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Venus-Mars-Ascendant 1

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O.K. so Mars square Venus might be as good a place as any to try to show

that sign rulers exist. I always start with the extremes for research, so I

thought I'd look at Venus in both Virgo (fall) and Pisces (exaltation) in

the 10th squared by Mars. This was a no-go, as there wasn't a single chart

in the Rodden database with Mars in Sag square Venus in Pisces in 10.


So then I thought I'd look at Venus near the ascendant in either Virgo or

Pisces squared by Mars. Again there were very few charts, and often the

aspect orb of Mars was usually too wide. Also Mars was rarely in the 10th,

so most aspects were dexter (in reverse) in the zodiac. I tend not to place

so much emphasis on dexter aspects. The results show mainly that certain

principles of Hindu interpretation might be true.


Right away we run into the complexity of astrology. All astrologers are

taught that Venus is exalted in Pisces and in its fall in Virgo. But Indian

astrology counteracts this principle if the chart ascendant is Virgo or

Pisces. Since Venus is the 9th lord (Taurus) for Virgo rising, Venus is a

benefic for the chart and since Venus is the 8th lord (Libra) for a Pisces

rising chart, it's a malefic when found in the 1st house.


So, if the above principle works out in practice, it's some small evidence


(1) Planets may be associated with signs as 'rulers.'

(2) Signs on house cusps bring their lords to the house, and (in this case)

the lordship is carried to the ascendant.

(3) Sign position of a planet in 1st is strictly secondary to the house

lordship carried by the planet. This makes sense since a planet remains in

a single sign for weeks, months or years whereas house lordship goes

through the zodiac every day.


There were only 4 charts with Venus conjunct a Virgo ascendant with Mars in

square. All of these charts were " plus " charts as follows:


#1 Lisa Allen: Stunning blond American skater; placed 5th in the 1980

Olympics. Asc 15Vi Ve 24Vi Me 14Vi Ma 4 Ge; (Tropical conversion 6 47)

The Mars-Venus orb here is too wide to matter so we're looking only at

Venus in Virgo in the 1st house. Ice skating is beautiful and this skater

is beautiful. Is this what this Venus means? We also have the complicating

factor of Asc lord Mercury being in the 1st with Venus, and Mercury is only

a degree from the ascendant. This Mercury/Venus conjunction is highly

benefic in Indian astrology.


#2 Ary Barroso: Brazilian famed composer. One of his songs is considered

equivalent to a second national anthem (i.e. fame for the composer)

Asc 8Vi Ve 6Vi Mars 10 Sg (Trop conv: 7 35)

This is a dexter square and I'm not sure if there is anything in the brief

bio that points to a Mars influence. 9th lord Venus (according to Indian

astrology) brought fame, however in a musical occupation.


#3 Tito Gobbi: Italian operatic singer who played at the Met

Asc 12Vi Ve 11Vi Mars 25Ge Ju 19Sg (Trop conversion: 7 27)

The orb of the Mars square is probably too wide to matter. The angular

Jupiter in its own sign in 4th seems more important. Again, 9th lord Venus

indicates fame before the masses. Another occupation related to music.


#4 Mariano: American noted family, granddaughter of CA senator

Dianne Feinstein.

Asc 24Vi Ve 28Vi Mars 10Ge (Trop conversion: 6 20)

Another too wide Mars-Venus square; This is a 1992 birth, too early to tell

how her life will turn out. However, the family of birth points to honor

before the masses. (9th)




The majority of these positions go back to Tropoical Libra. So on the

surface, it would seem that the Tropoical zodiac is more descriptive.

However, from where do the signs get their meanings? Mainly from Greek

mythology. Mercury (Hermes), not Venus, is the god associated with music

and the arts. Libra in theory deals with marriage. So does sidereal Virgo

relate in part to the arts?


I have Venus in 10th (asc degree on all cusps; cusps = house centers) in

Virgo in my chart and was an art student, teacher and painter during the

appropriate Hindu dasa period.


It's obvious that when we begin studying horoscopes in the light of

planetary placement, we get more questions than answers. These 4 charts

give no evidence whatsoever that Venus is in its fall in sidereal Virgo.

There is the suggestion, however, for the 9th lord conjunct the ascendant

bringing honor of some kind.


Another post will cover the Venus in Pisces/Ascendant charts.


Therese Hamilton

28 April 2003

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