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why marriage denied

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Respected sirs


Imissed some mails on 23 i came to see this mail

Astrology is a ocean this is in responce to kpk3010

The boy from us asking why the marriage delayed

One man in south india mixed kp and Jaimeni together and wrote so many books on it . In it he suggested we have to caliculate the trasit Jupeters position.

Six months or one year to it ,the natives hear the wedding bells

Hear though \jupeter 7th lard7th cuspal sub lard ,staying in 2nd aspecting 6th and 8th .I read in some books Jupeter delay the matter when marriage comes

to know the Jupeters position

venus -mars +7th house

5 9 20 -5 10 04 +8 21 12 =8 20 28 _jup ven jup moon

sub lard of this sum - this figer + sub lard of this figere

jup-820 28 + jup=

3 i 20- 8 20 28 + 3 1 20 =9 12 12

for that marriage jupeter supposed to be in makara rasi

Thereis apossibelity to add or subtract the jupeters position to the sum for a marriage

9 12 12 -3 1 20 =6 10 52

sat mer both or in 2nd house and in makha star ketu in sat star may give the bells

I ma a student i have written this only with curiocity pl forgive me if any thing is unwanted





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Hellow sir

Thank you very much

i am reading this method and using it here all are stalworts so i want to take their advaise so i answered your qustion.

as you said mathemetics is th main thing in astrology this ephimeries and everything concern to human life is caliculating by the planets which we are not seeing or the rays we rare now feeling is also are comeing from the planet some time back

we are now in kp group . One man in andhra pradesh named Sivala subramanium a civil engeneer wrote so many books an astrology He is ni mire was honoured jyotisha brahma,desiple of our guruvugaru.

He recerched KP along with Jaimeni and made astrology easy by givin this mathemetical caliculations For marriage we have to see 2nd 7th and 11th also venus and mars

Jupetersposition is very importent in a transit chart for marriage or for hildrenso he has given some clue s for the position of Jupeter son and moon this method is working satisfacterily may not be 100percent corract some reserch is still going on If anny one intersted in this can help

I wrote the jupetes position in my last letter now son take the positionof the star lard of the 7th bhava sub lard most pobably sun willbe in that rasi or in the opposit rasi

if you want any more details i will write to you

Excuse me if i write any thing wrong

Faithfully yours

santa boorla_ Se sh Krish <kseshadri_2000 wrote:




Thank you for your effort. I have not understood the mathematical working you have quoted. I did read similar calculations long back, but found them taking much time and energy and so skipped them. In any case if you can quote the source, I will revisit the theme and educate myself.

I am writing to let you know that I will endeavour to give you a feed back on this case when the marriage takes place.

Best regards,




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for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Dear Santa Boorla,

K.P., describes a very simple method based on the significations of the sub-lord of the VIIth cusp...

Could you share your experiences with that method...if you find it unsatisfactory,you may try any other method...but, after having first tried the "tried and tested K.P. method..."

In my personal experience the K.P.System provides the best clues to even the degrees of happiness in a marriage...!

KSK has himself evolved the rules in K.P.,after experimenting,verifying and demonstrating over and over again,in public lectures ...for many years...!

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,


GOOD LUCK !Santa Boorla <strawberry1948 wrote:



Hellow sir

Thank you very much

i am reading this method and using it here all are stalworts so i want to take their advaise so i answered your qustion.

as you said mathemetics is th main thing in astrology this ephimeries and everything concern to human life is caliculating by the planets which we are not seeing or the rays we rare now feeling is also are comeing from the planet some time back

we are now in kp group . One man in andhra pradesh named Sivala subramanium a civil engeneer wrote so many books an astrology He is ni mire was honoured jyotisha brahma,desiple of our guruvugaru.

He recerched KP along with Jaimeni and made astrology easy by givin this mathemetical caliculations For marriage we have to see 2nd 7th and 11th also venus and mars

Jupetersposition is very importent in a transit chart for marriage or for hildrenso he has given some clue s for the position of Jupeter son and moon this method is working satisfacterily may not be 100percent corract some reserch is still going on If anny one intersted in this can help

I wrote the jupetes position in my last letter now son take the positionof the star lard of the 7th bhava sub lard most pobably sun willbe in that rasi or in the opposit rasi

if you want any more details i will write to you

Excuse me if i write any thing wrong

Faithfully yours

santa boorla_ Se sh Krish <kseshadri_2000 wrote:




Thank you for your effort. I have not understood the mathematical working you have quoted. I did read similar calculations long back, but found them taking much time and energy and so skipped them. In any case if you can quote the source, I will revisit the theme and educate myself.

I am writing to let you know that I will endeavour to give you a feed back on this case when the marriage takes place.

Best regards,




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