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Jupiter in house no .10

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Jupiter in house no .10




1. If Saturn is posited in house no 11 is beneficial,

especially when Sun or Moon are kayam (unaffected) in house no

2,4,5,6. If these houses are vacant, the native fails in any

business related to the articles of Saturn. If house no 2 ,3 are

vacant , financial condition is sound but health is not in good



2. If Saturn is posited in house no 4,6, the longevity of the

father is suspicious between the age 11 to 18 years.


3. If Moon is posited in house no 4, the longevity of the

mother is suspicious between the age 16 to 24 years.


4. If Saturn, mercury, Moon is posited in house no 4, or Sun

in house no 5, wealth, spouse and kids suffer. i.e. Venus is turned

into malefic.


5. When Saturn is benefic and Sun or Moon is unaffected in

house no2 ,6, the courtyard will never be in the middle of the

house, but on a side. If his residence touches a religious place or

a religious place is close by, this indicates a benefic Saturn. The

native has god gifted acumen of business related to the articles of

Saturn. His parents enjoy a long life and he is blessed with all



6. If Saturn is posited in house no 2, excellent results and

success in all spheres of life.


7. If Mars or Venus is posited in house no 4, destiny favours

him out of the way until he indulges in a secret affair. He may have

any number of liaisons/affairs but he has to disclose them and

accept before society.


8. If Mars is posited in house no 4, the native succeeds even

in most adverse circumstances. Excellent results till 28 years of

age but he should respect the relatives associated with Mars.


9. If Sun is posited in house no 3,5 and Saturn in house no 9,

native succeeds in business related to the articles of gold and

silver, however if he trades in business related to the articles of

Saturn, fire accidents harm his business greatly.


10. If Sun or Moon are posited in house no 2, the native is

gains a lot from government sponsored journeys.


11. If Sun is posited in house no 1, 4, 5 , he adverse effects

are transferred to the grandfather, however the father remains



12. When mercury is benefic and Jupiter not harmed in anyway,

the native is blessed with good wealth and worthy sons.


13. When Saturn is malefic , the native is a spendthrift, helps

bad elements of society, is selfish, decisions are not passed in his



14. If Saturn is posited in house no 1, 4, 10 or Moon in house

no 4, the native will get ill fame and adverse publicity in jobs of

charity. The very person whom he tries to help will accuse him

instead of thanking him. Charity and generosity are not his cup of



15. When ketu is malefic., very bad results regarding wealth.

Again charity and generosity harm him instead of helping him.


16. If Saturn is posited in house no 1, 4 or 10 and house no 2

is vacant. Loss is indicated both in terms of wealth as well as

reputation. Financial status goes downhill. If house no 5 is

financial loss is there but the native has many affairs or relations

with the opposite sex.


17. If house no 2,4,5,6 vacant, the native is un fortunate, has

a small family, has to struggle against all odds. Does not receive

help from any person related or associated with him.


18. If Sun is posited in house no 5, spouse betrays him, leaves

him midway sometimes eve leaves the child with him and runs away or

divorces him.


19. If mercury is posited in house no 4,9 or 10, malefic results

are targeted towards father, the father may suffer from some

accident, might face loss of wealth even die due to accident or

poison. The natives shows off to be a rich man but his coffers/

pockets are empty. His penury persists till 34 years of age.


20. If Sun, Saturn or Mercury are posited in house no 4,5 or 9,

malefic results of Venus (spouse, wealth), Rahu ( in-laws, thefts),

Ketu (sons, travel) are evident. Either he is a source of trouble

for them or they create trouble for him. The native simply loves

nefarious reputation. Never gives anything in charity. Is easily

defeated when confronted by some enemy. Sometimes his situations

becomes such pathetic that even the confronting enemy feels pity for




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