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Thursday, February 07, 2002





> > Well it is nice to know that my stuff is read, even collected.


It is indeed good to know that ones writings are read.


> The statement clearly states that American Astrology Magazine

> was collected, not your articles.


You implied that my articles were among those collected and

that you read them.


> > If you have all of the works by all of the Siderealists,

> It is further clearly stated that the articles I have were the

> ones printed in that collection of magazines. I did not claim to

> " have all of the works by all of the Siderealists, " , please do

> not try to rewrite my post.


Thank you for clarifying that point. It is enough to know that

the articles old and new are being read by another generation. My

point is that posts like ours and the articles published in such

magazines as AAM and Constellations allow the controversial points of

view to be aired.


> > " , please do not try to rewrite my post.


I am not trying to rewrite your posts.


> and is not the same method. Steps 6 and 7 in the article

> clearly show that he uses the RAAS which my programs for

> progressing lunar returns do not do.


I delayed answering to talk to Ken Bowser about his article. He was using the

Progressed Lunar Return.(PSLR) This is an adapatation of the old Progressed

Sidereal Solar Return,(PSSR) method. He used the RA of the apparan

t Moon(RAAM) to peg the duration of the lunar cycle the same way as the Right

Ascention of the Apparant Sun (RAAS) is used in the Solar Return, to establish

the ratio or anniversary second. However, the actual rotation of

the angles is strictly a function of the Sun/Earth relation and has nothing

whatsoever to do with the Moon in her motion. This changing relationship

is expressed as the change in the RAAS over the duration of the month.

Bowser understood the difference between these two functions and

treated them accordingly. I believe that you have failed to do so and are

using the wrong value.


Over the years, I have come to doubt the validity of the PSSR or

PSLR methods altogether. I think the whole premise is bogus. From a

theoretical standpoint, the whole ratio approach seemed questionable.

The rotation is an Earth/Sun relationship. The hour angle is mantained as

the angles move forward because of the increase in the RAAS. This is a

basic and direct astronomical relationship. In a pratical sense, neither the

PSSR nor the PSLR give good results. The planets are off the angles,

sometimes the equivlent of one or two days at the time of the event. More

importantly, the PSSR does not give the progressed Lunar contacts that

the SQ method gives. Likewise, the PSLR does not give the progressed

Solar contacts that the SQ gives with the Lunar Return.



> Please do not make any further statements like the one above

> which make it appear as though I plagerized someone else's work.


That was never my intention. I never implied any such

thing. I was merely calling your attention to the fact that someone else

had experimented with a similar concept. It happens all of the

time. Case in point, the day that I solved the equations for the

Astro*Carto*Graphy calculations, I saw the ad for Lewis's service in AAM.

In actuality, the technique predates Lewis by several centuries. Indeed,

Mary Austin and Garth Allen published maps using the same concept.

But it was

Lewis who saw how the computer could be enlisted to do the work.


> Please do not belittle yourslf by using condescending language

> like the above. It proves no superiority.


I neither belittle myself nor you in what I said. I simply

asked you to calm yourself. You came on a bit too strong in your post.

We may

need to turn down the heat and discuss the difference in viewpoint

rationally and calmly like two colleagues, who differ in opinion.

Can we do that?


> You emailed me that you would respond to my post, I did not ask

> you to drop anything. Not ever. I waited three weeks, which

> seems like a reasonable period of time. If you did not have time

> the courtesy of a one line post or e-mail letting me know does

> not seem unreasonable to expect.


I am sorry that I did not get back to you sooner, but I have

been both busy and ill. Now that I am feeling better, I should be more

prompt in my replies.




Bert Fannin

Editor of Constellations

Online Sidereal Magazine


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, " Bert Fannin " <bwfannin@e...> wrote:

> Refr:02020608

> Send:D:\Email\bin\02020705.SAL

> Thursday, February 07, 2002



> Bob:


> ...

> > > then you are aware that Ken Bowser published an article on

> > > progressing the Lunar Return USING THIS METHOD quite a few years

> > > ago.


> > Please do not make any further statements like the one above

> > which make it appear as though I plagerized someone else's work.


> That was never my intention. I NEVER IMPLIED ANY SUCH THING. I was

> merely calling your attention to the fact that someone else had

> experimented with a similar concept.


WRONG. Those are your exact words, there in the posts for all to see.

Originaly you use the words " USING THIS METHOD " which is not an

implication, but a direct statement. The use of those words does not

indicate use of a " similar concept " as you use in your last post.


> > > I realize I have little or nothing to do but respond to your

> > > posts.


> > Please do not belittle yourslf by using condescending language

> > like the above. It proves no superiority.


> I neither belittle myself nor you in what I said. I simply asked

> you to calm yourself.


Please read the line above written by you and take responsibility for

what you said.


> you came on a bit too strong in your post. We may need to turn down

> the heat and discuss the difference in viewpoint rationally and

> calmly like two colleagues, who differ in opinion. Can we do that?


If you are willing to admit to what you say and take responsibility

for it there may be a chance. If you cannot or will not do that,

there will be no chance. Along with rationalization, and calmness,

their must first be HONESTY.



One last point. I am another generation to someone, the generation I

am part of is in their 60s.



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