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Real time Query - What is the motive behind the call?

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Thank you very much.



Prediction did not come true to 100% but the nature of

outcome is

very similar to my prediction


The person who called be had constructed a house for

her daughter

some months ago (constructed completed in

June-July-2005). He

could not pay some amount (around 1Lakh) to the

contractor. Contractor

started troubling him since last 3 months. So he asked

me to

help him in this issue. We (My friend and I) said we

will help him.



Postmortem analysis:


7csl:- Sa signifying

5H (for 7H) => Something to do with the children.

12H => Some expense

11H => To fulfill her desire.


Sublord of 7csl, Ju signifying

8H (4 from 5) => Home

10 (6 from 5) => Labourer???

1 (9 from 5) => ???


Even though 11csl for both 7 and 1 CSL is retro,

the outcome was a positive and his desire got


The reason could be eventhough Sa is retrograde,

Sa is aspecting 11H (from 7).








--- Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote:


> Dear Srinivasa,

> Taking RPs at TOJ,would also

> have helped,perhaps... ?

> The s/l of the horary

> Ascendant,and the s/l of the IXth cusp(IIIrd counted

> from the VIIth,i.e., the IXth) should be carefully

> analysed,for an indication of the possible nature of

> the query...

> The s/l of the IXth is Merc.,

> hence most probably the query could be related to

> two or more matters...and significations of

> Merc...which is also the s/l of the horary

> Ascendant...

> That is my humble opinion...

> you could also find out as to at exactly what time

> he will step into your house ...! That is the beauty

> of K.P., as you are very well aware...

> Kindly find out his time of

> arrival,and kindly confirm your correctness on the

> 8th...or the 9th...purely as an academic

> exercise...!

> Wishing you the very best,

> Yours sincerely,

> L.Y.Rao.





> SRINIVASA UPADHYAYA <upadhyaya_p_s wrote:

> Hi,


> Background:


> On 5-Jan-2006 around 8 PM one of my friend called me

> up and

> told me that he wants to talk to me in person. As I

> was

> busy I told that I will be available only on

> Sundays.

> So he agreed to the same. I wanted to check the

> motive

> behind his call.

> Please let me know how to find this out from the

> Prasna

> chart.


> I put the query @ 21:18 on 5-1-2006 in Bangalore

> (12N58, 77E36).

> KP # 109.



> The actual result will come out on 8-1-2006


> CUSP Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl :PLANET Sgl Stl

> Sbl

> SsL

> ASC Mer Sun Mer Mer :SUN. Jup Ven

> Jup

> Sun

> 2nd Ven Mar Sun Ket :MOON Jup Sat

> Mer

> Rah

> 3rd Mar Sat Mer Mer :MARS Mar Ven

> Rah

> Jup

> 4th Jup Ket Mar Mer :MERC Jup Ket

> Jup

> Moo

> 5th Sat Sun Sat Rah :JUP. Ven Jup

> Jup

> Jup

> 6th Sat Mar Ven Ket :VEN.-R Sat Sun

> Sat

> Rah

> 7th Jup Sat Sat Rah :SAT.-R Moo Sat

> Jup

> Ket

> 8th Mar Ket Mar Ven :RAHU Jup Sat

> Jup

> Jup

> 9th Ven Sun Mer Ven :KETU Mer Moo

> Jup

> Ven

> 10th Mer Mar Sun Jup :URAN Sat Rah

> Mer

> Jup

> 11th Moo Sat Sat Moo :NEPT Sat Moo

> Ven

> Mer

> 12th Sun Ket Mar Mar :FOR. Mar Mer

> Ven

> Jup

> :PLUT Jup Ket

> Ven

> Sun






> My analysis is as follows.



> Mo S(7,11) => My desire (11) is to know about the

> other

> person (7). Mo in the Star of retrograde Sa

> S(5,6,11)

> for me

> indicates the other person is scheming (5) to satify

> his

> desire (11) as he is facing some difficulty (6).

> Retrograde

> Sa => the person is not able to think in proper

> channel.



> What is the consequences of Rh being in close

> proximity with

> Mo?



> As I am interested in the motive of the other

> person,

> I will

> analyse the 7csl (may be I am wrong :-))


> Considering 7H as lagna of the other person,

> 7csl being Retro Sa signifying 5,11,12 (for 7H). Sa

> is

> in his

> own star. SO Sa strongly signifies 5,11 & 12. Sub lord

> Ju signifies

> 8,10 & 1 (for 7H). Also Sa is being closely aspected

> by Ma S(2,9).


> One of my interpretation (in a hurry) was that, the

> other person is

> scheming (5) to achieve his desire (11) as he may be

> in need of money

> (2L aspecting Sa). He may be in trouble (Sub lord in

> 8H) due to

> some investment (12) he made.


> Other interpretation (calm mind):

> Sa in the 5H => child

> Sa in a fruitful sign => birth of a child ???

> Sa in a female sign => Daughter

> Sa being 12L => hospitalization / expenses

> Sa being in the Sub of occupant of 8H => Danger,

> surgery, secrete

> Sa being closely aspected by Ma (Surgery), 2L =>

> Family.

> Also Sub of Sa, Ju is also being aspected by Ma =>

> Surgery

> Sa is the 11L => the desire to be get fulfilled.



> The daughter may be have to undergo a surgery, and

> the

> person is in need

> of money to meet this expense :-?


> Regards,

> Upadhyaya


> Regards,

> Srinivasa Upadhyaya P,


> DSL – Something to write home about.

> Just $16.99/mo. or less.

> dsl.





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Dear Yogesh Rao,


Actully I went to meet him. I met him on Sunday

(8Jan06) at 10:30.


Asc Sa-Ju-Me

Mo Ma-Ke-Me

Day Su


RPs of Mo (prasna) tallied with that of Asc at the

time of meeting :-)


Query was related to only one thing (money matter)


1 & 9csl, Me also relates to the same indication. But


clearly indicates the query.


Me signifies

4H => House

7H => Other person

10 =>


Me is in Ke Star, Ke in 7H.

Ke represents, Mo-5L => Child/daughter

Ke also represents Sa => 11,12 & 5 from 7H

Me in the sub of Ju => S(8,10 & 1)


But Me does not indicate 2H , money related issue.


That's great :-)





--- Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote:


> Dear Srinivasa,

> Taking RPs at TOJ,would also

> have helped,perhaps... ?

> The s/l of the horary

> Ascendant,and the s/l of the IXth cusp(IIIrd counted

> from the VIIth,i.e., the IXth) should be carefully

> analysed,for an indication of the possible nature of

> the query...

> The s/l of the IXth is Merc.,

> hence most probably the query could be related to

> two or more matters...and significations of

> Merc...which is also the s/l of the horary

> Ascendant...

> That is my humble opinion...

> you could also find out as to at exactly what time

> he will step into your house ...! That is the beauty

> of K.P., as you are very well aware...

> Kindly find out his time of

> arrival,and kindly confirm your correctness on the

> 8th...or the 9th...purely as an academic

> exercise...!

> Wishing you the very best,

> Yours sincerely,

> L.Y.Rao.





> SRINIVASA UPADHYAYA <upadhyaya_p_s wrote:

> Hi,


> Background:


> On 5-Jan-2006 around 8 PM one of my friend called me

> up and

> told me that he wants to talk to me in person. As I

> was

> busy I told that I will be available only on

> Sundays.

> So he agreed to the same. I wanted to check the

> motive

> behind his call.

> Please let me know how to find this out from the

> Prasna

> chart.


> I put the query @ 21:18 on 5-1-2006 in Bangalore

> (12N58, 77E36).

> KP # 109.



> The actual result will come out on 8-1-2006


> CUSP Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl :PLANET Sgl Stl

> Sbl

> SsL

> ASC Mer Sun Mer Mer :SUN. Jup Ven

> Jup

> Sun

> 2nd Ven Mar Sun Ket :MOON Jup Sat

> Mer

> Rah

> 3rd Mar Sat Mer Mer :MARS Mar Ven

> Rah

> Jup

> 4th Jup Ket Mar Mer :MERC Jup Ket

> Jup

> Moo

> 5th Sat Sun Sat Rah :JUP. Ven Jup

> Jup

> Jup

> 6th Sat Mar Ven Ket :VEN.-R Sat Sun

> Sat

> Rah

> 7th Jup Sat Sat Rah :SAT.-R Moo Sat

> Jup

> Ket

> 8th Mar Ket Mar Ven :RAHU Jup Sat

> Jup

> Jup

> 9th Ven Sun Mer Ven :KETU Mer Moo

> Jup

> Ven

> 10th Mer Mar Sun Jup :URAN Sat Rah

> Mer

> Jup

> 11th Moo Sat Sat Moo :NEPT Sat Moo

> Ven

> Mer

> 12th Sun Ket Mar Mar :FOR. Mar Mer

> Ven

> Jup

> :PLUT Jup Ket

> Ven

> Sun






> My analysis is as follows.



> Mo S(7,11) => My desire (11) is to know about the

> other

> person (7). Mo in the Star of retrograde Sa

> S(5,6,11)

> for me

> indicates the other person is scheming (5) to satify

> his

> desire (11) as he is facing some difficulty (6).

> Retrograde

> Sa => the person is not able to think in proper

> channel.



> What is the consequences of Rh being in close

> proximity with

> Mo?



> As I am interested in the motive of the other

> person,

> I will

> analyse the 7csl (may be I am wrong :-))


> Considering 7H as lagna of the other person,

> 7csl being Retro Sa signifying 5,11,12 (for 7H). Sa

> is

> in his

> own star. SO Sa strongly signifies 5,11 & 12. Sub lord

> Ju signifies

> 8,10 & 1 (for 7H). Also Sa is being closely aspected

> by Ma S(2,9).


> One of my interpretation (in a hurry) was that, the

> other person is

> scheming (5) to achieve his desire (11) as he may be

> in need of money

> (2L aspecting Sa). He may be in trouble (Sub lord in

> 8H) due to

> some investment (12) he made.


> Other interpretation (calm mind):

> Sa in the 5H => child

> Sa in a fruitful sign => birth of a child ???

> Sa in a female sign => Daughter

> Sa being 12L => hospitalization / expenses

> Sa being in the Sub of occupant of 8H => Danger,

> surgery, secrete

> Sa being closely aspected by Ma (Surgery), 2L =>

> Family.

> Also Sub of Sa, Ju is also being aspected by Ma =>

> Surgery

> Sa is the 11L => the desire to be get fulfilled.



> The daughter may be have to undergo a surgery, and

> the

> person is in need

> of money to meet this expense :-?


> Regards,

> Upadhyaya


> Regards,

> Srinivasa Upadhyaya P,


> DSL – Something to write home about.

> Just $16.99/mo. or less.

> dsl.





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Dear Srinivasa, Did the significators tally with those representing "taking a loan" or seeking "repayment of Loan" ? Kindly inform...it is truly a very important "test-case" for K.P., and 'prasna' as per K.P.,whether houses II,VI XI or VII,XII,V are involved...(for obvious reasons...) I wish to thank you for your prompt reply...and I hope you will respond to this query too equally quickly... Thanks, Yours sincerely, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK !SRINIVASA UPADHYAYA <upadhyaya_p_s wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao,Actully I went to meet him. I met him on Sunday(8Jan06) at 10:30. RPs Asc Sa-Ju-MeMo Ma-Ke-MeDay SuRPs of Mo (prasna)

tallied with that of Asc at thetime of meeting :-)Query was related to only one thing (money matter)1 & 9csl, Me also relates to the same indication. Butthisclearly indicates the query.Me signifies4H => House7H => Other person10 => Me is in Ke Star, Ke in 7H.Ke represents, Mo-5L => Child/daughterKe also represents Sa => 11,12 & 5 from 7HMe in the sub of Ju => S(8,10 & 1) But Me does not indicate 2H , money related issue.That's great :-)Regards,Upadhyaya--- Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote:> Dear Srinivasa,> Taking RPs at TOJ,would also> have helped,perhaps... ?

> The s/l of the horary> Ascendant,and the s/l of the IXth cusp(IIIrd counted> from the VIIth,i.e., the IXth) should be carefully> analysed,for an indication of the possible nature of> the query...> The s/l of the IXth is Merc.,> hence most probably the query could be related to> two or more matters...and significations of> Merc...which is also the s/l of the horary> Ascendant...> That is my humble opinion...> you could also find out as to at exactly what time> he will step into your house

....! That is the beauty> of K.P., as you are very well aware...> Kindly find out his time of> arrival,and kindly confirm your correctness on the> 8th...or the 9th...purely as an academic> exercise...!> Wishing you the very best,> Yours sincerely,>

L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > SRINIVASA UPADHYAYA <upadhyaya_p_s wrote:> Hi,> > Background:> > On 5-Jan-2006 around 8 PM one of my friend called me> up and> told me that he wants to talk to me in person. As I> was> busy I told that I will be available only on> Sundays.> So he agreed to the same. I wanted to check the> motive> behind his call.> Please let me know how to find this out from the> Prasna> chart.> > I

put the query @ 21:18 on 5-1-2006 in Bangalore> (12N58, 77E36).> KP # 109.> > > The actual result will come out on 8-1-2006> > CUSP Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl :PLANET Sgl Stl> Sbl> SsL> ASC Mer Sun Mer Mer :SUN. Jup Ven> Jup> Sun > 2nd Ven Mar Sun Ket :MOON Jup Sat> Mer> Rah > 3rd Mar Sat Mer Mer :MARS Mar Ven> Rah> Jup > 4th Jup Ket Mar

Mer :MERC Jup Ket> Jup> Moo > 5th Sat Sun Sat Rah :JUP. Ven Jup> Jup> Jup > 6th Sat Mar Ven Ket :VEN.-R Sat Sun> Sat> Rah > 7th Jup Sat Sat Rah :SAT.-R Moo Sat> Jup> Ket > 8th Mar Ket Mar Ven :RAHU Jup Sat> Jup> Jup > 9th Ven Sun Mer Ven :KETU Mer Moo>

Jup> Ven > 10th Mer Mar Sun Jup :URAN Sat Rah> Mer> Jup > 11th Moo Sat Sat Moo :NEPT Sat Moo> Ven> Mer > 12th Sun Ket Mar Mar :FOR. Mar Mer> Ven> Jup > :PLUT Jup Ket> Ven> Sun > > > > > > My analysis is as follows.>

> > Mo S(7,11) => My desire (11) is to know about the> other> person (7). Mo in the Star of retrograde Sa> S(5,6,11)> for me> indicates the other person is scheming (5) to satify> his> desire (11) as he is facing some difficulty (6).> Retrograde> Sa => the person is not able to think in proper> channel.> > > What is the consequences of Rh being in close> proximity with> Mo?> > > As I am interested in the motive of the other> person,> I will> analyse the 7csl (may be I am wrong :-))> > Considering 7H as lagna of the other person, > 7csl being Retro Sa signifying 5,11,12 (for 7H). Sa> is> in his> own star. SO Sa strongly signifies 5,11 & 12. Sub lord> Ju signifies> 8,10 & 1 (for 7H). Also Sa is being closely aspected> by Ma S(2,9).> > One

of my interpretation (in a hurry) was that, the> other person is> scheming (5) to achieve his desire (11) as he may be> in need of money> (2L aspecting Sa). He may be in trouble (Sub lord in> 8H) due to> some investment (12) he made.> > Other interpretation (calm mind):> Sa in the 5H => child> Sa in a fruitful sign => birth of a child ???> Sa in a female sign => Daughter> Sa being 12L => hospitalization / expenses> Sa being in the Sub of occupant of 8H => Danger,> surgery, secrete> Sa being closely aspected by Ma (Surgery), 2L =>> Family.> Also Sub of Sa, Ju is also being aspected by Ma =>> Surgery> Sa is the 11L => the desire to be get fulfilled.> > > The daughter may be have to undergo a surgery, and> the> person is in need> of money to meet this expense :-?> >

Regards,> Upadhyaya> > Regards, > Srinivasa Upadhyaya P, > > > > > > > ________ > DSL – Something to write home about. > Just $16.99/mo. or less. > dsl. > > > >

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Dear Yogesh Rao,


Hope I have understood your suggestion properly.

I considered Significator of 2,6, & 11 from 7H for

taking loan. Similarly 8,12,5 for repayment of loan.


Considering 7H as lagna of the other person


For Taking loan/debt (6csl S(2,6,11)):-


Csl Pl. Signification

2 Ma S(Gen(2;9); St(11;3,8); Sb(1,5,8,10))

6 Ma S(Gen(2;9); St(11;3,8); Sb(1,5,8,10))

11 Sa S(Gen(5;11,12); St(5;11,12); Sb(8;1,10))



Repayment of loan (8,12,5)


Csl Pl. Signification

8 Su S(Gen(10;6); St(11;3,8); Sb(8;1,10))

12 Ve S(Gen(11;3,8); St(10;6); Sb(5;11,12))

5 Sa S(Gen(5;11,12); St(5;11,12); Sb(8;1,10))


Only Sa, 5csl for 7H is indicating repayment of loan.







Srinivasa Upadhyaya P,








DSL – Something to write home about.

Just $16.99/mo. or less.


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Dear Srinivasa, Yes,Sir.Thank you ! With best wishes, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK ! SRINIVASA UPADHYAYA <upadhyaya_p_s wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao,Hope I have understood your suggestion properly. I considered Significator of 2,6, & 11 from 7H fortaking loan. Similarly 8,12,5 for repayment of loan.Considering 7H as lagna of the other personFor Taking loan/debt (6csl S(2,6,11)):-Csl Pl. Signification2 Ma S(Gen(2;9); St(11;3,8); Sb(1,5,8,10)) 6 Ma S(Gen(2;9); St(11;3,8); Sb(1,5,8,10)) 11 Sa S(Gen(5;11,12); St(5;11,12); Sb(8;1,10)) Repayment of loan (8,12,5)Csl Pl. Signification8 Su S(Gen(10;6); St(11;3,8); Sb(8;1,10))

12 Ve S(Gen(11;3,8); St(10;6); Sb(5;11,12)) 5 Sa S(Gen(5;11,12); St(5;11,12); Sb(8;1,10)) Only Sa, 5csl for 7H is indicating repayment of loan.Regards,UpadhyayaRegards, Srinivasa Upadhyaya P, ________ DSL – Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. dsl. Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.

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