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AATMA - BODY [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 01-Nov-08 1:47pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaFive Primordial Elements - Five Primordial Senses & Corresponding Sense Organs.God Is Busy Assembling And Associating One With The Other -1 . Sky Element - Sound Sense - Ear Sense Organ

2. Air Element - Touch Sense - Skin Sense Organ3. Fire Element - Sight Sense - Eye Sense Organ4 . Water Element -Taste Sense- Tongue Sense Organ5. Earth Element - Smell Sense - Nose Sense organGod , The Omniscient Is Happy That Something Concrete Is Happening -

We Can Only Wonder , Follow The Beautiful Creation That is Evolving ............AATHREYA - Dr . Balakrishna Murthy Ramaraju

AATHMA - BODY [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 02-Nov-08 1:07pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaBody is taking a shape.Now God is Busy Assembling Five Functional Organs To What already has been achieved with The Specific Of Purpose Performing Five Activities ----

1 . Laryngeal Voice Box function organ for Speech Action2 . Upper Limbs function organ for Prhension Action3 . Lower Limbs function organ for Locomotion Action4 . Digestive System function organ for Sustenance Action.

5 . Reproductive System function for Procreation Action .So far a mechanical robot has been creted ; now it needs perfection.Let Us See What Happens Next ....................

AATHMA - BODY [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 03-Nov-08 4:12pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaGod ( Paramaathma ) is now infusing Seven Material Ingredients into the body to give it a meaningful existence and They are : -1 . Skeleton - a . Axial skeleton for the core ; b . Appendicial skeleton

for upper and lower limbs.2 . Bone Marrow within the Skeleton ( God does not like empty spaces ,being conscious of eceonomy of space and an inherent dislikefor vacuum ) - Marrow for manufacture of Red and White Blood cells

and also for storage .3 . Flesh - Muscles for the body to work productively ; God does not like idleness.Work Is Worship. Flesh also smoothens contour of the body.4 . Cardio - Pulmonary - Vascular System for circulation , oxygenation etc-

Heart to pump 72 times per minute at a desired pressure , Lungs breathing18 times per minute and about 6 litres of blood coursing through blood vessels.5 . Digestive Juices for appetite and digestion of ingested food

6 . Reproductive juices for propagation of species7 . Nervous System - a. Central Nervous system - brain and spinal cord for commandingb . Peripheral nervous system to follow commands .God Is Not Yet Done ...................

AATHREYA - Dr . Balakrishna Murthy Ramaraju

AATHMA - BODY [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 04-Nov-08 1:47pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaGOD is almost there.Final Touches.The body is now endowed with Four Higher Faculties1 . Mind2 . Wisdom3 . Will Power

4 . Self Awareness .As a byproduct some other lesser features have accrued - probably GOD wants to Test.Let Us See ---------------AATHREYA - Dr . Balakrishna Murthy Ramaraju


AATHMA - BODY [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 05-Nov-08 4:39pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaAs a final Step , either Inadvertantly or with a purposeGOD has endowed the body with other qualities like -Humility , Arrogance , Ignorance , Excessive Desire , Anger ,

Avarice , Parsimony , Inflated Ego , Jealousy , Selfishness,Attachment to worldly Men / Women / Materials. ..........But One Thing Is Certain - PARAMAATHMA ( GOD ) Put A PartOf HIMSELF / HERSELF / ITSELF As Jeevaathma Into The Body

And Remained An Unattached , Unconcerned WITNESS To What Will Happen - God's Job Is Done - Let us see what lies in store ...........AATHREYA - Dr . Balakrishna Murthy Ramaraju-- aathreya- r.bala krishna murthy

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