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Vs: Accuracy in Astrology

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Dear Shashank,


You have been born on the 4.11.1975 3.10 A.M

Sidereally your Sun is in Libra,Moon in Libra as well and MC in Taurus


Sun in Libra means you are an extrovert person,your quality is air.

Intellectual rapidity,socially communicating,activator and organisator.

You are critically disponed.To make decisions is easy for you.You love

to be a society man,well-dressed and talking lively with all kind of persons.

You have a certain charm,dignity.People like you because it is easy to

communicate with you.You are reasonable as well. There must be sense

in everything you do. You are hot-tempered as well and you cannot tolerate

when other people are not fixed up or lazy. You love to have nice home,

children and wife. Businessman or politician are well adapted to your sign.


Your Moon is in Libra as well. That means you are very Libra. Projekts,

all kind of activities. One cannot find you never lazy,doing nothing.


I get Your MC in Taurus,a sign of introvercy and quality earth

Tthat means you are by nature a gentle,even temper and peaceful

character. Yet you have a purposeful nature and strong mind and your

ambition will take you far in your activities. Your foot are on the earth.

You have a realistic sense of affairs.


So you see in your character you have two very contradictionary features.

Very introvert and very extrovert. Have you noticed these two qualities.

The Taurus is smoothing your lively Libra nature.

Fire and Water is missing by you.

Please,tell me how I succeeded to describe your nature.

Hanni Wienkoop





-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----

Lähettäjä: || Shashank || <shashank



Päivä: 2. huhtikuuta 2001 11:41

Aihe: Accuracy in Astrology



>Hi All,


>I just signed up and am following my first assignment. I am reading your mails

for last 2 days and I feel elated to be a part of this group of eminent



>After reading your mails, I feel how less I know about Astrology.


>Kudos to founder of this egroup. It's really helpful for amateurs like me.


>Lets start with a case analysis to strengthen my belief in Astrology.


>I welcome you all to predict my future and things that have happened in my





>DOB: November 4, 1975

>Place: Delhi, INDIA

>Time: 3.10 A.M


>Lets see how much accurate is Astrology. It's a challenge for those who don't

know me personally but can know me only through my horoscope.


>Give me a chance to confirm your predictions.



>Shashank Gupta




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