Guest guest Posted June 21, 2005 Report Share Posted June 21, 2005 Dear Members, Please go through following article.. I am in search of narada samhita because it has some information about birth time rectification. Please forgive me if I hurt someone as this article is not KP related. If anyone know this techique of birth time rectification / some information about the same please share (with me:-)) ----------------------- Your Ring Finger reveals Birth details K.K Pandey (The writer, an officer of the Indian Administrative Service, and his wife narrated their experiences with Angul Shastri in June 1997 at my place. I requested him to write about him so that people come to know of the scattered and great astrological traditions of India with their brilliance and also limitations. The birth time fixed by the Angul Shastri, I learnt from some good astrologers, was more dependable than that fixed even by some yogis. K.N. Rao) The year was 1980 when I had my first mofussil posting in the Service in the Bettiah sub-division of West Champaran District of Bihar. Soon afterwards, I heard of a school teacher in the adjoining subdivision of Motihari that he was an Angul Shastriji1 who by measuring a finger of the hand could arrive at the correct time of birth. My curiosity, expectedly, was aroused. Some time later, my parents visited us (me and my wife) from Lucknow. This triggered off some old memories, the joking banter that my mother’s parents had got her horoscope ‘doctored’ to ensure her smooth marriage with my father. These events a made a visit to the ‘Angul Shastriji inevitable. The sub-divisional officer of Motihari was well known to me - he had trained me only a year earlier - in my probation/ training phase. He was kind enough to arrange an exclusive sitting with Shastriji which was a blessing. I was told that throngs of people started gathering right from daybreak at Shastriji’s. Shastriji took a rough measurement of my mother’s ring finger of the right hand. An approximation - not a millimeter measurement as would have been taken by a caliper or some such instrument. Not even in inches or millimeters, for the measurement was done with a pencil the length perhaps converted to a scale of which I wasn’t aware. Shastriji then did some mathematical calculations on a pad. I was too green and too much in awe to even try to figure out the nature of these calculations. After about 5 odd minutes (or was it 10 ? since my memory is somewhat hazy) he stated rattling off events, which had occurred prior to my mother’s birth. The age of her father and her mother (respectively) when the eldest of my mother’s sibling had been born and then died. Their ages, when the next sibling, a girl child, was born, and then died. And also of the third sibling who was born after my mother’s birth. Citing of these past events appeared to be in the nature of confirmation - of his calculations and findings perhaps. To me however, these statements were like revelations, in that I had no knowledge of the events as I had always known that my mother was an only child; obviously 1 was not aware that there had been other siblings who had not survived. This however, was not all. Shastriji then proceeded to compute the year, month, date and time of my birth. The last he said to be 2.51 p.m. The time of my birth as recorded by my father was 2.53 p.m. - and here it is noteworthy that my father and my grandfather and were both involved with astrology; specially the mathematical aspects. I was on sure grounds that the time recorded by them would be as correct as possible. I mentioned this to Shastriji. He then went on further to arrive at the year, month, date and time of birth (2.03 am.) of my younger sister - who was not even present - and in this case he hit the nail on the head; correct to the minute or should I say we were correct in this case? To say that it was a mind boggling would be an understatement. All these facts were arrived at right before our eyes - and from just one input - the apparently approximate measurement of the ring finger of my mother’s right hand! Naturally, I was mighty curious.It was the ‘Narada Samhita clarified Shastriji which enabled him to arrive at these conclusions. For my mother understandably so, said I, but how come he could compute mine and my sister’s time etc. of birth? “It was possible since your mother’s case has been cited in the Samhita as an example which enables me to compute information about seven generations before and seven generations after her.” I’m afraid my experience of the Samhita readings also revealed that the expertise of the Samhita was perhaps confined to computing the correct time etc. of birth of an individual. I say this as the readings regarding past and future events - which Shastriji was kind enough to transcribe and send to me later were nowhere near the mark. Either these were very general in nature or even incorrect. I had also inquired of Shastriji at the time of meeting him if he was doing something about preserving and extending this knowledge base. Shastriji was unhappy that none in his kith and kin were deserving enough for this knowledge to be passed on. I met Shastriji again in 1991 — a purely coincidental meeting on the streets of Patna. It was heartening for me at least when he told me that he was writing a book(Bhujanga Shastra) which would reveal this knowledge base. I have been out of Bihar-serving with the Government of India-between 1991 and 1997. Having just joined back the Bihar government, I am looking forward to more meetings with Shastriji to get further exposure to this ‘divine’ knowledge base. Needless to say, Shastriji’s findings which confirmed my mother’s horoscope had been very much correctly cast. END NOTES 1.Angul means finger and Shastri is a possessor of traditional-scriptural knowledge. 2.Manipulating a horoscope for marriage matching is one of the well-known malpractices of India’s non-spiritual astrologers. 3.This scientific method must be followed by every sound astrologer. When I did it in the USA, some ignorant ‘Vedic’ astrologers mistook me for a psychic. They were and are ignorant of Indian astrological traditions. 4.These experiences confirm the scientific belief of the Hindus that there is Destiny and man has not much freewill of his. 5.For seven generations we have interlinked destinies in the family we are born in. 6.Unless one checks the accuracy of such readings one may develop a blind belief in all these. Believe in all these and yet, respectfully, draw a line beyond which the accuracy of readings begin to go wrong. 7.Some people come to me in India and also from foreign countries to learn these secrets which they would exploit commercially. It is that non-spiritual attitude which is pernicious to the spread and growth of the spirituality associated with divine and occult knowledge. 8.No one should take such statements seriously. Dr. Raman wrote to me in 1985 that he was going to produce his life’s greatest work on Nadi astrology as he had been able to decode Dhruva Nadi he had. It is now clear, in 1997, that he has failed to decode it. Someone like Angul Shastri may either not write the book or write vaguely. We are familiar with two books on the art of casting horoscopes from the thumb, one in English and one in Hindi. When some astrologers tested one of them he failed miserably. Do not be misled by such books. He need not have revealed his secrets but he failed repeatedly to fix even the lagna of many people unlike the Angul Shastri whose record is almost a hundred percent success according to his admirers. I have referred to an Angustha Shastri of Karnataka in my book, “ Yogis, Destiny and the Wheel of Time” . In 1968-69 he had 90% success with his predictions but failed in all the predictions he had given me. I promoted him still because he was an amazing predictor. In 1978, when he met me again he did not need to look at the thumb as he had developed supernormal powers. It was then that he gave me some extraordinary predictions. Some people take many decades to develop predictive ability though their theoretical knowledge is good. Regards, Upadhyaya Sports Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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