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, " searcherw " <waynetmail> wrote:

> Hi Juan, Bob, Chris, et al

> ...

> It would be

> interesting to do a synastry work up on Juan and Bob. Would you

> gentlemen be willing to post your data so we could take a look at


> contacts?

> ...

> Wayne


Hello Wayne,


My birthdata is as follows:


January 25, 1941

3:35 AM, CST

Topeka, Kansas


I now live in Rockford, Illinois



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Wayne the Searcher.


Never zzzzzzzzz's and suggests an opportunity for Bob

and I to live under the microscope. It will be

interesting but will it be accurate?



--- searcherw <waynetmail wrote:

> Hi Juan, Bob, Chris, et al

> Thanks for the responses. Some other groups I've

> joined are

> sleeping zzzzz or defunct. Nice to find a live one.

> It would be

> interesting to do a synastry work up on Juan and

> Bob. Would you

> gentlemen be willing to post your data so we could

> take a look at the

> contacts? Some nice hot MA/ME/UR (arguments about

> techniques) aspects

> or midpoints I would think. (My natal ME is closely

> sq UR at the

> SU/MA midpoint.


Looking at your chart currently Natal Mercury appears

closer to the Sun/Jupiter MP then to SUN/Mars.

FYI: My progressed Sun is close to conjunct the

SUN/Mars midpoint


But I also have my Asc at the SU/SA

> midpoint, which

> keeps me civil and focused on facts and evidence.)


Thats when you're in California. You're in Texas now..

The land of fire ants and armadillos.



> also saw that

> Bob mentioned he was in the over 60 age range, so

> email is not as

> natural for him as for younger folks. It has been

> found that email

> can often generate more heat than light if the

> participants are not

> personally familiar with each other, and even that's

> no guarantee of

> keeping the peace. (Do I sound like a SU/Asc in

> Libra, or Scorpio?


Its in Scorpio now.... Texas will do that to ya,

ya'no. As for being over 60 and e-mail not being

natural, well that's a Libra stretch alright.


> Here's the data: 9 Nov 1955, 6:40 AM, PST, near Los

> Angeles, 118W16,

> 34N07. If you use a computer atlas, Los Feliz or

> Glendale will get

> you a little closer than LA. I lived in Glendale for

> 15 years.)


Thanks for sharing, You must be like a beacon in the

night with your Moon conjunct the MC(Texas). How was

the transit of the Lunar North Node over your natal

South Node?


> I was amused to find that Juan pointed out in a

> previous post that

> Pluto is in the constellation Ophiuchus.


Glad I could amuse you. I don't think it amused anyone

else. A funny thing about questions is that people

generally don't like their worlds disturbed. Yet

without questions there can be no progress, no growth.

Who mapped out the constellations and said that this

is the way it has to be for all eternity. Maybe

there's a different way to look at the stars. If Pluto

is physically in the constellation of Ophiuchus why do

Siderealists contend that its in Scorpio? It's an easy

solution to maintain the 12X 30 degree syndrome around

the ecliptic. Every constellation measures

differently. Some are close to 30 degrees in spatial

measurement but not all of them. Cefus recently shared

a link that demonstrated that all too well. How is

what Siderealists are doing with their measurement of

the constellations any different than what

tropicalists are doing with their imaginary zodiac?


Look up the

> interpretation

> of *that* one in your references. :-) (Notice the

> emoticon, meaning a

> humorous or ironic comment.) Actually there was a

> peculiar book back

> in the 70's that did include Ophiuchus among the

> signs. I had a chart

> done for me Ramond Mardyks that showed all my

> planets and angles

> against the stars--quite nice for an astronomy buff.


That's interesting.... I would like to hear more.


> It was a joy to find Bert Fannin's web page (even

> if I had to use

> the web.archive utility to resurrect it) since

> someone who knows what

> a Campanus Mundoscope is, let alone uses it, is very

> rare. Ahh, for

> the good old days...

> Enough meandering. 'Till next time.

> Wayne



Come back soon now, ya'ear.....



Natal info:

June 9th 1947

3:11 PM PST

San Francisco CA. (Near Mission District)

37N45'36 " , 122W25'05 "


Relocated to:

Gay Hill TX. 30N16'18 " , 96W29'38 "


Have fun!








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Hi Juan,


, Juan Oliver <jivio> wrote:

> Wayne the Searcher.


> Never zzzzzzzzz's and suggests an opportunity for Bob

> and I to live under the microscope. It will be

> interesting but will it be accurate?


I've copied down both of your data and will get to it shortly. I

noticed in another message that you already looked at Bob's chart and

have encouraged him to stay. Good for you...


> --- searcherw <waynetmail> wrote:

> > Hi Juan, Bob, Chris, et al

> > Thanks for the responses. Some other groups I've

> > joined are

> > sleeping zzzzz or defunct. Nice to find a live one.

> > It would be

> > interesting to do a synastry work up on Juan and

> > Bob. Would you

> > gentlemen be willing to post your data so we could

> > take a look at the

> > contacts? Some nice hot MA/ME/UR (arguments about

> > techniques) aspects

> > or midpoints I would think.


> But I also have my Asc at the SU/SA

> > midpoint, which

> > keeps me civil and focused on facts and evidence.)


> Thats when you're in California. You're in Texas now..

> The land of fire ants and armadillos.


Thanks for the reminder about relocating the angles. As everyone

should know by now, relocated angles are a powerful tool and Jim

Lewis did the astrological community a great service by developing

ACG charts.



> > Here's the data: 9 Nov 1955, 6:40 AM, PST, near Los

> > Angeles, 118W16,

> > 34N07. If you use a computer atlas, Los Feliz or

> > Glendale will get

> > you a little closer than LA. I lived in Glendale for

> > 15 years.)


> Thanks for sharing, You must be like a beacon in the

> night with your Moon conjunct the MC(Texas). How was

> the transit of the Lunar North Node over your natal

> South Node?


Yes, here in Texas one of my three parans is angular, MO/MC and

VE/Asc. There is an interesting story about this paran related to the

two girls I mentioned in my post on ayanamshas a few days ago. I

might get around to telling it one day. Texas is a land of story

tellers, they say...Did you know that Sam Houston lived with

Cherokees for several years when he was a young man and received the

name " Raven " ?



I had a chart

> > done for me Ramond Mardyks that showed all my

> > planets and angles

> > against the stars--quite nice for an astronomy buff.


> That's interesting.... I would like to hear more.


This was back in the 80's before Mr Mardyks became an author. He had

a nice mercator star map printed up on which he hand plotted the

planets and angles. He also printed up a booklet to go with the chart

that included scanned images of the constellations in various forms

with the planets plotted against them and some notes on star lore,

all on a dot matrix printer! I don't think he does them any more.




PS I wonder if anyone is working on an email format that doesn't

mangle the messages when they are copied from one window to another.

Seems like a good project...

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