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Vl: [siderealstar] Sidereal zodiac in the 21.century

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Dear Terese,

I am not a vedic astrologer , rather a western sidereal one.if even that. I send


interpretations of different signs made by my author Panu Myllyniemi.

It is clear no one can estimate a complete interpretation of anyone anytime.

There are always variations. Panu `idea is :one can fix one`s personality

mainly by three factors namely Sun,Moon and the Earth (MC) in different signs.

So when these three factors are one on the top of another,it is rahter difficult

to tell how one expresses his introversy or extroversy.

For example me I am twofold introvert Scorpio and all other personal planets

are introvert. Still I am quite lively like a typical Gemini because my MC is

extrovert Gemini. So big influence has the field of the earth, the Medium Coel


Its influence is tremendous. Try to make observations on it!




-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----

Lähettäjä: Panu Myllyniemi <panu.myllyniemi

Vastaanottaja: siderealstar <siderealstar >

Päivä: 25. marraskuuta 2000 13:18

Aihe: [siderealstar] Sidereal zodiac in the 21.century






>Pisces is born on 3/22 - 4/20. He/she is very emotional, sensitively affected

by everything and everyone. His most usual feature is his individualistic

imagination and thinking, and an ability of flowing into stream of life. His

ideas and behaving are usually far away from any abstract or reasonalbly

thinking, only emotions leads him. He is symphathetic partner and idealistic

gentleman who easily escape to his own world. In human relationships and work he

might be sharp and sudden if things dont work out as they should. He puts his

mind easily to little things and often feels lack of self-confidence. Outwardly

he lives his life with small manners feeling so satisfied.

>People born in pisces : Charlie Chaplin, Sergei Rachmaninov, Vincent Van



>Aries is born on 4/21 - 5/21. He is tempheramentic, outwardly strong nature and

activator in practical way. His stubbornity doesn`t always be admired by others,

But that can also be jealous for his mentality. Usually he is very liked person

in his enviroment for his extrovertic and active character. He is always going

and doing something, you cannot see him without plans and activation wherever he

is. He has got manly way to behave and can easily organize practical things with

his determined will. Having an ability to manage and be in leadership, he

usually gets easily position of trust. Perhaps position of leader might fit him

well if his willing to rule others don`t crow too big.

>People born in aries : Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Saddam Hussein...


>Taurus is born on 5/22 - 6/22. He is very much " matter of fact " person, mostly

tender and calm in nature. He has got very strong inner will and will carry

through everything he has determined. His assertive opinions and emotions don`t

always make him most liked person, but so is his likings also absolute and

clear. In basically he is quite soft and tender in nature and you cannot say

that he would be very active or fastmind. You can even say that he is shy and

withdraws from people. When strongly motivated, he devotees to work one hundred

procently and talks matter after matter in a way that you want to disappear. He

don`t usually get to know people easily, so he might own others jealously and be


>People born in taurus : Richard Wagner, John F Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe...


>Gemini is born on 6/23 - 7/23. He/she is playful, unpredictable and positive

person. With his cheerful and happy nature he usually takes people easily, but

he might turn his mind all of a sudden and sensitively way. Stubbornity is never

far away from his character and he likes very much to get attention, because he

thinks it is most natural feature in people. He has got very sensitive instinct

and touch with people, and he wont need advices from others, since he knows

usually what one thinks. He is often the man who is liked for his funny way to

tell jokes and sakes about people and things, and with him there is no way to

feel miserable. Very strong nature he may not be and you may even critice him

for superficiality, but usually he won`t put hard press to others shoulders


>People born in gemini : George Sand, Hermann Hesse, Monica Lewinsky...


>Cancer is born on 7/24 - 8/23. He/she is like waves of sea; swelling and waving

nature. He is motivated only with feelings and emotions when doing something

that makes life worth of living. He works hard, needs recognition and protect

his self-esteem strongly in whole lifetime. Outwardly he seems to be qöuite

routine, ordinary and even shy person who organize plenty of things as he is

respectable and enjoy to win achievements. Security is important to him and he

always feels anxiety and worrieness in his life. He has got ability to manage

and lead things and even people if he is well motivated. He seldom show himself

as a soft man as self-esteem is so important to him and he scares somebody

threaten or laugh him. He must be the winner ; always when feeling that he do

not get attention enough, he will do anything to change the situation.

>People born in cancer : Napoleon Bonaparte, Bill Clinton, Mick Jagger..


>Leo is born on 8/24 - 9/23. He/she is fearless, strong in nature and very

independent with his lifestyle in general. His somehow firm being awakes trust

to other people, and seldom he let others down since he is very straightforward

and " natural " in his behaving. He express himself warmlly and straightly, but if

wanted, also very dominantly. He might even be " the king " , who doesn`t want

others come bigger than they really are. He won`t be flexible and turn his mind

easily even if pressurize. He is practical and active in everyday life and you

may even say that he is not the most philosophical man/woman...But, ability to

be in leadership will suit him because his positive, strong and fearless


>People born in leo : Harry Truman, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen...


>Virgo is born on 9/24 - 10/24. He/she is sensitive artist and cold analyst at

the same time. Like a scientist he separate things endlessly in his mind and

take nothing for granted. He has got ability to observate people and things

accurately and he is always systhematical in thinking. He even hates faults in

matters/other people, so he might criticize more than people in average. He has

got very fast and clever mind and often communicate much, but at the same time

he tend to withdrawn from people, so you cannot describe him as a very clear

person ever. It is typical to him hesitate and being cautious about many things.

He puts his mind in little things and devotees to his work often

disproportionately so that wholeness in life might disappear.

>People born in virgo : Friedrich Nietzche, John Lennon, Jimmy Carter...


>Libra is born on 10/25 - 11/23. He/she is tempheramentical, effectiv activator

and organizer. Extrovertic and straight is his going and being; He is always

" going " somewhere and much doings is in his mind concerning work or human

relationships. He may even tease people with his energetic and a little " cocky "

nature, but he has critical mind and ability to estimate people and things

relatively. Judgement is somehow born in his mind. He has ability to do

proportion since his mind goes easily over details and little sakes. He has

always natural abilities to any social life and behaving as he is so suave and

activ, sometimes even superficial. He always defends strongly and straightly

when feeling somebody threaten him.

>People born in libra : Pablo Picasso, Joseph Coebbels, Prince Charles...


>Scorpio is born on 11/24 - 12/22. He/she is outwardly firm, tender and even

quiet person, but he has got strong inner will, as the opposite sign taurus.

Very much outgoing or extrovertic he may not be, but in his thinking and action

he shows himself usually socially way. I fact, he is often very loyal and

devoted in his close human relationships. Outwardly his life goes the same way ;

constantly and falling into a routine. He may react strongly when somebody

threating his own, black and white feelings never being far away from him. He

has got ability of adopting feelings and emotions of others like they were his

own as he is very critical and fair in his deeply emotional life.

>People born in scorpio : Ludwig Van Beethoven, Josef Stalin, Jim Morrison...


>Sagittarius is born on 12/23 - 1/20. He/she is courageous, stubborn and

eccentric in his behaving, but also very sympathetic and easy to people; He

don`t want his freedom of action never be limited, but he also permit others do

what they want. As a spontaneous and lively man/woman he often enliven others in

their gray and dull being. He works best where there is no routine; perhaps he

is born showman somekind of way, since he want attention more than people in

average. Some people may think he is aimless wanderer with no ambition in life.

He has got sensitiveness with people and often behave momentary and on terms of

situation. He starts things many times in his life and has trouble being


>People born in sagittarius : Richard Nixon, Dolly Parton, David Bowie...


>Capricorn is born on 1/21 - 2/19. He/she is career-man from womb to grave.

Position, prestige and maintaining of self-esteem are the whole in the project

where life begins and ends. He is hard-working, responsible and serious in his

attitudes in general and he might always organize and think rationalistically

when trying to attain his aims. He is sensible, a little bit quiet and reserved,

and not very much out-going also. To many social questions he might have answer,

since he has critical mind and observation to people, but also because he want

to be seen a lot and he is much ambitious. He has got ability of leader and

organizer when strongly motivated.

>Self-esteem and sparkle of it in his action and work are basic stones in his


>People born in capricorn : Charles Darwin, Ronald Reagan, John Lydon...


>Aquarius is born on 2/20 - 3/21. He/she gets easily along with people and

appears lively person that you cannot be without noticing, since he often rays

cheerfulness to enviroment. He is always clevermind and attractive person, since

he has got view of wholeness and very social mind in general. He might often be

" the charmer " that attract irresistably men/women, since his/hers acting is

self-confident and charming natural. He also stick his guns easily and seems to

be very tough person who hasn`t got emotions at all. It is typical him to know

what others think and feel, as he is much outgoing and know very much about

social life of his environment. You might criticize him about superficiality and

vanity and even strong " ego " .

>People born in aquarius : Frederic Chopin, Albert Einstein, Mihail Gorbatsov..



>Panu Myllyniemi


>Soittoäänet ja ikonit matkapuhelimeen! http://www.iobox.fi/



>Peruuta ryhmän tilaus lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen:





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  • 3 months later...

, " Hanni Wienkoop "

<hanni.wienkoop@s...> wrote:

> Dear Terese,

> I am not a vedic astrologer , rather a western sidereal one.if even

> that. I send you interpretations of different signs made by my

> author Panu Myllyniemi.


Panu Myllyniemi is not a true sidereal astrologer. Rather than take

precession into account, he just does a tropical chart and subtracts

one sign (when your ayanamsa is exactly 30 degrees, and will be

forever, something's funny).


He justifies this because he thinks the " Aquarian Age " has already

started, but can't explain why he thinks this is so or what event

proves it (The first lunar landing? The end of the Vietnam war?

Your guess is as good as mine. . .). Whenever someone questions him,

his response is a mixture of " Take a look and see " and " Get in step

with the program! "


But, if he's right, the Babylonians were idiots when they gave the

major stars such easy longitudes to remember, like Aldeberan at 15*

Taurus, Regulus at 5* Leo, Spica at 29* Virgo, and Antares at 15*

Scorpio (did you know that if you use Panu's " ayanamsa " , Regulus

isn't even in the constellation Leo?). And not only that, but Fagan

and Bradley were idiots, too. In fact, if Panu Myllyniemi is right,

every astrologer who ever lived was a complete idiot, until Panu came



People with attitudes like that deserve the skepticism they provoke.

They also don't stay on this list very long.




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I am not even sure what the subject of this original

e-mail was other than to belittle and berate someone.

Is there anyway that you could run the meaning by me

again because based on your opening sentences, I

thought you were giving new sidereal interpretations.

I hope that my sketicism will make me last a little







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