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AATMA vs BODY [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 06-Nov-08 2:24pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaNow Paramaathma is locked up in the body as Jeevaathma.It is upto Jeeva and Body to make best use of the creation -One can become PRESIDENT OBAMA or osama.

One can become PARAMA HANSA or kamsa.One can become RAAMA or raavana .One can become KRISHNA or naraka.One can become GANDHI or hitlerOne can become FDR or polpot .so on and so forth .In the beginning It was Defferent . Jeevaathama was fully awre of

PARAMAATHMA . Let us go back to the beginning.AATHREYA - athrison balakrishna murthy

AATHMA - BEGINNING [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 07-Nov-08 3:34pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaAt The Outset All Jeevaathmas Were Absolute Replicas Of Paramaathma.They were all Celestials , Demi Gods , the only difference being ThatParamaathma is Form Less , Has No Beginning , Omnipresent , where as

Celestiasls have shape , a beginning , a purpose.Second stage Paramaathma created Sages = Rishis - Divine Deva Rishis,Philosophers Brahma Rishsis , Creative Maharishis ; All These Rishis AreGreat Souls , Had Free Access To Demi Gods And Realized Souls Knew

Their Origins In Paramaathma - Their word is law and yet bound by theiractions .Third Stage - Human - MANU , The Man and Woman - both created equaland at the same time Through The Medium Of Creative Force BRAHMA & SARASWATHI -

These First Man and Woman Human Beings Are Swaayambhoo MANU and Devi Satha Roopa.They Are Very Noble Semi Divine Humans who were told to go forth and multiply andsucceeded in Creating Pandits , Warriors , Bankers and Artisans - ALL EQUAL and so

categorized purely by their profession and not any otherwise.More to follow ...............AATHREYA - Dr . Balakrishna Murthy Ramaraju

AATHMA - FINAL STAGE [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 08-Nov-08 2:04pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaAfter 860,000 cycles of birth and death , now presently we , you and I,Scholars , IT specialists , Engineers , Doctors , Business Magnates ,Artists , Statesmen , Kings , Presidents , Prime Ministers etc etc

have come into existence .Some are Best , some are Very Good , some are Good , some are Ordinary,some are Bad , some are Very Bad , some are Despots - etc.Some of us remember Paramaathma inside all of us , some of us forgot

and think we are the body a feeling of I , Mine , Myself , My Way etc.Some of us forgot our Roots in Paramaathma - why so - let us see.AATHREYA - Dr . Balakrishna Murthy Ramaraju

JEEVAATHMA - AWARENESS [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 09-Nov-08 2:51pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaAt the outset as Soul is detached from Paramaathma and is on IT's way to It's final destination , IT is fully aware of IT's orgins , IT's

previous birth and death cycles , IT's past deeds and their consequences , aware of past goodness or otherwise , regrets and how the past is going to effect IT.As The Aathma is sojourning across various spheres of cosmic space

(previously mentioned) , IT remembers everything of IT's past and isuncertain of IT's future .As IT enters the mothers womb the memory is slowly fading , but ITcan with some effort can recall IT's past

As the mother is nearing full term memory is becoming vague and more vague.Finally IT is born , takes IT's first breath , cries out in misery , everything is forgotten.What next .................

AATHREYA - Dr. Balakrishna Murthy Ramaraju

SOUL ON EARTH [ DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju ] [ 10-Nov-08 5:41pm ] [ edit ] aathreya bala krishnaSoul has come out of IT's fortress , an ivory tower of mother's womb.IT has no knowledge of IT's origin , no information about IT's past ,

completely ignorant of the present . God , omni potent , omniscient Has locked Himself/Herself in the Ignorant , Helpless Body as a Test of His/Her Endurance , Patience and Fortitude.Now The Soul in IT's body is totally helpless , clueless and at the mercy

of the world at large.What is in store for IT depends on IT's time & place of birth , family into whichIT is born , parents , family , upbringing , society , friends IT keeps, Leaders,role models , education , opportunities , Kismet and to a lrge extent on ITself.

Let us wait and see next 100 years condensed into few more messages.AATHREYA - Dr. BalaKrishna Murthy Ramaraju-- aathreya- r.bala krishna murthy

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