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In a message dated 9/13/2002 5:39:36 PM Central Daylight Time,

katejasmine writes:



> My name is Katie and I'm interested in hearing about

> how anyone or everybody came to become interested in Sidereal vs.

> Tropical astrology.


Katie: What a nice opening! I have always been a gambler, an optimist. A bit

pompous and self-righteous, and always caring what others thought about me. I

am generous if not foolheary with money which i spend freely and could care

less about tomorrow. I am so optimistic that i am always sure that everyone

will be at their appointed posts, be it for a date or a casual meeting; if

the plane is to take off at 3PM and i am 50 miles away at 2PM i am sure i

will make the flight. What's my sign? Sagittarius, of course. Sidereal of

course. /// thanks. chris wing in austin tx. Oh, and chartwise, both my mars

and venus are in their opposite signs (mars in taurus, venus in scorpio) and

angular at the horizon (venus asc) needless to say i am very artistic but

with no discipline and with no romance to speak well of! This is fine with

me because while foolish to the nth degree i am no fool when it comes to

avoiding confrontations which, too-true, result in disaster for all! Thus i

remain a pacifist just to keep on the safe side. With 5 degrees scorpio asc

and thus square Regulus at 5Leo it would follow that i am short of stature. I

am. You will note throughout history that leaders with sun or moon or asc at

5Leo are small-framed. It is definitely a zodiacal degree that bears up

extremely well in research.




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Dear Siderealists,

Hello, everybody! My name is Katie and I'm interested in hearing about

how anyone or everybody came to become interested in Sidereal vs.

Tropical astrology. In my case, I got tired of hearing how interested I

should be (Tropically speaking) in politics and the acquisition of

" power, " as my tropical midheaven would suggest, and began searching

for a more accurate description of myself. Sidereal astrology does seem

more accurate, and I look forward to reading about your collective

experiences of greater (or not!) natal accuracy using SIdereal or

Tropical astrology.

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Hi Katie and welcome to the (western)sidereal chat

room. In my own case, what attracted me to Sidereal

Astrology, besides the obvious astronomical

considerations is the BIG difference in approaches to

interpretation. Personally I first consider which

planets are angular. In Sidereal Astrology the planets

are considered primarily in terms of their intrinsic

symbolic nature (Benefics, Malefics, Neutrals) and the

aspects are considered neither good or bad (as

tropicalists might say)squares & oppositions are

'active' trines and sextiles 'passive'. Anyway after

considerding the planetary aspects and especially

angular aspects, I then read these aspects in terms of

their Constellational Context. Siderealists do not use

'house rulers' for example: a Tropicalist might say

that " Aries rules the 1st house which is the nature of

Mars and therefore the planet Venus is in the 1st

House, and is there fore debilitated " This creates

more useless complication and confusion. Venus in the

1st house (sidereally) would show an essential

Venusian approach to life, the native being a

culturally refined peace loving individual .(unless,

of course, the Malefics, Mars and/or Saturn were

strongly aspected to Venus).


One Sidereal Astrologer's Viewpoint...good luck with

your research


Mike Viele


--- katejasmine wrote:

> Dear Siderealists,

> Hello, everybody! My name is Katie and I'm

> interested in hearing about

> how anyone or everybody came to become interested in

> Sidereal vs.

> Tropical astrology. In my case, I got tired of

> hearing how interested I

> should be (Tropically speaking) in politics and the

> acquisition of

> " power, " as my tropical midheaven would suggest,

> and began searching

> for a more accurate description of myself. Sidereal

> astrology does seem

> more accurate, and I look forward to reading about

> your collective

> experiences of greater (or not!) natal accuracy

> using SIdereal or

> Tropical astrology.

























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