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WRONG. Those are your exact words

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11 February 02





Well so much for diplomacy and good will!


> > That was never my intention. I NEVER IMPLIED ANY SUCH THING.


> > was merely calling your attention to the fact that someone

> > else had


> WRONG. Those are your exact words, there in the posts for all to

> see. Originaly you use the words " USING THIS METHOD " which is

> not an implication, but a direct statement. The use of those

> words does not indicate use of a " similar concept " as you use in

> your last post


The fact is, that when discussed wtih Ken Bowser his paper in

Siderealist, he reminded me, that his method was a adaptation of the

PSSR method.

Moreover, he pointed out that the logic of substituting the RAAM for the


do with the Moon's motion. He therefore did not make the mistake, as you

have done, of substituting the RA of the Moon for that of the Sun, as the

driver of the angles. In a very fundamental astronomical way, your

concept is flawed.


> If you are willing to admit to what you say and take

> responsibility for it there may be a chance. If you cannot or

> will not do that, there will be no chance. Along with

> rationalization, and calmness, their must first be HONESTY.


What are you talking about? I just told you what I thought

and in no uncertain terms. Chance for what? Your paragraph above is

neither rational nor its it calm. I tried to exercise goodwill and

discuss this as rational colleagues might discuss a difference of

opinion. However, that did not seem to yield any positive results. I

could spend time trading sarcastic quips with you, but that would be

valuable time wasted, and I will not. What I am going to do is run a


battery of tests on the 911 WTC disaster, including bowser's PSLR and

your LHAM method and publish the study in Constellations. The

methods that are efficacious will have the proper planets on the

angles, those that are not will not show the proper indicators. I know this

to be true. The Libsolar shows the proper symbolism. It had transit Pluto

on the MC and Saturn on the IC of that static chart.


It will be to interesting to see what the study shows. In the mean time,

I am busy, and don't have time to waste; trading broadsides with you.




Bert Fannin

Editor of Constellations

Online Sidereal Magazine


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