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This month for you from 01.02.2009 to 28.02.2009

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This month for you from 01.02.2009 to 28.02.2009

All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna’s.

General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do

not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.

Notes: Sun transits into Kumbh rashi on 12.02.09. Mangal has got exalted in Dhanur rashi on 27.01.09. It will remain in this rashi for the entire month. Mercury remains in Makar rashi. It gets Margi/in direct motion on 1.02.09. Jupiter remains debilated in Makar rashi. Shukra is exalted in Meen rashi on 27.01.09. Exalted Shukra will boost the share market & will also bring volatility in the market. Sani gets retrograde on 31.12.08 late night. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the

world economy.

Transition of Sun into Kumbh Rashi is not auspicious this time as it comes under Sani’s aspect. Conjunction of Rahu & debilated Guru & later Mangal on 27.01.09 & aspect of Ketu will give health issues & surgeries to the human body. Depending in the house they are situated surgery to eyes, ears, heart, stomach, kidney, spine, slip disc & feet is a strong possibility. Skin problems like eczema, boils & blisters, acnes, psoriasis, Lucoderma will also escalate. Exalted Venus will also increase sex desire & copulation.

Aries: Health & energy level will be good this entire month, but backaches, slip disc will increase and transition of Mangal may give surgery to the spine. Finances appear to be good but will not stay in hand. Teachers & orators will see problems in throat. Energy level in giving speech or talking will be chocking. Mother’s health will be a cause of concern & conflicts with mother is also a strong possibility. Students in computer & mechanical engineering & MBA will feel confident & also nervous for their exams. Students who are in medical science will do very well specially related to

surgery. Afflicted mercury will give loss of memory. Conflicts with children may happen. Natives with weak kidney or having kidney stone may need the required surgery. Romance will be in the direction of sense enjoyment & illicit relationship. But fortunes will be mixed with a lot of aggression. Scenario in the office/job/work place will be in a mess like situation. Confusion, conflicts, false blames & faults, inefficiency and bribery in government offices will increase. Natives in foreign trade will receive good offers after the 12th. Aries lagna natives will look forward to enjoy life due to exalted Venus.

Taurus: General health will be good this month. Finances may be blissful this month. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Windfall gains from speculation, betting, horse racing, and cards are a possibility. But money will be instable. This is a good time for taking loans/borrowing money. Energy level will be good. Land deals will give good results. This is a good time to buy & invest in property. Children in research work will do well. Spouse’s health improves but ill health of father could depress you. Transfer or change of job is a strong possibility.

Natives in foreign trade & financial consultancy will see growth. Stressed relationship with young siblings, friends & relatives are indicated. Natives aspiring to look for new job openings will find one.

Gemini: Health will be average this month. Problems related to skin, loss of hair, weak nails, kidney, will be visible. Spouse’s health will also be affected. Instable and less finances will add anxiety thus making you rude & arrogant. But sudden financial gains are also indicated from speculation & gambling. Stress in relationships with young siblings, friends and spouses are indicated. Children will excel in studies and exams. Preparations for exams will go well. Spouses’ ill health may be fatal. Fortunes will be good & favourable. Atmosphere at work place improves considerably. Intelligence & competitiveness takes the first seat.

Natives looking for overseas job opportunities will get job offers with visas. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc. Watch your wallet.

Cancer: Ill health is an issue for you. But ill health of your spouse and children will also add to your miseries. Your spouse may suffer from problems related to skin & kidney. Longevity will not be a problem. Finances will improve after the 12th. A sudden change in nature to spent thrift will rule your mind. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some result happening on their efforts. Romance will be in the aggressive & spicy. Singles looking for love mates will find one now. Natives aspiring to get married will get married this year. Fortunes will be favourable & your attachment with your father will increase. Work

in office will be streamlined despite opposition and friction. Your energy level at work place will increase. Your constant hard work & efforts will get you a good applause & appreciation. Natives in foreign trade will see improvements. Expenses on research & investigation type of work will increase.

Leo: Lions, you are the luckiest among the twelve zodiacs, debilated Jupiter will shower good luck and charm on you for this entire year. Presence of Saturn will give some health issues, but financially you should do well despite the temporary daridra yog due to mercury in transit. Natives aspiring for overseas jobs will see results coming through. Jobless will get job offers. Your yog karak Mangal is exalted; you must make the best use of the good time. This is the right time to invest in property, increase your earnings in property brokerage. Enemies will literarily will be scared of you. Make the best use of it. Problems related to stomach will

persist. Keep a watch on your diet. Ulcers & surgery to stomach is not ruled out. Transit of Sun on 12th may increase conflicts with your spouse. Karma lord exalted will bring you in lime light at your work place. Fortunes are favourable, so is work in your office or work place. Natives in foreign trade will see some temporary setbacks. Expenses will also be on the rise. Ketu in Pushya Nakshatra will make you more spiritual conscious.

Virgo: Virgo’s luck will be favourable.. Health will be good & sudden financial gains are also indicated. Your contacts will escalate & your energy level will be good. Property matters will give good results. This is also a good time period to buy property. Children in computer studies and also in medical science will do well. Transit of Sun on 12th may give you stomach ailments and also surgery is a strong possibility. A loan due to diseased condition is likely. Jobless natives looking for job will get job offers. Natives looking for overseas offers should find one. Eligible singles will find their mates; romance will be in moon light nights. Your mother may get diabetic. Fortunes will improve for good. Foreign trade will see some setback & disappointments. Expenses related to children’s education and well being will increase.

Libra: Health will be good. Finances will improve. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Financial gains in property matters are indicated. Mother’s ill health & name & fame will improve. You will be looking forward towards buying new house & vehicles. Transit of Sun will increase pain in your stomach. Children will do well in studies. Married natives can look forward for sudden gifts from their in laws. Natives who are media industry like acting, music, art, directorship and designing will do well. Creativity will be at its peak. Fortunes will be favourable. Fathers’ health will also improve. Friction, quarrels, loss of job, hold up in promotion, no increase in salary will dominate.

Natives looking for overseas job will get job offers. Jobless will also get job offers after the 12th. Expenses related to vehicle maintenance & house renovation will increase.

Scorpio: Health will be good. Finances will also improve. You will be very precise & specific in your speech but also rude. Your energy level will be excellent. You will improve your contacts with high profile people, politicians & influential people. Pain in the right ear will increase. If not attended to it in time may lead to surgery or deafness. Mother’s health will improve, so will desire to buy new house, vehicle, and home appliance. Children will do well in their studies but you need pay your attention on them. Eligible singles will find their love mates & will be thinking to get married in this year. Researchers & Scientists will

make good progress in their inventions & discoveries. Father’s health will not be good. Government executives will see promotion & transfer in their work place after the 12th. Natives looking for overseas opportunities will get conditional offers. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc for your children. Watch your wallet.

Sagittarius: Health is not good. Transition of mars has made you aggressive & bold. But finances are good but instable as expenses ready list is in your pocket. Your right eye is also having problems. Surgery is not ruled out. Natives looking for overseas job will see some results. Joint family property matters will get settled. Children will do well in their studies & will also make you feel proud & satisfied. Relationship with young siblings and father will see some strain after the 12th. This is a good time to buy new house, vehicles, and home gadgets. Romance will end up in some conflict. Fortune will be slow but certain. Energy

level will be good. Government employees will get promotion but with disappointing increase in pay. Natives in trade of optics, lenses, camera equipments, liquor & financial consultancy will see growth. Expenses in maintaining your health will increase.

Capricorn: Health has always been not encouraging & presence of debilated Jupiter is also a matter of concern but transition of mercury will help in restoring the negative effects of debilated Jupiter. You will be inclined into deity worship of God. Natives in media activities will see good appreciation & also financial gains. Relations with young siblings will improve. Matters related to property will improve. Disputes & litigation will get settled. Children will do well in their studies. Conflicts with spouse will see no end. Romance will be in the air. Eligible singles will get married this year. Love marriages will increase. Fortunes will be

favourable. Your 6th sense will get activated. Natives in business related to guns, arms & ammunition will do well. Expenses related to you on spiritual front will increase.

Aquarius: Your overall health is good. Name & fame & appreciation will be the jingle of the year. But finances are good. Left eye and feet are tinkling. Surgery is a possibility. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some light or silver lining in the dark. Your yog karak Venus is exalted in house of finances. Your mind will be active in buying a new car, home appliances, etc. Students will not do well in studies. Their concentration will be disturbing. Romance is in the air. A constant conflict with spouse is killing. Divorce suit is a possibility. Natives involved in research activity will see sudden and unexpected appreciation of

their work. Father’s health is good. Fortunes are favourable. Natives in police, army will see good financial gains. Business will yield losses. Expenses are more than income. Visit to hospitals, courts, prisons, police stations are indicated. You may lose your wallet or cell phone around the 11th or 12th.

Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna will restore some losses. Finances will be good & stable. Your desire to sense enjoyment will increase. You will spend time and money on shopping & leisure activities. You will use your intelligence to its best. Mind will be very suspicious.. Your enemies will be very active. Handling them will be very difficult. Natives aspiring for overseas job opportunities will get conditional offers. Romance

will be in the air. Relationship with your spouse may get strained. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Natives in police, army will get raise in their pay packets & promotion to the eligible is also indicated. Atmosphere in office or work front is disappointing. An unknown fear or phobia is ruling your mind. Foreign trade is at its lowest. Expenses, court cases, disputes, visit to the hospital, prison are all indicated.







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How about re- checking your fundamentals?????


Like <<Mangal has got exalted in Dhanur rashi >>


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405 wrote:










This month for you from 01.02.2009 to 28.02.2009

All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna's.

General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women's chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.

Notes: Sun transits into Kumbh rashi on 12.02.09. Mangal has got exalted in Dhanur rashi on 27.01.09. It will remain in this rashi for the entire month. Mercury remains in Makar rashi. It gets Margi/in direct motion on 1.02.09. Jupiter remains debilated in Makar rashi. Shukra is exalted in Meen rashi on 27.01.09. Exalted Shukra will boost the share market & will also bring volatility in the market. Sani gets retrograde on 31.12.08 late night. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the world economy.

Transition of Sun into Kumbh Rashi is not auspicious this time as it comes under Sani's aspect. Conjunction of Rahu & debilated Guru & later Mangal on 27.01.09 & aspect of Ketu will give health issues & surgeries to the human body. Depending in the house they are situated surgery to eyes, ears, heart, stomach, kidney, spine, slip disc & feet is a strong possibility. Skin problems like eczema, boils & blisters, acnes, psoriasis, Lucoderma will also escalate. Exalted Venus will also increase sex desire & copulation.

Aries: Health & energy level will be good this entire month, but backaches, slip disc will increase and transition of Mangal may give surgery to the spine. Finances appear to be good but will not stay in hand. Teachers & orators will see problems in throat. Energy level in giving speech or talking will be chocking. Mother's health will be a cause of concern & conflicts with mother is also a strong possibility. Students in computer & mechanical engineering & MBA will feel confident & also nervous for their exams. Students who are in medical science will do very well specially related to surgery. Afflicted mercury will give loss of memory. Conflicts with children may happen. Natives with weak kidney or having kidney stone may need the required surgery. Romance will be in the direction of sense enjoyment & illicit relationship. But fortunes will be mixed with a lot of aggression. Scenario in the office/job/work place will be in a mess like situation. Confusion, conflicts, false blames & faults, inefficiency and bribery in government offices will increase. Natives in foreign trade will receive good offers after the 12th. Aries lagna natives will look forward to enjoy life due to exalted Venus.

Taurus: General health will be good this month. Finances may be blissful this month. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Windfall gains from speculation, betting, horse racing, and cards are a possibility. But money will be instable. This is a good time for taking loans/borrowing money. Energy level will be good. Land deals will give good results. This is a good time to buy & invest in property. Children in research work will do well. Spouse's health improves but ill health of father could depress you. Transfer or change of job is a strong possibility. Natives in foreign trade & financial consultancy will see growth. Stressed relationship with young siblings, friends & relatives are indicated. Natives aspiring to look for new job openings will find one.

Gemini: Health will be average this month. Problems related to skin, loss of hair, weak nails, kidney, will be visible. Spouse's health will also be affected. Instable and less finances will add anxiety thus making you rude & arrogant. But sudden financial gains are also indicated from speculation & gambling. Stress in relationships with young siblings, friends and spouses are indicated. Children will excel in studies and exams. Preparations for exams will go well. Spouses' ill health may be fatal. Fortunes will be good & favourable. Atmosphere at work place improves considerably. Intelligence & competitiveness takes the first seat. Natives looking for overseas job opportunities will get job offers with visas. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc. Watch your wallet.

Cancer: Ill health is an issue for you. But ill health of your spouse and children will also add to your miseries. Your spouse may suffer from problems related to skin & kidney. Longevity will not be a problem. Finances will improve after the 12th. A sudden change in nature to spent thrift will rule your mind. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some result happening on their efforts. Romance will be in the aggressive & spicy. Singles looking for love mates will find one now. Natives aspiring to get married will get married this year. Fortunes will be favourable & your attachment with your father will increase. Work in office will be streamlined despite opposition and friction. Your energy level at work place will increase. Your constant hard work & efforts will get you a good applause & appreciation. Natives in foreign trade will see improvements. Expenses on research & investigation type of work will increase.

Leo: Lions, you are the luckiest among the twelve zodiacs, debilated Jupiter will shower good luck and charm on you for this entire year. Presence of Saturn will give some health issues, but financially you should do well despite the temporary daridra yog due to mercury in transit. Natives aspiring for overseas jobs will see results coming through. Jobless will get job offers. Your yog karak Mangal is exalted; you must make the best use of the good time. This is the right time to invest in property, increase your earnings in property brokerage. Enemies will literarily will be scared of you. Make the best use of it. Problems related to stomach will persist. Keep a watch on your diet. Ulcers & surgery to stomach is not ruled out. Transit of Sun on 12th may increase conflicts with your spouse. Karma lord exalted will bring you in lime light at your work place. Fortunes are favourable, so is work in your office or work place. Natives in foreign trade will see some temporary setbacks. Expenses will also be on the rise. Ketu in Pushya Nakshatra will make you more spiritual conscious.

Virgo: Virgo's luck will be favourable.. Health will be good & sudden financial gains are also indicated. Your contacts will escalate & your energy level will be good. Property matters will give good results. This is also a good time period to buy property. Children in computer studies and also in medical science will do well. Transit of Sun on 12th may give you stomach ailments and also surgery is a strong possibility. A loan due to diseased condition is likely. Jobless natives looking for job will get job offers. Natives looking for overseas offers should find one. Eligible singles will find their mates; romance will be in moon light nights. Your mother may get diabetic. Fortunes will improve for good. Foreign trade will see some setback & disappointments. Expenses related to children's education and well being will increase.

Libra: Health will be good. Finances will improve. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Financial gains in property matters are indicated. Mother's ill health & name & fame will improve. You will be looking forward towards buying new house & vehicles. Transit of Sun will increase pain in your stomach. Children will do well in studies. Married natives can look forward for sudden gifts from their in laws. Natives who are media industry like acting, music, art, directorship and designing will do well. Creativity will be at its peak. Fortunes will be favourable. Fathers' health will also improve. Friction, quarrels, loss of job, hold up in promotion, no increase in salary will dominate. Natives looking for overseas job will get job offers. Jobless will also get job offers after the 12th. Expenses related to vehicle maintenance & house renovation will increase.

Scorpio: Health will be good. Finances will also improve. You will be very precise & specific in your speech but also rude. Your energy level will be excellent. You will improve your contacts with high profile people, politicians & influential people. Pain in the right ear will increase. If not attended to it in time may lead to surgery or deafness. Mother's health will improve, so will desire to buy new house, vehicle, and home appliance. Children will do well in their studies but you need pay your attention on them. Eligible singles will find their love mates & will be thinking to get married in this year. Researchers & Scientists will make good progress in their inventions & discoveries. Father's health will not be good. Government executives will see promotion & transfer in their work place after the 12th. Natives looking for overseas opportunities will get conditional offers. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc for your children. Watch your wallet.

Sagittarius: Health is not good. Transition of mars has made you aggressive & bold. But finances are good but instable as expenses ready list is in your pocket. Your right eye is also having problems. Surgery is not ruled out. Natives looking for overseas job will see some results. Joint family property matters will get settled. Children will do well in their studies & will also make you feel proud & satisfied. Relationship with young siblings and father will see some strain after the 12th. This is a good time to buy new house, vehicles, and home gadgets. Romance will end up in some conflict. Fortune will be slow but certain. Energy level will be good. Government employees will get promotion but with disappointing increase in pay. Natives in trade of optics, lenses, camera equipments, liquor & financial consultancy will see growth. Expenses in maintaining your health will increase.

Capricorn: Health has always been not encouraging & presence of debilated Jupiter is also a matter of concern but transition of mercury will help in restoring the negative effects of debilated Jupiter. You will be inclined into deity worship of God. Natives in media activities will see good appreciation & also financial gains. Relations with young siblings will improve. Matters related to property will improve. Disputes & litigation will get settled. Children will do well in their studies. Conflicts with spouse will see no end. Romance will be in the air. Eligible singles will get married this year. Love marriages will increase. Fortunes will be favourable. Your 6th sense will get activated. Natives in business related to guns, arms & ammunition will do well. Expenses related to you on spiritual front will increase.

Aquarius: Your overall health is good. Name & fame & appreciation will be the jingle of the year. But finances are good. Left eye and feet are tinkling. Surgery is a possibility. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some light or silver lining in the dark. Your yog karak Venus is exalted in house of finances. Your mind will be active in buying a new car, home appliances, etc. Students will not do well in studies. Their concentration will be disturbing. Romance is in the air. A constant conflict with spouse is killing. Divorce suit is a possibility. Natives involved in research activity will see sudden and unexpected appreciation of their work. Father's health is good. Fortunes are favourable. Natives in police, army will see good financial gains. Business will yield losses. Expenses are more than income. Visit to hospitals, courts, prisons, police stations are indicated. You may lose your wallet or cell phone around the 11th or 12th.

Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna will restore some losses. Finances will be good & stable. Your desire to sense enjoyment will increase. You will spend time and money on shopping & leisure activities. You will use your intelligence to its best. Mind will be very suspicious.. Your enemies will be very active. Handling them will be very difficult. Natives aspiring for overseas job opportunities will get conditional offers. Romance will be in the air. Relationship with your spouse may get strained. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Natives in police, army will get raise in their pay packets & promotion to the eligible is also indicated. Atmosphere in office or work front is disappointing. An unknown fear or phobia is ruling your mind. Foreign trade is at its lowest. Expenses, court cases, disputes, visit to the hospital, prison are all indicated.







CELL +919867214103


http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database



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#18A, St#11, Lane#2, East Marredpally, Secunderabad [AP] - 5000 026, INDIATel:+91 40-27737779; 6564 8254(Cell) +91 900 047 4837; 984 999 4837- Those who want to be SUCCESSFUL will find a way. Those who don't, will find an EXCUSE.


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Dear Shailesh


Thanks for pointing the error.






CELL +919867214103






Shailesh Chadha <scchadha Sent: Monday, 2 February, 2009 8:34:52 PMRe: This month for you from 01.02.2009 to 28.02.2009



How about re- checking your fundamentals? ????


Like <<Mangal has got exalted in Dhanur rashi >>

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405 > wrote:










This month for you from 01.02.2009 to 28.02.2009

All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna's.

General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women's chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed

above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.

Notes: Sun transits into Kumbh rashi on 12.02.09. Mangal has got exalted in Dhanur rashi on 27.01.09. It will remain in this rashi for the entire month. Mercury remains in Makar rashi. It gets Margi/in direct motion on 1.02.09. Jupiter remains debilated in Makar rashi. Shukra is exalted in Meen rashi on 27.01.09. Exalted Shukra will boost the share market & will also bring volatility in the market. Sani gets retrograde on 31.12.08 late night. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the world economy.

Transition of Sun into Kumbh Rashi is not auspicious this time as it comes under Sani's aspect. Conjunction of Rahu & debilated Guru & later Mangal on 27.01.09 & aspect of Ketu will give health issues & surgeries to the human body. Depending in the house they are situated surgery to eyes, ears, heart, stomach, kidney, spine, slip disc & feet is a strong possibility. Skin problems like eczema, boils & blisters, acnes, psoriasis, Lucoderma will also escalate. Exalted Venus will also increase sex desire & copulation.

Aries: Health & energy level will be good this entire month, but backaches, slip disc will increase and transition of Mangal may give surgery to the spine. Finances appear to be good but will not stay in hand. Teachers & orators will see problems in throat. Energy level in giving speech or talking will be chocking. Mother's health will be a cause of concern & conflicts with mother is also a strong possibility. Students in computer & mechanical engineering & MBA will feel confident & also nervous for their exams. Students who are in medical science will do very well specially related to surgery.. Afflicted mercury will give loss of memory. Conflicts with children may happen. Natives with weak kidney or having kidney stone may need the

required surgery. Romance will be in the direction of sense enjoyment & illicit relationship. But fortunes will be mixed with a lot of aggression. Scenario in the office/job/work place will be in a mess like situation. Confusion, conflicts, false blames & faults, inefficiency and bribery in government offices will increase. Natives in foreign trade will receive good offers after the 12th. Aries lagna natives will look forward to enjoy life due to exalted Venus.

Taurus: General health will be good this month. Finances may be blissful this month. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Windfall gains from speculation, betting, horse racing, and cards are a possibility. But money will be instable. This is a good time for taking loans/borrowing money. Energy level will be good.. Land deals will give good results. This is a good time to buy & invest in property. Children in research work will do well. Spouse's health improves but ill health of father could depress you. Transfer or change of job is a strong possibility. Natives in foreign trade & financial consultancy will see growth. Stressed relationship with young siblings, friends & relatives are indicated. Natives aspiring to look for

new job openings will find one.

Gemini: Health will be average this month. Problems related to skin, loss of hair, weak nails, kidney, will be visible. Spouse's health will also be affected. Instable and less finances will add anxiety thus making you rude & arrogant. But sudden financial gains are also indicated from speculation & gambling. Stress in relationships with young siblings, friends and spouses are indicated. Children will excel in studies and exams. Preparations for exams will go well. Spouses' ill health may be fatal. Fortunes will be good & favourable. Atmosphere at work place improves considerably. Intelligence & competitiveness takes the first seat. Natives looking for overseas job opportunities will get job offers with visas. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies,

outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc. Watch your wallet.

Cancer: Ill health is an issue for you. But ill health of your spouse and children will also add to your miseries. Your spouse may suffer from problems related to skin & kidney. Longevity will not be a problem. Finances will improve after the 12th. A sudden change in nature to spent thrift will rule your mind. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some result happening on their efforts. Romance will be in the aggressive & spicy. Singles looking for love mates will find one now. Natives aspiring to get married will get married this year. Fortunes will be favourable & your attachment with your father will increase. Work in office will be streamlined despite opposition and friction. Your energy level at work place will increase. Your

constant hard work & efforts will get you a good applause & appreciation. Natives in foreign trade will see improvements. Expenses on research & investigation type of work will increase.

Leo: Lions, you are the luckiest among the twelve zodiacs, debilated Jupiter will shower good luck and charm on you for this entire year. Presence of Saturn will give some health issues, but financially you should do well despite the temporary daridra yog due to mercury in transit. Natives aspiring for overseas jobs will see results coming through. Jobless will get job offers. Your yog karak Mangal is exalted; you must make the best use of the good time. This is the right time to invest in property, increase your earnings in property brokerage. Enemies will literarily will be scared of you. Make the best use of it. Problems related to stomach will persist. Keep a watch on your diet. Ulcers & surgery to stomach is not ruled out. Transit of Sun on 12th may

increase conflicts with your spouse. Karma lord exalted will bring you in lime light at your work place. Fortunes are favourable, so is work in your office or work place. Natives in foreign trade will see some temporary setbacks. Expenses will also be on the rise. Ketu in Pushya Nakshatra will make you more spiritual conscious.

Virgo: Virgo's luck will be favourable... Health will be good & sudden financial gains are also indicated. Your contacts will escalate & your energy level will be good. Property matters will give good results. This is also a good time period to buy property. Children in computer studies and also in medical science will do well. Transit of Sun on 12th may give you stomach ailments and also surgery is a strong possibility. A loan due to diseased condition is likely. Jobless natives looking for job will get job offers. Natives looking for overseas offers should find one. Eligible singles will find their mates; romance will be in moon light nights. Your mother may get diabetic. Fortunes will improve for

good. Foreign trade will see some setback & disappointments. Expenses related to children's education and well being will increase.

Libra: Health will be good. Finances will improve. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Financial gains in property matters are indicated. Mother's ill health & name & fame will improve. You will be looking forward towards buying new house & vehicles. Transit of Sun will increase pain in your stomach. Children will do well in studies. Married natives can look forward for sudden gifts from their in laws. Natives who are media industry like acting, music, art, directorship and designing will do well. Creativity will be at its peak. Fortunes will be favourable. Fathers' health will also improve. Friction, quarrels, loss of job, hold up in promotion, no increase in salary will dominate. Natives looking for overseas job will get job offers. Jobless will also get job offers after the

12th. Expenses related to vehicle maintenance & house renovation will increase.

Scorpio: Health will be good. Finances will also improve. You will be very precise & specific in your speech but also rude. Your energy level will be excellent. You will improve your contacts with high profile people, politicians & influential people. Pain in the right ear will increase. If not attended to it in time may lead to surgery or deafness. Mother's health will improve, so will desire to buy new house, vehicle, and home appliance. Children will do well in their studies but you need pay your attention on them. Eligible singles will find their love mates & will be thinking to get married in this year. Researchers & Scientists will make good progress in their inventions & discoveries. Father's health will not be good. Government executives will see

promotion & transfer in their work place after the 12th. Natives looking for overseas opportunities will get conditional offers. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc for your children. Watch your wallet..

Sagittarius: Health is not good. Transition of mars has made you aggressive & bold. But finances are good but instable as expenses ready list is in your pocket. Your right eye is also having problems. Surgery is not ruled out. Natives looking for overseas job will see some results. Joint family property matters will get settled. Children will do well in their studies & will also make you feel proud & satisfied. Relationship with young siblings and father will see some strain after the 12th. This is a good time to buy new house, vehicles, and home gadgets. Romance will end up in some conflict. Fortune will be slow but certain. Energy level will be good. Government employees will get promotion but with disappointing increase in pay. Natives in trade of

optics, lenses, camera equipments, liquor & financial consultancy will see growth. Expenses in maintaining your health will increase.

Capricorn: Health has always been not encouraging & presence of debilated Jupiter is also a matter of concern but transition of mercury will help in restoring the negative effects of debilated Jupiter. You will be inclined into deity worship of God. Natives in media activities will see good appreciation & also financial gains. Relations with young siblings will improve. Matters related to property will improve. Disputes & litigation will get settled. Children will do well in their studies. Conflicts with spouse will see no end. Romance will be in the air. Eligible singles will get married this year. Love marriages will increase. Fortunes will be favourable. Your 6th sense will get activated. Natives in business related to guns, arms & ammunition will do well. Expenses related to you

on spiritual front will increase.

Aquarius: Your overall health is good. Name & fame & appreciation will be the jingle of the year. But finances are good. Left eye and feet are tinkling. Surgery is a possibility. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some light or silver lining in the dark. Your yog karak Venus is exalted in house of finances. Your mind will be active in buying a new car, home appliances, etc. Students will not do well in studies. Their concentration will be disturbing. Romance is in the air. A constant conflict with spouse is killing. Divorce suit is a possibility. Natives involved in research activity will see sudden and unexpected appreciation of their work. Father's health is good. Fortunes are favourable. Natives in police, army will see good financial gains.

Business will yield losses. Expenses are more than income. Visit to hospitals, courts, prisons, police stations are indicated. You may lose your wallet or cell phone around the 11th or 12th.

Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna will restore some losses. Finances will be good & stable. Your desire to sense enjoyment will increase. You will spend time and money on shopping & leisure activities. You will use your intelligence to its best. Mind will be very suspicious.. Your enemies will be very active. Handling them will be very difficult. Natives aspiring for overseas job opportunities will get conditional offers. Romance will be in the air. Relationship with your spouse may get strained. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Natives in police, army will get raise in their pay packets & promotion to the eligible is

also indicated. Atmosphere in office or work front is disappointing. An unknown fear or phobia is ruling your mind. Foreign trade is at its lowest. Expenses, court cases, disputes, visit to the hospital, prison are all indicated.







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