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A little history and files??

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Hello Kevin and fellow sidereal fans,

I had some time to browse through the archives and found some

interesting posts. One question though--all of the files uploaded by

Bob jan61108 are done in the tropical zodiac. Am I missing something?

(I do actually find tropical transits to work fairly well, but given

only one option, I'd go with sidereal, as the symbolism and orbs are

usually better.)

I began studying astrology back in 1978/9 in Los Angeles, joined

ISAR, almost immediately began investigating sidereal techniques

because I have a life long interest in astronomy so I was familiar

with some of the technical terms as well as the constellations, met

Thea Day who introduced me to Jim Eshelman and Anna-Kria King, (my

12H Moon is cnj Thea's natal Moon in Aqu--see previous post--and we

participated in " moon feastivals " together), d to Rick

Ostrander's and John Van Zandt's newsletters, presented my research

results to an intimate group at the ISAR conference in June 1990 and

shortly thereafter left astrology to pursue other interests. I'm

finding the internet a great place to get back up to speed on what's

happening in the astrology community. The " Mountain Astrologer " is a

good resource, though their sidereal articles are usually vedic. The

great prominence of vedic astrology is the biggest change from ten

years ago, and the near disappearance of western sidereal is a bit of

a shock.

One thing about the egroup intro, Kevin, is that the mentioning of

Jyotish may confuse some folks about your intended subject. But since

the subject has been brought up--before I donated my astrology

library I had a copy of Fagan's _Astrological Origins_ which I

believe had a list of the original 28 (not 27) vedic lunar nakshatras

in the back. My natal moon was in the house which ruled the left arm,

and at the age of 9 I had an accident that sent me to the hospital

for emergency surgery. Yes, it was my upper left arm that received

the deepest lacerations, with a smaller wound to my lower right arm,

and Moon/Mars contacts were prominent at the time. From this

extensive research :-) I still think that this is a subject I might

look into some day. The 28 nakshatras were developed before the Greek

12 sign zodiac was introduced, so the fact that 360 isn't divisible

by 28 was not a problem. Only after the 360* zodiac was imported did

it become necessary to rationalize the lunar houses to 27 so that

there was some mathematical harmony. The 28 mansions have better

stars marking them, including Antares and Aldebaran, so I'm inclined

to think that the older method still has validity.

Speaking of Antares, does anyone have information on what

the " Universal Order of Antares " was that Cyril Fagan belonged to?

That's it for now. " To the stars! "


Wayne Turner

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In a message dated 7/30/2002 6:55:14 PM Central Daylight Time,

waynetmail writes:



> and the near disappearance of western sidereal is a bit of

> a shock.



sorely neglected. /// wing in austin




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In a message dated 7/31/2002 1:20:34 AM Central Daylight Time,

jivio writes:



> I think

> Fagan, Bradley and others re-discovered an important

> element of historical value.


Without hocus-pocus, it (Fagan-Bradley's sidereal approach) has no appeal.

People like to be fooled; there's one born every minute. But for position or

aspect, the malefics are malefic; but for position or aspect, the benefics

are benefic. Rulerships, exaltations, falls and detriments are more than

just words and the study of these combinations should not be given short

shrift. Further there's no " good " aspect, no " bad " aspect, except for what is

being aspected and from-and-to where. In almost every case, the major

aspects are what should be thoroughly examined taking into consideration the

aforementioned positions, rulerships, etc. Studying the obvious IN DEPTH.

It's too simple; too direct; too scientific; has no voodoo to it in support

of the superstitious among us. The Fagan-Bradley style has little use for

such silly aspects as the semisextilequincunx-afragalisticexpialidotious. So

many things have been invented by desperate interpreters who can't explain

things that are obvious in their simplicity. Charon, The Black Sun ... a

host of asteroids ... have been introduced in an effort to create more smoke.

There is nothing spooky or far-out about looking at the heavens today. It is

full of light in all its glory. Nothing occult about it. It stupefies people

when you hold them by the hand and point to the Moon in the middle of Taurus

when their ephemeris puts it 24 degrees ahead. " They " just don't get it. To

the tropicalist, seeing is not believing. It's too rational. You tell the

person born December 21 that if there'd been a solar eclipse on that day you

could've see the Sun's disc amidst the stars of Scorpio. It makes no sense to

them. In 1969 I was asked my birthday by a siderealist (who ran a

metaphysical book shop which offered things for every taste) i replied Jan 4,

Capricorn; it was explained why, in fact, my sun was Sagittarian, and it was

suggested i drop the popular scheme like a hot potato. I did, and without

hocus pocus i moved along in the understanding of myself " with the kid gloves

off, " and i never witheld this truth from the people for whom i read " the

stars " -- thanks for listening. With undying gratitude to Fagan, Bradley,

Firebrace and his partner Dr. Mary Austin; Joanne Clancy and so many others;

I am: Chris in Austin. === and i to you in the -- and especially

Jack Contreras whom i first found in a google-search -- I thank you for

helping me to reignite my passion. Now if i only had more time to redevote to

study . . . And to all others: I'm sorry we disagree. Except for some

" wiseguy " fixing Zero Aries to the Vernal Equinox -- newspaper astrology is

the worst thing that ever happened to the subject.




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Yo Texas...


Regarding Bob and his Tropical Charts.... Its a

travesty to have tropical charts in a sidereal forum

as sidereal reference material. They were cast for

" tropical " forums but Bob apparently does not consider

it relevant to recalculate them for this Sidereal

Forum. Any disagreement with Bob is considered a

confrontation so he will not respond to or acknowledge

any question which is intended simply to obtain

clarity and definition. Refer to threads written

earlier this year and you will see that he was never

attacked for his ideas only presented with challenges

to his calculation methods and contrary opinions.


There are more and more sidereal graybeards coming out

of the internet woodwork which may mean that a " new "

revolution is beginning.... A greater effort is

required by all Siderealists to do research and

contribute their findings. More communication is

essential or the gifts which were passed to us for

posterity will become a footnote in history. I think

Fagan, Bradley and others re-discovered an important

element of historical value. Whatever your interest

in sidereal astrology is? Remember the words of

Captain Picard and " Make it so! " ....


cwing is out of Austin and I'm between Austin and

Houston... If you are ever in the Austin area lets get

together sometime for a Texas version of a MAG


and Jack, you know you're always invited.....




--- searcherw <waynetmail wrote:

> Hello Kevin and fellow sidereal fans,

> I had some time to browse through the archives and

> found some

> interesting posts. One question though--all of the

> files uploaded by

> Bob jan61108 are done in the tropical zodiac. Am I

> missing something?

> (I do actually find tropical transits to work fairly

> well, but given

> only one option, I'd go with sidereal, as the

> symbolism and orbs are

> usually better.)

> I began studying astrology back in 1978/9 in Los

> Angeles, joined

> ISAR, almost immediately began investigating

> sidereal techniques

> because I have a life long interest in astronomy so

> I was familiar

> with some of the technical terms as well as the

> constellations, met

> Thea Day who introduced me to Jim Eshelman and

> Anna-Kria King, (my

> 12H Moon is cnj Thea's natal Moon in Aqu--see

> previous post--and we

> participated in " moon feastivals " together),

> d to Rick

> Ostrander's and John Van Zandt's newsletters,

> presented my research

> results to an intimate group at the ISAR conference

> in June 1990 and

> shortly thereafter left astrology to pursue other

> interests. I'm

> finding the internet a great place to get back up to

> speed on what's

> happening in the astrology community. The " Mountain

> Astrologer " is a

> good resource, though their sidereal articles are

> usually vedic. The

> great prominence of vedic astrology is the biggest

> change from ten

> years ago, and the near disappearance of western

> sidereal is a bit of

> a shock.

> One thing about the egroup intro, Kevin, is that

> the mentioning of

> Jyotish may confuse some folks about your intended

> subject. But since

> the subject has been brought up--before I donated my

> astrology

> library I had a copy of Fagan's _Astrological

> Origins_ which I

> believe had a list of the original 28 (not 27) vedic

> lunar nakshatras

> in the back. My natal moon was in the house which

> ruled the left arm,

> and at the age of 9 I had an accident that sent me

> to the hospital

> for emergency surgery. Yes, it was my upper left arm

> that received

> the deepest lacerations, with a smaller wound to my

> lower right arm,

> and Moon/Mars contacts were prominent at the time.

> From this

> extensive research :-) I still think that this is a

> subject I might

> look into some day. The 28 nakshatras were developed

> before the Greek

> 12 sign zodiac was introduced, so the fact that 360

> isn't divisible

> by 28 was not a problem. Only after the 360* zodiac

> was imported did

> it become necessary to rationalize the lunar houses

> to 27 so that

> there was some mathematical harmony. The 28 mansions

> have better

> stars marking them, including Antares and Aldebaran,

> so I'm inclined

> to think that the older method still has validity.

> Speaking of Antares, does anyone have information

> on what

> the " Universal Order of Antares " was that Cyril

> Fagan belonged to?

> That's it for now. " To the stars! "

> Best,

> Wayne Turner




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In a message dated 7/31/2002 3:09:48 AM Central Daylight Time,

jan61108 writes:



> My intent was to introduce a tool I have found to be more accurate in

> describing events and how they are made personal than any other that

> I have ever seen presented in the astrological community.



Please Read before Reacting: it's totally absurd to mix systems. have you

noticed anything different about, say, Mars in Aries as opposed to it being

in Libra? If not, then you have been letting your guard down. The falls,

rulerships, exaltations and detriments are so crucial in personal

interpretation. Mars in Libra on the ascendant is quite different from it

being in Aries at the same place. Assigning any meaning to Mars in tropical

Scorpio is an exercise in futility when in fact it is in sidereal Libra which

is to its detriment. If you agree that Mars rules Aries and it's angular,

and give it the same heft as, say, Venus in Aries, also angular (thus giving

it hoarary weight), then you are falling into the same trap that under close

inspection never fails to discredit thoroughly the tropoical idea. Is this

what you're trying to explain to us -- a horoscope stripped of the signs or

constellations or whatever you wanna call them? In that case, you should

construct your wheel using RA (i think that's what i mean to say -- someone

correct me otherwise).


I don't think people mean to attack you personally. I gave up astrology for

30+ years because i got tired of arguing this point: there is no such thing

as a tropical " zodiac " , only tropical " signs " existing as vapor along the

starry ecliptic which is enscribed by the sun's apparent position amidst its

stars. The ancients were no fools. They could only see what was there. To

call something " Virgo " when it is actually Leo is to allow oneself to give

any meaning to any thing. To say that the Sun in anything has the same

meaning as the Sun anywhere else -- this is impossible in Astrological terms.

Astrology from its beginning was a study of the stars in relation to the

earth the sun and the moon -- that some stars (planets) appeared to move

through the stars was realized a little later. If your study is planetology

-- remove the signs or whatever you call them. That makes more sense in the

raw. But if Venus is with Antares, don't confuse it with venus in what you

might call " Sagittarius " because Antares is not in Sagittarius and thus

carries no meaning as such (I hope you understand that) and don't forget that

Venus with Antares has a totally different meaning than Venus with Aldeberan

and likewise Mars vis-a-vis each of those stars, etc. /// chris in austin

who's tired after a long night's work.




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In a message dated 7/31/2002 4:30:43 AM Central Daylight Time,

shamira writes:



> Thanks so much for such a detailed response with so much information. That

> has clarified the situation for me very well!

> I tend to still use the tropical most of the time but have started

> experimenting with the sidereal system just because I have an open mind and

> the idea of it makes sense to me. Then, after some experimentation, I can

> at least make an informed choice about which system works for me - so no

> precession when using the sidereal Returns - just when using the tropical -

> thanks very much - this is a good place for me to start in my comparison

> work!!!


> It was good of you to help me - thanks again!!!!


> Warm regards,


> Shamira



interesting, Shamira; good luck. And remember .... benefic and malefic, as

well as rulership, exaltation, detriment and fall ... these are more than

just words. /// chris in austin.




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In a message dated 7/31/2002 6:27:49 AM Central Daylight Time,

shamira writes:



> Hi Chris!


> OK - I will pay close attention to these too - thanks!!!!!!


> Warm regards,


> Shamira



yeah. I think these are covered in Taking The Kid Gloves Off Astrology by Don





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Hi Bob!


Might I just ask a question - I am new to sidereal astrology - you mentioned

that you precess Splar and Lunar Returns?? Do you find them to be more accurate

when reading for the year or month than normal returns?? I was wondering about

this recently - any feedback would be appreciated!!!






Wednesday, July 31, 2002 5:39 PM

Re: A little history and files??



, Juan Oliver <jivio> wrote:

> Yo Texas...


> Regarding Bob and his Tropical Charts....


>... A greater effort is

> required by all Siderealists to do research and

> contribute their findings....


> ...


The charts were originaly done in the Sidereal zodiac and converted

to the Tropical for the reason I stated. Regardless of which zodiac

is used the spatial relationships between planets and points in the

charts will be the same. It is these relationships, as they are swept

by the progressed angles of the charts, not the " houses " or 'signs',

I consider important, so I could care less what 'signs' are shown for

the planets or points in the charts. If anyone had a real interest in

investigating these charts it would have been a simple matter to

select the Sidereal zodiac from whatever program they were using to

reconstruct the charts to their liking, or better yet, apply the

technique to events of which they have firsthand knowledge in order

to make an evaluation of the technique.


Shame on you for fostering dissent rather than making an effort to

apply the technique to some personal events in order to test its

viability. I see that as being akin to those who would disavow

astrology without having studied it and would never expect that kind

of behavior from someone with your backround in astrology. Just

because I am not a 'name' in the astrological community does not MEAN

that I am incapable of making a discovery, or understanding what I

see, or making a comparison of various techniques, or making valid



My intent was to introduce a tool I have found to be more accurate in

describing events and how they are made personal than any other that

I have ever seen presented in the astrological community.


The results found by applying the technique to precessed vs

unprecessed lunar returns, or Sidereal ingresses vs Tropical

ingresses, leave no room for doubt about the application of

precession being the correct methodology for constructing charts. But

an attempt to ascertain whether this might be the case was apparently

not foremost in the minds of any members of this group, rather petty

egoism seems to be the norm here, not the advancement of the art.




> jivio


>> ...




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, Juan Oliver <jivio> wrote:

> Yo Texas...


> Regarding Bob and his Tropical Charts....


>... A greater effort is

> required by all Siderealists to do research and

> contribute their findings....


> ...


The charts were originaly done in the Sidereal zodiac and converted

to the Tropical for the reason I stated. Regardless of which zodiac

is used the spatial relationships between planets and points in the

charts will be the same. It is these relationships, as they are swept

by the progressed angles of the charts, not the " houses " or 'signs',

I consider important, so I could care less what 'signs' are shown for

the planets or points in the charts. If anyone had a real interest in

investigating these charts it would have been a simple matter to

select the Sidereal zodiac from whatever program they were using to

reconstruct the charts to their liking, or better yet, apply the

technique to events of which they have firsthand knowledge in order

to make an evaluation of the technique.


Shame on you for fostering dissent rather than making an effort to

apply the technique to some personal events in order to test its

viability. I see that as being akin to those who would disavow

astrology without having studied it and would never expect that kind

of behavior from someone with your backround in astrology. Just

because I am not a 'name' in the astrological community does not MEAN

that I am incapable of making a discovery, or understanding what I

see, or making a comparison of various techniques, or making valid



My intent was to introduce a tool I have found to be more accurate in

describing events and how they are made personal than any other that

I have ever seen presented in the astrological community.


The results found by applying the technique to precessed vs

unprecessed lunar returns, or Sidereal ingresses vs Tropical

ingresses, leave no room for doubt about the application of

precession being the correct methodology for constructing charts. But

an attempt to ascertain whether this might be the case was apparently

not foremost in the minds of any members of this group, rather petty

egoism seems to be the norm here, not the advancement of the art.




> jivio


>> ...

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, " Shamira " <shamira@p...> wrote:



> Hi Bob!


> Might I just ask a question - I am new to sidereal astrology - you

mentioned that you precess Splar and Lunar Returns?? Do you find

them to be more accurate when reading for the year or month than

normal returns?? I was wondering about this recently - any feedback

would be appreciated!!!


> Shamira

> M

> ...


Hello Shamira,


If you use the Sidereal zodiac to construct your charts there is no

need to make a correction for precession. It is only necessary to

apply this correction if using the Tropical zodiac and wanting the

timing of a return or ingress to be the same as if you were using the

Sidereal zodiac. If precession is corrected for the timing of the

returns or ingress charts will be the same, as will the right

ascension of the planets and personal points but the degrees, and in

most cases the signs, occupied by the planets and personal points

will be different.


I find that using the Sidereal zodiac, or the precession corrected

Tropical charts, to be absolutely more accurate as starting points in

arriving at correct planetary placement connected to situations

(material or psychological) which occur later in the life of the

chart in use.



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Hi again Bob!


Thanks so much for such a detailed response with so much information. That has

clarified the situation for me very well!

I tend to still use the tropical most of the time but have started experimenting

with the sidereal system just because I have an open mind and the idea of it

makes sense to me. Then, after some experimentation, I can at least make an

informed choice about which system works for me - so no precession when using

the sidereal Returns - just when using the tropical - thanks very much - this is

a good place for me to start in my comparison work!!!


It was good of you to help me - thanks again!!!!


Warm regards,







Wednesday, July 31, 2002 6:44 PM

Re: A little history and files??



, " Shamira " <shamira@p...> wrote:



> Hi Bob!


> Might I just ask a question - I am new to sidereal astrology - you

mentioned that you precess Splar and Lunar Returns?? Do you find

them to be more accurate when reading for the year or month than

normal returns?? I was wondering about this recently - any feedback

would be appreciated!!!


> Shamira

> M

> ...


Hello Shamira,


If you use the Sidereal zodiac to construct your charts there is no

need to make a correction for precession. It is only necessary to

apply this correction if using the Tropical zodiac and wanting the

timing of a return or ingress to be the same as if you were using the

Sidereal zodiac. If precession is corrected for the timing of the

returns or ingress charts will be the same, as will the right

ascension of the planets and personal points but the degrees, and in

most cases the signs, occupied by the planets and personal points

will be different.


I find that using the Sidereal zodiac, or the precession corrected

Tropical charts, to be absolutely more accurate as starting points in

arriving at correct planetary placement connected to situations

(material or psychological) which occur later in the life of the

chart in use.






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I'm glad you haven't lost your zeal but you continue

to put ego ahead of the facts.


1) IF you want your theory to be understood, YOU

calculate and post your charts in a sidereal format.

Calculating and posting a precessed tropical chart and

assuming that siderealists would know what you are

doing is ridiculous. There is no explanation of the

charts in the file...only the charts! Who knows they

are precessed?


2)The actual rotation of the angles is strictly a

function of the Sun/Earth relationship. It has nothing


whatsoever to do with the Moon in her motion. This

changing relationship is expressed as the change in

the RAAS over the duration of the month.


Read further as I scan your comments and add replies

directly to your " dissent " .



--- jan61108 <jan61108 wrote:

> , Juan Oliver

> <jivio> wrote:

> > Yo Texas...

> >

> > Regarding Bob and his Tropical Charts....

> ....

> >... A greater effort is

> > required by all Siderealists to do research and

> > contribute their findings....

> >

> > ...

> >

> The charts were originaly done in the Sidereal

> zodiac and converted

> to the Tropical for the reason I stated. Regardless

> of which zodiac

> is used the spatial relationships between planets

> and points in the

> charts will be the same. It is these relationships,

> as they are swept

> by the progressed angles of the charts, not the

> " houses " or 'signs',

> I consider important, so I could care less what

> 'signs' are shown for

> the planets or points in the charts.


I do consider information (if it is to be understood)


such as signs or points in the charts to be correct

and valid. Your " I could care less " attitude renders

your work questionable and half-way reliable.


If anyone had a

> real interest in

> investigating these charts it would have been a

> simple matter to

> select the Sidereal zodiac from whatever program

> they were using to

> reconstruct the charts to their liking,


This applies to you first. If you were " interested "

you would have done the work so your audience could

view the charts as correctly as possible(in the

sidereal format).


or better

> yet, apply the

> technique to events of which they have firsthand

> knowledge in order

> to make an evaluation of the technique.


Good Idea! Provide precise technique information and

see what happens.



> Shame on you for fostering dissent rather than

> making an effort to

> apply the technique to some personal events in order

> to test its

> viability.


I'm not fostering dissent but when you write those

words you and only you create dissent! Shame on me?

My man... RA of the MOON? How do you progress the

angles of a chart cast for a location on the earth

without using the RA of the SUN? You make claims and

then when individuals have questioned your methods you

come back with Silence because you have encounterd

" confrontation " . They are questions.....



I see that as being akin to those who

> would disavow

> astrology without having studied it and would never

> expect that kind

> of behavior from someone with your backround in

> astrology.


Yea... I'm akin to those alright...

Just because I refuse to buy your software programs

and I don't believe your theoretical calculations

demonstrate a valid technique. I've got my head in the

sand. What riles me about you is your platitudes.


> because I am not a 'name' in the astrological

> community does not MEAN

> that I am incapable of making a discovery, or

> understanding what I

> see, or making a comparison of various techniques,

> or making valid

> conclusions.


It doesn't take a " name " but it does take patience and

clarity. When someone writes to you for clarification

and they get hit with a sales pitch to buy software

don't expect 100% appreciation for your " discovery " .

You have never once provided detail information on how

you progress the SLR by advancing the RA of the Moon.


> My intent was to introduce a tool I have found to be

> more accurate in

> describing events and how they are made personal

> than any other that

> I have ever seen presented in the astrological

> community.


Personal?... How does your " tool " describe events

" personal " ?


> The results found by applying the technique to

> precessed vs

> unprecessed lunar returns, or Sidereal ingresses vs

> Tropical

> ingresses, leave no room for doubt about the

> application of

> precession being the correct methodology for

> constructing charts.


We agree on precession. From when and how much may be

a different issue... That needs to be explained and

not assumed.... assume = ass(out of)u(and)me.



> an attempt to ascertain whether this might be the

> case was apparently

> not foremost in the minds of any members of this

> group, rather petty

> egoism seems to be the norm here, not the

> advancement of the art.


Oh woe is Bob... petty egotism is all I afford you...

Blame the group as well.... pity...pity...

I must ascertain what Bob is thinking, without Bob

advancing the tenets of his " art form " . I must see,

appreciate and understand that his calculations can

only work in a precessed format.... Yea Bob... that

was very clear, precession works in your theory of

progressing the RA of the Moon. And the Sun comes up

where? On the Moon? Yet I calculate the chart for

coordinates on earth.


> Bob


> > jivio

> >


A side note.... I don't have a problem with new ideas,

procedures or techniques. My way or the highway

mentality does not serve communication towards

understanding. Clarity and genuineness is what I seek.

If you wish to be appreciated and recognized I suggest

an end to innuendos and a focus on patient

understanding. Put Saturn to work, for you and wisdom

will be everyones reward.




> >> ...





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Hi Chris!


OK - I will pay close attention to these too - thanks!!!!!!


Warm regards,






Wednesday, July 31, 2002 8:39 PM

Re: Re: A little history and files??



In a message dated 7/31/2002 4:30:43 AM Central Daylight Time,

shamira writes:



> Thanks so much for such a detailed response with so much information. That

> has clarified the situation for me very well!

> I tend to still use the tropical most of the time but have started

> experimenting with the sidereal system just because I have an open mind and

> the idea of it makes sense to me. Then, after some experimentation, I can

> at least make an informed choice about which system works for me - so no

> precession when using the sidereal Returns - just when using the tropical -

> thanks very much - this is a good place for me to start in my comparison

> work!!!


> It was good of you to help me - thanks again!!!!


> Warm regards,


> Shamira



interesting, Shamira; good luck. And remember .... benefic and malefic, as

well as rulership, exaltation, detriment and fall ... these are more than

just words. /// chris in austin.



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OK thanks - you know I don't have one book on sidereal - thanks for the

recommendation!!!! Now I have to go looking!! I wonder what is available here

in South Australia ..... can't wait to get into it!


Warm regards,







Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:03 PM

Re: Re: A little history and files??



In a message dated 7/31/2002 6:27:49 AM Central Daylight Time,

shamira writes:



> Hi Chris!


> OK - I will pay close attention to these too - thanks!!!!!!


> Warm regards,


> Shamira



yeah. I think these are covered in Taking The Kid Gloves Off Astrology by Don




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, Juan Oliver <jivio> wrote:

> Bob


> ... Your " I could care less " attitude renders

> your work questionable and half-way reliable.


That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.


> ...

> or better

> > yet, apply the

> > technique to events of which they have firsthand

> > knowledge in order

> > to make an evaluation of the technique.


> Good Idea! Provide precise technique information and

> see what happens.


The rate of progression was given to you in msg. #695. wherein it was

stated that rate was the same as that used for progressing solar

returns except that it was the right ascension of the moon rather

than that of the sun that was used. I believe you are familiar with

the formula for progressing the solar return and substituting the

right ascension of the moon for that of the sun should not be that

difficult a task for you.

> >

> >...

> My man... RA of the MOON? How do you progress the

> angles of a chart cast for a location on the earth

> without using the RA of the SUN?

> ...


Just as you cannot explain to members of the scientific community why

astrology works, I cannot explain to you why progressing the angles

of a lunar return or lunar ingress chart by the elapsed movement of

the moon (in right ascension) against the backdrop of the

constellations produces such compelling charts time after time.


> >...



> Just because I refuse to buy your software programs

> ...


I have never asked you to buy my programs.


> > because I am not a 'name' in the astrological

> > community does not MEAN

> > that I am incapable of making a discovery, or

> > understanding what I

> > see, or making a comparison of various techniques,

> > or making valid

> > conclusions.

> >

> It doesn't take a " name " but it does take patience and

> clarity. When someone writes to you for clarification

> and they get hit with a sales pitch to buy software

> don't expect 100% appreciation for your " discovery " .


I mentioned my webpage one time.


> > My intent was to introduce a tool I have found to be

> > more accurate in

> > describing events and how they are made personal

> > than any other that

> > I have ever seen presented in the astrological

> > community.

> >

> Personal?... How does your " tool " describe events

> " personal " ?


This was not made clear as I did not present any examples of

progressed lunar returns derived from natal charts surrounded by

natal or progressed charts for individuals (of which I have many).

The closest example is the progressed Caplunar for the attack on the

WTC with the progressed chart for the consolidation of the 5 boroughs

of New York around it.


> > The results found by applying the technique to

> > precessed vs

> > unprecessed lunar returns, or Sidereal ingresses vs

> > Tropical

> > ingresses, leave no room for doubt about the

> > application of

> > precession being the correct methodology for

> > constructing charts.


> We agree on precession. From when and how much may be

> a different issue... That needs to be explained and

> not assumed.... assume = ass(out of)u(and)me.


I use the Fagan-Bradley references.


> > ...


> A side note.... I don't have a problem with new ideas,

> procedures or techniques. My way or the highway

> mentality does not serve communication towards

> understanding. Clarity and genuineness is what I seek.

> If you wish to be appreciated and recognized I suggest

> an end to innuendos and a focus on patient

> understanding. Put Saturn to work, for you and wisdom

> will be everyones reward.


> jivio



I have used my way for more than 25 years because nobody had proposed

any other way when I began. In all of that quarter of a century I did

not seek appreciation or recognition even though I was convinced that

the technique had merit. It was only after losing everything and

being forced onto the welfare rolls that I decided to see if I could

present the technique in an effort to realize some sort of income.

The last 3 1\2 years have been a living hell for me and at this time

transiting Saturn is working for me, by an applying square to natal

Neptune and the MC of my chart. Until now I have been physicaly

exhausted, now I am nearly mentaly so. In order not to have my psyche

sustain further traumatization (I am just recently regaining

psychological strength after the aforementioned 3 1\2 year struggles)

I shall withdraw from this arena of combat and continue useing the

technique as it hits the bullseye every time.



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Imagine the humor of watching Saturday Night Live

years ago when Dan Ackroyd(sp?) and Jane Curtain were

doing their news segment together. We probably appear

that way to many..... I'm sure you would disagree with

me but I see myself a better Dan Ackroyd than you.


Jane.... The devil is in the details.



--- jan61108 <jan61108 wrote:

> , Juan Oliver

> <jivio> wrote:

> > Bob

> >

> > ... Your " I could care less " attitude renders

> > your work questionable and half-way reliable.

> >

> That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.


Unfortunately, your response is defensive. I can only

perceive this to mean that my wordage in some way is

interpreted as an attack. Since the charts were done

in Sidereal originally and you converted them to

tropical for the tropicalist's to understand them,

doesn't it make sense to provide the siderealist's in

this forum the same courtesy. When one goes to the

section " files " they don't have any explanation or

information regarding the charts posted there, just

some tropical charts in a sidereal forum.



> > ...

> > or better

> > > yet, apply the

> > > technique to events of which they have firsthand

> > > knowledge in order

> > > to make an evaluation of the technique.

> >

> > Good Idea! Provide precise technique information

> and

> > see what happens.

> >

> The rate of progression was given to you in msg.

> #695. wherein it was

> stated that rate was the same as that used for

> progressing solar

> returns except that it was the right ascension of

> the moon rather

> than that of the sun that was used.


#695 makes for interesting reading.... The above

information is not enough for me to understand the

entire process you use to calculate progression of the

angles. That is why I continue to ask for definition

of your method.


I believe you

> are familiar with

> the formula for progressing the solar return and

> substituting the

> right ascension of the moon for that of the sun

> should not be that

> difficult a task for you.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..... I'm familiar with many processes.

The reason I have been asking you to provide the

process is because this is your theory and not mine.

There are a number of ways to progress angles. Do you

use a standard rate? a neo-rate? a bija rate? is it a

mean quotidian? or a neo quotidian? is it kinetic? is

it True S.A. in R.A.? Naibod in R.A.?

There are numerous " tools " and various techniques

which can be utilized in the processing of charts.

All I have ever been asking from you is detailed

information so that I would know exactly how you

developed your conclusion. Structure-Saturn, thats my

compliment to your EGO-SUN.



> > >

> > >...

> > My man... RA of the MOON? How do you progress the

> > angles of a chart cast for a location on the earth

> > without using the RA of the SUN?

> > ...

> >

> Just as you cannot explain to members of the

> scientific community why

> astrology works,


STOP.... right there..... Don't make another

assumption! Speak for your self... You don't know that

I can't explain to a scientific community why

astrology works. And lets be clear on this...


FYI: Astrology is a loose fitting term. Elements

associated with astrology are accepted within the

scientific community and not everyone that is an

astrologer concerns themselves with the scientific



I cannot explain to you why

> progressing the angles

> of a lunar return or lunar ingress chart by the

> elapsed movement of

> the moon (in right ascension) against the backdrop

> of the

> constellations produces such compelling charts time

> after time.



I would like to see what you see but if you can't

explain it, what makes you think anyone else could

grasp the concept.

> > >...

> >

> >

> > Just because I refuse to buy your software

> programs

> > ...

> >

> I have never asked you to buy my programs.


Never? That's why opinions are like pie-holes,

everyone has one.



> > > because I am not a 'name' in the astrological

> > > community does not MEAN

> > > that I am incapable of making a discovery, or

> > > understanding what I

> > > see, or making a comparison of various

> techniques,

> > > or making valid

> > > conclusions.

> > >

> > It doesn't take a " name " but it does take patience

> and

> > clarity. When someone writes to you for

> clarification

> > and they get hit with a sales pitch to buy

> software

> > don't expect 100% appreciation for your

> " discovery " .

> >

> I mentioned my webpage one time.

> >


Besides the messages written in this forum, we have

had other conversations, and you have mentioned

it(webpage)more than once in pitching your software.

I'm not adverse to buying software but I haven't even

gotten to a place where I can even erect a chart

manually to observe its rationale.


> > > My intent was to introduce a tool I have found

> to be

> > > more accurate in

> > > describing events and how they are made personal

> > > than any other that

> > > I have ever seen presented in the astrological

> > > community.

> > >

> > Personal?... How does your " tool " describe events

> > " personal " ?

> >

> This was not made clear as I did not present any

> examples of

> progressed lunar returns derived from natal charts

> surrounded by

> natal or progressed charts for individuals (of which

> I have many).


Those would be meaningful and helpful if information

regarding the charts were included with them.


> The closest example is the progressed Caplunar for

> the attack on the

> WTC with the progressed chart for the consolidation

> of the 5 boroughs

> of New York around it.


My experience with charting has been that the " stars "

are never wrong, that errors come from interpretation.

You wrote " The hardest thing was to lay aside Fagan

and Bradley's teachings about how to read

Lunar returns. But I had no doubts after seeing the

Caplunar and its progression for the attack. To use

their methods to read the chart would have made any

astrologer look like a fool as Jupiter was the

planet nearest any angle of the chart. "


Every chart has a message within it. Did you ever

consider or think that maybe you missed something?


Do you really know how to interput the actions and

properties of Jupiter in every possible fashion?

I'm sure it was prevalent in the charts cast for the

Crusades when so many people were killed.


Why is the Caplunar such an important chart?

Is progression of the angles always an accurate tool

in your method?

The events of 911 can be told differently depending on

which natal is utilized. Compare a chart for the natal

of the World Trade Center with the results found in

your NYC chart. It was the WTC which was hit not NYC.

Different charts with different messages.



As for mid-points, yes they have a value, but what are

they? Are they usually nothing more than a void in

empty space?


> > > The results found by applying the technique to

> > > precessed vs

> > > unprecessed lunar returns, or Sidereal ingresses

> vs

> > > Tropical

> > > ingresses, leave no room for doubt about the

> > > application of

> > > precession being the correct methodology for

> > > constructing charts.

> >

> > We agree on precession. From when and how much may

> be

> > a different issue... That needs to be explained

> and

> > not assumed.... assume = ass(out of)u(and)me.

> >

> I use the Fagan-Bradley references.


I'm glad all of their methods aren't discarded...



> > > ...

> >

> > A side note.... I don't have a problem with new

> ideas,

> > procedures or techniques. My way or the highway

> > mentality does not serve communication towards

> > understanding. Clarity and genuineness is what I

> seek.

> > If you wish to be appreciated and recognized I

> suggest

> > an end to innuendos and a focus on patient

> > understanding. Put Saturn to work, for you and

> wisdom

> > will be everyones reward.

> >

> > jivio

> >

> >

> I have used my way for more than 25 years because

> nobody had proposed

> any other way when I began. In all of that quarter

> of a century I did

> not seek appreciation or recognition even though I

> was convinced that

> the technique had merit. It was only after losing

> everything and

> being forced onto the welfare rolls that I decided

> to see if I could

> present the technique in an effort to realize some

> sort of income.

> The last 3 1 years have been a living hell for me

> and at this time

> transiting Saturn is working for me, by an applying

> square to natal

> Neptune and the MC of my chart. Until now I have

> been physicaly

> exhausted, now I am nearly mentaly so. In order not

> to have my psyche

> sustain further traumatization (I am just recently

> regaining

> psychological strength after the aforementioned 3

> 1 year struggles)

> I shall withdraw from this arena of combat and

> continue ususinghe

> technique as it hits the bullseye every time.


> Bob


> I'm very happy that it hits the bullseye everytime.

Aldebaran will be happy to hear that as well.

Unfortunately nobody else know that.


Your withdrawing from this arena of combat would be

foolish. Your psyche has a better chance of sustaining

further trauma by remaining here instead of leaving.

Here you are supported by your peers. We should

understand you better than anyone else. Of course

you're gonna run into a guy like me that has his

Saturn in opposition to your Sun. I stress for details

but I'm also supportive. You got influences affecting

you that would anger and upset anyone. Transiting

Pluto conjunct your Natal Mars. Transiting Neptune

having done a number on your Natal Sun. You think this

square between transiting Saturn and progressed/natal

Neptune is gonna to be easy? Well, heads up, Mars hit

the mid-point of that square and you're about feel the

semi-square of Mars applying to Prog/Natal Neptune.

And all this after a separating Transiting Saturn

semi-square Natal Saturn.

Like I said.... You got folks here who understand your

plight better than anywhere else and after looking at

your bi-solar you're gonna have a helluva time in the

months ahead. Take advantage of the transiting Jupiter

for the time being. Mars between your Bi-solar Sun and

Mercury in opposition to Neptune. Reminds me of the

packaging that they put on fireworks " Safe & Sane " .

You keep remembering that and use your imagination to

write. Do you play music? Watch that Mars, Neptune and

Saturn connection in your Bi-Solar. You ever get up to









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, Juan Oliver <jivio> wrote:

> Bob..


> ...

> > >

> > I use the Fagan-Bradley references.


> I'm glad all of their methods aren't discarded...


> >...


While searching for information regarding a question posed in another

club to which I belong I came across the following in the reprint of

the Solunars series by Cyril Fagan. It is on page 27 in the April

1979 issue of American Astrology magazine.


" If the solar and lunar returns could be

progressed then it would be possible to

foretell events, not only for every day in

the year, but in the case of the lunar

return for every hour of the day. But

unfortunately the astronomical problems

nvolved are of such a technical nature as

to be beyond the ken of most students of

astrology, involving as they do--in the

case of the lunar return--practical know-

ledge of the Lunar Therom and necessitating

the use of cumbersome tables, only within

reach of computative astronomers.


....But until this is achieved, I CANNOT DO

BETTER than to introduce a makeshift method,


CATION, invented by Donald A Bradley, a

mathematical expert on positional astronomy.


Bradley's method, which is extremely simple,

may be expressed as follows: ADD THE DIFFERENCE







My collection of American Astrology began in 1972, nowhere else did I

see reference to, or ever use of, this method regarding progressing

the lunar return, not even in Bradley's own " Solar and Lunar Returns " .

I have been using the method since 1975. Call it what you will, I

call it independent discovery on my part, and am indeed proud to have

had this train of thought in line with someone of the stature of Mr.




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, Juan Oliver <jivio> wrote:

> Bob..


> ...


> Your withdrawing from this arena of combat would be

> foolish. Your psyche has a better chance of sustaining

> further trauma by remaining here instead of leaving.

> Here you are supported by your peers. We should

> understand you better than anyone else....


> Like I said.... You got folks here who understand your

> plight better than anywhere else ... You ever get up to

> Rocklin?


> jivio



I am so tired of the confrontation, one-up-manship, egosim, conflict,

and\or lack of interest I have found, rather than support, or at

least enough interest to try the method before making conclusions

about something not studied, that I am not only considering leaving

the internet communities to which I belong but leaving astrology

behind me forever. It certainly would leave me a great deal more time

for other things in life.


I am actually so tired of thinking about the conflicts I no longer

care to continue this post.



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sounds to me that someone has lost there faith in what they had

believed in once.. you shouldnt let what others views affect what

you " believe in " because its not right...

if its right for you to believe in astology then believe it and let

everyone not care.it shouldnt matter....

just because one or million of people don't open up to a

more " spirtual " way of life and are stuck in the " olden days " of

nothing..then so be it..








, " jan61108 " <jan61108> wrote:

> , Juan Oliver <jivio> wrote:

> > Bob..

> >

> > ...

> >

> > Your withdrawing from this arena of combat would be

> > foolish. Your psyche has a better chance of sustaining

> > further trauma by remaining here instead of leaving.

> > Here you are supported by your peers. We should

> > understand you better than anyone else....


> > Like I said.... You got folks here who understand your

> > plight better than anywhere else ... You ever get up to

> > Rocklin?

> >

> > jivio

> >

> >

> I am so tired of the confrontation, one-up-manship, egosim,


> and\or lack of interest I have found, rather than support, or at

> least enough interest to try the method before making conclusions

> about something not studied, that I am not only considering leaving

> the internet communities to which I belong but leaving astrology

> behind me forever. It certainly would leave me a great deal more


> for other things in life.


> I am actually so tired of thinking about the conflicts I no longer

> care to continue this post.


> Bob

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, " jc_lovin_mama_76 "

<jc_lovin_mama_76> wrote:

> sounds to me that someone has lost there faith in what they had

> believed in once.. you shouldnt let what others views affect what

> you " believe in " because its not right...

> if its right for you to believe in astology then believe it and


> everyone not care.it shouldnt matter....

> just because one or million of people don't open up to a

> more " spirtual " way of life and are stuck in the " olden days " of

> nothing..then so be it..





> Tamara


> ...


Dear Tamara,


I have not lost 'faith' in anything. I just haven't the time or

energy to waste dealing with those with feet of clay. I will share

with you part of a post I wrote to someone which I hope explains how

I feel.


" I am just tired of the bull that is shoveled out by these

egotistical Lemmings. Their readiness to challenge me when I

presented the technique, then their silence when presented with

evidence that astrologers, with more claim to fame than they will

ever have, gave this technique high marks shows them for what they

really are.


Who among them can honestly lay claim to whatever astrological 'fame'

they may think they have because of a string of right on predictive

hits? For that matter, who in all of astrological history is famous

for such a string? I daresay that all of the ancients, or astrologers

from past centuries, are astrological names because something they

wrote was passed down or discovered. But where in all of the

astrological archives is there a list of such a string of 'hits' by

any of them?


The progressed lunars produce charts which are 'right on' time after

time. Just because in their book the progression shouldn't be figured

that way does not change the results that are achieved time after

time. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. "


Tamara, look at my chart. With the t-square involving the Sun with 3

of the outer planets, one of which is trine the Ascendent, while the

Moon trines the conjunction of 2 of the outer planets in the t-

square, and the Sun sextile the Ascendent, while another outer

(Uranus) is trine the MC and in square to Mercury, and 2 other

planets are in the immediate foreground of the of the MC and

Ascendant, I think the case for a powerful chart is easily made. I

feel blessed. The chart is mine and I am Captain of my own ship. I

make the decisions.


I had a very rough early life and I have had more 'big' opportunities

come my way, all offered to me, none pursued, one taken, than most

people in the world will ever have in their lifetimes (a movie studio

contract, my own radio show, a business partnership, a management

position in a Fortune 500 company, acceptance into a program that was

accepting 1 of about every 300 applicants, a chance to go to Notre

Dame on someone else's dime, handpicked to be on a Commanding

General's staff [i couldn't turn that one down].


Surviver Bob

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, " jc_lovin_mama_76 "

<jc_lovin_mama_76> wrote:

> sounds to me that someone has lost there faith in what they had

> believed in once.. you shouldnt let what others views affect what

> you " believe in " because its not right...

> if its right for you to believe in astology then believe it and


> everyone not care.it shouldnt matter....

> just because one or million of people don't open up to a

> more " spirtual " way of life and are stuck in the " olden days " of

> nothing..then so be it..





> Tamara


> ...


Dear Tamara,


I have not lost 'faith' in anything. I just haven't the time or

energy to waste dealing with those with feet of clay. I will share

with you part of a post I wrote to someone which I hope explains how

I feel.


" I am just tired of the bull that is shoveled out by these

egotistical Lemmings. Their readiness to challenge me when I

presented the technique, then their silence when presented with

evidence that astrologers, with more claim to fame than they will

ever have, gave this technique high marks shows them for what they

really are.


Who among them can honestly lay claim to whatever astrological 'fame'

they may think they have because of a string of right on predictive

hits? For that matter, who in all of astrological history is famous

for such a string? I daresay that all of the ancients, or astrologers

from past centuries, are astrological names because something they

wrote was passed down or discovered. But where in all of the

astrological archives is there a list of such a string of 'hits' by

any of them?


The progressed lunars produce charts which are 'right on' time after

time. Just because in their book the progression shouldn't be figured

that way does not change the results that are achieved time after

time. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. "


Tamara, look at my chart. With the t-square involving the Sun with 3

of the outer planets, one of which is trine the Ascendent, while the

Moon trines the conjunction of 2 of the outer planets in the t-

square, and the Sun sextile the Ascendent, while another outer

(Uranus) is trine the MC and in square to Mercury, and 2 other

planets are in the immediate foreground of the of the MC and

Ascendant, I think the case for a powerful chart is easily made. I

feel blessed. The chart is mine and I am Captain of my own ship. I

make the decisions.


I had a very rough early life and I have had more 'big' opportunities

come my way, all offered to me, none pursued, one taken, than most

people in the world will ever have in their lifetimes (a movie studio

contract, my own radio show, a business partnership, a management

position in a Fortune 500 company, acceptance into a program that was

accepting 1 of about every 300 applicants, a chance to go to Notre

Dame on someone else's dime, handpicked to be on a Commanding

General's staff [i couldn't turn that one down].


Surviver Bob

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