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1. Fortunate if the native is regular in religious practices,

he has the capacity to appease deities with a little effort. He will

be blessed if he does acts of charity, his wealth continues to

multiply as long as he spends in charity but be cursed if he hurts

someone or bears an ill will against somebody. His good deeds

(Chandra) binds the elephant (rahu) in golden chains (Jupiter) and

fountain of wealth flows uninterrupted.

2. In his infant stage, his father or guardian will be troubled

by extra expenditures especially during the term of rahu.

3. Is not interested in material quests i.e. has a spiritual

bent of mind. He has decent means to enjoy a lavish life style but

is more interested in a pious life. If house no 2,8,9,10 are vacant,

Jupiter remains dormant, the native might be a master of treasures

but will not be able to put the resources to fulfill his personal

needs. He might even discard them for spiritual quests.

4. Experiences excellent results of house no.9 (bhagya

sthana) . Sources of income automatically crop up for him. Provided

he has the patience to wait i.e. not hankers after wealth,

opportunities comes automatically to him. Godly help is always out

there to support and protect him. Jupiter becomes polluted if he

accepts unearned money, borrows money or requests for help to any


5. Mercury or Ketu might be malefic but they are unable to

affect his financial earnings and wealth. In case of a malefic

mercury the native is blessed with a long life but the case is not

the same for his relatives.

6. Venus gives excellent results irrespective of its position

in the horoscope. It will offer benefic results for its entire

period of 25 years and act as if an efficient minister. However if

house no 2,5,9,12 are occupied by evil(paapi) planets except for

ketu in house no 9 or 12, there will be lame promises for help.

Mercury and Venus will not give any favorable support.

7. Expenditure will be high but the money is spent on welfare

of his family.

8. Enjoys reputed status at religious meets and always treated

as a respected guest. Has god gifted knowledge of religious texts.

Is blessed by a loyal and obedient family but the rider applies that

he shall not act coming in purview of Rahu i.e. misappropriation,

dishonesty, false testimony, falsehood, deceit etc.

9. In the years 1, 9, 11,19, 31, 42, 43, 67,84, 89, 101, 114,

the native is engrossed in connectivity with the spiritual world and

is in the quest of helping others. Disturbing him at such a time

begets a curse and serving to him and attaining his pleasure blesses.

10. When Saturn becomes an associate (saati) planet or is placed

in house no.9, or combined with rahu (placement or aspect), the

business governed by Saturn e.g. transport etc are profitable to the

native, the native enjoys peaceful sleep at nights. Has the

capability to foresee coming events before hand and is always

prepared to meet any sort of eventuality. RIDER � Saturn should not

be evil (paapi). The native is advised to start auspicious occasions

when he is breathing through his right nostril. Should be extra

careful in this regard.

11. When Saturn becomes an associate (saati) planet and is

placed in house no.2, the business governed by Saturn give excellent

results but the native is over generous.

12. Rahu exalted (uch) in house no.6 gives excellent results of

both spiritual and material worlds, has no unnecessary expenditure

particularly in marriage of his children.. always protected from


13. Financial status is always proportional to status of Rahu.

While spiritual and religious progress is proportional to the status

of Ketu.

14. Jupiter dormant or polluted by enemy planets- indulgence in

evil deed will become an excuse / cause of/for his death.

15. Rahu malefic i.e in 9 or 12, Jupiter also malefic the native

is intelligent and

qualified but his skills don't help him much, his ideology is

opposed to spirituality/

religion. Rahu remains a source for expenditure especially his

father will suffer

financially and remain a troubled lot on that account. He

himself might enjoy

good/effluent status but his children remain poor.

16.Jupiter malefic, Moon;- the land not used for tilling

(agriculture), will only bring in empty and unfulfilled promises.

17. When Mercury is malefic, ketu's effect is also malefic until 34

years of age. Wearing a necklace habitually, disrespecting holy

people or cutting banyan (pipal) trees will be a sure sign of


18. Benefic Jupiter may help the native in works related to aviation

or related to gasses.



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