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lunar novien for bush

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fagan introduced the Novien Chart in the late 1960's in AA mag.

it is a micro-zodiac based on the 9th harmonic....e.g. 1 degree in the

Natal equals 9 degrees in the Novien... beginning withw 0 deg Tauras

(Fagans designation) and ending with 30 deg (360 deg) of Aries.

there is more own the Novien in Fagan's Primer Of Sidereal Astrology

for those interested in studying it further. Most Sidereal Astrologers

don't bother with the Novien and believe it is a bogus technique.

However my own research has brought up some interesting results such

as G.W.'s Lunar Novien ...with his natal Moon at 23 VIR the novienic

equivalent is 25 SCO very suitable for the aggresive Mars type he

appears to be...with nov. Saturn 22 SCO conj. nov Moon 25 SCO opp.

natal Uranus 25 TAU...nov. Merc 23 PIC opp. natal Moon 23 VIR reveals

strategic thinking ...in this case in terms of the coming war with

Iraq. nov. Uranus 17 SAG conj. nov. Mars 18 SAG opp. natal Sun 20 GEM

reveal highly motivated go getter and risk taker. All this indicates

to me that the President is of the warrior caste and far more

effective as war time president than on domestic issiues. Mars partile

conj. Uranus riding high on the Hiroshima Atom Bomb Chart at the end

of WWll...Bush is a real tough hombre...look out!



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