> > > > 6) Saturn â€" is strong while in retrograde. (But no comment> > > about whether benefic or malefic)> > > > 7) Rahu and Ketu â€" are always in retrograde (so retrograde> > >

results does not apply to them)> > > > Considering the above 3 views together, we can arrive at the> > following> > > understanding â€"> > > > 1) Sun, Moon, Rahu, Ketu â€" Retrograde results does not> > > apply to them> > > > 2) Mars â€" Becomes strong in retrograde. Should provide bad> > > results (at the beginning) as per Saravali and Dasadhyayi; but> > should> > > provide good results (at the end) as per Jataka Parijata.> > > > 3) Mercury - Becomes strong in retrograde. Results depend on> > > whether Mercury is benefic or malefic. Mercury alone with one or> > more> > > benefic becomes a benefic (due to influence) and Mercury with one or> > > more malefic becomes a malefic (due to influence). Benefic Mercury> > in> > > retrograde gives

good results throughout, but malefic Mercury gives> > bad> > > results in the beginning and good results at the end.> > > > 4) Jupiter - Becomes strong in retrograde. Should give> > beneficial> > > result as per the guidelines given by Saravali and Dasadhyayi.> > (Jataka> > > Parijata’s silence on this matter is skeptical)> > > > 5) Venus â€" Becomes strong and gives good results in> > > retrograde.> > > > 6) Saturn - Becomes strong and gives good results in> > retrograde.> > > As per Saravali and Dasadhyayi the malefic Saturn should provide> > malefic> > > results throughout till almost till the end. Near the end it should> > > provide good results. (Jataka Parijata’s silence on> predicting> > > beneficial or maleficial result is

skeptical)> > > >> > > > Secret from the Master:> > > > The general statement good-bad or beneficial-malefici> > al> > > will not help much in practical astrological result derivation. The> > > actual good or bad result that should be predicted as per the above> > > guideline should be taken from -> > > > 1) The house-base result ascribed to that planet> > > > 2) The sign-base result ascribed to that planet> > > > All the pointers regarding retrograde planets available, should be> > > used only as a guideline to USE the actual RESULTS pointed by the> > above> > > two statements.> > > >> > > > Exercise> > > > What are the results that should be predicted for -> > > > 1) retrograde Jupiter in Taurus in 5th

house?> > > > 2) retrograde Mercury in Scorpio in 6th house?> > > > 3) retrograde Saturn in Aquarius in 9th house?> > > > Take this or any similar example â€" my concern is with the> type> > > of example, than with the example itself. At the end I should> > stress the> > > point, what ever the books and theories may state, being in tune> > with> > > the actual experience is what makes a theory valuable and> > acceptable.> > > Therefore while considering this whole theoretical foundation, you> > > should also ask the question â€" whether my (your) actual> experience> > > was in tune with this theory for each planet or not? If deviated> â€"> > > where and why? It is such ‘processing’ that provides> us> > > with our own

‘quarter’ share of knowledge, based on> the> > > info provided by the master. (Acharyat padamadette, padam sishya> > > swomedhaya.. ......... ......... ..)> > > > - 0 -> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __> > > > > > > > > > > > http://mail. > > > >Respected astrologer> > I have a small

doubt. I studied from some where that> > if retrograde saturn as atmakaraka in 12 th house from lagna or> > from moon makes native a strong desire of learning astrology.Is this> > correct.In Sri sanjayrath's horoscope also saturn as atmakaraka in> > 12th house from moon.Also can we predict that Chara atma karaka in> > 12th house,means house of moksha can mades a strong desire to get> > moksha.I have a chart.Lagna is dhanurlagna. Saturn is retrograde in> > 12th house and mars is in 6th house,here mars is 5th lord watching> > moksha stana and atma karaka.So can we predict a strong upasana to> > get moksha.> > thank you...> > for chart> > D.O.B-21-4-1987> > P.O.B-kakinada( Andhra Pradesh)> > T.O.B-11.40 pm> >>

-- RegardsJ.s.sandhu

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